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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 40 KB, 600x600, mori-calliope-portrait-66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
75323660 No.75323660 [Reply] [Original]

Isn't she kinda gross? She says fuck all the time.
She has a foul mouth.

Besides, she can't do vibrato like Gura can. Her singing skills are overrated.

>> No.75323773

holy fucking mother of tourist

>> No.75323973

Yeah bro I stan her. I can't wait to see her at the next Hollowfest. Yago chose well.

>> No.75324110

The instant she started calling herself "ya boi" I dropped her.

>> No.75324117

You dont understand anon. Shes really improved over the years. She so feminized now! She used to my most hated now shes my most watched.

>> No.75324393

man, me too! the feminization aspect is what really brought me back to her, paired with the fact that stuff that happened, like the things OP mentioned, were months ago -- MONTHS ago!

>> No.75324404

Did she lose weight?

>> No.75324531

Fuck off, faggot spammer. Go get raped by your father again.

>> No.75324726

Mori really has some the strangest/cringy antis on the boards
Niggas try to argue with a strawman of a position they created themselves, about a vtuber they don't watch and then try to parody that same strawman

>> No.75325320
File: 106 KB, 1024x569, 1714839962165052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "improved and feminized" thing started from mori threads that posted a picture of mori and how she supposedly changed how she is. People started to notice the pattern of random mori threads popping up trying to convince people to watch her. Which spawned this picture as a meme. And now people type "improved and feminized" whenever a new mori thread pops up. Idk if its antis or actual mori fans making these threads now.

>> No.75325706

the "pattern" always starts with retards who regularly watch neither and either want to justify to themselves why they enjoyed someone the board doesn't on or is meant to invite shitposts against the perceived change
it applies to other talents to some degree and produce similarly retarded infographics (ex. "is Fauna becoming more parasocial?" > retarded picture with not your friend quote > even dumber schizo arguments follow)

>> No.75325869

You think actual Deadbeats were behind that? Look at their thread once and a while.

>> No.75325918

>Idk if its antis or actual mori fans making these threads now
It's painfully fucking obvious it's all dull and unoriginal schizos trying a make thinly anti threads, where they make an overly-complementary statements (that they don't believe) toward a subject (that they don't like) so that they can then samefag disagree with the OP that they made
You'd have to be a bit retarded to think actual fans make these thread since they basically follow the exact same flow chart of:
>OP: "Pink women good" default_mori_png
>Samefag: "No! Pink women bad" x50
>Thread gets bumped off page 10
It's literally the exact same shit every single thread lol

>> No.75326446

There are, some very, very pathetic "people."

>> No.75326484


>> No.75326503


>> No.75326582 [DELETED] 

>Idk if its antis or actual mori fans making these threads now.
Cuckbeats will claim it's antis when they get btfo, but they're the ones making the threads. They admitted it in their own thread many moons ago.

>> No.75326641

The threads are made by the same people who spam those "refutation" images. Post a default Mori OP, post some stale bait, wait for thread to almost fall off catalog, bump it again and insult Mori and Deadbeats as if they're responsible. It's easy to track posting patterns and image filenames, an IP counter is not necessary. You don't need to be an Amelia Watson to see what's going on.

>> No.75326687

I dont mind a potty mouth, my actual oshi swears a lot and talks about poopoo peepee but she's a genuine sweetheart beyond such surface things.

I dont like Mori because there isnt anything more to her than the surface, there are no deeper thoughts or feelings or care for her friends or her fans, everything about her is performative and ladder climbing

>> No.75326770

>uses "Niggas"
>implies *other* people are cringy
anon, I...

>> No.75326972

lol she's so fucking fake. she's not even brave enough to use the hard R for "gangster"

>> No.75327373

>Post clearly referring to what that other anon's post
>"she's so fucking fake"
I'm convinced these threads have to be filled with bots, cause there's no way your reading comprehension is this shite

>> No.75327599

Outing yourself here, Cuckbeat. My meaning is obvious. I am of course refering to her use of "niggas" as opposed to the proper term. Do yourself a favour and keep silent, rather than show everyone that you are a fool.

