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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 80 KB, 279x217, i almost died please gib money.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
75794028 No.75794028 [Reply] [Original]

They need to make a movie out of her life story with all the hardships that's happened to her.

>> No.75794574

How can a human being have that many sob stories? At some point you start questioning and thinking that something stinks in here.

>> No.75794751

Another one

>> No.75794776

Wow I thought if she went outside she instantly died
Grifting pink whore at it again

>> No.75794788

We can make it a comdey

>> No.75794882

Honestly don't know why there aren't more illness griftubers, clearly it works.

>> No.75794952

Another "DYING" story for clout
this whore doesn't stop whoring it seems

>> No.75795008

Only if it's a porno

>> No.75795075
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>> No.75795221


>> No.75795334

rent free

>> No.75795416

Hololive out of nowhere

>> No.75795464

IM blaady facking grift benchod recline mog

>> No.75795479

bitch stop falling for mousey clipper clipbait its just dumb fender bender traffic accident

>> No.75795606

But how did it happen if by her own admission she literally cannot leave her room?

>> No.75795715

bitch keeps "closely" dying and somehow comes back from stream the next unscratched

>> No.75795978

Already another numbermonkey seethe thread?
Didn't you humiliate yourself enough yesterday?

>> No.75797135

She needs money for another outfit. pls undastand.

>> No.75797216

Yes, we know the Copper Rat lives in your head rentfree. What about it?

>> No.75797320
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>> No.75797416
File: 872 KB, 841x836, 1713822459109212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seethe at a clip title
>not even the clip mind you, the title and thumbnail
>post dox
>dox gets deleted
>cry about the vshitjouou jannies
There I just saved you about 200 posts of SEA circlejerking

>> No.75797730

That's what Twitch is, right?

>> No.75797830

>how can she get sick AND have been in a car accident once? that is le grift!

>> No.75798092 [DELETED] 

Ahhhh!!!! What a poor little mousy!!!!!
I have to start saving now for her next Subathon!!!!
Subathoooooooooooon!!!!! Let's goooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.75799172

hey mousefags whens the next subathon/sleepathon?

>> No.75801663

Because it happened several years ago when she could
She lived a relatively normal life until the end of high school/early adulthood when her condition rapidly worsened and she was finally diagnosed with CVID. This has been a consistent element of her story for years.

>> No.75801857

>Almost died my mom with me
What does this even mean?

>> No.75801941


>> No.75802011

it means, like always, that the clipper is a barely-literate ESL

>> No.75802097
File: 173 KB, 437x386, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will you stop hiding behind Henya mousefag? You've been doing this ever since she debuted?

>> No.75802180
File: 51 KB, 336x307, Screenshot_20240514-115803_Chrome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a model, no shit she has no scratches.

>> No.75802226

why are numbermonkeys seething again? she didnt even stream today lol

>> No.75802262
File: 603 KB, 1456x1049, Welcome_to_the_NHK_chapter3_moe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If in doubt
The author of NHK(the novel) was right.

>> No.75802305

you gotta understand even /vsj/ hates this cilpfaggot click baiting every day

>> No.75802307 [DELETED] 

Ok where does her daughter fit into this

>> No.75802342
File: 95 KB, 282x292, 1715654684204387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nta but kys

>> No.75802343

>ESLs who watch vshojo on their PC make clips
>ESLs who can't watch vshojo on their phone just seethe
If we banned phoneposting from this site its quality would increase tenfold.

>> No.75802403

dont use my oshi for your catalogfagging you troonfaggot

>> No.75802462

what do you mean cant watch vshojo is SEA fucking north korea where they ban every fucking website?

>> No.75802586

Their data plans are dogshit so various companies strike deals with SEA ISPs so that data from their sites/services doesn't count.
Twitch is not one of these websites, so watching a single Twitch stream can blow through their monthly cap.

>> No.75802641

Twitch is not included on SEA mobile plans, and obviously the people who eat food from the dumpster don't have the money to spare.

>> No.75802658

some months ago in a baitthread just like this one a numbermonkey was ranting about how youtube was superior to twitch and one of his points was that the "twitch app ate all his monthly plan in 5 minutes". Most SEA phone plans have an agreement with google to make their app not consume data...

>> No.75802716

I don't understand how one woman can throw so much pity bait at the wall and have people bot be at least vaguely suspicious of its sincerity

>> No.75802719

Twitch is not included in their mobile data plan unlike youtube, watching twitch streams on their phone will eat up all their credits and cost them too much money.
The "anti whore" arguments are just an excuse for SEA posters trying to hide the fact that they simply cannot watch twitch streamers.

>> No.75802830

Is unlimited data not a thing in SEA?

