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756804 No.756804 [Reply] [Original]

So, they have really given up on trying to do anything with it, right?
I can't say I blame them considering they are basically cut off from all the endless cool interactions and opportunities that the JP server provides, so losing interest is a given. I can see it picking up a bit whenever Gen 2 debuts, but will still be a massive handicap any way you look at it.
Such a retarded decision, maybe it can be rectified when Caves and Cliffs update is released, but I wouldn't hold my breath of any sort of unified server.
Is there anything viewers can do to try to get the girls in the main server where they belong? Why are they isolated from everyone else anyway? This couldn't possibly have been their own decision.

>> No.756859

I'm pretty sure Kiara would rather play with Pekora and Subaru who've both invited her to holoserver several times than on their dead as fuck server. My guess? It's probably the EN management being retarded again, just like how they keep ghosting Coco.

>> No.756903

100% is a manager thing, same reason why Gura seems to be forbidden to do any sort of collabs outside EN now when she was perfectly fine doing them before, and why Haachama was kicked off the server.

>> No.756920

This is so fucking stupid. They all obviously enjoy their little dingy server.

You’re acting like Minecraft is the most important shit ever and that’s proof you need meds.

>> No.756956

Kiara at this point seems to be the only one playing in that dead server.
Hell, Gura now prefers to do other MC challenges than try to go into their realm.

>> No.757026

It consistently provides fresh and easy content for the JP and ID girls, creating tons of "storylines" that build up collabs. Not to mention its always a buff game.
Considering they pretty much given up on it, they obviously don't give a fuck about that server.

>> No.757084

It's not a dead server, but when you only have 5 members on it there's never going to be a time when you bump into other members and get involved in emergent gameplay, like on the JP side.
Remember even the Japanese server went into hibernation for months with nobody logging on and then suddenly it picked up again. With En2 coming aboard that'll provide a fresh interest, but it wouldn't hurt if Myth followed through on their plans too: Gura starts Atlantis, Ina finishes her house, Kiara finishes her house and that massive chicken, Amy continues with the fun house and Calli...erm, puts a window into her hovel?

>> No.757164

>You’re acting like Minecraft is the most important shit ever and that’s proof you need meds.
The peko-moona character arc was one of the best stories to ever come to hololive. Even EN visiting JP and visa versa are some of the best interactions among members.

>> No.757231

The fact that they are cut off from all the others is really bizarre though

And it would have never happened if ID had stayed on their dead server, now imagine how much cool shit we have missed with EN unable to hang out with the others.

>> No.757280

Build a proper Minecraft server on AWS, copy the EN Realm onto it then link it with JP. That will solve the population issue as the other idols can come and go as they please.

>> No.757332

Again, why do they need to be separated from the other Holos though? Just move them to the main server, its not like they would lose much.
Although, I get the feeling that whenever they try to do the big upcoming update in a few months, one of the servers its going to shit the bed and become unusable, so it might just be a matter of time.

>> No.757360

Of course it’s idiots obsessed with pekomoona this schizo about Minecraft of all fucking things

>> No.757373

I thought someone said it was too laggy for people that weren't Kiara or Calli.

>> No.757378

>Why are they isolated from everyone else anyway? This couldn't possibly have been their own decision.
They did want to start on new server to experience a fresh start, coinciding with the new EN branch. And I think they enjoyed being trailblazers the first few months. But it seems to me the novelty has worn off for them and they are burning out. They should just continue to use EN as a test server and migrate to JP.

>> No.757388 [DELETED] 

Except yes, you underestimate how important Minecraft is for the popularity Hololive has these days.

I would even say that Minecraft is the perfect kind of game for Hololive, if you think about it's a constant source of inexpected interactions, and they even went as far as to organize a whole sport festival on the server.

It's the tool the girls have to interact in a regular way without having to necessarily collab.

>> No.757402

>implying they would play more on the JP server
>implying everyone cares about MC
>implying more MC streams is a good thing
just fucking kill yourself now you worthless autists

>> No.757425

>With En2 coming aboard that'll provide a fresh interest
This is essentially what's needed. I hate minecraft but even I can see that to get the level of interaction the JP server has you need a critical mass of people that EN just doesn't have yet. Adding another 5 people will give them more reasons to log in and do stuff.

