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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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74490026 No.74490026 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.74490146


>> No.74490174

isn't rie the bbc girl?

>> No.74490213

>sexpest meeting up with two cute girls

>> No.74490298

I thought they wanted hololive collabs? What's the problem?

>> No.74490337


>> No.74490410

>Two whores meet and fuck a sex pest
>This is surprising
Anyone that watches indies or phase (especially that one) is already more than likely a cuck to begin with anon, none of them are gonna care and several will enjoy it

>> No.74490441

I'm still certain flayon is 100% gay

>> No.74490451

>>Two whores meet and fuck a sex pest
Did they?

>> No.74490461

Cope. He's known as the "cucker"

>> No.74490495

Why is that?

>> No.74490539

I mean that's basically his entire personality, grooming indies, he's pretty up front about it really.

>> No.74490559

Is it?

>> No.74490585

He used to hang out with other people's girlfriends. He enjoys making other people jealous

>> No.74490587

The fact that Hime never talked about it makes me pretty suspicious.

>> No.74490602

Does he?

>> No.74490608

Don't they say He's super buff?

>> No.74490611

No... Peo... I thought you were not like those whores

>> No.74490652

Dizzy is the bbc girl, Rie said she only dates white australian men who are into anal.

>> No.74490700

>>Don't they say He's super buff?
He has an 8pack.

>> No.74490703

Boyfriend Connect at it again

>> No.74490880

You just know

>> No.74490892

Does homo en have female unicorns?

>> No.74490897

Know what?

>> No.74490896

There are at least 3 of those in phase. You have to be more specific

>> No.74490914
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Sorry chuds, the femboy gets the girls

>> No.74490979

Only one confirmed.

>> No.74491002

Proof? No mention on peo's twitter of a flayon, whoever the fuck that is. I don't know any male vtubers. Males can't be vtubers anyway. If this is indeed the truth though I will no longer watch her. Shall await verification. Either way all male vtubers should be killed.

>> No.74491023

They barely have an audiance, most people watching them are corporate bootlickers who think "DA BOIZ ARE ALSO HOLOLIVE" with some refugee sisters who think they are le based unlike the unicorns.

>> No.74491038

Are they?

>> No.74491044

Check the first 20mins of the vod once she's done streaming.

>> No.74491225
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>> No.74491228

Then why is hime being retarded

>> No.74491544

It's all so tiresome. Like is it that hard to keep men's disgusting dicks outside of your body for like one second? Guess the outrageously cute are not safe from the carousel either.

>> No.74491587

>is it that hard to keep men's disgusting dicks outside of your body
Did she not?

>> No.74491646

Well there is only one reason that male vtubers meet up with female vtubers in real life, and it's not to go have Boba together platonically. Also if he's gay, that means nothing, all gays will fuck a cute girl given the chance.

>> No.74491672

>Well there is only one reason that male vtubers meet up with female vtubers in real life
Is there? How do you know?

>> No.74491691

itt things that never happened

>> No.74491704

unlikely, unfortunately

>> No.74491726

How is it unlikely?

>> No.74491740

Remember boys, always keep a back up handy. Keep that 2 view on hand, in case you get cucked like me, you can fall back on them cos my 2 view would never chuck me right? Cos then she'd have no money.

>> No.74491809

You think men hang out with girls just for fun? There is only one reason a man hangs out with a girl. Unless you're some kind of asexual freak of nature or something.

>> No.74491822

for hime to keep her legs closed?

>> No.74491845

Flayon is shredded.

>> No.74491856

>There is only one reason a man hangs out with a girl.
How do you know?
Again, how is it unlikely?

>> No.74491917

Don't really care about whatsherface. But it should be illegal for some random ugly gay man to fuck someone as cute as Peo. Fuck everything.

>> No.74491943

>some random ugly gay man to fuck someone as cute as Peo
Did he?

>> No.74491949

All men know this.

>> No.74491978

How do you know what every other man knows?

>> No.74492027

If he met up with her then they fucked. Is there something you're not getting here? Like you do realise what adults do, right?

>> No.74492032

Woman thread. I wil rape every single one of you to make you feel right for once.

>> No.74492048

>If he met up with her then they fucked
How do you know?

>> No.74492088

That's a retarded question. Maybe you're one of those artists that lacks empathy and can't put yourself in other people's shoes. Anyways the peo party is over. What done is done. Cutting losses, gonna go fap to my 2 view.

>> No.74492124

>That's a retarded question
How so?

>> No.74492130

You type like a woman.

>> No.74492134


>> No.74492159

Be careful
There could be a liker in here

>> No.74492280

Because he's projecting hard. Anon only interacts with women in hopes of fucking them.

>> No.74492318

get my fucking fairy out of catalog

>> No.74492356

It's over bro

>> No.74492370

That makes sense. Thanks.

>> No.74492380


>> No.74492397

You're friend's a liar, Flayon's a bitch.

>> No.74492478

vtubers meet each other and fuck get over it

>> No.74492499

Do they? How do you know?

>> No.74492600

Based inquisitive anon

>> No.74492621

I'm Flayon

>> No.74492633

Unfortunately, nobody is really answering my questions.

>> No.74492665

Yo Flayon. Can I fuck you? Though i prefer you put on this lecherous maid bikini outfit i got you

>> No.74492718

Shame. Peo was actually kinda cute

>> No.74492906

He calls himself a cucker
A wanna be fuck boy
Whether or not that is true idk
But men like that always try and have sex with every women they meet
And him meeting up with Hime is not a good look for her, at all(I don't care how it looks for him)

>> No.74493005

>He calls himself a cucker
>A wanna be fuck boy
Does he really call himself that? I remember him saying that other people used to call him that in high school. When did he call himself that recently?
>But men like that always try and have sex with every women they meet
How do you know he does?

>> No.74493024

You type like a woman. Take responsiblity on my erection.