>> No.75802872

and at same time explains how all they knowledge are from clips KEK

>> No.75802923

too expensive... If you can afford it, you can afford a pc

>> No.75802924

>the trannies with ironlung tattoos have been summoned to this thread to defend her royal griftness

>> No.75802981

LMAO no wonder they hate twitch so much. You arent shitting me right? them poorfags literally have dial-up internet rules lol

>> No.75803051

man... i remember when you had "2 hours" plans back in the 90's, never more

>> No.75803063

I thought outside exposure to germs will basically kill her?

>> No.75803076

wait so they dont have wifi on SEA or anything? they just use jungle 5g towers strapped to a tree or something?

>> No.75803157

Not even watching the clips. Just seeing the thumbnail and immediately sperging out like >>75803063

>> No.75803200

Yep, everything falls into place, someone needs to make an infographic picture to explain the anti-twitch seethe, which was just sour grapes all along.
Also this thread was made 3 hours ago, the beginning of the evening in SEA (roughly 19h-20h) right when they're all at home phoneposting.

>> No.75803203

newfound respect for the seabros now they have very limited net and have to stand near trees with 5g signal boosters and they spend it all shit talking on 4ch instead of working for poor starving family. Thats fucking dedication

>> No.75803211

wifi means that someone will have to sign a plan with an isp

>> No.75803250

At least watch the fucking clip before opening your trap, retard-chama.

>> No.75803261
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>> No.75803262

you are being to generous... 3G at best

>> No.75803286
File: 1.26 MB, 2005x1179, 1686863505877605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75803372

>a month
Man i use 23gb in one afternoon... KEK

>> No.75803373

There are a lot

>> No.75803400

what about it you get the lowest shit plan nowadays for like 49 bucks everywhere. are they too lazy to work 2 hours to pay for good internet? maybe spend less time shitting up /vt/?

>> No.75803433
File: 10 KB, 189x267, 1656848646456461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another fake illness huh

>> No.75803493

There are.
One of them farted on stream for me specifiy a few times.

>> No.75803505

can you even fucking watch youtube with 3G? bro thats some nokia shit hahahahahahaha
the fuck they using over there? stolen lead pipes for internet? a fucking coconut for a modem?

>> No.75803548

itt: browns vs browns fighting

>> No.75803549

$49 USD is 789,341.00 Rp, nearly 10 times more than the best data plan in this image >>75803286

>> No.75803620

>3gb a month
bro posting a fucking picture would deplete their entire month supply LMAO no wonder these people dont watch streams AT ALL hell how do they even watch clips holy fucking shit

>> No.75803685

The services on the bottom are the ones they can use without impacting their data cap

>> No.75803738

you can flip burgers here for a month and buy the entire country and enslave en after flying there LMAO
better back off kids i have spare change on my couch that can literally buy myself a private army with it KEK

>> No.75803818

>hey lets netflix and chill
>29 seconds into the movie
welp there goes my internet privileges for the month

>> No.75803830

Well, that explains why this retard is only post thumbnails for the last month. KEK

>> No.75803867

he cant watch a clip hes gonna reach his data cap LMAO

>> No.75803872


>gets btfo
>starts falseflagging as a Pippa """fan""" in a sad attempt to redirect the thread into corpo war

Btw Pippa actually likes VShojo and even did a stream recently where she showed all the vsj merch she bought in Japan.

>> No.75803987

yo I legit feel bad for seabros now 8gb a month? damn son that shit seems wack

>> No.75804081 [DELETED] 

The average latina spontaneously gives birth around age 14

>> No.75804187

>be called internetMAX
>run out of data after one aftermorning of running my chinese spying smartbulbs
Do seadogs even?

>> No.75804235
File: 57 KB, 384x356, aaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the clippers are also SEA leeches hustling with her content. It's a full SEA circlejerk.

>> No.75804348
File: 664 KB, 1280x720, 1692884693444781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75804429 [DELETED] 

She's about to be a grandma soon.

>> No.75804455

>NOOOOOOOOOOO stop talking about my internet, I thought IM said [something mousey has never uttered in her life]

>> No.75804521

lmao kek shutroncumlungbadshitnnorouse terrible bad vshojo insider job kekeke fake the good the bad is food good in the good for good the bad is bad and the good is good lmao kek shit connor ludwig terrible bad reaction channel theft is bad terrible is shit cum bad terrible ironkekshit is bad mint insider is expose in going the to the bad is gonna spread truth for the good in and the bad is finished kekiron

>> No.75804588
File: 4.00 MB, 1280x720, 1712354582307915.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genuine question, what can I do to waste their data just a tiny bit faster? Will posting image/webms with a large filesize or huge dimensions do the trick? I want total catalognigger death.

