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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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74540046 No.74540046 [Reply] [Original]

Perokino Edition
Previous Thread >>74531290

>Upcoming Stream
holo DOROKEI 2024 Practice
>Previous Stream

>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list)

>Thread Template

>> No.74540172
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>> No.74540320
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>> No.74540349

its over guys. im quitting vtuebrs

>> No.74540783

based pero

>> No.74540788

her art's not THAT bad...

>> No.74540793

It seems like a bad idea to put a schedule for subs endurance. Nerissa won't even reach 665k at this rate...

>> No.74540855
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>> No.74540877

based satan

>> No.74540882

you only need to sub once you don't need to watch all 6 hours of it

>> No.74540904

What's so fucking great about 1M subs, anyways?

Even if we assume this whole shitstorm is so they can get their "wish", and then everything will go back to normal, what could they possible wish for that could be so important, and that they'll actually get?

>> No.74540921


>> No.74540925

No more threads should be made until May 6

>> No.74540942

I didn't.
Because drinking once a day and drinking multiple times a day are two different actions that you are conflating as similar because they both involve drinking.
It's why, if somebody spent years only drinking socially, began to drink several days a week alone, it'd be a dramatic change and completely unlike the person. Even though both included alcohol.

>> No.74540952

thats fucking nothing and wont get better even if she doesnt use it
they know that and arent streaming due the concernfags complain not to "get rest"
just like they dont do gorillas due the 24 hours notice retardation

>> No.74540983

I will keep making them as soon as they die

>> No.74541005

They need 1 mil subs or Mococo disappears, she was the wish.

>> No.74541009

Makes it all more impressive FWMC got 5k subs in 2 hours for the Suika 800k batsu

>> No.74541018

>Just because they broke promises because they wanted numbers you think they'd break promises for numbers?
uh, yeah?

>> No.74541032

It gives them a raise, cover has preference and 'unlocks' for holomembers over 1M.
The one year is nothing to do with it but management probably put it in their autistic heads and they agree that they made a goal and want to meet it even though they ruined their chances by moving already.

>> No.74541035

They've hurt me more than I ever thought possible.

>> No.74541066

Having 1M subs is a massive milestone and achievement which opens doors to many new opportunities.
Yes, It means they won't slow down and will keep overexerting themselves even after reaching 1M.

>> No.74541087

the thread on may 6th will be bitching that they're taking a few days off after GW, might want to make it 9th or 10th

>> No.74541090

To transition to HoloJP fulltime and finally fully abandon 90% of the fans who pushed them for over a year

>> No.74541098


>> No.74541109

should've broken it up into shorts streams

>> No.74541117

i love fuwamoco so much

>> No.74541120
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[serious] can someone explain to me how we're back to time looping the doomspiral when they literally had an offcollab stream plus fwmc morning episode like, not even 12 hours ago...?

>> No.74541132

Management will unironically give them brownie points and special treatment

>> No.74541136

You get a fucking wish from the Yagoo dragon balls

>> No.74541160

>holo DOROKEI practice still going on
What? The practice isn't still going on cause Mococo is sick. They said they'll still join the EVENT itself.
It would be beyond fucked to still do the practice since it's in between the two cancelled EN streams

>> No.74541165

That's it, I'm gonna bust to koyori

>> No.74541171

their pledge got me to let my guard down, feel like a fucking idiot for falling for it

>> No.74541173

It's a crazy difference. I wonder how much of it was due to the vertical #shorts format or the JST primetime

>> No.74541182

They just cancelled multiple streams and while Mococo herself isn't dying yet, her voice sure is and it's solely her own fault despite our best efforts.

>> No.74541187

They just canceled 2 streams, 3 technically and they were all EN streams before JP week.

>> No.74541202 [DELETED] 

They wouldn't even look at it to begin with. But you wouldn't know that since you don't watch streams.

>> No.74541209

fat coyote tits

>> No.74541214

she's not sick she just can't talk

>> No.74541222
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I'll get to watch it

>> No.74541243

I have some bad news for you anon.

>> No.74541244

The high from the Koyori streams got cancelled out by them cancelling two streams which are their last EN streams before golden week and whatever that entails

>> No.74541257

Because that was unironically the final confirmed EN stream for 10 days. Maybe we're wrong and the next schedule is less scary than they said, but there's no indication of that

>> No.74541270

The other anons have already said it, but it's cause they cancelled their only EN streams this week, which means they won't talk about their schedule on stream with their EN audience or address anything at all for a few weeks

>> No.74541278

Some combination of shitposters menhera and schizos. For me the collabs got me really excited for Golden Week

>> No.74541283

>Why are people doomposting about them abandoning EN fans for JP when they had a JP collab this morning and cancelled their EN collab because of it?
Did you fail an intelligence check or something?

>> No.74541296


>> No.74541303

be honest do you trust fuwamoco or not?

>> No.74541321

Massive milestone and lots of opportunities which are almost exclusively going to happen in Japan since they want to be idols.
That's why they're focusing on getting a japanese fanbase, they're the key to their success.

>> No.74541332

Anon the practice is in Japanese, they're keeping that stream. Only 2nd tier streams were dropped.

>> No.74541334

I used to.

>> No.74541340

Why is there never, EVER a girl worth trusting
It's not hard to not betray somebody else
Hell, it's fucking HARDER to betray somebody than to not
So why?
Yes, there are schizos are pyschopaths galore, but all I wanted is one(or two I guess in this case) fucking woman that I could trust to keep her word, literally nothing else
Why is such a small, insignificant request such a herculean task

>> No.74541338

I blame this guy https://x.com/83fable/status/1783734319208358378

>> No.74541366

Not as much as before

>> No.74541386

I trust them with many things.
However I no longer trust them with taking care of their health and no longer trust them with ability to rein in the cancerous parts of fanbase.
It doesn't feel good.
I do trust them with everything else though.

>> No.74541392

we literally told him how though

>> No.74541394

Frankly, no. I'm going to see where this goes, If they stop doing substantial numbers of EN streams post-GW, I'm canceling membership and giving it to fucking shiori.

>> No.74541399

I trust that they care about us and always want to make us happy
I don't trust that they are perfect and can't fuck up along the way

>> No.74541408
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did they explicitly say anything, cause their tweet just says this? I don't know why they'd cancel Minecraft then if they're just gonna stream later in the day anyway?
I think you're just making stuff up

>> No.74541413

Has to do with JP time and FWMC having JP mindshare. Remember they also got 7k subs for the Mario Kart new years tournament/the 700k batsu all within 5 hours in the dead of night for burgers.

>> No.74541420

I never trusted them. I don't trust anyone else either though

>> No.74541427

not anymore tbdesesu
the pledge roped me in because it seemed insane to do that and not stick to it, like even Rushia didnt go that far

>> No.74541442

Just leave and quit bitching. They won't even notice you're gone but we will because threads will be better.

>> No.74541452

Not as much as previously. I am not against then but I've switched from blind trust to 'show me and I'll believe you'

>> No.74541460
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Since they've moved to Japan they have cancelled 20% of their streams.

>> No.74541463

Not anymore.

>> No.74541477

The shouldn't make big promises and then breaking them. I know it's not malicious but it makes me sad

>> No.74541489

>those replies
ruffians are broken…

>> No.74541493

I don't trust Fall Guys anon anymore

>> No.74541498


>> No.74541515

>no one's even posting the pledge anymore because ruffians know that deep down in their heart of hearts that fuwamoco betrayed them and didn't protect their smile

>> No.74541519

You can put CANCELLED times two on the Minecraft stream.
Such a punch in the gut.

>> No.74541526

This. I don't think they are "lying" but they are promising things they can't deliver on. And that still hurts all the same.

>> No.74541538

The practice is required for the event (everyone will be there). They may not have a POV if Mococo can't talk

>> No.74541543

nobody joined, gonna watch something and sleep, see you guys for dorokei

>> No.74541547

I do because they established that they’re trustworthy. They cried thinking about disappointing us. There is no real reason for me to distrust them.

>> No.74541555

Ok the Ollie one wasn't their fault

>> No.74541561

I trust that they love us and that they BELIEVE all the things they've said over the last 8 months. The fact that they cried during the mengen stream for 2 hours is proof that they know they kinda fucked up.
They made dumb assurances they NEVER should have made in the first place, cause they always knew deep down that they wanted to stream in JP more.

>> No.74541598

Because they are about to do a week of JP streams and collabs with senpai and they think it would be bad to miss this practice. Time with EN ruffians is always negligible and cancellable but JP streams are non negotiable. They love them.

>> No.74541601

I'm glad I have multiple backup plans. I still wish I will be able to consider them my #1 though...

>> No.74541611

"Actions speak louder than words"
I trusted both their words and actions, but their actions told me I can't trust what they say

>> No.74541617

Yes. Because they can make mistakes. It's dumb to think they're perfect. I know some people are shitposting here, but they did indeed hurt a portion of their fans and lost trust.
I'll still believe them when they say they care even if they're retarded sometimes.

