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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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74153588 No.74153588 [Reply] [Original]

sexually harassing my child wife

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

ASMR Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0[Open]
VOD Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Nise Menhera Twitter:https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter:https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead):https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead):https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: dead

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>74127863

>> No.74153709


>> No.74153831
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Nina getting dicked by 82 japs

>> No.74153876
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puffy cheeks

>> No.74153886
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tick tock

>> No.74153915

The thing is I love shondo, and I've never loved anyone as much as I love her. Even if Oli or other vtubers or even some irl girl were "better" than her it doesnt matter. Shes my love my light my everything and I wont leave

>> No.74153990

Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVFpupDajG0

>> No.74154165

>refuse to enforce what you want from the relationship
>it turns into something you don't want
go nuclear or keep looping, shondo, the choice is yours

>> No.74154183
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Actual thread theme

>> No.74154192
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The other girls are only fine as a distraction. Once she's back i'll return to a single girl only.

>> No.74154232


>> No.74154325
File: 267 KB, 667x1200, 1710020238427117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute shonbutt

>> No.74154404

Wrong Tyler song, should be https://youtu.be/SCcVrLcGD7k?si=Sn_pyZ-PqTmcl52Y

>> No.74154420

>someone insulted his wife on twitter
white knights run this shit. stay losing.

>> No.74154606

I miss OF era Tyler

>> No.74154936

>sexually harassing my child wife
That's not legal. Not anymore.

>> No.74155083

I like Shondo in a healthy way and I hope she gets better! I will be here when you come back Shondo!

>> No.74155164

actual actual thread theme

>> No.74155623


>> No.74155705

actual real thread theme

>> No.74155967

(me) 2017 was probably the year i was happiest in my life and this album was on repeat all summer. wish i could be happy again :/

>> No.74156291

>child wife
She's an adult woman. I love my hag wife!

>> No.74156353

actual real factual thread theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aG3mbIZY92E

>> No.74156418

>She found p, she found r, she found d
Who the hell are r and d

>> No.74156434
File: 253 KB, 473x533, 1705355733186156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something definitely changed after rrk and darkkal. it's like she used him as a representation of the entire fanbase. all of her love for us went into him. all of her trust for us went into him. all of her desires, ambitions, wishes, feelings, hopes and dreams went into him. so when he betrayed her, she felt like the entire community did even though it was a personal matter between the two of them. she was unironically in love with him, because she was in love with (you) and saw him as its sole representative. it makes my relationship with shondo feel like an unrequited love.

>> No.74156474

Stop giving brainwormsfags attention.
Here we go again. Kys.

>> No.74156585

>it makes my relationship with shondo feel like an unrequited love.

>> No.74156592

Ah, my bad

>> No.74156602

This was the only time I told her off and blamed her publicly for focusing on the negative people and punishing everyone else for it.
She never replied and kept doing the same thing. I realized theres no point arguing with her about things because no matter what shes just going to keep doing what she wants

>> No.74156623

I love Oli

>> No.74156659

Nah keep pushing

>> No.74156872

At some point, we'll have to force her hand to change SOMETHING, she can do what she wants, but she also can't just ignore everyone
I'm not talking about groomers, I'm not talking about no faction, I'm just saying we'll need to ALL bonk her, otherwise we're going to stay in this loop of ups and lows
If she sees the opinion of the community being split she'll just go with the easiest option for her to take
Also you need to be niser, befriend your shoggas and fellow husbands, goddammit

>> No.74156877
File: 20 KB, 587x177, 1704977933733746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, stuff like this is really indicative of it i think. she literally can't handle a polycule, so it's like she focuses on 1 person at a time and pretends that's the entire collective. she says this shows how much she cares, but it doesn't. it only shows how much she cared for him specifically. i don't understand why she can't be realistic about these things. she has dug her heels so far into the dirt that she'll never be able to pivot out of this nightmare of her own creation.

>> No.74156932

kys luna

>> No.74157005

I thought to technique was to slide the panties to the side. Sticking it in there is extra risky.

>> No.74157046

When is he going to draw her naked?

>> No.74157072

Commission him.

>> No.74157153

Is he on Twitter?

>> No.74157175


>> No.74157180

NTA but you have to commission through pixiv

>> No.74157293

what's his pixiv?

>> No.74157307


>> No.74157367

why do we love ollie now?

>> No.74157380

Many thanks, brb commissioning

>> No.74157397

>$35 for a nsfw commission
insane price, I should com something

>> No.74157534

We don't.

>> No.74157722

She's alright. Shoggers just resent Shondo for not interacting with them as much as Oli does with her fans.

>> No.74158209

shondo if she was a stacy and not mentally ill

>> No.74158254

yeah, with how weak the yen is right now there has never been a better time to commission things out of japan

>> No.74158265

She's nise to me and I've literally never noticed had fun watching her streams

>> No.74158323

I don't know why I did that, I obviously meant not

>> No.74158499

Da Barbies are good in the interim but Shondo is my kamioshi!

