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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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74161434 No.74161434 [Reply] [Original]

>Majority of talents focus on CGDCT
>Audience is primarily Otaku and gachikoi supporting the talents and company for a very specific product
>Consistent company growth and millions of fans ready to support anyone who just sticks to the tried and true formula
>This is somehow not enough for her

Why is Suisei so desperate to pop the "Vtuber Bubble"? Why would she rather break barriers and look for Vtuber fans elsewhere than the millions that already exist within Hololive? And why is Cover seemingly 100% in support of this?

>> No.74161571
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>> No.74161656

Its ambition. There are some people who always strive for greater hights and Hololive is supportive because why wouldn't they be? If she succeeds then Hololive has a link into a greater market, if she fails then she still has the foundation she made along the way and Hololive has alot of successful talents to recoup the losses anyway.

Pretty much a win/win for all parties involved.

>> No.74161833

>why is Hololive trying to expand into other markets instead of trapping themselves into one market that's already dominated by other mediums?

Stay in school kids.

>> No.74162028

>And why is Cover seemingly 100% in support of this?
If you can't even understand why they're in support of it then you're a lost cause. You should just kill yourself now. Legitimately. There is no hope for you.

>> No.74162188
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Only post big tits below this post

>> No.74162257

If it ain't broke then don't fix it you dumbfuck. They have zero reason to be appealing to normies and supporting all these mixed gender collabs lately. It's so funny how quickly you sisters reveal yourselves lol

>> No.74162434
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>If it ain't broke then don't fix it
>They have zero reason to be appealing to normies

>> No.74162438
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>S-stop trying to grow!!
holy fuck KEK

>> No.74162585
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Unicorn seethe

>> No.74162709

The only dumbfuck here is you. Why would they not take any opportunity they can to grow more? Suisei is literally a bridge for growth. This simple concept is too difficult for you to grasp because you're legitimately braindead, you retarded neanderthal. Kys now.

>> No.74162790

Both of you are retards, Covers stock is falling since it shouldn't have been that high in the first place, a 33 PER isn't attractive to investors.
On the other hand cover has never found success in any endeavour that doesn't directly involve the main branches of hololive with the proper idol branding. If cover is actively telling the girls to do it, especially en girls who barely have a branch culture then they are retarded.
Most likely it's just the girls decesion, don't care unless they try to do carrier suicide by courting the retarded VCR audiance.

>> No.74162849

>nigga is retarded
>o-oh shit i better blame sisters!!!!!
it'll never not be funny to me when retards try to blame everything on sisters whenever they reveal just how retarded they are

>> No.74163029

A piece of capitalist wisdom: True deficit isn't spending more money than you made, it's making less profit than you could have.

>> No.74163287

You fucks aren't even trying. Stop trying to turn hololive into something it's not.

>> No.74163356

Stop acting like an anti that wants Hololive's growth to stagnate

>> No.74163367

Is that the most ever for a vtuber?

>> No.74163450

Vtuber music will never be taken seriously.

>> No.74163492

The twins 100% hate Suisei behind the scenes lmao. She's everything they failed to be.

>> No.74163529
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enter new angle
you are pathetic

>> No.74164121

Suisei is a growth driver for Hololive and Vtubers as a whole.
She's even the one who popularized the actual musical idol angle inside hololive and inspired many holos to go that route in the first place. 3D streams in Holo were mostly variety shows with some songs before she showed other holos that they can be idols and have actual concerts with her first 3D live.

>> No.74164483

Because vtubing, as it is now, is like a chick in an egg. If the egg doesn't hatch soon, the chick will suffocate and die.
It's amazing that some people would rather see vtubing die first rather than their own fantasies.

>> No.74164956

Exactly. Opportunity Loss is the most tragic of all losses.

>> No.74165039

*Opportunity Cost

>> No.74165182
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>> No.74165265

If she was ambitious she would stream more

>> No.74165312

Or perhaps... the JP economy is imploding and all stocks have been in massive decline, which as an aside, makes the 2434 stock prop up even more hilariously stupid.

