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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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75707499 No.75707499 [Reply] [Original]

I really don't have any Kirsche image, post some if you want edition.

Previous thread: >>75664039

|As always discuss here and fuck off fron pcg|

Thread anthem

>> No.75707715

▼/lard/ Friends
/pcg/ >>>/vt//pcg/
/pcgia/ >>>/vt//pcgia/
Lia from Phase Connect
Prism >>>/vt//ppg+/
Ex-Tsunderia >>>/vt//tsunx/
Sayu Sincronisity >>>/vt//ss/
VReverie Extended >>>/vt//vrex/
Kawaii >>>/vt//pkg/
Idol Corp >>>/vt//jidf/
Other Small Corpos >>>/vt//corpo/
Yubicraft >>>/vt//ybc/
Large Indies General >>>/vt//lig/

>> No.75707814
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>fuck off fron pcg

>> No.75707816
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>Says on stream they picked the more tame things she's done to get upset over
>Also sent picrel when bitching about getting the boot

>> No.75707861

ass smelling
Cheese drinking
Crisco bathing
Lard gargling
Calorie thieving
Cabbage patch face having
Dr. Robotnik looking
Wingstop eating
McDonald's gorging
T-Rex arms having
Non-vegetable eating
Cook in a George Foreman grill just to drink out the drip tray
Wide load
Hungry hungry hippo
Pretending to have a fucking thyroid problem
Whale/Free Willy
Parked bus
Salad dodger
Chair crusher
Go to Subway but put everything on it
Michelin Man
Happy because Hostess is back in business motherFUCKER

>> No.75708204
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>> No.75708284

Isn't this the 4th/5th thread about this offkai shit. What do you people even discuss about to hit bump limit?

>> No.75708331
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>I do not promote hateful rhetoric
>I am genuinely surprised that I would be blacklisted

>> No.75708428

So has Kirsche done anything since the first reveal stream, or has she pretty much dropped it entirely, like contacting other vtubers and getting friends to actively go against the decision?

>> No.75708524

Other than retweeting her support, no. She lit the fuse and can sit back now while the others fight her war.

>> No.75708899

This was the last thing related to it. She might still be on vacation since she mentioned that in the DMs.

>> No.75709061

Some small drama channel covered it. Rev video should come out next week.

>> No.75709271
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>rev video
Oh no, not the totally most reputable person in vtubing noooo offkai is so fucked...

>> No.75709454

Its funny, cause if I caused an issue and looked back to see the sorta people backing Kirsche up stood behind me, I'd for sure start to wonder if I fucked up instead.

>> No.75710306
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The British are coming. AKA: Hog's biggest fan who threw a hissy fit over her leaving his discord and started banning people on his forum over it.

>> No.75710579

Why are people being so mean to Kirsche? I feel like she's done nothing wrong here, yet gets more and worse traction than someone like that black doxing guy.

>> No.75710917

She blew it up doing a 5 hour stream about it, unless she's an actual retard she knew what would happen.

>> No.75711261

>every stream is 5 hours of autist detail and receipts

>> No.75711282

Turns out everyone mildly disliked her, but just ignored her until she chimped out. They're just letting her know now.

>> No.75711319

God this drama is so fucking retarded. Who could've ever guessed that a highly political content creator would piss people off

>> No.75711343

She did nothing wrong. Why not just ignore her like they used to do?

>> No.75711584

kirsche antis have nothing better to do than cry about a vtuber that happens to enjoy being political.
despite kirsche having a strict rule against spreading politics into areas where it doesn't belong.
simply put, kirsche antis don't ever watch kirsche and don't actually know why they hate her.

>> No.75711644

>She did nothing wrong.
>Drags political shit into vtubing, something most older viewers want to be as far away from as possible
This was fine cause it was contained to her little circle, but now she's doing the whole
>I have to be included in this thing cause I say so
Thing the left loves to do while they shit up hobbies, so I have zero qualms telling her to get bent just like I do when fags shit up DND and 40k.

>> No.75711787

She's fat, for one. That's automatically unforgivable.

>> No.75711871

For a quick recap of what this drama is about
>Kirsche wants to /pol/ify vtubing and is now seething /here/ because OffKai won't allow her to hold a panel and shit things up for everyone.
>Kirsche and her fans are now trying to drag Pippa and Phase Connect into her self inflicted drama, which is undoubtedly going to get her blacklisted from them too.

>> No.75711971
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>> No.75712168

The literal opposite stop playing telephone with Vtweeters

>> No.75712490

>The literal opposite
>Kirsche wants to free vtubing from politics and is celebrating being welcomed to offkai
>Kirsche and her fans have not once mentioned Pippa or phase
How's bizarro world treating you?

>> No.75712823

how's low IQ life treating you?
kirsche does not want to /pol/ify vtubing and it not seething /here/ because offkai won't let her guest on a panel
kirsche and her fans are not trying to drag pippa and phase connect into any drama.
the second point she's made ON STREAM many times. not like you'd know since you get your opinions from twitter.

>> No.75712994

>Seething this much over a joke
lol, this is why people don't want polfags around. Everything has to mean something with you faggots.

>> No.75713100

No she keeps her politics to herself away from non political vtubers when interacting with them and group settings (not twitter)
and specifically says dont mention pippa or phase just dont go to the con.

>> No.75713241

>specifically says dont mention pippa or phase
>After making sure chat saw her mention Pippa in the DMs
Yeah, sure man.

>> No.75713431

>kirsche does not want to /pol/ify vtubing
Imagine being this deluded

>> No.75713594


>> No.75714238

Doesn't itsagundam talk to her often? He likes to rip on the alphabets and pronouns so I'd be surprised if he doesn't do a video on the offkai shitshow.

>> No.75714736
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>Why not just ignore her
She's getting exactly what she's always wanted: attention and the people's uncensored, unfiltered free speech.

