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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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75362462 No.75362462 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.75362701

Low balled so hard it backfired lol

>> No.75362717

this chick is like that Sayu girl. whenever I hear about them its just drama, nothing about their stream content

>> No.75362819

Unlike sayu Mike doesn't stream. She does twitcast tho

>> No.75362829


>> No.75362934
File: 28 KB, 734x169, GNDiD1KaUAAurUj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is 5k yen standard?
also why expose business like this, just negotiate with her bro that is literally the reason there's a chat function

>> No.75363076

Stupid nip really killed his chance at a career with this.
It could be the most evil chuuba in the world, nobody wants to see you leak their busness DMs unless they say something inappropriate. Guy is 100% blacklisted now

>> No.75363253

Because it's currently socially acceptable to shit on her ever since she was marked as the folk devil or "oni". It's just another form of virtue signaling to show you side with the majority.

>> No.75363318

Fuck Mike but srsly why leak this, its just a scumbag move I feel

>> No.75363328

well then this nigga'd better start looking for a different occupation, most of the replies are bashing him for breeching contractual norms lel

>> No.75363586

Thought this was whatever, but damn he leaked the actual DM? What are you doing? Goodbye career.

>> No.75363660

Most replies are form mike simps. Dude don't have 1k followers he is a nobody lol

>> No.75363745

I think 5k is pretty low. An indie I follow said that her usual mixer asks for 10k per song and she eventually learned to mix herself to save money.

Doing this is not socially acceptable at all. Nobody is siding with this guy.

>> No.75363749

bro should be terminated for leaking this

>> No.75363864

i'm sure there are some mikeneko simps, but literally everyone is telling him he's retarded for leaking shit

>> No.75363921

It doesn't matter how many followers he has. He was obviously trying to make something happen doing this. Now it's definitely not going to happen.

>> No.75363965

damn shit's expensive, no wonder you'd learn to mix yourself
that said, at my hs we were taught fl studio in music class and it wasn't that hard to get into

>> No.75364076

She didn't lowballed his prices are in his bio and are between 2000-3000 yen which roughly translates to 20-30 so offering 120 dollars seems about right. He however was a petty asshole to her.

>> No.75364094

>Please send your requests via DM! Here are my prices!
>Wtf you sent a request via DM? My prices are actually higher if you're famous lol
fuck this dude what a psycho

>> No.75364135
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who gave female pagpags the rights to speak? we need to revoke it again

>> No.75364159

buddy it's only acceptable to shit on a folk devil if doing so doesn't get percieved as him trying to start shit, and in this case that's clearly failed

>> No.75364210
File: 231 KB, 363x451, 1713757914728167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

requesting four songs isn't that bad when you know she got the money. What request 1 song then wait for months for everything to come together and then request the next thing while his commissions are filled up to the rim?

>> No.75364283

They're pretty much the same person, only difference is Sayu Didnt deserve to get fired at all, while Mikeneko 100% did.

>> No.75364298

He's having a menhera artist moment.

>> No.75364326

Here's one of the mixers that my indie uses. I presume she gets the utattemita pack which is regularly 11k. It has more than just mixing but I assume that's probably what any singer expects from a mixer in any case.

>> No.75364339

she asked for a full course which he has listed at 5k yen

>> No.75364440

11k for all options
damn mixers be making bank

>> No.75364459

>sexual assault jokes
>jew jokes
>open pedophilia
>false advertisement
>betrayed the trust of everyone she worked with
>after getting fired for being a piece of shit kept throwing everyone else under the bus with "woe is me" speeches
>Didn't deserve it
I hate this place and I hate you easy simps.

>> No.75364501

this feels personal. probably was one of her oshi before the drama happens kek.

>> No.75364588

I don’t see any other way to interpret it

>> No.75364658

Why the fuck would you leak this? Piece of shit.

>> No.75364689
File: 66 KB, 526x456, 1699437851349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mate I think Sayu is shit and is right up there with Mikeneko in being a complete manchild in vtuber form, but look at the shit other people in her former company pulled and tell me her termination was fair in any way.

>> No.75364742

this dude seems like a bitch, if you don't want to work with her just say no instead of leaking shit lol
who's gonna want to work with someone who has shown they will leak your negotiations for no reason

>> No.75364787

Go back to nyfco pagpag-chan
Oh wait

>> No.75364863

I'm amazed mikecucks are still wasting their energy defending her here

>> No.75364921

Ok but enough about enna, the pedophile with naked babies in her phone

>> No.75364945

A broken clock is right twice a day. For once she did nothing wrong at all here.

>> No.75365018

sure thing mikecuck, you're trying too hard

>> No.75365239

Ok, what'd she do wrong here then? Prove me wrong

>> No.75365630

idk, sounds like projection ngl desu

>> No.75365971
File: 189 KB, 1284x1549, 1690686477420604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are people out there that unironically believe this
Can you imagine?

>> No.75366095

So she started negotiation on a discount because she ordered 4 songs. No one has ever haggled prices! What a dumbass.

>> No.75366416

I just looked and this isn't true. There are a lot of simps but there are also some youtube musicians and a few other mixers telling him he is retarded.

>> No.75366807

These are all people who either outright hate Mike or just believe that her bad reputation is deserved and they're on her side on this one.

>> No.75366989

The mixer is a retard, charging a standard price then backtrack on his agreement because he found out she famous. Jp shit on him for being a retard.

>> No.75367455

as a massive mikeneko anti, the only stupid thing she did here was contact a literal who to commission mixes for a 3d live, probably because her reputation is so in the gutter that nobody else would accept.

>> No.75367922
File: 431 KB, 1080x1573, 231911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He made a defensive "apology" tweet, people bashed him for keeping the original tweet up, and looks like he nuked them both now.

>> No.75368642

Then go on the /ss/ thread you fucking retard. They ACTUALLY talk about her streams and not drama there.
Fucking catalogueniggers man.
>I click on all the drama threads and ignore the generals but the drama threads I click on only discuss drama!

>> No.75368898
File: 129 KB, 350x314, GEn-bljXUAADi5S.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes i agree

>> No.75369699

I'm not the biggest fan of michael cat and I think this is pretty fucked.
The fuck do you gain from leaking this? This is just actual bullying.

>> No.75371323

>>jew jokes
oy vey anudda shoah

>> No.75371590
File: 78 KB, 1200x1055, 1000002369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whaet? Fucking retard thought he can act all unprofessional just because Miguel is a lolcow kek

>> No.75371640

I think she is one of the rare cases where a lobotomy is actually for the best so she won't harm anyone again through her self destructive actions.

>> No.75371678

Retard, read the thread at least

>> No.75371679

sayufags so over defensive kek

>> No.75372069

>Then go on the /ss/ thread you fucking retard.
we'd prefer if he didn't.

>> No.75372810

GWS retardchama

>> No.75372903

Hitler tried to warn us, but we didn't listen.