>> No.74158523

Fuck you dont ever speak for me again

>> No.74158566

Guys is Oli better than shondo

>> No.74158600

I didn't. I said Shoggers not Shoggas

learn the difference, it may save your life one day.

>> No.74158646

Join her discord and listen to the most recent audio message from her

>> No.74158682

post it here, i'm not a discordfag

>> No.74158755

yes you should leave

>> No.74158806


>> No.74158957


>> No.74159086


>> No.74159322

Sorry Im on edge today. Going to go edge to shondo instead of posting here. Have a good day shoggas

>> No.74159380

so you're all just going to drop Shondo like some used, ripped clothing and switch to Oli now? Pathetic.

>> No.74159416
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It's fine. Have fun shogga.

>> No.74159461

i don't know if you've noticed, but shondo is on a hiatus. that makes it a bit of a challenge to watch her at the moment.

>> No.74159463


>> No.74159490

have you seen the cheater list? i haven't but i've seen enough cheaters posted /here/ to know that text document on derek's computer is very big

>> No.74159495

Favorite shondo stream?

>> No.74159805

Have a good day

>> No.74160032

>Used ripped clothing
She's less than that now because she doesn't ever stream or talk to me

>> No.74160227

Was giving you the best years of her life not enough?
Is there really nothing left in your backlog?

>> No.74160262

Youre the one who was used and then dropped
But its cool that you try to spin that onto others though

>> No.74160271

nothing will ever be enough for some people

>> No.74160435

Now she's wasted them as I did
And hell, it was her foot out the door first. Not mine

>> No.74160474

I love shondo with every fibre of my being and I love her unconditionally
If you feel different from when the hiatus first got announced then re-read the announcement and see if you feel the same

>> No.74160532

Oli has inspired me to do better for myself. It's warming up around here already and I think I'm gonna get up early and go for a run. Take care Oli bros!

>> No.74160593

It only makes me more certain that she klubbin

>> No.74160600

Godbless Oli bro

>> No.74160612

who the fuck is oli

>> No.74160621

Damn shitposters really havnt used this time to improve their game at all

>> No.74160672

2 weeks is all it took for shoggers to show their true colors
youre disgusting
do everyone a favour and dont come back when she returns from her hiatus

>> No.74160690
File: 149 KB, 500x500, 1713532941611490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, still love shondo more

>> No.74160815

i promise you don't

>> No.74160859

>am looking for a clip
>go to her channel
>open clips page
>suddenly stream starts autoplaying
>"hi, hi can you hear me?"
made me jump

>> No.74160868

How would she want me to feel? The last time I had serious mental issues, I hadn't socialized with people in almost a year and a half, whether friends or relatives. I understand people when they need to disengage because I personally don't always know or can, as in this case, help the other person. Like with my problems, I don't think anyone is going to give me the help that would really help.

>> No.74160978

Watch her vods. Work out. Up your cooking game. Touch grass. Socialize. Go to community events and performances and socialize. She will want you to be a happier healthier you.

>> No.74161044

All lies
She said before she enjoys the thought of making someone worse

>> No.74161060

stop relying on her
yes this is a one sided "relationship"
yes its unfair
no it wont change, not without her sacrificing things she's not willing to sacrifice

>> No.74161082

she likes both for different reasons is what she said

>> No.74161107

She also said she wants everyone to improve themselves and she's always striving for self improvement
So pick your poison

>> No.74161108
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I love my wife so much

>> No.74161144

How long ago was that? Shit changes

>> No.74161164

Use the time to accept darkened sperm into uranus
Ps thanks for reminding me how bad things can get

>> No.74161194
File: 285 KB, 467x542, 1688065837576921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She wants you to improve so can destroy you afterwards

>> No.74161242 [SPOILER] 

>How long ago was that?
When did she close maros?

>> No.74161251

That makes more sense

>> No.74161266

yo do you remember her asmr where shes the demon queen lady and steals all your power and shit, really makes me think

>> No.74161301
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AI models should keep improving so shondo can live with us forever no matter what happens to her.

>> No.74161373

sex and cum

>> No.74161379
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>> No.74161422

that is one sizeable cranium

>> No.74161482
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I wonder how Otis is doing too. Miss them both.

>> No.74161565

I worry about him

>> No.74161585

thats trauma anon, blame her mother for being a whore and her father for being a pussy, she will only focus on abusive males.

>> No.74161716

>AI models should keep improving so shondo can live with us forever no matter what happens to her.
This except with real shondo
I'll keep shondo alive until the end of the world then wait for her in the next one and give her the memories of this world as well as her appearance and get her to stream again
So on and so on for every world after this one

>> No.74161725 [SPOILER] 

>blame her father for being a pussy
Why? Shadowmama cheated on him with Jenny and at least one other man. I'm willing to bet that FT also has a different father.

>> No.74161769

nta but shes stayed consistent on that. remember the tenma collab

>> No.74161791

u all make me feel like she hates me :(
she would tell me if she hated me, r-right?