>> No.75715475

>other vtubers and getting friends

>> No.75715522

God I hate that faggot grifter, just wanna find Gundam vids and keep getting that culture war retard crying about woke event of the week in my searches

>> No.75716006

>kirsche and her fans are not trying to drag pippa and phase connect into any drama
Yeah she just dropped her name a and didnt censor the leaked DMs that mentioned her...totally not dragging her into the drama.
You cant be this stupid can you?
And the only reason she involved Pippa is because she knows that she doesnt have the traction to do anything about it, as evidenced by the last 3 days of her shounting into the void and getting no responses by anyone relevant, except maybe Rev (imagine Rev being your most notable ally on this).
The simple fact is that no one cares about Kirsche and after this drama passes, she will vanish into irrelevancy once again.

>> No.75716901

>Kirsche wants to /pol/ify vtubing
So she's from /here/?

>> No.75717237

Why does this thread read like a bunch of desperate nijisisters?

>> No.75717941

>convention chooses not to have a vtuber on panel
This is fine.
>convention invites a vtuber, but cancels last minute because a handful of the unpaid labor threw a temper tantrum
This is ideological capture in progress and absolute faggotry.

Why is this hard to understand?

>> No.75718939

>convention invites a vtuber, but cancels last minute because a handful of the unpaid labor threw a temper tantrum
nah, more canvantion cancels because having her is bad for business
Why is this hard to understand?

>> No.75719108

Nice narrative control, I guess you're right about that and the documented correspondence is wrong.
Wowie. So smart!

>> No.75719642

I love my /lard/ family.

>> No.75719741

Is kiresche going to cover for the staff that dont want her? No.
Staff is infinitely more valuavle that wg=hatever kirsche has to offer to the con. Having her is bad for business.
Why is this hard to understand?

>> No.75719935

>threaten damages
>b-b-b-b-but it's just rational self interest goy, it's just business!
Everyone reading this can see you squirming. Nothing you say is legitimate or principled.

>> No.75720752

seethe more hahaha

>> No.75721108

>convention invites a vtuber
She was not invited, someone asked to bring her onto her panel and was denied.

>> No.75722090

No, more like
>was accepted to co-host a panel
>troon volunteers found out
>they throw a temper tantrum until Kir is blacklisted
>Offkai folds to the pressure instantly

>> No.75722299

Nice try nijinigger.

>> No.75722659

Is this the blacked phasecuck thread?
Have we ever found out how much BBC plappa has been creampied by yet?

>> No.75722852

What exactly did she say that's worth blacklisting her over then, troon?

>> No.75722958


>> No.75722989

Always remember that the people involved in this don't actually care about vtubing and have no hobbies outside of pushing their retarded politics into anything they can. Since they do nothing else all day it appears like there is more hate for her than there actually is.

>> No.75723130

Why do you people have to misrepresent and lie about every little thing? Fuck off and rope, troon.

>> No.75723196

look, I don't know or care what this bitch is called
all I know is she's a counter-revolutionary and needs to be destroyed

>> No.75723259

I'd argue letting your con be blackmailed by activist "volunteers" that are infiltrating it to eventually turn it into another lame and gay shitshow for troons is infinitely worse for business, but considering you're unable to even type like a human it's understandable that you'd be mistaken about that.

>> No.75723286

Seethe all you want, fat grifter is still not going.

>> No.75723423

How is she grifting?

>> No.75723549

She's said before that she knew she'd start getting blacklisted from events once she stopped being a smaller streamer. Now that it's happened she does shit like this and pretends to be shocked.

>> No.75723557

At least make your bad faith trolling entertaining for others, everyone can see you're a troon anyway anon

>> No.75723562

fighting imaginary demons in your head again anon?
sorry if "it is bad for business" is too hard to understand for you

>> No.75723560

she DELIBERATELY caters to nazis and transphobes you fucking CHUD
educate yourself

>> No.75723670

That's not what grifting means retard
Also still doesn't make it ok for activists to infiltrate cons and blacklist people, fuck off back to whatever trooncord you came from or kill yourself nigger, we don't want you in our hobby.

>> No.75723669

And yet you're the one seething and dilating.

>> No.75723824

Can't really call it imaginary when this incident proves how dangerously pozzed mainstream vtubing is becoming.

>> No.75723832

>Everyone who disagrees with me is a troon
Not only are you a stupid faggot, you're wrong, been here longer than you, will be here after you kill yourself.

>> No.75723859


None of that schizo shit has ever happened. You need to get help.

>> No.75723955

>despite kirsche having a strict rule against spreading politics into areas where it doesn't belong.
politics does not belong in vtubing leave your israel discount card at the door when you leave please

>> No.75724232

Not that anon but let me present a counter point in style that is more "acceptable" for you: You are expecting to control a business/organization who put together a convention and say who they are and aren't allowed to bring in. Expecting special treatment for one person not even there over the many who actually worked and bootstrapped the convention together? Capitalism lead the business model of not cutting out chucks of population for maximum profit; capitalism lead to so much unpaid labor to fill the many hats role needed. If demand or democracy is strong enough that even Nijisanji could not come this year why should it be any different for Kirseche? A convention runed by the CCP in China is the only way you're getting something different.

>> No.75726373

Gee I sure hope this thread won't be remade when it archives because it's not even fun for watching retards argue anymore

>> No.75726449


>> No.75727084

damn, the thread has been moving pretty slow since last night
guess all the kirsche fuel has been burnt, and in less than 3 days, gee

>> No.75728149
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The supply of Kirsche fans posting on /vt/ isn't enough to keep up with the demand of baiters.
That, and Kirsche hasn't actually done anything relating to this 'drama' since the day it started so people are just repeating the same points over and over and making up rrats.

>> No.75728309

it's amazing how all the kirsche fans boycotting offkai were only planning on going next year and not this year

>> No.75728344

And yet fatty tried to use the exact same tactic against them by saying she would leak the conversation if they didn't cave into her demands

>> No.75728500
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The boycott is working btw...
All 29 of them have been DESTROYING OffKai every time hey post on twitter

>> No.75728531

Why are you here lol

>> No.75728553
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>> No.75728593

Kirsche fucked up and even the usual griters and dramawhores moved on because they know how radioactive she is.
All that's left is for her to pull another yab.

