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73044337 No.73044337 [Reply] [Original]

So? When is the next colab? They are friends? Right?

>> No.73044703

Mint Hates Dookiebird

>> No.73044763

Mint doesn't follow Doki anymore, they stopped being friend after what she did to Elira.

>> No.73044794

When are you idiots gonna realize that Mint was always part of Za Clikku?

>> No.73044866

Uh… they are always streaming with each other. Now stop spewing lies, sisters.

>> No.73044913

Pomu always treated Selen with an arms reach approach, even encouraging the Pufferfish ship (with feesh) moreso than anything between them. Whereas Selen towards the tail end of her time in EN, was floundering with connections. Even people you once thought to be tight with her (Vox, Ike) ended up against her upon departure. If any form of collab happens, it's either Twitch Rivals or Vshojo+ tournament related.

>> No.73044934

another bait thread?
I hope Riku pays you well, sisters.

>> No.73044967

I'm not your sister

>> No.73045077

I am not your sis, pal.

>> No.73045250

Yeah, it's almost like Selen completely made up her getting bullied because she also always streamed with Enna and Vox

>> No.73045255

>collab begging
Rope yourself.

>> No.73045395

Stop posting it's a bad look Enna

>> No.73045456
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go to sleep sister

>> No.73045457

>Yeah, it's almost like Nijisanji completely made up Selen getting bullied
In their efforts to slander Doki, sisters keep forgetting that all of the allegations came from Nijisanji reporting themselves.

>> No.73045567

Apparently everyone for got about their dynamic duo. Let me remind them again…


>> No.73045908

you mean that the allegations were made public by nijisanji, not that the allegations were made by nijisanji

the proper source of the allegations was selen, with nijisanji disclosing the allegations among other things in the termination notice

>> No.73045929

I am not your pal, you poketard

>> No.73045985

Give it a few months. Doki hasn't even responded publicly to NijiJP people who've reached out, including her old oshi notChihiro. I think she's worried about sending hate their way (for good reason. The sisters would probably crush the little spirit Mint has left.)

>> No.73046035

She said in her last minecraft stream how she wanted to go on one more adventure with Selen. That was the only mention of her at all by any organ after christmas.

>> No.73046081

You might want to read that again and think about what it actually means for your argument.

>> No.73046109

I am not your pal, friend.

>> No.73046131

4 bait thread in 30 minutes. I'm gonna complain to SEA middle school teacher, when I was 14 I would get way more homework.
Then again with this average intelligence, can't blame them for giving up on their youth.

>> No.73046190

Its so funny seeing dookiefags change their rrats in real time, they're now going hard on this one >>73045457 lmao. It must be embarrassing realizing they got played by some fat whale.

>> No.73046221
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>> No.73046230

I'm not your friend, buddy.

>> No.73046317

I'm not your buddy, guy

>> No.73046329

>t. Sister self quoting in the desperate hope she can win something in life, because once the pc is off she has to accept nothing will ever be true and her life is sad.

>> No.73046428

Reading is too hard for them. This are lines fed to them by someone on the doxxserver to repost. Probably the guy is laughing at how much of clowns they look repeating shit over and over again only to be always proven wrong.
Even Niji gave up recovering the west. They are angry no one is fighting anymore but them on /here/.

>> No.73046592

It means that Nijisanji knew that Selen would publicly accuse them because she said so and they are confident that they're innocent so they explained what actually happened.

>> No.73046861

I wouldn't put it past Niji to stipulate in their contract that graduated talents can't collab with each other for x amount of years

>> No.73046864

Yeah, so innocent, who am I gonna believe, one 14yo on /here/ or all the west responding to them how stupid and unbelievable that was?
Clown, continue dancing, you are here to do so and you may never stop, this is your life now.

>> No.73047016

You ruined it. That post was comedy gold if you just left it alone as the punchline.

>> No.73047059

Damn, doxxsissies going all out today. I guess it's Saturday somewhere

>> No.73047105

>All the west
You mean retarded , chronically online anime fans that jump on a witch hunt because they have nothing going on in their lives?

>> No.73047132

Im not your guy hermano

>> No.73047652

>dookiefag afraid of quoting
Lol, (you)'s are not that important anon you can quote people.

>> No.73048373

>When is the next colab?
Probably never
>They are friends?
Not anymore, both most likely moved on. That's just life, friends grow apart.

>> No.73048407

You underestimate the values of (You)s, fledgling investor.

>> No.73049598

That'd be nice. I really enjoyed their collabs in Niji. The fact they never got to say goodbye on stream feels like shit, honestly.

>> No.73049864

I’m not making an argument for or against selen or nijisanji, but this oft repeated line of misinterpretation that the allegations came from nijisanji is completely incorrect—nijisanji is not alleging abuse by themselves, they are disclosing that selen believed there was abuse. that’s all

when this topic comes up I’m just not sure what people’s angle is when I see the sentiment that nijisanji has somehow mistakenly self snitched. the whole point of releasing a termination notice like that is to disclose why a top talent is leaving on bad terms. they described selen’s point of view, including allegations of abuse, and they described their own point of view, describing employee misconduct

>> No.73049932

my oshi would never collab with that whore

>> No.73049931

Have any of you considered that maybe Doki herself told them(Ex-NijiENs) not to mention her and to even leave her alone?