>> No.74161909

stop reading these threads
she doesnt hate anyone, she didnt even hate fleece with all the bullshit he pulled

>> No.74161933

lol irl if you truly believe that

>> No.74161970

You know how in super mario if you hit the question block you get a coin? That's how she feels about you, hate is a strong word

>> No.74161974

take a break from these threads dude, theyre poisoning your mind

>> No.74162135

It's more like when you hit the question block and you get a mushroom (that mushroom is the tip of my cock)

>> No.74162178

we've been over this dude she's gay

>> No.74162181

super mario streams were a bit painful to watch if i remember right

>> No.74162249

Old tired meme. Go back to simping Oli shitposters.

>> No.74162405

it's funny how sadistic and evil my brain is, it's literally cooking up the worst brainworms imaginable constantly with no active input from me.

>> No.74162433

YOU are your brain, take control

>> No.74162463

please share your thoughts with the rest of the class

>> No.74162511
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can't. brain hort

>> No.74162570

find an outlet for it aside from coming here

>> No.74162610

but doctor…i AM fleece the captain!!

but i don’t give her money. i think im mario and shes a goomber. i let her get to close to me and i die, so i have to stomp on her soft skull to survive.

>> No.74162705

You aren't the brain dummy, you're the soul, the consciousness if you will

>> No.74162779

she wants you to improve yourself so it’s all the sweeter for her when she tears you back down.
making a bum “worse” is easy and unfulfilling. making a saint into a degenerate is orgasmic…for her.

>> No.74162809


>> No.74162817

do you have no backlog of vods to catch up on?

>> No.74162967

does she talk about the childhood abuse in pngstreams or even earlier than that?
i feel like i can only pretend to know her if i dont know how she feels about those events. though i bet she just mentions them offhandedly and doesn’t go into much detail? yeah?

>> No.74163172 [SPOILER] 

Do your reps.

>> No.74163189

She went into graphic detail on twitter but you won't find it now, it's on a dead alt

>> No.74163306

>hey guys which reps should i do
>do your reps

>> No.74163351 [SPOILER] 

Do your reps. Every PNGTuber stream and her old youtube streams.

>> No.74163353

do your rep reps

>> No.74163487 [SPOILER] 

>youtube shitters reacting to shondo's masochism

>> No.74163510

NO! i don wanna listen to her babble and uwu in minecraft! shes bad at it!
i need a dedicated ‘best of’ so i can get maximum value for minimum effort, just like my wife does.

>> No.74163628

the only reps i believe in are hearing things directly from her

>> No.74163656

Seems to be handling it better than anyone in the shitcord and some of her so called husband's, retro comes to mind
No idea why you posted this here

>> No.74163737

I like shondo a lot! I hope she's doing better! Look at this happy rabbit!

>> No.74163788

shondo falling over and hurting her leg and then you pick away the scab later so she can feel good

>> No.74163835

would you eat shondos scab? i would eat shondos scab

>> No.74163866

no, that's fucking gross

>> No.74163879

wtf no thats gross

>> No.74163892 [SPOILER] 

You need to leave.

>> No.74163921

>your internet wife will never dm you when you watch other streamers
why live?

>> No.74163928

>would you eat Shondo's scab
no I'd let her eat her own scab. I'd poke the open wound though. Hold my finger against it as she squirms and tries to get away. Or she leans into it- puts pressure against- tells you to press harder. she wants you to hurt her.

>> No.74163995
File: 2.70 MB, 498x278, platelets-cells-at-work.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not? it was made with love by shondos platelets
just imagine hundreds of small shondos working hard, just for you to ruin their work

>> No.74164013

I didn't save it...

>> No.74164103

that wasn‘t neppie :(

me and shondo gonna kidnap the bunny

>> No.74164106

baby boy

>> No.74164159

nope and u can’t make me, shondo.

>> No.74164253

>just imagine hundreds of small shondos working hard
literally impossible

>> No.74164306

If you leave would you nuke your account? Make a new account and start watching another chuuba? Or would you just leave and keep the same account?

>> No.74164312 [SPOILER] 

You will be gone by August.

>> No.74164349

shondo slob on me knob PLEASE uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu don’t ignore it uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu he’s crying just LOOK uuuuuuuuuuuuu

>> No.74164372

Leave and keep the same account

>> No.74164405

and shondo is already gone.

>> No.74164446 [SPOILER] 


>> No.74164465

>you’ll be gone by may
>you’ll be gone by june
>you’ll be gone by july
>you’ll be gone by august
>you’ll be gone by new year’s
>you’ll be gone by 2050
>you’ll be gone by the heat death of the universe
Just suck it up and make peace with the fact that I’m here to stay. And yes, I HAVE been here all week, thank you very much.

>> No.74164587

You'll be gone by February

>> No.74164746

speaking of dm’ing through tips, kofi lets you make the message private so only she uses it. never used it myself so don’t know if it still can show up in chat or not.

