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73725643 No.73725643 [Reply] [Original]

They dropped under 2,000 as predicted. I guess Holofes didn't do as well as they expected

>> No.73725850

Cool, hope it drops enough that Yagoo can buy it all back and go private again.

>> No.73725878

I also hope Yagoo tucks his tail and runs back into his cave

>> No.73725910

Someone trustworthy in the company should buy back the dip. Fuck investors and their ignorance.

>> No.73725913

Nice. Now if both of them drop another 500, AC will just be fucking delisted and we won't have to worry about this shit anymore. June can't come soon enough.

>> No.73725946
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>sell stocks
>get enough funds to build a huge fuck ass 3d studio
>buy your stocks back at half price
>go private again having lost nothing and gained a 3d studio for half price after scamming the market
God is a holofag

>> No.73726029

oh nyo, not the hecking jew investors losing their money ??

>> No.73726050

Average Sis doesn’t get that since Holo never did buybakcs, specilations or dividends, investors are actially optionals since there is no monet invested in the stock.
We laugh about Anycolor because they put almost a billion into their stocks, so any loss is that money being burned.
Come back when you actually understand the stock market, there is a reason why Anycolor is desperate for dividends or an IR while the cover boards shrugs and watches.

>> No.73726079

I honestly can't read investors' minds

Like are they really bunch of soulless greedy motherfuckers who only invest on money-hungry companies instead of actual good quality companies that has bright future and goals ?

Why the hell do they still believe in Anycolor and try to save their ass while dumping Cover's because Yagoo refused to spend money on stocks ? Is the stock market inhumane ?

>> No.73726138

investors don't actually give a shit about what they're investing in. They just chase trends.
To them, anycolor and cover are the same company. If anycolor is getting fucked, cover must be too. It's a game of stats and charts, not actual people.

>> No.73726150

Niji win again

>> No.73726213

>Are investors greedy
>Are they trying to save Anycolor

>> No.73726215
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/biz/ here. Reminder that the end of the fiscal year report comes out May 8th. And Holofes ran out of fucking food. Buy the dip

>> No.73726224

Investors are retarded but this is a win for cover due to how differently they approached this compared to anycolor. Anycolor wanted to dump their shares later for profit, cover went public to get money to invest in assets. If yagoo was smart he'd wait until it dumps further then buy it all up for pure profit
Meanwhile anycolor wants to eventually sell out, which is why they care about stock price which is why they did a stock buyback to pump the price. When the stock price fell for them its a massive loss as they essentially lost whatever % that it dumped meanwhile for cover it's only a loss if they plan on selling more of their share of the stock (which if they are smart they don't)
Its a completely different situation because of their end goals, but if you want to make it even simpler
> stock dumps after buyback = bad
>stock dumps before buyback = Great opportunity to buy in if the company has a future

>> No.73726241
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Forever set a precious moon is lost . The others mourned him with ceremony grand. Rising up to heaven, the mighty moon of Frost with a melody from the morning band.

Well, Rushia? Can you hear it? We dedicate this Requiem to you

>> No.73726243

sony and investments funds owned by rikus rich family keep on investing on anycolor for some reason, a true mystery as to why

>> No.73726267

If only this will somehow force Gura to come back and stream...

>> No.73726273

If i am in europe how can i buy into cover btw?
i got about 50k of free money to dump somewhere for 4-5 years

>> No.73726294

Who is Rushia?

>> No.73726437

You wouldn't understand

>> No.73726564

She invaded Ukraine on February 24th 2022, and got terminated on the same day.

>> No.73726622

No it won't. Guess we'll be seeing her next month. If there is one

>> No.73726652

woah what? there won't be a next month?!

>> No.73726664
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looks proportional

>> No.73726676

Investors arent retarded, they saw a growth company fail at every growth project and thus reevaluated the stock

>> No.73726677

It's over. It's the end of times. Rushia is causing the end of it all

>> No.73726696
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Silly anon there's always a month after the previous one
I also used to get confused about this future thing so i get you

>> No.73726697


>> No.73726700

I can't believe Selen killed the JP stock market.

>> No.73726709

Anon have you seen the news?

>> No.73726730

>at every growth project
Can you show me these growth projections you are expecting of? Because i know one growth project that it didn't fail like you said, which were the ones published by cover, so your statement is 1) already at least partially false; 2) unless you bring receipts, entirely false

>> No.73726738

Welcome to the stock market.
I'm guessing you weren't paying attention during the whole Gamestop thing? That's how a lot of us initially got in.

>> No.73726742

>wanted to launch a invasion but was still employed
>gets herself terminated
>immediately launches invasion now that she is free

I kneel

>> No.73726757

what is hlzntl, what is regloss etc

>> No.73726761

There is no future, chumbro... it's over

>> No.73726786
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yes very nice

>> No.73726799

Is Mel Israel

>> No.73726805


>> No.73726807

Oh no! All that money Yagoo spent on buybacks got wiped out! Wait, wrong company.

>> No.73726816

It depends on your broker / bank. Ask whichever platform you want to use. There are some nice ones on the net too, I suggest Degiro. Pretty sure you can buy Jap stocks on there.

>> No.73726837

Doesn't that just make it easier for Cover to buy stocks back?
Niji already bought a lot their own shares back at a price that was way too high.

>> No.73726847

so I'm an idiot with stocks. What's this about delisting? How does that work? If it gets too low, AC has to buy up all the stocks back or something? Do we know what that point is?

>> No.73726869
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JPY all time low. Yen increases at the same time as holo stock increase, Double the profit

>> No.73726871

How many shares did they sell originally? Why don't cddct chads buy in and pressure Cover to kill the homo branch?

>> No.73726898

Probably because they can’t?

>> No.73726921

>1 year meme

>> No.73726929

AC hit the circuit breaker once already, if they fall below a certain threshold now they get put on the improvement plan where they have 1 year to improve their stock to a certain valuation or get kicked out of the stock market.
Not sure how it works in Japan but in the US you just become a bag holder.

>> No.73726959

How is it hard to understand? I am a fan of Hololive and I would not buy their stock as an investment. There isn't a single reason to buy it at all, a reason that isn't sentimental anyway.

They don't pay dividends, they don't pump the stock with buybacks. Why would I ever want it? The stock might go up in value in the long term, like maybe in 10 years it's 10x what it is now.. but it's just not a reliable investment. There are countless stocks that are stable in price just like COVER which pay substantial dividends and they are in far better industries. If Niji wasn't such a failure, even their stock would be better.

>> No.73726962

Holy delusions.
Fagoo doesn't have any capital beside stocks he owns. In other words, if stocks go down, all his money go down. He will never have enough money to make it private again.

