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73118868 No.73118868 [Reply] [Original]

She has an American flag in her room when she's:
-Not American
-Living in Japan

Why? Why do retarded people like her do stupid shit like this?

>> No.73118935

Because America is the greatest nation on earth and Jesus's favorite country and if you disagree you're a faggot terrorist commie

>> No.73119046

Nice bait thread although having a [country flag] on your property is always cringe, that's true.

Greatest at ruining their own citizens' lives maybe.

>> No.73119055

not realistic, she is not balding.

>> No.73119105

Have you counted the stars? That's not the regular US flag

>> No.73119111

A real thread died for this

>> No.73119166

Why? Why do retarded people like OP make stupid threads like this?

>> No.73119270


>> No.73119282

holy snowflake

>> No.73119314

it's ironic you fucking weeb

>> No.73119379

Sorry you're in the third world. I understand how hard it can be to cope, I don't hold your lashing out against you.

>> No.73119477

It is. 5 rows of 6 stars, 4 rows of 5.

>> No.73119537

Whose attic is she living in?

>> No.73119562

>t. self-hating gaylord wiggerfaggot
Here europoor. I'll now buy american flag and hang it in my room for your butthurt and to thank the greatest nation for making our oceans safe, killing all shades of brown people and for winning second world war

>> No.73119665

You seem to be living in a lot of ignorance about your country which is par for the course for the average American. You couldn't pay me enough to live in your hellhole.

>> No.73119730

I wonder how she feels knowing people she grew up and went to school with are most likely now dead.

>> No.73119864

Poor with historic knowledge? It shows.

>> No.73119865

>making our oceans safe
>killing all shades of brown people
More like praising all forms of nigger people and their culture.
>winning second world war
That shit happened over 80 years ago and doesn't affect your daily life whatsoever. Get a grip.
I'm not even a Europoor.

>> No.73119924

that's asmongold's room, retard.

>> No.73119967

If a state secedes or gets annexed, where would the star be removed from or added to?

>> No.73119986
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>> No.73120155

are you russian? They send you like 20000 tanks in Lend-Lease. Without them your commisars would throw mongols at them until your motherland bleeds out

>> No.73120172

If you live in Europe or SEA there's a good chance you don't get paid at all!

>> No.73120247
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Heh, you looked

>> No.73120374

Eastern Euros(not to be confused with Western Asians) typically like US more than Western Euros.
Until America went full faggot at least

>> No.73120587

Weird cope for a country where 75% of its people struggle to make ends meet every month. Not defending SEA though, they're subhuman and deserve poverty.

>> No.73120702

Oh my god you actually are a seething European. What happened an American fuck your girlfriend?

>> No.73120711
File: 668 KB, 1067x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anny literally copies other streamers rooms and adds her shit
This is Asmon's

>> No.73120951

The room in OP is Asmon's room

>> No.73121014

Please stop coping. I already said I'm not a Europoor. You won't believe me, of course, because it's all you have. Sad, really.

>> No.73121079

I mean its more then you have which is..... Unending seething that some one dared to have a flag in their room?

>> No.73121175

american flags are the cheapest flags you can buy since they're always in demand

>> No.73121314

Not living in America is actually one of the biggest things I have, along with an education. If you live in America, everything works against you and just generally fucks your life up without you even knowing.

>> No.73121471

Your not explaining why your seething about this though. Your just venting your feelings on America like anyone cares. What is the actual issue with someone having an American flag in their room?

>> No.73121497

Dunno about you, but I have a cushy WFH job, make a shit ton of money, own a house. If the best thing you have going for you is that you don't live in america, I'm truly sorry for you, and hope you get better soon.

>> No.73121559

If you are not european or not american then noone gives a shit about some random Pajeet's opinion

>> No.73121594

this but unironically im not even religious
kill yourself third world trash

>> No.73121780
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>> No.73121866

i am a german-boo and i am not german
i want to learn german tho
in my case, is called "being a history nerd"

>> No.73121888

The architecture (not the decoration) looks exactly the same. Is she staying in the same house or what? Part of a deal of the streamer network that guy has?