>> No.74541619

trying too hard

>> No.74541632

girls cry all the time as they betray you, they want to be able to stab you in the back and the front and still feel like they're good people doing it

>> No.74541647

The thing is the promises themselves are sweet. They tell me exactly what I want to hear from them. But then to go back on those things and for sub numbers just feels yucky

>> No.74541654

>they cried so everything is fine now, all is forgiven
bruh are you guys for real right now? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills here but wtf?

>> No.74541669
File: 1.77 MB, 1920x1080, fwmc idol pledge[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fqw09by.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that guy only posts it like once every 3 threads

>> No.74541682

Mococo kept repeating "actions speak louder than words" yet their actions have been the opposite of their words.

>> No.74541681

Call me menhera all you like, but given that they said in no uncertain terms that they're okay if EN ruffian's can't/don't watch JP streams, I think they are more upset of the idea of disappointing people than the actual feelings of the people they are disappointing.

>> No.74541693

>The practice is required
Ah, gotcha. That makes it better then, I suppose. I didn't see it on the other girl's schedules, so I assumed FWMC were just going cause they wanted to

>> No.74541701

Women have been using this trick on weak men since the dawn of time. It works.

>> No.74541725

Bau bau

>> No.74541742

Entire problem is Mococo has been speaking words loudly which results in her not being able to perform actions. Dumb dog.

>> No.74541752


>> No.74541754

Sorry I’ve been sleeping more and rotting in bed and I can’t post it from my phone

>> No.74541782

>When my barker doesn't work so good, I'll only do the Japanese streams.

>> No.74541787

The official POV is on Iroha's channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZbCZoSs8DU

>> No.74541813

Because of the canceled Minecraft stream and karaoke. Now we wont see them for weeks streaming to their core audience for weeks. It's led some to second guess FuwaMoco for the first time.

>> No.74541814

Are you referring to my post? Cause I never said "all is forgiven" I simply said they believe the things they've said. It's still a monumental fuckup and a shitty thing of them to do.

>> No.74541824 [DELETED] 
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you guys are a bunch of babies

>> No.74541846

I genuinely feel pain from seeing them lie when I thought so highly of them and it's only some faint belief in my heart that they might turn it all around, and soon, that keeps me here anymore. I'm sure it'll get snuffed out eventually too, unfortunately.
In the end, my desperate search for somebody fans can trust will probably be forced to continue

>> No.74541876

I'm just tired of them over promising and underdelivering. I can't take them seriously anymore when they say they are going to do something because they keep setting unreasonable expectations. Freecat, they put a stop date that never had a chance knowingly but did it anyways and gave everyone false hope. The stream time change promise, again said with no thought and in the end was always going to be broken so why say it? They might think they're softening the blow but lying about expectations makes it hurt all the same, and makes me less likely to trust any goal or plan they say now.

>> No.74541914


>> No.74541933
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I'm just waiting for their mengen post... any day now haha...

>> No.74541954

They didn’t even do anything wrong, what is there to forgive? This is classic miscommunication where they just didn’t want us to be unhappy and the thought fucked them up to the point that they just made us unhappy anyway.

>> No.74541956

do we have a resident janny now

>> No.74541966
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i used to post it every thread it wasn't posted in yet for 2-3 months but then i stopped caring about the thread as much because of the nonstop raiding and just focused on the streams more, also lead to me getting actual interactions with my oshis instead of just watching and commenting about it here.

>> No.74541967

How on earth did Shiori and Biboo of all people end up being the most trustworthy in advent? Is this the most bizarre timeline or what?

>> No.74541969

They can't even manage their own expectations properly so naturally they're bad at managing fan expectations.

>> No.74541972

You faggots glow too much, our actual menheras are way better at doing this than you.

>> No.74542010

I could recommend you some which are sure to never break your trust but both of them have the tendency of making their fans worried... One due to bad luck and other due to low self esteem. So they probably won't solve your eternal search in satisfactory manner.

>> No.74542015

to be fair he was the guy that freaked out and SCed when Mococo bumped her elbow one stream
he probably thinks she's literally dying

>> No.74542017

>no longer trust them with ability to rein in the cancerous parts of fanbase
they never tried to tard wrangle the menheras and that is how everything got this bad. instead they reward the worst ones, so other attention whores follow suit in being as mentally ill as possible. ruffians are in a race to the bottom.

>> No.74542066

I think I’m going to have to tell my therapist about them soon and then have to explain what “gachikoi” is. My mental health has been considerably worse since they announced their move and she’s been suspecting that something other than the reasons I’m giving is causing for this degradation. I’m tempted to stop going.

>> No.74542082

....I can't. I'm sorry. I want to but I can't. You have no idea how badly I want to.

>> No.74542094

>makes me less likely to trust any goal or plan they say now
thats about it

>> No.74542107

They haven't set any frame up for it yet but do you think they'll do double PoV for the minecraft collabs?

>> No.74542120

No, he only removes PL stuff and fucks off immediately after without reading any other psot.

>> No.74542123

golden week is next week and i'm thinking about what to do.. i really want to take a trip out and camp and clear my head but i dont want to miss the guaranteed 30 fuwamoco streams that'll happen during golden week

>> No.74542126


>> No.74542144

>They didn’t even do anything wrong,
Yet. They didn't do anything wrong, Yet. If they follow through on what they've implied, namely no EN streams on GW, less EN streams and more JP streams afterwards, then yes, they will have done something wrong. That they haven't made a post clarifying and explaining what their actual intentions suggests to me that there is no miscommunication here.

>> No.74542174

I was broken long ago
but it's like they adopted an abused dog, promised to give him a good home then kicked him anyway

>> No.74542182

No it's not streamed on individual channels, it's in iroha's

>> No.74542184


>> No.74542185

I was thinking about that one jumpscare where they hit themselves. The guy is actually retarded.

>> No.74542190

Fuwawa could have streamed. Mococo could have streamed silently or done a typing stream or a text to voice stream or one of many other non verbals streams Hololmembers have done before.

>> No.74542214

>believe anything an anime girl on your screen tells you
no one is actually this retarded right?

>> No.74542220

stop going and just ask for a med friend of your mom to give you medicine you already take, that is what I do

>> No.74542225

how do we know for sure that there won't be any en streams anymore until after golden week? seems highly unlikely desu

>> No.74542229

>125 / 10

>> No.74542241

It's okay, they're probably going to stream at impossible times for anyone in the west anyway.

>> No.74542263

Yeah. Nobody would have minded it if Mococo said in the start that she's feeling good but her throat hurts.

>> No.74542308

The guy that posted that lives in Japan and joked about trying to find them

>> No.74542333

Not every thread needs to be a pornography dump, coomer

>> No.74542335

shitposters are shitposting

>> No.74542347

10 anons have 125 IPs

>> No.74542349

I won't believe shit until you start publicly destroying your merch on twitter and posting it to their tags on main. Print out the pledge and rip it up and burn it. Otherwise you're all just menhera's LARPing.

>> No.74542371

I can take bad luck, a lack of self confidence and genuine fuck-ups
I cant take "I made this promise but I will now break it because it is better for my numbers/goals"

>> No.74542375

Menheras downgraded to bot posting

>> No.74542429

The part that kills me is she was sick this whole week and still streamed. Screaming, yelling, hurting her voice to the point biboo, shiori, nerissa and koyori all told her to take it easy on stream. But she did it anyways. I lost a lot of faith in her today

>> No.74542442
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>> No.74542449

At least we now have a resident janny to delete pictures. Thread is safe, everyone.

>> No.74542464

i guess i’m the only ruffian left

>> No.74542468
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>> No.74542474

>publicly destroying your merch
Ebay isn't going anywhere

>> No.74542491

I will by may 10th, I still want to give them a chance

>> No.74542498
File: 171 KB, 372x399, dangerousfuwawa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not so fast

>> No.74542500

how do we know for sure that mococo isn't experiencing early symptoms of throat cancer? seems highly unlikely desu

>> No.74542505

The most annoying part for me is when they release the pre-planned as-intended GW schedule next week, which was always still going to include EN streams, and fags here will go "LOOK THEY ADDRESSED OUR COMPLAINTS AND ADDED EN STREAMS AFTER ALL!! WE DID IT!!"

>> No.74542507

>they said in no uncertain terms that they're okay if EN ruffian's can't/don't watch JP streams
This is a solid point I'd forgotten that is probably going to make me break out the whiskey at this point
It's not even that they want to stream in JP more, it's that they don't even CARE about the people who can't watch them in JP
They care in the "oh you don't have to" sense- but that's not real care. Real care is "I want you to be there". They didn't have an ounce of that.
I'm sorry but that lack of care is a quality that a kind person is incapable of having

>> No.74542509

>That they haven't made a post clarifying and explaining what their actual intentions suggests to me that there is no miscommunication here.
In my opinion, they still need to make a post, or at least address some things anyway. Even if their intentions are "zero EN streams during GW, higher frequency of JP streams after GW," they need to communicate and clear up any retarded misunderstanding.
I also still think they need to address some of the things brought up by this post >>74531981
but that's IF they have zero EN streams and IF they unironically start doing one JP solo a week.
Remember, we still don't know what it's gonna look like despite their warnings

>> No.74542512

Fuwawa should solo stream in Japanese while Mococo translates in chat.