>> No.73726974

They don’t like Cover because he doesn’t suck the talents dry and cut costs to line their pockets. They aren’t trying to save Anycolor, far to the contrary, they aren’t allowed to dump it as fast as they want. They just know that Cover is in the same industry and assume that the industry as a whole is going under. Plus, all this happening because of a prominent EN talent leaving Nijisanji might get them worrying about the fallout of someone like Pekora getting terminated like that, without understanding how unlikely that is.

>> No.73727019

The third party ones that investors decided to trust over the company they invested in.

>> No.73727033

Right now all JP stock options are down, and the Yen plummeting, the JP economy is taking a hit the past 2 months.

Anycolor isn't plummeting any further thanks to the selling ban that they enforced until the end Q4 in hopes that they can (hopefully) improve their financial report before the external investors loose faith.

Cover has invested a huge portion of their liquid assets in creating a new studio and a new branch in the US, their stock price will keep going down over de decay of the NIKKEI until their projects are done and the spending stabilizes.

>> No.73727074

If Anycolor has a selling ban, how is their stock going down by 0.47%?

>> No.73727114
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>Fagoo doesn't have any capital beside stocks he owns
poor fagoo has to sell stocks every morning to buy bread, so sad
We have to make hololive great again!
Vote for me Gawrgonzola Gurate! I will make hololive great again with my small feet!

>> No.73727203

Show them?
Since you are talking so confidently about this surely you have any evidence that these projections don't only exist but what the expected values for each of these metrics was right?
Surely you aren't making stuff up that you can't prove outside of saying stuff "stock went down, surely it was because there were projections that they failed to meet and its not just a random irrational dump"?

>> No.73727212

just short selling.

>> No.73727218

Because selling ban is just a holocope made up by holonigs

>> No.73727240

How long can these selling bans last?

>> No.73727249

Fucking deserve it for the stupid shit they tried to pull lately.

>> No.73727267

>Anycolor entered the market at 3300
>Cover entered the market at 1300
>Anycolor being worth less than 3300 is BAD
>Cover being worth more than 1300 is GOOD

nijinigger doesn't know how stocks work lol

>> No.73727326

>Nijiniggers gloating about shit they can't understand cause their third world brains can only grasp "NUMBER BIG GOOD" concepts

>> No.73727329

Do we need the Nintendo comparison again?

>> No.73727349

Because Nikkei and Yen are down.

If the value of the market and the value of the currency in witch your stock is based go down, the valuation of your assets go down, is that simple.

Then, you can still loose or gain valuation "through faith" in your company based on an array of variables, like, PR, company decisions, behavior of CEO and/or important figures in the company, spending of the company etc..

>> No.73727355

>I guess Holofes didn't do as well as they expected
It was obvious when this year's holofes get absolutely and utterly mogged by a fucking cafeteria from nijifes

>> No.73727357

It would be dropping more without restrictions, and the heaviest shackles have already been removed. So long as the fundamentals are fine or at least salvageable, the stock has time to recover. Anycolor didn’t, so they’re on a natural downward trend.
Anon, I’m not disagreeing with you, I’m saying those predictions were inherently irrational. There were threads about this when Cover released their most recent financial report and the price went down despite them having to revise their internal growth projections up by 20%.

>> No.73727358
File: 48 KB, 717x593, Screenshot 2024-04-15 041800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nintendo?

>> No.73727381

Holofes sold over 80k tickets
Nijifes sold 60k
Why do you retards like to lie so much?. Scared of the truth?

>> No.73727402

invest in cover, also invest in grudgeposting

>> No.73727405

ruh roh, anonswhohaverichinvestorsasaoochitomos..

>> No.73727409

That's not the win you think it is, it means anyone that bought since June has lost money. With nothing big on the horizon it's not reasonable to expect the situation will improve.
Pink wojak poster?

>> No.73727417

Anon, selling more tickets means they’re losing money!

>> No.73727418

I'm not sure how it works in JP market, in EU market, without a permit of the commision only a financial quarter.

>> No.73727419

>9.96 trillion capitalization
They are fine

>> No.73727443

Do you actually think Nintendo is an American company?

>> No.73727444

Holofes sold over 30k tickets
Nijifes sold 120k
Why do you retards like to lie so much?. Scared of the truth?

>> No.73727450

AnyColor aims profit and growth at any cost, which investors love.
Cover aims for steady and safe growth while making sure the talents are taken care of, which investors hate.

>> No.73727452

>nijinigs didnt even know about their own company

>> No.73727478

And holocope continues...

>> No.73727484

Once it passes the 1500 mark, there goes the stock

>> No.73727486

Holofans don't give a fuck if some jew investors lose out. They donate to their oshis and buy merch and none of that changes the fact that hololive is continuing to grow every single year
Nijisanji dumped BILLIONS of yen into their stock. Split it. AND Loan margin'd it. Riku really really desperately wants the stock to recover. Tanigo only cares about his Idol Dream. And as long as that's going strong. Hololive will be fine. Nijisanji has no future because RIKU doesn't want it to

>> No.73727494

why are they in red after nijifes?
i thought nijifes is a big success?

>> No.73727511

Are both of you niggers pulling these numbers out of your ass or something

>> No.73727515

Holofes sold over 400 tickets
Nijifes sold over 12

Why do you retards like to lie so much?. Scared of the truth?

>> No.73727541

Yeah that's what i'm saying. Nintendo's stock is "lower" in pure numbers to nijisanji.. but who the fuck is gonna say nintendo is a worse off company???
???I don't know what you're trying to say there.

>> No.73727543

Again what predictions? Give me numbers and names, what are these magical predictions that you are talking about that cover failed to meet
I swear to god, why do people talk about stuff they have no source or knowledge about?
Who made said predictions and what exactly did they predict was going to happen?

If you have literally no evidence for anyone making any predictions can you stop talking about this "hololive failed to meet investors predictions" and just say "we have no clue why the stock fell" instead? Because that's literally what it is right? Fuck maybe for all we know hololive beat investor predictions by 100000% but they just happened to all want to buy 6 months worth of soup and take money out of cover stock to pay for that, and it'd be just as rational of a prediction as that
Literally don't bother responding unless you have actual proof of these predictions being made and then failing to be met (or AT THE VERY VERY LEAST big investors in hololive stock saying that "cover didn't meet the expected growth that we projected for them")

>> No.73727545

preach brother.

