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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 334 KB, 997x1828, GNafRBfXgAAMfw6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
75687395 No.75687395 [Reply] [Original]

bake edition

>> No.75687447

shiori just dropped her schedule and she has that mystery collab up on for tuesday on hers too

advent off-collab guaranteed

>> No.75687456

Offcollab on tuesday I believe.

>> No.75687515

Going to bed not knowing if there will even be a morning show tomorrow. This is making me uneasy.

>> No.75687523 [DELETED] 
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>> No.75687549

Stop making these half-assed threads holy fuck

>> No.75687556

Enough doomposting time for some hope posting.
>They are resting for the collab on Tuesday and Mococo has been crying nonstop from happiness that she'll get to see Advent in person again.

>> No.75687562

>not spoiling before the others
so obvious kek

>> No.75687584

I really don't like that they can't take a full week off to just rest and recover.

>> No.75687611

I just farted

>> No.75687665

what time is that for west coast? 5?

>> No.75687669
File: 117 KB, 1024x768, GNVYLGeaUAA2EM1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then bake yourself next time

>> No.75687747

i guess it will be on fuwamoco’s channel

>> No.75687758

Nobody cares about your shitty OP.

>> No.75687762

Still more effort than fuwamoco are giving for us

>> No.75687781

bake faster 3 min is enough

>> No.75687829

>Fuwamoco are fighting RIGHT now over what couch to get for Advent to sit on.

>> No.75687844

fwmc will post their schedule next soon

>> No.75687872

Based and hope pilled

>> No.75687988

>It's on tuesday AND sunday

>> No.75688022

buy the pink couch DANG IT

>> No.75688040

So true sistah!

>> No.75688076

just dont post here until there's a proper thread, its simple.

>> No.75688098

rot shit rot shit rot shit rot shit rot shit
>sees Fuwamoco

>> No.75688134

I am speaking it out into the universe so it will materialize and good vibes will come.
>The offcollab WILL happen
>Fuwamoco WILL get energized from seeing their friends
>Mococo WILL get a stern talking from Nerissa about taking care of her voice which she will take seriously
>They WILL get to meet Shiori for the first time in person and have fun with her
>Fuwawa WILL get to dote on Biboo and talk about Deresta with Newissa
>The off collab WILL be fun and great and their moods WILL be lifted

>> No.75688192

fuwamoco gave them a tour of their doghouse

>> No.75688201

stop shitposting

>> No.75688240

Forgot to add in them not sounding like 80 year old chain smokers.

>> No.75688246

I will it for all that is good and proper

>> No.75688326

That comes with rest, hopefully they have been sleeping at least 8 hours these past few days.

>> No.75688349

Off collab tuesday is a zatsu, karaoke relay offcollab sunday witb 3D showcase unveil date Sunday

>> No.75688440

Monday is sex with Newissa.

>> No.75688459

This is good. I look forward to it.

>> No.75688506

Rock hard sex with biboo while shiori and newissa screw in the corner

>> No.75688570

Shiori and Nerissa have been having sex for at least a week already, they're switching it up.

>> No.75688654

I fucking love off collabs so much bros, with good chemistry they are amazing and given the chemistry Advent already has, this is gonna be the best, easily surpassing even Myth shit.

>> No.75688811

you say it like it's hard or something

>> No.75688910

>possible Advent off collab

>> No.75688956

Some of the early Myth collabs were pretty good but yeah.

>> No.75688966

We don't really know that they have good chemistry offline outside of shiori/nerissa and fuwamoco/nerissa. I guess she's going to have to carry the off collab otherwise I see biboo and shiori just being silent and fuwamoco subdued due to fatigue

>> No.75688977
File: 171 KB, 346x390, deviousdiverfuwawa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're taking Fuwawa furniture shopping, what's the first corner of the store she's running off to? She's going to get her fluff all over the couches and make the whole section a fluffy nightmare

>> No.75689039

This is a hopeposting thread, go doom elsewhere.

>> No.75689146

They're OK I guess. My brain shuts down, they aren't my thing.

>> No.75689251

Ah that's too bad. It's not for you then eh, but I'm sure Fuwamoco will enjoy seeing their friends.

>> No.75689309

i'm going to give my wives a good spanking when they get back for not telling me where they were all day

>> No.75689393

So 3D soon for advent?

>> No.75689451

they're just there for Pon-de-rings they're going home soon

>> No.75689470

Yeah pretty obvious by now.

>> No.75689472

I prefer alone time with my oshi, obviously, but off collabs bring something cute and unique. Just knowing that they're hanging out with girls who truly do care about them is nice

>> No.75689498


>> No.75689669
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oh it's tuesday? I thought it was monday

>> No.75689710

I dont know
its siolis schedule

>> No.75689729
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More info to come June 8

>> No.75689732

I'm excited for 3D but sad it means we'll have even less close time with them. Once they have it cover is gonna pimp fuwamoco out to every shilling chance they have. They'll spend months recording to be in senpai 3D events instead of streaming. It's still nice, just different.

>> No.75689755

Does anyone have a timestamp to the Mococo fireflies thing?

>> No.75689756

Monday they need to shop for furniture and utensils.

>> No.75689775

We already knew this was going to happen

>> No.75689826

You get used to it. Or you don't and it breaks you and makes you feel more distant. Unless you're a Joshu.