>> No.74542518

yeah me

>> No.74542591

I did list some for resale. Prices are still inflated for them so it's a good time to capitalize. The general holofan isn't aware yet of the betrayal so there's still lots of buyers

>> No.74542597

Just basing it off of their words and tears. Realistically, I cannot IMAGINE they have a fully JP week without a single EN stream. I genuinely can't believe they'd do something like that

>> No.74542594

Shoot, if you need to obfuscate it somehow I understand

>> No.74542599

you used to be based now you are shadow of your former self, a faggot

>> No.74542608

Sayu and Mint then. Unlucky timing though, Sayu privated her twitter few hours ago because haters kept harassing her and she finally decided to try out this method. Still, check out some of her streams, she heals your heart with her hag yapping.

>> No.74542639


>> No.74542650

Kill yourself Dog Strings. Nijis are whores.

>> No.74542662


>> No.74542669

I came to blindly trust them over these 8 months. But now? I honestly don't know what to think... Maybe it was my own fault for letting my guard down and putting my trust into someone I've only known since late July.

>> No.74542670

Sorry, but you know that they won't be able to reach their goals without a japanese fanbase.
It was bound to happen at some point.

>> No.74542678

AI thread

>> No.74542680


>> No.74542682

what are we watching /baubau/

>> No.74542693

>still whining about THEY NEED TO ADDRESS XYZ when the schedule literally comes out tomorrow
not the brightest bunch

>> No.74542696

anyone who think they're not showing the actual schedules or clarifying things because the schedule the specifically warned about is actually a fine and fair and balanced schedule is overdosing on pure weapon grade copium

>> No.74542721

What the fuck are you even talking about? Is it some twitter name?

>> No.74542724

We are watching Fuwamoco destroy the goodwill they built up in real time.

>> No.74542727
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>> No.74542728

kill yourself

>> No.74542734

the biboo part is almost over and she'll be eating a pizza

>> No.74542756

I don't know. I don't distrust them, their goals just don't align with my happiness sometimes

>> No.74542764
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Nah I'm still here, I still like them.
I might not have the same infatuation I did before, but I still care about them a lot.

>> No.74542765
File: 238 KB, 747x747, 1691187407725504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rally Round the Smiles Ruffians

>> No.74542776


>> No.74542784

How many other 1M+ HoloEN's have a sizable JP fanbase?

>> No.74542788

Yes, it's everywhere that hardcore fans are. Twitter the VOD comments, discord. But the normal holofan doesn't even know yet, that time bomb blows up tomorrow and it becomes impossible to have a conversation about them without holoJP being the instant response

>> No.74542792


>> No.74542793

oh I already follow Sayu, as a hurt and broken ojisan I relate to her a lot

>> No.74542806

Do you have the Kannagi compilation?

>> No.74542811

I don't know, at this point I might just fucking watch Miori

>> No.74542818
File: 965 KB, 1920x2160, koyo hidden tits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koyori has the tummy and the boobs...

>> No.74542819

>won't be any en streams
It's not about "any"
It's about how they were 95% EN streamers before the move
And how we don't know what % that is going to become afterwards. Especially since we know for sure that the number of streams are decreasing.

>> No.74542823


>> No.74542844

Ecchi anime because I miss Fuwawa's large boucing tits

>> No.74542850

That may be true, but at least I'm not fucking stupid

>> No.74542857

Gura, Mori, IRyS

>> No.74542864
File: 23 KB, 1125x109, itta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Discordspy here, all the ones who doom/menheraposted on the 'cord already publicly made comments or are holding back a bit. They're all either menhera doomposting /here/ or they're convinced it's all gonna be daijoubu
No one said anything today.

>> No.74542875


>> No.74542905

I can't even bring myself to finish this art of them, my soul is crushed. I hope I can find the heart and drive again, I think I'm in my head too much about this. Once they provide an update and details I'll feel better, the uncertainty is killing me

>> No.74542923

i thought he was moving to japan

>> No.74542940

This. The clique are publicly showing support but doomposting here. They're all snakes. You know that anyone who complains publicly, they'll all dogpile on too.

>> No.74542963

Yeah, that's what bothers me the most. She kept straining her throat so much day after day as if she didn't give a shit about what anyone tells her but now suddenly cancels a stream which would be the easiest on her voice of them all? That makes no fucking sense. I am certain Ruffians would be elated if they got to experience solo Mococo stream where she speaks quietly. It would be better for her than anything else she did this week and fans would be overjoyed too.

>> No.74542979

What's the context behind alive chick

>> No.74542980

I was completely fine with them appealing to JPs, I thought the people worrying about it were schizos, I never expected them to genuinely go "Yeah these streams are for JP we dont care if you watch bye, no date for next EN stream btw"

>> No.74543004

What's that Japanese shitpost go like?
"Good bye Fuwamoco, it might have been...my first love."

>> No.74543009

They bullied anyone with "negative" mengen comments and most folded and edited or deleted to be blindly supportive

>> No.74543018

they're the ones that told them not to stream though

>> No.74543025

outsider here

you all are mentally ill. reminds me of fandead, god help you if they ever have a boyfriend or male collab yab. some of you would actually kill yourselves kek

>> No.74543027

God yall are a bunch of fucking losers. You went all your lives before the debuted without them you can take a few weeks. If you cant just kill yourselves because you are too much of a pathetic excuse for a human if an anime girl puppet on you're computer screen means this much to you.

>> No.74543069

Figured chances are high you would be familiar with at least one of them. They really attract similar ojisans.

>> No.74543086

NTA but I am a unicorn unfortunately my friend. I do follow Mint, for now, but I am aware that in time I will probably have to distance myself from her once the inevitable group collab comes.
I do have a list of backups of my own as well, but...Fuwamoco hit me harder than I thought and I haven't been able to watch any streams in a few days lmao. I think I genuinely developed temporary trust issues from this.

>> No.74543090

is it just me or wouldn't they have been on pace to 1m before a year if they just kept streaming normally instead of moving to japan and going awol for 6 weeks?

>> No.74543089

Yeah to show blind public support for Fuwamoco. They're seething in reality though.

>> No.74543092
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Like I said a few of the less cowardly ones have already publicly made comments (which they've already tried backtracking on for a number of reasons)
but yeah, this is something that's spread to every corner of the "core" Ruffian fanbase.

>> No.74543098

The life threatening surgery they trauma dumped was for a transition

>> No.74543099

People who bother coming here to tell anons to kill themselves are on the exact same level as all menheras, it's not even funny

>> No.74543116

VShojo general is down the hall. Don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out.

>> No.74543160

>god help you if they ever have a boyfriend or male collab yab. some of you would actually kill yourselves kek
Good. I'll make sure to kill you on my way down to hell, beggar.

>> No.74543170

>What's the context behind alive chick
It's Itta's alt name on the 'cord.

>> No.74543177

>They care in the "oh you don't have to" sense- but that's not real care. Real care is "I want you to be there". They didn't have an ounce of that.
Because they know that if they say that there's going to be hundreds of autistic ruffians ruining their lives for an entire week to catch those streams live

>> No.74543195


>> No.74543209

Yes they would have been. They cut their momentum by moving with no planning instead of waiting and EN fans pay the cost doubly for their stupid decision by losing streams now too ad they try to race to make up lost subs

>> No.74543222

Yeah that's what I was asking, is he trans or something

>> No.74543265

nyfco still down, sis?

>> No.74543271

>literal nijibegger
once a niji always a niji I guess

>> No.74543277

this generation of males are a fucking loss

>> No.74543285

stop using logic

>> No.74543304


>> No.74543325

Pekora bantering with Dragon Ball characters is pretty kino

>> No.74543349

With Mint it's basically "will she join Holo?"question. If she does, she will be unicorn friendly, she can adapt to that perfectly fine and there are multiple Holos who proved such switch is possible. If she doesn't, she will eventually collab with males, it's quite likely. So yeah, not safe for unicorns yet.
Other options would require going into really small indies territory but the feel there is very different. And yeah, FuwaMoco have been my clear favorites pretty much since their debut, they caught my heart like nobody else managed to in past five years.

>> No.74543390

>Sorry, but you know that they won't be able to reach their goals without a japanese fanbase.
They had a bigger and better chance of attaining a Japanese fanbase before this move. They had "buzz" in the JP sphere. They had a springboard. They killed it for an uncertainty.