>> No.73122003

America is the greatest ally of Ukraine (for now)

>> No.73122092

It's the height of conceit. Everyone knows you're American, you really don't need to remind them with a flag visible for the duration of stream. Goes for any country really, not just America but Americans are the ones who do it the most commonly. They claim to love their country and make outlandish claims about how "it's the greatest country in the world" and don't even acknowledge the countless detriments that it has. It happens every time and this thread is proof. If you're proud of your country, you wouldn't need to tell everyone at every opportunity and you'd actively work to make it a better place to live in; this is never the case with Americans. It's become a symbol of ignorance and conceit instead of nationalistic pride and I'm sick of pretending it's not.

>> No.73122490

It's called Photoshop

>> No.73122603


>> No.73122816

your so deeply mentally ill

>> No.73123037

americans are free to express themselves. They have right to be proud of their history and nationality, and be happy to appreciate natural wonders of their country and innovations of their people. Same way I can be proud that us poles we was hussars 'n shit
Corporations told you to drop patriotism, religion and family values, so your only satisfaction can be achieved with consumerism, but this doesn't mean that you can shit on my board

>> No.73123083

Because as any cuckrainian she's gonna suck murica's dick until their nation stop existing.

>> No.73123380

knowing there's people like you constantly seething makes me love my country even more

>> No.73123471

My walls and desk are completely barren. How do people fill their rooms/houses with shit?

>> No.73123620

I honestly feel sorry for you if you think America is a good place to live in.

>> No.73123947

I hate this but it's true

>> No.73124006

lol, lmao even

>> No.73124078
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>> No.73124171

you must be blind and/or deaf because on the internet you'll find more Americans shitting on the US than Americans praising it
whether or not they're mostly foreign agents trying to cause division to break up the Union is up for debate but still

>> No.73124803

>internet opinions meaning jack shit
I'm talking about the real world here buddy, try to keep up.

>> No.73126795


>> No.73127054

>Until America went full faggot at least
it's still less faggoty than Canada and most of western yurop, but that's not saying much

>> No.73127155


>> No.73127583

Anny has a super autist fan that carefully renders streamers rooms in 3D and fills them with Anny references. Asmongold actually reacted to this.

>> No.73127882

FACT: America invented freedom; the concept of freedom simply did not exist in the collective consciousness before July 4th, 1776.

>> No.73128254


>> No.73129972

This is it, be a real American op
>t. Argentinian

>> No.73130215

Fucking a right son god loves you damn right lol

>> No.73130619
File: 88 KB, 907x739, Poko Murica [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ft2l7i7.ogg].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73131918

holy pickme

>> No.73133027

>And I'm going to feel really really sorry when the sweet sweet freedom juice known as your brainmatter is splattered agaisnt the wall in the names of Coca-Cola, Ronald McDonald, your local Walmart, Jesus, and best of all, Jake from State Farm.
>Get murrica'd son.

>> No.73139979


>ukranian nazi
>us flag


>> No.73145942

>mutts believe this

>> No.73146411

cry some more

>> No.73146717


>> No.73147017
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Fuck yeah

>> No.73149950

I bet you can't be seen at night

>> No.73153041

annys a whore but id still fuck her

>> No.73153455

>make outlandish claims about how "it's the greatest country in the world"
Name a greater country

>> No.73155023

I've never moved out of Ohio and I kinda hate this country.

>> No.73155164

what are you, a fucking commie? it's because she's based and loves America, the way any sane person does

>> No.73156199
File: 2.45 MB, 720x406, Watamerica [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ftxob1e.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll drink a glass of american corn syrup to that, brother.

>> No.73156316
File: 60 KB, 587x613, e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America owns Japan, BITCH!

