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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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74139372 No.74139372 [Reply] [Original]

This poor girl's been through enough and now has had her vacation ruined by some useless Niji orbiter.

Fuck Kenji and everyone else who joined any of his various dogpiles.

>> No.74139413

>proven right
>admits to being wrong about everything

>> No.74139717

>also doesn't think ima a pedophile.
Sure sounds a lot different than what he said.

>> No.74139782

Try again faggot

>> No.74139876

You're an idiot if you think it's that clear-cut.

Right?? Kenji was literally calling her a pedo rapist just yesterday, are we just going to pretend that shit didn't happen?

>> No.74139956

> are we just going to pretend that shit didn't happen?
Yes since it's detrimental to the reputation of indie vtubers

>> No.74140007

>reddit spacing

>> No.74140020

>are we just going to pretend that shit didn't happen?

>> No.74140053

anon this is like the 20th thread let it go. The drama's over.

>> No.74140077

Tune in next week to find out what drama she gets into next.

>> No.74140078

Protip: You can pretend none of this happened really easily by not watching the nigtuber

>> No.74140112

>are we just going to pretend that shit didn't happen
At the very least Sayu should

>> No.74140180

That's just him walking back what he said before you actual retard.

>> No.74140189

>are we just going to pretend that shit didn't happen?
Yeah, that's what "the drama's over" means, anon.
Still gonna keep receipts in case something comes up again, but it's over.

>> No.74140268

Anon, that was *yesterday*. Now he doesn't think Sayu's a pedophile anymore, that's what she meant to say.

>> No.74140315

no, but we're gonna discuss it in out private discords kek

>> No.74140350

Do you dramafags ever shut up?

>> No.74140391

not before Total Niji and Sister Death

>> No.74140410

not in our private discord

>> No.74140474

>are we just going to pretend that shit didn't happen?
why not? we're all adults here, aren't we?

>> No.74140804

Still a shill for doxxsagi, so she's still trash

>> No.74140826

>Talks to each other privately and settles the matter like adults
Grow up kid.

>> No.74140836

nah this was pretty good at stepping on dramafags and putting them in their place. Sisters should be happy about that.

>> No.74140998

She really won. Couldn't be happier for this thick thighed womanlet.

>> No.74141097

she probably offered kenji some hag sex so he'll back off.. kenji apology seemed half ass too me

>> No.74141391

It’s like he got perked spreech 100 by Sayu.

>> No.74142243

Good fuck this weekend was a nightmare.

Now we can focus on what is important: getting Sayu her play button!

>> No.74142857

Kenji is a pathetic nigga but this incident exposed Sayu as a drama hungry bitch who starts shit unprompted.

>> No.74143176

>Kenji dramatubers
>His instagram he put up himself gets shared to his whopping 5 friends who shit talk him because that's how awful he really is
>Rages in public while misrepresenting what happened
>Sayu is bad for reminding him of his evil deeds when he did worse to her.
I see

>> No.74143233

What kind of person he is is irrelevant. Sayu lost when she engaged with him.

>> No.74143260

You reaped what you sowed Kenji.

>> No.74143296

Kenji wrote that she is not a pedophile. I don't see how that's anything but a win for Sayu. Kenji also probably dodged a lawsuit so he won there too

>> No.74143350

Both sides and their fanbases are cancer.

>> No.74144085

I'm just surprised that these femboy fucks have so many friends in the indie space, their mutuals are literally tone-policing people now because boohoo kenji made a boo boo and had a big boy cry on stream... The indie scene is full of manipulative fucks, jesus christ.

>> No.74144116
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>> No.74144236

>are we just going to pretend that shit didn't happen?
Nobody is pretending it NEVER happened in fact because it happened we are where we are and should've been at the beginning, PEACE. You see when one or more adults realize a mistake has been mad it take the bigger person the moral person to de escalate the conflict after that usually comes what you see now peace.

You want to be a petulant and kick and scream and make someone suffer go for it but know you do it alone and are only going to tarnish your own reputation not theirs.

>> No.74144273

I'm convinced this stalker lawyer doesn't know what a single law

>> No.74144737

Says the sister than thinks noting a fancy car parked outside a corporate building is probably the CEO's is "stalking."
Dunno about others but I think I'll stick with the guy who's won legal cases when listening to legal opinions rather than a sister who doesn't even know what the word "stalker" means.

>> No.74144997

Show me a single case he's won

>> No.74145256

Didn't he win some giant disney case he's been milking for the past few years?
Hell, if he's ever won a single case he's already had a better record than Nijisanji.

>> No.74145323

>I don't know how lawyers work
This is gonna blow your fucking pea brain, but some lawyers never end up in a courtroom.

>> No.74145385

They're just trying to smear him cause he bent them over a barrel all these months. It's incredibly pathetic.

>> No.74145401

No, he's been making videos on YouTube about that case for years
So you have no proof he ever actually won a case? I accept your concession

>> No.74145525

Honestly, I don't know and don't care.
Call me when you pass the bar exam, though.

>> No.74145529

Not every lawyer is a trial lawyer. That's not how things work, you ignorant fuck.
I'm taking your stupid post as an admission of your ignorance.

>> No.74145718

So you have no proof he ever actually won a case and considering how little he knows of basic laws like defamation, it seems like he's never been involved with any actual case before. Thanks for confirming

>> No.74145843
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Go to sleep, faggot.

>> No.74149060

Lmao oof

>> No.74149260
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I think a good 90% of the backlash against this chick wouldn't even exist if she never had a twitter account.
Why are western women so obsessed with saying stupid shit on twitter over and over?

>> No.74149262

hahahahaaha you are pathetic

>> No.74149304

>the same people who were harassing Sayu are back in his replies to slurping up the Monkey's slop like nothing ever happened and they are in the clear because he called them off
These dregs of scum should have their accounts nuked

>> No.74149338

Hi, grifter lawyer. Mind explaining how Kenji defamed Sayu for saying she liked little boys after she said she I quote "I love little boys"

>> No.74149350

It's the most you can expect from people like him with no sense of honor

>> No.74149385

You gotta build your brand and have platform presence to get exposure. twatter and jewtube may be shit but you still need to play the game.
I wouldn't call reminding the dramatuber of his cuntery while he's crying that his friends don't like him as saying stupid shit though.

