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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 242 KB, 800x1000, Finana_Ryugu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
73266724 No.73266724 [Reply] [Original]

>Finana: L + ratio parasocial fucks
>Mint: I'm actually parasocial with my chat
who was in the wrong here?

>> No.73266818

you for believing any streamer gives a fuck about their chat

>> No.73266900

Mint freely associating herself with the grifting jewish roach makes me look at her side-eyed now.
It's understandable to play nice with scum when she was within the black corpo, but now?

>> No.73266968

if it wasn't for her, she would be working in retail now

>> No.73267149

Because she wanted to. Changing someone's mind isn't an act of charity.

>> No.73267163

Finna for not making more asmr. Please Finna.

>> No.73267243

not really, she was just the first one to get to her bacause she probably went running to not lose the opportunity of farming the graduation drama, Kiara would probably tell her to come back too, or a lot the other peoble she met in Japan, even the dogs probably told her to not give up, Matara is the only one that needs to yell to everyone that SHE was the one that saved Mint

>> No.73267861

>truth speaker vs grifter who crawled back for money

>> No.73267991

sisters really turned against Mint real quick lmao

>> No.73268185

This. Matara literally manipulate Mint into coming back so that she could profit from Mint's return. I don't see how you guys don't realize this.
If Mint genuinely wanted to continue vtubing, great, but clearly this wasn't the case.

>> No.73268189
File: 30 KB, 1024x625, gladibaiter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You, for making such a shitty low-effort bait thread.
Fuck off back to whatever circlejerk general you came from.

>> No.73268423

this kills the nijisister
>Doki reclaimed her Epic Games account stolen by Niji making them seethe in impotence.
>Mint told Niji to fuck off and is thriving as an indie, even making friendly references to Doki
>Aia hinted at graduating and reactivated her PL
>Scarle reactivated her PL after getting harassed by nijisisters over fucking Starbucks
>Ren has been doomposting on his PL.
>Kotoka is on an infinite "mental health" break and will most likely graduate
>Millie's outfit reveal being a flop
>MK tournament flopped, couldn't even beat Korone
>Rosemi's 3D debut being the worst in Niji history
>Vox fucked off to be a white monkey on bilibili like a bitch, still gets shit views
>Elira is hiding on collabs and pre-recorded content, the sun will explode before she actually streams on her channel.
>Luca shitshow and blatant favoritism, clear breach of contract yet still gets away with it.
>Play Button drama by le retard Claude "you could just fucking ask" Clawmark
>Hex yab comments about killing goldfish and dumping dead people's ashes "for fun", Zaion got fired for way less.
>Uki "White people scare me" Violeta
>The whole "We love artists" psyop when in reality Niji refused to pay many artists
>Virtual Rhapsody SEA concert is a glorified L2D Karaoke
>The concert is selling so badly they are removing purchase limits
>AR Colors rushed out and butchered a lot of footage due to graduated livers, fucked over Rosemi and Petra.
>3D showcases being rushed out before Q4 after being stalled for 2 years, will definitely flop
>The latest niji gen still can't get to 100k subs and almost never reach more than 3 finanas of CCV
>Stocks are stagnated and will fall once the sales ban is lifted
>Niji desperately spamming Iluna and XSoleil merch to get some scraps before the Q4 report

>> No.73268543

Honestly we will see this week, but yeah, I don't feel the two have this magical chemistry, it's more like Matara asking her to comment to topic she flings at her every now and then.
Not to mention the ridicolous amount of Merch, Patreon, streaming on all platforms, Mata tweeting like crazy about this.

It feels like Mint would be better without the roach, but I dunno if she has the mental stability to stream alone since she though a pachinko was a good idea. She's too much into JP tourist mentality.

>> No.73268652

She is?

>> No.73268786

>secret discord vs. Person who is just nice in general to her fans
Not even nijisisters defend feesh.