>> No.74493331

>Like you do realise what adults do
Why do you talk like you are a child pretending to know how adults are like?

>> No.74493432

>Anon is a child
>T-thats w-w-what adult do rright!?! They grow u-up and have s...s...s-sex!!?
My ojisan dick is fucking diamonds right now. Im gonna show these bratty anon what a real adult sex looks like

>> No.74493501
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wow, no shit. all vtuber males are sexpests

>> No.74493528

Are they? How do you know that every single one is?

>> No.74493582

t. they're all me

>> No.74493636

I'm a bit disappointed. By Peo's demeanor I assumed she'd be the type to not do anything with men and adhere to the "no male collabs" thing.

Guess I was wrong, shame. I wanted her to make it into hololive one day even.

>> No.74493658

I didnt remember typing this.

>> No.74493761

Is she a Bae of Phase Connect? I've seen catalog posts of her collabs with all companies

>> No.74493788

wait i checked all their twitters. where the fuck is flayon in all this? did you just straight up lie OP?

>> No.74493794

What's bae like?

>> No.74493804
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All of them.

>> No.74493845

Begging of Peo's current stream.
I am waiting for her to end so I can check for myself.

>> No.74493899

Is there any proof that what this person claimed is true?

>> No.74493923

>Men will fuck anything. Even those xitter troon
I see. Just like nature intended. I will not fuck a fujo sister.

>> No.74493957
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>> No.74493987

>no clips

>> No.74494038


>> No.74494089

Lia will be furious

>> No.74494109

Yes yes let's just make baseless accusations without substantial evidence.
We should continue to do this just cause yknow. Sounds good.

>> No.74494126


>> No.74494224


>> No.74494255

Didn’t she get sad because Kyo was catching heat or something like that? I recall something like that happening. She strikes me as a westaboo that’s too into the doublespeak.

>> No.74494331

I wish I could go on a dinner date with Flayon and ravage his tight asshole after

>> No.74494477

she said "3 people dinner yesterday with Rie-chan and Flayon-san"
I feel like Peo met up with Hime but Hime brought Flayon along because he and her
and then she goes "I'm not sure if I can talk about that or not"
So it's definitely Hime that wants to sweep this under the rug

>> No.74494487

I was making a no-clip joke..you know..jo clipping throught walls and all that. Nevermind..

>> No.74494501

Man I really hate whores

>> No.74494511

Don’t worry anon, I thought it was funny

>> No.74494669

Yukinoshita Peo met up with Himemiya Rie and Flayon for a dinner date*

>> No.74494683

not happy

>> No.74494727

My guess is that only one of them fucked him, but you'll never know which. He works for the best company a male vtuber can work for. He's been chatting with one of them on discord for weeks preparing for this. One girl brought the other as a chaperone and to give a second opinion on whether she should go ahead. When the OK was given after dinner they went off and fucked while the other girl went home. You will never know which girl it was.

>> No.74494774

Man, I can’t even do the question thing with this one, this is too good

>> No.74494819

Damn, I didnt know Flayon was capable of this.

>> No.74494834

>but you'll never know which
Peo wouldn't use such honorifics for Flayon if she was fucking him.
Hime is known for gushing over the Homostars and even collabing with them, especially for Flayon.

>> No.74494839

Capable of what?

>> No.74494857

Peo joked about snagging an american man for a greencard. Maybe it wasn't a joke.

>> No.74494863

It's not hard to realize it's Hime.

>> No.74494874

i think it went over your head anons...
qrd or clip or timestamp?

>> No.74494887

You'll never know for sure. You think you know, but you can't be 100% certain. She's tainted forever.

>> No.74494898

>So it's definitely Hime that wants to sweep this under the rug
That's honestly the biggest red flag because that's definitely something she would talk about if something else wasn't' going on.

>> No.74494900

>i think it went over your head anons...
maybe a little

>> No.74494901

Who and who

>> No.74494913

How do you know?

>> No.74494947

Smells like a sister thread. The stink is unbearable. You have to be a huge loser to attack Peo. Phase girls getting attacked is just another day from sister bullies.

>> No.74494966

How do I know what? The fact that she hasn't talked about it? Because unlike many I actively watch streams and she's talked meeting up with multiple different girls but has never said anything about Flayon.

>> No.74494991

No, how do you know she definitely would have talked about it if something else wasn’t going on?

>> No.74494997

Nah this was a joke thread from one of the anons in /pcg/

>> No.74495002

I first learned of Peo when I was raided into Flayon, who then raided into her, so it's not a surprise they are friends if he has raiding permissions from her.

>> No.74495014

Peo is too pure and loves streaming and loves her fans too much. She even says she doesn't want to do JP only streams because she understands how it feels to not understand.
That's exactly why people want to corrupt her.

>> No.74495063

Because Hime has never been one to shy away from males, both on stream and off. It's something she would've mentioned because she should have no reason not to.

>> No.74495104

If Peo met up with Flayon in person then that would definitely be reason to drop her imo
That's just a big no.

>> No.74495118

She met up with Rie. Rie brought Flayon along.

>> No.74495145

Considering Peo is a big numberfag and kind of menhera, surprised how much she’s interacted with male vtubers. Not the popular ones either, the en shitters. Now I don’t hope she gets into hololive. She has regloss written all over her

>> No.74495147

Sure but that only slightly makes it better.

>> No.74495151

Maybe she just didn’t want to get Peo involved without knowing if she was cool with it?

>> No.74495179

Then why bring a homo you're trying to fuck along with you to meet Peo?

Unless Peo said ok beforehand, in which case I'd consider Peo "guilty" and would no longer support her.

>> No.74495181

K THE STREAM IS ENDED https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Rs66Fkcpyo
Show clips

>> No.74495183

I suppose. I'm honestly a little upset about this whole thing even if I should expect it from her.

>> No.74495223

>you’re trying to fuck
How do you know they were trying to fuck?