I can also see why they gave EN their own server, because if nothing else it's a fresh start. Yeah it sucks for the first group of people to start using it because there's literally nothing there but they get to build it up their own way. The JP server didn't turn into what it is overnight either.

>> No.757438

not even all the JP girls play minecraft constantly you autist

>> No.757442

EN don't have a choice as Realm servers get updated automatically since they're owned by Microsoft. I just hope someone at Cover is remembering to request regular backups, they are a tech company after all.

>> No.757460

>obsessed with pekomoona
You hate minecraft so much that you'll make up shit like this just to downplay the role it has in hololive? Look at the amazing creations Flare or haato have made, Pekora's pranks and traps, the holofive house and tell me that minecraft isn't the most wholesome game for a bunch of dorky girls to play with each other. get over yourself.

>> No.757475 [DELETED] 

Considering Kiara and Calli plays in the EN server (while living in Japan) without much issues, I kinda doubt this.

That being said, it seems Minecraft lags the whole server when someone with a slow connection it's playing, so, having 5 people playing at the same time it's not as bad as having a lot of JPs along with EN. I'm not a Minecraft expert but I hope this can be solved one day.

>> No.757503

you're the one whining that EN girls aren't playing minecraft more, you get over yourself

>> No.757525

I never said anything of the sort, is this your first time on an anonymous image board? Fucking retard.

>> No.757540 [DELETED] 

You don't need all the girls to be playing at the same time to get the same effect. Hololive became popular mainly because of the clippers, and Minecraft is the main source of clips, for example I got to know Hololive for the Halloween cake trap Pekora did.

>> No.757635 [DELETED] 

HoloEN will live the same syndrome HoloJP lived, Holo server was fucking dead for like a whole generation and a half, until enough people started to play (probably after gamers and gen 3), and it flourished again.

>> No.757657

If I remember the first JP Minecraft stream had a dozen members exploring and setting up the basics in a big collab, it was a lot of fun. EN started with Gura doing some solo exploring before Kiara and Calli found the broken portal in a different stream.
I love the EN streams, I find Ina and Gura comfy to watch when they play Minecraft, but naturally everything's pretty much done solo. I was hoping Haachama would stay around as she's a construction dynamo and would've kicked the whole thing up a notch.

>> No.757673

I think one of the reasons the EN have stagnated lately, is because they lack all those non-official collabs the Minecraft server gives the girls pretty much every few days, so yeah, they shot themselves in the foot and its a massive debuff.

>> No.757716

Again, they don't need to go through the pain when they could have been in the same server as everyone else to begin with, beyond retarded decision.

>> No.757745

they should all be playing CK3 instead. trying kill and cuck each other.

this would be 10 times more entertaining than fucking MC.

>> No.757747

The point is that it literally doesn’t fucking matter and nobody is taking this as seriously as you

>> No.757754

People that latch onto Hololive because of Minecraft clips are people we don't want.

>> No.757821 [DELETED] 

lol, this is so stupid.

>> No.757839

please lurk, people.

>> No.757865

I think the version of MC plays a part too. EN Realm is Vanilla as it's owned by Microsoft, since JP rented their own Linux server they use Bukkit I think? In any case, those variants allow for greater global tweaking so some of the performance problems can be reduced. The flip side is server upgrades take longer as they have to wait for the correct variant to be released.

>> No.757892

Wish they would have done a big Battle Royal collab like Gura suggested involving all the Holos.

Anyway, yeah, they are done with this fucking thing, Gura will just be doing more hardcore and speedrun streams, Ame dropped it completely, and Calli never really started to begin with, Kiara and Ina will be the only ones to do random streams exploring or fishing.

>> No.757917

i dont know shit about MC, but as far as i know, microsoft = bedrock edition. which means no real mods like shaders and optifine. kiara is using both, which means shes using the JAVA edition.

so EN server shouldnt have anything to do with microsoft?