They never learn. It's the hogwarts jihad all over again.

>> No.74149447

That's not a complete sentence, sis.

>> No.74149469

she's retarded for apologizing and kenji basically just admitted to libel. both of these people are so fucking low IQ

>> No.74149564

no you retarded here anon KEK

>> No.74149635

No offense to you and your oshi mate, but it was pretty stupid to even reply.
I've seen her get into alot of controversies for things said on twitter too, lady needs to use the platform for networking or updates and stop tweeting every random thought.

>> No.74149641


>> No.74149675

Being this naive is so childsh.

>> No.74149677

hi sister,need more of you from nyfco if you want to raid this place

>> No.74149769

Nah Kenji, you got just a taste of what you put her through and she wanted to remind you of that so you could grow to be a better person. You failed spectacularly.

>> No.74149836

Please forgive my hag oshii...she's just like me but famous

>> No.74149838

>simping for a disgusting ugly chink

>> No.74149893

>Retard thinks he knows what libel is
For it to be libel, it'd have to be false statement of fact, there would have to be proof of damages and they'd have to knowingly or maliciously lie. Thinking someone is a pedophile after they say they're into little boys isn't a statement of fact, it's a natural conclusion to make as it came out of Sayu's own mouth so how could he know it wasn't a fact? People already thought she was a pedophile before Kenji's video so he wasn't the source of it either. She'd have no case

>> No.74149896

Seeing that Sayu was still mad as fuck a couple of hours before settling things out with Kenji, I have to guess that someone that knows both of them decided to step in to calm things down. Maybe Zen?

>> No.74149968

go back

>> No.74150002

If zen knew a single fucking thing she wouldn't have made that tweet to begin with.

Get lost until you know what shota is kid.

>> No.74150006

I accept your concession

>> No.74150057

look, a retard

>> No.74150092

She felt bad when Kenji's melty began turning off even his fans while her own fans grew more bloodthirsty. Not realizing her newfound clout until now she buried the hatchet first.

>> No.74150119

kenji apparently part of mythic talent,sayu scare him with lawsuit and mythic ask him to stop it or they drop him

>> No.74150151

But Kenji tried to DM her before he even tweeted anything?

>> No.74150168

I love this idea where the retards are pretending sayu has any control over the drama mob or /vt/ which doesn't even watch her.

>> No.74150225

>bends over and takes it up the ass while begging for forgiveness for like the 5th time
How do I get Sayu to start drama with me?

>> No.74150311

there's no concession, you're just too dumb to have an argument with. you're basically saying that it's fine if large content creators starts calling kenji a rapist openly because he made a rape joke once and they thought it was real. that's the level of logic you're operating on here.

>> No.74150352

Maybe he shouldn't have harassed her in the first place? Crazy how dramatubing has consequences.

>> No.74150362

>Not realizing her newfound clout until now
Sayu should be using her clout to take down drama niggers

>> No.74150363

>sayufag proves to be esl
Like pottery

>> No.74150428

Well he never said "I rape people, I'm a rapist" meanwhile Zaion said "Little boys are my type" without a hint of irony. What is the average person supposed to think but her liking little boys? The false statement came from her own mouth

>> No.74150510

>What is the average person supposed to think but her liking little boys?
The average person wouldn't think that anyone is admitting in public to be a pedophile and they would just assume it was a joke

>> No.74150540

You are incredibly autistic and ignorant of Japanese culture and comedy.

>> No.74150549

pagpag hours,here we go,pignoy sister is here

>> No.74150556

Sayufags keep telling me she wants to stay out of drama. Sure doesn't seem like it with all this Twitter peacocking.

>> No.74150563

You tried this once already, sister. You ended up defending Enna's drunken "I like children" statement. You're not sane, you don't care what she said. You only care who said it.

>> No.74150600

no you are just retarded,its that simple

>> No.74150627

we really should have gatekept harder to keep retarded normalfags like you and your jigaboo idol out of our hobby. lesson learned.

>> No.74150661

Why wouldn't the average person not assume the person saying "I like little boys, I prefer little boys over mommies" is a pedophile but is actually just joking? If someone says they think the Jews are evil, why would anyone assume they're joking immediately?

>> No.74150679

idk about you anon,holo manage to gatekeep their walled garden,try with all of these retarded woketard shit,they will get shit on and filtered.

>> No.74150719

Why would he? Jews jokes are everywhere.

>> No.74150750

thats the problem,you are not average person,average person not just throwing "you are pedo" easily

>> No.74150775
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She's such a dramawhore at this point. I don't support niji, fuck them. But she's not upset, she fucking loves this
I've been disgusted with her ever since she complained that doki was getting more attention than her. She needs to disappear from the internet

>> No.74150778

Just because someone jokes about Jews being evil doesn't mean no one actually thinks Jews are evil

>> No.74150786
File: 52 KB, 420x294, 1687828585772197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I like little boys, I prefer little boys over mommies"
Because, again, no one would admit this in public. Specially not in front of thousands of viewers. The only people who would think otherwise would be the ones lacking the proper context and the ones, like you, just looking for an angle to keep being an asshole.

>> No.74150836

Can we just start talking about Hex and be done with this timeloop already?

>> No.74150860

>Because, again, no one would admit this in public
So you're arguing with naivety. People admit to murder online all the time and brag about it. Why would the average person not think someone talking about being sexually attracted to little boys isn't a pedophile when they never clarify what they're talking about?

>> No.74150868

Just because somebody thinks jews are evil, doesn't mean everybody thinks they are.

>> No.74150869

This won't calm the drama hungry faggots.

>> No.74150875

>"Little boys are my type"
>What is the average person supposed to think
That she is based and I would like her to sit on my face

>> No.74150922

Did you not watch the stream and understood the context?

>> No.74150924

This guy is definitely a woman.