>> No.74543393

Mori, who's also the one that managed to get sololives, tons of music-related shit, merch and all kind of events.
We all know that they want to focus on idol activities, so focusing on the japanese market makes sense, since none of that stuff will be possible in North America.
The others either aren't that interested in idolshit or are just interested in doing their own thing.

>> No.74543407

who the fuck is mint and why am i seeing its name brought up here more often

>> No.74543479

some ex-niji, a few ruffians started collab begging about her, /baubau/ as always started gossipping about it, sisters saw that everyone hated the mint collab begging and now adopted it in their time loops.

>> No.74543495
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Kronie here. Please tell your fuzzy one to take care of herself, and I hope you're fully supporting her. Hearing the latest state of her voice makes me want to concernpost. Some vocal rest is definitely needed.

>> No.74543500

>Because they know that if they say that there's going to be hundreds of autistic ruffians ruining their lives for an entire week to catch those streams live
Yeah and they know that. They know that no matter what, their core base will ALWAYS kill themselves to be there. This is specifically why they DIDN'T do spaces or many guerillas during their move, cause they didn't want us to wake up overnight.
Now they're saying the opposite of what they said for those two months. They're being inconsistent and not explaining WHY, and no one at all asked them about this.

>> No.74543504

Now you're exaggerating, this is getting ridiculous.

>> No.74543515
File: 863 KB, 1285x720, sfagpoy9psya1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that Mads

>> No.74543538

Mint is the PL of a Nijisanji graduate (she quit not fired) and she is currently indie but she has connections to Holo and Vshojo talents. She’s met with Kiara so people assume she’s getting into Hololive

>> No.74543550

Oh shit you're right it is kek

>> No.74543553

kys zoomer

>> No.74543560

Sisters hardly need to post on it, there's enough whore ruffians posting about it in fuwamoco's mentions and elsewhere. It's pathetic, and won't stop until they actually collab which is non zero. Shit, it could be next week.

>> No.74543599

if Mococo's throat was fucked up as they claim, then how and why was she screaming into the microphone literally 3 minutes into the karaoke stream? none of this shit adds up ruffians, I don't like it one bit.

>> No.74543602

>Kronies actually posting here now too
yeah it's so fucking over

>> No.74543622

No, they're too dumb for me to continue doing so. In fact they should realize how many "wishes" Gura is sitting on and how many of those came to fruition

>> No.74543625

That’s James Sunderland in the avatar lol

>> No.74543643

>If she does, she will be unicorn friendly
i think you missed the point of the word

>> No.74543647

They don't need to do any of the things they do, what they need is to take a shower and get a job. Logic does not apply.

>> No.74543650

acquire a hobby

>> No.74543654

I'm 30 I just don't watch western stuff

>> No.74543658

>then how and why was she screaming into the microphone literally 3 minutes into the karaoke stream
She's fucking retarded, nothing new

>> No.74543663

>They killed it for an uncertainty.
Not really. They gained a ton of subs today off of the Koyo collabs

>> No.74543670

Respect Fuwamoco's decisions.

>> No.74543693

They want to remove all the other ruffians but they dont want to be the ones betrayed themselves

>> No.74543695 [DELETED] 

this but with fwmc

>> No.74543722

holy shit kill yourself immediately

>> No.74543736

Yeah I hope she'll get some rest and take care of herself before next week.

>> No.74543772

Oh shit, you're ACTUALLY right

>> No.74543776

literal leeches shills like the crap person they worship

>> No.74543786
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>> No.74543807

Just woke up, why's the thread throwing a hissy fit? I saw the community post, do I bother backreading?

>> No.74543816

Because they'd have to admit that them pandering to JP during GW is purely for subs. The "JP Ruffians don't know us" is not good enough of an excuse.

>> No.74543836


>> No.74543860

Don't worry, Mococo will be mysteriously fully healed for Golden Week.
She'll sing and scream all week without any issues.

>> No.74543863 [DELETED] 

Ended up watching some of the John Wick watch along and it's hilarious that Biboo picked that movie considering fuwamoccos entire schtick. [Spoiler] killing off a cute beagle girl puppy in the first half hour.[/spoiler]

>> No.74543872

Not sure what are you trying to say. If you try to blame her for male collabs in the older days, you should blame everybody else too. It's a pointless discourse to have.

>> No.74543870
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oh lol I never played

>> No.74543879
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Well, some do. There are others who are openly supportive both in the comments and behind the scenes. Like for instance, ATM. He's slightly critical of their decision, but is still supportive and not OPENLY menhera anywhere

>> No.74543904
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Tekken pools

>> No.74543910
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>> No.74543914

ctrl+s is your friend

>> No.74543917

How do we convince them to do more JP streams? This thread needs a culling badly.

>> No.74543933
File: 42 KB, 435x158, 23711185656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ehh what does this mean?

>> No.74543939

No one else excited for the schedule? What's your guess for EN solo (including fwmcmorning), JP solo, JP collab?
Mine is 5/2/3

>> No.74543937


>> No.74543985

No don't bother it's just shitposters and a couple of legit ruffians losing their shit.

>> No.74543996

I consider myself pretty reasonable. But I do feel a bit uneasy about the possibility we could have had our last EN interaction with them for over a week as a collab fwmc morning. It was fun, but just the thought that there's no goodbye or update before they whisk away to the JP sphere for a week hurts. The doggy pack stream is probably feeding into this because they were so emotional it's ruined my headspace.
Anyone have suggestions for how to deal with this? Should I just stop thinking and go away from them until the schedule drop?

>> No.74544033

I hope it's all JP so the retards can menhera away and leave me and my wives alone

>> No.74544044

They very obviously want to replace their core base, or at the very least get a second one.
But they also obviously can't say that directly, it'd be a complete career suicide.

>> No.74544078

Take the week to watch others to find someone else just in case

>> No.74544091

>No one else excited for the schedule?
Not in the slightest, but I am curious what it'll look like.

>> No.74544102

I'm excited, I'm sure we'll get some cool shit if they made such a big deal about it

>> No.74544118

Unironically all we can do is wait and see but it's not looking good.

>> No.74544138

She's FuwaMoco's friend and used to be the best non-Holo vtuber when she was in Niji. Some people in these threads are retarded tribalfags with Pavlov's reaction of having to mindlessly seethe whenever non-holo is brought up, instead of simply ignoring it, so she rarely gets mentioned even though a lot of people here like her.

>> No.74544148

unironically just watch someone else, maybe fwmc will win you back later, maybe they wont
I quite like the girl I found, hope she doesnt betray me too

>> No.74544155

Unironically yeah. Go for a bit and don't listen to anyone but yourself and be free from any outside influence.

>> No.74544175

They gained a ton of subs from the vertical stream too. And?

>> No.74544178

Architects assemble, Nerissa's going to eat a pizza on stream

>> No.74544181

>Anyone have suggestions for how to deal with this?
See >>74543650

>> No.74544184


>> No.74544190

Oh yeah dude can't wait to watch streams I can barely understand at 4am for a whole week.

>> No.74544272

Again, point me to where they said "Every single stream next week is JP only." All they've said is "don't be surprised okay?" when we see more JP streams on the schedule than usual

>> No.74544304

>Anyone have suggestions for how to deal with this?
None, really. I'm not a jpschizo or menhera about this stuff, but this past thread almost tipped me over the fucking edge which I never thought would happen.
Just wait until their schedule drops, if it's literally 100% JP, then just leave for a week. Treat it like they're on vacation, turn off notifications, and find something else to do. that's what I'm gonna do if the fucking doomposting turns out to be valid

>> No.74544322

Reading this thread I feel like not catching up on member's stream has been good for my mental health.

>> No.74544390

>prefers to read this garbage than to watch them

>> No.74544451

see >>74542696

>> No.74544465

lol ngl if the schedule drops and it's all JP or collabs I'm gone for good, and I'll be sure to let them know on every social media platform why I'm leaving them.

>> No.74544467

Anon, we're in the midst of a real doomspiral. It's not gonna stop until their schedule drops and it's either exactly as these people fear, or it contains a special EN ASMR stream + OoT.

>> No.74544480

Not "prefers". I don't watch a stream if I can't dedicate my full attention to it. Meanwhile I can jump in and out from the thread.

>> No.74544506

This thread is filled with genuine morons. No other thread on the website makes me want to curbstomp some fuck more than this one.

>> No.74544518

Am I the only one who thinks the schedule next week is scary because there's an endurance/marathon part? Not sure if they'd do 24H, but basically a 1-2 day slot of nonstop JP stuff including collabs and appearances/cover song.
To me, that's best case because it doesn't give the impression they're switching to JP, gives JP tourists a huge time to interact with them and farm subs while also leaving a day or two for EN.

>> No.74544523

I’m gonna go to 7/11, anyone want anything?