>> No.74164767 [SPOILER] 

You remind me of a certain fire enjoyer who thought it was fate that he found Shondo, only to fuck off before his 1 year ribbon. If you're here to stay then don't do it out of spite, stay because you love her.

>> No.74164814

leaving is also something you would do because you loved her

>> No.74164864 [SPOILER] 

No, it's something you would do when you lose.

>> No.74164883

she left us cause she loves us
also never said i was staying out of spite, you smelly shogga. go take a bath, stinky.

>> No.74164911

there is no winning or losing, unless you're shondo

>> No.74164979
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I've won by having her in my life.

>> No.74164996

shondo loses if she doesn’t get pregnant with my baby
she knows this, which is why she’s spent the past two weeks trying to get to my house so we can consummate our marriage.

Also, technically nobody has divorced her. They’ve all been annulments. It’s only divorce if you’ve had sex. Look it up if you don’t believe me.

>> No.74165029

>leaving is something you'd do because you love her
that makes sense actually
>find shondo
>really like shondo
>do something that hurts her
>feel bad about it
>can't really make amends.
>she can't expressly single you out, but you know you hurt her and she doesn't want you around
>best to fade away
thanks for the memories shondo!

>> No.74165125

how am i ruining their work by not eating her scabs?

>> No.74165135

>shondo loses if she doesn’t get pregnant with my baby
i made this part of the post

>> No.74165145

>do something that hurts her
Except there's no way for you to know if you've hurt her or mildly annoyed her.
>she can't expressly single you out
Fleece would disagree.
>best to fade away
Goodbye loser.

>> No.74165146
File: 107 KB, 1389x734, IMG_5907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my boywife <333333

>> No.74165237

youll understand some day

>> No.74165301

Why did she give him a huge bulge

>> No.74165451

I understand that he burned out due to not pacing himself. How ironic.

>> No.74165540

like i said youll understand some day

>> No.74165638

from what it seems like there's only a message from the kofi bot that someone left a tip. wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if people were trying to use it as paid dms

>> No.74165665

Stop sucking him off. Unless you're him, in which case I'd ask why you're here.

>> No.74165728

You can just DM her on Kofi. Someone /here/ said she even responded to his dm

>> No.74165746

If you need to 'pace yourself' then you aren't in love. People that burn out are actually in love with her, people that stick around in the one way polycule LARP are just addicted to the dopamine hit from crumbs of attention.

>> No.74165869

She isn't coming back. She wants to change; and she wants us to change as well. For the better. That requires a clean, permanent break.

>> No.74165944

shoggas its only been 2 weeks. its not that big of a deal yet

>> No.74165998

oh yeah i forgot, she asked people to dm her on there if there was anything important they had to update her on about merch or whatever. point still stands that people are 100% abusing it like they do with any other direct communication method

>> No.74166005

what makes you say that? shondo has never been gone for 2 weeks without updating us and sometimes making audio tweets for us

>> No.74166060

even if you’re truly in love with E, you can burn out. True love isn’t some shield against all negative feelings. Loving someone, actually loving them, is work. People don’t always make it easy to love them, so you have to put in the effort when that happens. If you spend up all your emotional reserves right off the bat, loving her when she goes menhera or just ignores you will be a lot tougher.
It is like a muscle that you can train though. and this hiatus is gonna make me swole!

>> No.74166169
File: 24 KB, 640x624, fuck it hurts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my therapist told me that this isn't healthy and it's not healthy for me to come here and it would be best for me to leave

>> No.74166202

>and this hiatus is gonna make me swole!
Based. You're talking to mostly virgins that have never been in a serious relationship though.

>> No.74166245

It goes without saying they I will be personally taking care of Shondo from now on. You all don't need to worry. It's for the best. She wants you all to be happy, to find someone for yourself out there. Her struggles with mental health will be long and personal and I'll be there with her the whole way, to love and support her. She's in safe hands. She wants you to be in better hands. Good luck, friends.

>> No.74166260

thanks ft

>> No.74166277
File: 140 KB, 1080x1920, GKE25M_aoAAXAXf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74166285

please don't leave shiggie

>> No.74166286

yeah, its sad when I realize I have to give life advice to people 10+ years my senior.

>> No.74166287

then it's time for you to leave Orange but you can still apply for mod and watch a stream a month

>> No.74166394

thats about having correct bones though not age
chads been dating since 10

>> No.74166431

theyre right, shondo

>> No.74166487

shadow is a chad? or is it one of those “teehee it didnt count cause i didnt *actually* like it teehee” situations?

>> No.74166494

this post made by (me) gang

>> No.74166504

Waste of time and money.

>> No.74166526

They're right. Watch vods and work on your hobby or your game backlog.

