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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 159 KB, 729x703, 1715270699159765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
75681641 No.75681641 [Reply] [Original]


If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Menhera Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: soon™

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>75655846

>> No.75681928

please stop

>> No.75682028

dear shondonis, I'm sorry that man is your husband

>> No.75682074

Hi, what are we talking about now

>> No.75682133

holy shit the art style of the last OP is amazing, it makes me want to draw, if Shondo were in a yuri series (besides the one she's living) I bet she'd look exactly like that
what is the artist's name?

>> No.75682140

new ceiling monkey

>> No.75682223

I don't i know the old ceiling monkey

>> No.75682252
File: 373 KB, 575x529, you look lonely.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love fallenshadow.
a lot.
i miss her so much.
i wait for her return like a neolithic farmer waiting for the rain.
i want nothing more in life than to be with her forever. to make her happy. to protect her smile.
i love you shondo.

>> No.75682277

r-san it was you?! goodbye shogga o7

>> No.75682280

well then

>> No.75682289

SyadouPogger https://twitter.com/mirage22295/status/1789518884820721883 wow she's eligible

>> No.75682334


>> No.75682355

>he actually attention whored his death to the mentally ill girl right when she is trying to recover from a severe bout of mental illness
im sorry that you're dying/going permanently blind/whatever but not the best use of your final message

>> No.75682448

Quick, make sure you post in offline chat right now so when she notices that hes dying, she will see your name in the chat!

>> No.75682468

sad that every good artist turns out to be a menhera nigger attention whore

>> No.75682482

What tweet are you guys talking about? I don't really want to search through every single guy who has tweeted at her today, but if it's going to hurt her I need to see it so I can feel what she's feeling, I can't let her be alone.

>> No.75682516
File: 105 KB, 1280x720, benjamin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NFTs still exist

>> No.75682570

Is that ruri?

>> No.75682623

is that actually ruri? if so i feel bad for attacking him then he is literally my favourite artist

>> No.75682666


>> No.75682675

offline chat

>> No.75682680

Damn, even shoggers play favourites

>> No.75682729

Damn sorry Ruru san. Thanks for being around you seemed cool

>> No.75682769

Oh, darn, I knew I was going to regret putting off getting chatterino

>> No.75682788

ruri? naur… he just said he’s been feeling happier
who’s art will i goon to now?

>> No.75682797

I don't think its the artist, but I won't be messaging them to find out.

>> No.75682816
File: 86 KB, 323x188, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, this is ruri

>> No.75682890

I don't know what's happening to you Ruri but it sounds very sad so I'm sorry that you have to go through it. I'm glad that you were brave enough to share pieces of yourself through cool art while you could though

>> No.75682992

Unfortunate that people confuse someone that might be checking out early with an artist and sending their feelings to the wrong person

>> No.75683005

>was around to see what happened last time something like this happened
>goes through with it and announces it anyway as she's only just coming out of her lowest point in years
sorry but any sympathy i would've had is out the window. don't know how you thought dumping this on her now of all times was a good idea. hopefully she misses it

>> No.75683049

account created and followed shondo on the same day. i hate that this community has made me so mentally ill that i have to syadouTinfoil everything. what if he is just planning on reincarnating for her return or attentionwhoring one last time before leaving and going to another chuuba on a different account?
you guys made me this way
it isn't ruri

>> No.75683063

its 100% fine

>> No.75683104

It's 100% fucking not.

>> No.75683128

get a grip

>> No.75683183

Uuuuuu I don't want shoggas dying or leaving
Praying for a failed attempt if that's what it's about
Praying for better health if that's not it

>> No.75683189

Get a rope. Just don't tell shondo about your suicide please.

>> No.75683229

if i do id make sure its 1000x worse then digi

>> No.75683247

baking was a mistake

>> No.75683252

>100% fine

>> No.75683308

This was just the corpse reincarnating for another alt when this one didn't pan out

>> No.75683319

Like you wouldnt do the same
Fucking Khaal had a death message setup that went off during her break

>> No.75683324

It was me rexus. Just thought it'd be a bit of a funny joke. Can you guys chill out

>> No.75683385

>thread was baked in time to someone posting their death for her to see
>another so called "coincidence"

>> No.75683459
File: 71 KB, 624x1024, 1715364793396909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just another coincidence, right? It's not for realsies, right? It's just unfortunate timing, right? No one is actually dying, right?