>> No.757921

Fuck off with your "Mori" shit, nobody actually calls her that outside of faggots here.

>> No.758016 [DELETED] 

>Ame dropped it completely
She's the kind which will play as soon as something interesting is going on, new members will be a huge boost to the server for a while, but I think gen2 won't be enough. I wonder if some Minecraft expert might copy all the chunks from HoloEN to some HoloJP terrain so they can merge the servers some day.

>> No.758052

The versions are all over the place. The Bedrock is essentially Windows only, managed by MS with no mods. The Java version is released as an installable by the 'Mojang' side of the business for an individual's Linux server and that can be tweaked. The confusing thing is Microsoft *also* offers managed Linux servers with the Java version installed (Realms). That's what EN use.

>> No.758069

The language barrier is real, and no one really knows how to handle it so they're playing it by ear.

>> No.758114

Kiara and Mori never cared.
Gura, Ina and Ame all cared but three people arent really enough to support a server and eventually you just get bored. 90% of the fun of the other Holo server is their random interactions or seeing what others did. Minecraft is a pretty uninteresting game alone.

>> No.758120

they can just have engrish conversations or shitty Japanese like Moona and Pekora
It adds to the stream if anything

>> No.758216

>get the girls in the main server where they belong
God no. I like it the way it is

>> No.758363

It's only really surprising that ID2 wasn't sent to the EN server, but I guess it wouldn't make sense for people in the same branch to call different servers home, which only makes the seemingly forced exclusivity between them all the weirder, as we know how Haato's project turned out when she wanted to settle in.

It makes sense why EN wanted their own server, so being barren was kind of expected I guess. If Gen2 does get some males in I hope one of them is stupidly autistic about Minecraft just to get server activity going, though it's more likely males will be relegated to Stars EN and be thrown into the also somewhat barren Stars server.

>> No.758387
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Bitch, how did that stop Moona pretty much interacting with everyone despite not speaking the language? Thats what made it interesting to begin with.
All JP holos love trying their English with the IDs whenever they can, and I'm sure the EN would love to try to communicate by practicing their Japanese.

>> No.758396
File: 31 KB, 186x185, 1612671026135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's really no helping it until Gen 2 and others come along. Nothing wrong with breaks, but they should probably get the other shitty survival games out of their systems too while they're at it: ARK, 7 Days to Die, Valheim for Gura, maybe even stuff like The Forest or Raft. Should scratch that autistic itch most of em have and provide collab material in the meantime.

>> No.758437

HoloEN has a different fanbase, I don't want them mingling with JP because I know the EoP cancer will just spread and I already hate shit like "eating mike tyson's ass" and all the English text in non-english speaking streams. Just wait for holoEn 2.0 to come in and [hopefully] spark some kino interactions like JP has.

>> No.758459

IDs originally had their own server but quickly realized that it was retarded to try to do that when they had just a handful of people, so they just moved to the JP server, not sure why the ENs are taking so long to get it.

>> No.758502

Fuck off, they are all part of the same brand, its retarded trying to keep them apart.

>> No.758507

Kiara is a slow starter and she's had multiple streams that are several hours long, but she also tends to have the worst technical issues with the game. Ame and Gura are clearly bored, Gura especially wants to play literally any other survival game at this point and they should probably just let her.

>> No.758549
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>Kiara moving continents
>Mori making an EP + other song projects
>Ame moving
It's understandable why it's been dead as of late. And we don't know how Kiara's internet will be or Ame's. And Mori barely plays already. If anything we just have to wait for the Vsingers and Gen2 to bring more life

>> No.758578

>Kiara never ared
Ask how I know you don't watch Kiara

>> No.758579

Hard to be motivated when there is only a few people in the entire world, it must be killing them seeing all the fun the others are having with their rival company wars and other storylines.

>> No.758590

>hate shit like "eating mike tyson's ass"
This. The japanese don't speak in chat unless the streamer starts speaking in japanese, but english speakers are just shitting up the jp streams. the worst part is the girls don't know all the context so they always end up in awkward situations. ie, haato (one of the more english experienced) didn't know that "passing away" was another phrase for died.