Circling back to the OP, knowing that why wouldnt you be attempting to make moves into a different market, as your current one becomes increasingly more saturated with competition. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you're not retarded, and just merely failed marketing 101.

>> No.74165421

>appealing to normies
They are vtubers. They dont appeal to normies no matter what, retard. The normie appeal is a meme.

>> No.74165579

There's no binary of normie and otaku, it's a spectrum of increasingly niche communities.
What she's doing is simply moving out of the small niche that is vtubers and streamers and going into larger communities.

>> No.74165609

Nta but in Japan, "normie/weeb" dichotomy when it comes to vtubers. If there is, it's not that strong as it is outside of Japan.
In Japan, VTubers are merely just another kind of content creator that, yes, Japanese "normies" would watch on the regular

>> No.74165668

*there is no "normie/weeb dichotomy"

>> No.74165766

Rock and Roll didn't appeal to normies at its inception. Neither did Western Comic book media. And yet both are now mainstream. It's almost like appealing to normies and time are necessary things to go mainstream. You're a clown.

>> No.74166011

Tell me where are western comic books or rock'n roll today, retard? Who is a clown here? The irony.

>> No.74166166

They would've never reached the heights that they did otherwise and that's a fact.

>> No.74166306

They evolved into other things that are now foundational in today's media.

>> No.74166411

Both are generally accepted within the general populace as they expanded into broader markets. I see you ARE actually retarded then

>> No.74166454

The opposite. Western comic books and rock died the moment they went full normie, retard. Normie appeal is a meme. It is a sure way to kill whatever good you had running and western comic industry is a perfect example of that.
This is even more true nowadays as going normie doesnt actually mean normie anymore but is just codeword for going woke.

>> No.74166532

"Died" is subjective. The two other anons have already said whatever else I could tell you.

>> No.74166593

The Culture War and its consequences have been a disaster for the vtubing race.

>> No.74166666

Accepted? What are you babbling about you dumb baby? No one listens to rock and roll anymore or reads nu comic books as it is shit. Everyone who shows genuine interest goes for the classics. Stop living in alternative worlds you schizo.

>> No.74166728

Yeah they evolved to shit. I see you want suisei to become shit as well. Good to know.

>> No.74166882

There's only one schizo here, culture warrior. And it certainly ain't one of us. Later.

>> No.74166905

I get the feeling Susei didn't wanna be a vtuber or even an idol she wanted to be a regular jpop star, think Utada Hikaru, but for one reason or another she ended up in vtubing and part of her resents it, she doesn't like otaku, she doesn't like really loke vtubing, but it is what makes her money so she puts up with it

>> No.74166976

Evolved over the course of multiple generations of artists and decades. Whatever you fear is gonna happen will not happen in the lifetime of Suisei's career.

>> No.74166991

Keep inhaling that copium.

>> No.74167028

Becoming mainstream certainly brings its own set of issues, but being the first, and in holo's case, the biggest, to break into different markets will always net an advantage over the trash that will inevitably follow.
People still remember the likes of Billy Holiday, Duke Ellington, Miles Davis etc, the best of their time, over the contemporaries of today.

>> No.74167037

She wants to be a jpop singer, not a streamer. That's why.

>> No.74167090

Comic books are not mainstream, comic book movies are but no one buying western comics, that whole industry is almost broke.

>> No.74167117

The opposite of that is true. She barely streams and barely gets superchats, her music career is enough to feed her for life. Yet she still does fun content every now and then because she finds it fun and still prefers to call herself a content creator.

>> No.74167170

And good riddance frankly enough, but that doesn't disprove the initial point that was being made at all.

>> No.74167186

Her name is HoeSheMadShe Sussy. How dodnt you fuckers cathc on earlier?

>> No.74167229

Anon you're having a stroke...

>> No.74167427

>so scared he doesn't even direct reply
You are in the minority.