>> No.75804668

the most use ari’s tits will ever get since moose will never touch it

>> No.75804761

That costed you 30% of your data plan, I hope it was worth it.

>> No.75804841

IMkek...not beating the ESL allegations

>> No.75804889

This is the local schizoposter blessing this dogshit thread with his presence, he often makes posts like this, don't be too harsh on him.

>> No.75804985

10% more down the drain

>> No.75805088

stop projecting

>> No.75805150

>>75804761 (You)
>>75804841 (also You)
>>75804985 (still You)
>>75805088 (still You)

>> No.75805262

Save some interwebs for tomorrow, seashanty otherwise who will we talk to

>> No.75805327

>>75805150 (also me)

>> No.75805345

bro you're ESL why are you still trying to pretend you're not on a data plan kek

>> No.75805363

>>75805150 (me from the future)

>> No.75805373

>n-no u

>> No.75805434

ut is just another lazy latina, who cares

>> No.75805479

I like how you still get banned if you-- Well nevermind because even if I be subtle about it I'll still probably get banned LOL gotta love /vt/ where one specific fact about one specific vtuber freaks everyone out.

>> No.75805569

oh the one that directly proves her illness is a complete fabrication? yeah, i love that one too

>> No.75805757
File: 31 KB, 600x600, ui-mama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This ?

>> No.75805772

>83000 rp
>5.15. USD
Jesas no wonder Kuro went there to avoid taxes. Although I heard her mom's sick and he's moving back. Poor guy.

>> No.75805912

a time ago you could travel to Argentina and be a king there with 50 bucks... God, i was in some 5 star hotel for 7 days and night and i payed 120 for it. Good times.

>> No.75805979

By the way, it's not that these string of words is banned from /vt/ which bothers me so much, it's the fact that simply typing them into Google gives you undeniable proof in the first result. And 100% of her current fanbase is clueless about it.

>> No.75806090

you are not special everyone knows about it they just know it does matter. They can watch streams without the fear of losing the internet for the next month.

>> No.75806141

It doesn't prove that, actually

We know. We just choose to respect her privacy.

>> No.75806148

>they just know it does matter
the subconcious mind betrays even the most devout IMkek

>> No.75806229

I don't think it's a privacy issue. Because people dox vtubers all the time and share personal details. After all, enough time goes by and the chuuba starts to talk about her personal life, be it for content or because she trusts her audience enough.
Then you have, well... This massive, fucking, inconceivable blind spot, which reframes EVERYTHING you know about the person behind the avatar. And to simply mention it in passing is seen as verboten. It's just weird.

>> No.75806341

it just matter... Watch stream before bro. I'm so tired of the multiple times people posted clips of her talking about her disease and how she used to have a normal life until the late 20's. You don't need to believe in me, you can go watch this video of a professional talking about it and call her fake anyways


>> No.75806403

nah, you're just thick
if it actually bothered you you could look up how it works
doxxbaiting doesn't 'reframe' anything

>> No.75806418

Ah, I see we've reached the latter stages

>> No.75806457

>No medical records shown anywhere in the video
Fake illness. Until she shows legitimate proof on stream that she is falling apart at the seams, I am under no obligation to believe anything she says.

>> No.75806481
File: 170 KB, 503x1240, 1707448566458122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't think it's a privacy issue. Because people dox vtubers all the time
No... doxxing doesn't invalidate a person's right to privacy.
>reframes EVERYTHING you know about the person behind the avatar
Not really. If you actually know Mouse's story it's not hard to put the pieces together.

>> No.75806507

die ignorant

>> No.75806532

>liar lies all the time
i cant take you retards seriously

>> No.75806612

Sonny did a death grift.

>> No.75806754
File: 254 KB, 489x256, GLqIqeoXYAAY0T9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The conference is a month away. Are you ready to storm into the room and scream at her demanding to see every medical document she's had since birth, only to be tased in the nuts by Chicago PD?

>> No.75806839

It'd be funny as fuck if an entire con got interrupted by some based schizo storming in demanding CVID receipts from a Hispanic loli

>> No.75806890

man the monkeys are really mad now that they shitty internet caps was exposed KEK

>> No.75806965

PLEASE GOD MAKE THIS SHIT HAPPEN! It would be the funniest shit ever, high chance of big media even cover it

>> No.75806971

IMkek...you're still so angry you're outing your data cap

>> No.75806985

>a room full of doctors, pathologists, assorted medical professionals, and the other panel guests (some of which are children) staring in bewilderment at the 4'9 75 pound man in a cum-encrusted Gura shirt screaming the word LYING IM WHORE over and over again
God I wish I could go

>> No.75807061

Don't worry SEAanon, the video won't eat up all your bandwith, you can safely watch it.