>> No.75689867

I know it was inevitable, but now it's here and it's really setting in. We're never having the same comfy weeks. Fluffy week was basically the last hoorah

>> No.75690035

Well ruffians we had a great first months after debut right? FuwaMoco worked so hard for us, so… Can we really be sad about the outcome? Honestly I’m just glad that we had FuwaMoco non stops for a long time. Nice memory, right?

>> No.75690278

There will still be comfy weeks.

>> No.75690292

Yeah I can't believe they literally just double graduated like that...

>> No.75690376

Yeah I pretty much tune in because they seem to enjoy those things. A bit of support doesn't hurt, we want you to be excited and all.

>> No.75690409

Look on the bright side, now they'll be in lots of 3D lives, singing and dancing like they've always wanted. Imagine them singing Tsugaru Kaikyou Fuyugeshiki with Marine

>> No.75690445

what if mococo gets invited to more 3ds than fuwawa

>> No.75690529

why does Mococo get to streetpass more than Fuwawa

>> No.75690530

Sounds like an appropriate price for their hunger

>> No.75690678

Will any Holo dare invite one without the other?

>> No.75690737

I can still be sad. I will miss them.

>> No.75690775


>> No.75690814

Mococo is such a retard. She had to know this big week was looming why did she not actually rest her voice last week? The battle shriek was thr dumbest self harm thing I've seen a holo member do since nene and the pills

>> No.75690849

What would be interesting is if they were invited for different songs. Like Polka invites them to her birthday and sings a denpa song with Mococo and an old idol song with Fuwawa.

>> No.75690879
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I was just looking at Fuwawa a bit more closely and started thinking, isn't her shirt kind of really lewd? See the part that sits snugly on her stomach? It opens up the higher you go. So basically, the floofie section of the shirt is actually all open with her boobs hanging out for all the world to see. The floofies are then covered with what looks like a separate bra piece, it doesn't seem to be connected that much. And then the top part is covered by the bib. But it doesn't change the fact that the shirt basically has an intentional wide open boob window, separate from the neck hole (the neck part seems pretty snug)

>> No.75690887

Senchou for sure

>> No.75690908

i like that idea

>> No.75690976

She's made for paizuri at all times. The day she toggled the bib off is the day she takes compete control of my life

>> No.75690985

Remember: They like you for your money

>> No.75691062

They don't even like me for that though

>> No.75691080
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>> No.75691107

Now that I think about it most of their 3D stuff is going to be in japanese and at like 4am

>> No.75691121

that means they don't like you...

>> No.75691124

They like me a lot and I don't SC.

>> No.75691341

Yeah, look at irys. I think it will at least be at 6am est like the golden week streams. But most of their appearances and streams after 3D will be way out of usual EN times

>> No.75691342
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>> No.75691402

they're not gonna announce the 3d date so early, specially considering the homos have been in japan for over two months and they still haven't announced their own 3Ds

>> No.75691413


>> No.75691466

I sincerely believe they will not pull an IRyS and do their 3D Lives at JP time. They won't even do twitter spaces at JP time. They know NA is their core

>> No.75691548
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so uhhhhhh FWMC Morning frame doko? Is it happening tomorrow? We got like 12 hours until then.

>> No.75691642

Tomorrow never comes

>> No.75691643

If it's prerecorded I don't really care about the time.

>> No.75691695

No schedule, anon
Why would you think there would be a stream?

>> No.75691700

I'm assuming there isn't one. If there is I'm sending a strongly worded tweet. If there is, I'm sending a strongly worded tweet. They need to be more respectful of fans time.

>> No.75691713

Why wouldn't they? 3D stuff and twitter spaces are very different things

>> No.75691719

But that's okay

>> No.75691812

I wish I had your optimism. They live in Japan, they are pushing hard for japanese fans to carry their sub goal. They are more willing to make the hardcore EN fans stay up all night than to stream it in a non JP prime time slot

>> No.75691830

>chatgpt repeating sentence bug
people using ai bots to raid was real?

>> No.75691984

No one is ever joking in this thread, but people always play it off. Shita serious

>> No.75692208

If you can't or won't do it properly leave it for someone who will, retardchama
I can't be here to bake for you niggas all the time

>> No.75692255

It's only 12pm in nipland. They've got quite a few hours to put up the frame or to let us know that this week is an off week for them

>> No.75692519
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Fuck it Im playing maggot baits after im done with what Im reading right now.

>> No.75692610

I hope the Advent off collab isn't awkward

>> No.75692679

Shiori will tardwrangle all of them

>> No.75692760

i'm not optimistic i'm just coping

>> No.75692778

You still on Euphoria?

>> No.75692846
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It's gonna be kino, I know it. Even if it's just them talking since they might be tired from flying in.

>> No.75692852

how bad could it be? The worst thing would probably be Shiori saying *gasp* Fuwawa doesn't actually have giant tits like what she did with Nerissa

>> No.75693115
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Still trying to figure out how to fucking get the tonberry summon in this game. It's the last summon I need to get to complete the list and then I can go and finish the main story and start Gilgamesh' story. I hope it's just because I haven't "defeated" enough of them.

>> No.75693185

>Fuwawa doesn't actually have giant tits like what she did with Nerissa
Lies. Marine said she did.