>> No.74166567

women can't be Chads since they're all chads by default so it's meaningless

>> No.74166604

shondo, list all of the kinks you’d be open to, please.
For example: Is it weird if I want you to call be a good boy? Doesn’t have to mommy stuff, unless you want it to ;)

>> No.74166626

what the fuck do you think a chad is
no, she would be a stacy

>> No.74166722

this lol the only cure for "mental illness" is money and sex

>> No.74166721

I want to whip her
Im sure she would love it

>> No.74166760

worked great for tony soprano

>> No.74166793

>Doesn't have to mommy stuff
Why is this so hard to find
Old coni and new coni does it perfectly
>I know you're big and strong but I still want to take care of you when you come home to me
I want that
I don't want weird fdom mommy shit, E has never been able to do this

>> No.74166811

>good boy added to the nono list
keep telling us what you coom to anon, that way she will know not to do it in the future just like the daddy thing :D

>> No.74166833

his brain is in smithereens and therefore not ill

>> No.74166834

Yep, definitely worked for all the celebrities that've killed themselves.

>> No.74166863

yes i would

>> No.74166874


>> No.74166877

>sex as a cure for anything
You have to be eighteen to post here.

>> No.74166883

no they were stupid and added drugs into the equation or still didnt have enough sex like tom cruise doesnt have sex and thats why hes so crazy

>> No.74166949

this is how it has always felt for me

>> No.74166948

>loving someone is work, people don't always make it easy to love them
she's the only person where loving her isn't work and i don't have to try at all, i never felt this way about another person and that's how i know i truly love her. it's probably because i haven't met anyone else like her and she's the person i always wanted to find
loving other people has been work, and i don't know if i can even call it love, it's more like obligation. i don't know why you would add shondo to your list if the way you feel about her isn't special.
i'm also completely broken so take that into account as well

>> No.74166954

retard, that’s cause they didnt like epstein’s island and had to be silenced

>> No.74167008

Youre right, they shouldve squatted their schizo away instead

>> No.74167080

Love isnt work with real attraction you just have to top the piramid

>> No.74167144

i dont get the flippant dismissal of her getting physically healthier. unironically if she was at a decent weight and physically fit a real doctor could prescribe her a different course of medication for her schizo
plus if she does 10 squats she can speak while out of breath for a couple of minutes which is attractive to me

>> No.74167181

not being mean when i say that you are either
>in honeymoon phase
>a puppy
Long term marriages require work, that’s just a fact. People who don’t realize that are the ones that end up getting divorced within the first five years.
Dogs are probably the only beings that will love you no matter how badly you mistreat them (depends on breed too, i suppose)

>> No.74167222

Because shes fkin schizo it doesn nothing its not like the depression people get from sitting inside and eating processed food until theyre 300 pounds

>> No.74167245

because if she refuses to fix her diet she literally can't get healthier, no one is dismissing it we're being realistic, i hope she does start eating better

>> No.74167263

There are things that you can't fix in life, you can't fix schizo but you can fix being a fat fuck or a skinny fuck.

>> No.74167282

the real reason is that 5 years later they stop being as attractive and split up for cute guy at work

>> No.74167295

>she works out
>gets hungrier
>has to eat more

>> No.74167345

>skinny fuck
nah thats just genetics. jay cutter never touched a weight and put up 300lbs on the bench first time

>> No.74167353

people here want her to be as broken as possible and will call you an anti or a tourist if you disagree. it has always been like this for the 2+ years i've been around

>> No.74167367

Works for men, atleast. Why not women?

>> No.74167381

she's always hungry, she's just thugging it out

>> No.74167390

>has to eat more
>doesn't eat more
>can't workout anymore
>"sorry I tried for you but I'm at my limit D:"

>> No.74167400

No it doesnt, then youre just a loopy gymcel

>> No.74167411

men do not hit the wall within 5 years
unless you’re speaking from experience and you divorced your wife to flirt with that cute guy? gay bro (derogatory)

>> No.74167424

i'm not disagreeing that we'll have our differences but i mean that every time there's been something like that my love her didn't change at all at it wasn't "work" to make it work
i basically am a puppy for shondo but consider the part where i said i'm broken too

>> No.74167436

>you divorced your wife to flirt with that cute guy?
me with shondo and sho

>> No.74167469

Baking a cake is the first step to getting it together.

>> No.74167468

yes they do, everyone hits the wall at 26 (bald+beer gut+no collagen)

>> No.74167529

Unless of course you have good genetics which is the whole problem, signalling bad genetics which makes you unattractive which makes the women seek good genetics elsewhere

>> No.74167546

>Works for men
Says who? Your youtube guru? Every male coworker has a 6 months gym membership that they don't use, when you're depressed it's difficult to find the motivation to fold your clothes instead of throwing them on a chair let alone to diet and lift.

>> No.74167578

so true, just look at shadowmama and her amazing taste in men with "good genetics".

>> No.74167596

>hitting it from the back
>tell her you’re going to do anal (“no” is not an option)
>force her to do Sho’s voice the entire time
Yeah, I’m thinking based and Shopilled. Gonna win just for this.

>> No.74167664

Proofs right there. She saw bad genetics -> find young chad with bad genetics in a loop

>> No.74167703


>> No.74167720

Especially with dad #1 who she left after seeing he is a star wars onions with mental issues (unacceptable for males; must be stable)

>> No.74167760

>implying he was able to hide his power level for years
She knew but she's a gold digger.