>> No.75683465

Jews are going to get jealous of the amount of coincidences happening in our community at this rate

>> No.75683496

sorry shondo, maybe you should log off for the night

>> No.75683499

just another isolated incident, nothing to see here

>> No.75683587

one shogger attentionwhoring that they're (allegedly) dying both in the thread and in offline chat doesn't mean that the other leaps of logic that your schizo brain has made were all correct

>> No.75683670

damn, i feel bad now

>> No.75683671

Ehe keep denying the truth

>> No.75683708
File: 260 KB, 727x712, 1715284847040522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love wifey

>> No.75683788

the truth is that not every commonly used phrase that happens to be uttered by shondo on stream is some sort of reference to this thread, and that you need to take your meds

>> No.75683832

it would have been better if you said
>more of you streams
instead of
>any more

>> No.75684040

It would be better if you don't die desu

>> No.75684085
File: 183 KB, 680x680, 1711099336282066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more of you streams
>putting a spelling mistake in your attentionwhoring death message

>> No.75684088

quick better follow up one attention whore with more attention whoring

>> No.75684104
File: 83 KB, 493x678, 1710379576270003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's those shirts I thought you might like, thread-reading shondo. Hopefully you think they are cute or funny. Love you, dearest.


>> No.75684145

Angrily insisting that she's not lurking (against all reason btw) over and over again makes me wonder who it is that has such a vested interest in trying to convince everyone else. It's not her, but it still makes me wonder why they'd feel the need to keep insisting it.

>> No.75684173

Big eyebrows

>> No.75684187

you made me chuckle with this stupid bait post
sometimes you're ok for a fat groomer fuck

>> No.75684194

I made the typo silly, not rururururururururururururururuurrurururu.
Get chatterino, maybe?

>> No.75684225


>> No.75684244

Great shirts shogga

>> No.75684266

oop just noticed how retarded i am haha

>> No.75684281

my babies are kept inside shondos womb until theyre ready

>> No.75684283

Funny you didnt think it was a problem when your fat fuck friend died

>> No.75684313

not him but thanks c:

>> No.75684319

stop posting so much im watching twin peaks and dont have time to read the thread

>> No.75684335

this one was actually funny, suggest that as a gift on throne

>> No.75684378

Too far desu

>> No.75684406
File: 208 KB, 675x675, 1714626457763715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but i wanted to watch twin peaks with you to see your reactions to everything for the first time shondo....

>> No.75684410

im listening to Helldivers ASMR leave me outta this

>> No.75684463

My bad, have a pleasant viewing

>> No.75684464

>not waiting to watch it with shonshon after she finished DP

the culture of /here/ makes this seem like sarcastic bait to out myself as /here/. That's why I don't like posting this kind of stuff, but it's the best chance she'd see it.

>> No.75684484

u ok bapy?

>> No.75684519

not bapo me dood

>> No.75684524

Why the wink
Stop being gross

>> No.75684851

Weird day huh

>> No.75684891

glad she's doing better

>> No.75685094

Pureasu don't die shoggas
Defy death if you must

>> No.75685175

when is the next movie marathon?

>> No.75685221


>> No.75685248

reminder she finds kissing disgusting

>> No.75685312

Good, she's right and she's not a whore anyways

>> No.75685328

kissing IS disgusting, and i want to be disgusting with her

>> No.75685515

Mouth sex with shadowmama
Also stop pretending to care about random shoggas dying.

>> No.75685555

she finds kissing not romantic and french-kissing to be disgusting (she doesn't actually know what it is based off how she talked about it).
both of these are true with the caveat that they only apply to her kissing males (troons included, sorry)

>> No.75685592

dacrin paying for them DMs

>> No.75685697

Kissing is objectively gross, that it is so normalized you even see it in kid's shows just reflect the biases of our society.

>> No.75685739

I like fallen shadow and I’m looking forward to watching her streams again

>> No.75685750

she turned dono messages off tard
although he still might have tried to private message, but no way to tell

>> No.75685811

this was specifically in the context of talking about finding people making out in a mcdonalds in the middle of the night disgusting, which it is
go to bed shondo

>> No.75685817
File: 68 KB, 969x969, 1714417825809455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75685953

1) no it is not.
2) it's been a part of humanity for thousands of years, there's no 'normalizing' going on.
3) stop watching kids' shows, shondo.

>> No.75686298

>she turned dono messages off tard
No idea what you're talking about otherwise, but dono messages seem to be back on.

>> No.75686528
File: 142 KB, 978x1080, 1714847259841566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she will romantically kiss with me

>> No.75686529

only when it involves a man. Not shaking those lesbian allegations.

>> No.75686568

I'm putting my tongue inside her mouth and I don't care what she thinks

>> No.75686635

im putting my tongue inside her anus and i dont care what she thinks

>> No.75686692

this could be us shondo

>> No.75686715

I'm putting my tongue in the shunny and she has zero say in it.
Her shlit will be ravaged until she nose powders from ectasy, providing me with much needed refreshments.
Repeat until the sun rises and critters tell me to stop so they can get ready for school.

>> No.75686737

discord delenda est

>> No.75686753

Literally just check her ko-fi page, you retards.

>> No.75686789

Oh ok now that the king and the duke have commented, everyone has to performatively post that they care about the attention whore?