>> No.73727557
File: 158 KB, 2108x887, stocks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be anycolor
>goes public in 2022, 3255JPY
>today in 2024
>2312JPY, 29% down

>be cover
>goes public in 2023, 1349JPY
>today in 2024
>1975JPY, 46% up

in what way is cover not winning here lmao

>> No.73727593
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>> No.73727599

They pay companies to sponsor them instead of other way around.

>> No.73727609

You forgot to apply the cope filter the NDF utilize before every post.

>> No.73727611

Holofes haven't sold a single ticket. In fact, they had to by ticket themselves
Nijifes sold over 4
Why do you retards like to lie so much?. Scared of the truth?

>> No.73727612

They weren't? They said if you only counted tickets to appear in the actual festival, they were in the red but if you count all the revenue they made with online tickets and whatever else, they were in the black

>> No.73727634

You guys do know you're arguing with immature children right? If you find it fun dunking on retarded nijiniggers you do you but keep that in mind

>> No.73727636

tf? they pay companies to sponsor them? what tf is this LMAOO

>> No.73727639

>don't know what you're trying to say there.
That's not Nintendo's stock. The one based in Tokyo is and it's in Yen

>> No.73727697

In the black just like a black company only cares about profits to the point they dgaf about suicide

>> No.73727717

Because this is not a debate, is a discussion, and the way that works is that no one is going to change the minds nor educate one another. Is just people throwing shit to the wall trying to deflect.

This topic goes over the head of 99% of people that doesn't have a high education in economics, so they make shit up and look up to the daily changes without any comprehension of what they are looking at other than the pretty colors and shapes.

>> No.73727725

>Holonigs 2 weeks ago:
>You just wait! Cover's stock is about to cross Anycolors in 2 weeks!!!
>Holonigs now:
>A-anycolor is w-winning t-too slow

>> No.73727760
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huh right you are. Well it dropped around the same amount cover's stock did today. Seems to be a market wide thing. Anycolor's ALSO dropped down that low before people bought the dip. It's literally just a market thing and has nothing to do with cover's performance

>> No.73727765

>I don't know how the stock market works but let me pretend I do because I want someone I don't know to look bad
What manner of mental illness inspires such delusions?

>> No.73727798

no one is saying anycolor is winning except you shit eating mongoloids KEKAROO. How was thar AR ""live"" again?. Looked very.. purple to me.. Must be the ghost of a certain backstabbed ex liver coming back to haunt them ;)

>> No.73727797

nijisisters are retarded, jealous women

>> No.73727803

Ok. Let's say you have a limited amount of shells. You only have so much so you want them to sell for as much as possible so if their value goes down, that's really bad. Now let's say Jason has a lot more shells than you AND they're worth more in value than your shells. Replace shells with shares and you get the picture

>> No.73727818

>Holonigs 2 weeks ago:
>You just wait! Cover's stock is about to cross Anycolors in 2 weeks!!!
tbf its pretty close 2312 vs 1975 is 85% of the way through, 1 year ago it was around 40% of value
if people that worked on stocks were that accurate they'd be rich, so honestly holofags are hitting above the belt in their ability

>> No.73727862

That's some juicy HOLOSEETHE

>> No.73727863

This doesn't make any sense cause the "shells" in this case are irrelevant to the business. "Jason" cares a LOT about his shells and the price of them. It's literally ALL he cares about. So when the price goes down. He cries and pisses himself. He buys up a ton of shells to inflate the price before it crashes down again. He loans his shells out as currency to buy other people's shells with. Value still goes down
NotJason doesn't give a fuck if his shells sell or not because his actual business is thriving

>> No.73727865

only nijiniggers put the term "anycolor" and "winning" together

>> No.73727892

brainless nijiniggers parroting insults they don't understand when backed into a corner by facts and logic. Enjoy your folded branch and your irrelevant talentless organs ;)

>> No.73727903

>in what way is cover not winning here lmao
>Buy Cover Corp shares at 2100 YEN
>Cover Corp shares fall to 1975 YEN
It's not hard. Sure people who bought Day 1 are still making some kind of a profit, but that thing is going down with no signs of stopping.
>Holofans don't give a fuck if some jew investors lose out
Congratulation on missing the point of the conversation.

>> No.73727908

Goldman Sachs completely hauled ass out if Japan a while back. They knew something and Japan's economy is about to get ass fucked by something.

>> No.73727919

Just buy bitcoin duh

>> No.73727928

nijinigger here really thinks holofags are shitting on them when it's just probably some random dramafag

>> No.73727933

Of course holobrowns being newfags tourists from reddit.

>> No.73727952

didn't Goldman Sucks tell people to invest in kurokara

>> No.73727966

>facts and logic
Those terms are the literal opposite of what holonigs are able to sperg out

>> No.73728007

Here's the tip:
do the opposite of what the big banks say in short to medium term.

>> No.73728013

It's known that holobrowns are the real niggers of vtubing community, so it's extremely unlikely that it could be anyone besides holonig

>> No.73728049

who is the seething nijisister trying to convince kek

>> No.73728066

Itself, most likely

>> No.73728070

>This post was typed by a poorfag with a sub 1k net worth

>> No.73728081

the irony of your ESL ass writing

>> No.73728094

yeah that's the point

>> No.73728106

>Buy Cover Corp shares at 2100 YEN
>Cover Corp shares fall to 1975 YEN
And how is that hurting COVER and not some dumb investors that vtubing fans really don't give a fuck about
>Congratulation on missing the point of the conversation.
Sister this is a VTUBING FORUM for VTUBERS. Nobody here gives a fuck about this shit except dramaniggers and tribalfags. The POINT is that cover corp's stocks have no effect on the business. anycolor's DO because RIKU cares more about them than maintaining his business. What part of "our company is not one we invest in for years expecting long term investments" did you not understand?

>> No.73728108

sorry to intrude but nijinigs sound better. it's like it was MADE for nijiniggers LOLOL

>> No.73728114

>maybe in 10 years it's 10x what it is now
>1000% gain in the years
>not a stable investment
Most trust funds would would be ecstatic to have 100% gain in ten years. Both you and investors are retards chasing quick cash and market trends

>> No.73728139

>the irony of your ESL ass writing
>3+ grammatical, syntax and punctuation mistakes in a tiny sentence
Holy projection

>> No.73728168

nijisister failed comprehension what's new. fking ESLs acting smart lol

>> No.73728182

>Both you and investors are retards chasing quick cash and market trends
Welcome to modern Parasite Capitalism.
You don't invest you aim to suck any money you can out of a company, bail and repeat leaving a pile of destroyed companies in your wake

>> No.73728217

>a bunch of repetitive similar syllables with different phonemes
>literally rolls out perfectly from tongue

>> No.73728223

This seething samefag is so obvious and hilarious. Listen sister. Nijisanji is fucking toast. The official fucking numbers we have on ficket sales PROVES holofes 2024 sold 80k. and nijifes 2023 sold 60k. Holofes sold out to the point of running out of food. Super chats and ccv and merch sales are up across the board. NijiEN is down 40%. They lost their most popular female livers in selen and pomu. Their most profitable remaining livers have not streamed at ALL the entirety of Q4. They are fucking toast

>> No.73728326

your tongue slurps on too much riku cum to know better anyway. go back to his yacht and keep getting fked sister

>> No.73728349

Holy fuck, you just literally proved my words about holoniggers being reddit tourist by not understanding what "samefag" means.
Everything else is a bunch of hololies without any proof. Well, as expected from holonigs.

