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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 351 KB, 1558x1558, nonana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
73293438 No.73293438 [Reply] [Original]

During her last stream, Finana was having the weirdest copes to justify her absolute failure as a vtuber:

>Oh my gosh, I am gonna be irrelevant...
Finana that yacht departed long ago. It is kind of amazing you just are starting to consider the "possibility" of your irrelevancy

>Honestly, I care less about myself than... than more... You know, I care more about the people in front of me, you know. Like the future generations of nijiEN...
Riiiiiiight, Finana has a track record of backing up new gens to her own detriment

>You know, since I've already made it this far
This far? I mean, sure you are a ccv mock unit, but why would you be proud of that?

Yet, this lying leech will continue to benefit herself disproportionally from Nijisanji's support:
>I am going to be doing a lot of travelling this year, for work and stuff like that... I have been recording like almost everyday

>> No.73293510

Its natural for a legitimately low iq twenty something woman to try and use any cope she can come up with to save their own fragile ego. She genuinely thinks she's a someone and its comedic to me

>> No.73293530

On a semi-related note, should she ever graduate, does the unit known as Finana(s) remain in practice as a standard or will it change?

>> No.73293579

Mucho texto I ain't reading all that faggotry

>> No.73293593

Of course, she's the eternal standard. I also petition calling someone sleeping in for an entire collab stream once a month "pulling a Finana" but I also know that'll never work.

>> No.73293609

It stays. Her legacy as currency will live on in the hearts and minds of all vtubing culture. Eventually people will forget the origin of the Finana and Indies will be existed to achieve multitudes of her. History will classify her as a Fish Queen on the same level of Gura.

>> No.73293624

I don't like threads where it's one guy laughing at his own jokes

>> No.73293638

Good thing I'm here to laugh with him, we can laugh at you too if you life.

>> No.73293658

Youre schizophrenic

>> No.73293660

>he says while posting in a finana thread
All she does is laugh at her own jokes.

>> No.73293702
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>> No.73293717


>> No.73293745

this is so fucking sad, lol

>> No.73293754

I really don't care to be honest about Finana, whether she's relevant or not. I'll hope she improves, but I'm not expecting anything. She had a ton of potential early on, but she really poisoned her own career.
I don't see the point on even discussing her anymore unless she seriously attempts to improve herself. She's better off as a unit of measurement.

>> No.73293887

I say it should stay as the standard to be an eternal example for upcoming chuubas of what to never, ever do, and a reminder to her of her own failure. Her brutal fall from grace and subsequent irrelevancy will be her legacy to vtubing.

>> No.73293947
File: 162 KB, 736x736, 12475638206594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cringe green fish keeps getting L + ratio'd but refuses to educate herself. She 100% deserves her failure.

>> No.73294025

>Unironically posts edgy autist character pic

>> No.73294068

Anon do you think James Watt is still kickinf around in 2024?

>> No.73294126

Dumb bitch whore should not have off collabed with men. Especially racist asian men that hate white people. Niji died the day of that offcollab, and i'll forever laugh at nijisisters and their cuck corpo.

>> No.73294135

Is the exchange rate still fixed at 300 or did that change?

>> No.73294172

Why the sass, nijisister? Did you get used as a tool?

>> No.73294241

>future generations of NijiEN

>> No.73294266
File: 725 KB, 1005x926, 1697307055688166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Parasocial Fucks. did this whore ever get her braces removed? Because she was scared of hurting all the dicks she was gonna suck.

>> No.73294303

It’s a static 300, yes

>> No.73294363

How many is a finana? is it like a measurement of how much of a male collabing dick guzzling whore a vtuber is?

>> No.73294434

Nah I just appreciate characters that have actual personalities past being "super smart cool strong man"

>> No.73294482


>> No.73294496

1 Finana = 300 ccv

>> No.73294501

300 ccv, her average non-buffed ccv.
a stream of 1200ccv is streaming at 4 Finanas.

>> No.73294578

whores reap what they sow. if the dumb bitch hadn't have cucked me with a racist faggot, the ccv might have been 301. dodged a stinking whore bullet on that one ey...

>> No.73294622

Finana missed her chance to leave with Pomu, now her name has been permanently stained with the rest of NijiEN after Selen's termination. She has no way to recover as Finana because she's a female EN vtuber in Manjisanji.

>> No.73294660

Least schizophrenic /vt/ poster.

>> No.73294678

I think it's funny that outside of this board, I don't see anybody talking about her. I'm not an asmr enjoyer and don't care for her game choices, sense of humor, or personality so I never gave her a chance and I think I made the right call.

>> No.73294711

I literally read all of that in 15 seconds. Stop visiting message boards if all you wanna read is MAX 3 words in a sentence.
Retarded tiktok attention span zoomer subhuman.

>> No.73294788
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>> No.73294847

The real issue is that it's all she has, she sinks with NijiEN unless she actually wakes up in some way and apologizes for everything and promises better behavior going forward and actually demonstrates it which won't even guarantee that she'll gain viewership from that but it is the only real way to get people to try and watch her again and save her career. But she will never do that.
Ideally, she would try and graduate and move on to a PL like some others have done. But she never actually got a solid Vtubing PL, she was basically a Vtweeter who did a lot of weeb/IRL. She did get a model and got into Vtubing via collabs and was going to but never debuted officially. Her leaked audition video was probably the best introduction to what would have been her character.
Despite that, she got in because the tiny amount of "Vtubing" she did do unofficially combined with how well done her audition video was from a 2021 standard and people who saw her potential meant she got into Lazulight. It's laughable now to really say with hindsight but she really did beat out the entirety of Obsydia who auditioned at the same time she did and who had actual Vtubing careers prior as indies or at another company. This is why people keep beating the topic to death because it's the prime cautionary tale of what not to do in Vtubing.

>> No.73294853

I bet you failed the first exam of the elite classroom, loser.

>> No.73294896

I used to feel bad for Finana during the early concern post threads, but it's always the same thing. She hasn't made any effort of changing. The only difference now is she's irrelevant in an irrelevant company, which at the end of the day might even be a net-positive for her. 300 ccv is less of a mark of shame when it's the average across the branch.