>> No.74150940

> Why would the average person not think someone talking about being sexually attracted to little boys isn't a pedophile when they never clarify what they're talking about?
>Because, again, no one would admit this in public. Specially not in front of thousands of viewers. The only people who would think otherwise would be the ones lacking the proper context and the ones, like you, just looking for an angle to keep being an asshole.
Sister, it's easy to understand. You can do better.

>> No.74151006

I'm thinking this is a shitpost about NDF posting patterns now

>> No.74151008

The context was that she was talking about why she didn't use Yelan. She said it's cause she wasn't attracted to her and was attracted to little boys. It doesn't help her situation at all. If she was talking about shotas, maybe she should have said that instead of little boys?

>> No.74151034

>Get fired over less
>Person ditches you
>Other streamer gets fired for worse
>Person stans them

When Kenji was crying that his entire 5 friends talked shit about him and saw his fucking instagram page she reminded him that being an asshole has consequences.

>> No.74151042

I know you can't tell because your ESL but you type like a girl, it makes the sister accusations really funny.

>> No.74151041

And of course Sexpat Mindset would jump right onto the latest juicy drama. Like clockwork.

>> No.74151055

>No one would admit to being a bad thing online
So you have no argument

>> No.74151067

Now, you're starting to get it. Good job sister. Just a bit and you will understand where the joke is.

>> No.74151086

because shota and loli are an integral part of vtubing so it's a complete given what she meant? when in rome etc. of course this concept is lost on an american though with your cultural imperialism

>> No.74151149

There wasn't a joke. She equated little boys to shota. She said "little boys" so the average person doesn't think of anime. The average person hears this and thinks she's a pedophile. Kenji didn't even know what a shota was and neither would any judge. The false statement comes from her mouth

>> No.74151166

>shota and loli
Those are not exempt from the "pedophile" tag in the normie mindset, so it's a moot point.

>> No.74151188

>She equated little boys to shota.
What's there not to equate? That's what they are.

>> No.74151208

But...she brought it on herself by replying in the first place? All she had to was ignore the guy's post, and she wouldnt be involed in the first place

>> No.74151215

You failed. And you were so close.

>Kenji didn't even know what a shota was
lol, lmao.

>> No.74151250

>Resorting to false equivalence
Sister, I'm aware that you don't care, but there's a difference between a random person making racist comments on the internet, and a professional streamer known for her dark jokes admitting in front of thousands of viewers that she likes little boys characters over "mommies". So, again, the average person would think she was just joking around.

>> No.74151252

He didn't know back in the day. He learned then went full retard in this rerun.
He shouldn't talk about serious matters when he doesn't know culture the first time around either.

>> No.74151298

No they wouldn't. "I'm a pedo haha" isn't a joke. There's no punchline. English speakers wouldn't find that funny.

>> No.74151312

A shota specifically refers to anime little boys while if you say "little boy", everyone on the planet will take that as you referring to an actual little boy
He didn't, that's why he tried correcting himself in the stream when he said "she isn't a pedophile, she's apparently a shotacon"

>> No.74151341

this reads like a non apology compared to sayu's tweet

>> No.74151343

Why are you on an anime imageboard on the board for vtubers you utter retard?

>> No.74151344
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I see I see

>> No.74151378

Vtubers are all adults.

>> No.74151386

That's cause he's a whipped dog. I'll laugh so hard if Mythic yanked his collar.

>> No.74151392

I don't get how they keep claiming "w-well when she says this what she really means is..."

>> No.74151412

Maybe she should move on and cut them out of her fucking life like a normal person?!
Only someone clinically insane would be this obsessed with trying to be an orbiter for someone who apparently hates her so much
There's OBVIOUSLY no happy ending for her here. There's no retribution
She can either learn to be happy with what she has or remain a miserable drama whore for the rest of her life

>> No.74151414

Lolicon and Shotacon = finding little girls and boys sexually attractive = being a pedophile.
Now, that's not a bad thing per se, in fact it's a natural attraction. And it's not how that word is used in the current climate. But technically it's not wrong.

>> No.74151434

>No they wouldn't. "I'm a pedo haha" isn't a joke. There's no punchline. English speakers wouldn't find that funny.
Yes, they would. Yes, it's clearly a joke. The punchline is the comment itself. English speakers love that kind of comedy.

>> No.74151450

You're wrong and he knows it. Ke knows what reaction he shout expect from his audience. To twitter shota, loli, pedo and the rest is all the same. That was his aim and so is yours. Twitter is not reality, it's full of people with not enough mental abilities to visit a toilet.

>> No.74151501

>professional streamer known for her dark jokes
She literally just got there. How would she even have the time to garner the reputation of "the lady who always says she's a pedophile but it's an inside joke that she actually isn't"? It wasn't even a joke, she talked about wanting shota cock and said "little boy cock" instead. The average person would obviously assume she's a pedophile and not some coombrain playing devil's advocate

>> No.74151505

>Says the sister than thinks noting a fancy car parked outside a corporate building is probably the CEO's is "stalking."
NTA, but when you have "tokyo agents" staking out the front of their office building, it's fucking stalking
You're delusional if you think it's not

>> No.74151527

It's not insane to remind someone who bullied you doing the worst time in your life and helped build the lynch mob beating her down that maybe kenji is an awful person and that is probably the reason why his friends talk about him like that when he isn't around. Kenji immediately doubled down instead of reflecting and graduating from being a dramatubing asscunt profiting off of people's pain.

>> No.74151544

Ok sayufag

>> No.74151548

Is it pedophilic to like lolis/shotas? They're not kids they're drawings.
Is it gay to like yaoi? They're not men they're drawings.
It's literally that simple.

>> No.74151555

it's not a moot point, because if you step foot into a culture you don't understand you should try familiarizing yourself with it before making sweeping statements about things you have zero knowledge of. normalfags are not some exception to being expected to have social and cultural awareness

>> No.74151575

Sorry that ass is made for shota cock only.

>> No.74151577

She was a large indie before and everyone knew.
Most of the vtuber audience are weebs not retarded twatters that need to disconnect.

>> No.74151580

I give you a hint, anon. The game has Venti.