>> No.74167525

No, anon. I didn't want to give you a (You), yet you gave me one instead. I'm touched, really.

>> No.74167775

Yeah it's broke because they ruined it with politics
The point that ruining a medium is good?

>> No.74167930

Because even in Japan, with all the popularity it has, Vtubing is still too niche. The pandemic made it look bigger than it actually is, and managing to get to new levels is called growth, something everyone in an actual business or with ambition searches.
If you stick to do the same thing over and over eventually the audience will start to leave, it's like having a bar, no matter how many veteran patrons you have, you need a number of newcomers to steadly come or you eventually will find yourself with not enough money despite those veterans.

>> No.74167992

Anon comics sales have been steadily going to shitter for literally decades. Woke shit, no woke shit. Its been a shit industry, if it wasnt for the movies both DC and Marvel would have gone broke. Western comics are just bad and stick recycling superman and batman stories for 5 decades straight.

>> No.74168037

Western Comics had their golden age but made an huge mistake pandering to the woke era that looked like a new gen but was just 10 idiots screaming on twitter.
Once they figured that out, Anime and Manga had already took over their audience with good stories and the rest is history.

>> No.74168156
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More money from normies means more opportunities for them to make niche projects too.
Holos wouldn't ever be able to have concerts with higher production quality or more expensive venues. None of our oshis would ever go to Budoukan without some mainstream appeal. They wouldn't have money to blow on high quality MVs. Cover would never improve the quality of their 3DCG or buy a new studio.
Everyone loved the Alternative trailers. If you ever want more of that they will need a shitton of cash money.

Branching out also means they can touch into other niches and learn from them. Suisei's MGO is a very good example, it widens her reach into different fields. Even if its audience is starting out smaller than her main channel, what they're doing is interesting enough to make it a worthwhile endeavor. The two concerts so far are artistically very interesting and actually take the medium to new levels.

>> No.74168221

The amount retards STILL bringing up worthless shit like streaming, CCV and Superchats have no idea what true popularity actually is. Pekora, Koyori and Miko can continue streaming like crazy for the rest of their lives and break all sorts of records, but none of that will ever compare to the power that one song from Suisei or Marine can have.

>> No.74168238

Another unicorn tantrum thread? I thought you guys loved Hololive

>> No.74168253

Nothing to do with wokeshit, western comics are just bad, evene in their golden age they were bad. They keep pumpung out fucking capeshit stories for literal decades with no change. Who gives a fuck is batman is woke or not when is yet another fucking batman story, even when they try making something new its still more fucking capeshit.

>> No.74168304

So then you're ok with the amount of braindead tourists that will continue to infect the medium? All for more growth?

>> No.74168341

But that proves the other point doesn't it? Doing the same thing over and over again just means that you will eventually fall behind, your core fanbase will lose interest and will be taken over by new innovative things that do everything you do but better.

>> No.74168447

Too much growth is unstable, too little is death in stagnation. There exists a middle ground.

>> No.74168454

Normies will never watch a vtuber stream, anon.

>> No.74168480

The innovation in this case means dont make the same story a millon times, its hars to call it innovation. Western comics industry had been in trouble since like the 70s and never tried to change.

>> No.74168499

They might not watch a stream but they are more than willing to listen to good music that happens to be sung by a vtuber or buy an album or a cute plushie.

>> No.74168562

That doesnt matter.
Streaming is better.

>> No.74168640
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aw, forgot to bump your miComet bait thread earlier?

>> No.74168688

As opposed to disappearing as barely a cultural footnote, as more and more people and money from a finite pool of fans gets dispersed amongst an ever increasingly saturated marketshare?
I'm not sure if you've looked at catalogue recently, current fans are already vastly capable of ruining the medium.

>> No.74168798
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>> No.74168805
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God I hate American culture wars.