>> No.73050077

two more weeks

>> No.73050146

Doki might want to collab with pomu and vice versa. But if pomu indeed applied for hololive then she's trying her best to avoid potential drama from nijisisters so who knows really. I just think she might be avoiding drama since selen is blacklisted in Japan. And Japan is autistic with corpo rules.

>> No.73050335

Why can't people admit they just grew apart? It happens to friends all the time.

>> No.73050337

Is that why she's tying herself to other ex Nijis like Mata? Is she applying for Hololive despite working with Vshoujo? Retarded rrat

>> No.73050484

Matara didn't caused Nijisanji to implode sorry but retarded take look at yourself in the mirror sometimes.

>> No.73050625

Sisters still peddling bullshit as if Mint is still somehow loyal to the Nijisanji brand.
Retards, she fucked off. She graduated. She herself endured some bullshit of her own, and that's why she quit. Her imposter syndrome is worse that it has ever been.

>> No.73050647

But then they would stop responding and open another thread. I'm having fun seeing them clowining themselves over the fact
>it's still 0 days since the last nijiyab
>It's 2 months Doki has indeed move on
>It's 48 hours sicne the sis are now harrassing the Minto because Mint is not dying on their sword like every mentally sane person expected.

>> No.73050670

Ah, okay. If you just wanted to expand on information and isn't arguing the Niji side then this makes sense.
One of the things that Nijisisters keep trying to do is painting the "what if Selen lied?" narrative. My point is to reinforce that most of Nijisanji's backlash came from statements that Niji themselves released, whether it's the termination document or the black screen video. Selen/Doki herself has said very little about Nijisanji, mostly just responding to stuff they had said and done, so this whole "Selen might have lied" shit they keep peddling makes no sense whatsoever.
I thought you were the same guy that I responded to, but if you are someone different and isn't taking sides then my apologies.

>> No.73051289

Is that why she spends most of her free time with her Niji friends? Except Doki and Sayu, of course.

>> No.73051601

>making shit up
Let me educate you real quick. She was studying and having sex with her idol oshis, a bunch of maids, Kiara, Fuwamoco and Matara

>> No.73051639

>My point is to reinforce that most of Nijisanji's backlash came from statements that Niji themselves released

In which it isn't because Selen was the one who started claiming she was pushed to suicide by the company and that's what people were talking about while ignoring Niji's argument unless they want to just shit on them for defending themselves at all

>> No.73051705

mint is literally mein fuhrer elira's right hand man so no.

>> No.73051919

Then why did she leave?

>> No.73052010

>Millie is forgotten even by the sisters

>> No.73052028

This has to be a fucking bot I swear to god like half of the posts with "sisters" or "sis" included read like NPC text

>> No.73052354

>as if Mint is still loyal to the Nijisanji brand
>is that why she hangs out with her ex-coworkers, who are not affiliated with Niji as a company and brand?
I have a hard time believing someone is this retarded

>> No.73052472

Dramabird doesn't deserve a collab with her

>> No.73052633

I agree, enna doesn't deserve a collab with her

>> No.73052871

probably wake up preparing for school,you know sister are full of underage teenager

>> No.73052929

You do know about the podcast right?

>> No.73052999

I’ve considered it but there is 0 evidence so it doesn’t matter.

>> No.73053117
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At least use Dookieturd, retard. Dramabird is a complete non-sequitur

>> No.73053202

>You might want to read that again
read? sister read? all they know is that vox said "there is no harrasment in ba sing tse" then their vagine become wet,thats all they know.

>> No.73053340

>0 evidence
Doki not interacting or mentioning any Ex-NijiENs since being terminated isn't evidence? (Exception for U-san they don't count)

>> No.73053444

lol,lmao even,the reason pomu wont collab with the doki because of matara,holo got nothing to do with ex niji,but MATARA are different story,she was in niji just like doki,then why she act like doki didnt exist? reason is simple she is part of clique.

>> No.73053697

wear your hazmat go to twitter and look at nijisister,there is no point of using logic with them

>> No.73053860

>>is not a problem if mint cant collab with dookiebird, i bet she can collab with rosemi once she grad-aaaccck


>> No.73054590

What did nijisanji do this time?

>> No.73056657

slandering your active talents, even coercing them into committing career suicide and drawing the higher-ups' ire by sabotaging the literal fucking CEO's public statement is not "defending yourself"
it's the same absolutely unqualified behavior and sabotage of the company and it's talents the English management have been doing for years

>> No.73056696

Imagine chat GPT but trained only on brown /vt/ posters, kek.

>> No.73057531 [DELETED] 
File: 3.86 MB, 360x360, sing[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fhcyg4u.m4a].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

15 more minutes

>> No.73058971

You don't need to be loyal to not lie for attention. Why do you think everyone who graduated except Yugo is pretending Sayu and Doki don't exist?

>> No.73059229

>slandering your active talents
They didn't do that, they said they were innocent. Selen said the opposite so she defamed them. It's that easy

>> No.73059357


>> No.73059468
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>coercing them into committing career suicide Kek imagine thinking that Elira didn't do that completely of her own will

>> No.73059741

>Selen said the opposite so she defamed them.
Selen never said the talents were guilty though

>> No.73060016

Not a sister, but Mint is still acting like she's in Nijisanji. Matara relaunched her career, and Maria congratulated her on Twitter as well. Mint has clearly come down on a side here. She could have gone truly independent and stayed out of things, or picked Doki to orbit, but she chose to jump back into bed with the clique.