>> No.75693219

NTA, but it feels like they've all grown apart in separate directions.

- FuwaMoco
- Biboo
- Nerissa and Shiori

>> No.75693306
File: 229 KB, 960x603, shiori tgt[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Frsw447.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's more likely to comment on Mococo not being a flatty then

>> No.75693400

I didnt read it so you're thinking about someone else. The piss/scat/diapers stuff is too much for me. Besides futa I can deal with most of what's on MB if i recall correctly.

>> No.75693549

Shiori is also an autist, but a different brand of autist and I love it.

>> No.75693664

As long as she confirms fuwawa and mococo are getting fatter and have thick thighs I don't care what else she says. I'm going to keep mentioning it in her prechat so her subconscious mentions it

>> No.75693685

Are they going to play this yuri dungeon crawler?

>> No.75693761


>> No.75693891

that artstyle looks really familiar but I can't put my finger on it

>> No.75694008

it says magodesu is the character designer on the trailer
not sure if that rings any bells for you

>> No.75694071

Are they going to play this short vn?

>> No.75694112

kek it even has those relationship diagrams with lines connecting to different people

>> No.75694285

I swear if we get a health update from hololive for Mococo like the Mio one that just dropped I'd probably kill myself before finishing reading it out of stress.

>> No.75694391

I hope she's okay, worst case scenario is the big C since they said she requires long-term treatment...

>> No.75694412

>the Mio one that just dropped

>> No.75694429


>> No.75694462


>> No.75694482

>Regarding the condition and future appearances of the Mio Ookami:
>We would like to inform you that Mio Ookami, who belongs to our company, "Hololive Production," has been diagnosed with a condition requiring long-term treatment.
>We regret to inform you that she was urgently hospitalized on April 28th due to poor health. We apologize for the delay in reporting and for keeping the specific illness confidential to protect her privacy.
>While there is a trend of improvement in her symptoms, it has been decided by the company to withdraw her appearances from the upcoming "Hololive GAMERS fes. Super Super Super Super Gamers" and "MUSIC VERSE Fes."
> Hololive GAMERS fes. Super Super Super Super Gamers: Appearance withdrawal
> MUSIC VERSE Fes.: Please refer to the official announcement from the event's official X for details.
>We sincerely apologize for causing concern to all the fans. We kindly ask for your continued support and patronage.
>May 13, 2024 (Monday)
>Cover Corporation

>> No.75694497
File: 158 KB, 800x600, shiori off collab impressions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75694602


>> No.75694627

Mio needs a long term break and she is withdrawing from gamers fes and music verse fes. Really unfortunate...

>> No.75694675

Oh fuck that sounds scary, I hope she gets better

>> No.75694740

wow that sucks

>> No.75694792

Treasure every second you can with hags, it's an unfortunate reality that you never know when it will take a turn for the worse.

>> No.75694856

the designs reminds me of etryan odyssey, probably intentional given the genre

>> No.75694892

Who have recent health issues? Haachama, Lamy and Mio?

>> No.75694979

Maybe Shion

>> No.75695005

I am gonna start doomposting, but what if they went MIA for 2-3 weeks because of health issues? Will you guys survive?

>> No.75695084

maybe liking younger girls isnt a bad thing after all

>> No.75695089

Korone had a rough 2 months at the start of this year and said she might've caught it again a few days ago

>> No.75695122

In that scenario I don't care if I survive or not, I just want them to. I'd do anything possible to help and support them, no matter what even if it's only words.

>> No.75695125


>> No.75695129

If they went radio silent for 3 weeks I would lose it, but they wouldn't do that

>> No.75695343

That brat is healthy, well physically at least. She wanted to explore the world and get off the internet completely. She is one of the youngest talents in holo and debuted at an age which was far too young.

>> No.75695349

Damn, isnt she in gamer fes too? If she also drop out, thats a disaster.

>> No.75695350

And she's actually in good physical shape... maybe I should lay off the architect fantasy a bit

>> No.75695427

i got past the japan move fan so it wouldn't bother me

>> No.75695468

stop liking my tweets

>> No.75695491

make me

>> No.75695532

Can I bookmark it still?

>> No.75695549

I'll bookmark your tweet instead

>> No.75695553

I don't like radio silent. I don't mind lack of streams because of health issues, but I would at least want little updates here and there.

>> No.75695645

Why did she do it?

>> No.75695657

They could take another month off and while I would be sad I would live. All I ask is for communication. That's all I care about about

>> No.75695673



>> No.75695677

private quote tweet incoming

>> No.75695685

If we got a warning before hand? Not so much, because I'd assume they got checked in somewhere.
Without that? I'd start panicking

>> No.75695700

its both terrible for their health and they wont be met with kind eyes if they're actually fat (+52kg)

>> No.75695718

>advent off-collab where they all host fwmcmorning together

>> No.75695733

that's fine as long as i don't get a notification

>> No.75695774

FWMCMorning is at 12 midnight. I dont think they are going to hold advent hostage for that.

>> No.75695791

Now that I know it bothers you I'll continue to like every one of them :^)

>> No.75695815

Biboo would be awake, shiori and nerissa not a chance in hell. I agree.

>> No.75695839
File: 157 KB, 2048x1605, GIuGv7_akAA-RH0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being more than 115 lbs for a woman is fat?