>> No.74495246

Roughly 18 minutes in

>> No.74495324

Why else would she keep it a secret that she's meeting him? Not to mention she's a huge slut and had lusted for plenty of stars before

>> No.74495368

Starts here:


>> No.74495395

>Why else would she keep it a secret
Again, it could’ve been because she didn’t know if Peo would be okay with her telling everyone about the three of them hanging out, so maybe she decided to just not talk about it

>> No.74495451

I wouldn’t have gotten into Peo if it wasn’t for a Flayon raid

I tend to stick to jp girls over en (and en males over jp) so finding Peo with her cute fairy engrish was perfect

>> No.74495486

>I'm not sure if I can talk about this. If I can talk about this or not so I don't mention it.
>Yesterday, 3 people dinner. Dinner with 3 people dinner yesterday with Rie-chan and Flayon-san
>I'm not sure if I can talk about that or not
Hime was also translating Flayon's words for Peo since she's a fan

>> No.74495727

I'm seriously disappointed in Peo
I thought she would be holo material

>> No.74495745

Literally who the fuck cares

>> No.74495772

Very disappointed in Peo. Unsubscribed. Fuck you you dick guzzling whore cunt. Never Collab with homos, ever. Dumb bitch. Rape her in her blood puddle. Whore.

>> No.74495789

People who don't like homos or worse yet sex pests like Flayon

>> No.74495790

Yeah, it sucks shit, I can’t believe she eats food that’s fucked up

>> No.74495796

>wow this girl is amazing why isn't she more popular
Every time

>> No.74495819

How is he a sex pest?

>> No.74495878

>he doesn't know about his grooming of 2views

>> No.74495882

He's a male vtuber and all male vtubers are sexpest rapists.

>> No.74495930

In what way did he groom any 2views? Did he do anything sexual with them?
How do you know they all are?

>> No.74495994

What the fuck possessed Peo to make her think this was a good fucking idea? Also if you watch Peo from here on, you are a cuck and should kill yourself.

>> No.74496009

happens every time. someone starts shilling a girl hard here and then male vtubers get involved. the shilling ends.
what even is a vtuber? how did i get here? what is the internet? help, explain everything to me

>> No.74496045

Idk I’m asking questions that should be pretty easy to answer with evidence and proof but nobody’s done that yet

>> No.74496057

She want's to learn and practice her English but she's way too shy and nervous. Hell, she even slept for 3 hours because it was eating away at her.

>> No.74496075

Because they all are. If you take a long hard look at the world you will realise that all prejudice and stereotypes are always correct. all male vtubers are homosexuals and rapist sex pest perverts that prey on vulnerable girls. All male vtubers should be terminated.

>> No.74496122

Keep coping cuck. You are standing up for her, you are a cuck and a homobeggar.

>> No.74496133

That doesn’t answer the question I asked

>> No.74496166

How am I being cuckolded? And when did I beg for anything?

>> No.74496174

Think if I got a gf I would stop watching Vtubers.

>> No.74496193

She admitted to offcollabing with Flayon, right there in her stream. You don't just off Collab with men for no reason. You just know he was rizzing her. If you don't feel like a third wheel, you are mentally ill, and a cuck.

>> No.74496231

>You don't just off Collab with men for no reason. You just know he was rizzing her.
How do you know that?

>> No.74496287

You've been cucked by a homo. Your begging for homos by standing up for Peo's career ending decision to off Collab, in person, with a homo sexpest. You might as well guzzle flayons cum out of peo's pussy.

>> No.74496317

She said it in the stream. Stop guzzling homo cum.

>> No.74496334

>you’ve been cucked
Again, how have I been cucked?
>standing up for Peo’s career ending decision
When did I do that?
>with a homo sexpest
How is he a sexpest?
>that last statement
How do you know there is any?

>> No.74496365

She said that Flayon hit on her? When? I didn’t hear her say that in that stream.

>> No.74496367

Shy and nervous. Perfectly malleable for a sexpest to take advantage of her. God fucking damnit Peo.

>> No.74496416

She is as ESL as you can get. She needed Hime to handhold her and translate all of Flayon's words

>> No.74496466

You think he just rocked up and was platonic and didn't try to rizz her? Do you even have a penis bro? That's why males should never ever off Collab with vtubers. Thank god my oshi keeps these creeps the fuck away from her. RIP Peo though.

>> No.74496480

I can't believe they had sex...

>> No.74496491

>You think he just rocked up and was platonic and didn't try to rizz her?
Yeah? Why not?

>> No.74496554

I don't understand why anyone would think that Peo should even be in Holo. She's a big westaboo and wants to stream specifically in English, which means she can only consider EN branch, but she needs to reach at least Kiara's English level before applying there. It's certainly not impossible, but it will take a long time. With content like this, she's better as indie.

>> No.74496576

ESL girls are easier to get into bed because the language barrier removes any awkward cringe factor. It's like that with my ESL 2 views, my creepiness gets lost in translation so they send me cunt pics anyway. Flayon took advantage of this to have sex with Peo. But even if Peo was taken advantage of, it's still her fault so I will not be watching her again. I don't watch whores with gaping cum filled holes.

>> No.74496623

>It’s like that with my ESL 2 views, my creepiness gets lost in translation so they send me cunt pics anyway
Oh, so you were projecting your own status of being a sex pest onto him
Thanks for inadvertently answering my question

>> No.74496653

woman spotted, hi sis

>> No.74496667

That doesn’t answer the question.

>> No.74496688

Why the fuck would you talk to a girl if not to have sex with her. I think you are missing something here. You do realise you can fuck girls right. Like that's the entire point of vtubing, me fucking them an impregnating them and filling them with my daughters. But you can't put daughters in used goods, like Peo, because the daughters will come out autistic. Impregnating non virgins creates autistic children.

>> No.74496707

This thread is retarded.