Needless to say, I'm disappointed. She gains nothing by cuddling up to these people and blew her chance at a fresh start. She's a doormat.

>> No.73060579

Given that Mintmu is groomed by the cockroach bitch, I don't think it's happening any time soon. I don't say that Mint is bad, she's just really bad at chosing friends, first Elira, then Kiara and now the cockroach.

>> No.73060786


>> No.73063806

one day.....

>> No.73063848

You may not be a sister, but boy are you a fucking retard

>> No.73065033

>blacklisted in japan
>just got invited to an apex tourney with JP pros
>towa was on the same tourney
>not a single niji was invited

>> No.73066312

The folowing day after Mint has her collab with Lazulight, which should not take much longer since delusional sisters like you seem to believe Mint is still part of Lazulight

>> No.73069008


>> No.73069192

If they collab I hope it is on the day NijiEN collapses. Would absolutely cement themselves as legends.

>> No.73069276

Why do you lie?

>> No.73069734

Sisters, Dookiewhore sang all these evil songs with cryptic messages, she's still taunting Niji!
How dare she mog our dear leader Millie's new outfit stream RRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!

>> No.73069736

As an unbiased neutral party i gotta say the nijifans are really winning me over....to doki's side

>> No.73070020

Sweet fuck! Doki's scuffed karaoke afterparty waiting room is mogging her

>> No.73072809

does she?

>> No.73073410

No, but they grew apart.

>> No.73076494

Dunno, nobody knows. They haven't talked about each other. I doubt they hate each other, but either way it's for the best right now. Doki at least had 2 months to stabilize, Mint is probably going to need at least that much just to convince herself to stay.

>> No.73076715

You don't need to for it to be defamation.if I point at your house and say the guy in the house did it, it's still an accusation

>> No.73076865

Just shut the fuck up man. god damn.

>> No.73076895

friendly reminder that every rrat pointing at female talents to deflect blame from the managers came from "nijisisters" that toootally wasn't managers glowing like the fucking sun

>> No.73077093

she didn't. Nijisanji pointed to themselves and painted a target on their backs.

>> No.73079319


>> No.73079690

Pr stunt. Riku made her say that. He was behind her rubbing her shoulders as tears streamed down her face.

>> No.73080240

That'd be so fucked if so considering they wouldn't even give her a slide on pomu's awkward farewell powerpoint.

>> No.73080383

If it was PR by Riku, then why didn't the other 30-odd EN members also mention Selen?

>> No.73080449

>it's for the best right now
nah,its actually the worst,specially for mint,ppl are questioning about mint/pomu with her absolutely avoiding doki,thats why theres not many support on mint,ppl are still on fence

>> No.73081174

I think you're vastly overestimating the influence of the rrats on /vt/. The average stream-watching pomudachi doesn't know or care about the whole clique thing, but the sisters care very much.
Doki not having public contact with niji is really for the best for her if they want her to not be harassed by the sisters.

>> No.73081253

From how mint was talking it sounds like she's trying to join another corpo. A lot of corpos don't like controversy, and Doki is a walking controversy since she is in bad terms with Nijisanji.

>> No.73081438

Considering how Mint seems torn on whether to stay indie or not, I'm not sure if this is something that really concerns her yet.

>> No.73081449

>think you're vastly overestimating the influence of the rrats on /vt/
no,you are underestimating the impact of niji shitshow for the good(like helping both doki and sayu) and for the bad(basically divided niji into 2 sides) specially with so many ex niji that already out from company when one like unnamed are fine with doki instantly collab,while both matara and pomu not even try to "interacting" with her,not even a simple tweet,the answer is not that complicated and ppl are not as dumb as nijisister

>> No.73081546

well she can just say hello to her frienb right? whats the big deal "hi doki"? well it is a BIG DEAL if she want to make sure she is on the clique side with matara and elira and its actually making it easier for her if she just act normal with doki,whats the problem? because the only one who will get UPSET with her talk with doki is the clique and nijisister

>> No.73081591

>say "hi doki"

>> No.73081597

It's a big deal because it paints a target on her back, and she's already dealing with her own antis, while also having over a year of watching Sayu's. I don't know how committed Mint is right now, but I don't think it's good to send any extra hate her way unless she's ready for it.

>> No.73081724

That grifter whore Matara killed any chance of it ever happening.

>> No.73081725

This plus if she's actually being groomed for Holo the last thing she wants/needs is controversy, her personal feelings notwithstanding.

>> No.73082055

>Doki is a walking controversy
Is she though? I mean, maybe for the VTCorpoEN side of things, but for other Non-VTcorpos, they don't care or even support her. Doki was in an Apex JP tournament with Towa. In reality, no one gives a fuck about this. Although you may be right about Mint, I think a simpler answer to all of this is that they (Doki/Mint) grew apart. Everyone /here/ is just overcomplicating things.

>> No.73082138

They have a point though. It's really weird that she chose to associate herself with trash like Matara. I don't trust that disgusting roach with anything.