>> No.75695894

Random kinda doomposty question but does cover do these official hiatus announcements for voice reasons?

>> No.75695923

Shiori will let us know on Tuesday

>> No.75695938


>> No.75695944

They never state the actual reason

>> No.75695946

>among really tall Japanese women, that is 165 cm and higher, 86% of the women have their weight between 46 and 49 kg
foreigners look morbidly obese in comparison

>> No.75695957

It's also terrible for their dreams if they want to sing and dance onstage which they do. Mori just got surgery because she tore a tendon because she danced too hard while being fat at her RM's concert.

>> No.75695982

They only do these announcements to prepare the fans because there's a chance the talent might die

>> No.75696054

No, voice rests are usually announced by talents themselves and said so. Marine, Suisei, etc.

>> No.75696069

Autistic woman love

>> No.75696075

They fostered a needy and parasocial relationship with their fans, used to tweet pretty often, would post occasionally to their youtube community, and generally said how much they needed us. I'm now needy and parasocial so I want to hear from them, even if it's just a small tweet every day or two. I can respect a stream self-ban for some amount of time, but having them get a lot.more sparce on communications via twitter during and after the move makes me a bit sad.

>> No.75696105

No the official announcements are only if events are affected OR if the talent is seriously sick.

>> No.75696121

Fuck... I'll blow my fucking brains out if I ever see my mogogo in one of these

>> No.75696123

>because she tore a tendon because she danced too hard while being fat at her RM's concert
That's on her.
Everyone's been telling her to go on a fucking diet, work out, and lose weight for years now.

>> No.75696179


>> No.75696225

>she danced too hard while being fat at her RM's concert.
Why did I burst out laughing at this? Am I a horrible person?

>> No.75696279

Cover tweeted this probably because Mio is pulling out from a bunch of fes.

>> No.75696290

No, it is pretty funny

>> No.75696332

I hope nobody actually let themselves go because of the memes, right? You didn't get fat on purpose?

>> No.75696361

Yeah, sorry, I confused you with another VN reader ruffian who was going to do Euphoria and then MB. What are you reading now?
>Besides futa I can deal with most of what's on MB if i recall correctly.
>besides futa

>> No.75696393

Oh is that why 44.5 is a bad thing?

>> No.75696429

In their case they're just hardcore stress eaters

>> No.75696434

Aqua's weight?

>> No.75696469


>> No.75696475

No I did too. Did she keep singing? It reminded me of the fat fuck a few days ago here talking about blowing his acl jumping at 6th fes for advent

>> No.75696477

It's not a joke, it's what actually happened. Turns out if you put a bunch of weight on your feet, it causes more wear and tear on them. Who knew?

>> No.75696508

who's the father

>> No.75696532

Onyan is just autistic (and didn't like that her papa kept drawing her softer and softer for some reason)

>> No.75696541

They will never not stick out, both because of hight and weight. Idgaf about some weight on women, as long as you don't teeter into like high 100's to low 200's.

>> No.75696563

I already was super obese so I've only been posting my normal meals. Anyone gaining weight that isn't named fuwawa or mococo is crazy though.

>> No.75696565

It's bad because Aqua is like 4 feet tall so 44.5 on her is a lot worse.

>> No.75696609

they have sex at night

>> No.75696623

isnt she incredibly small? she's like 5-10kg above what they consider acceptable so yeah

>> No.75696628


>> No.75696699

If you're too fat you will not be able to cheer and dance and do illegal wotagei for the whole of Fuwamoco's concerts. Not to mention you will not be able to have marathon sex sessions with them. Jerking off takes a lot less stamina than having sex. Make sure you are fit enough to not cause them concern.

>> No.75696718

forgot biboo made a bunkbed

>> No.75696755


>> No.75696812

You can go about your daily life with it, you just can't dance on it. The incident in question actually happened weeks ago, she's just getting surgery for it now because it was a good time workwise.

>> No.75696860

Tuesday can't come fast enough at this point.

>> No.75696871

I want them to see me willing to disregard my own health to cheer for them. If I have a heart attack or lose the ability to walk, I won't let that stop me . I've been doing ring fit to train stamina for the show. I've been eating even more to maintain my size don't worry.

>> No.75696974

Yeah well you will disrupt the concert and at the very least they will have to pause while the EMTs get in a reinforced stretcher to cart your fat ass away. So you will be directly harming their concert.

>> No.75697039

I never post about other chuubas here, not even other Advents, but I really pray Mio recovers and is well. My wives need to interact with her still (although it’s not the reason for the message)

>> No.75697112

Talking as a 34 year old man, I do feel my body slowing down.

>> No.75697143

gonna go eat some garlic pork sausages in a bit

>> No.75697223

I need to feed them treats

>> No.75697227

Can I tell them I refuse medical assistance until the end? Or is that not a thing in Japan like it is burger land?

>> No.75697309

>bunk bed
it's bauver

>> No.75697311
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>> No.75697321

Isn't the performance recorded? There's no way they would actually pause it. Even during a live MC section I doubt you'd get more then a fuwawa oh goodness giggle

>> No.75697380

Based and same. I mostly have a "meh" opinion on the majority of the girls, but Mio is one of the few I actually like even if I don't watch her all that often.
I really hope she gets better

>> No.75697402

I'm coping that they go the Suisei route and do as many live as they can.