>> No.75327669

It's a small group of tards running off the same scripts. Reciting insults and claims they don't even know the meaning of. One has been calling her a tranny lately and I can only suspect it's because "your boy" goes entirely over its head.

>> No.75327730

>implying "your boy" doesn't actually want to be a boy

>> No.75327810

You're talking about shit which was years old and her being an edgy teen. Forgive her for trying to seem hip-hop gangsta and not dropping the hard R for no reason. Though I will against you drop it against you, saaR.

>> No.75327892

>edgy teen
lmao "nigga" is edgy? Okay, you cowardly nigger faggot.

>> No.75327899

(you) for effort

>> No.75327979

Retard, it was always antis since the start, and now he's mindbroken because even catalog normies called them out on it

>> No.75328033

Damn Anon, you're so hardcore.

>> No.75328092

>My meaning is obvious. I am of course refering to her use of "niggas" as opposed to the proper term
Then you'd be be even MORE retarded considering most people contemporary use "nigga" because "nigger" would only be used in a context of trying to be racist, are you ESL?
>Do yourself a favour and keep silent, rather than show everyone that you are a fool.
You type like an edgy redditor lmao

>> No.75328100

Deflecting Deadbeat.

>> No.75328151

>"nigger" would only be used in a context of trying to be racist
You do not belong here. Fuck off back to twitter

>> No.75328239

Calli is my wife.
>She says fuck all the time.
That's hot.

>> No.75328253
File: 26 KB, 367x500, 510[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"You do not belong here. Fuck off back to twitter"

>> No.75328478
File: 100 KB, 1894x405, 0165453564576347765878475463634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine posting this on 4chan

>> No.75328564

>She says fuck all the time.
Imagine the sex.

>> No.75328709 [DELETED] 

Loud but boring. Starfishope Mori has only two things going for her and she's probably gone to the doctors to cut them off.

>> No.75328949

she's my oshi don't really care if you don't like her

>> No.75329045

Are you genuinely, unironically trying to argue that "Nigger" and "Nigga" are not two entirely different words with two entirety different use cases?
I can only assume you're so sheltered retarded from a country with no black people in it
>imagine posting this on 4chan
What the fuck does being on 4chan with understanding how language works?

>> No.75329214

They are the same word. One version is used by weak, pathetic pussies, the other by actual people.
>I can only assume you're so sheltered retarded from a country with no black people in it
Oh, if only. Not having to deal with you and yours would be amazing.

>> No.75329351

the threads also started to be made twice as often when IP counts got masked, which was particularly funny since people started to notice how they stuck in place while entire chains of shitposts materialized in threads about to be bumped off

>> No.75329869
File: 263 KB, 1124x1667, 1710968253552195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, I used to be a big hater but she has become extremely feminine and much better now. The next thing I knew, she had become the vtuber I watch the most. You should like her now.

>> No.75329905
File: 97 KB, 1200x675, Examples-of-Root-Words-45-Common-Roots-With-Meanings-22_8e29015486[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll give you a quick english lesson since I'm bored
>They are the same word
They are not, learn what a "root word" is. Nigga's root word is Nigger, but that's were their similarities end
>One version is used by weak, pathetic pussies, the other by actual people.
No retard-kun, Nigga is a term of an endearment
In the same vein as calling someone bro, dude, buddy pal, etc
Nigger is an ethnic slur
Typically directed at people of African decent
Two entirely different words, with two entirely use cases
>Oh, if only.
Ok, so you're just mentally retarded then, I figured as much but it's nice to have conformation

>> No.75330088

doggystyle sex with a condom in mori's filthy room as she keeps a training bra on so her fat titties won't bounce around

>> No.75330210 [DELETED] 

So many words to say absolutely nothing. It is simply this: "Nigga" is the censored version of "Nigger". You are just a trembling coward, afraid of being cancelled on social media. Cope harder weakling.