>> No.75728643

Why is it always the fucking brits? They’re like the Indians of white people, man

>> No.75728744

They don't care. They thrive on radioactive material. They could clean chernobyl in a day if they weren't busy being useless. Their attention-seeking and income depends on things being as controversial and radioactive as possible

>> No.75728848

>the people involved in this don't actually care about vtubing and have no hobbies outside of pushing their retarded politics into anything they can
Yeah, you /pol/fucks can leave. Kirsche fans are noticeably the ones who don't watch other vtubers.

>> No.75728908

Nah, Kirsche is the red forest of vtubers, this is why the drama tubers haven't made a big stink about this because why would they want to go full /pol/? I remember people claiming that grifter lawyer who created a niche off of the Nijisanji shitshow was going to weigh in, but fucked off too.
Which is funny as fuck because his old content was /pol/ lite.

>> No.75729041
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>I remember people claiming that grifter lawyer who created a niche off of the Nijisanji shitshow was going to weigh in, but fucked off too.
Legal mindset? He did drop his two cents. Seems like he's "busy" atm so thats convenient.

>> No.75729055

Even he fucked off? Man, that guy is desperate enough to cover anything but sane enough to not shoot himself in the foot. Kirsche being too much for even them is something.

>> No.75729086

They know this and are lying. They just lie, anon. They want vtubing to be another shithole wasteland where all of the content is stupid /pol/shit like “STAR WARS GOES WOKE EPISODE 1488: THE RISE OF THE KEKTROONS” or equally retarded leftists making shit like “IS VTUBING VIRTUAL YELLOWFACE? DONATE TO GAZA TODAY”. None of them realize that everyone in the community wants ONE place that isn’t overrun with this normalfag shit. We just want one refuge left online without politics. One.

Everything they say and do is a desperate attempt to destroy this garden of eden. When you gatekeep them or their Trojan horses, they call you a commie, a lolbertarian, a troon, a chud, etc. as a pathetic last resort.

Always purge politics from vtubing. It has no place here.

>> No.75729111

This is why no one likes you obnoxious cucks.

>> No.75729165
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the whale watchers are mad

>> No.75729275
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>> No.75729304

I noticed Kirsche's damage control is hung up on 'volunteers', not realizing that the entire staff, including those who run departments themselves are volunteers.
So when those people have a problem, you listen to them.

>> No.75729312

he's getting paid by idol now so he can't shit on a thing they're sponsoring

>> No.75729313


>> No.75729321

>check out those mad about kirsche
>follows zero holos

>> No.75729347

>I can't even making a 'dozens of us' joke because it's only 8 people whining.

>> No.75729354


>> No.75729391

More tact and sense than Kirsche

>> No.75729392

100%, either she knows that volunteers is a catch all and is pushing this as just some randos who don't like her. Or she's not knowledgeable enough about the con scene to know that means near everyone working for the con from gophers to sponsors working the floor.

>> No.75729442

>Or she's not knowledgeable enough about the con scene to know that means near everyone working for the con from gophers to sponsors working the floor.
It is this because she is a grifter that knows next to zero about this kind of shit

>> No.75729447

I hate when people switch into 'formal mode' and pretend like contractions don't exist. It always comes across in such an unnatural way.

Surely it was not my content that did upset you sir, assuredly!

>> No.75729503

Wow getting hellofresh and raid sponsorships is a real achievement

>> No.75729541

As someone who hates trannies, being fat is worse than being a troon. One is mental illness, the other is a voluntary choice to disgustingly gorge yourself on seed oils and sugar, eating up valuable resources that should go to hungrier people of your tribe. It requires a complete disregard for your own health as you down McDonald’s burger after burger until the fat chokes out your own heart, instead of focusing on being fit and healthy to better serve your own tribe. Being fat is the ultimate act of selfishness. Nothing even comes close.

>> No.75729555

You expect right wing culture keyboard warriors to know how organizing large events and running businesses work? They only LARP as based entrepreneurs, they have no idea how to actually do it.

>> No.75729654
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Ah yes V4Mirai will be upset that they ban retards like Kirsche lmao, just a bunch of drama tourists

>> No.75729673
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Hey! Don't forget her razor spons... wait, what do you mean she's been begging razor for almost 2 years for a sponsor?
It's just annoying as someone who used to do organization for a local con watching her have no idea what she's talking about. Hell, I live in a pretty strongly right leaning area and even they would think twice about having her cause of the risk of sponsors pulling out and the con going tits up.

>> No.75729702

Oh and he is a phasefag
How weird that it is always phasefags

>> No.75729758
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>> No.75729769

Not all of us, at least the thread gives zero fucks outside of arguing with the discord raiders before these threads got made.

>> No.75729777

She's retarded if she thinks razor will sponsor someone like her

>> No.75729846

Why do these fags all act the same holy shit. None of them have a distinct personality or posting style

>> No.75729868

He's also a brony. Unsurprising overlap.

>> No.75729918

NTA but are you suggesting that 90% of /vt/ doesn't hate Rev, because I'm pretty sure that's wrong, I've never seen a good word about that fag on here.

>> No.75730169

They're NPCs with their dialogue set to whatever their content creator grifter sets it to. Which makes their accusations that other people are NPCs hilarious.

>> No.75730670

Doing this under a Tweet with Nyaru is kind of ironic. She talked plenty about the importance of not badmouthing cons and their organisers if you wanted to get invited to one...

>> No.75730792

One of the benefits to being a rightwing grifter is that you get a swarm of retarded culture war attack dogs who will bark and bite at anyone who badmouths you.

One of the downsides to being a rightwing grifter is that you get a swarm of retarded culture war attack dogs who will bark and bite at anyone who badmouths you.