>> No.73157574

This but unironically, the US has 85 military facilities in Japan

Japan has 62 military facilities in Japan

Literally a colony

>> No.73158314
File: 1.33 MB, 608x1080, 1710031160053275.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah brother you tell 'em

>> No.73158374


>> No.73158418

Our women are so fucking disgusting jesus christ

>> No.73160231
File: 337 KB, 695x628, Patriot Shark[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fusl1pr.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73160619
File: 328 KB, 390x390, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lick my boots whitey. Your entire consooooomer economy would fall to its fat, mobility scooter required knees without me.

>> No.73160904

gib more taxpayer dollars to israel and jewgraine

>> No.73160953

average /lig/ chuuba

>> No.73162773
File: 497 KB, 1079x765, SupYall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73163064

Reminder: this dysgenic retard killed his mom

>> No.73163556

She is one of the rare cases where calling her retarded is a compliment
Shes genuinely fully braindead
Your "country" is entitely immigrants and worker slaves you brainwashed little mongrel
You have less rights than a pakistani prostitute

>> No.73163620

t. Europoor

>> No.73163754

Mate my house is older than your stay in the colonies.
Your pasty ass isnt even mixed native.
You are fucking european.

>> No.73164225


>> No.73166062


>> No.73166249

She has backgrounds based on Asmon's room, Forsen's room and Cr1TiKaL's room.

>> No.73166381

>my house is hundreds of years old
Is this a flex...?

>> No.73168827

Yes because we built stuff that lasts unlike your cardoard shit in little china

>> No.73168966


>> No.73169021

This is unironically true. She probably put it up to ward away terrorists, communists, and vampires.

>> No.73169044

Is that why I see Brits constantly complaining about the inescapable heat of summer because their houses are built to retain heat and are too old for central AC? Because they built stuff so good?

>> No.73169158

British summer lasts like 2 weeks, how could it be constant?

>> No.73169219

Wtf, is this fucking asmon's room?

>> No.73169392

The country? Yep, absolutely. The people? Nah, not now.

>> No.73169443

obviously not because there isn't a sea of garbage and dead rats

>> No.73169468

is she living with asmongold

>> No.73169529

No mere mortal can live with Asmon lol

>> No.73169592

Bro's a millionaire and chooses to live like that. Fucking hell.

>> No.73169645

This makes Japan the second best and our greatest ally.

>> No.73169649

Had her 3d modeller remake Asmons room in blender. He's done a few other streamers rooms for her too.

>> No.73169708

>our greatest ally is that country we nuked
good luck

>> No.73170940

Yes. Problem?

>> No.73170998

this has your answers

>> No.73171036
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>> No.73171417

They weren't memeing by the way, I chatted with a few JP dudes in my half-ass Japanese when I was in Japan and they think that Americans are the coolest fucking dudes on the planet

>> No.73171463

>remade asmon’s room but gay
shes fucking asmongold isnt she

>> No.73171790
File: 523 KB, 747x416, 84-0754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And forsen, xqc and charlie too if that's what it means.

>> No.73172646

No, she's fucking SEAniggers. Yes, really. Her current and ex-bfs are SEA.

>> No.73173044

Is this retarded actually trying to turn his dogshit paper houses that need 365 heating/cooling into a flex

>> No.73173072

The thread should've stopped here

>> No.73175469


>> No.73175504

Looks like an Asmon reference

>> No.73179457

>-Living in Japan
Whats up with prostitutes from slavic countries going to japan?
Do they get paid more there?

>> No.73180290
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>> No.73180693

american flag is aesthetic as fuck. i dare you to name a flag that looks better on bikinis than the american flag.

>> No.73180784

>American commie seething

>> No.73180807

flag bikinis look raunchy as fuck

>> No.73180871

There are non-Americans on this board and thats crazy to me

>> No.73180903

daily reminder that immigrant worker slaves get paid more in the USA than euro natives in their own countries

>> No.73180952

and that money gets you fuck all in america

>> No.73181242

Dangerously Based

>> No.73181339
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>> No.73181481