>> No.758617

>>Kiara moving continents
When is she moving again? She has been saying this shit for months now, and there is still no sign of it.

>> No.758648

>She has been saying this shit for months now, and there is still no sign of it.
See >>758578 fucking dumbass. I'm not spoon-feeding you

>> No.758677

If Gen2 is also 5 girls, that's already more than triple what ID started with, and in such a short time too. I suppose at the moment it's more a matter of pride though.

>> No.758689

>its retarded trying to keep them apart.
Literally every brand on earth caters to different regions, there's no reason to push holoEN and the main Holos together if the fanbase isn't the same, especially for marketing purposes. It goes both ways obviously, I'm sure most EN fans off of 4chan wouldn't appreciate their entertainment suddenly being in Japanese without subtitles.

>> No.758748

This shit just reeks of weebs thinking they are somehow superior

>> No.758825

on her roommates twitter she said all thats left is PCR testing. so i guess either late feb or very early march

>> No.758857

we will probly have engen3 by the end of thhsi year, the server will be fine once that happens

>> No.758858

I hope you’re pretending to be new, some Holos had big eop fanbases way before EN was even thought of, you’re not getting some fresh fanbase exposure you’re just getting the same shit they always had especially with Haato

>> No.758908

We just want you annoying fucks to leave our oshis alone so we can have comfy streams and not end up with chumbud or teamate chat level of retardation in JP.

>> No.758947

Fuck minecraft.
Hololive will switch to roblox.

>> No.758957

The EOPs before HoloEN were of a higher quality. Now it's filled with literal children, trannies and twitchfags.

>> No.758967

>some Holos had big eop fanbases
Not nearly as big as now, and we don't want it getting any bigger. Its fine to do English-only streams but when there's a JP stream and the chat is full of memes in English it detracts from all the fun for everyone. I wish they'd stick to clips only

>> No.758975

ID do a lot of chatting too, look at Ollie spamming Coco until she ended up 'marrying' her on stream, I imagine if it were any other JP they'd have found it scary and exasperating. I saw a clip a few days ago where Noel would've liked to join in on Moona/Pekora's conversation but was too uncertain in her language skills. I suppose that type of feeling would go double for purely EN girls.


>> No.758985

just thinking of all the KFP retards spamming "NTR KIARA" whenever Mori would say Hi to another girl. I don't want it. Keep them contained on their own server and wait for Gen 2 to get added.

I remember a rrat going around that ID would be sent to the EN server, (Ame inviting Reine, Moona saying fuck that, she would just stay in both) and I would rather take that. Sacrifice the ID branch to keep JP safe.

>> No.759011

Ideally, it would be better if JP joined the EN server, with all their new knowledge, and get a fresh start. I think one of the biggest reasons is the original server is quite crowded.

>> No.759163

That's probably true. Of course, there were much fewer fans overall. Hololive knew what it was getting into dipping into the overseas fans, and, frankly, it's either you deal with the EN spam, which is manageable, or you have to drag the girls back to China and bend the knee. Which you want? Childish EN spam or girls literally being erased.

>> No.759274

Honestly HoloID are a good fit because they speak english and are pretty smart with minecraft, at least Moona is, I haven't watched the new ones much. My only concern would be hours of streaming matching up

>> No.759361

>ID plays on JP server.
They really do hate EN, huh?

>> No.759656

No way, Gen 2 still has like another six months before it debuts, than after that for sure we will get another JP and ID gen, so it will be a while before we have three EN gens.

>> No.759758
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>EN should be stuck in a desolated server because I don't like English comments on the chat
Are you faggots for real?

>> No.759874

It has to be manager bullshit, right?
It seems that they are very limited of Gura too, seems she is always having issues with ENMA preventing her from doing shit others are allowed to do.

>> No.760713
File: 68 KB, 606x518, D0ld5aUW0AAKdMh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have any of the ENs triggered a raid off of their iron farm? I know the JP server has been raided and I know Gura and Ame abandoned a random village to a raid, but I want to see them try to defend their base against a sudden attack.