>> No.73728377

>No arguments
>Proceeds to HOLOSEETHE
Ah, classic

>> No.73728385

Feel free to follow the big banks. Only newbies and naive traders who believes them.

>> No.73728386

>Kurosanji implodes
Investors be like
Lmao, buy the dip faggots this retards dont know jack shit. Easy money

>> No.73728411

Looks like I was too generous with 1k...

>> No.73728438

Imagine if nijisisters spent 1% of the energy wasted seething here on supporting nijisanji instead

>> No.73728441

This is a holoboard nijinigger. You vermin are the bottom of the barrel. The dregs everyone fucking hates. You are all sub-human doxing inbred SEAMonkeys. Fujoshis imported from K-Pop constantly seething and malding over your precious rape ASMR fags. A fanbase who oshis the COMPANY instead of the vtubers in the company, Call me a holonig all you want. It will never change the fact the entirety of the vtubing community hates you

>> No.73728514

>No arguments
Were you making any arguments?

>> No.73728550

Holoslums, hologhetto, holofavela
>A fanbase who oshis the COMPANY instead of the vtubers in the company
Ironic hearing it from a holonig
>It will never change the fact the entirety of the vtubing community hates you
Another common projection coming from retarded holopedos

>> No.73728554
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I'm glad they don't. The quicker Niji dies, the quicker I can go back to relaxing and not thinking about another black stream potentially cropping up.

>> No.73728559

Holy shit, never thought they'd actually go lower than 2k BEFORE the dreaded Q4 results. Hahahahah!!!

>> No.73728564
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Nijinigger trying to shed off their nickname just like saying sisters are a slur

>> No.73728570

How about you go back to twitter?

>> No.73728571

nijiniggers is too iconic at this point its hard to beat that

>> No.73728586

Bold of you to assume I don't shit post here while catching up on VODs

>> No.73728591

>All lies
Care to provide the official ticket sale numbers then?.. enlighten us

>> No.73728620

Show hand, brown creature

>> No.73728629

Nijisister here probably rubbing one off watching Vox's blowjob streams ew have some class please

>> No.73728649

>Where are your proofs
>N-no y-you
Lmao, holoniggers are so predictable

>> No.73728678

>hurp durp, I watched msnbc once
Shut the fuck up, you don't know what you're talking about

>> No.73728705


>> No.73728716


>> No.73728748

I don't see holofans doxing and sending death threats to rushia sana vesper magni and mel
I don't see holofans making constant obsessive seethethreads about an ex talent every single fucking day. Blaming them for all their woes (seriously there were over a DOZEN "I wish selen fucking died" posts on /NijiEN/ When the AR live was happening)
But nijiniggers not only dox and harass their ex livers like sayu and doki and mint. They harass their CURRENT livers like scarle for the starbucks shit. They drove mano aloe to jump off a building. They forced gundo into graduating for a fucking baseball joke. They persona non grata ALL ex nijis and completely rewrite history to make themselves feel better, They care more about irrelevant shit like the stock price of the company as opposed to the actual content the vtubers are producing. And the wellbeing of the talents, Making excuses for not giving them playbuttons and the 2% merch cut. Seriously i could go on forever and ever about how fucking cancer nijifans are

>> No.73728836

>I don't see holofans doxing and sending death threats to rushia sana vesper magni and mel
Holy kek, holonigs are trying to memoryhole this shit?
>But nijiniggers not only dox and harass their ex livers like sayu and doki and mint. They harass their CURRENT livers like scarle for the starbucks shit. They drove mano aloe to jump off a building. They forced gundo into graduating for a fucking baseball joke. They persona non grata ALL ex nijis and completely rewrite history to make themselves feel better, They care more about irrelevant shit like the stock price of the company as opposed to the actual content the vtubers are producing. And the wellbeing of the talents, Making excuses for not giving them playbuttons and the 2% merch cut.
Ah, that famous holofalseflag.

>> No.73728865

cuz nijiniggers see everyone that's against them=hololive. theres too many ppl shitting on niji their bigbrain cant differentiate anymore

>> No.73728928

Why must you people immediately think of women masturbating when you think of someone watching Niji. Is this some kind of weird fetish to think of your perceived enemy as a horny femcel?

>> No.73728977

I don’t know, perhaps because of that little factor known as the use of a doxxsite as a homebase?

>> No.73728986

>Holy kek, holonigs are trying to memoryhole this shit?
Show me proof of any of those vtubers being sent threats after leaving.. Meanwhile Sayu's dox was not only posted on twitter but RETWEETED BY KYO
>Ah, that famous holofalseflag.
You're telling me holofans harassed gundou and scarle?. Holofans aren't Palestine worshipping twitter trannies or baseball fags. Both of which are the cultivated fanbase of niji

>> No.73729000
File: 1.09 MB, 1926x424, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really perceived, just cold hard facts

>> No.73729013

I am gonna say that the next few weeks/months are gonna be hilarious.
It's basically gonna be holo stock reclining more and more and holoniggers coming up with newer and newer cope.

>> No.73729018

go to your nearest mental hospital plz fag

>> No.73729046

Well if they're horny femcels and Holobronies are horny incels, make love and not war?

>> No.73729056

Holochads don't give a fuck about cover corp stock. Because we know yagoo doesn't give a shit and won't offload the company cause of it unlike riku who has PROMISED to do so in the future
>No argument
I accept your concession ;)

>> No.73729076

>Holofans aren't Palestine worshipping twitter trannies or baseball fags. Both of which are the cultivated fanbase of niji
Are you just pretending to be retarded? Holoniggers are niggers who absolutely hate niji due to jealousy and would falseflag as niji fanbase at any opportunity.

>> No.73729099

Like you calling everyone a sister. Taste your own medicine. Stop projecting yourself to the minorities that have valid criticism to selen, fag. Go watch stream greyfag

>> No.73729114

The sheer irony of this post.