>> No.73294913

I think it's the sentence formatting
The youtube links should be at the top or bottom instead of in the middle

>> No.73294919

>gonna be irrelevant
she already is for a long while now

>> No.73294954

This kills the sister
>Multiple talents have PLs
>Hololive Indonesia gets mogged daily by Niji homos
>Hololive EN Myth gets mogged daily by Niji homos
>Gura has streamed 15 times over the last 237 days
>Ame has streamed 58 times over the last 237 days
>Mumei has streamed 84 times over the last 237 days
>Holo is so bad Mumei took a month long mental health break, still had meltdown
>Kronii has streamed 77 times over the last 236 days
>Kronii had a near suicidal meltdown on stream
>Fwmc abandoned their English audience to rush to JP. Streaming inconsistently for the past month. Cover has not helped them find residence
>Kiara outfit reveal flop
>Calli birthday flop
>Cover stock continuing to fall

>> No.73294967

Proved his point

>> No.73295002

schizo, but right.

>> No.73295036

I agree, but one correction. She didn't beat out obsydia, but they were all part of the same pool. I think petra was almost Finana's slot, and they were seriously considering swapping Elira and Selen.

>> No.73295042

finana doesnt matter so why are you being a piss baby about something said by someone like her, shes not even worth the effort to be a piss baby about

>> No.73295059
File: 96 KB, 704x260, ChumBuds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hololive is definitely doing fine. Don't ask questions about why the face of EN Vtubing is flopping

>> No.73295080

qrd on finana ive only seen one clip of her about some vibrator egg she played with. why is she hated? just because she dosent pander to unicorns? was that ever a problem for nijifaggots? i mean pomu and selen did alot of guy collabs and dont do gfe shit are doing better than ever so whats the deal with this one? is she just boring like rosemi?

>> No.73295083
File: 130 KB, 1280x720, 1699155625743434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to shove my hand down her throat until she vomits. Kiss her while she barfs in my mouth. She might have taken miles of dick already, but she ain't yet met someone like me. Show her how to cum from both ends.

>> No.73295138

Mumei took a break because niji tried to make her friend kill herself.

>> No.73295167

She took a break months before the Dooki drama, try again lying schizofuck

>> No.73295185

That's her own fault for not streaming, the holos who actually stream are doing well.

>> No.73295198

Still the biggest vtuber. She's cute and likeable enough that I'm still on the Gura train. I'd rather her stream 15 times a year than collab with males or take miles of homo dick daily like 3view niji whores.

>> No.73295202

Okay, smoothbrain
I know you're trying your best to make Hololive look bad, but it's not working. Also
>Hololive Indonesia
What's the status of Niji ID again?

>> No.73295233

I did say they were part of the same audition pool, didn't I? Beat is a bit too strong, IMO, but we are talking about the fact that what remains of Obsydia only got their 3D debuts a year after Lazulight. It would've been interesting to see the dynamic if some of the members got swapped around. I think the main thing is if Elira never got in Lazulight, I don't think the clique would've been able to wield as much power as they supposedly do. But too late to ruminate on what could've been...

>> No.73295278

shes a stupid person who just goes along with what people say and that has fucked her over multiple times now because shell just do shit based on what her friends think instead of thinking for herself, like banning the word trap because her troon friends (some fans that she befriended despite that being against the rules) told her it was a slur and she just believed them.
however dont just take my word on this, otherwise youll be basically just as stupid as her

>> No.73295295
File: 31 KB, 460x1150, gura-sushiro-collab-numbers-update-v0-2ryqmq24g6rc1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>single merch line sold over 2.1 million dollars.
Maybe, but they were doomed from the start. Even if the gurrat is 100% true, pomu still got fucked over by nijisanji, and so did selen. They just might have lasted slightly longer, but it was doomed to fail as long as Nijisanji was Nijisanji.

>> No.73295305

Months before? Your male collabing dick guzzling whores harassed and bullied her for a year, or years even. They wanted her dead. Meanwhile you continued to watch them cuck you and collab with males and behave like whores while pushing their homo cuck agenda. Cuck scum. Also niji hates whites, so fuck you. Total Sister Death. Also, you should watch 5th fes, might learn what vtubing is actually about.

>> No.73295308

Scumbag sistrash reveals herself

>> No.73295343

oh yeah, she loves trannies to. what a fucking shitcunt. Lol. it should have been her that attempted. Tranny lovers are fucking scum.

>> No.73295366

I agree, it would've only delayed the inevitable. I think Pomu would've left still at around the same time given the clique didn't play a role in denying her the opportunity, but I think Selen would've possibly stayed longer and probably last until the end of this year depending on where her place in the graduation queue was.

>> No.73295396

>Seriously attempts
Proven way to improve ccv

>> No.73295407

so she got groomed and went the woke route huh
yikes… yea shes not gonna get any male viewers at all with that. shame she seems funny from that one clip i saw of her

>> No.73295413

And people say, Nijisanji got dogshit merch. Look at all these individula fish-themed bits and bobs. And they sold really well too. Maybe things aren't looking so bad for Finana after all.

>> No.73295490

Anon even those things are more variety than what Nijisanji usually puts out as merch

>> No.73295515
File: 75 KB, 400x600, large_4AmPMxTs1zSdCK0eCacj0kBgOMV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That reminds me of something.

>> No.73295527

If Nijisanji started selling bait right now, they’d recover in time for the Q4 report.

>> No.73295574

>a reminder if what never, ever do
Was the parasocial fucks tweet really that bad? What else did she do? I only know Finana for the currency meme, which is really sad. I think she has a very cute voice for what I've seen.

>> No.73295587

>What about le merch
What about it? We don't know how much money NijiEN makes off merch individually so there's nothing to compare. Doesn't change that Gura's birthday didn't even make double of the Holostars 3D

>> No.73295695

Sister, that one line of merch has made significantly more money than the entirety of Vox Akuma's youtube channel. Period.