>> No.74151584

So... She is a pedophile?

>> No.74151585

this shit is so boring. do you people really find it fulfilling to partake in the daily Twitter drama parade caused by bottom feeders like Kenji? You can just let it march by you, you know that right

>> No.74151611

>Is it pedophilic to like lolis/shotas?
>They're not kids they're drawings.
of kids.
>Is it gay to like yaoi?
>They're not men they're drawings.
of men.
>It's literally that simple.
Yes it is.

t. I like loli, but I don't hide behind hypocrisy

>> No.74151613

Sisters trying to rewrite reality again just like with Mika and Doki. Surprise surprise.

>> No.74151622

No amount of okays is going to change that Kenji knows what people really think of him.

>> No.74151625

I will always take an opportunity to shit on nijisisters without mercy.

>> No.74151640

>She literally just got there. How would she even have the time to
Yes, and that's why the full context is always important, thanks for clarifying that out.

>> No.74151653
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Lawyer here. If the nigger said "She's a pedophile", that could be classified as defamation (slander), or libel if posted on Twitter, because it's imputing serious sexual misconduct. If he just said "She likes shota", that's not enough. Either way, you need proof or what he said (records of posts, video, recording), and it needs to be presented within a time frame from the statement (depending on the state)

>> No.74151661

>the daily Twitter drama parade caused by bottom feeders like Kenji
It's ok, you can say Sayu too. She definitely applies to that statement

>> No.74151665

And pikamee don't forget

>> No.74151688


>> No.74151696

See that I can at least respect

>> No.74151731

The majority of people watching a corpo Vtuber don't know their PL. Nobody knew what the fuck a "Sayu" was and no one would assume she was talking about anime when she said "I like little boys, they're my type". If she wanted to actually make it clear, she should have just said shota

>> No.74151738

>"She's a pedophile", [...] it's imputing serious sexual misconduct.
Is it now?
>one affected with
>a psychiatric disorder in which an adult has sexual fantasies about or engages in sexual acts with a prepubescent child
Notice OR.

>> No.74151742
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I dont care for drama I just like masurbating to Sayu. Does she have art of her ass?

>> No.74151794
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>> No.74151800

Why are you even here being a retard about a subject you don't even know kid?

>> No.74151804

>Sexual misconduct
Being a pedophile doesn't mean you immediately committed an act of sexual misconduct and he never said she did either. He only repeated what she said in her stream. You're a shit lawyer

>> No.74151815
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>> No.74151851
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>Sayu ISN'T a pedophile

>> No.74151873

Calm down. She is. Keep subbing.

>> No.74151879

Everybody know niji PLs in matter of weeks. One of the stated reasons for firing her was that she used her old account, even.

>> No.74151898

500k sub goal you know what to do.

>> No.74151900

>sister logic

>> No.74151952

True, but that's not the standard assumption that people will make.

>> No.74151959

I thought Sayu was based? In the screen cap she's clearly conceding that she brought this shit up unprompted. Where's the conviction? I thought she was all about sticking to her guns?

>> No.74151967

He/she is right though.
How many people like violent videogames and movies? How many of them would actually kill people? Same difference.

>> No.74152009

The standard assumption people would make is that she is indeed a pedophile because of the clip

>> No.74152029

She's a pussy lmao

>> No.74152036

Brought up what? Kenji was crying to the world about what his friends really thought of him and she reminding him he's awful. Which he then reinforced by continuing to be awful.

>> No.74152079

They liked it 30 years ago but they don't anymore.

>> No.74152115
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>> No.74152124

Keep trying, sister. If she called herself "german" she would have statistically higher probability of her being actual child abuser.

>> No.74152125

I watched Scarle cook deep dish pizza. I am now a master detroit chef

>> No.74152148
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>Rewriting of reality
You mean his friends were planning on ruining his career and were stalking his family's Instagram accounts so he got pissed? Didn't Sayu cry because she felt like she had no more Nijisanji friends? Funny

>> No.74152168

Kissing Doki's neck so her voice heals

>> No.74152185

whats the point of lying now, sayu?

>> No.74152186
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Erm... my fellow Sayusisters I'm a little worried... This was supposed to be her big break while owning her hater... What went wrong...? His fans were supposed to hate him...

>> No.74152243

Average chibidoki fan

>> No.74152252

>Kenji deleted the video months ago
>Said he was sorry and clarified he doesn't think Sayu is a pedophile
So what are the sisters even trying to argue here?

>> No.74152253

Ah yes... they were going to ruin his career... when was it again? TWO YEARS later? After dove already apologized and they moved on with nothing happening?

>> No.74152258

What the fuck are you even saying? I said that just because someone is a pedophile that they're aren't a child molester , not that watching a shota take it in the ass makes you a child molester

>> No.74152281

Deflection from Millie flop.

>> No.74152321

No, they were planning on doing it now. They had the secret hate group where they kept spreading his doxx and he found out about it on stream and got pissed. Is your knowledge of the situation limited to just the shit Sayu inserted herself into?

>> No.74152369

He did corporate law in Florida, before moving to Asia.

>> No.74152404

I see you, Aloupeep

>> No.74152446

Sisters need Sayu to be a pedophile because otherwise she would be a victim of bullying.

>> No.74152455

Ah, so he has literally no experience with actual laws. Got it

>> No.74152483
File: 1.22 MB, 1108x990, 1712168966875922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sayu's only crime is liking k*zuha

>> No.74152493

A 2 year old chatroom. He just got the joy of seeing the messages now. Which you would think would get him to reflect on how he's so awful that everyone hates him but that's too much for the flip nigger.
It's the dumb fuck's own instagram too.

>> No.74152506

The most common card used in the Sayufag playbook

>> No.74152558

Claiming someone is a Pedo is one of those claims that is automatically assumed damaging, so there's not as many hurdles there.