>> No.75686797

>kiss loli
this is how i want to go out

>> No.75686923

She's never had a real kiss so all that tells us is that she finds the idea of it disgusting (which kinda makes sense). No need to read further into than that.
Like all sexual stuff she would need to be... actively encouraged to try it out.

>> No.75686929

you got it backwards, though? everybody posted and then abcs and dewd did

>captcha: 4 RTX
well, shoggas, you heard him. waiting on you now.

>> No.75686930
File: 20 KB, 518x148, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats all this then
dm faggotry on kofi?
absolutely disgusting

>> No.75686952

It's always so confusing noticing mega oilers in old ASMR vods who haven't been around in nearly half a year. I already don't understand getting bored of Shondo in general, but after giving her thousands?

>> No.75687012

so streamelements messages are on but kofi is still off? weird, but good to know

>whats all this then
>dm faggotry on kofi?
>absolutely disgusting
jesse are you being retarded on purpose?

>> No.75687047

I have a lot of money and I like giving stuff to cute girls. Sometimes it's not complicated.

>> No.75687082

the only thing i need to know is that she gets very silly in VR so she would probably get very silly if she was having that much fun in person

>> No.75687122

Yeah but you are clearly still active in the community otherwise you wouldn't be in a hiatus thread, reread my post

>> No.75687139

that isn't a DM, thats just a p2w tweet on a platform where she probably won't even read it
either way, pretty funny

>> No.75687201

They moved on to the next hoe.

>> No.75687267

As far as I'm aware the kofi messages have never been announced in chat. She seemed to prefer StreamElements, so I figured she got a better cut there and always ignored kofi.

>> No.75687341

...who flows
He nose-dove and sold nada, and so the soap opera
Is told, it unfolds, I suppose it's old, partner
But the beat goes on, da-da-dom, da-dom, dah-dah-dah-dah

kofi doesn't take a cut iirc so the bias is weird esp with how much she loves coffee

>> No.75687350

I understood: I was implying that if I did leave the money would be no big deal and I wouldn't regret it.

>> No.75687425

>I already don't understand getting bored of Shondo in general, but after giving her thousands?
eventually even the most mentally ill husband will realise that she isn't a vtuber because she is trying to find someone, so you either leave or stick around because you just pivot to enjoying the fantasy

>> No.75687507

I like how husbands are coping with Shondo's disgust at the thought of kissing them on the lips, it's better than calling her a hypocrite which is antiing.

>> No.75687516

maybe she was assuming that people wanted everything to be public (like a superchat) and kofi has poor integration for that

>> No.75687609

well at least she'll read it cause it got posted /here/ so good for him
nope. not takin' 'em.

>> No.75687637

>she isn't a vtuber because she is trying to find someone
She's married already, who thinks that? Married to me btw

>> No.75687703

>donate on kofi
>self-derek in the thread

>> No.75687707

I just don't get giving her money and not being invested in the home ownership arc. Seeing her happy in the present is amazing of course, but not wanting to see her happy in the future too is too hard to understand

>> No.75687857

Not at all
Specify in the dono the money to be for the house next time, at least it might get her to give us an update and we can progress with it

>> No.75687868

she kisses us on the lips in streams

>> No.75687914


>> No.75687932

Ew?? Watch streams, they're cheek kisses, you sexpest slut

>> No.75687976

the only time i've seen a lip kiss is that gif posted earlier

>> No.75687983

Only subs only streams

>> No.75687984

What exactly don't you get? That people don't stick around to see her get the house?

>> No.75688002

its happened multiple times
no i wont take my meds

>> No.75688687
File: 3.69 MB, 600x370, 1715465129965740.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75688827

You know what, that was a lip kiss

>> No.75688838
File: 3.67 MB, 606x416, 1695145618431990.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what possessed here to do such a sweet thing?

>> No.75688843

aiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeee delete this, this didnt happen

>> No.75688990
File: 2.36 MB, 498x417, ChibiXD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uuuuuuuuuuu! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife!

>> No.75689129
File: 65 KB, 1053x858, 1696688079644776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously. why is this hiatus bringing so many newfriends to us? this might be the worst thing that's happened since april 6th...

extremely funny AND cute. like a bagel, even.

>> No.75689396
File: 95 KB, 345x345, 1709946021899710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she did like this before or after it was posted /here/?