>> No.75807115

are you retard or you just like to post like one?

>> No.75807152


>> No.75807179

That's a lot of expectations from people who can't even look their cashier in the eyes.

>> No.75807192

you're 3 for 3 on ESL now, IMkek. stick to school instead of worrying about your datacap kek

>> No.75807240

Try being more subtle when samefagging.

>> No.75807294

oh hey just like IM
oh wait, that's all a lie rumao

>> No.75807364
File: 2 KB, 288x69, f1td2af4j7z31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please... I'm taking my meds

>> No.75807587

>3 day vacation for calling the grifter a grandma
ironjanny is mad kek

>> No.75807657

>ban evasion
>announcing it
man you guys used to be more smart...

>> No.75807686

Bloody basterd ironmouse bloody

>> No.75807722
File: 39 KB, 1200x336, Screenshot 2024-05-14 at 12-47-20 $674 Cheap flights from Jakarta (CGK) to Chicago (ORD) - Expedia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put up or shut up, IMschizo. I'll personally buy the ticket for you.

>> No.75807754
File: 13 KB, 405x105, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look, I can do it too.

>> No.75807786

Michael Bay directs it.

>> No.75807850

As someone who has only watched a few vshojo members when they've collabed with other chuubas I watch, and never IM, could someone explain to me why exactly she makes certain anons seethe so much? I've read through a few bait threads like this and there never actually seems to be anything meaningful - but there must have been something to set them off?

>> No.75807854

Just donate the money to your mousey. She needs it more than me.

>> No.75807888

Oh, you're too scared of Chicago PD? I don't blame you.

>> No.75807936

Success outside hololive.

>> No.75807959

>Calling the cops on an internet schizo
This is Chris Chan levels of autism.

>> No.75807992
File: 71 KB, 640x640, 1709277894912153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is the most popular and famous VTuber on Twitch and that sends 2views into a seethe spiral where they make up schizo RRATs about faking her illness as a cope for why people would rather watch her than them.

>> No.75808018

Blame the clipper, not the streamer.

>> No.75808113

Chris chan is behind bars right now

>> No.75808118

Most people will illnesses don't like to talk about it too much. They're embarrassed and ashamed of it, they might say they're tired or don't feel great. They won't talk about the details of going to the hospital every week/month and describe sticking needles into them for 30 minutes. There are a lot of non-fatal and not exceptionally rare disorders that score absolutely abysmal on quality of life scales and require treatment for the rest of their life. I don't doubt she has a hard life though, but most don't talk about it and just get called lazy and stuff while they continue to work and live.

>> No.75808157

They let him out a few months ago

>> No.75808259
File: 1.06 MB, 638x362, boondocks-read.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the thread, nigga.

>> No.75808289

She goes by Christine now you bigot

>> No.75808296

He's been in a halfway house for like a year.

>> No.75808398

but why?

>> No.75808464

Sure, spreading the grift to normies is a great idea. Maybe they'll flood her audience and start a war with her community that finally takes her down a peg

>> No.75808465

Wait, she lives in the midwest? What the fuck?

>> No.75808474

Read what? That she's been lying about her different illnesses for years? And that she's a deadbeat mother to her only daughter?

>> No.75808516

the IDF conference will be held in chicago.

>> No.75808629

He'd already spent longer in jail waiting for trial than the maximum sentence in his state for incest, and retards kept ringing the jail and sending pizzas there.

>> No.75808898

> and retards kept ringing the jail and sending pizzas there
FUCK, i dying laughing here imagining some random and tired CO having to handle the xxth pizza delivery of the day.

>> No.75809036
File: 1.39 MB, 2782x1934, 1715673160869134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.

Btw if you don't want to watch her streams at least you have to listen to her singing, her voice is amazing.


It's sad that there's so many vtweeters seething about her even though she did deep dive streams specifically to give some exposure to smaller streamers.

>> No.75809121

Yeah her voice is pretty good.
I still think Risu's is better, even through the esl.

>> No.75809163
File: 1.00 MB, 2918x3147, 20240511_145200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gunrun is Filipino
No wonder /vt/ hates him, can't stand to see one of the SEA crabs escape the bucket

>> No.75810598
File: 888 KB, 1350x1482, 1702840473012398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beyond ancient seethe about vshojo, twitch and western vtubers the numbermonkeys are getting riled up by an ennafag nijischizo false flagging with Mouse in /#/

>> No.75811213

Who would've known. When people actually go outside, interact with other people, and not live terminally online they tend to have quite a few life stories to tell.

>> No.75815240

Wdym the iron lung and cum shot in the eye was very real events

>> No.75815295

>phase cucks seething about vchadjos

>> No.75815398

see >>75803872