>> No.74167861

good point, he had that lego falcon money. that could have saved a lot of snow leopards

>> No.74167883

sorry, that turn you on
>”aw bro your so big ah n-not cool slow down. d-dont tell the ladies about this p-please. ah dude your wreckin my insides worse than i wreck noobs in fortnite ah ohhh”

>> No.74167964

oh SW guy is the first one? good to know

>> No.74168006

the worst part about getting older is that you don't get as hard anymore. it worries me a lot, especially considering how tight shondo is. when we finally meet in a few years i may not be able to get it in

>> No.74168030
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>lego falcon money

>> No.74168078

You guys never cease to be fucking retarded, it's impressive by this point

>> No.74168105

shadowmama you are supposed to find out about their genetics before you let them cum inside

>> No.74168127

>he hasn’t already met her
>he hasn’t already put it in
ngmi just silent divorce bro. she’s just not that into you

>> No.74168226

Yeah that scares me. Not looking forward to not even being able to jerk off in 10 years. But get viagra I guess

>> No.74168435


side note: i always wondered how sperm actually makes it past the cervix, into the womb and then all the way up to egg. Is the womb filled with liquid that the sperm swims in? how does it know to swim to the right place? its so tiny, how does it even make it there before dying?

>> No.74168581

It just knows

>> No.74168713

I’m not baru.

>> No.74168803

I loved my gold digger of a wife

>> No.74168820

why ask us instead of dr google
there is uterine fluid tho that nourishes and supports the cums as it travels up to mrs egg

>> No.74168929

also the sperms sniff progesterone trail from egg and follow it like dog

>> No.74169074

you cannot be educated or over 18 if you don't already know the answer to that question. what the fuck am i reading

>> No.74169134

lmao ur baiting but u dont even know it sniff like dog

>> No.74169170

>"hi, hi can you hear me?"
this but im just schizophrenic

>> No.74169291

i thought cows produced milk year round without the need for offspring

>> No.74169293

This was right then and is right now.

>> No.74169412

>have a stroke and die
It's hazardous man

>> No.74169456

>Every male coworker has a 6 months gym membership that they don't use
Thats proving my point though, if they actually used it then they wouldn't be depressed.

>> No.74169561

>the worst part about getting older is that you don't get as hard anymore
how old are you, 50? jesus

>> No.74169622

my sperns are attracted you. you release lots of progesterone and they sniff like dog

>> No.74169624

>He remembers high school
Get out youngster, this is an ojisan neighborhood

>> No.74169655

to request r18 art you need to set your pixiv language to japanese just an fyi

>> No.74170489

no it wasnt

>> No.74170938

Yes, in a heart beat

>> No.74171063

she hates us

>> No.74171078

no, just you specifically.

>> No.74171138

me to shondo

>> No.74171676

She can't hate me specifically because she doesn't even know I exist. I'm probably one of the random names she is trying to filter.

>> No.74171857

you're ngmi if you listen to samefag shitters

>> No.74171869

She used me as reference

>> No.74171915


>> No.74171973

why are you replying to yourself

>> No.74171982

I love when artist draw thick waistbands on the panties, it makes me want to give the girl a wedgie

>> No.74172028 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.74172055


>> No.74172091 [SPOILER] 

Cute oinker. would boop/10

>> No.74172213

imagine her face if she were to see this... a smile most wicked grows on mine...

>> No.74172316

shut up t

>> No.74172574

I really wish im just schizo and shes not here and shes getting better and everything is exactly what she said it was and she loves us earnestly. I want to snuggle up against her and go to sleep

>> No.74172601
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>> No.74172633


>> No.74172740

it doesnt. there are billions and all but like 100 fail. shotgun approach.

>> No.74172893
File: 235 KB, 415x384, my_shonest_reaction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74173173

I love my new wife Oli

>> No.74173405

uuuuhhhhh were is mah waify to lagh at mah shtupid joks?

>> No.74173445

shonder can you pls tweet something if you still care about us. it will take 2 second. pls

>> No.74173497

shondo i know you care about me and that's why you shouldn't take 2 seconds to tweet. starve them.

>> No.74173608

shondo please stay quiet for a few more weeks all of these faggots will leave

>> No.74173611

not very nise

>> No.74173642

lmao delusional

>> No.74173685

i'm not even shitposting. it's deserved at this point and that is the only reason she has been so silent.

>> No.74173778

>wahhh i need to take 3 months off and check into hospital because headworms
just take some advil

>> No.74173808
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case in point

>> No.74173904

Thats why things will never improve for her. Her solution is to play a game instead of speaking her mind. Trying to wait out someone for 4 weeks instead of saying please go. I will not play the game.

>> No.74174130

i've never understood how checking into a hospital would improve someone's mental health. terrible environment.