>> No.74152570

>everyone i don't like is a sayufag
average nijifag schizophrenia episode

>> No.74152632

But it wasn't just his own Instagram. It was his full name which is how they even found his Instagram and his family's too. He also found out that they were planning on ruining his career. How is Sayu more justified in crying because Niji members don't talk to her anymore after she got fired for her saying "No wonder she was raped"

>> No.74152637

I'm not crying I'm trying to inform your foreign ass that the political climate around kid fucking jokes has changed in the states since you were a kid watching imported 40 year old stand-up VHS recordings.

>> No.74152671

>all that drama leeching
>less followers in a month than he gets in a single day
No wonder they're pissed

>> No.74152674
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>> No.74152677

what a retard

>> No.74152688

Fuck all the peace shit
They should crash out

>> No.74152716

Well he only said she was because she said she was so that's getting thrown out of court immediately

>> No.74152738

I would say Sayu is justified in prompting kenji to reflect on what harassing her for his own profit and people's negative views of him have in common.
That's corpo policy by the way.

>> No.74152765

I don't understand what this is supposed to convey.

>> No.74152800

>Being subbed to any of these people in the first place, ever
You all are some retards lmao

>> No.74152805

Added to my collection, thank you

>> No.74152813
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>> No.74152858

>political climate
NTA but what the fuck does this even mean? If someone thinks something is funny then it's funny. Who are you the fucking CCP?

>> No.74152896

It means that political changes has lead to the funny being not funny as decreed by 81 million voting machines.

>> No.74152915

jesus, bitch needs to stop getting farmed already

>> No.74152941

But he didn't harass her? He only reacted to her drama clips and gave his opinion on it. Are you harassing Kenji right now?

>> No.74152978

Jesus, how fucking old are you? Maybe pull your head out of your ass, people like dark humor as much as ever.

>> No.74152988

Honorary Sad Girl.

>> No.74152998

>He didn't harass her he only harassed her and spread it to 500k people, intensifying the harassment she faced

>> No.74153017

If anything this will make any new Vtuber to be more careful about mentioning their tastes for loli or shota, sometime this thing isn't relevant for your persona and just bring consequences, it's better to just shut up your mouth about it, you don't win anything by talking about your attraction toward underage characters.

>> No.74153039

>Are you harassing Kenji right now?
That depends if you are Kenji or only one of his cocksuckers.

>> No.74153041

Why are you lying so hard? The prime minister of Canada was getting shit on for doing black face at a college party. Imagine if there was footage of him saying "I'm not into older women, I prefer little boys"

>> No.74153066

counter point: its just fiction. some of us read hentai with rape (very common) but we dont go around raping people. beyond anime we watch shows about fighting crime, but we dont fight crime. its fiction. peop;le so terminally online they think everything is reality sheesh

>> No.74153075

>You ask for an explanation when you're told what (((people))) in the states think is funny changed for a large very loud demographic
>Insult the person who helped you out

>> No.74153089

>Gets btfo’d
>”Plez forgive me, it’s me lashing out cuz of trauma uwu”

>> No.74153096

Everything is harassment to Xittersisters
Unless a woman does it of course

>> No.74153129

They still do. The correct path is ignoring literally underage children and trannies being retards on twitter.

Sayu's penis? Yeah, it's in a shota.

>> No.74153139

It will mean nothing. Vtweeters will keep virtue signaling, twitch whores will keep being whores and dramafarmers will keep mixing out of context clues into a narratives.

>> No.74153157

i think her and kenji came to an agreement, he suddenly wanted to talk on call after legal mindset was set on his ass. when drama grifter meets drama grifter

>> No.74153167

Well basically the humor from that type of joke comes from the audience understanding that the person making that joke is almost certainly not a pedo, as pedos are rare in the real world. But in the past decade half of the country became spergs obsessed with a conspiracy about how the entire other half of the country is all pedos. This has made pedo jokes no longer funny to general audiences.

>> No.74153169

Sayu is biologically Japanese so she gets a pass. Simple as.

>> No.74153180

But he didn't harass her, he didn't even speak to her and he only uploaded a video of his reaction to her clips then gave his opinion. You're essentially saying that talking about celebrity drama is you harassing the celebrity

>> No.74153192

>The prime minister of Canada was getting shit on for doing black face at a college party
Because he was the prime minister of Canana doing a very racist joke at college. With a different kind of context it would be funny. No, saying "I HATE JEWS" out loud doesn't count as a joke, you need a punchline.

>> No.74153225

>Propagating serious false allegations for his own profit
yes it is harassment.

>> No.74153257

Venti is a twink not underaged

>> No.74153282

He already tried DM'ing her but she blocked him so he couldn't. That's literally the first tweet he made about her. No one is scared of the fraud lawyer. What's he gonna do? Lie about the law on stream then send agents to stalk Kenji?

>> No.74153381

How mind broken sisters are to still be seething KEK

>> No.74153380

There was a punchline to Robert Downey Jr doing black face for a movie but he still was getting shit on for that

>> No.74153386

>What's he gonna do?
>grift on flavor of the day vtuber drama
>get superchats
>spend all the money on hookers in Bangkok
Sounds based ngl

>> No.74153389

>He already tried DM'ing her
No? He only said she blocked him so he can't QT her.

>> No.74153415

Take your pick cause he was actively fighting and escalating the whole say.
>"Strategist" got wind of it and told him to sit the fuck down and shut the hell up
>He actually got scared of a drama chasing "lawyer"

I don't even remember it being that bad and was just getting blown out of proportion to shit on zombie castro. The whole turnaround on blackface when it wasn't even being used specifically to be turbo racist was weird.

He just wasted his life crawling though Sayus entire twitter in a deranged fervor. It was a really fucking weird 180.

>> No.74153419

uh huh, why the tone shift then after he got involved? its schizo to connect imaginary dots, but its just as schizo to ignore reality and obviously connected dots. Why do you think Kenji specifically mentioned calling her a pedo and didnt mention the alleged doxx at all? he was literally addressing exactly what could get him in legal trouble, they arent suddenly friends, they just agreed to not get in a court battle.

>> No.74153470

...And? It's called dark humor for a reason, not everyone likes it. That doesn't mean that is not popular.