>> No.73295701

>>73295574 (me)
Nvm I educated myself by doing my reps. Holy shit.

>> No.73295724

She has a storied history. Go on an archive site and search for "finana fucks discord trap asmr", should get you a summary somewhere.

>> No.73295765

Good timing

>> No.73295818

>Holo is so bad Mumei took a month long mental health break, still had meltdown
>Noooo playing games as an anime girl is giving me the burnout boohoo
How the fuck could these people survive in the real world?

>> No.73295851

Well the more you know. Thanks anon.

>> No.73296219

>Playing as a cute anime girl then given money by thousands.
Seriously though it's like a dream job yet they take numerous breaks, like what?

>> No.73296501

imagine something you love doing, but now you HAVE to do it on a schedule. You'll get tired of this shit.

>> No.73296511

no she didn't get the guards removed

>> No.73296517
File: 73 KB, 699x414, VoxSC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait for it

>> No.73296545
File: 74 KB, 712x400, GuraSC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the biggest HoloEN got mogged in SC by Vox despite him starting a year later. Actually devasting

>> No.73296563
File: 130 KB, 1080x732, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll be waiting a long ass time.

>> No.73296573

Exactly. They got the easiest job in the fucking world. Probably just sad they're not making as much as they want.

>> No.73296605

So you admit you were lying. I accept your concession
Look at the OP's image and shut the fuck up hypocrite.

>> No.73296640

>the sister SHRIEKS in embarrassment after being exposed

>> No.73296662


>> No.73296767

Now check Gura's without crying

>> No.73296796

>“finana fucks discord trap asmr“
Well, she was looking for new content ideas, so…

>> No.73296839
File: 799 KB, 1096x857, firefox_zNMcpXnATk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OOPS! I tripped over Gura getting an award and having Cover ship it directly to her for no charge rather than greedily hiding it away in their office.

>> No.73296853

They are too busy solving the China-Taiwan situation peacefully to entertain you children.

>> No.73296861

I'm the discord trap, can confirm she's been acting differently towards me lately

>> No.73296978
File: 57 KB, 1060x258, Schizotroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were saying sister?

>> No.73297113
File: 16 KB, 491x537, firefox_aNtcePTFS0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, moron. I was there when you lost your fucking mind for 500 posts about how nobody was quoting you. Your fucking obvious falseflags are about as credible as that time you worms made a sayu shitpost and started using it as a big "OH LOOK SAYUS FANS ARE KEKS" without showing how every single reply to it was laughing or calling them a fucking moron

>> No.73297152

>we might get a Finana OF or fansley this year.

>> No.73297258

>the sister SHRIEKS in embarrassment after being exposed

>> No.73297339

>he really believes this when she said she's never doing anything like those ASMRs again

>> No.73297978

I'm not a finana fan so can anyone tell me did she ever apologized for giving preferential treatment to mods? And why did she joined? Is she still playing with them?

>> No.73298099

No one is going to come back unless she goes harder than she ever had before. Which is only going to piss off the grooming shitstains she doesn't have the spine to push back against. It's joever.

No. She's dumb and could have been a great idol if she had a handler. Yes.

>> No.73298112

I ain't giving her views OP but I'll assume what you say isreal

>> No.73298231

Damn that's crazy, is there a way to tell if she was friends with them before or did all of this developed during niji?

>> No.73298269

During. That's what is so stupid about it.

>> No.73298311

She was extremely well liked early on as the lewd feesh.
The only other true comparisons right now are Yuko, who equally crushed herself but on a smaller scale, and Sayu, who used to play a similar lineup of games and got hydraulic pressed down to low 3view after the niji smearing, and actually recovered to the point where she's beating all but the highest nijis flat out.

>> No.73298321

Like how Selen got her tournament placement awards sent directly to her, correct?

>> No.73298360
File: 2.07 MB, 1200x1000, @itsjustfrel finally ✨.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, which is why it's curious why they didn't ship the play button in the same box. Why do you think that is?

>> No.73298372

Check the upload date, if you haven't started to feel old yet.

>> No.73298806
File: 178 KB, 512x512, 1000004507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't get why she's the brunt of the niji hate lately. Yeah going woke tumblr on your fans is pretty bad, but compaired to the sheer evil other members of her shit corpo have pulled, she's really not that bad.
I'm also biased as I liked her ASMR from a few years back

>> No.73298914

>I really don't get why she's the brunt of the niji hate lately.
She's not. She's just mocked for being a literal nobody despite being in the first gen, but that's nothing to do with her and just her position as a failure who shouldn't have been one. Anyone could've been it. People don't even bring up the stuff she actually deserves getting shit on for beyond the quote, like how she's known for shirking responsabilities but refusing to hand them off or forcing people to collab without her because she didn't set an alarm at least 5 times and slept 3+ hours past the collab.

>> No.73298922

It's a funny story cause she had it all then threw it away for pisscord trannies she was contractually required to stay away from.
A bit of pain that keeps you up at night knowing that with a producer and a handler she could have really been someone.
Schadenfreude that her coworkers and irl friends didn't spend enough time with her nor care enough to keep her away from the pisscorders.
A small but assblasted subset of ryuguards who simped for and defended her only to get betrayed.

>> No.73298957

Kek. Mind broken.

>> No.73298961

Setting aside that she was an awful fuckup, it was a great story that helped get her name out there as the memes spread.

>> No.73298969

4chan men will always want to attack women over men, they can barely put in this effort for someone like Vox

>> No.73299029

Yeah, that conviction will help until rent money runs out.

>> No.73299037

She's not. If anything the board is frustrated because she showed real potential early on and then spectacularly betrayed and shunned the very people who were willing to give her her dream career. Hell, in late feb there were more "finana could've done X to turn this around" than "finana's a dumbass fish" posts.

>> No.73299068

Vox has been getting ravaged for nearly a year now.

Whatever you do, DON'T look at her earnings month by month for the last year.

>> No.73299081

She's just really really dumb. I don't even think she has actual antis, just people wondering what the fuck happened.

>> No.73299120

Males are one of the most universally despised parts of this board, what are you talking about?