>> No.74168899

>I know better than Suisei
based retard

>> No.74168951

Absolutely, other holos may have more subs then Suisei, but there's no denying that the most marketable holo is Suisei herself, untouchable in that fact.

>> No.74169041
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>makes Suisei even more marketable

>> No.74169171

It's not just story but also storyboard, composition, varied and dynamic artstyles. And the medium of presentation. The japanese manga industry might want to pretend otherwise but the existence of online manga readers before they caught up with the idea is what boosted them into international popularity.
Nowadays my only contact with comics is happening upon random youtube shorts of random comic book summaries.

>> No.74169180

I consider her a leech, but there's no doubting that Micomet is popular, to my disgust. Bring back Tokomachi or SuiTowa, I beg of you Suichan

>> No.74169224

Rock and roll and comic books had made their biggest cultural impact before they went full normie. They are remembered and cherished for the times they were catering and appealing to nerds.
Same goes for every medium. The golden age of vtubing is already over and no one will care about it once it becomes another normie slop with no soul.

>> No.74169328
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She leeches Suisei's body fluids

>> No.74169339

This just shows how much cover increased their merch options.

>> No.74169496

>The golden age of vtubing is already over and no one will care about it
The golden age of a contemporary medium is always when you get into it. People have been saying that for years, the golden age was the four kings, the golden age was the first Niji 2D streamers, the golden age was Holo before EN.
Yet it still continues to grow.

>> No.74169494

Suisei hasnt said anything about it. I dont know who you are quoting but ok.

>> No.74169566

If streaming was the best Suisei would still stream.

>> No.74169614

I got into vtubing during kizuna ai days and yet I have no problem admitting that the golden age was 2020 hololive.

>> No.74169670
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So do you think this is worse than what we had in 2020?

>> No.74169680

you are so dumb

>> No.74169798

Streaming is the bread and butter of it. Suisei definitely should stream more.

>> No.74169809

No shit Sherlock but that's not the initial premise of the OP. The answer to it is, and still remains, the fact that Sui is terribly ambitious and there's opportunities to be had, and likewise profit to be made, both of which are things that would fall solidly into thing a company would and should strive for.
If you're not happy about this, I'd suggest you find some other hobby to follow, but then again, why wouldn't you want to follow something that's, at least attempting, to push for new grounds?

>> No.74169835

>Rock and roll and comic books had made their biggest cultural impact before they went full normie.
I admit, I don't know rock history very well. Can you recommend me what you consider the more influential and foundational artists from before Sun Records manufactured the Elvis phenomenon?

>> No.74169874

This is just one concert so yes.

>> No.74170030

Streaming was much better back then, but the concerts and merchandising are improving every year.

>> No.74170124

>He seethes after not getting his (you) dopamine rush

>> No.74170231

That wasnt a response to the OP retard

>> No.74170307

Retard projecting

>> No.74170418

When I think success the first thing that comes to mind is Western Comic books LMAO

>> No.74170736

Would love to hear your response to >>74169835 then
I think we all know by now who the retard is.

>> No.74170763

>she wanted to be a regular jpop star
Before vtubing she didn't even know whether she wanted to be a singer or a mangaka, so no not really

>> No.74170977

You get the point. Dont pretend you are dumb.

>> No.74171021

>why is the company that wants to become a big name in the entertainment industry supporting one of the chuubas who's helping out with that?
are you fucking retarded?

>> No.74171287

They are already a big name.
They just need to continue pandering to otaku and normalize it on a bigger scale.

>> No.74171404

>I know better than Cover and Suisei what they should do because uhhhhhh yeab

>> No.74171471

because she wants to be a singer instead of a virtual prostitute, it's not hard to understand

>> No.74172556

Cover and Suisei dont know what they want to do.

>> No.74172984

Suisei arguably knows better than Cover. Hoshimatic was better than anything they made that year.

>> No.74173704

They already have people who do that. When you have like 50 streamers under your label, you don't want all of them to have the exact same audience and cannibalize each other. It is much better if they have unique viewers.