>> No.760769

Yes. Keep your cancer on your own branch.

>> No.760823

It's true though. The Twitchfags and zoomers fuck everything up with their unfunny reddit-tier jokes. If you don't get this then you're probably one of them faggot.

>> No.762703

Minecraft - will only be good if:
1. you play it with other people as a collab -NenexLamy
2. you are really good and creative at it - Flare
3. you are a walking death trap - Coco, Rushia
4. you're funny whatever you do- Polka, Miko, Pekora, Botan
5. or you were trapped by Aqua's BGM. I'm surprised you can still read. good job.

Noone has actual big goals in this server. They can't really do a sport fest.

Good thing Gura has her RTA goals. Good for her. Ame's creativity is more focused on utility. If she doesn't see that utility being used, she's gonna loose interest. Probably already did. Ina is swamped with real life. Kiara... I don't know what she's doing with it.

>> No.763275

Ina did and defeated the raid with ease

>> No.763314
File: 625 KB, 3000x3557, ErsC-cZVgAIvZEa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Ina's minecraft streams, they are so comfy

>> No.763325

>Complaining about reddit cancer when the JP branch has people like Coco with a show about that shit
Neck yourselves, faggots.

>> No.763368

That was fun, she basically tooled herself up with diamond armor and weapons and aside from one or two moments with those big monsters she polished off all waves without breaking a sweat.

>> No.763857

The first HOUR of the raid was literally the most boring thing ever. She finished what she was doing, went all the way to PPP to get supplies, then finally started the raid. If raids had an automatic end timer, she would have hit it for sure.

>> No.764216

Looking at fan-content on Reddit and being an unfunny reddit shitlord ruining chat are two different things that you're too retarded to figure out. Please save yourself from coping harder and kys

>> No.765065

Maybe something like a few short ABBA livestreams could be fun (assuming anyone is old enough to remember what the fuck that is)

>> No.770207

Anyone who streams MC and actually builds something or interacts with something that someone made makes for good content. JP server has enough automation that the girls can make what they want, all that limits them is their creativity since they know someone will see it.

Ame definitely had the right idea but at the end of the day it is just how many people are active.

>> No.770344

No. I don't want ID on EN, cause then for every time Moona sees something Kiara related on the EN server, SEAnigs will use it as an excuse to flood the fucking board. I'm tired of it.

>> No.770358

Risu was fairly creative (made an upside-down house) and I vaguely recall Iofi not being able to play much because of motion sickness or something. Moona is Moona.

Ollie seems to have a lot of fun making stuff and has the ability to talk to almost anyone on the server. Reine is still learning but has the hang of things. She did multiple collabs with Moona to make the Holo ID shop. Haven't seen Anya.

>> No.770375

Westerners are incapable of working together and toiling to build something great

>> No.770502

>The JP server didn't turn into what it is overnight either
They should look for a minecraft autist on the auditions, girls like Aqua and Haato built a shit ton there

>> No.770550

This, it's the retarded EN management, I swear that the guys are stupid af.

>> No.770594

Valheim... permissions onegai....

>> No.770601

You can’t force people to play Minecraft, only autists can watch other autists play the game day after day.

Risu and Iofi hate Minecraft. Tree rat made a Korone statue but didn’t stream it. Iofi says she doesn’t want to be forced to play popular games to grow her channel.

>> No.771108

funny how they haven't openly talked that much about their interactions with Enma.

>> No.771182

I think it was a good idea to start a separate server. Do you people not remember the whole "Help Gura!" shit in chat when Ame was doing her own thing? Voluntary impromptu minecraft collabs are great, but chat forcing collabs by spamming is a pain in the ass. That's why EN has actively avoided overlapping minecraft streams for a while now. Yes, EOPs still do it to the jp Holos and all that shit, but I think EN helped get more EOPs to understand the rules after Ame/AO-chan started keeping chat in check.