>> No.73299154

When she started out she had a lot of potential, she was funny and lewd, kind of the proto version of a lot of the now successful twitch chuubas.
She threw all this away for a few discord groomers who told her the lewd parasocial content she did was patriarchic tyranny against women while they barely paid her anything in the first place, then she started spamming only gacha games which killed of the remaining casual watchers.

>> No.73299205

Hot take but as long as you storytime over the gacha it's totally fine. She just failed as an entertainer.

>> No.73299223

Wait, there's actually someone called finana out there? I thought it was just some other random american metric

>> No.73299312

>Hot take but as long as you storytime over the gacha it's totally fine.
It's fine if you only want ~500 gacha viewers.
Always Providing the same content will severely limit your possible audience.

>> No.73299356

Vox shitposts
>distorted images
Finana shitposts
>detailed timestamped recounts of why she should be fired

>> No.73299358

Yes, she is named after the unit for 300 people watching a live performance/stream.

>> No.73299444

>Had a good niche going on with ASMR and light GFE that she ended up directly insulting with the april fools stunt and the parasocial fucks tweet
>Got heavily involved with a fan discord server, one of the biggest no no's in vtubing
>bad attitude
>uki off collab incident
>Accused of being a big part of the Sayu hate campaign after a clip where she claimed she was gaslighted
Sayu isn't exactly innocent and she didn't say as much about finana as others like her genmates, so I don't count this personally
>Generally streams the biggest debuff games out there, like gacha waifu mills.

She's just a lolcow and is funny to laugh at, I doubt most anons think she's actually malicious.

>> No.73299477

Keep digging! I'm sure you'll hit drama eventually!

>> No.73299508

Her legacy in vtubing is 300ccv. Nothing will change that. Even if she successfully doki'd, she would be the system of measurement that hero'd

>> No.73299601

>Fwmc abandoned their English audience to rush to JP. Streaming inconsistently for the past month. Cover has not helped them find residence
I mean tbf to them, you can only go so long doing daily content without burning out hard. Its more likely they're taking a breather since otherwise they've been going hard for almost a year now.

>> No.73299653

Yes because :
1. She has kouhais and like it or not they're already part of NijiEN's future.
2. That's exactly the symptom of late stage chronic Nijisanji internal propaganda exposure, she already submit to the feeling of uselessness without Nijisanji and thus making her acting like she has to ensure its future at any cost.

>> No.73299684

Nobody wants her to be fired.
She hasn't done anything fireable other than being a fucking disgrace and a cunt to her fanbase that she should have been nurturing.
Without Nijisanji, she'd never survive as a streamer.
They've been crying in freechat every few days about how much they want to come back to streaming and about how fucked up their living situation is right now.
They WANT to come back asap, but their dumb asses are stuck right now and who knows how long it'll be until they stabilize again.

>> No.73299737

Being a disgrace and cunt to the consumers of a business is a legit reason to fire someone.

>> No.73299751

She didn't beat Obsydia all 6 were hired at the same time from the same pool then given staggered debuts to try to balance their strengths.

On paper they would have been ranked like this based on their resumes

>> No.73299754

They literally said in a sekrit stream that they are planning to debut for a completely different job in April, not related to Holo. They have a different dream.

>> No.73299817

Such a sekrit that its literally on the wiki page of their PLs.

>> No.73299834

Well I had missed that, thanks for telling me

>> No.73299874
File: 85 KB, 480x473, 1000004531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>westerners move to japan
>realize it's life on ultra hard mode for foreigners , in almost every aspect there.
How many times are we gonna see this before autistic weeaboos finally figure it out?

>> No.73299889

chooses to ignore the other slew of stuff
she deserves it lol
so much potential wasted because she's a massive retard

>> No.73299895

That's not the sekrit being talked about, the actual sekrit is there wasn't a recent sekrit stream announcing a new job and it was that specific announcement getting lost in translation by retards, months after it had been said.

>> No.73299930

Even ex-Yakuza trying to live a good life have it easier than foreigners.

>> No.73300030
File: 159 KB, 1062x481, 1000003938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're dumbass dogs, but they're OUR dumbass dogs, dammit.
Come back safe, bau bau.

>> No.73300079

This is such a fucking retarded idea, how shit. Ruffians will have a meltdown

>> No.73300120

They didn't even abandon them. The facts are irrefutable. You either move the fuck over to japan or you resign yourself to being a 3rdworlder as far as holo is concerned. They had to move over if they didn't want their opportunities limited. They were just dumbfucks about it but what's new.

>> No.73300163

Well for one, they're asian.

>> No.73300179

They are canadian.

>> No.73300183

To be fair she didn't break out before and she sure as hell can't make it now unless she wants to shed her skin to become an ASMR and flirtuber again.

>Shareholder shit
>There have been a lot of graduations recently Riku, what are you doing about it

>> No.73300206

Asian westerners get treated just as bad, if not worse than other foreigners, at leadt from my experience when I went with friends.

>> No.73300213

Finana has never done a single thing that was wrong or condemnable. She's always been a genuine and good person.

>b-but w-what about
Any and all of your catalog rrats are contributable to her being retarded and surrounded by evil people. She is not at fault for any of that much like a mentally disabled person would not be at fault if an evil person tricked them into killing someone for them.

>> No.73300241

Completely true, however here's the question: did you speak Japanese fluently? Because if they look like a nip, walk like a nip, and talk like a nip, nobody will know they're not a nip.

>> No.73300280

Well, terminations dont add into graduation expectations cause they are regarded as unforeseeable circumstances that cannot be calculated.
So firing her is actually no issue.

>> No.73300308

You parasocial fuck should learn his place and she'd find it creepy you're defending this like her, touch grass.

>> No.73300317

It's literally not their fault. Fucking blame Cover for not supporting them. If your opportunities are limited by Cover unless you move to japan then they have to stare that reality in the face every night.

The evil people everyone including her contract and the history of humanity told her to stay away from

Shareholders aren't fooled by Riku smearing lipstick on the dick raping their stock into the ground.