>> No.73268807

you seem surprised

>> No.73269228

I thought they would last longer

>> No.73269402

they hate her because she's not one of them and left their bitter cult. they can't stand and can't accept how much better off she is without them.

>> No.73269468

This is a stretch though. She was directionless and just needed a bit of convincing to get back into streaming, which she obviously likes doing. Who cares if Matara benefits? Everyone wins and Mint isn't under any sort of contract, she can fuck off whenever she wants if she changes her mind again.

>> No.73269568

I second the motion. We all need and want more Finana ASMR.

>> No.73269593

I just don't like the idea of manipulating someone into doing something she may not want to do for your own gain, even though from your perspective you're getting that person to do a better thing. You don't have the right to influence anyone to that degree, ever.

>> No.73269908

You think it's that horrible a crime to convince a friend to join in on a project? She had no power to coerce her, the whole thing is likely to be mutually beneficial, and the opportunity cost is a cashier job. Even imagining Matara being as manipulative about it as I can conceive, I can't turn this molehill into a mountain.

>> No.73270045

I feel like mint is a grown as women who wasn't manipulated. She probably put a lot of thought into her next move but hesitated. Idk what weird angle you're going for but stop being a retard

>> No.73271993 [DELETED] 
File: 640 KB, 900x900, fuxkdooki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that finana parasocial comment was made in may 2022, while her asmr 800k views was made in august 2022. she has already redeemed herself, you faggoons piece of shits. when is dooki going to kiss you huh ? even a dirty grifterturd cant bring herself to give out kisses for her simps, kek.

>> No.73272154

The most obvious case of a post being written by a woman.

>> No.73272290

More like, most obvious case of bait.

>> No.73273686

Nah it's not bait, it's an actual schizo making shit edits and throwing out kindergarden-tier insults in all Doki-related threads. Sis has been going non-stop since yesterday.

>> No.73273747

Grown up people get manipulated all the time, propaganda, peer pressure, societal expectations etc.. is a great example.

>> No.73274456

Friends also get convinced all the time. "I dunno man" "C'mooon" "Fine, I'll give it a shot" is not Machiavellian sociopathy just because the first friend stands to gain something. And she convinced her to talk into a microphone for the internet for Heaven's sake, not do porn, shoot up heroin or buy crypto.

>> No.73275825

Mint said that? when?

>> No.73275936

let me guess you also hate streamers that manipulate their viewers into paying them money

>> No.73280089

Mint is currently 15 finanas so you tell me

>> No.73280411

>thread about Finana
>tries to derail it into being about Doki with its ham-fisted MS paint edit and flails around saying buzzwords
this specimen is so attention-starved it's kinda sad

>> No.73280611

like many hololive girls, mint suffers from being too nice to shake off grifters, hopefully she realizes it soon

>> No.73280696
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>> No.73280791

I'm a big schizo who doesn't like Matara too, but I think there's at least a sliding scale between honestly liking Mint and wanting her to succeed and wanting to take advantage of the goodwill from being a saviorfag. It's probably a little from both collumns.
Quinn is absolutely either the second collumn or he has dirt on her.

>> No.73281171

My grandpa always says: "When in doubt, remember that Finana is a bitch and she hates black men". So I'm gonna say Finana is in the wrong here.
Thank you grandpa.

>> No.73281713

I mean, yeah, let's be real for a moment: streamers have, by definition, a type of parasocial relationship with their chat. And Mint? Girl's been through the emotional ringer, what's wrong with her having positive feelings about a shit-ton of people telling her she's good & sweet & hard-working?

>> No.73282194
File: 270 KB, 1434x1775, I enjoy your company Dragoon [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fvpwba4.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73282558

mint is still in the honeymoon period, two more weeks and she will be a 1.5k ccv streamer. finana ccv was 551 today, pretty good considering it was a debuff game.

>> No.73282985

that would still be 5 finanas vs 2.8

>> No.73283416

Yeah, but she'll definitely grow from here. If she sticks around, I don't think there's a chance in hell she doesn't break her pomu numbers.