>> No.75697428

Same, Mio-mama LOVE

>> No.75697514

I just want a big hags collab before it's too late. Get them all together

>> No.75697587

Most of them are in holodogs.

>> No.75697630

At this point, Hags is like all of Hololive except Shion, Haachama, and Kobo. Hololive's been going for 6 years now, a lot of girls have become hags in that time.

>> No.75697662

>she's like 5-10kg above what they consider acceptable so yeah
No, she isn't, where the fuck is this even coming from?

>> No.75697704

Fuwamoco will be the ones to unite the hags, I trust them.

>> No.75697839

hag orgy

>> No.75698025 [SPOILER] 
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It might be a mixed bag, I really liked the first route I've played some topics hit home while i was reading it and now Im struggling to read the second route

>> No.75698124

Came one last time for fluffy for the day. I think I'll take a rest this week too, cut back to three times a day to save my stamina for the 3D showcase and holo summer

>> No.75698147

>My oshi was already a hag when she joined
>It's been 5 years since then

>> No.75698189

save her eggs anon...

>> No.75698220

So no FWMC morning tomorrow?

>> No.75698278


>> No.75698279

some are just cakes, for now

>> No.75698281

Random thought: I like when Fuwawa goes "Oh. Oh. Oh."

>> No.75698364
File: 242 KB, 408x424, displeasedfuwa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon that bookmarks things, can you give me my bookmark back? I'm feeling lonely without it now

>> No.75698441

Do you get a notification when someone bookmarks your shit? Never got a bookmark

>> No.75698487

Sorry, once someone complains I stop giving it to them. The next bookmark you get absolutely will be fuwamoco now. Good luck.

>> No.75698795

Will the pink and blue aurora borealis or the rainbow clouds be on the walk photo tomorrow? Neither are really walks but it's changed into the cool photo corner for a while now.

>> No.75698863
File: 140 KB, 344x366, fuwawaawa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think so, I just noticed it was gone when I was looking for something
I never complained, do you just hate me?

>> No.75698884


>> No.75698911

i miss them…

>> No.75698954

How did you know there was Fuwamoco morning tomorrow?

>> No.75699029

Just take a random aurora picture from google and say it happened outside your house

>> No.75699094

Because they never told us there wasn't and I trust them.

>> No.75699215

I've gotten on twice with Google map review images. On an alt in case it's found out, but it never will be because no one cares.

>> No.75699274

bookmarked some posts and now im bored again

>> No.75699362

time to play jong then

>> No.75699519

shut the fuck up lol

>> No.75699533

Shit like this and Zeik and fags making gray accounts to get read proves Fuwamoco are too nice and the Ruffians are evil niggers who take advantage of that.

>> No.75699842

my bookmark is by them and you won't convince me otherwise

>> No.75699887

It makes them happy to see ruffians. I'm 4 ruffians, so I give them 4 times the joy you do. Each new gray account makes them happy to have brought a new fan in. It's easy to do and helps them out.

>> No.75699935


>> No.75700082

Will Fuwawa's flooflies bounce around during 3D?

>> No.75700096

>actual room
I was just fucking around but I guess

>> No.75700180
File: 119 KB, 360x270, 1713719661343357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75700207


>> No.75700393

i’m actually 2 well known ruffians at the same time. one a count was made solely to help donate, but then fwmc started reading me on that account so now i multitask

>> No.75700450

Look at what they already do in 2D. What do you think?

>> No.75700628

This is the first time I've been genuinely worried. I hope things are alright.

>> No.75700951

If fwmc morning timeslot passes without news I'm switching from support to full concern posting and neediness on the hashtag and I will not be alone.

>> No.75700960

They're fine, they're with Advent

>> No.75701013

Do we have indirect signs of life from the other Advent members?

>> No.75701036

concern deez nutz in your mouth

>> No.75701049
File: 309 KB, 1318x1800, 1713459859792134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Previous Thread >>75675531

>Upcoming Stream
Mystery Collab! (?) TBA
>Previous Stream

>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list)

>Thread Template

>> No.75701063

Kill yourself. We told them we would wait forever and not worry and after 1 day you are already going menhera? You're just going to either force them to come back and ruin their voice or make them hate ruffians complaining and grow distant.

>> No.75701100

Nerissa was in Kronii's chat

>> No.75701170

Nerissa and shiori are active. Biboo is just arriving in Japan now so she's busy.

>> No.75701181

Nerissa and Shiori have been having nonstop sex for like four days now

>> No.75701271

Feels like FuwaMoco are gonna be the ones showing Biboo around Japan

>> No.75701272

Wouldn't it be too late by that point? Like I'm concerned that they already haven't said if they will do FWMC morning or not. I don't even care if they stream or not but not saying anything at all is weird

>> No.75701309

No I mean have they talked about FuwaMoco's present activities since radio silence? Do we have even the slightest bit of information about FuwaMoco's current status?

>> No.75701317

Why are there so many dykes in hololive?

>> No.75701334

5 and schedule within the next hour
anything else and pero rapes your mother tonight

>> No.75701408

hu u uu u uuu uu uu uuu uuuuu u uuuuuu uuuuuuuuuu

>> No.75701428

They had to pick Biboo up from the airport and get her settled in. I doubt they even talk to us until tomorrow night to recap and announce the off collab on their channel.

