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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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73170594 No.73170594 [Reply] [Original]

Let's all hope he gets better soon!
Get better soon, Sonny!

>> No.73170622

*tragically dies of cancer*

>> No.73170689

I hope he's okay. I know he mentioned on stream a couple months back he got really a life-changing injury that flares up a lot in July of 2015 and it only got worse on November 1st of the same year. I really hope his financial situation isn't doing too bad...

>> No.73170725

o o, another Niji graduation/termination incoming

>> No.73170743

I just hope the lawsuit went through. He really deserved some closure.

>> No.73170802

He's alright for a homo. Unless I'm missing something big, I think his biggest controversy while actually *in* Niji was "Pomu my woman".

>> No.73170862
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prayers for my husband's husband to get well soon...

>> No.73170926

He likes death grips that’s pretty based

>> No.73170972

So this totally fully unrelated person named sketchek might be worth looking into if you are a big fan of sonny

>> No.73170994

Looks like he'll be faking his own death again soon

>> No.73171013

Niji talent should REALLY stop lurking here all the time.

>> No.73171026

sketchek is my oshi

>> No.73171029

Doxxfags are really getting flared up over Sonny mogging half of HoloEN

>> No.73171059

I will fix him with cock

>> No.73171112

So any proof of that video being posted exactly on November 1st? Or that he was getting money at all from his YouTube account?

>> No.73171113

Dead incoming?

>> No.73171135

vox shot him dead

>> No.73171158

The guy has one good stream a year but okay, Be proud of your fujoshi fag
It's "Doxing" sister, And the anon clearly said it had nothing to do with sonny so what's the problem?, Have something you wanna share with the class?

>> No.73171228

Why are you so mad? >>73171158

>> No.73171254

>Gets baited in doxxing someone
>Continues to believe the anon wasn't baiting
You doxxfags really got played that hard

>> No.73171278

The guy literally only ever has one good stream a year and you're proud of that?, KEKW

>> No.73171327

>pity baiting
explains the record breaking birthday supa amount, too bad he only gets 2% of all that

>> No.73171332

>Samefag seething and outing themselves as a dox site sister by overreacting to an entirely unrelated name

>> No.73171364


>> No.73171384

>>pity baiting
>explains the record breaking birthday supa amount
It's actually par for the course with this guy, He ALWAYS has a good birthday and the rest of the time is mediocre at best, And he does atleast get 35% of supas cause the cut is the same as it is in holo (meaning he only gets like 8k of the total supas which puts him well below dokibird's earnings for the last month kekw)

>> No.73171398

>So any proof of that video being posted exactly on November 1st?
What video are you talking about? I'm talking about his burn wounds from the accident.

>> No.73171442

it's alright, i'm sure he'll come back again

>> No.73171467

You are so mad you can barely type. And over what? I'm confused.

>> No.73171552
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>> No.73171677


>> No.73171694


>> No.73171729

>the cut is the same as it is in holo
do you actually really believe it

>> No.73171743

NTA but it was a sister who gave this name up in the end in that last thread shitting on Niji. Embarrassing.

>> No.73171781

This nigga come back from the dead and you want to give him a hard time?

>> No.73171786

dude just wants to eat greasy pizza, masturbate to blue archive, and watch pomu. I can respect that.

>> No.73171787

No it wasn't. I saw the faggot literally say "not the sister, here's the dox" then saw him get banned for it. Who are you lying to?

>> No.73171804

She actually made a new thread just to kill off the thread and get the final (wrong) word, guess which thread it was?

>> No.73171835

>I'm not owned YOU'RE owned
>I'm not angry YOU'RE angry
kek okay sis
>Is so deeply triggered they need to prove the troll wrong by taking a screenshot PROVING it was two butthurt retards instead of one
*claps hands slowly*

>> No.73171892

>then saw him get banned for it
DYRBI? also what was shared was an entirely unrelated and unsubstantiated rumor, Why are you getting so triggered at about it?, Is there some info you are dying to share with us here?

>> No.73171957

>Doxxfags seething because they were played by a sister
You can check the archives for the faggot that got banned. Is lying all you can do?

>> No.73172014
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>> No.73172023

I dunno there was a lot of back and forth looked like the sister capitulated at the end from memory.

>> No.73172053 [DELETED] 

I mean i should know that the person who said "not a sister" isn't banned and wasn't even reported.. HOW i know that i will leave you to figure out with your two braincells pagpag ;)
>Doxxfags seething because they were played by a sister
Played how so?, You mongoloids think there is some kind of code of ethics on fucking 4chan of all places, Why are you moralfagging like some inbred tumblrina when this is the old school wild west of the internet?, I don't give a shit about made up rules, I only care about Total Nijifaggot Death and the sooner people find out about groomer reimu and scammer sonny the better

>> No.73172069

>I won't run away again.
>Actually, I want out of here. Time for the YABBA-DABBA-TOMB!

>> No.73172073

If the sister got banned, how was she responding? Ban evasion?

>> No.73172121

Not a sister They were that fucking smilefag that uses, , , at the end of every fucking sentence

>> No.73172135

That sister was bragging about doxx this and doxx that. Sigh. It's all so troublesome.