>> No.73729116

I don't think holobronies want to make love with black company supporters though. who knows when they'll make another 58 page document once they are done

>> No.73729117

You retards love to project your crimes on others but no. Holofans don't give a shit about your shitty nobody organs. We're too busy actually supporting our talents, Unlike you shitters that constantly falseflag with unicorn slop and your fuwamoco and gura seethe

>> No.73729120

Nijisisters really got riled up after the ARlive got clowned on lmao

>> No.73729134

>and Holobronies are horny incels
they aren't though that's the point only the nijisister side keeps projecting

>> No.73729140

Lmao buy the dip retard

>> No.73729157

>>valid criticism
Blaming her for all of NijiCN(EN)’s problems isn’t a valid criticism.

>> No.73729160

>literally had a stock market April Fools game.
>still confused about stock market.
In one ear and out the other. Do you really need Miss Bliss to dumb it down further for you?

>> No.73729162

>have valid criticism to selen
Why are you bringing up selen out of nowhere nijinigger?. And what VALID criticism do you retards have?. Literally none. You call her dooki and a blackmailing grifter in the face of the entirety of reality proving you wrong at every possible turn

>> No.73729168

Cover has been retarded with their side projects, but most of those projects didn't cost them much, and their main product (Hololive) is doing better than ever. They could lose big if HoloEarth flops, but only time can tell.

>> No.73729178

>Holochads don't give a fuck about cover corp stock.
Of course they "don't give a fuck". They are trying to dig their head in the sand because they are getting utterly mogged, lmao.

>> No.73729230
File: 170 KB, 360x346, pepe-laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nijiniggers still obsessed with selen after kicking her out of the black company KEKW I CAN'T

>> No.73729242

>Holonigs start projecting after getting demolished in an argument
What else is new?

>> No.73729246

>And how is that hurting COVER
Because it makes it harder for Cover to sell shares at high prices in the future.

>> No.73729254


>> No.73729271

that's why they did not allow screenshots, people might mistake it for gmod

>> No.73729272

This. It was a bad idea to introduce stock market to nijimorons who don't know how thins work.

>> No.73729291

>Utterly mogged
Delusional retards don't understand how stocks work. And they don't understand that hololive is mogging nijisanji in literally every single regard

>> No.73729310

did all the nijisisters gather in this thread to combine their seething or is it just one particularly insane sister, they all sound the same

>> No.73729321
File: 188 KB, 625x290, 1709705525310420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I think I'll pass.
This is beyond just "tribal" shit at this point. I want them gone forever after the garbage from february. Thanks for introducing me to my oshi but fuck off forever please, or at least go back to japan and never come back. I'll be satisfied if that happens too

>> No.73729330

Why would yagoo want to sell shares of his company?. Some retard might buy them and force shitty decisions on the company. He is in it for the Idol Dream. RIKU is the one you wanna look at in regards to flipping his company for a quick buck

>> No.73729336

it's holobronies. nice try trying to blend in as a nijisister holobrown

>> No.73729340

Me? I don't follow anyone's advice. That's just the advice I would give to newbies, just don't believe anyone's recommendations.
If I have to find some market advice, that means I'm not good enough and I have to stop the trade to learn more until I'm certain of my own analysis.
I'm doing great that way, when I followed big banks was a terrible time for me.

Oh and I believe traders/investors who boasts their net worth are doomed to fail unless they quit as early as possible. The most important metrics is if you can make consistent profits, then you're doing great. Doesn't mean that you have to be right 100%, you just need to be in profit most of the time. My net worth may be higher than yours but I'm not gonna compare that, I feel at peace already knowing that I can make consistent profits so I don't really care about dick measuring contest.

>> No.73729351
File: 10 KB, 980x72, letsee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73729359

>Parroting the same thing said but replacing niji with holo
"I know you are but what am i" is the level nijiniggers have reached.. how utterly pathetic and hilarious

>> No.73729376

I want to remind everyone how holonigs were coping that every dip in their stocks is higher than previous ones.
Here is another one - those retards were claiming that "Cover is only 30% public" only because their bargain-bin-tier company initial stock price was 30% of Anycolor's initial stock price. Yes, that's how retarded they are.

>> No.73729402


1500 archive incidents and troubles caused by nijifags falseflagging as holofans/other vtuber fans/jp fleshstreamers

>> No.73729406

Any second now, it’ll kick in.

>> No.73729416
File: 780 KB, 1725x727, Screenshot 2024-04-15 052738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey i found that mogging somebody ordered

>> No.73729419
File: 61 KB, 1280x720, 2jwb08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are'nt nijiwhores the only ones that think they have a valid criticism against ex livers

>> No.73729431

Now say that without crying

>> No.73729452

is this a mogging for ants

>> No.73729526

sorry... nijinigs just rhymes better

>> No.73729553

>Continues with the juvenile insults after being called out
Kekaroo.. so pathetic sis.. you know this board is for people above the age of 18 right?

>> No.73729584

>Nijichads laughing openly at holo collapsing

>> No.73729639

holo isn't collapsing though, that's niji

>> No.73729681

> you know this board is for people above the age of 18 right?
Ironic hearing it from a retarded holokiddie

>> No.73729721

>N-no y-you

>> No.73729731
File: 288 KB, 1080x1423, 1710767177314634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget

>> No.73729737

That is just the last 5 streams right?, 4 of those for elira were in january.. man think of all the lost income from lack of streaming.. not to mention the following facts
>Enna's birtdhay was mogged by doki auctioning off a piece of blank paper for charity
>Petra and Rosemi's 3D Lives were mogged by Altare and Axel's
>Millie and Maria's outfit reveals COMBINED didn't even break 2k superchats
>Sonny Bozo's 24k birthday was more money than he had made in his last 7 months of streaming combined. having earned 22k from between august 31st and his birthday in late march
>Dokibird earned 95k in superchats from the moment she was monitized on February 7th to today. a span of a little over 2 months. Mogging literally every single nijisanji member's earnings during that time
>Gura's taiwan merch drop made over 2 million USD in profits. More than vox akuma's ENTIRE total superchat earnings
I could go on and on and on and on and on and on. Ipsofacto. Nijisanji is toast

>> No.73729754

Projection is a national sport for nijisisters

>> No.73729805

yes please tell me about all the lost subscribers, viewers, sponsors and revenue hololive suffered in the past months

>> No.73729830

You're literally typing in a thread about the lost revenue

>> No.73729880

>Gura's taiwan merch drop made over 2 million USD in profits
But a single (1) fujo spends more than that on his merch.

>> No.73729961

and how would an investor have confidence in holoearth when they see clear evidence that Cover has no idea what they are doing and how incompetent they are?