>> No.73300319

They dont even look nip, half at best. They even too tall for the average japanese women.
So no, that does not work.

>> No.73300324

They are not asian. They're whiter than the A4 paper that mogged enna.

>> No.73300329

except they look nothing like a nip lmao
this is nothing new
and their accents are very noticeable

>> No.73300347

>Doesn't shut the fuck up instead of mouthing off on twatter, chat, and in streams
>Doesn't stay away from bad people
She couldn't do the most simple of things.

>> No.73300402

You severly underestimate how japan see's their own race. They hate asians from other countries with a passion, especially korea, and can easily tell the difference.

>> No.73300446

ok Finana

>> No.73300626


>> No.73300831

The only thing not purely attributable to stupidity is the April Fools ASMR stream. To have it monetized and allowing superchats for the hours leading up to the reveal is a really shitty thing to have done - and I'm pretty sure it would have badly harmed even popular streamers. That wasn't stupidity, it was a malicious attempt to coax what money she could from her original fans without giving them anything in return.

>> No.73301118

>>Kronii had a near suicidal meltdown on stream
when did that happen?

>> No.73301157

It didn't.
The mumei meltdown is her singing ponponpon for over an hour.

>> No.73301381

What a magical month it was.
>Kronii does the NPC stream with a different canned response for the value of the superchat with the inflection changing over
>Mooms ponponpon marathon

>> No.73301415

wait, it was just the npc stream?
They're seething about the fucking npc stream?

>> No.73301470

Maybe not? There's been a lot of stuff. I don't watch her much anymore after moving on to phase.

>> No.73301562

oh nice. I like the blue music bearl. Her violin streams are great.

>> No.73303382

So she's the Kiara of NijiEN

>> No.73303504

This thread was made by a fat schizo obsessed with being cucked by a certain bird woman and he probably makes at least 20% of the posts ITT

>> No.73304589

I know what you are referring too and lol for falling for it. If you follow Dear you'd know.

>> No.73304750

Vtubers may come and go but the Finana standard (300 CCV) is here to stay
She won

>> No.73305450

Not trolling, but is Finana one of the most tragic figures in all of vtubing? Wants to be popular but isn't sexy enough to attract the coomers, isn't talented enough to attract the normies, and too retarded to come up with content to appeal to diehard vtuber fans.

>> No.73305578

kek based thanks for making the holo hogs oink in rage, maybe they'll buy more merch to calm their impotent rage

>> No.73305668

Finana knows that Elira isn't coming back so she's the de-facto daisenpai of NijiEN.

>> No.73305765

She was on the right trajectory then she killed herself. The company didn't even care enough to manage her properly either.

>> No.73305779

nothing particularly tragic about self sabotage
finana's prospects were good but fuck up after fuck up on her part put her where she is now

>> No.73305867

self-sabotage is basically the definition of tragedy thoughever

>> No.73305922

Its kind of like going to sing at a country concert but saying to the audience you hate America. Chubas need to understand the main audience for vtubers are loser otakus, be mindfull of that because even if you dont like them, if you wanna be a vtuber that's gonna be a very large chunck of your audience ans you where your income comes from.

>> No.73306146

>but isn't sexy enough to attract the coomers
she is though, and her ASMR streams reflect that but like everything else she screwed up and drove away that audience for that content
the reason she is at where she is now is because she pissed off every audience she's ever had. no one wants to watch someone who keeps blowing up and telling you to fuck off.
with some proper tardwrangling she could've been saved and pomu tried, but ultimately it's all her own fault

>> No.73306193

>Lots of recording
>Maybe even merch deals
That would be pretty generous of Elira to do since the feesh was somehow scuffed on merch just as much as pomu. It still baffles me How no one saw a problem with the merch representation was lining up.

>> No.73306330

Then the gens don't make sense because it would've made more sense to debut Lazulight with at least one of the talents being the strongest on paper with either Petra or Rosemi being one of the debutees. They instead chose to debut their bottom half of resume strength talents first with the exception of Selen. What sense does that make? It wasn't a bad decision given Lazuydia was a genuine threat to the Western monopoly of Vtubing taken by Hololive at the time but they definitely did not use resume strength here for this, I feel. But short of Anycolor exploding, I doubt we'll ever get the full story from any of them on how this went down.

>> No.73306501


>> No.73306603


>> No.73306935

Holy fuck I can smell the smegma. Wash your cunt you dirty third world faggot. Motherfucker you’re actually trying to fling shit while standing on the ever crumbling foundation that is Nijisanji. Fucking hell never mind throwing stones in your glass house you’re trying to shoot a canon, fucking Nijitards continue to amaze me with the way they one up each other in retardation.
I’ll see you in the next Nijisanji graduation thread on the 20th you silly faggot. Tick tock

>> No.73307712

James Who?

>> No.73307900
File: 436 KB, 815x741, 1712171353563328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Negate effort bait threads made with Finana of all people
False getting exposed as a racist antivaxxer really did a number on the primates.

>> No.73308020

Her legacy will forever be suiciding her career by biting the hands that fed her.

>> No.73308036

>False getting exposed as a racist antivaxxer
wait what
wtf i love falseeyed now?????

>> No.73308072

The real question is if she sticks around to reach new lows do we adjust the finana to 200, 100 views

>> No.73308087

It sucks that such an amazing model had to go to such a disgusting person.

>> No.73308398

The thing is, she kind of is a someone, but purely by the circumstance of being the first gen of NijiEN, and not by any real accomplishment. People know of Finana, but no one gives a fuck about her.

>> No.73308405
File: 2.75 MB, 1965x2619, 1641337790551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their job isn't to play video games, it's to entertain their audience. Their performance is measured in CCV and superchats
>muh numbermonkey
That is the metric for their career, maybe it's something you don't care about it, but it's something they're very conscious off. It's why runts like Kiara have to stream almost daily, while better performing Holos like Mumei and Gura can take months off.

>> No.73308473

A sister account with sub-300 followers is running on the fact that some of the people he interacts with are antivaxx, and he made the point in his discord that it was all happening in prime Jakarta time. The sisters understandably don't like being called out for the obvious.