>> No.73082408

No, they said they didn't and Selen said they actually did and it was so bad, she an hero'd over it. Think for yourself, sheep

>> No.73082508
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yeah and absolutely nobody believed them.
Then they doubled down and did it again. And people not only didn't believe them, but they actively started hating them, while the little viewership they'd gained almost all immediately left within weeks. Karma really does exist.

>> No.73082634
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>> No.73082675

>Nijisisters are using this to shit on Ex-talents and cause division.
>Dramafags are using this to create more drama and rrats.
>Old fans are blinded by nostalgia to see that both of them are no longer in touch and have moved on.
What a thread. You retards are over overcomplicating this.

>> No.73082712

Autism the post

>> No.73082730

This. Doki and her most likely talked behind the scenes, but they are smart enough to know that public contact will just bring the retards you can find in this thread - just scroll and look at their seething. They have nothing better to do than hate and mob up on others, smart people avoid even dealing with such types when avoidable.

>> No.73082824
File: 34 KB, 320x426, what-was-reze-fans-even-expecting-v0-3aka3qhk9jmc1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your opinion relies on what the majority think, that makes you a sheep. You always talk about what others believe because you want to shift into the crowd and throw stones with everyone else. Dokifags are cowards. Karma has already come for you lying menhera. No one watches the streams she actually likes doing like Apex so she has to constantly pump out streams that inflate her numbers. Her manager ruined her chance of appearing in her dream convention by never telling her about it. Her exNiji friends ignore her and probably hate her too. It won't be too long before she goes mask off now

>> No.73082881

NTA but Cope and Seethe. And nice fanfiction btw.

>> No.73083085
File: 112 KB, 490x367, blackcompaniesonly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek. seethe
what is this fanfiction? Are you seriously going to try to promote that one random con tweet as some kind of gotcha? the tweet right before she said she gets so many con invites that she needed to restructure how she handled shit in order to be more on top of things? While she's getting sponsorships and promotions out the ass even 2 months after the drama wore off and nobody gives a shit about it anymore? You're hilarious. You do know that her manager doesn't even have her as his main job, right? She's just a side gig for him.

>> No.73083178

If she well and truly is thinking about applying to Cover as people are speculating, then she has to go into it with the least amount of baggage possible. She already might not be in a great position to begin with due to being a graduated talent from a now controversial branch, but Cover and Anycolor are still relatively close Japanese companies who don't really want to rock the boat. Interacting with a terminated talent (even though it was for bullshit reasons) and provoking the wrath of NijiEN's dox-happy fanbase will only make it even more difficult for Cover to consider hiring her.
But this theory falls apart when you really think about it for more than 5 seconds, considering she's still interacting with Matara, another ex Niji talent who isn't afraid to throw shade at her former employer and potentially piss off her old fans. So that also brings in its own baggage for Cover to consider. That and NijiEN talents seem to be in their own weird camps, Doki follows U-san but not Matara, Mint follows Matara but not U-san, U-san follows Doki but also notKyo, it's just a confusing mess.

I could believe the idea of people growing apart, that's just a part of life. What makes it confusing on whether that's really the case is due to the fact that it follows after Selen's suicide attempt, her firing, and how most of her ex-coworkers/friends attempted to defame her in an attempt to prevent her solo career from getting off the ground. After all that happened, it's difficult to imagine it was as simple as "their personal lives got busy, they didn't have time for each other, and eventually they peacefully moved on".

>> No.73083184
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>Karma has already come for you lying menhera... It won't be too long before she goes mask off now...

>> No.73083411

from what I recall, the two of them slowed down on collabs mid-way through 2023. They use to collab like 3 times a month, but then it went down to 1, rarely 2. think there was one month where they didnt collab at all

>> No.73083563
File: 52 KB, 640x869, stopschizoposting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the tweet right before she said she gets so many con invites that she needed to restructure how she handled shit in order to be more on top of things?

Just checked and she never said this. Funny how you sheep like to lie and other brainwashed retards too lazy to figure shit out by themselves just believe it. No one gives a dick about promotions and sponsorships and if her manager sucks so much he's only doing it part time and is failing, he should be sacked. Doki loves wasting money on pointless horseshit though so her well will dry up in around a year to a year and a half

>> No.73083623

Like I said, Dokifags are cowards. Look at how they reply to people without quoting them. You're anonymous, you retard. Why the fuck are you still hiding?

>> No.73083640

>After all that happened, it's difficult to imagine it was as simple as "their personal lives got busy, they didn't have time for each other, and eventually they peacefully moved on".
Ogey I'll bite. So what if things got messy? That shit happens all the time. It may not have been dramatic but more of a falling out.

>> No.73083666
File: 1.00 MB, 1366x768, selenscheduleweek1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to be fair, both of them seemed to be EXTREMELY depressed throughout 2023. Apex is Doki/selen's comfort game, as well as the filler game she chose when perms for her schedule get revoked/refused, and you can sort of get a handle on how sad she is by how much she plays it.
By the end of 2023 her schedules looked more like the joke schedule in her debut stream.

>> No.73083747

(You) are /here/ why aren't (You) out /there/ posting this shit? Oh, I know why it's because (You) are the coward. :D

>> No.73083785
File: 30 KB, 600x362, firefox_uRvgiK7eWq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you really didn't look very hard, did you?