>> No.74544529

at this point it'd have to be like Fuwawa nursing handjob asmr

>> No.74544540

I'd say just watch it, anon. You'll either feel better or you'll feel the same

>> No.74544544

>stuffed crust

>> No.74544560

egg sandwich and an energy drink sugarless

>> No.74544586

>They very obviously want to replace their core base
With the amount of schizos and rampant menheras they have posting an incredible amount of inane shit every day both here and on twitter, can you blame them trying to cull some of them?

>> No.74544590

>anyone want anything?
a sawed-off shotgun

>> No.74544643

spiced coke and beef jerky

>> No.74544647

Thanks. I'll do just that, even if it's rough. It could just be 24 hours and we'll have it all cleared up but I'm getting worried too. Hope you all do well too and this is all the biggest misunderstanding to date.

>> No.74544671

I'm gonna do 9/11 on this thread.

>> No.74544672

>do something to hurt people
>They deserve it for being angry you hurt them
genuinely seek therapy

>> No.74544687

Isnt that the best case? 2 long days of JP streams to farm subs, then 3 days of streams for EN.

>> No.74544708


>> No.74544762

I don't like the idea that you MUST be supportive of a decision you disagree with. Like I can think of more than a few choices in the hypothetical sense that I couldn't muster up the words to say "all I can do is support this going forward"
Ultimately everyones line to draw in the sand is theirs, and just based on how so many people were at least critical in some sense or from some angle, or even if not that then upset by the circumstance, I feel like it's pretty obvious that this particular spot is where a lot of lines in the sand are.

>> No.74544774

On one hand it would suck if their first even 24/7 endurance was a JP stream, but I'll take it if it means the rest of the week is EN...

>> No.74544801

best case is 7 days of jp streams with 3 fwmc mornings in english and they go back to english right after and even that is quite unlikely,expect them to take a day or 2 off after gw

>> No.74544822

>waaaa japanese waaaa
So ruffians are dubfags? Disgusting

>> No.74544883

English is their first language, so Japanese would be the dub in this case.

>> No.74544908

This wouldn't even be so bad, since there'd likely to be at least some english somewhere in there. The issue is really them moving timeslots, not just language.

>> No.74544942

stop arguing and watch Nerissa eat

>> No.74544944

Yes, it's also pure copium.
They're not going to have only 2 days of JP streams for Golden Week, that would defeat the purpose of this entire event.

>> No.74544959

Imran Khan lives with his dad and mom

>> No.74544985

But their JOP streams are the dub streams

>> No.74544991

koyo's talking about them btw, if you're strong enough to hear Japanese right now

>> No.74544992

His first love was yogiri.

>> No.74545075

Been here for too long to be affected like this, I just laugh. I would of course prefer if it was a place for actual discussion, but I don't lose sleep when it isn't.

>> No.74545080

vtubing is Japanese media and FuwaMoco are the western transfer students who just joined the class

>> No.74545082

She's too fucking boring. I only watch her when I want to be read out loud as she keeps interacting with me whenever i chat in her stream because her entire fanbase are unfunny doormats.

>> No.74545088

I....I can't.
I made a promise long ago to only have one oshi and to only ever watch one vtuber at a time, lest I be a whore.

>> No.74545100

But if they wana farm subs, long endurance with a counter is the best way to do it.

>> No.74545110


>> No.74545172

Take a break. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

>> No.74545177

They're doing it entirely for numbers not to provide good content. A marathon is better for that.

>> No.74545207

missed it because ublock didn't work...

>> No.74545210

Endurance is meant for reaching a milestone. They're far away from one. Right now their farming strategy should be reaching out to as many JP fanbases as possible.

>> No.74545226

Gorillas are depressed...

>> No.74545238
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Seriously, how the fuck does she have so much stamina to stream. Can she share some of them with FWMC?

>> No.74545249

They're too old to be transfer students...

>> No.74545263

they will stream in JP every day of golden week, expect fwmc mornings at most and dont be shocked if that gets postponed too

>> No.74545297

Why do you want to go to the beach so much

>> No.74545311

Maybe she spends less time on twitter and taking care of Fuwawa's needs

>> No.74545340

I was thinking they should do a 24 hour event like koyori. But I dont think they know enough JP senpais to do so.

>> No.74545345

She loves her fans a lot but she also loves herself and understands she needs to take care of herself for the sake of her fans.
FuwaMoco only fulfill the first part of the equation leading them to fail eventually.

>> No.74545354

she loves her fans and wants to spend time with them

>> No.74545424

I don't feel the first part so much this week

>> No.74545433
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I skimmed it anyway and you weren't lying. I don't understand how anyone has the energy to spend being negative — shitposter or menhera, doesn't matter — every day on an anonymous image board. It has to be new people every time.

>> No.74545460

Their Mom could come and do a one hour segment

>> No.74545478

must be nice

>> No.74545503

>ltimately everyones line to draw in the sand is theirs, and just based on how so many people were at least critical in some sense or from some angle, or even if not that then upset by the circumstance, I feel like it's pretty obvious that this particular spot is where a lot of lines in the sand are.
Yeah, pretty much. I was surprised by just how many people were at minimum confused or slightly critical of their decision. Even most of the POSITIVE supporters seem to think their words meant "we'll be streaming in JP 50% of the time from now on!" Like, I saw so many comments saying something along the lines of "I'll learn JP so I can understand ALL of your streams!"
They really need to make a mengen post soon. It would be baffling to not say a single word about it

>> No.74545501

neko naraba ikeru

>> No.74545520

That's because they haven't been taking care of themselves. Keep it up long enough and you will lose track of what's important. Mococo is especially guilty of this.

>> No.74545566

atm has other things to be menhera about

>> No.74545638

they liked his VN what else does he want

>> No.74545674

>It would be baffling to not say a single word about it
Prepared to be baffled. They aren't going to say another word on it until the schedule(s) are released. Even then they won't elaborate, it is what it is.

>> No.74545686

They won't because they think they said all they need to say in the mengen stream.

>> No.74545689

A visa so he can consensually rape them

>> No.74545716


>> No.74545800

The problem is that, within a few sentances, talked about how they are streaming less, but streaming in JP more, the only real conclusion is that they are streaming in EN less, so 50% JP, while a stretch, isn't out of the question, and that they haven't clarified is revealing.

>> No.74545803

Yeah I dunno why they thought they could both move half a year in and also hit 1m. They won't. This was already a super ambitious goal for ENs and no the math never worked out that it would be like each girl needed to individually bring in 500k fans and they'd pool up, if they thought it would then they undermined that utterly with the insistence on being a single channel and unit making everything overlap.

Still I personally don't care if they hit 1m or not but I do applaud their ambition and their not giving a fuck about doomposting that the EN scene is dying. No, that's just n***EN is really, as well as small corpos self destructing from predictable outcomes letting some of their girls shoot themselves in the foot.

>> No.74545834

Not now but in the future I am expecting them to give the EN fans that stayed through this a lot of love. DKC2, OOT, portal 2. It will be worth it. Trust them and weather this storm.

>> No.74545886

Koyo said they're exactly the same off stream, same energy, always yapping, just as fluffy. That same precious/wholesome feeling you get when watching them, you get when you meet them IRL.

>> No.74545914

Man i swear people /here/ don't use common sense or they are just shit stirrer. Why would they throw their careers like that, they just saw some of you faggots are complaining about Japanese streams that's why they even felt the need of bringing it up.

>> No.74545961

>because there's an endurance/marathon part?
When the fuck did they mention it having anything like that?

>> No.74545962

Yeah, I'll still be here, but for my own sanity I need to stop doomscrolling /baubau/. I swear to god this place exists to rot my brain.

>> No.74545976

I guess either a RT/fwmc morning feature like the other project spammers, or something to do with their move. Either way he's as passive aggressive as ever

>> No.74545988

they didnt just say they would stream in JP more, they also said they cant stream as much as they used to and that they never planned to stream as much as they did

>> No.74545999

I admire your faith, but I will not pity you when it turns out you are wrong.

Because they genuinely think tits what will boost their career, not kill it

>> No.74546017

>weather this storm
I swear you faggots are such bitches

>> No.74546047
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Good lord no shit they want to replace their fanbase. Here, Discord or Twitter it's literally all the same.
What is this? What the fuck is wrong with you all? Why can't you be normal?

>> No.74546050

>Why would they throw their careers like that
You could ask that with half the decisions they make. The truth is they do what they want, for better or worse and hardly plan anything out. This is just the latest example.

>> No.74546065

If you let this place have any effect on your mood other than making you laugh at the retardation, you absolutely do not belong here and need to leave while you still can.
You'll be back, though. It may take over a decade, but you'll be back.

>> No.74546072

>they just saw some of you faggots are complaining about Japanese streams that's why they even felt the need of bringing it up.
You're acting like it was a throwaway thing they said and not them panicking while saying the same thing over and over again in tears for 2 and a half hours

>> No.74546090

>any day now Gura will make up for all the streams she missed
lol and she didnt even tell her fans to fuck off like this

>> No.74546100


>> No.74546136

They'll talk about it for half an hour but will manage to not say anything of substance and only make people more confused.
Just like last time there were issues.
I love subtlety but in their case it's just women bullshit of "guess it yourself with no sensible hints and bunch of mixed signals".