>> No.74496705

>retards feeding the troll until he dies of diabetes
Holy shit you guys are evil

>> No.74496714

Flayon just gives me bad vibes. He's also annoying as fuck in the collabs I've seen with him. I like Peo's cute engrish, so I'll catch a stream every now and then.

>> No.74496743

I'm a sexpest, yes. I'm here to fuck girls. That's what makes do. That's what vtubers are for. That's why all males vtubers need to be terminated, because these girls are mine.

>> No.74496761

>Why the fuck would you talk to a girl if not to have sex with her.
Perhaps to have a conversation with a person?
>You do realise you can fuck girls right. >Like that's the entire point of vtubing, me fucking them an impregnating them and filling them with my daughters
Oh, good, more admitting that you’re projecting your own status of a sexpest onto somebody else.

>> No.74496797

Vtubing is retarded. Peo is retarded.

>> No.74496798

Yes, yes, you’ve already proven that you don’t know anything happened and are simply baselessly projecting. Thank you. No more questions for you.

>> No.74496803

Ok. As a unicorn, I'm an expert on all of the holostars. You obviously have never watched him. Trust me on this one.

>> No.74496811

>Peo is retarded.
Yeah, my little esl retard

>> No.74496846

Why should I trust you without you proving your claims?

>> No.74496850

Are you gay or something. You like look at a girl and you're like "Nahhh". One of them asexuals or some shit.

>> No.74496854

Why wouldn't you?

>> No.74496875

She admitted to off collabing.

>> No.74496887

most youtube chuubas have open raid settings, they don't have to give anyone "permissions", that's why kiara and mori often get raided by literal whos

>> No.74496904

Well, typically in society, one does not believe another’s claims without evidence provided. If that were not the case, then the world would be a place of chaos due to everyone immediately believing everything they were told.

>> No.74496927

Why can't you do a little research yourself?

>> No.74496943

No, I simply do not think about having sex with every single woman that comes into my field of view. This is because I am not a sex pest.
And what does that prove exactly?

>> No.74496946

We need like a reliable database of unicorn friendly vtubers so we can make an educated decision on who to watch and not get cucked by whores.

>> No.74496962

NTA but here
>This isn't voice acting
>I'm just a whore
>We should praise people for being whores. Why is there shame.
>You sex? Let's go! There's no shame to be had.
>The only problem will be timing and place, and if there's good consent.
>Other than than you whore it up. Slut it up baby is what I say!
>Get those genitals!

>> No.74496973

it was a dinner with three people
the only ones who should be mad or coping are Hime fags like me
and yeah i am mad, only because I know what she is like

>> No.74496989

It's easier to just bait replies by responding to everything and adding question marks so that the thread hits bump limit faster.

>> No.74496990

Not wanting to impregnate women is called being gay. Go not have sex somewhere else or whatever. Go watch men or something.

>> No.74497004

Really? Does that actually work?

>> No.74497009

You are the one who wants to convince me of something. I have no motive to search for an answer that I don’t have any reason to believe exists. I’d rather just conclude that your claims are unfounded due to your inability to produce evidence.

>> No.74497053

The fuck is this elaborate cuck fantasy thread.

>> No.74497057

>Hime fags
I, too, am a part of her named fanbase

>> No.74497061

i don’t know shit about either of these two girls but reading about what they did motivated my lazy ass to get out of bed and not let my gym streak end. thank you girl who effectively ruined her own career and holo en faggot.

also to the fags that endlessly fed that tranny that finessed you with the mgs solid snake approach, kill yourselves holy shit

>> No.74497072

>emphasizes the importance of timing, place, and consent
That sounds very unlike a sex pest to me.

>> No.74497080 [DELETED] 

That's okay. We'll continue in another thread because there is much to discuss, and want to make sure people can make an informed decision on whether to watch Peo anymore.

>> No.74497093

I was doing it case they had know idea what bito would mean
but I guess context of the sentence would have clued them in

>> No.74497115

Consent is a buzzword sexpests use to get girls into bed.

>> No.74497120

you give these cucks too much credit

>> No.74497144

Anon, I’m sorry that you have to hear this from me, but your way of thinking is not the standard for a straight man. It is the standard for what we call a “sex pest”. There are many straight men who are, in fact, not sex pests.

>> No.74497173

How do you know that’s true?

>> No.74497195

Are you sure?

>> No.74497204

You mean homos? Because that's what men that don't want to fuck girls are. Also they all have GRIDS and pinworms.

>> No.74497244

How do you know that many straight men aren't sexpests? You're projecting.

>> No.74497252

From what I've heard about for Rie, real fans should be happy for her if she's getting some of that anal sex she desperately craves.

>> No.74497296


>> No.74497331

No, anon. A man that does not want to fuck every single girl he sees is not necessarily a homosexual.
A man that does not want to fuck any girl is a homosexual.
A man that wants to fuck somewhere from one to like ten girls is a standard straight man. (These do, in fact, exist.)
A man that wants to fuck every single girl he sees is a sex pest.

>> No.74497334


>> No.74497336

God fucking dammit and I literally JUST started watching Rie before her Japan trip too…fucks sake man and with a fag like Flayon no less. Thank fuck I wasn’t around long enough to get invested

>> No.74497342

Imagine the smell

>> No.74497361

yeah no
why would i want her to do shit with someone else ?
Or are you talking about the slut posters and rape posters?

>> No.74497390

For a moment I was considering leaving Peo a comment on her VOD and telling her that I am disappointed over her meeting a person like Flayon, but I ended up opting against it and just dropping her quietly

>> No.74497400

Same with Peo. Just started thinking she was cute. Dodged a bullet there. Will stick to oshis I know and trust. TWD.

>> No.74497430

I'll bite: because "sexpest" isn't even a thing outside of sister-riddled garbage communities on the internet. It only exists in that fucked up dimension. It's like the /pol/ boogeyman of the month.