>> No.75730996

>Rev video should come out next week.
lmao, you can't make this shit up

>> No.75731095

>despite kirsche having a strict rule against spreading politics into areas where it doesn't belong.
Like vtubing right? r-right?

>> No.75731106

If only vtubers and their fans would have more silent tolerance for people who aren't like them.

>> No.75731242

It doesn't count when WE do it! We're the good guys trying tk SAVE you and your hobby! The West would have fallen if we didn't save them anime titties and GFE ASMR from censorship.

>> No.75731424

So do I go to /lig/ for actual day-to-day Korsche discussion?

>> No.75731506

>day-to-day Korsche discussion
No, you go to TVA.

>> No.75731576

I have no idea what that is and I don't care enough to find out.

>> No.75731846

I feel like offkai won because this faggot decided to not show up after all.

>> No.75732058

I looked at his video list - it's pure negativity. The purple faggot and Rima at least make some positive videos and news, but it looks like Rev is just a dramanigger. I do not know who would be a "fan" of a creator like that.

>> No.75732730

It was a two for one special. A triple kill if we count his girlfriend. Can't stop winning.

>> No.75732948

HOLY based!
Trans folx will conquer all. Trans. Is. DIVINE.

>> No.75732964
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Out of my way!

>> No.75733007

>axle snaps

>> No.75733077

/vt/ is not a place to discuss Kirsche, period. This thread was just created to contain the worst of the dramaniggers on /pcg/, though most of them have left now or devolved into baiters.

>> No.75733176

very unseiso not real chuuba
all sisters agree
it is known

>> No.75733434

I have a mod-given right to discuss any chuuba I want here. I might not find an audience for that, but Kirsche has been discussed here and there for years.
Making a proper thread would be a fun exercise for a while.

>> No.75733883

It'd do the board well to keep it contained to /lard/ too.

>> No.75734039

Sure, but this is no proper thread. Even /ketchup/ would be better.

>> No.75734502
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Where do these people come ip with this deluded shit from?

>> No.75735223

Does anyone still actually care about this or can we finally stop making these generals?

>> No.75735278

>Already at least 14 content creators who won't go now

>> No.75735330

>Why do these fags all act the same holy shit. None of them have a distinct personality or posting style
I notice an overwhelming number of these culture-war goons have 100ish followers, and a bizarre number of them have Twitter blue for some unknown reason. I suspect many of them are sockpuppets.

>> No.75735363
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Do these guys think harassing the Offkai is going to get Kirsche unbanned, or look good for Kirsche at all?

>> No.75735437
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Expecting a convention held in San Francisco to have any semblance of a spine is kek worthy, but the level of troon about this whole thing is mildly concerning.
>politics doesn't belong in this space
Is the same crock of shit these faggots always use before they inevitably ruin any hobby. At least NijiEN burning to the ground seems to have slowed them down a bit.

>> No.75735582

>right wing attack dogs
i am going to enjoy the menhera breakdown when kirsche realises that she has been blacklisted from everything except from hanging out with other right wing schizos

>> No.75735856

I take issue with that, he's a pipnigger.

>> No.75735917 [DELETED] 
File: 204 KB, 539x440, 464ffb65-5761-4fed-b114-99bda0e628a5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Banne Kirsche for being offensive
>Meanwhile, allow Kiki Pyon-Pyon, a literal avowed transphobe, homophobe, racist and antisemite and actually called for homos to be gassed


>> No.75736140
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Can't believe Kirche is trying to drag everyone down with her like that. Why is she doing this, is she really that spiteful?

>> No.75736426

>0 follower account
Kirsche sockpuppet trying to drag another vtuber with her?

>> No.75736475

Literally every other tweet of her's is a Razor shill tweet.

>> No.75736555
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Strange. I don't see Kiki invited at all.
Were you deceived?

>> No.75736571

>politics doesn't belong in this space
is how you gatekeep those faggots out of the hobby, you dumbass

>> No.75736588

But no seriusly how did she get away with all that?

>> No.75736635

You wouldn't because she's indie.

>> No.75736638

kiki is cute and not fat
Also she's just a genuine mildly schizo anon, not an attention-hungry grifter.

>> No.75736665

The vtubing will be nothing but fags complaining about Japanese people saying bitter.

>> No.75736767

Yeah kirsche is really improving the hobby

>> No.75736792

>surely it's just a schizo kiki anti
>check the tweets
>they're liked by kirsche fans
pathetic, imagine trying to ruin it for other people using 3 years old clips

>> No.75736794

Half of that guest list are indies. Many are very small. The only thing Kiki is doing at offkai is being on the robot M&G which many vtubers can do. Kirsche could have done that too, Lysander made it clear she could participate in those ways.

>> No.75737880
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No, it's just cucktalk for "Please enter our hobby and fill it with your politics".

>> No.75738092

Vtubing is a space that's dominated by young women, do you really want them to talk about politics? It's like you want to be miserable.

>> No.75738148

>that picrel
>a literal facebook screenshot
what sort of brainrot is this, please never post again

>> No.75738755

You really want cute anime women in their 20s discussing politics? Damn I'm glad you niggers are getting shit on everywhere now.

>> No.75738819
File: 358 KB, 1536x1536, 20240513_153851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thread still going.

>> No.75739094

Why must vtubing be filled with political extremists? Why can't indies just be normal like the corpo ones?

>> No.75739495

But how can I know that my opinions and world view is correct if a Zoomer anime girl who is autistic and never had a real job before doesn't say what I want to hear?

>> No.75739555
File: 85 KB, 810x748, 1715554927742242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be politics-obsessed thot
>Want to make yourself a serious right-wing political commentator
>Present yourself with an anime foxgirl avatar
What did Kirsche mean by this?

>> No.75739951

Holy shit. You faggots really are Leddit, the board.