>> No.74153505

Wait are sisters still trying to push their "he was totally scared of getting sued" fanfiction? With all the evidence? Kek

>> No.74153523

if you let shit be said in your chat its on you, thats how its always been on twitch and most websites, thats why you have to get moderators to ban politics in your chat because some thigns they bring up might be against TOS, which is why hasan, destiny, and other political streamers get banned so often

>> No.74153583

i mean he obviously was, you can deny it all you want, but its been escalating 3 days straight then suddenly when defamation gets brought up and legal mindset hops on suddenly hes ready to pull it back? explain.

>> No.74153587

The faggot lawyer didn't get involved, he was just plotting his next grift. Kenji already said he couldn't DM her because she blocked him, Sayu unblocked him and sent him a DM, got mad he didn't respond immediately then he started saying she was overreacting then they eventually got over themselves and had a call where they killed the drama.

And you faggots are acting like the grifter saved the day while he did nothing but grift people and stalk Riku Tazumi

>> No.74153624

>Continually escalating for days then hard 180's out of the blue

>> No.74153660

i mean he id a grifter lawyer and a piece of shit especially for what he did in the V&U situation using a non official document to say they were charging her, but lets not pretend like he has no pull and that kenji wouldnt start to have second thoughts. explain why his tweet exactly addresses what legal mindset brought up and not everything he said about sayu?

>> No.74153673

>Niji tries to take his channel down
>Sends the sistercord to slander him

>> No.74153674

>he did nothing but grift people and stalk Riku Tazumi
Fucking king.

>> No.74153681

>he obviously was
>which is why he had no problem going after her any time she tried to pull petty shit
Not buying it

>> No.74153689 [DELETED] 

Stay is a woman in the US who does not have custody of her child after a divorce. That’s says all I need to know about her

>> No.74153738

It's because Sayu revealed her online persona is entirely a facade and to prove it, she showed evidence that she was dating Quinn who is Kenji's friend. Notice how Sayu started backing down when Quinn got involved?

>> No.74153774

all that tells me is that the husband actually wanted the kid. most of the time woman gets it because most fathers dont want the kid. contrary to popular cases pushed by incels, men actually do get custody of their children often if they legitimately fight for it because they can offer proof that they have the money to take care of them

>> No.74153822

>Dating the person who actual doxed her passport and everything
Is this a new level of retarded?

>> No.74153823

>explain why his tweet exactly addresses what legal mindset brought up and not everything he said about sayu?
Because she was upset he was calling her a pedophile and already acknowledged it was wrong of her to say what she did about rape?

>> No.74153875

Sayu is dating someone? Thats new to me, Cuck warriors would be hollering it all day

>> No.74153888

How petty would you say streaming serious false allegations to 500k people on a subject he doesn't even understand then leaving it up until selen's termination makes him realize he can get dragged if the mob remembers his cunty shit?

>> No.74153908

That wasn't Quinn, that was actually Quinn's bitter terminally ex trying to frame him. That's why they posted it anonymously

>> No.74153909

>Kenji already said he couldn't DM her because she blocked him
No, he didn't. >>74153389

>> No.74153956

The same quinn who got so anally gaped when sayu clapped back against his "banter" in the golf collab he deleted the vod and seethed every second of every day since?

>> No.74153977

its hilarious looking at kenis tweets and seeing his drama hungry people saying that it kmust be a joke and to keep going, truly the jonathan somali of vtubing, his "fans" proving more and more to be just drama hungry teenagers

>> No.74154000

Probably not as petty as cheering about a doxx a year later when you were allegedly "doxxed and so scared uwu"

>> No.74154030

Not it that anon retarded rrat but the cuck warrior already ineffective cause her community know she a divorced hag

>> No.74154037

Some of them aren't even drama hungry. They're just teenage victims of the programming. They were trained to react to things they were told are bad on instinct without any thought or comprehension

>> No.74154067

He called her a Diddler, a word specifically meaning child molester. Which his Orc horde swarmed her feed with. Accusing someone of being a child molester for making a shota joke is absolutely slander/libel.

>> No.74154087

Why do you think she was so comfortable teasing him? Now it'd just seem weird if they dropped the act and admitted it was made up the entire time. They both live in the US and everything.

>> No.74154095

Reminding him that he helped set a hate mob on someone over false allegations for his own profit is cheering?

>> No.74154145

He didn't, his friend did

>> No.74154149

You need therapy and meds.

>> No.74154167

Yes. Also reminder that he chose the remove the video on his own. You might not like it, but he's actually the bigger person.

>> No.74154181

Simp all you want, it will affect nothing.

>> No.74154194

Wasn't that kyo? A bunch of the verbal tics were really close.

>> No.74154236

What false allegations? That she made a extremely bad rape "joke" that she admitted to? Or him saying she liked little boys because she said she liked little boys ?KEK

>> No.74154243

Ah the future of America looking bleaker and bleaker how you guys doom prepping going?

>> No.74154287

Much, much later only when the selen drama could have burned him to the ground? The same one he threatened to put back up while accusing her of being a pedophile despite knowing better? Dragging her for a rape joke when he's made them too?


>> No.74154324

You're trying too hard. Nobody is going to believe you're that retarded.

>> No.74154333

Can't wait to see your reaction when there's a Quinn and Sayu off Collab

>> No.74154390

>asked to remove the video by his own community when Sayu releases her side of the termination
>he doubles down
>Selen gets terminated and normies start realizing Sayu was right all along
>he takes it down quietly

Yeah sure. "Bigger person."

>> No.74154440

At peace. It's their future and it's the one they want. I'm too old for a world war to unfuck the slide. That's the nice part of living away from it all.

>> No.74154456

How am I supposed to know. I am fucking black and those hoodrats all sound alike to me.

>> No.74154553

>chooses to take it down
>this is somehow bad
>jabs at perfectly fine despite of him choosing to take it down
Also kinda funny how she pretends that it's wild he would make a video talking about her after being doxxed, yet she makes everything about herself despite "being doxxed"

>> No.74154630

What mess is this loser going to her herself into honest week?