>> No.75701482

Kill yourself.

>> No.75701534

Nothing. I think they're all waiting on fuwamoco to make the announcement.

>> No.75701553
File: 815 KB, 1129x880, 1691249659684136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>radio silence
Nigga we heard from them yesterday morning. Learn to just chill out a bit.

>> No.75701667

Yeah but like, if they're super busy that's fine, I don't mind that. They could take the entire week off and I'd understand. But couldn't they at least just send out a tweet saying they won't stream? They don't even need to say they're touring Biboo around just a simple "We're doing well but no FWMC morning this week!" would be enough

>> No.75701702

prison gay/marketing

>> No.75701734

Wait they can drive?

>> No.75701811

No, Fuwawa is going to give Biboo a piggyback and make Moco-chan carry all her bags

>> No.75701855

In civilized countries you don't need to drive to the airport

>> No.75701921

No, they rode in the taxi and train autistically with newissa. They like showing others around even if they get lost themselves. I'm sure biboo also asked them to.

Keeping us informed is one of their weakest points. They're terrible at it most of the time.

>> No.75702083

sasuga... fuwawa...

>> No.75702108

Without streams I think they either forget or don't care to tweet updates. When they're going a while without streaming they've been awful at giving any heads up. Look at the travel vlogs

>> No.75702120

It's like how Coco and Kanata greeted Rushia when she first came to Tokyo. They "picked her up" but they didn't drive.

>> No.75702194

Isn't that one of their debut goals?

>> No.75702372

I know all of Advent outside of nerissa (?) Have cried on stream. Who has shed the most tears? I think Mococo is the clear winner, although shiori has had some long ones too in mengen

>> No.75702487

You're a psychopath what the fuck

>> No.75702618


>> No.75702766
File: 49 KB, 278x207, 1714681702452544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75702786

This is not good I'm too worried and depressed to even get hard for Fuwawa....

>> No.75702835

If they're still silent all of tomorrow what will you guys do?

>> No.75702865


>> No.75702908

Nothing lol what is there to do

>> No.75702964

Threaten publicly to oshihen on my main to force them to post.

>> No.75703001

I'll chill out.

>> No.75703065

suicide bait on their tag

>> No.75703071

Let them have sex with Newissa in peace.

>> No.75703081
File: 460 KB, 825x447, Screenshot 2024-05-06 082412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep watching VODs, maybe send out a general appreciation tweet if I have anything worth saying.

>> No.75703082

1 in 3 ruffians is mentally ill

>> No.75703151


Confirmed again. If you're ever in a room with two other Ruffians and you have a sound mind, be careful. You're in danger

>> No.75703166

GGs jonger
Those last few rounds were sweaty

>> No.75703261
File: 310 KB, 505x558, 1707146760080036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep catching up on the 50 VODs I'm behind and griefing people in Dark Souls

>> No.75703269

gg, I screwed up big the previous previous round but well played overall

>> No.75703298

thanks anon

>> No.75703302

battle royale when

>> No.75703337

I hate this forced edging but I know it's all apart of my training to be a good ruffian. I had it too good during fluffy week and now they're depriving me for a bit. I'll try to wait but I have horrible separation anxiety.

>> No.75703365


>> No.75703382

I'm scared

>> No.75703394

You should set the AIs on normal difficulty so it becomes a challenge too, otherwise they're just tile discarders

>> No.75703456
File: 1.30 MB, 1430x1104, Screenshot 2024-05-01 082135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can keep tricking me all you want, I will check every time just in case.

>> No.75703471


>> No.75703479
File: 156 KB, 326x341, distraughtmogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just go to work like normal I guess. I've overslept for the past few morning streams anyway

>> No.75703489

What if I'm the one that's mentally unsound?

>> No.75703506

I'm going to bed they will post in 5 minutes. See you for fwmcmorning.

If 5 there will not be a schedule.

>> No.75703524

Fuwawa just giggled outside my door

>> No.75703558

safe, for now

>> No.75703561

A member's post just flew over my house

>> No.75703575

Then I pray the other two in the room are BR and you are successful.

>> No.75703665

Would this be a good replacement game for Fall Guys?

>> No.75703695

you know who you are, stop liking all my posts

>> No.75703714

you make no sense

>> No.75703726

you know who you are, keep liking all my posts

>> No.75703881

everyone /here/ is a doxxfag, stop worrying you shitheads know they are busy

>> No.75704089

Too busy to send a single tweet?

>> No.75704146
File: 169 KB, 1000x1200, 1704657869898295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75704251

Im not worried, I am just wondering if they are going to do FWMC morning or not

>> No.75704304


>> No.75704358
File: 3.34 MB, 346x346, 1714500293013524.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf this is towababy

>> No.75704458

Oh damn, was the room not full? I'm on my phone, I'd've jumped in normally. Sorry jongers

>> No.75704480

This is the first time they've ever missed giving some kind of info about their schedule (or lack thereof) on time

>> No.75704582

Just means they need to be free for the foreseeable future and can be called upon by Cover at the drop of a hat.

>> No.75704680
File: 176 KB, 329x389, 1695515303873431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stop thinking about Fuwawa going bunny mad

>> No.75704683

They would normally give us some kind of notice about that. The FuwaMoco that warned us multiple days early about the lack of a schedule to prevent people from worrying would normally also say something about whatever is currently happening.