>> No.75741090

>>Want to make yourself a serious right-wing political commentator
She is just a garbage grifter. She can get internet good girl points from twitter culture warriors so she is going to capitalize on that. It doesn't matter to her if she is looking retarded while doing so or if she is causing problems for Pippa/Phase. All that matters is getting dat clout.

>> No.75741284

Reminds me of some twitch fleshstreamer I found last year with 30 viewers who's entire channel was dedicated to politics and conspiracy theories, and she was some 20-something zoomer who wore a pink wig and elf-ears. Not sure what happened to her.

>> No.75741720

Thread might die soon, and I can't bake a new one right now. Figure it yourselves.

>> No.75742237

>Thread might die soon, and I can't bake a new one right now.
How about you don't.

How bout you fuck off instead

>> No.75742249

>Thread still up
I am the original baker. I don't know anything about Kirsche and the original purpose was, well, a containment thread. That being said how you actually use it is up to you, if you want to discuss about Kirsche go for it, the only problem being I don't see a lot of people interested in that here.

>> No.75742358

The only people who care about Kirsche are too busy cooming on twitter, TVA, and her discord.

>> No.75742375
File: 957 KB, 662x764, 16452114578644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry I'll keep it bumped until you return. Also can we put this gem into the OP?
It perfectly sums up her personality.

>> No.75742391

if i see this shit in pcg again you are gonna be responsible

>> No.75742519

Post the webm of her and Pippa talking about "good pedophilia"

>> No.75742612
File: 373 KB, 1010x758, 1706731220136853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post the webm of her and Pippa talking about "good pedophilia"

>> No.75742718

I asked someone to come up with a voice that is both 'fat and spiteful' it would be what I just heard.

>> No.75743058

>your oshi has a boyfriend
>but not me, I'm special. I'm the only unicorn
I hate the term but she really does radiate pick-me energy. Why does anyone like this sow?

>> No.75743728
File: 102 KB, 750x960, 20240513_171950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add it please

>> No.75744641

She may have not had a bf during that stream but she talked about having some earlier or later.

>> No.75745799

So is this just going to be the permanent Kirsche thread?

>> No.75746996

She just showed up for a bit on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVKDD0IG8Ao to provide 1st person recount after somebody suposedly talked smack. Gonna be there for full episode next week.

>> No.75747136

Interesting... >>75740037

>> No.75747227

Not enough chins.

>> No.75747385

Lol, forgot about her doing this when Pippa had been regularly missing Friday/Saturday streams doing house hunting that she'd not told chat about yet. She makes a habit of making things difficult for Pippa huh?

>> No.75747463


>> No.75747793

Not sure if you missed all of previous threads here on /vt/ but locals see just as most recent political drama in their pure hobby failng to see or willingly ignoring how every other hobby got pulled into culture war whether or not people enjoying said hobbies were outspoken in any political way.
Shit, it's barely over a year since Hoggening yet this is supposedly /pol/ "grifter" purposely starting a drama for pitybux.
As for Kir doing nothing wrong I have repeatedly concernfag for last half year in chat that twitter freaks WILL come for her and she does enough reading to know it to be true so unless she genuinelly believed that her Literal Who armour would hold forever I have a hard time emphesize with her shock/surprise in any way.

>> No.75748056

>Kirsche and her fans are now trying to drag Pippa and Phase Connect into her self inflicted drama
Nice strawman. That must be why she threathened her audience with permabans if they speak about it in any P-C channel.

>> No.75748440

>That must be why she threathened her audience with permabans if they speak about it in any P-C channel.
>After making sure to leave in her bringing up Pippa to the staff, (about something she was wrong about no less) while at the same time remembering to censor any mention of the friend who's panel she was gonna be on.
Whether she wanted it or not, her doing that made anything Pippa does or doesn't say a "statement" in peoples eyes, and dragged Phase's main talent into the drama of a con they are heavily sponsoring. Whether you like it or not, she fucked up and has a good chance of having blacklisted herself from plenty of other cons and Pippa collabs.

>> No.75748625

>Phase is a major sponsor of Offkai
>Fish bought the entire fucking vendor hall just so people can host their booths for free
>part of the company japan trip was setting up something for offkai
>All the girls will be there
>Pippa and Tenma will be on the main-stage
>Kirsche the hut: OOINNK OINK OINK OINK(TL Note: I didn't get my panel so I am going to be retarded dramafag about it)
Believe it or not but there are Phase fans who don't give a shit about Kirsche and for a lot of them this entire shitshow is really fucking annoying.

>> No.75748784

>reason she involved Pippa
Reasson she mentioned Pippa, as you would known if you bothered to do minimal research, is because staffers previously tried to pull same shit with her but Sakana put a stop to it. Lysander or whatever is orgs name outright spilled beans that Kirsche is small enough where it's easier for him to boot her over non-paid naggers nagging.

>> No.75748947

>non-paid naggers nagging.
I fucking love that Kirche made a stink about them being "Volunteers". Makes uninformed faggots like you stuck out like a sore thumb.

>> No.75749036

This is incredibly disingenuous considering she is a Pippa orbiter and there is a fair amount of overlap between their audiences. She is basically instigating a part of the Phase community to harass Offkai staff and you can literally see it happen on twitter. If next year Offkai refuses to work with Phase again then that's 100% on kirsche.

>> No.75749737
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>actually called for homos to be gassed
holy based

>> No.75749931 [DELETED] 

anyone got the yuni furryfriend sex clip? you know the one

>> No.75750049 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.75750275

What are the retards harassing Offkai right now on twitter on Kirsche's behalf hoping to accomplish?

>> No.75750683

You'd have to ask what Kirsche was hoping to accomplish whipping her tards into a frenzy.

>> No.75750704

And that's why she didn't censor Pippa's name when she censored everyone elses?
It doesn't matter if she said don't do it when her actions says to do it.

>> No.75751007

How are you doing /lard/ers

>> No.75751363

I am chugging frying oil and hitting my head with a hammer so I can be a big fat retard like my oshi.