>> No.74154681

>Do the immoral thing and spread false allegations to harass someone in order to profit off of 500k views
Taking it down only when it's at risk of destroying you doesn't change that you did it in the first place nor all the time you profited off of it until it became a liability. It was only about Kenji the entire time. Furthermore as his actions in this drama showed he didn't learn from it at all which cements that the decision was only about his safety never the damage to her.

>> No.74154686

Sure, sister. He didn't take it down because whole niji was getting cancelled for dogpilling on Selen. He took it down because he felt sorry for Sayu after a whole year.

>> No.74154761

He didn't even talk about her being doxxed. His chat started spreading a rrat in his chat that Kenji called them creepy for and moved on. Meanwhile Sayu defends Doxxsagi because "he said sowwy"

>> No.74154769

>jabs at perfectly fine despite of him choosing to take it down
Wow no wonder your reading comprehension is so poor you, you don't even know how to write in the language being used.

>> No.74154835

Imagine if he just banned it like everyone is supposed to.

>> No.74154857

>when it's at risk of destroying you
>a video shitting on nijisanji at the peak of shitting on nijisanji
>has every right to put the video back up
>chooses not to even with Sayu being a cunt
>also even says he took it down because of what she was getting
I know but the sayusisters don't care about what actually happened. They prefer their fantasies

>> No.74154892

>A video beating on a victim of onlyblack*

>> No.74154897

Keep trying.

>> No.74154939

Don't make me pull up the Tolkien quote on the uncreativity of evil again.

>> No.74154969

Why would he ban it if he didn't even know it wasn't public information? The information isn't even real in the first place so why would anyone get banned?

>> No.74154997


>> No.74155095

>>A video beating on a victim of onlyblack*
Sounds like something Niji would endorse. So how would that "destroy him"?
Don't act like a woman if you don't want to be called a woman. You girls also didn't invent "sisters"

>> No.74155116

Honest question, what possibly could have made Kenji decide to pull a 180 on the whole "Sayus a pedo" stuff. Unless another notable vtuber behind the scenes decided to talk with him about it.

>> No.74155119

More of the public wasn't swallowing niji's shit this time around

>> No.74155136

>Kenji literally says Sayu isn't a pedophile
>Sisters are STILL trying to lie and say that she is
Sisters... just take a break already, this can't be good for your mental health...

>> No.74155167

That's what everyone wants to know. Kenji getting scared of a lawsuit is the only thing that makes sense within the context and the wording.

>> No.74155193

>our pitiful boy knows nothing. He doesn't know what "shota" is, what "drama" is he mingling with. He doesn't even know all his friends hate his guts and think he's retarded!

>> No.74155219

> folded like a lawn chair
probably got shouted down by the fag and his orbiters on the call

>> No.74155224

Good thing the video wasn't "look how good niji is" and more "what the fuck were those retards thinking hiring a bitch that says this shit?"

>> No.74155244

The fact he wanted to DM her in the first place? He even let Kage on his stream to try defending himself. Is the concept of someone trying to understand someone's perspective even if they're mad a complete foreign idea to dramafags here?

>> No.74155291

I'm going to pretend this nigger doesn't exist so I can go back to watching holo streams.
I didn't even know this fucker existed before this whole thing blew up.

>> No.74155340

still grasping at straws, miss onions?

>> No.74155408

What perspective? That maybe he shouldn't have harassed her for profit and it's a pretty funny reaction for him to have when he's been so awful for so long?

>> No.74155411

His underage fandom doesn't really care about him and the older people were turning on him after he started scouring Sayu's old twitter posts. All dramafags were getting ready to shit on his ass and he had no real counterarguments. All he had was "she's trying to insert herself into a drama" that sister use. It doesn't really work anymore. That, or somebody bigger really stepped in.

>> No.74155473

>The fact he wanted to DM her in the first place?
Nope and ignoring what he said himself is not going to change the reality.

>> No.74155507

Good to see you again, schizo-anon. I see the English lessons are helping you. Still eating sewage?

>> No.74155540
File: 112 KB, 600x600, 1636237165395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>indie vtuber
>look inside
>jerry springer tier shitflinging drama
why are westoids like this

>> No.74155626

>Still eating sewage?
ewww I will never touch your infested snatch.

>> No.74155684

Does he really look like the kind of person who would suddenly retract everything he said after calling Sayu a kid diddler and saying her Fandom is entirely full of 4channers on his own? Barely even know much about either of the two but yesterday both of then kept escalating this shit step by step. Just wouldn't be surprised if someone had to step in behind the scenes to nip things in the bud.

>> No.74155745 [DELETED] 

Huh? But isn't that your culture? I thought browns like you eat literal feces?

>> No.74155744

Twitter bad. Dramatuber awful. Many sad cases.

>> No.74155796
File: 100 KB, 586x417, hehe_shotacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-b-but corpo vtubers are so unfunny...

>> No.74155818

you wish, sister. we don't like your kind here in Eastern Europe, you're too akin to gypsies.

>> No.74156044

Drama = Views.
Its sad that Sayu keeps getting herself into this shit, she needs a tardwrangler.

>> No.74156089

He didn't retract anything but her being a pedophile. He still never retracted him shitting on her for the rape joke, didn't retract him calling her fans racist or anything. If he was willing to let one of the main culprits of the drama go on his stream to defend himself, he'd talk to Sayu in DMs. Sayu clearly was spooked enough to unblock him in the first place and apologize for everything

>> No.74156099

>eastern europe
Dear God, it's worse than I thought! No wonder you have now clue how civilized societies operate. Don't worry, sister. Once you escape Stalin's rule, you can find an actual country to live in. It'll take some time, but I believe one day you'll blend in with the actual humans! Stay safe in that war now!

>> No.74156152

He's an armchair youtube lawyer, he knows the books but has never actually been in court.

>> No.74156170

Kenji won.

>> No.74156198

He got a fat settlement on the Disney case.

>> No.74156292

>The whole turnaround on blackface when it wasn't even being used specifically to be turbo racist was weird
Are...are you a moron? That was the most explicit high profile example of unequivocally racist blackface in the West in recent memory. What, you think he was doing it to out of the high esteem he held for pajeets?