>> No.74546139
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>> No.74546148

There's no storm to weather, you pathetic cunts. Stop being a whiny baby over literally nothing

>> No.74546156

Hidden secret of vtubing: The body of vtubing is terminally online. Even if an individual or a group of individuals separates from the body for a period of a time, eventually they will re-encounter the main body and be absorbed into into emotional zeitgeist. If your oshis fanbase and extended circle is happy, triumphant, joyous, exuberant, so will you be, so will your oshi be, and oftentimes so will your oshis environment be. Revelry with dance to the sonorous bells that ring with music straight from heavens gate.
And yet the inverse is true
When the land around you is filled with withered hopes, suspicion, weeping, broken dreams, men and women who feel betrayed by those they loved most, by the pangs of longing induced by sickness or catastrophe or strenuous events, by the festering rot of uncertainty, by the fervent lashing of fiery whips of white-knight-turned-devils who strike out in anger at all indiscriminately and deepen the lacerations that agony has carved into the denizens of the land...there will be no haven.
Nobody is immune to joy
And nobody is immune to misery
To shift the balance anywhere, you must shift the balance EVERYWHERE. There is no other way.

>> No.74546166

>the "drama" was so long ago in internet times that it's already old news
>"hurr durr fuwamoco should address it in a mengen post to reignite the flame"
are you guys not aware of pr basics?

>> No.74546180

>It may take over a decade, but you'll be back.
More like I'll be back in 5 minutes. I always say I'm done with this place for good, then I come back

>> No.74546232

Same brother. Good times are coming. This place is too negative sometimes.

>> No.74546247

>Mococo is especially guilty of this.
Are you saying that because of her being a retard with her throat

>> No.74546275

Thanks for leak manesan.

>> No.74546277

>over literally nothing
If you think it's "nothing" you clearly didn't listen to them in hysterics for 3 hours over this very topic.

>> No.74546290

Still in shock at how openly they stated they don't give a fuck what fans think they're doing it for numbers and because they want to. I still haven't seen many JP reactions to that beyond duckbro who is obviously biased.

>> No.74546303

The EN scene isn't dying, far from it.
But there's no future for idol activities in the west and they're aware of it, vtuber idols are not a thing in here.

>> No.74546325

The absolute state of the delusions and cope lmao

>> No.74546339

>You're acting like it was a throwaway thing they said
Because you retards kept schizoing over JP streams and people took screencaps of it and tag them on twitter. They know there are a bunch of antiJP schizos that will go ballistic.

>> No.74546352

They thought portal 2 was a shooter.

>> No.74546375

You're right, it's not like they are about to make it public and 100x worse by announcing a JP only schedule without any clarification to their fans ahead of time. Nope. The worst is clearly behind us.

>> No.74546388
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>> No.74546394


>> No.74546438

I'm actually looking forward to the Golden Week schedule, to see what it'll be like. A bit sad to not catch it live due to timezones, but the streams themselves I'm looking forward to.
Maybe we can have cytube watchalongs at the usual time for people who couldn't watch them live? Assuming they're short-ish, I'm not gonna lose sleep for a VOD, if they're over 3 hours I'll just watch at my own pace.

>> No.74546452

they're the ones who did nothing to fix the problems. if anything they made menhera worse

>> No.74546511

Koyo really likes them alot.

>> No.74546526

I've been waiting forever for a proper collab with Mikochi and I bet it's finally about to happen so I'm fucking hyped

>> No.74546535

Nta but if they admire JP girls so much they ought to take notes that some girls like Fubuki are able to stream like a clock for like 5+ years in a row and that it is not some impossible thing to do. That's only the case for most ENs acting like they will physically explode if they stream more than 3 times a week within a year of debuting, I dare say Western entitlement out the ass. They don't wanna be Western or perceived like fucking lazy Western ENs.. right?

Even so they have streamed a lot more than I ever would have predicted because I would think it takes more coordination to make nearly every single fucking stream a collab vs just going on solo. I also think (rather I know) that if they did even a couple of individual Fuwa or moco streams per week to pad each other out, they could still maintain a very high tempo schedule while each now having more time. Like 3-4 duo streams a week and 1 solo day for each one = each one now has like 2-3 days off per schedule while still pumping out daily streams. I dunno why they don't do that already actually, I thought that would, but we will have to wait and see.

>> No.74546544

Of course they're going to give full priority to their own goals instead of the feeling of some schizo.
Why is this such a surprise?

>> No.74546562

>they're as energetic as they are on stream
>apparently they havent talked too much with the JP members so they asked her for advice in many topics, it was cute
Then talked about their appearances and voices, nothing particularly interesting was shared really. Basically talked about the differences you'd expect from twins (clothes, colors, voices, etc)
might've talked about these things in the karaoke/fwmc morning
she said she was tired, trying to keep up with fwmc's energy was taxing apparently

>> No.74546585

Don't forget, you're here forever
It's good in a way, the reason we say it's bad is because it's good for people to think it's bad, but that level of meta is probably beyond this conversation

>> No.74546594

They don't owe me anything, they're not the ones shit-stirring and melting down.

>> No.74546615

>there's no future for idol activities in the west
Just hired 5 girls to sing for my musical RPG lol

>> No.74546622

im not really looking forward to it at all, but id be down to watch some of the streams through cytube with you bros

>> No.74546623

>I still haven't seen many JP reactions to that
JP is used to sub begging. They will be fine with pressing the subscribe button.

>> No.74546637

I'm gonna masturbate to Mococo

>> No.74546653

Yes but other stuff in the past too.

>> No.74546665

Yes but youre not supposed to open admit on stream you're doing it for the numbers and money. That's idol 101

>> No.74546679
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Honestly don't overthink. I believe in the promise anyone who thinks other wise might aswell be a sister to me.

>> No.74546725
File: 71 KB, 267x223, 1711023849623640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, yeah, anytime now...

>> No.74546733
File: 2.41 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They didn’t have spiced coke or egg sandwiches…
I asked if they had any in stock and he just looked at me funny. Idk what I did wrong

>> No.74546746

>stated they don't give a fuck what fans think they're doing it for numbers

>> No.74546750

go on, touch the stove, learn that it is hot

>> No.74546779

You don't even know what "schizo" you're referring to lmao
What a joke you are

>> No.74546788

baused believer

>> No.74546791

I'm getting ear raped by newissa

>> No.74546802
File: 2.07 MB, 2613x4096, 1712462075976383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How kino or unkino would a FuwaMoKorone collab be?

>> No.74546811


>> No.74546897

Kino 100 but they almost need a 4th wheel to coordinate because both parties are way too autistic to ever reach out and plan it unfortunately

>> No.74546902

Every collab of korone is kino because she's not afraid to say shit but she's shy outside of collabs

>> No.74546913

Must be nice being able to talk directly with them for hours...

>> No.74547025

So the practice isn't streamed right? Why did they even put it on their schedule and not mention it's on another channel?

>> No.74547036

Isn't korone secretly mococo's oshi. The way they stream old games and korone's laugh and what not.

>> No.74547057


>> No.74547062

Mio said she wants to collab with them. Add Foobs and Mio into the mix

>> No.74547067
File: 149 KB, 1771x1254, GCgoXaebkAAD4jG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74547094

Apparently the thousand questions were all work related too, not motivation/moral support like some imagined. Hungry puppies...

>> No.74547116

Shiori is literally the female version of me but she's not my oshi

>> No.74547121

I don't know and we're 9 hours to the stream time. Hopefully they say something soon

>> No.74547124

>Maybe we can have cytube watchalongs at the usual time for people who couldn't watch them live?
I would join for watchalongs but only if that stream in particular interests me

>> No.74547137
File: 166 KB, 640x640, 1708848991870679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute! Thanks for the info joshu-kun

>> No.74547146

Dear god yes
Nah I'm out.

>> No.74547163

>Koyo said they're exactly the same off stream, same energy, always yapping, just as fluffy. That same precious/wholesome feeling you get when watching them, you get when you meet them IRL.
This is the impression I got tbdesu. Almost everyone who talks about them kinda gushes like this

>> No.74547185

my mocochan

>> No.74547200

I mean they bau bau nonstop and are always moving and tinkering with their models. It's one of the reasons they are great, highly energetic and positive. I dare you to move as much as they do during karaokes and still sing fine

>> No.74547209

Ayame said she wanted too, so you can count on needing someone to fill her spot once she inevitably bails, that's how you do it, AyaFubuMio+FWMC collab that becomes GAMERDOGS

>> No.74547276

no. never. Take this lazy WHORE and throw her in the dumpster

>> No.74547286
File: 156 KB, 326x341, distraughtmogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, I didn't get my order in. Let me know next time you're heading out

>> No.74547297

not joshu-kun, someone mentioned she talked about FWMC and I'm checking that segment

>> No.74547308
File: 2.72 MB, 2706x4093, 94155316_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will end you, friend

>> No.74547317

They stream old games because they're hags

>> No.74547321

Are you hot goth anon?