>> No.73083797

>her well will dry up in around a year to a year and a half
Two more weeks right sister? :D

>> No.73083847

>why aren't (You) out /there/ posting this shit?
I am meanwhile you're too scared to respond to people even while you're anonymous. Funny

>> No.73083879

lmao seethe

>> No.73083918

Thier trolling. They can't be this retarded. Just move on.

>> No.73083968

Yeah, it's all the convention offers she missed because her manager is retarded. A fucking month late so all the conventions just proceeded without her then she later had a small breakdown over it. Both her and her manager are incompetent, this is a fact

>> No.73083974
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whoops, wrong quote. That one just shows you being full of shit about the cons. This one shows her restructuring. Also her manager has separate duties on top of his main (real) job of managing an esports team. A lot of her networking IS done personally, and her manager obviously doesn't have access to some of her personal e-mail accounts, as foreign as this might sound to a Lucub. She's likely going to need to hire more staff soon.
nah we don't want to give you the satisfaction of a (you).

>> No.73084023

I fucked your mom that's a fact.

>> No.73084153
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>It hasn't been easy doing this all of my own
So what happened to her manager, buddy? Didn't she hire the help? Why isn't the help helping?

>> No.73084177

>what happened to her manager, buddy?
Busy fucking your whore mother.

>> No.73084263

Busy getting her sponsorships, setting up her PO box, helping her coordinate the merch store, preparing to do ASMR as part of her charity rewards, helping her with networking and getting her into a japanese tournament (that kicked out every prior nijisanji participant)

>> No.73084334

Scared hidey boy. Fuck Dooki and fuck anybody who shills that annoying bitch

>> No.73084377

Stay mad lmao

>> No.73084413
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but enough about elira and millie

>> No.73084447

remember how dragoons complained that niji management wasnt doing their job with letting her know about deadlines for things like voicepacks, and that if selen had been allowed to hire her own manager, there wouldnt be any problems?
well now she has her own management team and yet shes still missing these emails
hmmm, i wonder where the problem truly lies

>> No.73084465

>Just two more weeks Doki will fail
>They've been saying this for over 2 months

>> No.73084502

maybe the fatty should stop putting so much food on her plate if she cant eat it before it goes bad

>> No.73084528

>Miss one convention due to so many opportunities
Turely suffering from success.

>> No.73084539
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Yeah fuck Hololive. Only Dooki matters.

>> No.73084550

Apparently he was doing all this but never bothered to check her emails? He was too busy to click a button a read for a month? Hilarious

Also that Japanese tournament never had Niji members in it in the first place. In case you haven't noticed, Apex is a dead game that no one plays or watched anymore

>> No.73084570

>Spamming on cool own
Seethe and cope

>> No.73084578

>Just two more weeks Niji will fail
>They've been saying this for years

>> No.73084596

>one convention
more than one

>> No.73084613
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>Spamming on cool down
Seethe and cope. Dooki is our savior.

>> No.73084624

Ah, so you have outed yourself as a Nijinigger.

>> No.73084634

Newsflash: Indie with part time manager occasionally fails as badly as major corp whose main business is talent management. Corp absolved.

>> No.73084654

Here is your last (You) stay seething.

>> No.73084675

nothing stopping her from getting better management. and in fact, doesnt she have a management team (multiple people)? sounds like theres more to this problem than just one part-time manager

>> No.73084678
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Holo board? Kek. This has always been a Dooki board.

>> No.73084716
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Yeah, I love Niji. Even when their talents graduate I love them. They will always be Niji family!

>> No.73084864

in 2 months with virtually no prep time, she's gotten more sponsorships than her entire tenure at Nijisanji, finished creating a series of popular animated shorts that are being released daily, made a new intro video (that's still hers btw), and finalized everything for her new model, set up a merch store with several runs already, finished a successful charity auction that donated 250k usd, had a fucking EA sponsored advertisement that PAID HER to do it, and I'm sure I'm missing quite a bit.
Any one of those would've been blocked by Nijisanji and she'd still be waiting to hear back from them on next week's schedule for them to deny something she already had perms for.

>> No.73084944
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There is, and she seems to be committed to taking on more staff and projects than before. Things are looking bright for dragoons.

>> No.73085395
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>she's gotten more sponsorships than her entire tenure at Nijisanji
As a result of her grift, people are lining up to dip their hand in the piggy bank known as Selen's rabid fanbase. Who knew?
>finished creating a series of popular animated shorts that are being released daily
Something she could never afford without her grifting as she nearly went bankrupt for wasting all her money on her vanity projects. She learned his lesson though and she is still commissioning shitty low quality animations
>made a new intro video
She copy and pasted her model over her Niji wait screen video. Low quality. She's definitely trying to move on from Nijisanji though! That's why she replaced everything she had previously with Nijisanji
>finalized everything for her new model
Already? Those take a long time. The instant she was fired, she's already paying out the ass for new models despite her still living with her parents and not making any profit in the last year? Sounds very smart
>set up a merch store with several runs already
I've seen faggots under 100k subs run merch stores too. Not very impressive
>finished a successful charity auction that donated 250k usd
Cool. Who cares? That has nothing to do with management or a measure of success
>had a fucking EA sponsored advertisement that PAID HER to do it
Being associated with EA isn't a good thing. I thought you hated black companies

A padded list of shit anyone can do easily with her amount of popularity built off from Niji. I guess because it's Doki, it's more impressive, right? I don't think so, Nijisanji literally made her career

>> No.73085507
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seethe. Her achievements are hers. Her and Pomu built that branch, and you can see the sad state of NijiEN after they lost them.
All Niji did was put eyes on her, and she could've done all of this for them if they weren't such insufferable cunts.