>> No.75751555
File: 527 KB, 2048x2048, 31F83C0B-0BAC-493C-91D5-AB4B77C7219E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I allowed to fishpost in here because Sakana is fat

>> No.75752009

>Kirsche thought she was in with the pippa clique
>She was just an orbiter
Should have known her place.

>> No.75752084

>and has a good chance of having blacklisted herself from plenty of other cons
Your mistake is believing that if she would just take it the problem would go away which, as you should know, isn't how anything else in life goes. She has to raise a stink about it so there will be precedenc next time someone else thinks about doing it to her or some other minor creator.
>Whether she wanted it or not, her doing that made anything Pippa does or doesn't say a "statement" in peoples eyes
as above, it was already a thing. Unless you're trying to claim that revealing what have happened last year somehow damages Pipper/Sakana/Phase.

>> No.75752169

I'm watching my oshii play a game.

>> No.75752216

>sells out to PHASENIGGERS
>brings panko and pippa
nothing personnel, volunteering tranny.

>> No.75752267

>Dramatubers refuse to touch Kirsche.
Ain’t that peculiar. Almost like these parasites have an instinct of self-preservation that Kirsche’s fanbase and Kirsche herself both lack.

>> No.75752353

>Bitch thought she was Dokibird
>Was actually Yuri 2
How many times do these bloated egocentric bitches near to hear this.
Y’all ain’t Dokibird.

>> No.75752599

>it's okay when a talent with Big Money says it
fuck off hypocrite volunteering tranny

>> No.75752600
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>She has to raise a stink about it so there will be precedenc next time someone else thinks about doing it to her or some other minor creator.
That has to be one of the dumbest takes I've ever read

>> No.75752872

see >>75748947

>> No.75753183

The organizer himself expresly stated that it came from non-paid staff, dipshit. Present thyne sauce or cease blubering.
That's some convoluted attribution of intent. Followers are not mindless drones. Only thing she asked them for is not to raise the issue in other peoples chats, usual Do Not Doxx ect. If her fans, which you obviously encountered ITT, then on their own decide to express their dismay at Offkai's staff's conduct do not dismiss their humanity just so you can paint Her as some crazy puppetmaster.
That would be disingenuous

>> No.75753307

Good vitriol.

>> No.75753338

hope we meet at the panko panel

>> No.75753418

>no argument
>just take it boii
ogey, Gay

>> No.75753786
File: 708 KB, 500x595, Brown man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The organizer himself expresly stated that it came from non-paid staff, dipshit. Present thyne sauce or cease blubering.
>I do not know how cons work or how they skirt around tax issues by having their sponsors pay staff so they can say they only pay a few staff.
Just say you've never worked a con in your life, thats fine not many people have. Also

>> No.75754221

>no you don't undestand, even if it's his words he is actually showing great OpSec in case IRS is watching
Sure buddy. You feel so strongly about your argument you have to grammar nazi my ESL scribble. Is this what they call le 56% complex?

>> No.75754402

>kamiclara just tweeting out innocent message
>if you trannydecode it she wants transgenocide
hope you're happy, offkai is platforming bigots

>> No.75754415

>Not only do I not know how cons work, I also don't even know the thread culture that this drama is closest to
Ignorance must be bliss.

>> No.75754529

Pippa based joke enjoyer
Kirsche lolcow hypocrite

>> No.75754945

If everyone stopped using any software developed by a furry hacker, we'd all be using TempleOS.

>> No.75754962

>Not only i will not engage with with point presented, i will also double down on my unfounded superiority by pretending to be in the know of some nebulous bonton on board of anime avatar streamers
Pathetic. (You) 4 (You)

>> No.75755367

>She has to raise a stink about it
Or she could just not do political content that most people don't want to deal with while watching anime girls on the internet be silly.

>> No.75755554

>present thyne sauce or cease blubering
>tries to speak formally as if it'll make him seem intelligent
Chat does reflect the streamer. Sub-zero IQ.

>> No.75755626

Dramafags really

>> No.75756744

>I don't read

>> No.75756898

Nigga you are retarded. Who the fuck would want to work with someone who goes full scorched earth at the slightest inconvenience?

>> No.75759041

Hopefully soon she'll be part of the has-been-grifter clique on some rundown fbi-honey-pot streaming site.

>> No.75759693

Damn today I found out Craig became a grifter

>> No.75760099

>Free speech
lol, lmao

>> No.75761557
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>> No.75761595

I fucking hate how political channels are trying to grift into this shit now

>> No.75761958
File: 706 KB, 230x254, 1715233157078485.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kirsche's fans are now openly calling for people to "raise hell" in Offkai's twitter replies and dislike-bomb their youtube videos
I'm sure all of this looks just DANDY for Kirsche.

>> No.75762041

Why the fuck does this faggot "lawyer" think his opinion about vtuber matters means literally anything, especially this drama (where no law was broken)?

>> No.75762652

Didn't she say to not do that on stream? Are they deaf?

>> No.75763516
File: 345 KB, 544x697, retardalert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Didn't she say to not do that on stream? Are they deaf?

>> No.75763605

With a fanbase like this offkai are really missing out

>> No.75763925

Yea, the trannies are even worse so it makes sense to not upset them. Practical business decision.

>> No.75763943

It'll be funny if she doesn't get invited to any other con after this shit

>> No.75763953

>Seething this hard that you lost

>> No.75764110

Why would any con want her to begin with?

>> No.75764393

I'm guessing Legal thinks he made a mistake with his immigration stream where he went too hard on Moist Critical. It was obvious Legal didn't like the guy--I'll let you guess why. Legal made some points about the lawsuit being stupid and that you shouldn't expect to get into the country. Ironically ending up defending unchecked governmental powers despite always ranting about them.

Anyways it's clear Legal made the mistake thinking his new audience that came cause of Dokibird was like his old audience that took all the red meat he threw. The chat ended up fighting or getting upset. Legal ended that stream REAL quick. He's dodging the Kirsche hot potato or is making his over mitts. Also Kirsche leaked DMs and even Legal Mindset has to understand with his time as a corporate lawyer why Off Kai did what they did.