>> No.74547324

I like purityschizo now

>> No.74547348

>I asked if they had any in stock and he just looked at me funny. Idk what I did wrong
Fuck, how else will I kill myself now?

>> No.74547381

Yeah we already knew from the hot mic that they BAU BAU on off stream Discord calls too, kek.

>> No.74547396

I was really into goth/emo clothing in middle/high school
>are you hot

>> No.74547424

Keep believing that they will protect your smile, that'll do the job soon

>> No.74547454

Kill this nigga. Actually i wonder if fuwamoco has many black fans, nerissa for some reasons has many.

>> No.74547529


>> No.74547543

They should be awake by now, why haven't they put up a frame or update? They are so disorganized right now it's not even funny.

>> No.74547547

Azki's pushing 1 mil subs soon if you're all bored

>> No.74547608

We're having morning sex, sorry

>> No.74547617
File: 377 KB, 2145x2238, F_z7E-WXwAAbG2P.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are so many black weebs that the Silent Hill karaoke probably brought into the fold. I feel like there are more browns in the fanbase though like me

>> No.74547620

at least promote what she is doing. 100 song stream.

>> No.74547635

They should be in the middle of their 3h Minecraft streams right now.

>> No.74547668

Ayame doesn't bail once she agrees to something. She's just so nervous that she's unlikely to reach out or respond in the first place. She is a hard worker.

>> No.74547674

That would be nice, but I'm not expecting anything from them.
We've heard JPs saying "Let's collab!" to EN dozens of times with nothing happening in the end. (or only happening several years later)

>> No.74547688
File: 3.34 MB, 346x346, 1696339561165118.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean it's Azki so it's going to be music related

>> No.74547729

Eww no way, any enemy of gachikoi is an enemy of the overall happiness of oshis and their fans in totality, and therefore an enemy of mine. Purityschizo is simply false. But you knew that already.

>> No.74547741

that or geoguesser

>> No.74547761

To be fair, JP does talk about them alot unprompted. But I feel they need to be the one to get over their autism and reach out to their JP senpais.

>> No.74547778

6 hours of geoguessr would make me unsub

>> No.74547788


>> No.74547898

It was a bit more specific than "oh we should hang out some time" https://youtu.be/D--K5BuDcII?t=51

>> No.74547920

Chumbud level delusion.

>> No.74547928
File: 458 KB, 1988x2600, GJgZlKzbkAAuduo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what now?

>> No.74547971

Waffians I love you!!!

>> No.74547974

I'll watch the onion play elden ring

>> No.74547996

Yeah I've seen the graph there's definitely more sea fans than americans or Europeans

>> No.74548023

Monster's my fav, appreciated

>> No.74548032

We scream and shit our pants until they finally post their schedule and realize that this entire situation is incredibly retarded.

>> No.74548034

This. Fuwamoco are very shy so if they want to collab with JP senpai they'll need to be the ones to come out of their shells a bit

>> No.74548048

who the fuck are you

>> No.74548049

Sex with Mococó until we both pass out

>> No.74548054

Actions speak louder than words

>> No.74548072

Then prove it, dear.

>> No.74548076

I'm sorry you get all of your hololive information from reddit.

>> No.74548114

I'm uniornically looking forward to looking like a retard and learning this was all some dumb nothingburger

>> No.74548137

Next stream soon, bro

>> No.74548166

I hope they are taking a day off of twitter and everything. Seeing a lot of ruffians publicly tweeting about Newissa and her ASMR right now...

>> No.74548195
File: 1.99 MB, 1066x600, Fuwawa I heard it from my delusions[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ffpdy5e.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're gonna play bokunatsu on golden week and it's gonna be kino

>> No.74548225

Where's my maikura then?
I promoted it to all my friends and now look like a fool after getting stood up for no reason.

>> No.74548227

I do, he added the fellow humans as a tip

>> No.74548250
File: 3.37 MB, 3425x2175, 1705537570237179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drank too much again I love them so much

>> No.74548249
File: 86 KB, 960x705, GFTAdx5aoAAmkH4.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love ya too whoever you are

>> No.74548301

Mococo's fat and juicy thighs are only for me!

>> No.74548327

Been having non stop migraines for the past few days, kill me

>> No.74548334

I just hope Mococo's throat is ready for next week. Is gonna be a long week.

>> No.74548362
File: 251 KB, 1765x2048, GIJdCpbaAAE4Gai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ruffians can be whores together with nerissa. I'll keep on waiting for fuwawa.


>> No.74548363

She streamed two days ago and posts on twitter daily. *clap clap* Next meme

>> No.74548366

they won't do maikura solo and mococo needs to rest for the jp week

>> No.74548407

Make sure to post this on twitter too. Their absence has made me pick up the bottle and I am going to potentially slip into some very bad habits again during golden week without them.
It's worse than the move because during the move I knew they were gone and busy. Golden week they'll be around but not looking out for my smile, which hurts more.

>> No.74548429

Fuwawa wants to fuck Nerissa more than all the Ruffians combined.

>> No.74548463

I may be drunk but I'm not a fucking retard

>> No.74548504

If she needed to rest she wouldn't be shouting all week.
They said at debut they would stream solo if one is sick.

>> No.74548511

>The fact that they cried during the mengen stream for 2 hours is proof that they know they kinda fucked up.
No, it doesn't, it just means they are worried, which could have multitude of reasons, including the feeling of fucking up, reading the JP cuckposting etc. It doesn't necessarily mean anything.
Some ruffians being unreasonably possessive and mentally ill isn't fuwamoco's fault and catering to the lowest common denominator is not necessarily a good idea, even if it might feel the more safe in the moment.

>> No.74548514

Heading to bed, enjoy the tweet I'll miss in 15 minutes, bros...

>> No.74548531
File: 97 KB, 1210x698, fuwawa supportive gesture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope you feel better Ruffian

>> No.74548551
File: 174 KB, 366x361, concernedmogogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try not to push it too hard, I did a few days ago

>> No.74548590

they lied

>> No.74548608


>> No.74548615

>they cried during the mengen stream for 2 hours
It's that easy, huh.

>> No.74548618

>reading the JP cuckposting
As the person who made most of those posts, I am certain they read it and I do feel a bit bad. The words they used directly mirrored what I posted

>> No.74548627
File: 185 KB, 611x721, 1689019581248705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, ruffian

>> No.74548692
File: 498 KB, 2180x2280, GMGXWw7aIAABQwX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since they are abandoning us for a bit and we love Ina here, I figure this is relevant. When will we see Mococo in an apron again?

>> No.74548703

I don't want to accept that but it's getting harder.

>> No.74548728

>No, it doesn't, it just means they are worried, which could have multitude of reasons, including the feeling of fucking up, reading the JP cuckposting etc. It doesn't necessarily mean anything.
It could be from knowing they are about to potentially break assurances/promises they made, which they know would disappoint quite a few. They mentioned Ruffians feeling disappointed in that very stream, anon.

>> No.74548758
File: 80 KB, 579x654, abuse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weak, how will you mentally manipulate them if you don't blame their decisions for hurting you?

>> No.74548778


>> No.74548790


>> No.74548800

I don't use dear here

>> No.74548808

oh that's where that line was from, I didn't read his entire tweet

>> No.74548844

This is it. If you want more evidence, look at their reactions to each positive superchat that mentioned 'you'll always be fuwamoco' or 'thanks for being true to yourselves'. They broke into tears at that thought because they know they are changing from who they are to chase the numbers, if only for a bit.

>> No.74548845

I'm not going back to her

>> No.74548925

korone can fix fubs autism

>> No.74548935

Go watch azki

>> No.74548949
File: 137 KB, 842x1191, 1711552846820938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer this Ina.

>> No.74548963

good night

>> No.74548996

Who do you guys think will fuwamoco get along well in Holo En outside of advent and calli.

>> No.74549014


>> No.74549024

I'm watching Emo Nerissa read Edgar Allen Poe

>> No.74549046
File: 143 KB, 531x862, korones rrat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more westernshit for fwmc...
I wat a karaoke with the old ass tokusatsu songs tho

>> No.74549050

>members only
>holoplus suggestions only
>JP only
nah I'm out, fuck supporting that. Maybe if someone links it here

>> No.74549052

prove it then

>> No.74549053

Go watch aqua

>> No.74549059

I can't decide who I want to watch

>> No.74549087

just rewatch the stream, their intention is explained there? Demanding some exact percentage or number of JP streams per week is ridiculous.
They want to make more use of their Japanese and give chance to Japanese viewers occasionally.

>> No.74549122
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>> No.74549123

By off chance is there anyone here who has experience transferring funds to TW?