>> No.73172186

why are you using roleplay asterisks on 4chan

>> No.73172188

This schizo is almost more annoying than the fucking sisters. They're always in some thread or another saying "pagpag" and "gutter oil" Making it super fucking obvious

>> No.73172281

Christ that faggot is annoying. He just spams buzzwords and apes out

>> No.73172363

So you drama faggots are finally done playing good guy and pretending like you don't doxx Nijis for drama? Thank God, that got old 2 months ago

>> No.73172403

As a neutral third party i can say that Smilefag is clearly the only person here with any sense

>> No.73172451

nijifans are known to dox their own people

>> No.73172456

Holofags mind broken that despite being "a 1k shitter", Sonny gets far more in SCs on his birthday than the majority of HoloEN girls. The fact is the average liver is more profitable with SCs than the average HoloEN girl

>> No.73172489

you're the only one mindbroken here lmao, I dare you to show me his superchats from last month

>> No.73172507

>good guys
I mean i'm not on the side that supports a black company that smears former employees and drives them to commit suicide with how draconian and incompetent they are, I think that's a pretty high bump on the """morality""" chart, I also don't support pedos like vox and enna and pedo enablers like Reimu, Scammers like Sonny or insufferable tumblr crybullies like elira shu millie and claude

>> No.73172532

(Me) Meant to reply to >>73172363

>> No.73172536

Everyone knows you're smilefag. Genuine question. How much of these drama bait threads are mostly just (you)? I've got a feeling it's at least 50%

>> No.73172537

Post birthday SCs

>> No.73172612

>Post ONLY the metric that shows my precious scammer boi in a good light please please PLEEEEAAAAAAASSSSEEEEEE
He gets one very special day a year and if it wasn't for you retarded sisters making a big deal about it nobody would have dug in and found out about his scammer past life. You played yourselves so effortlessly

>> No.73172628


>> No.73172643

>I doxx people but I'm more moral than Nijifags. They like people who did horrible shit that I just completely made up

You're a cunt, smilefag. Go back to your hole

>> No.73172668

Spoiler alert 100% of these threads are smilefag. I'm smilefag. You're smilefag. Everyone is smilefag

>> No.73172697

you know i wont be surprised if he fakes his death again to get away from nijisanji lol

>> No.73172740

lmao so much for the only good male vtuber from niji

>> No.73172741

Outing yourself again nycfo ape?, Seriously you inbreds are too easy
>They like people who did horrible shit that I just completely made up
"Just completely made up" Sure whatever helps you sleep at night pagpag ;)

>> No.73172785

Nijifags celebrating that their oshi getting a good birthday stream warrants their oshi getting doxxed? Still waiting on any proof he ever got money from people after he joked about dying

>> No.73173171

wtf is this thread about? Isn't his past widely known already why are nijisisters acting like it's some secret I saw you make jokes about it from debut

>> No.73173309

It's numberfags who are mad he had a birthday stream the same as his 2 other ones. Idk why he's this preoccupied with it but observe these posts

>> No.73173323

If anons mentioning notMagni get banned, why wouldn't anons mentioning notSonny get banned? The mods are faggots, it's the only explanation. Btw I love Ars Alma

>> No.73173402

seething sisters gloat like children for every perceived small victory they get, nobody posted his superchats from last month either lol

>> No.73173403

I see people mention not magni without ban. And I've seen people make jokes about sonny killing himself for literal years
Depends on what exactly is being discussed

>> No.73173586
File: 23 KB, 735x742, pyrostare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh for FUCK's sake, this had better not be a rerun...
What he did isn't something that can be forgiven, but I was willing to forget and assume he's become a better person. If he actually tries to pull that shit again, though, I'm going to hate him forever.

>> No.73173682

Do you actually think he's pulling it again? OP is just seething that the legendary blonde Phoenix is successful and made more in one day than most Holos make in a week

>> No.73173742

yea but it would be really funny if he did it again

>> No.73173750

Are nijifags numberfagging again? Is it insecurity?

>> No.73173806

Nah. The numberfags are insecure so if you point out how retarded looking at "muh noombers" is by beating them at your own game, they melt down. Which is why they're just doxxing Sonny's PL now

>> No.73173824

Who the hell is smilefag? You make him sound like the boogeyman?

>> No.73173853

I am gonna be serious here. You don't have to worry about that. he was in a very bad mental state and very young when he did that. he's grown up now and is in a much better head space. He's vaguely talked about that stuff before and he deeply regrets it. He loves his current job right now and is satisfied with everything at the moment. He's just happy and I am happy that he is

>> No.73173866

I think they mental block how much Mumei made in a day and brag for some reason...

>> No.73173881

But you are literally being a numberfag sis...?

>> No.73174015
File: 819 KB, 1406x1012, 5645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh lol

>> No.73174024

He's an anon in every drama thread spamming buzzwords like pagpag or jarka, uses quotes like this """"""" and sometimes includes a smile face ;). If a sister responds to him, he'll start using all caps like he has tourettes. It's a fun game to play when you're getting bored of the drama. Just play find smilefag

>> No.73174083

Using numbers to destroy the numberfag would make me a numberfag depending on how you interpret it. Noombers are a fucking stupid metric of quality so I don't care. It's just funny looking at the monkeys get angry

>> No.73174137

literally 80% of those are karaoke streams...the comparison is stupid

>> No.73174370

Failing to see the difference of you numberfagging over sc with any other numberfag. Sounds like a numberfag in denial. And considering the guy's normal sc, pretty pointless too >>73174015

>> No.73174470

>Sonny is sick
Yeah me too

>> No.73174715

If I'm a numberfag, this board turned me into one. Sonny mogged everyone else in council . The one exception doesn't matter

>> No.73175656
File: 187 KB, 300x359, pyroproval.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad to hear the vtubing thing is working out for him—I suppose it makes sense he'd benefit from a fresh start.
Does he still do crazy Axtinguisher combos?

>> No.73175755


>> No.73176182

just compare his bday stream # to holoen bday! sisters will gtfo here immediately

>> No.73176758

I'm keeping this

>> No.73177050

Sorry but I'm not very familiar with tf2 combos whenever he plays it on stream but he plays it the way he enjoys the most which is to get funny kills and plays

>> No.73177937

Yes he does he almost only plays pyro still