>> No.73308760
File: 2.82 MB, 1880x2600, in the end[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fgeehjk.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73308838

You just made me realize the same thing. Even among my hardcore Nijistan friends, none of them mentions the fish. It's all either selen(RIP), Millie, Enna, Elira, or one of the boys. Being forgotten is even worse than having a group of antis.

>> No.73308953

James Was, I think.

>> No.73309014

Does anyone (with a job) even care at this point?

>> No.73309467

>This is what rent free looks like
Don't worry sister, the spooky list anon is here to hurt you kek..

>> No.73310202

You should make a Bizarro /vt/ thread anon

>> No.73310203

Ironic choice of image

>> No.73310217

Finana, if you can find this in the sea measurements, there's one solution. Multitasking will be your savior.

>> No.73311741


>> No.73311815
File: 4 KB, 56x125, 1647809196428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niji tourist but you people seem absolutely miserable, holy shit man.

>> No.73312391

You'd think not, but we're talking about sisters - the majority of them are teenage girls who are the successors to tumblerinas.

>> No.73313028

Man, this thread was actually a pretty interesting discussion before the nijisisters came and reeee'd all over it.
Finana's fall from grace in vtubing is an interesting topic and is unrelated to the recent Niji situation, but sisters couldn't resist NDFing all over this thread either.

>> No.73313291

Because their oshi is the company and the stock price. They could care less that their organs are working at a Chinese sweatshop.

>> No.73313512

>mori b'day- 46k
>enna b'day- not even 10k
>petra 3d- 26k lmao
>rosemi 3d - 14k LMAO
>homos beating holoID
this is factually untrue nowadays, kaela at a solid 3.5k mogs most of your shit flunkies who hover around 2.5k
Mumei herself has said the only reason she didn't graduate is because of how well cover treats her, this isn't nijisanji.
FWMC are retards for not properly planning out their move. However, they still stream, on youtube, almost entirely in English, unlike vox who ran away to billibilli
TL;DR this tranny thinks just because its on /vt/ it can blatantly misrepresent and lie about shit and get away with it

>> No.73313834

>Finana's fall from grace in vtubing is an interesting topic and is unrelated to the recent Niji situation
What if I tell you that Finana is cognizant of her fuckups and is planning on reducing the gacha in the future and fixing the habits that drove people away. She truly was someone that was young enough to make stupid self-destructive decisions, with no one around her to stop her from doing them. The reason she's spamming gacha right now is because she wants to be done with some stuff in it.
It'd be interesting to see how much she can turn this around, although with Niji's reputation, it'd be a handicap.

>> No.73313902

>i'm going to quit gacha streams!
>after these next few dozen streams...
lel ngmi
literally weed addict tier

>> No.73314025

I'm all for it. It would be interesting to see if she can regain the goodwill she had in her early days.
Though what I said still stands. Finana's career is still an interesting case study in western vtubing and is very worthy of discussing.

>> No.73314695
File: 915 KB, 840x785, feeshaside.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA, but I've been watching some of Finana's recent stuff and it's worth noting that her schedule for this week contains 0 gacha. Might be progress?

>> No.73315216
File: 435 KB, 1920x1080, GKnTzxOWMAAqREk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73315286

It's funny how she turned into the parasocial fuck that she was making fun of

>> No.73315590

do you get off on kicking puppies anon? Finana is harmless, it's like bullying Kaela or Mooms. It's just mean for no reason.

>> No.73315880

they can't. That's quite literally the reason this is their job for most of them

>> No.73315952

>Dogma 2
Alright I might watch this. Let's see if Feesh can thrive with this one.

>> No.73316497

Not even most Ryuguards have much to say either
The ones that do in Twitter when she isn't currently streaming are in the single digits, and her fan discord is pretty much dead outside of some people talking about a handful of games.

>> No.73316509

Yeah, another key issue is related to her game choices: Finana never made watching them engaging or fun. Playing a game and offering meaningless, witless commentary occasionally is not fun to watch for the vast majority of people. I will offer a point of comparison.

Mina Aoyama is an indie Vtuber strongly integrated into Hoyoverse games and her popularity in that space is comsiderably greater. Granted, she likes the yuri sex subtext of Hoyo games and she's mostly popular because "AIIEEE GAY PANIC HOT GIRLS LIKING HOT GIRLS" but she's more fun to watch than Finana. It fills a similar niche to Bao: almost anyone can find humor in watching someone lose their shit onstream. Now Mina regularly collabs with the voice actors behind the game.

Finana could have had this as a member of Nijisanji. Ffs the company had a whole month's relay of streaming HSR between EN and JP talents. Why isn't she the ambassador for Hoyo in Nijisanji?

The answer is simple, though sad: she just doesn't bring enough audience engagement to grow the audience necessary to give her a position like that.

I know she'd probably love an opportunity for it. Niji could even score it for her. But as she is, Finana doesn't deserve it. And it's because she's just not fun to watch for a good majority of people.

>> No.73316709

She kinda is, she showed up on the release streams of Star Rail and Part 2 of Honkai 3rd

>> No.73316875

Is finana even good at star rail? Or does she just do her teenage gushing over the hot men and women in it?

>> No.73316943

Stay mad holobrony

>> No.73317386


>> No.73317388

I've done my fair share of mocking this fucking retard, but I feel like she has paid for her sins at this point.

If she evolved past her "Educate Yourself" Tumblrina stage, I would support her if she started an Indie or Vshojo career.

>> No.73317520
File: 516 KB, 1170x642, 1711713068805293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imma just go back to my general homie
I'm just glad I never got into any nijis, jesus

>> No.73317891

Sorry Feesh, it's too late. You and your stupid tub fart drew my eyes to the Lazu debuts. You weren't my oshi, but I enjoyed watching you when paths crossed, until you did everything in your power to remove any reason to watch you. Winning back old viewers isn't going to work, aim for ways to draw fresh eyes and don't tell them to fuck off.