>> No.73085566

>>Just two more weeks Niji will fail
>>They've been saying this for years
well niji already fail tho?

>> No.73085602

>"but but Hololive"
what about hololive sister? why you are so mindbroken about them?

>> No.73085814

What happened? Aren't they friends?

>> No.73085820

Selen and Pomu didn't build anything. Luxiem did. Even post Selen's tantrum, they're still getting merch, still releasing covers, still getting sponsors and they're still running events .
>Inb4 muh numberfagging
They're still profiting so it doesn't matter, you're so obsessed that you care more about their money than they do. Selen getting fired was a blessing in disguise. They just weeded out a thorn in their side

>> No.73085855

Are you perhaps retarded?

>> No.73085876

>they're still getting merch, still releasing covers, still getting sponsors and they're still running events .
None of those are things Luxiem built.

>> No.73085996

Wave with most merch? Luxiem
Person who helps the most with covers? Ike, a Luxiem member
Wave with most sponsors? Luxiem
Events? Luxiem gets invited to conventions the most

If you're gonna make the argument that it isn't because of Luxiem, then it must be because of Niji. That's not an argument you want to make

>> No.73086005

The only thing luxiem did was bringing in a bunch of mentally deranged women (like you) into the branch. They also managed to somehow "betray" these woman and now you're screeching nonstop on here and the doxsite.

>> No.73086147

>Wave with most merch? Luxiem
It's actually Noctyx now :)
>Person who helps the most with covers? Ike, a Luxiem member
Helping != Releasing. Maria has released more cover than all Luxiem members combined.
>Wave with most sponsors? Luxiem
Are they? Because they don't seem to stream anymore lol
>Events? Luxiem gets invited to conventions the most
Luxiem didn't "build that" though. NijiEN was getting invited to conventions before Luxiem even existed.

>> No.73086214

Cope harder, Nijisister

>> No.73086228

Hopefully for your community, you are correct. If Luxiem made the branch, surely it can recover with the excellent talents and the good fight they keep up. You know, since Mysta doesn't count for you and the rest is still there, alive and kicking :))

>> No.73086313

This is exactly what I expect a braindead Nijisistrash to say

>> No.73086546

>>73086228 (me)
Just in case, Luxiem only built Luxiem. They did a fantastic job of doing it, but that's all they did. Fucking Kyo probably had a more positive impact on NijiEN with his collabs and shows than any Luxiem member lol

>> No.73086589

Hey! Luxiem also built Noctyx when they expected Luxiem 2, to which almost everyone there fucking hated it.

>> No.73086596

QRD on the newest NDF tactic against someone who still hasn't slandered them since being terminated?

>> No.73086657

Why are the sisters so obsessed with fecal matter?

>> No.73086774

You know how certain cultures living in cold climates have 1000 words for snow or people living in nature can recognize many more different shades of green?
It's all about the environment one lives in.
>Verification not required.

>> No.73086816

They are. The sisters just got together on their discord and decided to attempt to drive wedges between all the ex-niji fan bases in any way that they can. We've been seeing it for months with Pomu/Mint, Sayu, Selen/Doki, even Matara and Kuro. It's not going to end until the EN branch folds or Vox graduates, and even then, I wouldn't be so sure.

>> No.73087158
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>> No.73087343

Now please tell us what events did luxium organize to prop up NijiEN and grow the EN brand.

>> No.73087383

They were the best duo in Niji. It's a shame we may never get a collab with them again because Mint wants to associate with the clique faction more.

>> No.73087573

maybe larp but it sounded more like a salty organ than a sis

>> No.73087610

Their new strategy is to say that Mint is either clique or somehow living proof that Doki is actually an evil mastermind since Matara and Mint are "ignoring" doki, due to Doki being awful.
This is countered by simply the fact that Doki's been ignoring every single person related to Nijisanji outside of U-san. From what I hear, she's not responding to anybody who's reached out to her from the company, past or present, She doesn't even follow back notChihiro or notGundou, despite them making clear signs that they'd like to collab. She's just shutting absolutely everyone out for now.

>> No.73087642

My personal rrat is that Pomu didn't bully Selen directly but she didn't do anything to help either because she probably didn't want to make Elira's group mad.

>> No.73087750

This is hella parasocial. Most corpo are not friends, they are coworkers.

Collabs are business decision, nothing more.

Collabing doesn't mean people are friends, it simply means both decided its a good business decision to work together.

Are they friends ? Its none of our business. Its super cringe to feel entitled to know about people personal lives. It actual parasocial behavior to think your entitled to know about their personal relationships.

>> No.73087775

How was she in a position of power to do anything? As soon as Etheryia got in, Elira instantly had more power than anyone else in the company other than Luxiem and Noctyx boys who are untouchable since they made Nijisanji so much money and have actual C-suite backing from getting people promoted there.