>> No.75689478

It's a kiss on the forehead , the camera follows her so it seemed like a mouth kiss, but she said it was on the forehead

>> No.75689589

Nice one, but i posted it because i saw it in her likes, it was there for a while before I made the post too

>> No.75689597
File: 594 KB, 2150x1518, 1695625139300525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're coping and she's coping
>stay looking straight into her eyes
>camera never gets low enough for your eyes to be at her neck level

>> No.75689690
File: 614 KB, 2640x3840, 1713071594256949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just wanted to confirm thx

>> No.75689761

>why is this hiatus bringing so many newfriends to us?
look at the views her hiatus and her apology acceptance from Camila have compared to the rest of her posts. If anything, this break with so many people addressing it (Neuro mentioned it in a stream as well and Filian was seen giving a message to Shondo) has given her more attention than ever. I imagine her return stream is going to break records for her and be the most watched stream she's ever done.

>> No.75689768

Stay mad, she's not a slut, kissing on the mouth is for sluts

>> No.75689805
File: 327 KB, 984x841, 1706860722344107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shondo expresses her hate of being viewed as 'menhera entertainment'
>posting clip of her from a channel called Shondo'sGrippySockJail right in her discord
Her mods not being schizo and shooting blatant anti behavior on the spot will always play a huge role in why we will never go back to a shondo golden age. The rot has become too severe.

>> No.75689846

This might just be wishful thinking, but i hope this wave of newfags brings some cool people that will stick around and that create stuff

>> No.75689898

yeah i get all other big chuubas retweeting it is putting a lot of eyes on her. gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh dealing with return stream will be torture esp if she doesn't do slow mode

>Stay mad
stay delusional. don't believe you're lying eyes.

>> No.75689989
File: 238 KB, 647x678, 1714906416527656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was a funny clip fuck you
if you're gonna derek, at least use actual criticisms

>> No.75689999

i'm pretty sure that she has actually liked clips from that channel before

>> No.75690113

>post criticisms
>chooses to disregard them
The content of the clip has nothing to do with anything I fucking said you retard.

>> No.75690190

you're the gayest and saddest anon on this thread

>> No.75690199

Spelling mistake, kill yourself(ironically) immediately(shondo said so)

>> No.75690249

And you need to kill yourself.

>> No.75690251
File: 578 KB, 739x707, 1703338460550237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shadow and (You)
>up in a tree

>> No.75690264
File: 64 KB, 1059x913, 1684978696987009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actual criticism (singular)
>duurrrr channel has meanie meme name durrr

it was a test to make sure your keeping vigilant and on you're toes

>> No.75690279

putting my pickle in the shunny

>> No.75690288

I liked her doing that, very sweet, very cute
Plays in my head every now and then

>> No.75690325

shoggers going 5 seconds without wanting to kill each other over the simplest arguments challenge

difficulty: impossible

>> No.75690374

>on you're toes

>> No.75690384

If she hates being the 'schizo streamer' or 'menhera entertainment' then why does she constantly bring it up and use it for jokes herself?

>> No.75690414
File: 3.89 MB, 528x648, you know what we doin [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fc5khx1.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75690458

>>75689396 Even if the answer was before, trending post are trending. Specially when many people that interact with her looked at it. A view is still an interaction even if we didn't put a like or a retweet on it

>> No.75690466
File: 1.96 MB, 629x583, 1710477106346449.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't catch "your keeping vigilant"
D-, shogga. study more and try harder.

>> No.75690474

Reread the part where I'm criticizing her useless mods. Outcast even acknowledged the name and the clip was posted by Dacrin. It's baffling how little of a fuck they give about preserving shondo's mental health in the long run by not shooting blatant antis on the spot.

>> No.75690488

Her mannerism in 3d is so adorable... I love my chibi wife

>> No.75690562
File: 79 KB, 597x1024, 1712097762158809m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God fucking dammit

>> No.75690613

rrrraaaaaaarggghhhh time to L I F T

>> No.75690657
File: 3.05 MB, 480x480, 1693993469799324.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's such a damn cutie patootie and chibi 3d just brings that out a lot. imagining the rtx model doing those movements made my heart go doki doki

it's ok. see after class for some 1-on-1 remediation.

>> No.75690830
File: 401 KB, 1550x2048, 1701471442017977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see [you] after class

>> No.75690851

you are genuinely losing your mind. go to bed or at least turn the internet off

shogga...was this one minute before her post or are you just that quick on the draw?

>> No.75690927

i replied to her tweet first

>> No.75690968

You need to do your fucking job Outcast.

>> No.75691176
File: 111 KB, 693x850, 1713350168378566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, i guess also ban the following anti's who also posted that channel in the discord: neonicide, hirosaijo, rand-man, shuba, oliverleo, and enjoyer_cx, right?
>b-but he posted it during the hiatus when she's actually starting to feel better!
wow, yeah you must think she's SUPER strong if she can't handle a channel name posted in a discord channel.
get a fucking life and stop worrying about other men so much, goshdamn

>> No.75691298

What'd he do besides poopie?

>> No.75691309

alright, i didn't see the drawing tweet just the emoji one

>> No.75691389

You listed people who act and are literally autistic and don't know better. Dacrin was namedoxing in her fucking art tag. And using those autistic darlings like this is pretty disgusting. Do your fucking job you lazy mods.