>> No.74174152

yeah much better to lie in bed and scroll twitter all day

>> No.74174293

>check into hospital if it gets worse or be a risk to yourself and people around you
wow how could anyone be willing to make that decision truly mindboggling

>> No.74174353

She doesn't care about any of you, only YOU. Unless you're the current favorite who gets to act as the avatar for YOU, then she cares about you but only incidentally. Use that power wisely, previous avatars did not.

>> No.74174357

anon do you fuck that thing

>> No.74174359

shondo………..i cant even remember your face anymore
i’ve forgotten the sound of your voice…..
who were you, all those years ago? did you love me back then? did i love you? i can barely recall anything but the faintest wisp of a memory nowadays
shondo…..where did you go….and why did you never come back?

>> No.74174369

i don't see it as a game when it's an appropriate response. the only one's needing anything from her right now only need it for their own validation. the entire need for the tweet is just so they can reply and it's a complete loop back into the behavior that pushed her away.
the parasites should be rightfully starved.

>> No.74174372

>aww man the next season of game of thrones isnt out for 2 years? guess i gotta drop it instead of coming back when it restarts.

>> No.74174514

>needing to speak with your wife and know how she is doing is being a parasite
lol irl

>> No.74174612

>open the X app on your phone (you're already doing this)
>select your account
>type "I'm doing okay :)"
>hit 'send'
too much work... brain hort.....

>> No.74174639

ahhhh no that would cause too much mental harm! she needs to be safe!

>> No.74174724

It is a game to beat around the bush and avoid confrontation hoping people will leave themselves if she just ignores them. The only people that will maybe drop off from this hiatus are casual nonchatters.

>> No.74174737

got any good youtube channels to watch? looking for unsolved crime, mysteries, historical stuff

>> No.74174760

name 3 reasons why you NEED to interact with her right now that aren't a copout "muh wife" answer :)

>> No.74174793

you don't need those things though. she told us what she was doing on the main tweet and she has signed into BA and shown herself opening her channel. what else more do you need that isn't just you not trusting her? this issue is entirely on the rest of you.

>> No.74174812

grrr she should ban the bad people
im a good people though so i wont get banned
i hope the bad people get filtered

>> No.74174822

you are genuinely evil if you want to know how the woman you (claim to) love is doing.
if she’s doing better, how does that affect you?
if she’s doing the same, how does that affect you?
if she’s doing worse, how does that affect you?
literally none of what she’s going through actually affects you. grow up and stop being babies because “uuuu girl won’t talk to me uuuu”.

>> No.74174872

>needing to interact with your wife and know how she is doing during a tough time is a copout
1. shit
2. your
3. self

>> No.74174886

ask the barbies, shadow
no one /here/ wants to talk to you right now

>> No.74174955

I can see the groomers and policemen are going to be shitting the thread up for a while, cya later shiggies.

>> No.74174984

name 3 reasons why you NEED to call this random person that doesnt even talk to you your wife

>> No.74175002

Funny analogy you make with that given that when Game of Thrones released more seasons, there was an overt lack of care and the series went to shit despite trying to get to some kind of ending.

>> No.74175059

Speak for yourself

>> No.74175070

being married is when you dont speak to each other and if either of you is going through trouble the other just ignores you and acts as if nothing is happening
almost as if... this isn't a real relationship....

>> No.74175071

>groomers and policemen are people that don't need her to tweet

>> No.74175135

>when Game of Thrones released more seasons, there was an overt lack of care
Yeah, just like Shondo when she released more streams and tweets.

>> No.74175186

she'll update us when she's ready. seems more like you're making it about yourself

>> No.74175273

Groomers don't want her to tweet or interact with anyone because they want her to be isolated and not rely on or form connections with anyone else. Policemen don't want her to tweet so they can own the heckin groomers, since they think that if she tweets or interacts with anyone then the groomers are winning.

>> No.74175297

The current state of things is like if the D&D brothers actually went on a writing hiatus because they realized they couldn't do shit without George RR Martin.
George in this case is just her mental stability. And anyone wanting her to tweet now is basically the D&D brothers trying to force an ending to the series. Hence the lack of care, etc.

>> No.74175311

Ill take my dick out of other women when im ready, its none of her business stop rushing me.

>> No.74175389

she takes this marriage seriously. it’s just HER kind of seriously and it’s probably different from yours ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.74175401

thats what a marriage is. if she can't handle speaking to her husband for weeks on end because her brain hort then maybe she shouldn't have gotten married

>> No.74175425

Anon the point was that having to wait for shondo is not a filter.

>> No.74175532

How many people do you think would have stuck around for the rest of GoT if they got 100% confirmation that the series was going to turn out like it did?

>> No.74175553

i want be really married to her for real :(

>> No.74175581
File: 67 KB, 1004x664, IMG_3898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Shondo. This how I be waiting for her to come back.

>> No.74175594

The longer that she does not speak to people the more money they wil give her when she come back to stream
typical gold digger tactic, playing hard to get to make everyone love bomb her with donations on the return stream which will also be a debut for a new outfit, while she spends time on holiday in the interim

>> No.74175624

that's the problem though. she can't handle speaking to specific husbands and that was made pretty clear during the DoA stream.