>> No.73284007

idgaf if it's not real, the alternative is a put off. sell me the illusion so I can disregard the implications as I know it's just fake bs. that's what's fun. because if I act like a parasocial fuck, guess what? that's me shitposting - another illusion. so what's fun is that streamers just play along and lie back. what's not fun is acting like anonymous shitposting is real - it isn't, and never was except in extremely rare 1-off cases.

>> No.73284639

Just two more weeks...

>> No.73289162


>> No.73289310

Finana Ryugu is one of Nijisanji EN's organs. She is with Lazulight, their 1st wave. She famously made some clumsy comments about her fans which drove most of them away.

>> No.73289463

this 100%
vtubing is a show
I don't watch to be lectured or belittled. I don't care if you like dancing, but if you're on stage you better dance like you do

>> No.73290359

Secret discord server? Damn I stayed out of that drama thinking it was just her cucking her fans, didn't know it went deeper than that.

>> No.73290491

There's a whole list of sins you can search up if you do your archive reps with "finana discord", I'm on mobile but otherwise I would've posted it.

>> No.73290612

It's a whole rabbit hole of her alienating and pissing off her own fans over and over. There's many reasons she became a unit of measurement despite being decently popular with a dedicated fanbase early on

>> No.73290693

search up valoguard in the archives.

a very, very cliffnotes version is that after a valorant members stream she joined a discord with the people she played with and they ended up grooming her and poisoning her content so that she started tailoring all her content for THEM and not her actual fanbase. One of the people in there was trans and hated traps, so she banned the word. One of them was a girl and hated male-oriented fanservice, so she stopped doing asmr and being lewd. She completely turned on the fanbase she developed, and shamed them for liking her old content. The last straw for many was when several months after declaring she wouldn't do ASMR anymore, april 1st rolled around and she scheduled a succubus asmr. People were spamming the waiting room with superchats and people from the time say it became one of her most financially successful streams ever... until the time came and no stream started. So the fans kept sending superchats... for six hours. Then she started the stream, posted a picture of her flipping chat off for being so stupid, shilled her new merch and left within 5 minutes.
Obviously there were no refunds.

>> No.73290901

I hadn't heard of the april fools asmr part. Holy jesus fucking christ how could anyone think that doing that was even remotely a good idea. I am genuinely shocked if that's true.

>> No.73291157

She learned this year to keep it to a few minutes but holy cow that was a crash course on what not to do for that day if you are any kind of streamer.

>> No.73291279
File: 68 KB, 741x135, firefox_9rXQBlBede.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playboard doesn't track superchats in waiting rooms. That 191 usd she got was in the few seconds between the stream starting and people realizing what the fuck just happened.

>> No.73291368

It's about the kind of audience you cultivate as a streamer. Finana has clearly catered to tbe coomers overtly, which makes it hard to pull back without looking like you're disavowing part of your fans.

Mint has always portrayed herself as fellow nerd. She's part of the boys, basically, lusting over cute anime girls and guys openly. Her parasocialism experience is less about GFE and more about FFE. Even when she does the odd lewd thing with her model, its in good fun.

>> No.73291530

I was actually just digging through it all when you posted, talk about career ending retardation, I can't imagine what type of fans stuck with her.

>> No.73291625



>> No.73291684

That's a pretty insightful description. As a fan of Mint, a huge part of the appeal for me has always been "her power level is higher than yours" and how she's so excited and earnest about the things she's into, which is infectious. Still want to marry her and give her lots of praise correction though.

>> No.73291758

a fun one I didn't know about until recently. One of her biggest paypigs, Chris, apparently was one of the people to leave her. He had a huge foot fetish, and finana started spamming feet streams in an obvious attempt to get him back.

>> No.73291858

>Playboard doesn't track superchats in waiting rooms.
It does when the waiting room is put up in advance.
Check the stream on Hololyzer
The stream itself was only 6 minutes long, but look at the times between each of the superchats, especially the very last one that was 4 HOURS after the previous one.