>> No.75764754

She knew what she was doing. She knows what her retards are like cause this happens anytime she talks about something.

>> No.75765070

If you look at that podcast she appeared on
she basically said to dislike their YT stuff and harras the con twitter account
She only said to not go after the people
the funny thing is seeing the replies on Pippa's tweet about the meet and greet

>> No.75765228

Legal isn't even a lawyer, he just larps as one.

>> No.75765235

Are you serious? Got a timestamp for that second line?

>> No.75765251

hell, i hope this is out of context. shit like this is why i dont fuck with indies to begin with

>> No.75765532

The full clip is worse, she talks about the rm of a terminated holo.

>> No.75766338

here go to 1:39:30

>> No.75766842

>people don't wanna know what you look like in real life

>> No.75767319

Jesus Christ what a horrendous piece of shit

>> No.75768159
File: 318 KB, 2560x1440, 1686707335828927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking at Legal Mindset's 'career' he screams he's yet another shitty Republican knock off of Legal Eagle. With the big difference being Legal Eagle is an actual lawyer and runs his own law office where you can try to hire him for his specific fields of expertise.
Legal Mindset shows no credentials and clearly lets his politics guide what he says given how hard he went after Moist Critical.
But even he's not stupid enough to touch Kirsche outside of the usual right wing virtual signaling about the cancel culture bogyman.

>> No.75768954

So this is the end of /lard/ I guess? You guys were fun, and most of your posts were quite reasonable.

>> No.75769145

>Your mistake is believing that if she would just take it the problem would go away which, as you should know, isn't how anything else in life goes. She has to raise a stink about it so there will be precedenc next time someone else thinks about doing it to her or some other minor creator.
She's said before she knew she'd get blacklisted from shit down the line and that she was only getting away with as much as she was cause she was still small. Now the first time a major event takes issue with her she acts surprised. If you wanna roll in the mud don't be shocked when people don't want you in their house.

>> No.75769157

I'll miss you /lard/ers

>> No.75769205

Anyone have a cutout of kirsche's hair?

>> No.75770019

Not much else to say since if OffKai has a brain, they'll just ban Kirsche and her followers from the con.

>> No.75770396

>Didn't she say to not do that on stream?
Because telling a bunch of emotionally unstable retards
>don't be retarded and make an outburst
always works. Kirsche intended for this to happen dumbass.

>> No.75770658

>Ironically ending up defending unchecked governmental powers despite always ranting about them.
Tried playing the
>Borders good, we need strong borders
But came off as retarded. As grifters who try to peddle what retards want to hear do.

>> No.75770888

Blob Ina?

>> No.75770913

I enjoyed this arc. Hopefully Kirsche gets relegated to being a literal-who again. Even Nyaru might be done with her. If Pippa is smart and ends her relationship with Kirsche, she'll have no vtuber connections left.

Good arc.

>> No.75771610

Legal Shmeagle is a patient lawyer who could not even cut as a criminal lawyer cause of his track record. Why must you obfuscate Anon?

>> No.75771675

>no fun allowed
>being this obsessed with written word
I sure hope this elementary school teacher act does not reflect reality cause as so far you have not proven you'd be sharpest pencil in class full of 5th graders
>enter thread about -thing- only to get mad people there talk about -thing-
you two can sit next to each other in short bus, congrats on your newfound friendship lads

>> No.75771741

>Who the fuck would want to work with someone who goes full scorched earth at the slightest inconvenience?
Exactly, fuck Offkai

>> No.75771809

Hi Andy, regret the dogs you lied down with?

>> No.75771928

>no fun allowed
>Its about fun now, not me dodging the original argument
For someone who seethes about troons you sure argue like one.

>> No.75771942

So he is just a patient lawyer?

>> No.75772039

wew you people are delusional, I guess the horseshoe strikes again. In the shit Kirsche leaked herself the dude was nothing but nice and professional to her and even suggested alternate ways to appear at offkai. Her claims of getting blacklisted are just pure grifting and it's wild that people fall for it.

>> No.75772089

Why are you ignoring the fact you're just LARPing as a lawyer Andy?

>> No.75772606

>Its about fun now, not me dodging the original argument
Nigga go back through reply chain and see the goal posting for yourself. Anon first could not argue against any kind of employee ahving this much say in what happens on con floor and instead tried to divert to if those are commonly payed.

>> No.75772648

I wouldn't know. How was that failed stunt in suing Trump going Devin? Reddit squads not helping in the the court?

>> No.75772871

Sure you would Andy, you're the one who's lying.
Also that famous conservative lack of creativity is showing again.

>> No.75773121

>this elementary school teacher act
What? I'm just treating you by your intellectual and emotional age.

>> No.75773141
File: 11 KB, 447x378, 158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have to faggot. Again, its clear you've not even read the thread let alone actually worked a con. Most "volunteers" are paid by the con sponsors. and that term is a catch all for damn near everyone working the floor, including sponsor reps. Just because you and the fat hog don't understand how the scene works internally you've paraded this fictional situation where some guardians and gophers have all the power at offkai.

>> No.75773147

Oh shit its a chat GPT cut and paste response if I have ever read one, at least make it look real next time.

>> No.75773270

>Everyone I don't like is chat AI
Swing a miss, again, Andy.

>> No.75773280

You're both larping faggots

>> No.75773317

I am trully in awe. Tell me o wise Anon, how is VIRTUAL STREAMER supposed to attend con when barred from appearing on any panels? In flesh? As another attendee? Is this what you consider reasonable and fair handling of issues?

>> No.75773340

Anon, I volunteered to take a shit in Nijisanji's chairs. As a volunteer staff at Offkai
Fuck Kirsche

>> No.75773425

nta, but you mean that thing others have done? What he's saying is that she's not "blacklisted". She's not getting the candyman treatment at CC2. She can go to the con and have fun, they just don't want her on a panel.