At the end of the day, EN1 at least learned how to mostly properly play minecraft instead of getting spoonfed from all the existing infrastructure on the jp server. EN2 might revive the server or cause them to migrate to jp, so I'd wait til EN2 if you're that much of a minecraft autist. The reason I speculate that EN 2 might cause a migration is due to VSingerEN potentially playing minecraft once in a while like AZKi, and Realms has a 10 player limit.

>> No.771249

I can't believe haachama got kicked off the holoen server.

>> No.771412
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>inb4 EN 2 plays exclusively on the JP server

>> No.771441


Minecraft bedrock - Microsoft's redo of Minecraft in C++, it's the Minecraft version on all other platforms. It's main difference is that is has a slightly lower build height, has way better performance, slightly different redstone mechanics due to being more efficient in code, basically no mods, cross platform, some different recipes

Minecraft Java - The OG minecraft. It gets the snapshots of upcoming updates, and the one Mojang uses to develope the game. Bedrock gets updates at the same time, but only Java has actual snapshots. It features mods, worse performance due to old ass OpenGL, and even has a mod for it to play with Bedrock versions on FabricAPI.

EN and JP both play on Java, and EN seems to use a Realm server, which is hosted by Mojang and offers no modding support. It's pure vanilla and is a decent way to play with friends, but it has it's downsides.

JP plays on their own dedicated server instead of buying a Realms server. Primarily because Realms server only allows up to 10 players iirc.

I see no reason that the EN girls cannot play on the JP server aside from their management, or their own volition.

>> No.771484

>they have really given up on trying to do anything with it, right?
only until they get a Minecraft focused Gen

>> No.771498
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HoloID are banned from the EN server because Enma is afraid they'll be more active than HoloMyth

>> No.771755

Ame invited Reine to play on the EN server though. She just doesn't want to because the EN server is fucking dead while the JP server is constantly active.

Even if they make another EN gen they won't play Minecraft often enough to run into eachother. It'll take at least gen 3 or 4 before the EN server gets good.

It'd make way more sense for the EN girls to go play on the JP server to build relationships and spontaneous collabs.

>> No.772163

Honestly I feel like it'll come back to bite them. If Enma is as much of a bitch as the narratives claim, and Enma refers to an individual rather than a group of managers, then that design and name will go to waste should she be reallocated or fired. The girls would not be comfortable using the name and seeing the design. Maybe that's why Kiara wanted a new design and name for a manager, that being Jenma, as a short of safety net for them to switch to if Enma gets shafted.

>> No.772566

I always thought Jenma was just only kiara and Callies manager since those two are in Japan. Do they all really share the same one?

>> No.772649

No, I think that if Enma gets shafted, then Jenma will be the go-to for fanart and namedrops, the Western girls will probably just refer to their managers/replacement manager simply as a manager, which would honestly be for the best.

>> No.772854

The problem is none of them are savvy enough in minecraft to do or make anything creative.

>> No.774763

>huke-papa plays on the server, but he hacks in an OP crossbow or something and the autistic purists rage about it.
>He gets booted off; Kiara has to destroy EVERYTHING he built. ON STREAM.
>Haachama comes on. starts building shit.
>Gura tries to prank her and it backfires adorably; gives Gura a gift as thanks
>Comfortable streams... and then all the sudden she has to tear EVERYTHING down.
>"commits suicide" onstream; promises she'll train to "earn" her place on EN
And we've seen how THAT'S going these days...
>Potentially could have had Coco join it as well, but she seems to be enjoying being part of Pekora's building clique, so whatever
These are my frustations. Dunno about yours.

>> No.775294

EN server isn't going to be as good as JP server because there's so many fucking people in the JP server. Hololive JP has, what, 30 talents? Most of them play Minecraft. Then the ID girls also are on the JP server. Part of the appeal, and why JP Minecraft server does so well, is that people can be on basically around the clock. That's how you get shit like Legendary NPC Moona or Sora stalking her kouhai and shit. With the EN people it's just the 5 of them, and 2 of those 5 barely play Minecraft if it's not specifically for a stream. Random encounters are highly unlikely.
>Anon you stupid faggot, why don't they just move to the JP server?
Evidently, EN specifically wanted to do their own server to start out with because most of them weren't overly familiar with Minecraft.
>So why don't they move to JP server now that they know what they're doing?
Maybe they would rather play on their own shit that they already built? I dunno.