>> No.75704822

Oh I started after ~6 minutes. Could've probably waited a bit longer, sorry about that

>> No.75704956
File: 153 KB, 447x620, 1689618773068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wouldn't do a slime... right?

>> No.75704960
File: 454 KB, 2223x2295, 1708898420104449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah that's fine, I'm just used to rooms filling up pretty quickly when they get posted so I didn't check. I'm playing vidya myself so I've only been checking the thread intermittently. Next time, jonger.

>> No.75705230
File: 38 KB, 206x504, 1701160093119760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning

>> No.75705247
File: 300 KB, 1448x2048, 1704656857107330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If all of Advent is in Japan, which they are, talents never talk about stuff like this until either there's an official announcement or some other important event like an offcollab. Just wait for Tuesday.

>> No.75705343

I'm not, what is happening?

>> No.75705422

Nothing, which is the point.

>> No.75705430

still no tweet....

>> No.75705446

But they don't need to say advent are in japan. They don't need to give any hints at all. They could just say "ruffians we're not gonna have normal streams this week but please understand ok!" and that would be way better than just going radio silent.

>> No.75705461

I'm going to bed, reply to their tweet for me

>> No.75705462

They can be secretive about that while still letting us a know that a schedule is pending. They don't have to reveal plans to do that. Just humor me for a second, if everyone is thinking like you are, including the other girls in Advent, when do we actually know that something is seriously wrong? If no one actually entertains the idea how long does it take for normal people to finally start making sure they're alright? How long will Mane-chan wait for a response before starting to get concerned?

>> No.75705525

Using exact wording
>We’re just way too overwhelmed with work obligations.

>> No.75705533

That anon is exaggerating. They didn't say anything noteworthy other than that they're super busy until at least June

>> No.75705535

Good night Ruffian!

>> No.75705632

They literally said during FWMC Morning that today will be an important homework day.

>> No.75705669

Maybe they don't have a schedule. Deal with it.

>> No.75705678

This would suck less if the rest of Advent wasn't also MIA.
Somehow I blame Gura, although it might actually be Mori's fault.

>> No.75705744

They've had that happen before and let us know over a week early. It's still out of character

>> No.75705771

No it would suck more because it would mean they were MIA. The rest of Advent being MIA means they're all just hushing up so we can all be "surprised" when Advent has their off collab.

>> No.75705800
File: 174 KB, 258x272, 1685257960634409.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75705900
File: 86 KB, 315x284, 1713800873275351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realise their genmates and mane-chan don't have to rely on public twitter posts to communicate with them, right?

>> No.75705933

theyve learned that its better to ask for forgiveness than permission

>> No.75706037
File: 1.12 MB, 2480x3508, 1695598347646530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You misunderstand my point, which is that in cases like this lack of communication is the norm rather than the exception, FWMC aren't an outlier here. I'm actually more surprised Nerissa and Shiorin put up schedules.

>> No.75706049

>How long will Mane-chan wait for a response before starting to get concerned?
Are you retarded? She will just call them directly.

>> No.75706077

Yes you didn't understand the point there. I'm aware they have a discord to talk to each other in. The current assumption is that all channels are radio silent to FuwaMoco (because we currently have literally zero proof of anything else). How long do people take before they start getting worried?

>> No.75706099
File: 13 KB, 341x311, 1704657720414456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mane-chan will finally get to collect the hugs she's owed...

>> No.75706104

I would have been surprised if not for being here, so I think a good number of people will in fact be surprised

>> No.75706136

And suppose they don't answer. How long until things escalate?

>> No.75706143

Anon, they are probably waiting for the retarded management to give them the greenlight to put up their schedule. Right now is either biboo or FWMC who are gonna announce the off-collab and I assume it will be FWMC.

>> No.75706166

idk i don't know them, next question

>> No.75706202

Quickly, especially right now since suzu will constantly be hounding them for homework.

>> No.75706294

Yes I know, I'm just saying. I'm sure the majority of fans don't know what's going on. But they also don't care that much.

>> No.75706357
File: 912 KB, 3840x2160, GD4YqZfa0AAWI7w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thought of the first Advent off-collab happening so soon is sustaining me

>> No.75706406

Genuine Spoiler:
The kidnapper was Suzu-chan (obfuscation text)

>> No.75706471

I actually find it funny if Cover is forcing them to delay their schedule to generate "hype". Probably driving FWMC nuts kek.

>> No.75706556

I like to think they're reading manga by candlelight in a bunker

>> No.75706667

>The current assumption is that all channels are radio silent to FuwaMoco

>> No.75707036

There is zero proof of contact with FuwaMoco for the past 24 hours. You can assume they're talking to Biboo, or Nerissa, or Mane-chan but there is literally nothing to suggest that this has happened. My hypothetical was therefore perfectly valid. There is no evidence to contradict it and it is an extremely easily falsifiable claim since all you need is a single sign of life, even an indirect one.

>> No.75707089

Are you fucking dumb?

>> No.75707119

You are too dumb to live.

>> No.75707157

If it's such an easy position to refute, then go ahead, I'm waiting

>> No.75707173

You could also assume they're fucking dead and considered missing by that logic.