>> No.73087804

Her not responding to notgundou makes sense as they never interact. NotChihiro however lends more credibility that she's just avoiding for Niji's in general. U-san is the only outlier but then again U-san and her have had the same position of moving past Niji and moving forward. Also helps that they're last interaction before u-san left Niji was their off collabs in japan

>> No.73088016

She said that she was made aware of something at her old company after she was already gone. What that means is up to interpretation, but I wouldn't bet that she was involved with much, if at all.

>> No.73088033

>Pomu didn't bully Selen directly but she didn't do anything to help either
This is realistic. Happens all the time.
>Most corpo are not friends, they are coworkers.
This is also realistic. Corpos are about kayfabe.

>> No.73088149

hopefully never. the last thing mint needs is a bunch of drama obsessed retards harassing her

>> No.73088602

notChihiro was even in the same tournament with Towa and her last night, and according to Selen, Chihiro was her oshi (and their collab was adorable) so it's pretty strange for her to not be showing any kind of public acknowledgement. Mint I can understand, she's new and confused, but notChihiro is tough and hardened by the japanese sisters, isn't she? So that feels like a point against the "saving them from antis" rrat I had.
That's what I was thinking maybe, too. Even as old Mint, that seems par for the course since she stuck with Nova for so long despite all the crybullying going on, though I don't think Doki would be the type to hold grudges for something like that. Putting the entirety of Nijisanji behind her is probably something she's decided, as tough as it sounds to pull off.

>> No.73088726

I meant it as just wanting to avoid ex Niji members in general with u-san being the outlier

>> No.73088856

yeah, I just mean notChihiro seems to confirm the idea that she's ignoring people. If she wouldn't reach back out to her old "oshi" who's directly mentioned wanting to collab with her publicly, then she's clearly not reaching out to anybody else.

>> No.73089144

That's a strong argument, but Doki did say she was getting overwhelmed with invitations for cons and stuff, so maybe it's a wait-and-see situation.

also I feel schizo, but I can't help but wonder if it wasn't mr. RENT L FREE himself

>> No.73089351
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I just realized one of them seriously thought that Doki could just copy paste the animation over the old one. It's completely different with new keyframes, far more in between frames to showcase movement, and it's also being adapted to both her current model and her new secret model that only she, her artist, and the intro maker know about.
She even showed off the new keyframes in the charity stream.
This one clip also completely invalidates any sister bullshit about "management never saw the video" since clearly she knows what storyboards are and keeps tabs on them. Hoopyon's really improved in these few years!

>> No.73089566

Ok uhm to be fair to my rrat, Luca never did any actual work according to Raziel, nevermind animation, so it could still be an organ.

>> No.73089718

yeah, meaning he knows just as much as a sister as far as the animation process goes. I could believe it.

>> No.73090184

>Luxiem did
Aw how adorable. the sister thinks nijisanji would've kept the en branch around long enough to debut luxiem at all if pomu and selen hadn't had the initial success that they did.
>b-but you don't know that!
Yeah actually I do. Look up niji India sometime i you think anycolor keeps flop branches around for long and keeps expanding them. Without pomu and selen there is no luxiem.
Even if you want to claim luxiem became the stars of the branch you're an actual retard if you think it wasn't a case of pomu selen and, yes, elira walking so luxiem could take the baton and run.

>> No.73090350

Dokifags remain cowards not even directly responding to the people they're talking about. It's the same thing with more frames. WOW, big difference

>> No.73090441

Would you prefer that the term "NDF simp" be used instead? Or how about one of the other, more derogatory terms? Gotta remember where you are.

>> No.73090450

Why are you making the same type of post all over the board? Get a life.

>> No.73090482

>sisters are still hurt that we won't even give them (you)s anymore.
>still don't understand how the animation process works yet claim doki is somehow in the wrong.
go ahead and copypaste your own version. It's clearly easy. Make sure it's the same quality or you're full of shit. You have one week.

>> No.73091038

Both Doki and Mint were considered lower than chewing gum on Riku's shoe, but only one got to graduate. Matara also got to graduate. It's possible the roach and the ghost are suffering some lingering effects of the Niji brainwashing and want to stay clear of Doki for a while, and it's likely Doki feels the same (due to "fuck you and the horse you rode in on" syndrome).
Probably for the best if they stay clear of each other for a while. Kurosanji is a deeply dysfunctional organization and the scars are still fresh.

>> No.73091380
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Still waiting on Q4 results call, but the impact appears to be non-"negligible".
At least Riku can use this as an opportunity to ask his mom and dad for more cash to use for buybacks.

>> No.73092014

>Still under 2500

>> No.73092047

get filtered, filthy phasecuck
inb4 that one autist: I didn't quote that post on purpose

>> No.73092094

Now do Cover

>> No.73093452

Cover's stock could fall to 0 and they'd be unaffected since instead of spending 20 million usd on a buyback they got japan's largest 3d studio.
Nijisanji though? kek.

>> No.73093707
File: 86 KB, 1193x674, cover 3m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, Cover is down as well. Its high during Feb 2024 was 2944 yen per share vs current 2150 yen per share, so share price is down about 27%. As expected - JP market's in recession.
Compare and contrast - Anycolor's high of 3820 yen/share vs. current 2484 yen/share - roughly 35% decline. Not a good sign for a company that has practically cornered the boyfriend experience market (lonely 30-something fujoshi types in Japan and SEA, and multicolored-hair and multigendered land-whales here in the West).
A quick perusal through the financial details shows that Cover has invested FAR more in its talents and infrastructure than Anycolor. It's not really excusable, since Anycolor has more cash available to spend.