>> No.75691398

Her main now follows 1032 people

>> No.75691471
File: 346 KB, 561x567, 1693018081371907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read the post sillyhead, he posted a Shondo'sGrippySockJail clip in the p2w channel which is now a huge anti no-no it seems.

you literally started whining about him because he posted a clip, fag. you said you were going to sleep, som so fucking do it.

>> No.75691565

until she follows me i dont care

>> No.75691579

Somnium please go eep

>> No.75691641

Spain this, Japan that. No, the Netherlands!
Bitch, she was in France.

>> No.75691712
File: 1.26 MB, 1771x2508, 1697175239785174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but who was in Paris????

>> No.75691749


>> No.75691815

shondo i still need to know if you like or dislike bags under the eyes. i already did my height, wealth, old man and baldness reps

>> No.75692049


>> No.75692098

Shondo's friend, AH

>> No.75692305

If shondo was around for Hitler, he wouldn't have done what he did
All he needed was an imouto wife

>> No.75692313

>everyone talking about (you) lore
>the knowers

>> No.75692412

Don't worry dewd, you're definitely her BIG, strong man(emphasis on the BIG)

>> No.75692526

It's about vikings right? Don't know all of it though

>> No.75693274
File: 26 KB, 720x119, Screenshot_20240513_060505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminded me of the fire drip art
We looked so cool frfr

>> No.75693317
File: 3.78 MB, 640x550, 1702769571118487.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75693415
File: 8 KB, 636x542, 1714395151268677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75693691

Nice to see her working, hopefully she doesn't overwork and burn out(lol)

>> No.75693707
File: 10 KB, 658x819, 1699461941696108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would call you obsessed but then you would just say im obsessed with eating food and frankly i just dont have a response to that.

>> No.75693855
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>> No.75694520
File: 177 KB, 1092x988, 1691143934151441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after going through /lig/ i can confirm shondo is not a grifter or gold digger. if she was, she would be doing a lot more whoring like 50% of liggers.

cute goth wife. more goth/emo outfits please

>> No.75694584

she is a gold digger, but also incredibly lazy

>> No.75695268

i do like how after that shogga told s to go to bed, the bitching stopped.

>> No.75695977

she fibbed

>> No.75696325

Kinda doubt it was him shitting up the thread actually, if it were him then it'd mean he was still awake, and if he was still awake he would have replied to the tweet and or liked it at least
It's funny to think it was actually him though so I'll believe that

>> No.75696810


>> No.75696925

anthony hopkins

>> No.75697114

loved him in westworld

>> No.75697480

im going to bed
someone record the alt stream for me

>> No.75697636
File: 7 KB, 350x550, 1714837441234751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nini shogga
>alt stream
make sure to take you meds before bed

>> No.75697756
File: 3.94 MB, 480x426, eepyshon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone getting eepy, so am I

goodnight shoggas

>> No.75698005

>hitler mentioned
for how much you all say she's a member of the tribe, she does seem to love that painter.

>> No.75698156

She wasnt kissing big H

>> No.75698431

Goodnight, no alt stream though
Sleep well

>> No.75698590

>calling your darling wife ‘darling’ is autistic
yeah that shogger is just an actual schizo, an anti, or both.
she loves when you call her cute names. just rewatched a clip of her talking about how cute it was reading someone say “hows my shondo doing” and she loved hearing you call her “my shondo”.

>> No.75701141
File: 99 KB, 797x1024, 1715030829327917m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife is a lovely girl whom I love very much

>> No.75702721
File: 232 KB, 1943x1080, GIdgTV6awAElBxl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she owns my heart, soul and body forever
i hope one day i will own hers
we can make each other worse

>> No.75703351

Are you kidding me? She would've motivated Mr H enough to win WW2 for his 12% imoutowife.

>> No.75703522

I meant the jew killing, but yes i agree, if i were him and had shondo i would conquer the world and win WW2 by myself if I had to

>> No.75703577

Did she really bully and ban newfags for fun in her old discord group?
That's pretty based if she did.

>> No.75703828

Yes, then she couldn't take the heat when relevant beaners started giving her shit and sucking each other off. It went from haha bullying to /shon/ tier antiing in her own server.

>> No.75703931

Then she stopped doing it only to go on record in maros to directly blame newfags for causing problems later on.
>reaping/sowing etc

>> No.75703941

and yet people still think that she isn't doing that to her 'husbands' lmao

>> No.75704093

Banning for fun is not good desu

>> No.75704128

She isn't and she was never a subtle bully back in the day.

>> No.75704223

>directly blame newfags for causing problems later on
Lets be honest here, judging from the current newfag wave some definitely have been causing problems.
I kinda wish to see what exactly happened to evaluate that myself, but archived /vt/ pics from posts mentioning it are all 404.