The more I hear, the more confident I am in my rrat about it being JP Management being jealous of EN numbers and not wanting to appear like the weaker branch, and denying collabs, rather than EN management being retarded.

>> No.775493

I think a few datapacks can work on realms but are a bit buggy and is limited to a few minor tweaks

>> No.775513


>> No.775667

Gura killing Aqua on their first met is the content that I'd like to see..

>> No.775741

fuck Huke, shouldn't be on the server in the first place

>> No.776085

Would anyone actually like that though, seems like people would get tired if they only streamed Minecraft most of the time.
And I'm saying this as an autist who's still watching a lets player called etho play in the same god damn world for almost a decade.

>> No.776135

>They all obviously enjoy their little dingy server.
Ina and Ame are the only ones that remotely enjoy Minecraft

>> No.776440

My take is all of them actually want to migrate to JP server secretly but none of them are willing to make the move, being afraid that other might prefer staying on EN and don't want to abandon them and thus they also hide their desire. Everyone of them is waiting for another to make the first move but no one have the courage to even brought the idea up.

>> No.776582

They'll inevitably migrate to a clean, shared slate once 1.17 comes. New chunks will not transition well in old worlds, especially with the radically new height limit and terrain generation.

IF they are still segregated by then, then something is actually wrong.

>> No.776843

Gura is going to make an Atlantis

>> No.776900

None of them seem to be versed eough in minecraft to build anything overly impressive. The only one is probably Ina but she mostly did everything. The only thing they don't really have is impressive infrastructure line railways but not even the jp server has that. the jp server has more people on it though which means more chances for off the cuff collabs and pranks.

>> No.777176

If they are still separated, I am blaming the JP side at that point. If the JP side doesn't push for a united server, then they are just as at fault as the EN side, and moreso, the JP side should be guiding the EN management more, rather than the laissez-faire deal currently going on.

>> No.777932

I never knew how much of a faggot someone could be until I read this comment, thanks anon

>> No.778103

Kek such faggotry. Thank god your Oshi will never fucking acknowledge your existence or else she’d fucking kill herself

>> No.779769

Would you take Jorgen away from Gura like that?

>> No.779890

The whole EN/JP separation has been retarded for decades

>> No.779976

I'm sure the server will pick up as they add more generations of HoloEN. 5 people is a bit low since it's easy for them all just be together on another game

>> No.780225

Which stream was it? Thanks.

>> No.782199

Well EN isn't set to difficult

>> No.782952

>Remember even the Japanese server went into hibernation for months with nobody logging on and then suddenly it picked up again.
Just for kicks. I dug through Nene's old Minecraft archives to get a look at how the Gen5 building was established.

Looking around, the JP server really wasn't too developed aside from a few early builds. Then things really got ramped up 4th quarter last year.

>> No.783371

Originally gen 5 made their building as far away as possible from the main developed area because they wanted space to do their own projects. Then everyone else started building there because Pekora was building there and they wanted to leech viewers from Pekora's 30k+ viewer minecraft streams.

>> No.783624

I just don't get why they can't just share the JP Server or even visit it more often. Clearly ID has no plans of splitting off to have their own, so why is EN an exception?

They probably wouldn't be bored of it if they popped in the JP server once in a while to build at least something for them, and potentially meet the JP members for more interactions.

>> No.783752

I'm like 90% sure the decision was Amelia's to make a new server because she wanted to flex her brain in a fresh server. But then she couldn't figure out how to make the trap tower or iron farm work and gave up on the game.

>> No.784309

thanks for outing yourself as a reddit loser

>> No.784319

Like what?

>> No.784921

I really can't tell what Enma's goal here is. I would think that maybe it's an overall directive from Hololive but Calli and Kiara don't seem to have this problem, it's mostly with Ame, Ina and Gura.

