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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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75114651 No.75114651 [Reply] [Original]

>will raid literally ANYONE but dokibird
Makes you think, huh?

>> No.75114729

No. It damn sure doesn't.

>> No.75114812

It does. I’m tired of pretending it doesn’t.

>> No.75114872

It makes me think you are a faggot, OP.

>> No.75116387

makes me think nijiniggers are still seething.

>> No.75116865

is she raiding nijis too?

>> No.75117485

After seeing what you niggersanjis did to fuwamoco these few days, I'm glad she didn't raid doki.

>> No.75117516

pomucuck still coping that she is not part of the clique anon,pls andastan

>> No.75117554

She's part of a fucking relay karaoke, you impotent shit stirrer.

>> No.75117623

She's on the right side of vtuber history

>> No.75118274

imagine how much hate she would get if she did from the sisters. doki probably just said it's aight and pulled a coco trying to protect hachaama.

>> No.75118482

not surprised considering she's a nyfco sister

>> No.75118548
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Imagine wanting vtubers to be like highschool cafeteria cliques instead of just enjoying streams
Who cares mate, both of them seem happy now and thats all that matters.

>> No.75118639
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>is part of a karaoke relay
>raids the next person in the relay

>> No.75118728

She hadn't raided anybody until today's karaoke relay.

>> No.75118773

Dokibird seems to want nothing to do with Niji let alone Ex-Nijis except U-San who isn't even involved in this anyway. I'm pretty sure she told them(Ex-Nijis) to leave her alone. Also this >>75118639

>> No.75118877

Only that you sisters will use any pretext, no matter how flimsy, to try and win an argument you lost months ago. It's pathetic, and you really need to get off of this obsession before it destroys you completely.

>> No.75119083

That only covers one stream retard

>> No.75119109

>Dokibird seems to want nothing to do with Niji let alone Ex-Nijis
>U san
whats next? source: trust me bro?

>> No.75119330

She never raided anyone after any of her other streams, making OP a lying faggot

>> No.75119408

Learn to read retard. U-san is the exception because U-San wasn't involved. U-San wasn't around when shit when down.

>> No.75119504

You're replying to OP and yes OP is a lying faggot.

>> No.75119655
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>> No.75119905
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actual gossiping schoolgirls on this board.
never change.

>> No.75120241

it's called sisters
that's where it comes from

>> No.75120371

can't upset the clique now, they have power over her. Why she left nijiEN will forever be a mystery.

>> No.75120467 [DELETED] 

Has she raided her left boob that was cut off years ago?

>> No.75120584

Even Sayu?

>> No.75121249

Neither still hasn't directly referenced the other.
Mint has indirectly referenced Doki, and Doki showed the Pomudachi. But that's as close as we've gotten so far.

>> No.75121271

mint is just being smart, nobody who wants to maintain a friendly relationship with jp corpos wants to get anywhere near that blacklisted grifter turd.

>> No.75121427

Does Doki and Mint have any mutual friends?
The key to get them to collab is to find their mutual friends who can make a big collab and "trick" them into collabing together. In like Among Us, Goose Goose Duck, Crab Game, etc.

>> No.75121573

unironically I think I might have more respect for the people who watch this shit for the petty high school drama than the full on coomers

>> No.75121596

how does OP have 16 (you)s when he was already proven to be a lying faggot in the same thread
are you people even humans or are you just AI chatbots programmed to scan the catalog for this week's rage bait

>> No.75121914

Nah don't try to act like some impartial third party you disengenuous fuck, there's nothing lower than a grown ass man caring about high school drama shit.

>> No.75122426

why didnt Doki graduate like a normal person and not cause some drama?

>> No.75122511

Bad bait

>> No.75123180

Doki burned every bridge. Good on her for not taking shit from kurosanji, but the circumstances of her termination have basically ensured she's a legal risk to do business with. She'll continue to decline until irrelevance. You may not like it, but this was entirely predictable.

>> No.75123698

protip: this happens in literally every catalog thread
you'll see people talking about discredited catalog narratives even if the OP is blatantly lying or taking things out of context

>> No.75124124

Wasn't allowed to. Doki wasn't even allowed to move on peaceably after her termination.

Despite the public slander, harassment by corporate scumbags and minions, and the black company video, Doki is thriving. She has greater reach now, greater control, more corporate sponsors, makes better bank, and is still relevant.

Unfortunately for all the rest of us, you sisters can't handle it - which is why we have to put up with your bullshit threads every day.

>> No.75130025


>> No.75130734

The actual mass delusion that everything wrong with vt is due to the nijisister boogeyman and not faggots like this who cant go a day without mentioning the imaginary NDF

>> No.75131255

It feels like an all out war lol

>> No.75131434

I wasn't inclined to believe it the first hundred threads, but this one finally convinced me that Dokibird is irredeemable and I was wrong about Nijisanji being a black company. Thank you OP.

If only I could post this declaration on Nina's Nyfco page and get a lot of upvotes.

>> No.75137044
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I don't think

>> No.75139131


>> No.75139619
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Yeah I am sure they all just gave up and went back to their huts when their doxxsite went down. No particular reason for the upshot of bait threads since that happened, no sir.

>> No.75142577

>implying doki needs the help

>> No.75143693
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>> No.75144377
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>doki on twitch
That said she gets a hilarious amount of subs despite not streaming on twitch. Twitch allegedly loves her because she brings in money without using up any bandwidth.

>> No.75145189

Actually Mint and Doki still talk behind the scenes.
They don't interact on stream because Mint wants to join a corpo, and Doki doesn't want to ruin her chances with the drama attached to her name.
See I can make shit up too, retard.

>> No.75146583

The thing about that one is that it's entirely likely considering both of their personalities and actions.

>> No.75148333
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>> No.75152781


>> No.75153433

Gossip is cooming for women.

>> No.75154944
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>> No.75155232
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kys, tourist

>> No.75155808
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>> No.75156224

Based batat

>> No.75157141

vtubing already is that you idiot

>> No.75157161

Stop posting bait threads and start posting "bate" threads. (You)'ll be a lot happier

>> No.75158097


>> No.75158143

based. doki is a grifter who collabed with plappa

>> No.75160650

I've never seen Mint raid anyone...

Also I've never seen anyone raid Doki. Does she even have it enabled? Gotta turn that shit on with Youtube.

>> No.75161955

I don't know. I've seen her raid herself before, but that was about it. Dunno if you need to turn it on to raid yourself.