>> No.75704667

TLDR it went from shit like 'Shadow is a loser NEET XDXD' to 'lmao bro how did Shadow not land that McDonald's job??? what a loser' Think of the sun lotion incident but on crack.

>> No.75704780

>She isn't
lol irl

>> No.75704837

I was curious what did she do with newfriends at the time.

>> No.75704845

>she was never a subtle bully back in the day
She has been shown to be a subtle bully in years since

>> No.75705063
File: 183 KB, 1792x2048, GMChfTiXEAAkyOK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my wife is such a blockhead

>> No.75706183
File: 1.33 MB, 960x1660, 105_copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she occupies my head and pays no compensation

>> No.75706736

This was so cute it matches the style to a t

>> No.75707586

With my case of cancer, surgery is scheduled for Friday. Survival is unlikely. Even then, if I survive, there's a good chance I'll be disabled. I may forget all of you or be able to write on a keyboard only after years rehabilitation.
I apologize for my selfish antics.
Please take care of your wife as I could not and will never be able to.
And thank you.
Don't neglect your health.

>> No.75707599
File: 895 KB, 716x617, 1715445476222878.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little did we know that the dancing purple dog has blown into one of the 7 trumpets of the apocalypse.
(This trumpet is actually a sax)

>> No.75707728


>> No.75707810
File: 142 KB, 319x299, image-38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Godspeed my shiggie...godspeed...

>> No.75708689

Reminder that it's canon lore that wigglys are in constant pain while dancing.

>> No.75709346

See you here next month, shogga.

>> No.75710489

It's ok, good luck.

>> No.75711329

I'm praying for you shogga

>> No.75713408

my shoggas are dying one by one, it's fucking over

>> No.75713614

shit man I'm sorry that you have to go through that. that sounds like one of my nightmares. i hope you make it and can see her smiling again.

>> No.75715404


>> No.75717822


>> No.75719945

Hope you make it!

>> No.75720083

Good luck with the surgery's outcome, I'll pray for your survival and for the surgeons to be able to do their job and complete the task with great success
Please live well

>> No.75720321

Damn I wish you a speedy recovery. I’m currently getting checked out for head related issues and am a bit scared that it may be cancer as well.

>> No.75720707

Nta, but I hope it's nothing of the sort and if it is then that it's nothing that can't be dealt away with

>> No.75721079

shoggas don't fuckin die on me! I farm brainworms sometimes but I justify it in my mentally ill mind as just trying to make you stronger, I don't hate any of you, I don't want you dead or in pain. I like most of you unironically. SadCat

>> No.75721244

i like most of you unironically but i won't pretend, i post brain wormy things to fuck with you

>> No.75721320

you guys need to be meaner to her, she friendzoned you for being too simpy

>> No.75721407

we can't. blame her mods and the groomers who report you, can't even call your punching bag wife a bitch without catching a perma

>> No.75721635

I don't necessarily like all of you, but that doesn't mean I dislike any of you either
You guys just... Suck... at times... Sometimes even going as far as disgusting me, but i love you nonetheless and I'm nise nonetheless, because you deserve it
Feels gay, but whatever
>she friendzoned you for being too simpy
Married couples are generally friends, but i know what you mean
>you guys need to be meaner to her
I tease and play into it pretty hard when she's being bratty :anger:
Where's that place me?

>> No.75721650

She just ignores your comment if you get too mean

>> No.75721704

Caption made me think of her

>> No.75721760

Ok Tuffnar. Btw it wasn’t one of groomsquad who reported you.

>> No.75721975

groomers and the groomsquad are a separate entity, for example: i could be considered a groomer but i'm not in the squadron. if you're going to whine to the mods about that you're grooming. but they complained to me in offline chat about it so it's not like there's no reason to suspect them either.
i don't really care anymore though i just thought it was a funny reply

>> No.75722107

Who cares about a dying cancer ridden shogger. He's not going to remember your fake kind words when he's dead

>> No.75722199

Go fuck yourself, if he feels the need to let us know about his health then it's clear that this community means something to him. His friends are probably mostly online like with a lot of people these days.

>> No.75722303

Poopie head
Stinker of a person

>> No.75722317

Lol irl
>If he feels the need to let us know
He wants attention like all of those types and you want to feel better about yourself and want to take a higher moral ground. Like donating to charity, it's a transaction. Just don't pretend to care about a number, not even a name, on your screen.

>> No.75722424

Yeah whenever I see a man stand up for his wife I typically think he must be a groomer. I thought the fact she authorized your ban might’ve made you realize you were being a piece of shit but apparently not. Can’t wait until you fuck up again retard.