>> No.74549124

>members only

>> No.74549135

This but also IRyS play bunny garden.

>> No.74549182

I'm going to raper her, but not in a loving way

>> No.74549217

Yeah those poor Japanese talents with their 40 talents and every event and concert and video catered to them, they really need content.

>> No.74549228

not members only
one of the suggestions is a bau bau ASMR and we might get the English lesson suggestion

>> No.74549238

They won't get along with EN anymore.

>> No.74549240

People poster "sister" this and "sister" that don't fucking understand how unironically desperate I am for literally EVERY single post I made to be COMPLETELY wrong

>> No.74549250


>> No.74549264

Does cover allow you to send flowers directly to talents? what the fuck

>> No.74549281

Holy fuck a femruffian just liked my post. Could i have a chance perhaps.

>> No.74549299

I hate being right so much.

>> No.74549322

Are you moving there? I had no problem using my debit and credit cards last time I was there.

>> No.74549337


>> No.74549338

I really hate this retard

>> No.74549354

No, that's probably for the meet and greet. You can send flowers to an event venue for talents in Japan and I guess Taiwan.

>> No.74549393

NTA, but that schizo was copying itta's post about buying flowers for them in Taiwan

>> No.74549394

...Same, honestly. I foresee a lot of menhera drunk posts in my future about being abandoned

>> No.74549420

I would love nothing more. Not happening.

>> No.74549426

Only the after talk is members only, the main content is open to everyone

>> No.74549428


>> No.74549474

Forgot this was on monday, won't be able to watch it, it's bauver...

>> No.74549503


>> No.74549511

why nodoka and not a-chan english. 29th goldweek start gotta funnel the japanese to their channel.

>> No.74549532


>> No.74549545

Does it have your name associated? Not surprising they'd do something like that for attention but curious.

>> No.74549571

they aren't DOING the asmr, anon

>> No.74549613
File: 1.46 MB, 320x568, fat cat.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>collab with the office whore

>> No.74549616
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>> No.74549617

is FWMC in the aftertalk or is it just Nodoka?

>> No.74549628

What is it then?

>> No.74549659

rough sex with femruffian lolicon!

>> No.74549692

she's fat

>> No.74549701
File: 75 KB, 797x460, poal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74549709

FWMC is in the after talk

>> No.74549721

She is too busy for such stuff these days.

>> No.74549725


>> No.74549728

Office whore is nice. Hell i would kill any sisters just to have more ol fuwawa and mococo.

>> No.74549735

From what Im getting, its something nodoka organized.

>> No.74549752

I think A-chan is on a break to help her family
You can put whatever you want on it. For example, I saw Pako's flowers that he sent to Namie for her Japan gallery.

>> No.74549755


>> No.74549753

Except they are. They want to convince JP tourists to go to their channel during golden week. If it's not incredibly obvious they're willing to bend their previous morals and statements to get subs then I don't think you've paid attention this week.

>> No.74549786

kill yourself

>> No.74549806

I suspected as much. Poster IDs can't come sooner

>> No.74549816


>> No.74549824

>Except they are.
I mean in that stream, retard. It's not an ASMR stream, it's a fucking reaction stream

>> No.74549860

>there first ASMR
>JP only
yeah, screw this
I can't wait for the yen to crash to the point of monopoly currency, the Japanese have taken more from me than they have ever given me

>> No.74549898

>using strawpolls
fuck off

>> No.74549925

FuwaMoco are turning into react streamers... It's bauver.

>> No.74549972

>there first ASMR
That's not what it says you fucking retard. Also, it's "their."

>> No.74550042

>not poal

>> No.74550049

nta but what does it say then?

>> No.74550059

I voted in support but I still made several negative comments in last two threads. I simply don't give a shit about JP vs EN, it doesn't matter.
The problem is being retarded and calling off streams solely due to said retardation.

>> No.74550062
File: 207 KB, 512x512, 1700198511653292.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who's doing the ASMR then

>> No.74550092

It's not a reaction stream though, they are doing some kind of game with the ASMR mic, maybe who gets embarrassed the most from saying some lines to it

>> No.74550110


>> No.74550128

Isn't this a show where fans send shit in for them?

>> No.74550168

oh my goodness
no they wanted suggestions on what to do

>> No.74550186

AZKi. I wish she was my oshi...

>> No.74550224

they will be trying 5 "things" during a stream one of which is "that" asmr mic

>> No.74550273

That anon is shitstirring. It's a prerecorded show with their streamed reactions. The whole bit is they do user suggest tasks or react to items "sent in". One of them is an ASMR segment, which had the highest votes by a country mile on holoplus by the way. They are doing ASMR mic stuff, which depending on what ASMR means to you could be taken as their first time. It's not going to be serious but still JP bros are winning.

>> No.74550302

The time would be perfect for me any other day... it's so bauver... can't believe I'll miss the first ASMR live...

>> No.74550348
File: 397 KB, 1615x2048, 1695219025309836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74550369

>their first ASMR is jp exclusive
you can't make this shit up holy kek

>> No.74550385

oh it's prerecorded? that actually makes me feel way better about missing it live, then

>> No.74550394

Where the fuck does it say that

>> No.74550431


>> No.74550446

In the video description https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PYjJ94tyoI

>> No.74550458

they're probably just going to say bau bau or some shit
but i would love sloppy blowjob japanese asmr

>> No.74550474

>their first time will be with JP bros

>> No.74550506
File: 90 KB, 538x604, 1710533980173608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74550537
File: 49 KB, 600x583, 1696153528318956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lots of use of the monkey's paw this week huh

>> No.74550541
File: 316 KB, 1316x1707, 534693035463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one of the suggestions is a bau bau ASMR
JP tourist will get ASMR before EN Ruffians do
It's over....

>> No.74550561
File: 147 KB, 870x1351, 1683063448449451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for transparency, poll results immediately, 2 minutes and 9 minutes later

>> No.74550577
File: 410 KB, 1080x1828, Screenshot_20240426_201915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>フワモコがバイノーラルマイクで両サイドから「BAU BAU」ってささやくASMRが聞いてみたいです!
I would like to hear FUWAMOCO ASMR whispering "BAU BAU" to both sides of a binaural mic

>> No.74550597

This week is easily the absolutely this threads worst nightmare kek Next week is an absolute horror show and easily the WORST shitposting come true. Imagine saying this shit 4 months ago? you'd be laughed away as a shitposter. Remember the shitposts from a while ago about how their first "ASMR" will be JP only?
This is actually so retardedly absurd it's becoming funny at this point. What's next, an actual VN stream next week? A 24 hour JP endurance? Weekly JP solos?

>> No.74550629

If it's ONLY bau bau then that's fine. Still gonna feel bad about it though

>> No.74550658

The thread is going to be so funny during GW, I'm almost looking forward to it as much as I am the streams, don't let me down menheras.

>> No.74550667

>no one vote per IP restriction
no thanks

>> No.74550677

>just Bau Bau"
Okay, that's fine then...

>> No.74550681

she fucked over her throat over asmr for jps… bros the deepthroat rrat is real

>> No.74550697

I'm more suprised it got 22 votes. Fuck strawpoll

>> No.74550720

what's wrong with strawpoll

>> No.74550733

>half and half
Yeah, about what I expected, tbdesu. Most of the menhera posts seem more-or-less mixed

>> No.74550750

illegal in california

>> No.74550774

i'll never submit a vote no matter what

>> No.74550799

Wait... JP is getting ASMR now?

>> No.74550803
File: 157 KB, 512x512, 1700406777065399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74550806

I know this is just a management thing, but man it makes me mad that Cover is using an EN talent to promote their app they won't even localize into english. It really feels sometimes like they only care about using NAfags to boost sub numbers so they can then turn around and sell the girls to Japan

>> No.74550817

Bau Bau is the same in both languages, so this is fine. I'd like to hear this too, tbdesu. Jesus Christ imagine if something else was suggested though.

>> No.74550835

plastic straws are banned

>> No.74550856

You know it's not going to be just that
They're not going to bring out the mic for only one line

>> No.74550860

Just the words "Bau Bau," so it's universal for everyone

>> No.74550862

Are you really surprised?

>> No.74550903
File: 304 KB, 1737x470, 646479639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were warned back in August>>74550541

>> No.74550934

>It really feels sometimes like they only care about using NAfags to boost sub numbers so they can then turn around and sell the girls to Japan
What makes you think that? Was it the dozens and dozens of japanese exclusive merch in popup shops?

>> No.74550964

>they bau bau and say how much they love the (jp) ruffians, in japanese of course
your reaction?

>> No.74550973
File: 2.73 MB, 498x498, 1695948641899622.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I voted for the ASMR

>> No.74550994

>The fucking DemonDog-bros get asmr before EN or JP
that's it, I'm fucking done

>> No.74550998

Do you even have to ask?

>> No.74551049


>> No.74551101


>> No.74551145

I forgot holoplus was even a thing, I think I still have it installed too.