>> No.75773428

>from appearing on any panels?
... There's been two offkais and tons of cons that have had Vtuber guests over the past four years. How the fuck do you think they did it? Just google nigger. It isn't hard to find out how vtubers attend cons without panels. Motherfucker Lysander even tells Kirsche what other options she has for Offkai 3.

>> No.75773738
File: 83 KB, 658x984, 20240513_172952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next time make a proper thread, tsunposter kun.

>> No.75774131
File: 341 KB, 745x1270, lolhogs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but she said not to mention it to Pippa
Kirsche is the plague that keeps on giving

>> No.75774253
File: 27 KB, 685x128, jannies didnt like that.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh
anon noticed something

>> No.75774689

Only Andy is here because he's petty enough.

>> No.75774835

You got it spot on

>> No.75775232


Jannies! Shut it down! NOW!!!!

>> No.75775826

>Kirsche's right wing cult is now going to try to hack OffKai
Let me get my popcorn

>> No.75776311

Its about to get even worse since political channels that have nothing to do with vtubing are getting involved and shes supposed to collab with Razofist soon as well

>> No.75776530

It's pretty gay to go after Nyaru over it considering she runs in the same circle as Kirsche.

>> No.75776542

>with Razofist soon as well
I almost hope he gets involved, if only to further cement the wider community against Kirsche. Nothing will damage Kirsche more, outside of her own retardation, than the most egotistical and extremely anti-Japanese-anything politituber.

>> No.75776730

Imagine getting banned from a convention for girls pretending to be 2D. How retarded must you be? All you have to do is sit there and play games lmao.

>> No.75777185

>troons harassing people over wizard game did not happen

>> No.75777211

Take the L, fascist.

>> No.75778383

She is really doing the whole Political Grifter 101. Probably not gonna take long until she gets banned from twitch.

>> No.75778608

>It was sponsor rep
Big leap. When people are canceled for wrongspeech by companies it is not done covertly precisely because said companies do it for woke points and they can always hide behind protecting their image or representing their (woke) customer base. While Kir has been beating DEI & BRIDGE drum for almost a year acting like this MUST be coming from corpo and not some nobody activist is pure fabulation.

>> No.75779407

Could have been pre-emptive on offkai's part.

>> No.75780044

... that'd be BS but I would believe it.

>> No.75780273

panko still said a slur and she has a panel :)
sweaty is confused

>> No.75780722

I thought people were exaggerating about this board, but you faggots are cripplingly schizo.

>> No.75780753

All me

>> No.75780887

>Trying to drag down others because you refuse to take the L

>> No.75781010

that's your MO though

>> No.75781089

Where did the Kirsche is fat thing come from? Has a pic of her ever leaked?

>> No.75781159

Anyone have a tweeter or discord to get this to kirsche? Imagine the melt down.... >>75740037

>> No.75781169

>N-n-n-no U
Nice NPC retort, can you do another?

>> No.75781292

I don't understand.

>> No.75781323

I can rotate an apple in my mind, can you?

>> No.75781351

>He's a mac user
Interesting flex

>> No.75781371

take your meds

>> No.75781375

If you want to watch someone commit career suicide, Kirsche is not disappointing. Either she has a moment of clarity and attempts to disavows her Republican fanbase in a vain to try save her relationship with Phase Connect. But this will cause the Republicans to turn on her because they'll see her as weak and kneeling to the 'woke mob' like >>75774131 shows.
Or she goes full steam ahead pandering to Republicans like >>75776311 is claiming she'll do, and undoubtedly burn her bridges with almost every part of the vtuber community, potential endorsements or appearances outside of those far right grifter cons.

>> No.75781379

Their old laptops were kinda heavy, so if he can move one with his mind that's a decent flex.

>> No.75781398

You have been shilling this all day long

>> No.75781414

>the software offkai uses to manage attendance registration is made by a hacker furry with a history of abusing admin powers

>> No.75781427

Show me on the doll where the Republicans touched you.

>> No.75781465

Same spot where the catholic priest touched me.

>> No.75781474

But it's just registration, so it can't be that bad.

>> No.75781775

It really isn't, it's a classic attempt to muddy the waters and do guilt by association.
The only way this turns into something, is if there's a security flaw Kirsche shills exploit to interfere with OffKai, which would represent a crime and would be a sure fire way to get her blacklisted from everything even if she is not involved.

>> No.75781847

Right here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJhKpiyf4UY&t=9761s
The fact she had to say this, and the stream that came after lost all sympathy I might have had for Kirsche.

>> No.75782479
File: 8 KB, 272x272, 1688302835660854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all Razer Naga posts....
What the fuck?

>> No.75782555

Razer sponsor like everyone yet she said that she has no problems getting sponsors

>> No.75782789

Pretty sure the bridge with phase connect is already burned. They flew all the way to Japan to setup some 3d big show for Offkai. No way they are going to forgive Kirsche for trying to sabotage it for some fucking twitter (You)s

>> No.75783925

What was she thinking dragging Pippa into this after all the money and resources PC poured into OffKai.

>> No.75783990

I want to fight you on this but honestly if P-C girls stonewall her over this she might fold not long after. Asshats in twitter coments may have lost this for her tho not censoring Pippa story have done in the end more harm than good.

>> No.75784156

>What was she thinking
Clout Clout Clout Clout Clout Clout Clout

>> No.75784310

Too much trans fats in her brain so she cant think anymore

>> No.75784363

With whom? Certainly not the vtuber community.

>> No.75784516

With people like her oshi asmongold.

>> No.75784570

Asmongold was far right wing?

>> No.75784793

Perhaps that revealing past behaviour in post Hoggs Offkai vs P-C and how She as indie gets treated would be enough to sway public view of this whole thing. Wonder how much She shared or if she seeked any counsel with acquaintances in company as it seems like Sakana nor rest of sad girls want any of this heat.