>> No.73318173
File: 589 KB, 1176x832, 1705738312126035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good, stay in your containment zone

>> No.73318246

How come all the other SEA groups got cool vtubers, and us Hmongs got her?

>> No.73318430
File: 49 KB, 380x380, 1712687496002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73318501


>> No.73318630

Is there really no other Hmong Vtuber out there besides her? I feel sorry for you guys but to be honest she's very Americanized to the extent her ethnicity barely plays a part in who she is.

>> No.73319126

Why would they not care?

>> No.73319349


>> No.73319653

>You severly underestimate how japan see's their own race.
People dont realise that they look down upon pure blooded japs if they were born overseas or even pure blooded japs that were born in japan but attended some school years overseas

>> No.73322408 [DELETED] 

download this file and post it in every niji general.

>> No.73322599

crazy how much someone can hatewatch someone. just fucking ignore her man and let her die already. and please dont tell me youre the type of schizo to support her in chat and then make a fucking anti thread about her

>> No.73324347

>>73322599 (checked)
>dont tell me youre the type of schizo to support her in chat and then make a fucking anti thread about her
Anon... Where do you think you are?

>> No.73324361


>> No.73324754

>History will classify her as a Fish Queen on the same level of Gura
Grim but true.

>> No.73324776

Finana just won’t be worth 1 Finana then

>> No.73324828

It stays, Finana pulling 0.33 Finanas will be an even bigger kek

>> No.73325013

Kronii isn't suicidal and her problems are her family not Hololive.

>> No.73325086

>Using Elira for clickbait
Also huh, Content Warning is the name of a game, I thought Shiori was giving an actual content warning on her schedule

>> No.73325153

At least for Kaela and Mooms it's kicking up.

>> No.73326585

Because she never asked

>> No.73326782

She's too broke for gacha and can only do dailies which she doesn't think is entertaining enough to stream

>> No.73326874

What happened to her groomers? They're all broke? Did she e6 Acheron? What about Adventurine? No E6 husbando? Unbelievable.

>> No.73327214

fuck off. I don't want to rile people up and give even more people a reason to raid /haha/

>> No.73327348

I find Finana to be very hot (especially her 3rd costume) but her retardation turns me off, not to mention she's not a good entertainment. For me to watch her again she'd need to do the following.
>ditch the discord troons
>play exclusively horror games
>coom pandering again
Three things. She doesn't even need to apologize (except to Sayu).

>> No.73327404

>she's not a good entertainer

>> No.73327551
File: 2.21 MB, 1860x2631, 1712329980960183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know Finana is going to stream very soon?

>> No.73327660

I would whale for her if she went back to doing coom ASMR

>> No.73328233

Lets break thus down one by one

>Multiple talents have PLs
Hololive dont restrict their ya lent dong anything in their pl unlike anycolor is. As you know some nijiEN talent recently reactivated their pl account which indicate that behind the scene is also looking grim
>Hololive Indonesia gets mogged daily by Niji homos
Branch wide holoID migs nijiEN in ccv
>Hololive EN Myth gets mogged daily by Niji homos
Anon its 2024 not 2022 ccv and even in income holoEN mogs nijiEN
>Gura has streamed 15 times over the last 237 days
And vox became a white monkey streaming in b2 while havent stream in yt for how many days?
>Ame has streamed 58 times over the last 237 days
>Mumei has streamed 84 times over the last 237 days
Elira is still MIA on her main channel avoiding what backslash she will get regarding the blackscreen stream
>Holo is so bad Mumei took a month long mental health break, still had meltdown
Mumei did inform her fans that she will take a break but did not fully specify becsuse we know why (selen unalive moment) and kotaka also in hiatus for mental health so what are you getting about this?
>Kronii has streamed 77 times over the last 236 days
>Kronii had a near suicidal meltdown on stream
Now we are doing fanfic?
>Fwmc abandoned their English audience to rush to JP. Streaming inconsistently for the past month. Cover has not helped them find residence
>Kiara outfit reveal flop
Rosemi/petra 3d, millie new outfit flop so hard sister
>Calli birthday flop
Still have a umg contract while all of niji talent ccv/income is falling downward.
>Cover stock continuing to fall
Anycolor stock on the gutter after all the stock buyback and other shenenigans theybtry to pump up the price and did nothing to reinvest to their talent while cover only open their stock to fully finish their new 3d studio

Anycolor really blew their footings on the en market and is only surviving due to their chinese and sea fanbase. Remember, riku is banking his company success on how well they penatrate the EN market which is now impossible to do

>> No.73328677

That's not a good thing in Japan unless you are the right type of asian.

>> No.73328817
File: 154 KB, 480x480, Pomf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck has it really been that long since I've been in highschool

>> No.73329746

No, nobody knew this. Nobody watches or cares about her anymore, and nobody is planning to raid anybody either.

>> No.73330592
File: 181 KB, 943x381, 1683359818599208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She also betrayed Zaion when the sister brigade was doxxing her on masse

>> No.73331163

after 2+ years? she will just stick her head in the sand and full copium mode she lasts this long because everything she did was right ignoring her nonstop decline
did you watch her latest sponsored gacha stream? i watched that because nobody else streamed duet night abyss beta and she was so boring i almost fell asleep sometimes, doesn't look like someone that wants to change to me

>> No.73331415

That's why she should've stuck to horror games. At least those can get a reaction out of her.

>> No.73331818

You're implying nijiEN is something to begin with.

>> No.73332162

This, there are multiple VTubers who have way more actual "coverage" of Gacha Games on their channel. Finana is like months behind in the Star Rail Story, like, she's not even interested in it and that's the thing that people define her for. Crazy.

Agencies should get someone that will actually cover breaking news or updates in the game in some sort of timely fashion. There's lots of market space for this

>> No.73332857

she is gonna play GTFO? if it goes like that time with selen, elira and rosemi, it will be a stream filled by fails

>> No.73332980

>implying the ARLIVE is anything but prerecorded
well, at least none of them are gacha so there's SOMETHING?

>> No.73333192

>posting a play by play of a streamer they hate
Why do people do this? Don’t you have anyone to watch who you actually enjoy?