Fucking ignoring Coco, of all people, is where it goes from kind of irritating to actually pissing me off though. Especially in light of Coco finally reaching her breaking point. Even if it's some misguided attempt to "protect" the girls and prevent a buf infestation in their chats and streams too there's no excuse for outright ignoring her.

>> No.784954

Any collab out of EN.
Swearing, even mildly.
Singing certain songs etc.
She's been reprimanded on screen (behind the scenes) twice I think.
They want gura to be blander than pg13 because they think her viewebase and paypig base are 5yr kids for osmw reason.

>> No.785106

Damn. That'd explain why she hardly ever interacts with Calliope.

Wdym by reprimanded though? I get what you mean, but like, what happened?

>> No.785124

>EN2 and JP interactions
Better hope all of EN2 is outside of North America and thus Enma's clutches then.

>> No.785312

Guess that's why their civilisation hasn't been ascendant and crapping on every other one for the past 500 years leading to the greatest advancements of human endeavor ever huh.

>> No.785728

Damn ENMA sounds like shit, why does Gura even need to listen to ENMA when her success was without ENMA controlling things in the first place.

>> No.785893

Any examples? I haven't seen this.

>> No.786196

becoz nippon retarded management plz understen
they seem to watch her streams like a hawk compared with the other girls
because shark is 2mill sub youtuber and the face of holoEN as far as the almighty youtube algorithm is concerned
can't have shitty parents complain to cover that their previous little unsupervised shits were watching a potty mouth/lewd/scary shark that does nothing but the most mild shit and whose interactions don't include streamers like the flirty marine or psycho haachama

>> No.786882

Only example I saw was during her scuffed princess connect stream where she wanted to let the viewers pick one of the songs for her to sing and she got told no, and told everyone to pick something from the list because she was not allowed to sing "Ahoy"

>> No.786965

>why does Gura even need to listen to ENMA
Have you never held a job before?

>> No.786999

Yeah, that's because the stream was sponsored by the game dev, special case

>> No.787081

What are they gonna do? Fire Gura? The fastest growing vtuber and the biggest vtuber on the planet? lol

>> No.787175

>EN fans are THIS retarded
Her fame means nothing if she gets holoEN in trouble or breaks contract. Gura is subject to the same exact rules as everyone else.

>> No.787336
File: 315 KB, 717x717, judgement cross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should just open the server up to the general public so I can finally worship Ina and build her a sacrificial cum shrine.

>> No.787346

>why wouldn't Gura just be a toxic bitch to her manager, her peers, her senpais, kouhais, and higher management by just doing whatever the fuck she wants?
Troglodyte. Get a job.

>> No.789258

Yes but they're a Japanese tech company.

>> No.789344

Again, it's pretty clearly a management reason why it's not happened. Haachama getting forced off of the EN server is proof of that. Enma absolutely seems to want to keep EN, or at least the NA girls she manages, in a bubble and away from collabing regularly with JPs and IDs for some stupid reason.

>> No.790248

Its pretty obvious what they they are doing. They want to get to the point where each branch of hololive caters only to their designated audience. Cover is well aware of the issues that differences in cultural values can do to your business. The more HoloEN grows the likelihood of another Taiwan incident happening also increases. Cover likely wants to limit English views to HoloEN as much as possible. They are allowing the first Gen to collab with the JP girls to bolster their numbers and gain a following, but I wouldnt very surprised if EN Gen 2 is stuck to the restrictions as Gura.

>> No.790373

There's three EN managers. Enma manages Ina/Ame/Gura, Jenma manages Kiara and two JP, and the third manages Calli and maybe some JP.

>> No.790533

Enma seems to be everyone's favorite scapegoat, but nobody cares to think that the there could be some policy being passed down from higher up in the management chain.

>> No.790672


>> No.791030
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>> No.791046

Remember the Priconnect karaoke? Gura got "bonked"

>> No.791047


>> No.791129

That's because it was a sponsored stream and she could only sing from the list of songs pre-approved by Cygames