>> No.75722448

I'm sorry that you've possibly been hurt in the past, but it doesn't excuse your behaviour syadouHmph
All it does is explain it, not justify it. Please be better

>> No.75722571

>and you want to feel better about yourself and want to take a higher moral ground. Like donating to charity
Your cynicism has made you into an actual chud sociopath, I just empathize with him because I took care of cancer patients personally.

>> No.75722694

>you want to feel better about yourself and want to take a higher moral ground. Like donating to charity, it's a transaction
I'm sorry you feel that way, life must be gross to live through with that sort of thinking
Maybe it's not, but that's what it seems like to me

>> No.75722981

Me with otis in a nightmare

>> No.75723523

shondo actually feeds off our lifespan, every time she takes a break, at least one prominent member of the community leaves or dies, this time she gave someone health issues and gave another anon lung cancer
this isn't funny anymore

>> No.75723624

t-thats ok cuz based on our warlock contract she gives us three lives and goop powers

>> No.75723655

Who's offline chat talking about? Can't see enough messages to get the context

>> No.75723748

for you to be standing up for her she would have to have been bothered by it and for me to be a piece of shit i would have had to mean it unironically. if you're not autistic (nonderogatory) you can tell i wasn't genuinely calling her a bitch. at worst she thought i was cringe, you weren't being a hero, she's a big girl and dealt with worse than autism with good intentions.
what you're doing is more like white knighting based on your perception and desire, so i'd lump that in on the lighter side of grooming
how can you be so adamant that i'm the bad guy then call me a piece of shit retard and want me to fuck up, i'll say for the 6th time now, i recognize i was over the line with all of that

>> No.75723800

Me at 7 am omw to work with her singing "we'll meet again"(from the 100k karaoke) at full volume(it's not loud enough)

>> No.75724025

everyone dies eventually. does that mean you can treat everyone like shit

>> No.75724060

>everyone dies eventually.
Not me though

>> No.75724441

If you recognize you were over the line quit defending your actions and blaming others for your ban.

>> No.75724467

Real husbands see all her skebs.

>> No.75724776


>> No.75725231
File: 649 KB, 960x585, 1714533634143006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute tiny child wife

>> No.75725396

cute but too child, peak fertility is 11-12

>> No.75725400

i wouldn't have to defend my actions if you wouldn't post about them in the most uncharitable way possible and frame it as me being a piece of shit.
a ban was deserved mostly, the only thing i blame you for is being purityfag and antiing me over your schizo headcanon
let me reassure again you it was just a shitpost, syadouPattheanon

>> No.75725589

move on fleece

>> No.75725653

You were defending your actions before I even said anything you fucking leech.

>> No.75725670

I still don't get what's wrong with purity

>> No.75725777

no, i white knight for my beloved, mr F is the one i'm talking to half the time
yeah that was the shitpost, i've said before /here/ and on twitter that it's deserved. i won't pretend like i wasn't baiting you though kek you had a right to get mad at first
nothing, it's the people who think she's some seiso child and get triggered over it that cross the line into purityfag

>> No.75725995

Keep baiting like this. I’ll be waiting until you pull some shit publicly again.

>> No.75726161
File: 74 KB, 896x672, 1710184009570177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waiting for a man

>> No.75726237

the post was meant to be more funyn than anything anon... i just knew it would have the by product of baiting you, my secret admirer
but i don't see how it's that serious, unironically can you explain why you're so upset about it

>> No.75726299
File: 765 KB, 720x720, 1713550332070113.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to be nise

>> No.75726973
File: 2.56 MB, 400x400, IMG_4708.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get that it was a joke Tuff; it was even funny at first. I thinkbyou just spammed it too much and thats why it became a problem.
Sorry about the triggered snowflakes who can’t hang.

>> No.75727068

Other than calling Shondo a bitch multiple times a stream?
mostly just because youre 4chan incarnate and constantly bringing up thread shit in chat which you were clearly doing mainly to bait other /shon/tards.
Also don’t think that just because I reported you means I hate you more than any other piece of shit in this community, you’re just stupid enough to do it publicly. I really wish groom squad was as retarded as you.

>> No.75727141

SyadouThink am I a piece of shit?

>> No.75727183

shondo, you do banepost? dont ya?

>> No.75727331

that's also true
>Sorry about the triggered snowflakes who can’t hang.
it's not just about that i don't really hate them and they don't bother me but my tongue is tied so :/
i don't see how you think the calling her a bitch lovingly is any worse than the :anger: grrr bratposting or ryonaposting it's the same concept. bitch is a lot edgier yeah i get that part is wrose, i just don't get why that makes you hate my character more for it other than seeing me as more autistic or something, i didn't mean it in a bad way
anyway, kek, based tb h

>> No.75727468
File: 72 KB, 758x845, IMG_4460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

next, call her a cunt (lovingly) hehehehehe

>> No.75727632

So happy olis back

>> No.75727639

more vitamins than shes eaten in months

>> No.75727872

I don’t like ryonaposting either, calling her a brat is much more playful and on brand for her character than calling her a bitch so I don’t care about that usually. I can’t really do anything about the ryonaposting because she usually plays along with it. She’s ignored you every time you’ve called her a bitch so it was pretty obvious she didn’t like it or find it amusing so I took a few screenshots and asked a mod if that was an ok way of addressing her. You can guess the answer.