>> No.74497461

Yeah that's the way to go. Antis are fucking miserable faggots. I'll just quietly drop her and move on. A little sad I guess, but you get used to it. Not the first, won't be the last.

>> No.74497470

but one of them is married tho

>> No.74497476

Anon? Do you not know who Hime is?

>> No.74497509


>> No.74497515

yeah I do

>> No.74497534

Who? All I know is she loud, annoying and loves nogcock.

>> No.74497549
File: 111 KB, 220x220, matthew-mcconaughey-smoking-matthew-mcconaughey.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do you become a unicorn for a girl as openly slutty and depraved as Rie?
Are you a false flaggot and/or just earthshatteringly fucking retarded?

>> No.74497578

Imagine being so anticorn that you feel you have to go to the extremes to dab on the haters. Then when Flayon rapes Rie, suddenly she will blame society in a TwitLonger, having ignored all warnings prior.

>> No.74497594

That is very cringe

>> No.74497617

I am the latter unfortunately
I just don't like hearing about the irl shit she does
especially when it is another vtuber

>> No.74497628

Every. Single. Time.

>> No.74497631

>Yukinoshita Peo
I keep getting her videos recommended to me. I will block her channel now.

>> No.74497643

Nta but I’ve been to college anon. I met several, SEVERAL dudes there who I would absolutely describe as “sexpests”. Hell my best buddy was unabashedly a sexpest. He’d tell me all the time how he only wants 1 thing from women and how they’re only good for sex. Maybe the term “sexpest” is only on here like you describe and the irl term is more like “horndog”. Now are they the majority of men? Of course not. Are they an insignificant enough amount to where I’d assume someone like Flayon isn’t one of them? Fuck no lol

>> No.74497696

based and same

>> No.74497702

Oh, it's just trolling.

>> No.74497719

If the default state of straight men was to sex pest every single woman he saw, then logically, monogamous relationships would not have become the standard throughout the majority of the civilized world. Society would have developed naturally favoring things like harems. While these were and still are the standard in certain parts of the world, monogamous relationships are much more common.

>> No.74497760

When will that happen?

>> No.74497769

>Comfy in Holobox
>dares to go outside holobox for seemingly cute indie teamate
>*indie has offline meeting with a homo*
>"we stay in the Holobox"

>> No.74497774

>itt anons pretend they cared about Peo

>> No.74497780

Hope this ends Peo's career. When will vtubers learn to stop collabing with men? It's like moths to a flame, one after another. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad. And then all the sexual harrassment claims will come out and all the vtubers girls will lament "how could this happen?!"

>> No.74497805

the irony

>> No.74497807

>itt people pretending the holos have never done this before

>> No.74497831

Damn, so he did fk them.

>> No.74497856

Not anymore with hypergamy and a matriarchal society. All bets are off now.

>> No.74497865

Third offpako, likely in a con. I'm guessing AX IRL meet-up. Oh but this is just unicorn schizo rambling. Pay no mind. She probably will keep quiet about the rape just so the unicorns aren't proven right.

>> No.74497879

I actually watched her quite sometimes, yeah. I thought she would be in hololive one day if she kept at it, now I'm not so sure I want that anymore.

>> No.74497928

You don't give specific permissions in youtube, you can only set it ON/OFF. On means anyone can raid you, off means noone can.

>> No.74497956

I don't think this is correct.
Most holos are only raidable by other holos. And a few are raidable by anyone under the sun like Kiara or Mori.

>> No.74497980

Monogamy is still far more common. And, importantly, has been through most of history.

>> No.74498011

>He doesn't know about notGura
>He doesn't know about Ame
>He doesn't know about Mori
>He doesn't know about Kiara
>He doesn't know about notFauna
>He doesn't know about notMumei
>He doesn't know about notIRyS
>He doesn't know about Kronii
>He doesn't know about Bae
>He doesn't know about notShiori
>He doesn't know about notFWMC
>He doesn't know about notBiboo
>He doesn't know about notNerissa
Anon... all of the Holos... no exceptions

>> No.74498036

Peo will be Uto 2.0 won't she?
How long until the Apex collabs with guys and vshojos?

>> No.74498077

monogamy is standard because it needed to be enforced by law because without it partners will cheat

>> No.74498107

You don't even need to go that far, even on catalog

>> No.74498162

But if partners were naturally inclined to “cheat”, then monogamy would never have developed in the first place
Society would have developed around polygamous relationships

>> No.74498177

Not right now it's not. Two thirds of men are single. The percentage of single women is a fraction of this. That is not monogamous. That's what makes flayons actions so egregious. Peo and Rie are not the only vtubers he's fucking. And Peo and Rie have hundreds of orbiters in their harems that they can pick from, meanwhile I will never ever get to touch a female human for the rest of my life. There is no monogamy to be found in today's society. it's over.

>> No.74498262

It's all so tiresome. Like is asking vtubers not to be a whore so much to ask?

>> No.74498290

Well, I do, too, fantasize how it would be to lay with an attractive woman I randomly meet. It's only natural. But by enveloping this phenomenon in this stupid internet zoomer lingo, you put them on this mythical pedestal that just reeks of all the usual vitriolic Twitter retardation like "worrisome" and "problematic" and "toxic masculinity". They're just horny, lonely people who are very comfortable with getting their kicks through DM's instead of irl interactions. AKA your average zoomer, but slightly more powertripping and less self-controlling on their pseudo-celebrity status.

>> No.74498318

Gonna need reliable, peer-reviewed sources on those statistics of yours if you want me to even remotely take them seriously champ

>> No.74498341

Cope. The boys are hololive, even Ayane said so

>> No.74498367

Cheating culture, ntr and cuckoldry, is a new phenomenon. Sure there was cheating in the past, but not to the society collapsing extreme it is now. And vtubing was an escape from this, but not anymore, because every single vtubers is now full of men's dicks. It's so over.