>> No.73729989

>Stocks falling uncontrollably
>Holofes got absolutely and utterly mogged by nijifes
>Cover has to bot all their streams in order to hide their real numbers

>> No.73729994
File: 23 KB, 614x203, revenue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slurp it all up, don't spill a single drop

>> No.73730047

A sold out concert, A DC partnership, and a U.S. branch really is a sign of incompetence huh.

>> No.73730112

Nijiniggers are in full force today, huh. What happened to elicit such activities?

>> No.73730116

If nijisisters are seething this hard just because the ARlive was a flop I really want to see the gates of hell open when nijiEN finally gets folded

>> No.73730117
File: 58 KB, 909x587, lll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, it's a good thing the stock price dropped fast so the chart couldn't catch it

>> No.73730122

Yen fell more than that during that time period, so they are actually in red.

>> No.73730165

>Holonigs tongue each other's anuses
>Nijichads are trying to tell them to stop
That's the reason

>> No.73730177 [SPOILER] 

Why doesn't Cover just get rid of all the slackers and underperformers? Who would miss someone like Gura or Sora?

>> No.73730178

But WAIT there's more!
>Calli Kroni IRyS Bae and Fauna's birthdays all each mogged luca's birthday
>Luca's birthday only made just over 10k in supas, Down from 20k the previous year and 40k the year before
>Holo 5th fes sold out of tickets within 30 minutes. For a venue with a capacity of 47000, Each individual stage having a 10000 audience member capacity
>Nijifes 2023 by comparison only had a 20000 person capacity
>Marine's 3 million subscriber special made over 52000$ in superchats.. a single stream. Worth more than kuzuha's entire march earnings (including his april 1st earnings on top of that)

>> No.73730197

Doesn't that mean niji is in even deeper shit then

>> No.73730243

Oh no no no no. Cover is closer to slipping below their starting value than holonigs think.
Holokek status?

>> No.73730267

>Stocks falling uncontrollably
The entirety of the Japanese stock market is falling the exact same amount
>Holofes got absolutely and utterly mogged by nijifes
Fanfiction. Holofes was in a bigger venue than nijifes and they sold out in under 30 minutes
>Cover has to bot all their streams in order to hide their real numbers
You can't bot superchats and merch sales retard

>> No.73730294

And the fucking audience in the stadium.

>> No.73730303

>A single Chinese fujo spends more than 2 million dollars on merch
LOL... I mean you are obviously baiting but here is a (You) anyway

>> No.73730346

how do you guys have the energy to constantly btfo the nijisisters, this isn't fun at all for me

>> No.73730358

This type of thread is fucking cancer. For some reason jannies let this one slide and now it became a place for Nijisis and Holofags to circle jerk on

Since when you fuckers simp for a stock market this hard ?

>> No.73730365

Inbred fucking mongoloid retards. Keep seething over your dead branch. Keep oshing the stocks and keep tonguing tazumi's asshole. You'll get your gift cards this time i promise!!

>> No.73730367

No... part of it is that it has been going down for like 2 weeks, investors panic and sell. Others who have more trust in the stock, see the down trend and sell, just to buy the dip before Q4 report, hoping that it will surge up after.

>> No.73730392

This number is as trustworthy as the numbers of previous anon.

>> No.73730417

>>Cover has to bot all their streams in order to hide their real numbers
You mean that one schizo from /here/ who always bots Advent streams?

>> No.73730459

ITT We have the following
>Nijikeks taking the entire japanese stock market falling as a sign cover in particular is doomed
>Shitting and pissing themselves to the point they dismiss all real examples of hololive mogging niji out of fear
>So utterly mindbroken they resort to peepeepoopoo kindergarden insults and parroting insults people throw at nijifans cause they are as morally and creatively bankrupt as their oshi company
To summarize.. Kek fucking W

>> No.73730513

Except that Cover doesn't want to buy back anything. They are in for the long term game, and want to make the stock a good long term investment for the investors.

>> No.73730516

>The entirety of the Japanese stock market is falling the exact same amount
Fanfiction. Cover is the fastest falling out of most.
>Holofes was in a bigger venue than nijifes and they sold out in under 30 minutes
Holo's pathetic shack attendance got utterly mogged by the attendance of nijifes's cafeteria
>You can't bot superchats and merch sales retard
Seeing how Fagoo started numberfagging on views, subscriber and even clipper channels after getting absolutely mogged in income, I wouldn't be surprised if those superchats are coming from the company at expense just to show: "L-look, w-we a-are winning a-at s-something"

>> No.73730553

We literally have the public numbers for the merch sales... It sold for 2.1 million USD and unlike kurosanji gura gets 50% of that as opposed to... 2%

>> No.73730575

>Keep seething
>That post
Holy kek, can holonigs stop projecting?

>> No.73730582

Couldn’t run damage control so people would stop laughing at their concert

>> No.73730619

Nah, that's just a /#/ retard. Cover bots all of holo streams by itself

>> No.73730624

That's some cope or bait sis

>> No.73730636

>Literally making up bullshit about public numbers we can see with our own fucking eyes
>Imagines a magical cafeteria that totally exists in reality and not the fantasy of this inbred pagpag's delusional infected mind
>"N...Nooo hololive is superchatting and buying their own merch to make themselves look better guys..."
That last one might be the most delusional fucking cope i've seen in my ENTIRE fucking life. You have to be a troll. PLEASE tell me you are a troll

>> No.73730679

You WISH cover was botting you seething coping delusional nijifaggot ;)

>> No.73730687

What did niji do now? it's always the NDF.

>> No.73730710

Because this idiot has no fucking clue what he is talking about. There is no ban on selling, there is a limit on how much a stock can go down in a day before sales are stopped. And is the case for every Japanese stock, not just Anycolor.

>> No.73730713

I really don't understand them if they're trolls, is it fun pretending to be on the losing side?

>> No.73730735

Why are nijifaggots so fucking mindbroken and retarded?. It's probably all one singular butthurt jakarta sis posting on cooldown being solo BTFO'd by this entire thread. Keep coping sis. Holo is thriving. Niji is dying

>> No.73730775

Buy the fucking dip retards this is free money

>> No.73730849

In what Universe did that happen?

>> No.73730852

Friendly reminder the -sisters word is a racial slur and you should stop unsing it.

>> No.73730889

fuck off nijiwhore

>> No.73730894

Holofes actually sold 86k, and Niji sold 42-48k, I don't remember exactly.