>> No.74156313

He never was in a legal battle with Disney. He only talked about it nonstop before he moved onto the Vtuber grift

>> No.74156377

>your SEA shithole
>or canuckistan
rumao even

>> No.74156397

Good for you anon stay comfy meanwhile I'm not old enough to evade the incoming shitstorm so l will continue prepping

>> No.74156450

>I'm a dog lover
>I wanna fuck dogs
is totally different. You can like kids and not want to diddle them.

>> No.74156560

But she said "I'm not very attracted to Yelan, I'm into little boys, I love little boys. I'd rather have a little boy than a mommy". So the full context clearly implied it's a sexual thing which is why he said "she's into little boys".

>> No.74156572

I don’t mind loli but you could never get an actual child to look attractive, they’re fucking disgusting

>> No.74156582

but enough about enna.

>> No.74156761

Come now, dear, there's no need to be upset. I know Russia is an awful place what with your father being sent to the gulag, your mother selling her body to make due, choosing between eating your dung, cat, or starving, the bombs, the government oppressing you... but look on the bright side! I and other people of value don't have to worry about any of those! Doesn't that make you feel better knowing that there's a whole world out there where people don't suffer like you?

>> No.74156885

Fictional characters so idc. I like cunny too but I ain't into kids.

>> No.74156954

>the whole eastern half of a continent is Russia
this is the level of "education" this sister has received, everyone!

>> No.74156960

What did dramaniggers do this time?

>> No.74157319

Well, yeah? The rest of eastern europe is being conquered by Russia, but I didn't realize it was such a touchy subject for you. I starting to see why you like Sayu-chan so much. You're both unlikable, miserable, talentless, friendless "people." You relate to her! I know life must be hard living in a war zone but I'll give you something to look forward to: once day America will surely free you. And if you survive the nukes, you'll be able to flee to a real, non-shithole country! Maybe someone will adopt you! I'm sure at least one country in europe lets people keep monkeys as pets. Don't give up! I believe in you!

>> No.74157324
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should all be forgiven because they talked it out? do the feelings of the fans matters in this situation? or does everything just go out the window just because? he still was accusing her with baseless crap, the damage is done.

>> No.74157356
File: 409 KB, 402x514, typo spotted[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F199pfo.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm convinced this stalker lawyer doesn't know what a single law

>> No.74157391

Kys dramanigger

>> No.74157480

twitch streaming is just a frathouse for rich metrosexual degens and it's just a huge scam amazon has imposed on the rest of the world because californians have an exhibitionism fetish

>> No.74157664
File: 3.94 MB, 1880x2217, 1709512272763112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>incoherent screeching
I accept your defeat again, miss onions.
>I'm sure at least one country in europe lets people keep monkeys as pets.
you've offered yourself up many times today, and the answer is still no, and it won't change.
we stand by Sayu, and his "community" is roasting his ass on the fire already. I'm pretty sure it's settled.

>> No.74157717

because they realized drama is what gets them noticed. its honestly disheartening that the western vtuber sphere turned out like this. every indie needs a tardwrangler.

>> No.74157774

>kenji started this whole beef in the first place by calling Sayu a pedophile when the Zaion termination kicked off
>uhm akshually Sayu is drama hungry and started it
Don't talk about subjects that you know nothing about, fucking chimp

>> No.74157870

Defeat? Oh no! Are the Russian soldiers closing in on you? I'm not sure how to help you. Do you have guns in your mudhut? Assuming guns have even been invented over there...
What about medicine? Well medicine's pretty advanced for your kind...
Maybe your village has a witch doctor that can do some voodoo magic to hex the Russians?

>> No.74157893

Are you autistic? You've clearly got difficulty picking up on social cues

>> No.74157991

I didn't know social cues can turn "I'm a pedophile, children are sexy. I wish I could fuck a child" into a good thing. Must be magic

>> No.74158002

head over to the other ex-niji bait thread, sister, there's a gay russian waiting for you, pretty sure the two of you will bond well over zentreya

>> No.74158118

If you were born before the year 2000, you might remember the time where people could make edgy jokes on the internet and know that others had enough sense to not take them seriously

>> No.74158179

Now's not the time for romance, girl! You're in danger! I'm really not sure what you 3rd world dwellers have at your disposal... Surely you have rocks to throw at the soldiers right? Maybe a cave to live in like your grandparents?

>> No.74158251

>Sexpat Mindset knows jack shit about laws

>> No.74158373

Mate, doxxing does not require the information to be obtained through means that are not available to the public and you can't possibly expect anyone to verify if the information is correct or incorrect.
If personal information is being posted, you treat it as if it's real and deal with the people posting it accordingly. Specially when you're literally calling the person whos information is being posted a criminal. You should probably be reporting them to the police not making a video about them with intent to send vigilantes in the first place.

>> No.74158374

Source: my ass

>> No.74158391

>Cosplay more accurately for a themed party
>Cosplay more accurately for a song
I think I was just too old for the dumb shit.

>> No.74158606

You're the one talking out of your arse, I'm not guy nor am I an American and even I know that something like 80-90% of lawsuits end in pre-trial settlement. If the lawsuit is settled prior to the trial, why the fuck would anyone involved end up in the courtroom?

>> No.74158607

Nobody shouldn't join that shitty "company"

>> No.74158840

>after like 2 days of non-stop shitposting against eachother they randomly say, "bros we made up its okay!"
They 100% met up in a seedy motel and fucked eachothers brains out.
Kenji with his huge cock, and Sayu with her insane kugel's to grip his cock like a vise grip.

>> No.74158844

Kenjinigger normalfag go back to your twitter

>> No.74158914

You must be a new breed of ape. He didn't know it was supposed to be private information, it wasn't even real information. How the fuck would he know it's supposed to be a "doxx"?

>> No.74159128

>sayu cucking her fans
Sounds about right

>> No.74159395

Are you illiterate? There's a reason it's standard to just ban them on the spot instead of spending days cross-checking and verifying.

>> No.74159643

No it isn't. No one hears that a Vtuber said they have a brother in chat then immediately bans them