>> No.73333432
File: 198 KB, 563x633, 1222361901351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73333499

Shut up. Make a thread dedicated to argue op. Were discussing what NOT to do as a vtuber.

>> No.73333896

Arguing with OP assumes I’m invested enough in Finana to rush to her defence. I don’t engage in hatewatching because I want to actually enjoy my time watching vtubers, something many people /here/ aren’t familiar with.

>> No.73335043

Still a little too traumatized to enjoy streams as is. Slowly working myself back in.
t. Dragoon

>> No.73335377

I'm a bitter former ryuguard still holding on to some hope

>> No.73335755

>Entire post is just deflection

>> No.73336252

>Kiara outfit reveal flop
Which one??? the one that happened a year ago?
The one that had more viewers than Millie and Maria combined and those happened this month?
The one that had more viewers than fungus covid new look and made almost 3 times as much money in super chats?
If that's a flop then I am not sure what nijiEN even is.

>> No.73336498

Don't bully maria. She has the time zone debuff and Niji doesn't bother to support or promote her.

>> No.73338901

Maria seems cute and inoffensive. I hope she ends up alright after all this niji bullshit.

>> No.73339017

not the first black company she's been at, nor the worst
i believe she'll make the most of it and come out okay

>> No.73339193

yo, that's cool and all, but where's my boy, jeff mcbiceps.

>> No.73339312

>stream title
>watching now

>> No.73339634

She's having to skip meals just to pay for her projects. The drama splashed her already bad numbers anyway too. It's a painful situation when Niji isn't supporting or promoting her to help her get traction.

>> No.73339720

Still crazy how many projects she was able to get done. That was like what, 21 songs?

>> No.73339740

>Hololive dont restrict their ya lent dong anything in their pl unlike anycolor is
Please learn to read and write in English before you try to post like this

>> No.73340143

It's hard to really put a pin in it cause she's constantly cooking trying to break out. She has so much more coming.

>> No.73340342
File: 484 KB, 1297x461, finana top 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Finana's defense, management is breathing down all of the talents' necks regarding AR Live (and, well, everything in general). They cannot not pretend that the show is not prerecorded, despite Niji themselves openly stating that it is in the advertisements.
>She also betrayed Zaion
And may have done so under pressure from management, i.e. "Slander her, or join her in the trash bin and expect an 'accidental' leak of your passport." Compare her comments about Zaion with Elira's comments about Selen, and also note the part in the contracts which allows Niji to compel the talents to make press appearances.

I admit that my reasons for supporting Finana in spite of everything else may be a bit selfish. I just want her to do more ASMR content, and I hope she either gets perms from management to do more, or goes indie and does more. And she knows (and the whole world knows) that it's her most popular content, and that she enjoyed making those streams as much as her audience enjoyed listening to them and she may have also "enjoyed" making those streams as much as her audience "enjoyed" listening respectfully to them

>> No.73340856

Nah, I honestly think that was how she felt. It roughly matches up with Zaion's story, too, and she could've easily been mislead by management or other people who actively disliked Sayu after the fact. She's dumb and constantly belts out whatever opinion she heard last, after all.
Don't feel bad for having a heart, though. If you want to support your chuuba and enjoy them, don't let anyone take that enjoyment away from you. Just try not to get too deep if they're menhera. I found that out the hard way.

>> No.73341718

she definitely coomed at the end of that sleeping ASMR

>> No.73341954

She killed any chance of success she had with that offcollab with Sonny, Luca and Ren where she made a twitter voice where she was in bed giggling while the other 3 could be heard in the background.

>> No.73342165

I hope there's fanart at least. I'd love to see her get TP'd.

>> No.73343088

Foreigners like to manipulate images like this for humor. Although, it usually has more pixels attached.

>> No.73343301

This is finana she made this thread in a ditch effort to gain some attention do not click

>> No.73345158

It's funny because before Elira torched her support she could have stood on principle and camaraderie then recovered as an indie after they fired her. Feesh on the other hand had and still has nothing.
Feesh sucked off the groomers you have to let her go man. The ASMR is gone forever. Even if she comes back you're going to get turned off by the desperation evident in it.

>> No.73345420

I don't remember posting this.

>> No.73345705

seeing all the cuck simps for finana in here makes me cringe
she's unpopular because she's a bad person, that's all it is
the sooner you realize this instead of blaming everyone else for her problems and thinking she can be "fixed", the sooner you can escape from being a cuck simp

>> No.73346925

shes doing what pomu did before she graduate traveling = a MV making with scenery

>> No.73347980

L+Ratio improve yourself parasocial fuck

>> No.73351532

Why are you obsessed with her

>> No.73355080

it's a unit of measurement anon, it's not something that changes

>> No.73355386

Your comment says everything about your personality. It's screams im Basic Bitch.

>> No.73355446

Finana needs to fulfil her only purpose in life, being impregnated. She has no other skill

>> No.73360238

Only if it remains funny.
Raditz fell out of favor as a measurement.

>> No.73360548

Haven't watched brapfish since debut. What's the appeal?

>> No.73362792

Now this is a good post

>> No.73364713

It's over 299!

>> No.73364798

None anymore. She stopped making the content people wanted, joined a groomcord, and spammed gacha until she became a unity of measurement.

>> No.73366858

if she goes indi and some of the others like zaion, mint or doki say shes fine she'll get a pass. if not she can get fucked.
by me in the butt

>> No.73366943

All page 10 bumps. Fuck off and let your shitty thread die faggot.

>> No.73368817

just for you since someone else bumped another shitty bait thread and i'm mad

>> No.73370054

It only dies if it hits bump limit, chud

>> No.73370166


>> No.73370362

Fucking graduate already fish

>> No.73370704


>> No.73370711


>> No.73370797


>> No.73371036


>> No.73371238

shut up finana

>> No.73371285


>> No.73371656

Finana is a poop head

>> No.73372939


>> No.73373217

She's the Martin Jannetty of vtubing, using her name as a metric is the biggest achievement of her career.