>> No.73730912


>> No.73730938

>We literally have the public numbers for the merch sales
Let me guess, you are talking about those "merch sales tables" made by that one /#/ retard which he pulls from his ass?
>It sold for 2.1 million USD and unlike kurosanji gura gets 50%
Gura gets 360$, it's less than 0.02%, not 50%. Unless you are suggesting that real sales of Guras merch are 720$, which is more likely.

>> No.73730993

You have no fucking clue what you are talking about. Holofes sold 86k tickets, Nijifes sold 48k or so. I don't know who lied to you, but the numbers are public, you know? Holofes sold nearly double the amount of tickets Nijifes did.

>> No.73731006

The ability of holonigs to seethe at truth is truly astonishing. But no matter how much you seethe, you won't change the truth.

>> No.73731019

Investors don't like corporations that can't diversify their products.

>> No.73731053

Did you see the word "maybe" in that sentence at all? Maybe MILFcoin will 1000x in 2 years. Why aren't you all in on it? We don't know about the future. Vtuber industry is just part of the larger entertainment industry, that's not exactly an industry which is underserved nor is commercial entertainment something you need to survive. Cover could be bankrupt or under black management in 10 years.

>> No.73731056

who fucking cares who sold more tickets
Nothing changes the fact that nijisanji DOES NOT CARE about its livers and almost drove 2 of them to suicide. Adding insult to injury are the nijisanji fanbase continuing to HARASS THEM even after they have moved on

>> No.73731095

Are holoniggers really that retarded that they think that everyone will believe their lies without any proof?

>> No.73731167

I can't wait until the mass sister suicides

>> No.73731186

Hololosers tears are so copious

>> No.73731245

You think nijisisters who like driving ppl to suicide will actually off themselves? They are too narcissistic to do that.

>> No.73731269

Case in point

>> No.73731307

It wasn't tickets, it was merch they were talking about.

>> No.73731336
File: 549 KB, 719x884, Screenshot 2024-04-15 061149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An an unbiased third party. Let's settle this thread with the hard numbers. The facts
>Anycolor earns more overall than cover
>Anycolor spends more on "operating costs" than cover
>Each cover talent brings in a little under 100 million yen more than each anycolor talent
>Cover has over 100 more employees despite having fewer talents
Just from these numbers alone we can see that anycolor is a skeleton crew designed with the intrinsic purpose of squeezing as much profit as possible with the least amount of investment and effort as possible. Cover spends quite a lot in it's revenue share with talents and employee salary,. However anycolor spends a LOT in vague "expenses" which could be outsourcing for things like 3D equipment or god knows what else. And despite everything. The gross profit between each company is fairly neck and neck. Honestly from a business perspective THERE IS no difference between the two companies.. They're both falling below expectations and failing

>> No.73731340

There where JP analyst anon, whose job is to predict stock trends. They were anticipating much higher growth than what Cover delivered - which is ridiculous. Most investors have no fucking clue what Cover does, and wants to achieve, they just look at numbers and trends, and invest based on that. Due to overly optimistic investors, Cover didn't meet the expectations. Their stock dropped a few percent, but it would have never dropped this bad if it wasn't for Anycolor's shock. In any case, the

>> No.73731385

I'm saying gura made over 1 million USD from the merch drop. Where are you getting 360$ from. Your ass?

>> No.73731417

Show us the proof
Show us this mystical magical cafeteria
We're waiting nijikeks.. what cafeteria are you fucktards even talking about???

>> No.73731507

it's probably not popular enough that no one knows about it

>> No.73731582

Surely you can find me some posts by these jp analysts right? (note: not analysts pointing out how it is currently dropping, but before or just right after the drop started, and not random faceless anons in a forum, but you know actual analysts that have a name attached to them)
Well, even if you can't do that for some reason, surely since you are saying "They were anticipating much higher growth" you can tell me what their growth expectations were right? Since we know for a fact what the exact expected growth of cover was and what their actual growth is, if you are saying they expected not just higher, but "much" higher, you know what the actual number is right? Otherwise it makes no sense you would say "much higher" if you have no clue what the number they expected actually is (and it might be a growth just 0.001% smaller than projected by these mysterious analysts)
Surely this isn't just speculation that you are randomly throwing out there, and you have something that supports what you are talking about

>> No.73731626

>I guess Holofes didn't do as well as they expected
Holofes went very well, but it has little relevance until Cover presents the numbers on their Q4 report in May.

>> No.73731702

Investors don't care about how well the companies they invest in treat their talents, only their financial results. The system is a sham.

>> No.73731707

1 word "nijisister" KEK

>> No.73731708

Jealousy? Why tf anyone Feeling jealous a failure??

>> No.73731755

Again the whole point of asking for proof is that a bunch of other jp stocks fell at the same time as cover (not even limited to vtubing companies so you can't even say that niji falling lead to cover stock falling), so it seems more likely to me that cover performed as expected and perhaps even better than investor predictions, but some outside event is making them take money out of stocks temporarily, and unless you have proof that these predictions exist (and not just random anons chattering away in anon forums) I'll go with occams razor on this one

>> No.73731758

>Anycolor sinking,but its a win because cover stock down too
nijisister with their 1 braincell LMAO

>> No.73731795

I love how all the posts of hololive mogging niji in superchats got completely ignored by the sisters in favor of more stock glucking. Really shows where their priorities lie (I mean this entire thread probably doesn't even HAVE any real sisters or holofans in it. Just trolls and dramafaggots but still)

>> No.73731862

Jannies usually delete stockthreads when the OP is nijistocks.. but for SOME reason this cancer of a thread is allowed to live when it's about holo stocks?. Real subtle jannie i see you

>> No.73731882

bro ofc nijisisters are here you can tell when they start shitting on selen out of nowhere

>> No.73731912

Cover: sell a limited amount of stock to allow initial investors to buy out. Stock is just a formality more than anything and the company is just doing business as usual.
Anycolor: The ceo owns more than 1/2 the stock and his net worth is intimately tied to the price. Entire company riding on the fate of the stock price.

If both stocks went to 0, Cover would be fine but Anycolor would dissolve.

>> No.73731915

It's over. Everyone abandon ship. Time to switch to phase.

>> No.73731958

Really, that is your big ups... Is really pitiful sis. HLZNTL is the branding under which their run tournaments and Esports events. They have no tournaments now, so they have need for it - the spring has Holofes, while the Summer is full of other events, so there is no need for it, they can do it in fall and winter, when they have less to do.
ReGloss is a very successful gen, that you clowns, are pretending is not, because you are pitiful bastards that are jerking off on how great Niji is when more than half of their roster is 3views, while ReGloss averaging 5-6k ccv, and mogging everyone else, except for HoloJP and HoloEN, is somehow a flop.