>> No.73291981

Has she ever showed regret or remorse for all the fuckups she did in the present day?

>> No.73292002
File: 36 KB, 209x492, 1680391117767482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That anon has the timeline a little wrong. The announcement she would no longer be doing ASMR came months later, after April Fool's. But it was still a prank in very bad taste, considering ASMR was the only reason people were still giving her a chance after all her yabs. I'll spoonfeed you another kicker for fun with picrel, she was hanging out in Kyo's chat while people were waiting for hours after the scheduled start time for a stream to start

>> No.73292318
File: 13 KB, 878x169, firefox_dw8wYwyqiM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, it was four hours then, not six.
God, what a waste.
From what I hear, not really. She just whines about how she's not popular subject for drawings and how she couldn't go to Antarctica with Lazulight because she didn't have enough money after whaling in gacha all the time. Allegedly she's remorseful in membership streams, but unless that shit is publicized, it just sounds like she's mad that she can't just play what she wants and have people pay through the nose for it.
Also she's been caught here a few times, and if it wasn't her, it was a masterful LARPer.
If the poster WAS her though, she's pissed that her "friends" aren't talking to her anymore and that doki/sayu cut contact or ran away from her, and she blames them for ruining niji's atmosphere right now.

>> No.73292381
File: 16 KB, 730x167, firefox_hfbNlcwWBx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoops wrong finanapost

>> No.73293054

The drawing thing she hopped in last minute so it was stupid to expect everyone to bust their ass to add her in last minute.

>> No.73294166
File: 38 KB, 631x658, 1709774557074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God the foot fetish part just made me guffaw

>> No.73294197


>> No.73294315

Of course. She just showed public support for their number one enemy (who hasn't attacked them even once)

>> No.73294391

that shits fucking old news newfag

>> No.73294516

>Directly mentions Elira. Talks about the Minecraft account she played on with her for 5 minutes
>Indirectly talks about Selen. Says she doesn't want the image of someone constantly shitting herself

Yup. Mint sure loves that Doki

>> No.73294531
File: 230 KB, 1692x956, 1712458882724907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73294539

>dramatourist doesn't get a stream reference
kek typical

>> No.73294561

Nah I tried to leave this retard filled cesspool for a year or so but came back like the crack whore I am. Possibly related to the lapse in my schizo meds but that can't be proven in the court of law.

>> No.73294574

First it was 2 minutes
Then 3 minutes
Now 5 minutes
Just cut to the chase already

>> No.73294607

Nta, but I hate Jews.

>> No.73294645
File: 19 KB, 669x354, firefox_Tod5eNrYHX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You missed out, anon.
I'd stay away for another few months. Shit's really about to hit the fan in the next two months. Niji just lost over a year's worth of subs and nearly all of their english viewerbase. The only people left are chinese and japs who don't understand english to begin with, and that's running out quickly too.
If you do want drama though, stick around. It's gonna get messy.

>> No.73294662

>Guys, you don't understand. If you look at random stream nearly half a decade ago, Pomu said Selen shit herself once! That means this is never an insult anymore at any point

Anywho, she name drops THE Elira Pendora. Meanwhile Selen is essentially a baby who hasn't been potty trained. Elira wins

>> No.73294703

>Checks chat of other Nijis
>Majority English
If you're gonna cherry pick, at least make it believable

>> No.73294739

Yeah, but check the superchats. They're nearly all taiwan or yen.

>> No.73294750

That such a sex model was given to such a horrid person will always deeply disappoint me.

>> No.73294760

>this much mental gymnastics to convince yourself she wasn't simply referencing a bit she herself did and continued to do during their collabs together
whatever helps you cope nijikek LMAO

>> No.73294779

>doki shows her gamer tag is DokiBirdFPSYTTTSVTetc and says she made it retarded gamer nonsense on purpose
>mint claims to not want a MaidMintFPSYTTTSVTetc style gamer tag
>directly references a beloved meme between Pomu and Selen friendship of them trading identities and shitting their pants
>clearly an allusion to them potentially trading gamertag identity styles in their new lives as a joke
>an insult

>> No.73294781

Pretty sure people like this are just shitposting ironically now, their wording gets more and more sarcastic each post.
Seems like a major waste of time to me, but whatever, it's your time, not mine.