>> No.75727955

tbf if i had a yandere stalker i would also call her a bitch
just cause shes cute doesnt mean she can cut off my balls like im a pet

>> No.75728144

yeah i knew all that, don't really want to talk about it here
it's the character judgment you made from it that i dislike, cause it wasn't out of malice

>> No.75728249

She is a stupid bitch though if we're honest.

>> No.75728275

what if you were in the saw scenario that anon posted a few months back, where you had to castrate yourself to get the marriage certificate?
she probably wrote that one herself, so answer carefully

>> No.75728434

cheater list grows.

>> No.75728457

she said that you shouldn't do that

>> No.75728505

she says we shouldn't do a lot of things, to be fair

>> No.75728584

i’m stronger than her so i won't have to *do* anything to get that certificate. i’m the jason to her teenagers in the woods…except the virgin girl is always the one to survive… shondo, naur :(

>> No.75728686
File: 3.99 MB, 600x279, IMG_6191.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this wife is rubbing her husbands back and being sweet and it’s making me sad and jealous and uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuj

just cause its true doesnt mean you need to say it, shonshon.
you’re hard on yourself enough as is.

>> No.75728806

look shadow! women hate!
‘member when you did that :D great times

>> No.75728846

look at those stubby little spider leg fingies, I want to compare hand size with her and kiss her hand

>> No.75729091

She's so boring now. The only woman she hates is herself and the only person that should be doing that is me

>> No.75729161
File: 367 KB, 645x791, IMG_6450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i’ll let you know how heartwarmingly blissful it is when i do it

>captcha: GRR8
apparently i turn into tony the tiger afterwards, that’s how great it is

>> No.75729848

it really doesn't. stop projecting your weird cuck fantasies onto shondo

>> No.75729884


>> No.75730000

I love her asmr so much bros, no one else even comes close. Her giggles and laughing during it are amazing!

>> No.75730005

He just added me to the list so it did actually grow

>> No.75730205

quads of quality

>> No.75731790

been cumming so much lately that my balls feel sore. i think they're inflamed. take responsibility, shondo :<

>> No.75731854

ren made her a whole ass game bros...

>> No.75731964

she made herself a game out of our affection

>> No.75732050

technically if she’s only menstruated less than a dozen times (if true) the. wouldnt her peak fertility rsnge be extended by a lot? not losing any eggs

>> No.75732104

more like her reproductive organs will shrivel up and die. use it or you'll lose it

>> No.75732109
File: 705 KB, 691x897, fertile-wife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine the deluge of eggs when she finally starts eating normally
extreme pregnancy mode

>> No.75732144

she doesnt have eggs anymore i sucked them all out through her shunny

>> No.75732154
File: 263 KB, 500x604, 1697773709552513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily check-in
Thread is shit as always

>> No.75732240

see you later

>> No.75732244

reminder that shoggers gamefied interactions with her to the point where she can't even like tweets without you fags keeping a tally and treating her like a dating sim heroine with an affection bar you're trying to raise not a human being

>> No.75732281

she sowed and now she reaps

>> No.75732363

of course it's her fault, no shogger would ever take responsibility, just like women

>> No.75732384

The Shon Reaper

like the grim reaper but fute

>> No.75732579

i have a few fan game ideas. just need to learn how to use shitass unity

>> No.75732587

things that are her fault are her fault and this is one of them

>> No.75732825

I think a good new policy for Shondo to give the middle finger to jealous shogger rats would be to only reply to god tier art from pros or borderline pros, the rest of "artists" should get a like of acknowledgement for their efforts. A 'git gud do better next time or stop embarrassing yourself' consolation prize.

>> No.75733087

if she really wants to end the rrat race, there’s only one solution: only talk to (me) and only like (my) posts and only follow (me) and only stream to (me).
the rest of you are just clogging up her timeline truth be told

>> No.75733182

Nothing good ever comes out of Shondo interacting with her retarded audience off-stream. Watch stream, post in chat, seethe that you're not as funny as D and shit yourself /here/ with your brainworms. The rest of us will have fun.

>> No.75733228

sure thing khaal
stay mad btw

>> No.75733414

I'm just glad to see more colour on her plate

>> No.75733467

Nise 200 calories shondo you stupid bitch

>> No.75733531

looks like she took my suggestion of how to be a better wife to heart, now that she's actually cooking again and sharing pictures of them with us, all that's left is to cook 2 portions and insinuate it's for us too