>> No.75330246

"what up my nigger" just doesn't sound the same

>> No.75330343

this particular schizopost reminds me of Mori having a very time limited solo interview with the lead of Oral Cigatettes, meant to promote her favorite song on her new album and she spent a third of the time shilling Ollie's cover of their song to the dude

https://youtu.be/bSO-FNCQ7wQ?si=oty0iJy7N6XsjmzV Ollie's reaction still makes me smile

>> No.75330388

>You are just a trembling coward
>Cope harder weakling.
This shit is so cringy dude lmao, please tell me your trolling

>> No.75330399

feminized and improved

>> No.75330572 [DELETED] 

Yes, it does you stupid faggot. They are the same, they are pronounced the same. Do you go up to a nigger all "WassUP mah nigAH?" and then when he tells you at fuck off you reply with "Well to Davy Jones' locker with you, nigARRRRRR!!!!"?

>> No.75331370
File: 62 KB, 275x255, 1706329404778889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my wife Mori Calliope and I think it's cute and silly that she says a lot of swear words.

>> No.75331695

you tried making an ironic strawman but accidentally described reality

>> No.75332231 [DELETED] 

Ahahahahahahahahahahahaha oh my god you cowardly peice of shit! You actually do that?! Oh man you Cuckbeats are all little lefty basedfaggots aren't you? Do you also uniornically use "yikes" and "we don't do that here"?

>> No.75333823

no but i say nigga when im happy and nigger when im pissed off

>> No.75334095
File: 1.76 MB, 1675x2048, GM63cCjaUAALbfA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori is Drake's 3rd baby mama

>> No.75334298 [DELETED] 

So that's a yes on being a homoxesual who consumes bean milk, then. Read the following to receive enlightnment: They're the same word, it's only negro hypocrisy repeated by media that makes you think there's a difference.

>> No.75334389

probably 1-2 burgers worth of weight

>> No.75334476

they may be the same word but they do not have the same spelling, pronunciation, or context

>> No.75334531

No it’s just sad people that have spent too much money on her to admit they are cucks
But this is the life they chose, you can pity them, but it’s pointless to try and change them

>> No.75334567

lmao the absolute state of Cuckbeats

>> No.75335355

>ad hominem
Thanks, I'm glad we agree

>> No.75335615

>hurr durr I akkept yoor comsesshunz
You are and always will be a stupid faggot. Seriously, you actually tried to argue 'yes, they're the same word but I'm still right when I say that they're not'. I pity your parents, imagine birthing such a substandard creature.

>> No.75335833

>you actually tried to argue
That's your problem, you treat this like the debate club while I'm actually stating my opinion (which is immutable because it is based on fact)

>> No.75335910

Your opinion is based on nothing. Your opinion is the opposite of whatever my opinion is. Do you see how this could be a problem for you?

>> No.75336024

>gets btfo'd
>claims muh opinion
>still claims to be right
Man, you have so much egg on your face that you look like one of Kiara's antis.

>> No.75336093

Seethe harder, nigger. Oh. Sorry. Nigg"a". Feel better?

>> No.75336123

But my opinion is right, because my opinion is facts are real.

>> No.75336199

Let me ask you something different.
If nigger and nigga are the same, how come you never call anybody on this board a nigga?

>> No.75336536

Well, why would I call you a faggot instead of a hecking poofterino?

>> No.75336608


>> No.75336676

>Oh yes, harder daddy
this faggot might be the dumbest person I've seen on this site, the fact that they're so conceited about it makes it even funnier

>> No.75336863

>not Master
Get on my level, reddit filth.

>> No.75337393

you think calling out logical fallacies is reddit libtard behavior, I wouldn't laugh

>> No.75337427

I like her One Piece song as well as the others on her album. Far from being my kamioshi but she's dorky and has fat tits so I like her

>> No.75337519

shut up nigga/er

>> No.75337544
File: 60 KB, 305x700, data oh wait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>logical fallacies
>implying you even know what those are nevermind how to spot them

>> No.75337793

My pronouns are nigga/nigger.

>> No.75337800

>implying you even know what those are nevermind how to spot them
sir... look at the address in your browser

>> No.75337887


>> No.75340952

is mori getting a breast reduction surgery? i just saw her live on youtube

>> No.75345524

Her design is just a poorly made Megurine Luka rip-off.

>> No.75346511

I can sense the overwhelming level of estrogen over the monitor, kys

>> No.75346597

I heard it was knee surgery because they can no longer support her