>> No.73732042

is this trolling or is someone really this stupid?

>> No.73732072

Neither would be fine if the stock went to 0, because that indicates the company is being restructured or liquidated and there are more debts than assets causing the shareholders to get wiped out.

>> No.73732088

>Are you just pretending to be retarded? Holoniggers are niggers who absolutely hate niji due to jealousy
sister,i'm sorry to tell you the harsh truth.holo is a fuckng full CGDCT idol,they dont give a single FUCK about niji LMAO,you nijinigger as a whole got fucked here because you are clowning yourself with anycolor make things worse everytime,no holo actually give a fuck about you lol,but well keep delusional and have holo rent free in your head.

>> No.73732100

Look at the grammar, its some brown nijimonkey.

>> No.73732196
File: 275 KB, 528x359, mel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you tell me

>> No.73732205
File: 1.25 MB, 1359x756, Screenshot 2024-04-15 064534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember this the next time you say nijisanji mogged hololive in any regard

>> No.73732236

Sorry but no thanks, no one wants niji's bad publicity

>> No.73732298

hopefully other companies can catch up and push niji down, we need more proper competition and not short term liver gacha companies

>> No.73732305

Is a sponsorship event thou, not merch sold by Cover. So Cover get's royalties, something like 9% or a one time payment, and Gura get's a portion of that, not of the 2 million. And I don't think is anywhere close to 50%, because that's a thing for merch sold directly by Cover. Is going to be a negotiated amount, because that's how it goes for sponsorships, but is likely more in the single digit percents.

>> No.73732387

probably stupid. nijisisters consume too much slop they even think AR live is good when it's just gmod

>> No.73732591
File: 9 KB, 701x221, yu-gi-oh liver shield.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73732684

>To them, anycolor and cover are the same company. If anycolor is getting fucked, cover must be too. It's a game of stats and charts, not actual people.
Some of us tried to warn the dramafags and board retards that by hurting AnyColor they were hurting Cover as well by destroying the delicate blaance in the status quo, but they were either making money off the drama or too stupid to understand how this works.

>> No.73732875

No, he is talking about the numbers that iPass themselves gave.

>> No.73732961

what they entered at?

>> No.73733026

anon. she gave birth and now takes care of the baby. give it some time.

>> No.73733105
File: 758 KB, 978x977, cc7ya1km0voc1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So odd that "720$" is enough to make ipass say this

>> No.73733249

Someone almost died, you asshole. Should we just NOT hold Anycolor accountable for that?

>> No.73733297

Gura didn't make a million dollars from that merch, that is not how it works. iPass made 2 million dollars, not Cover. Cover got paid a licensing feed, which is waaaay under 1 million dollars, and maybe some royalties - 5-9% is the industry standard. Gura got paid a portion of that. At best, her share was into the tens of thousands of dollars. Like, if Cover was paid 200k for the license, she got like 20k dollars - or something like that. But it could also be much less, because this is a 3rd party merch sale, and Cover is licensing their IP, so Gura's share would be much closer to something a Niji talent would get, than 50%.

>> No.73733498

The problem is nijisanji got hurt where it counts and hololive DIDN'T. Hololive streams as usual. Gets events as usual. Is growing as usual
NijiEN. Most of the first 4 gens didn't stream for the majority of febuary and march. Elira JUST came back and Vox hasn't even returned yet tho he is set to. The CCV is down. The supas are down. Every stream elira and vox are in. Or any of the main channel streams. Get dislike bombed into oblivion. They are VISIBLY wounded

>> No.73733618

>nijisanji their audience is down
>audience is down
special company for special audience

>> No.73733696
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>> No.73733722

Is analyst such as Goldman Sachs my dude, and other brokers and companies who advise on stock. The analysts expected Cover to grow around the line of 79%, and it grew by little over 50%. Goldman Sachs also gave Anycolor a positive rating, and advised investors to buy a day prior to their Q3 report - and then it crashed by 21% the next day. So analysts to make mistakes, especially in industries they don't seem to understand very well.

>> No.73733745

the reality is vtubing is not that great of a business. not necessarily a reflection on the company so much as the business. And these companies have very high multiples relative to the quality of that business. As the market begins to realzize this, the multiple premium these companies get will decline and therefore their shareprice. It should be noted there is currently a disparity between Cover's and Anycolor's multiple, with cover having a better premium. But that also means Cover has more room to fall.

>> No.73733843

>so Gura's share would be much closer to something a Niji talent would get
nice joke sister KEK,enna,millie are /here/ you will make them cry if you say that because they aint getting anything close to that lol

>> No.73734004

Dude. Hololive members get 50% of the merch that is sold by Cover. This is a licensing deal, a 3rd party is selling the merch. Not even Cover get's 50% out of the sales, that's not how it works. The fact that Gura is even getting a share of it, is just Cover being a progressive as fuck company, because at the end of the day, she is in no way personally involved in this event, and is Cover's IP.

>> No.73734168

idiot sister...
yagoo sell cover share becauase hololive need good 3d studio, now they already have the studio...
why did they care about share price when they already build what they really need...?

>> No.73734229

sorry but this is what nijisisters sperg out
example: thinking that the word "Sisters" is a slur

>> No.73734284

trading bots

>> No.73734377

time to purge homostars. they only waste resources.

>> No.73734389

>Cover Corp entered the market at 1300
>Anycolor entered the market at 3200
>Cover Corp being above 1300 is a win
>Anycolor being below 3200 is a loss
>Cover Corp has repeatedly told investors to GTFO when asked to cut costs like talent revenue split and project funding to boost profits
>Anycolor gives their talents a 2% merch cut and has no managers
>Cover Corp spent 18 Million Dollars on a brand new 3D studio
>Nijisanji spent 18 Million Dollars on a stock buyback when it was at 3100 a share to boost it to 3800.. only to instantly lose all of it due to firing selen
Tell me who exactly is in shambles again?

>> No.73734449

>start at 1500
>is at 1975

>start at 2960
>is at 2312

Or does starting points mean nothing?

>> No.73734458

the fck? niji spent money to prop up their stocks?

>> No.73734568

Yeah they pumped it up right at the end of January. It rose from 3100 to 3800... JUST before February 5th.. and we all know what happened then... They've gone from 3800 peak this year to 2300

>> No.73736877

Niji singlehandedly bullying one of its best EN talents and supporters of the company into quitting then calling her Negligible only for the fallout to completely wipe out the millions they wasted on the stock buyback instead of reinvesting in the talents was incredible

>> No.73737133

I don't give a shit about any of that, so you can shove your "warning" up your ass.