>> No.74498398

It was Aki who said that. Also counter proof: they aren't in this song https://youtu.be/QNW7yHDYldY?si=V9eBRJO-Fa2FIuL-

>> No.74498428

ina is safe...

>> No.74498433

>Rie said she only dates white australian men who are into anal.
Holy fucking shit, I'm in

>> No.74498434

The boys aren't even vtubers. Males will never be vtubers.

>> No.74498439

>ITT Sexpests here mad that they got beaten to the punch.

Many such cases

>> No.74498468

>Cheating culture, ntr and cuckoldry is a new phenomenon
NTR has been one of the most popular genres in Japanese porn

>> No.74498482


>> No.74498497

>Lyrics: Watame

>> No.74498530

People don't have anything on her is the point
If your oshi is Ina or IRyS antis need to go out of their way and fabricate yabs because theres nothing

>> No.74498554

>IRyS antis need to go out of their way and fabricate yabs because theres nothing
Anon doesn't know...
Ignorance is bliss

>> No.74498560

Ntr is malicious. It's pushed by evil people that want us to die out. Literal evil. And now Peo is part of that.

>> No.74498574

As I said, schizos need to fabricate yabs

>> No.74498591

Who and who?

>> No.74498633

On that logic goobs is safe too. Antilolicons try to push their rrats of her but they've never had any proof. But really who knows, better to assume all westoids are whores.

>> No.74498685

>He pretends there's nothing wrong with what she did

>> No.74498693

It’s amazing how just asking questions about all the claims people make can drive them batshit so quickly
And I still haven’t gotten that many answers

>> No.74498698

So they got flayed out?

>> No.74498721

Nah Gura had too much male interaction and non-disclosed stuff to be safe
Its Ina and IRyS and thats it

>> No.74498730

>Suddently doxthread

>> No.74498777

>goobs is safe too
Lmao even
Why do you think she learned to garden, bake, and cook?

>> No.74498784

Happens in most phasethreads for some reason. Perhaps because Pippa is friends with doxxers

>> No.74498844

yeah every catalog phase thread will have half the talents hard doxxed when the subject is something like "I like shiina"

>> No.74498849

>Pippa is friends with doxxers
is a doxxsister more like
something something asuka cosplayer

>> No.74498909


>> No.74498914

Ok now get a holo that isn't soft graduated to say it homobegger

>> No.74498924

That's because your questions are fucking retarded.

>> No.74498923

You guys brought up IRL stuff first with how Flayon allegedly rapes Peo and man... that's so not cool
Peo is a good girl

>> No.74498972

Says anti-lolicons cos they mad over drawings. I simply dismiss them.

>> No.74498982

Idk man
They seem like they’d be pretty easy to prove considering they’re all based off claims that people are making itt

>> No.74498999

>you guys
The only things that were brought up were things that Flayon said on stream himself. Peo was a good girl, but when she associates herself with the wrong crowd you lose respect. I rather had her grifting more off Ame than interacting with Homos.

>> No.74499008

Don't start talking about cuckpipis
This thread is for shitting on Hime for being her whore self

>> No.74499019


>> No.74499058

The claims are backed up by what peo said in stream. She off Collab Rd with flayon

>> No.74499091

>The only things that were brought up were things that Flayon said on stream himself.
Flayon brought up fucking both Peo and Hime on stream?
Because that’s basically all anyone was bringing up at the beginning of the thread.

>> No.74499111

Is all phase cuckshit now? Even Saya?

>> No.74499131

And which claims does that back up?

>> No.74499138

>glass houses once again

>> No.74499153

What claims?

>> No.74499157

lol keep coping phasecuck

>> No.74499163

Peo brought up both Rie and Flayon and that she wasnt sure whether she could talk about it. Flayon brought up all the sex, balls, genitals, cuckshit.

>> No.74499180

They off Collabed. Met up in real life. They touched each other, smelled each other. Like c'mon. An off Collab is fucking.

>> No.74499181

If they had sex why didn't they say that on stream? You are obliged to keep your fanbase informed of your sexual partners. Why xan't no-one answer this simple inquiry?

>> No.74499203

When did he bring that up in relation to meeting up with Rie and Peo?

>> No.74499219

This is a very strange thread. Its like trying to be a shitpost and not shitpost at the same time. Youre not even sure if this thread reeks of woman or man talking like a woman. Sometimes it feels like fantasy and reality at the same time. This shit is pure social science.

>> No.74499239

What did Flayon bring up? What did Rie bring up?
You do know what Peo said right?

>> No.74499242

They did. They said they off collabed

>> No.74499253

>male is surprised male vtubers are gay/bi

>> No.74499264

Why does it specifically have to mention Rie and/or Peo. He is an inherent sexpest, on stream, on xitter and according to his own words also offstream

>> No.74499271

Don't worry, I never bought a marriage ring, nor donated to the company who sold them

>> No.74499272

It’s strange how somehow everyone in this thread knows they had sex and yet nobody can answer how they know that they had sex.

>> No.74499298

It's like trolls trolling trolls and everyone happily bites the bait, astroturfs and falseflags. There's nothing genuine here.

>> No.74499341

Did they? Timestamp for that?

>> No.74499375

Quite curious indeed. I have a new hypothesis. I think sex isn't real. If it was real, why didn't I ever see one? Quite peculiar, I may add.

>> No.74499383

rie is a whore and flayon is a sexpest do the math yourself

>> No.74499387

All male vtubers are gay, and all male vtubers rape female vtubers. Both these seemingly contradictory facts are in fact true. That's why all male vtubers need to be graduated and terminated. That's why all homobeggers are subversive evil cunts, they want to destroy vtubing and idol culture forever because unicorns live rent free in their heads because they are too autistic to fall in love.

>> No.74499404

How is it sexpesting if he isn’t targeting any women with his sex talk?
You’re missing the “pest” part.