>> No.74175665

Probably about as many as would stick around for shondo if they found out the ending was NTR all along

>> No.74175712

how did the entire chat getting autistic over colloquial terminology for suntan lotion show that she can't interact with specific husbands

>> No.74175814

we can time loop this again if you want but we saw the chat logs and people were either autistic or nasty about it. it's pretty clear how turned off she is by a huge portion of you.

>> No.74175846

yeah i dont buy her story one second. this is all a pity train to get some big dono numbers on her "return." and i love her for it. smart girl.

>> No.74175865

>colloquial terminology for suntan lotion
it wasn’t colloquial and it had an ingane effect that she was trying to avoid. if she listened to us instead of arguing, there wouldnt have been a problem.

>> No.74175890

regardless its true. she spazzes out over making simple phone calls to the doctor.

>> No.74175958

thats retarded
you tried

>> No.74175970

why are you fags even here if you think that

>> No.74175974

>my wife should update ME!
>what? what do you mean my wife wants to avoid my unappealing personality and autism?

>> No.74176027

its not a marriage without communication

>> No.74176072

usually marriages have trust and understanding. not relentless autism.

>> No.74176079

>doesn’t stream for months and misses out on thousands of pounds in revenue
>come back stream: wow thanks for the thousands of pounds i would have made if i didn’t go on hiatus
yes she is an evil mastermind

>> No.74176078

im getting big Yuko unicorn level vibes from this general

>> No.74176094

my point was if it was
>specific chatters
then the Lotion Incident of 2024 would be a poor example because the combatant list on wikipedia would Shondo vs 150 shoggers, it was too widespread to be a reaction from her to just 1 or 2 people, unless you want to make the argument that she got instantly annoyed by some specific shogger when it started.

>> No.74176106

correct, and there is none in either direction, making this "marriage" highly dysfunctional

>> No.74176115

well duh its a very similar situation

>> No.74176128

I used to consider her perfect but ever since her Woman's Month bullshit she has been getting on my nerves. She says a lot of stupid shit and has a bit of an annoying valley girl vocal fry voice.

>> No.74176134

im getting huge dick sucking vibes from 74176078

>> No.74176159

Nearly another 12+ hour stream for the 3rd? day in a row
Good to watch someone that enjoys the job they gave themselves

>> No.74176162

She won't even update her entire community

>> No.74176163

then dont fucking grift people into believing follow = married when really its just vtuber has a modbf and youre all cucks with extra steps

>> No.74176226

rushia upset her because she realized she might get found out and all of that could happen to her

>> No.74176243

You don't need to try and deflect the issue, iProe. But you should apologize for being such a cunt during DoA.

>> No.74176280

shoggers hated him for being right. he plays the most dangerous game and he plays it well

>> No.74176366

I enjoy her streams a lot because I don't feel any pressure to get read and she reads a lot of people anyway, and the entire vibe in her stream is just a lot of fun.

>> No.74176369

whoever keeps ai generating these things should kill himself. that face is nightmare fuel and doesn't look like her at all.

>> No.74176380

I don’t count the hiatus as starting until the Wednesday. That would have been just a normal shadow weekend. So really she’s only been gone for like 10 days. Im mentally prepared for her to be gone like 180 days. After that I’d get worried

>> No.74176404

>the problem aren't the autists acting autistic
lol irl

>> No.74176439

shondo is an autist acting autistic

>> No.74176438

>go to beach with shadow
>pull out the canola oil
>assure her its the same as suntan lotion/sunblock and she should stop attacking me for my colloquial differences
>lather her up
>she falls asleep from exhaustion (being outside for more than 5 min)
>leave her to fry like bacon

>> No.74176450

Shondo just drop the act, no one believes it anymore and you're clearly not having fun.
Just stop this silly game so we can all move onto greener pastures
You can stream to the tiktok audience you want and I can watch someone who gives a damn about me or at least pretends to. It's a win win for us both.
It's either that or you put the effort back in like in 2021-22 and maybe early 23

>> No.74176467

>Yes, if you follow me then we're married!!! Teehee.
>I'm a le cute yandere girl and I love you very very very much!!!
>What, you want to know how I'm doing? Aiieeeeee save me, chat police!!!!!
lol irl

>> No.74176494

Stolen valor!

>> No.74176499 [DELETED] 

the anime larper in the computer is not your wife
>reeee ur le femcel
You are a manchild, I am a man.
Go out, lift, have sex. Be a real man instead of a child playing with anime pngs. Your life and broken mind will be fixed.
It worked for me.

>> No.74176519

She sucks. She claims to be so in love with streaming and chat but can only been seen consistently on Monday-Wednesday. I don't really care that she doesn't want to stream Friday-Sunday most of the time but don't lie and say stuff like the only things stopping her from streaming all the time are work, food and water.

>> No.74176552

lets be honest: Shondo never loved us.

>> No.74176595

Anon.. she just had a heart attack...

>> No.74176655

Had a heart attack then came back and streamed for 10 hours