>> No.73294810

This kills the sister
>Multiple talents have PLs
>Hololive Indonesia gets mogged daily by Niji homos
>Hololive EN Myth gets mogged daily by Niji homos
>Gura has streamed 15 times over the last 237 days
>Ame has streamed 58 times over the last 237 days
>Mumei has streamed 84 times over the last 237 days
>Holo is so bad Mumei took a month long mental health break, still had meltdown
>Kronii has streamed 77 times over the last 236 days
>Kronii had a near suicidal meltdown on stream
>Fwmc abandoned their English audience to rush to JP. Streaming inconsistently for the past month. Cover has not helped them find residence
>Kiara outfit reveal flop
>Calli birthday flop
>Cover stock continuing to fall

>> No.73294836

Why do you do this stupid shit? All it does is make the thread harder for others to follow.

>> No.73294921

>Doesn't get stream references
>Exposed herself as being a Nijinig
Go back to sucking your lord off

>> No.73294988

Because nijjersisters get paid for (You)s in steam gjft cards

>> No.73296073

Man, I still remember thinking she would be my favourite way back when NijiEN first debuted...

>> No.73296533

Yeah, just wear the mask

>> No.73296897

The thing is, if you remove vtubing from the equation, there should be nothing wrong with this. Of course you'd rather prioritize friends and other people who (you think) care more about you than the average member, especially if you see them as decent people. But you can't remove vtubing from the equation, because it's literally what she does, for money, for a very notable corporation, so there's no reasonable way to call this anything other than a career-ending choice.

>> No.73296997
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>> No.73297055

It's still relevant after something Fulgur did with making a fake family, and feesh wanted designs for her own. (I think someone made the mom, because of Pekomama buff)

>> No.73297109

Imagine actually believing this. Go to bed schizo.

>> No.73297141
File: 87 KB, 727x663, sisterspayingwithgiftcards4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, Sylvie.

>> No.73297160

>beloved meme
KEK a beloved meme only said once or twice in a random stream from years ago. Then you go onto post delusional faggotry like them trading gamertags in the future? Mint hasn't said Doki's name for a reason

>> No.73297217

>Claims it's sisters
>No mention of Nijis
>Just people making/VT/ seethe

You love to see it. They really did win

>> No.73297263

>Doesn't know about the pissidachis.
>still doesn't watch streams

>> No.73297277

>once or twice
>random stream
dramatranny doesn't know anything about what it's babbling about kek

>> No.73297337

>Mint: I'm actually parasocial with my chat

>> No.73300553


>> No.73300725

That's a perfect illustration of my point, yes. She's stupid enough to think that she can completely ignore her obligations as an entertainer and still maintain everyone's attention, and even when her mind isn't focusing on that, she's just sitting there, rotting in the filth that is her own comfortable position at Niji. It's almost pitiable.

>> No.73300975

the thing is, gacha streams are neither bad nor good. if the talent is entertaining, then the stream is entertaining. if the talent is finana, the stream will be shit. mint could host a watchalong of paint drying on the wall and it would be amazing. finana sold herself as nothing more than coombait and then threw the coomers away. she has no other talent and she has no respect for her fans. she could learn a whole lot of mint, but she doesn't even try.

>> No.73301553

Sayu is a better comparison, she plays almost the same stuff, for more than double of Finana's stream time, and she's a hundred times more entertaining on those, because she can actually interact with chat, instead of just parroting the story, and going "aw yeah" when she finally gets to a good part 4 hours in.

>> No.73303146

I love how they're ignoring the part where she works for a corporation with a fiduciary duty to shareholders.