>> No.75707174

Sometimes I just can't believe I share a fanbase with fucking autists like you, jesus fucking christ

>> No.75707214
File: 174 KB, 366x361, concernedmogogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You doing okay? Maybe you should take a break

>> No.75707221
File: 85 KB, 1000x1000, GJCe19kagAAb2WG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gnight wuffians

>> No.75707226

Yes that is literally the point I've been making

>> No.75707274

Good night Ruffian!

>> No.75707301

They have been abducted by aliens

>> No.75707350

Yeah me

>> No.75707384


>> No.75707572


>> No.75707577

please probe them gently, ayys

>> No.75707679


>> No.75707685

two more weeks

>> No.75707696

Refute this. You currently have big black dicks in your asshole and mouth and they are cumming inside you nonstop. Unless you show me video proof timestamped, that's what's happening to you and you have Gay AIDS.

>> No.75707737

False equivalence. Try again.

>> No.75707773

Haha this guy has gay nigger AIDS.

>> No.75707794

Just kys you are so fucking autistic kek

>> No.75707820
File: 368 KB, 562x585, 1712750117542081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try, gay AIDSnigger

>> No.75707834

Ad hominem. Try again.

>> No.75707899

Wait, why weren't the other two ad hominem?

>> No.75707928

Clearly they must be true.

>> No.75707960

I accept your concession

>> No.75707978

I have to admit I was skeptical about such a bold claim but, here we are

>> No.75708007

You never put forth a refutation to concede

>> No.75708021
File: 653 KB, 928x1026, 1709984995830135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Current tally of people knocked off the ledge in TotG: 9

>> No.75708054

Can't believe I share a fanbase with fags who get AIDS from gayniggers. Do I have to consider them Ruffians too?

>> No.75708077

>You never put forth a refutation to concede
Ah, a philosophical challenge! Let’s delve into this.

The phrase “put forth a refutation to concede” seems to be a paradoxical statement. On one hand, a refutation aims to disprove an argument or claim, while conceding involves accepting or yielding to a point. These two actions appear contradictory.

However, we can interpret it in a more abstract sense. Imagine a debate where two individuals engage in a rigorous exchange of ideas. In such a context, “putting forth a refutation” means presenting counterarguments, while “conceding” implies acknowledging the strength of the opponent’s position.

In this light, perhaps the statement suggests that true intellectual growth occurs when we actively engage with opposing viewpoints. By refuting and conceding, we refine our understanding and contribute to the evolution of knowledge.

So, my friend, let us continue this dialogue. What other intriguing thoughts shall we explore?

>> No.75708122

Tournament of the Galaxy 9 rules, krob on brother

>> No.75708161
File: 105 KB, 262x322, Its over.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make a clip
>it's 3 minutes long after trimming

>> No.75708219 [DELETED] 
File: 2.60 MB, 4000x3000, 9as7jw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75708244
File: 107 KB, 500x500, 1713918783657055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to cleanse this fanbase

>> No.75708252

Yes you managed to explain in detail (while being overtly sarcastic) what I posted, and I'm still waiting on an attempt at a refutation.

>> No.75708288 [DELETED] 
File: 1.65 MB, 4348x3072, 4zxv9w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75708298

My apologies if my previous response came across as sarcastic; that was not my intention. Let’s address the challenge more directly:

The statement “You never put forth a refutation to concede” seems to imply that one should always be open to considering opposing viewpoints. In other words, if someone presents a counterargument, we should engage with it rather than dismiss it outright.

Here’s a brief exploration of this idea:

Refutation and Concession:
Refutation: When we refute an argument, we provide evidence or reasoning to show that it is incorrect or flawed.
Concession: Conceding involves acknowledging the validity or strength of an opposing argument.
Balancing Act:
Intellectual honesty requires us to strike a balance between these two actions.
Refutation: We should critically examine arguments and seek to identify weaknesses.
Concession: We should also recognize when an opposing viewpoint has merit.
Growth Through Dialogue:
Engaging in respectful debate allows us to refine our own ideas.
By refuting and conceding, we contribute to a richer intellectual landscape.
In summary, the challenge encourages us to actively participate in discussions, both defending our positions and being open to changing our minds when warranted.

Feel free to share more thoughts or explore related concepts—I’m here to continue the dialogue!

>> No.75708408

Running the post through an LLM still doesn't refute the original claim. Why don't you try putting the original post in your prompt.

>> No.75708505

I'm sorry if it came across as sarcastic; that wasn't my intention. Let's refocus. Please provide the original claim or post you'd like me to refute, and I'll do my best to provide a clear response.

>> No.75708569

even shitposters are getting replaced by AI

>> No.75708623

The new meta is to have shitposters argue with AI

>> No.75709086

worked? holy shit

>> No.75709156

Saw people in /ope/ in their last thread hope it's not an offcollab with FWMC because they feel like them being there would "limit the topics they can discuss due to their kayfabe"

>> No.75709229

oh nyo not the shit piss cum topics of conversation

>> No.75709254

rolling my eyes really hard right about now

>> No.75709267

i dont care about men

>> No.75709277
File: 234 KB, 1689x896, 1710600136274037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sisters shit up /ope/ as well
Truly we live in grim times

>> No.75709342

Those aren't people those are raiders. /ope/ loves Fuwamoco.

>> No.75709462

Does Nerissa talk about things FuwaMoco wouldn't normally like to talk about when they aren't around?