>> No.74499454

You're just in denial. You think girls and boys just hang out and nothing happens, no flirting, no rizz, nothing, just two platonic friends chilling. Right.

>> No.74499485

Scroll up

>> No.74499534

Haven’t seen anyone explain how they know that anything contrary to that happened, so

>> No.74499558

Theres genuine retardation though. Im unironically going to use the thread for research.

>> No.74499556

Was anyone in peo's chat disappointed when she announced this?

>> No.74499559

Rie is a whore who knows Japanese, Flayon is a sexpest, Peo is an ESL who's also a fan of HoloEN (even the homos) and was invited by Rie.

>> No.74499566

You must either be socrates' incarnate or a genuine retard. A feller who calls himself "the cucker" and "a whore" and talks about wanting to have as much sex as possible, on stream and offstream, is a literal sexpest.

>> No.74499626

Use it to research how retarded and evil antiunicorns are. They prop up cuckoldry and ntr as if it were a virtue.

>> No.74499715

God I hate male vtubers so much. Jesus Christ. And they're always weird little Asian markets too, or weird little Zoomer faggots. I want to fight them.

>> No.74499726
File: 1.51 MB, 640x464, 564.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74499725

>calls himself the cucker
Still waiting on anyone to show me that he uses that name for himself
>describes self as a whore
>wanting to have sex
Still missing the “pest” part, haven’t seen that yet
By that definition, half of Hololive JP are sex pests

>> No.74499749

Time to be a Holostar

>> No.74499764


>> No.74499814

Girls can't be sexpests

>> No.74499818

Use it to research how people are unable to comprehend the concept of needing evidence to support their claims

>> No.74499869

Girls can't be pests

>> No.74499879

I wonder how easy it is to slide into phasegirl dm.

>> No.74499883

Watch streams homobeggar. Oh wait, you retards dont even watch streams which is why Peo always has higher ccv than the homo who is trying to groom her and you are trying to defend

>> No.74499886

And why is that?

>> No.74499907

Exactly why all holostars need to be terminated, JP and en. The girls are not safe otherwise. I trust yahoo, but I don't trust male vtubers to keep their dicks in their pants.

>> No.74499937
File: 863 KB, 1606x736, 17010927499183991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He also acts like an actual homosexual. Do straight men usually listen to other dudes valentines voice packs or ask other men to record yandere kidnapping ASMR? Also what kind of straight man says “oomfie”? Is this really the guy you’re touting as the “cucker”

>> No.74499942

>actual yas queen twitter bitch logic
do unikeks really? women can absolutely be sex pests

>> No.74499947

Threads like this make me want to watch married, completely schizo and 40+ female vtubers exclusively.

>> No.74499950

Evidence is in the stream that you obviously have still not watched.

>> No.74499953

I do watch streams.
Flayon said that, in high school, other people slapped him with the nickname of “the cucker” and he didn’t like it.
Not once have I heard him actually claim the nickname as something he uses currently.

>> No.74499992

Sounds like HoloJP is the place for you

>> No.74499994

Not fucking hard. But not worth it. The girl I slid into shit tested my ass so much I got bored and left.

>> No.74500022

he is gaybaiting for a female audience

>> No.74500037

Same reason that rape is only from guy to girl.

>> No.74500039

This is what the evidence provided has proven
>Flayon, Rie, and Peo met up and had dinner together
>Rie had to translate Flayon’s English for Peo
No other claims in this thread have been supported with sufficient evidence.

>> No.74500046

The sooner we kill off Nijisanji EN the better this place will be. Threads like this are reflective of the overall fanbase sisters have created. Anything Unicorn argument based in a thread like this are just sister doxxers riling everyone up and genuine cucks. That's part of the reason why the tagalog thread was taken down because the sisters bragged about doing the same this thread is about.

>> No.74500061

You dont ironically say gay shit to your bestfriends? like kissing the homies good night, knowing damn well that you would actually never do that

>> No.74500079

And that reason is?

>> No.74500102

The Japanese legal system doesnt/barely recognizes gay rape or rape by a female perp

>> No.74500112

Homos hide their true girl rapist selves behind a wall of faggotry. They use gayness as a cover to become friends with girls. Then they groom them and rape them. Then the girl writes their twitlonger. Every. Single. Time.

>> No.74500118

Every girl is shy until a famous male streamer raids them

>> No.74500171

Nta but nobody do that, even actual gay people who i know at work said the stereotype is cringy. The people who do that are usually trans.

>> No.74500198

How can a woman sexpest me when I want sex? Males all want sex all of the time. That's why girl on guy rape isn't a thing. Except for weirdos. Your not one of those weirdos that doesn't want sex are you?

>> No.74500204
File: 1.23 MB, 1284x1397, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flayon calls himself the cucker

>> No.74500239

>>74500102 (me)
There is an international case known where a Japanese guy, raped a Brittish man in an Australian train. Ofnthe three courts the case was brought to the Japanese court under Japanese law. The man went out free because the Japanese crimincal statute doesnt recognize gay rape as a crime

>> No.74500261

So then, if sex pesting is analogous to rape, then that means in order for a man to be a sex pest, they have to be targeting a woman as a victim, correct?
And therefore, a man rambling on his own about sexual stuff on a stream can’t be considered a “sex pest” for those actions because there is no victim he is pestering?

>> No.74500283

Peo collabs with males. That's more than enough for every sane person to know to never watch her again. Also, they fucked.

>> No.74500304

>Flayon calls himself the cucker
>"they call me the cucker"
did we watch the same clip?

>> No.74500336

>they call me the cucker
That literally proves my claim that he says other people call him the cucker, and he doesn’t like it
Thank you for proving it for me

>> No.74500343

Wow, you actually did it.

>> No.74500349

see >>74498011

>> No.74500353

Every guy wants sex. And every girl doesn't want sex and only does it as a transaction for something of value, like protection or money.