>> No.73093716

NTA, What does Cover have to do with this? Isn't this thread about Ex-Nijis and NijiEN? Who fucking cares about Cover.

>> No.73093913
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>> No.73093996
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sisters still refuse to acknowledge the Seren Shokku was not, in fact, negligible.

>> No.73094129 [DELETED] 

So why posting whores phasecuck boyfriend connect brown and ESL.

>> No.73094240

Yes Hololive is trash.

>> No.73094891

Holoniggers are being dumb once again

>> No.73094947

Everyone is turning away from Doki, including her friends like Dtto.
Soon, the only person who will be willing to collab with her will be Sayu, kek

>> No.73094972

Obviously never if pomu of all people is avoiding this bitch then obviously doki isn't the angel niji anti brigade think she is.

>> No.73095048

>largest 3D studio in Japan
I swear holobronies love to inflate things out their ass. That studio is bout the size of a high school gym. Stop it.

>> No.73095085

The fuck are you talking about ? Dtto and Doki have a collab next week, try harded next time sister.

>> No.73095126

>including her friends like Dtto.
She'sliterally doing a collab with her this week fucktard
>Not collabing with Ex-Nijis means she is somehow in the wrong for all the shit niji put her through
Keep coping mongoloids, This entire thread is nothing but anti doki bait and you're not winning anybody to your side this way

>> No.73095154

You know it can be seen the other way right
>Obviously never if selen of all people is avoiding this bitch then obviously mint isn't the angel the NDF brigade think she is

>> No.73095187

It's still the largest 3D studio in japan, Meanwhile Niji brags about buying old in house 3D equipment in their Q3 report KEKW

>> No.73095285

Why does everyone keep thinking doki is somehow the one being ignored instead of the one doing the ignoring?, She isn't reaching out to anybody from Ex-Niji and being blown off or left on read like sayu's crying ass is, She in her own words has said her main focus for the future is trying new things and "meeting new friends" And she has in Fillian, Shylilly, Snuffy. And the Apex Creators she was doing tournaments with

>> No.73095389

which is big and still changes nothing,so your point retardedsisterchama?

>> No.73095478

this,pomu is part of the clique and pomudachi better come with something to prove that shes not

>> No.73095648

She is matara's cocksleeve accessory now.. well her newest one after quinn flopped completely.. y'know the guy who helped spread around a hard dox of sayu's passport and home address?, Yeah it's not that hard to but 2 and 2 together

>> No.73097749

He didn't and you are too deep into rrats

>> No.73098173

It's ironic because in a no normie board people wouldn't defend a company known for underpaying, harassing and giving a free pass to sexpests. It's only places like here that (sisters) can defend such bullshit and suffer no consequences. Yet it doesn't matter because it's so transparently bullshit anyway.

>> No.73098382

Those three were the ones who got terminated and got their channel deleted. At this point it wouldn't surprise me if the graduates agreed to not engage with terminated talents.

>> No.73098510

he did,do your rep sister

>> No.73098513

Have any of you idiots considered that Doki probably hates most of her former co-workers who just remind her of a deeply traumatic experience? One which she is trying to move on from.

>> No.73098576

You are delusional

>> No.73098618

Except it was Niji themselves who alleged the bullying, and since graduating Matara, Kuro, and Mint have all pointed to a toxic experience they are happy to be out of. Just because they and Doki aren't friends doesn't mean they all didn't experience the same shitty work environment.

>> No.73098764

What evidence is there to suggest that Doki wants to collab with any of these people? Her friend network has always been outside of Niji in the FPS scene. She's closer to Axel and Altare than anyone in NijiEN.

>> No.73098945

Glad to see the narrative shifting. Doki getting under 5k on her latest stream and Sonny getting 10k is proof that public perception about NijiEN is healing.

>> No.73099039

>Except it was Niji themselves who alleged the bullying
no niji said selen claimed there was bullying, so the allegation came from selen and niji made it public

>> No.73099099

So what you're saying is that the only reason we know about bullying at Nijisanji is not because of Selen...but because of Nijisanji?

>> No.73099541

Nijisissies can't meme

>> No.73100043

Mint on stream talked about her love for hanamori and even shouted out members.

>> No.73100053

Kurosisters think there's no such thing as a hostile workplace environment with toxic, jealous or chickenshit fellow employees. Also that any ex-employee of aforementioned black company should be able to relate to other cast-away items without any reluctance whatsoever.

>> No.73100197

They certainly can't think critically.
Their bug-like approach to shit-posting reminds one of the PRC wumao and their efforts to destroy Kson and Haachama, and the results have been similar.

>> No.73100345


>> No.73100665

she brought up Seigi who is in nijien and maia is literally a mod in her chat who is elira's best friend.

>> No.73100774

Mint is right to avoid Doki. I wouldn’t want a bunch of dramafagging retards near me either, it’s not worth the slight boost in viewers.

>> No.73100910


Only for folks with a personal vendetta against NIJI.
Things aren't as fun when it's all sunshine and rainbows

>> No.73101081

Has Blue dragon returned yet ?
Or will they make the Queen's Grand return at the concert or whatever event they're making ?

That would be hilarious, ngl

>> No.73102224