>> No.74500375

Sexpest behavior isnt limited to rape anon. Use your amoeba sized brain for once

>> No.74500377

Did you post the wrong clip? You literally just proved this guy right that he doesn’t call himself that.

>> No.74500384

He really love the cucker moniker, no wonder he in a lot of indies.

>> No.74500407

Do you know what the word “analogous” means, anon

>> No.74500427

Peo was the victim. Peo's cucked viewers are the victims. Should fucking sue the homo.

>> No.74500462

>Peo was the victim
But when did he do anything sexual towards Peo?

>> No.74500476

>cuck by the cucker of holostar

>> No.74500483

Peo is a whore.

>> No.74500509


>> No.74500522

Explain to me anon. If a person is a serial nudist, but there is no victim, is he a sexpest or not?

>> No.74500535

During the off Collab, rizzing her, making her giggle, making her wet, fucking her viewers, fucking me, and turning her into a common westoid whore. All male vtubers should be gassed.

>> No.74500550

So this is what subhumans consider a thread. Naruhodo

>> No.74500556

Why is it always people who can’t speak English that are obsessed with posting about their cuck fantasies?

>> No.74500590

Hime is the whore

>> No.74500600

Fucking autocorrect. Cucking, not fucking. I hate smartphones nearly as much as I hate male vtubers.

>> No.74500638

She spread her disease to Peo, and now we are all poorer for it.

>> No.74500639

That sin alone deserves the gas chamber

>> No.74500700

In this metaphor, Flayon talking about sex stuff in his own stream would be like a person being a nudist in a nudist colony.
If it was anywhere else? Highly inappropriate and sex pest behavior.
Where it is? Appropriate and expected.

>> No.74500719

You can't comprehend a woman being a sex pest because you aren't the type of person who would can/would get sexpested (as someone with no standards). The difference between female sex pests and male sex pests is that males will try and fuck anything with a hole, while women usually target rich/attractive/famous guys or people who are already in a relationship. There are some women who would fuck anything that moves as well, but they still have some standards, unlike male sex pests.

>> No.74500731

Deserved. Using a phone is about as fun as being cucked by a homo with a vtuber I actually started liking. What a fuckin shitshow.

>> No.74500779

>In his own it is normal but anywhere else it's not and it would be considered sexpest behavior
So you admit he has normalized sexpest behavior and is an actual sexpest?

>> No.74500802

Nope. Not appropriate, and not acceptable. The faggot should be terminated and never have got to meet peo. I'll never get to meet a girl again. But he gets to drown in pussy. Terminate the lot of them.

>> No.74500865

Sucks for their fans, but they're not hololive members so I dont care

>> No.74500885
File: 67 KB, 844x468, 1710083844788140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Homeless refugee nyfco sisters attacking anyone who are in a better position than their failing organs. Now they resort to attacking Holostars, small corpos, and indies because they are ironically doing better than 3/4 of failure-sanji, lol embarassing.

>> No.74500888

>and never have got to meet peo
Other way around. Peo got to meet Flayon because she was a fan and Rie was a "friend" of his that also knows japanese

>> No.74500890

So homos are not sexpest within their own branch but sexpest outwards? Gotcha

>> No.74500903

Page 10. Flayfag and peowhore go unpunished, and I sleep alone again.

>> No.74500919

No, because it’s only performed in an environment where it’s allowed. Location and time are crucial.
Getting naked in a public bath doesn’t make you a sex pest
Getting naked in the middle of the street does

>> No.74500932

HoloJP is no different

>> No.74500939

I'm just venting about Hime in this seethe thread

>> No.74500953

It's funny that homosis actually think the unicorns are seething at this

>> No.74501002

Nope, because he doesn’t act the same in collabs with people who aren’t chill with it
Sometimes, the people he’s collabing with are chill with it. That’s like going to a different nudist colony

>> No.74501017

Are we winning the war, bros?

>> No.74501018

Leave it to a sister to not even remember a Holo's name

>> No.74501030
File: 72 KB, 1280x720, 1710083844784736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, Niji's know their time is up and Phase is taking their spot.

>> No.74501033


>> No.74501070

Man, I want to hit you with another round of questions but I’m worried you’d crack

>> No.74501169
File: 92 KB, 241x226, 1713452403698788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that the highest amount of ccv miload got during his 12 hour birthday stream barely broke 4k and he had help from raids too.

>> No.74501174

If rie won't explain why she never mention her offcollab with flay then it true she cucking her fan.

>> No.74501270

This is already known. We just discussed this.
Rie is the one that wants to sweep herself and Flayon being together under the rug.
Peo is too retarded and too ESL to know otherwise.

>> No.74501286

Alright, good thread. Wish I got more questions answered, I was really hoping someone could properly explain how they knew all this sex was happening. Maybe next time.

>> No.74501322


>> No.74501347

context clues retard

>> No.74501410

>Rie is the one that wants to sweep herself and Flayon being together under the rug.
That sound retarded, even peo already mention her, keeping it a secret feel worse when most of her fanbase are /here/

>> No.74501481

Man. I was really tempted to hit you by asking “what context clues” but I’m already done asking questions. Again, maybe next time.

>> No.74501542

Why does Rie and Flayon not mention it then? Exactly.
Peo is an ESL so she gets a pass for questioning whether she can talk about it or not and then continuing to talk about it because she forgot what she just said

>> No.74501717

Because Rie thought Peo would keep it secret? Unfortunately for her Peo is too naive for that and probably doesn't know anthing about unicuck/idol culture shit.

>> No.74502458

Outside Ollie, he doesnt get to collab with Holomem. Nobody likes him because he is a sexpest

>> No.74502536

but you didn’t now did you retard. kys

>> No.74502563

Shiori replied to him once. She probably got a dickpic from him immediately after and decided to never do it again

>> No.74502662

they definitely exchanged notHolo discords
