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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 441 KB, 220x220, ouro-kronii-wink.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
73041218 No.73041218 [Reply] [Original]

We all agree she has the most boner inducing voice in all of HoloEN?

>> No.73041291

No that’s Fuwawa

>> No.73041486

Does Aradia count? Because when she turned on her sex voice in the last stream she easily blew every holoEN out of the water, even her own sister.

>> No.73041641

No that's Mococo

>> No.73041739

No that's Kiara

>> No.73041748

tired IRyS makes me diamonds

>> No.73041784

No that's your mom

>> No.73041832

No she doesn't. I don't know what you faggots find interesting about her voice. She sounds like a boring bitch to hang around with and there's 0 enthusiasm in her words like she's disinterested in whatever is that she's doing at the time.

>> No.73041858

But why

>> No.73041864

kronii's positive affirmations asmr was good, why did she stopped doing them though ?

>> No.73041875

Sorry anon, we get that high pitched child like voices really get you off instead.

>> No.73041920

No she doesn't count. She's not contracted to hololive but I do agree her voice makes my dick shoots ropes of cum everytime she talks. I wouldn't mind aradia doing a mommy or gfe role with that voice. I would instantly become an unicorn.

>> No.73041974

Yes okayu voice gets me off everytime anon.

>> No.73042029

Yes, but special mention to IRyS’s voice when body jacking Kronii.

>> No.73042044

Do you, by chance, like jerking off to industrial sounds, anon?

>> No.73042105

She sings top tier, but I wouldn't say boner inducing voice tho. Well maybe borderline.

>> No.73042120

getting horny by disinterested woman is association to the only romantic female interactions the majority of anons have

>> No.73042139

>high pitched child like voices
I hate the japanese and their disgust towards low pitched voices so much its unreal

>> No.73042152

Incels find that attractive

>> No.73042176

No, that's my mom

>> No.73042229

Aradia's voice during the fake ASMR made her sound like she was a professional voice actress for porn, it was weird how insanely good it was.

>> No.73042298

Kronii voice just sucks anon. Is not my fault she sounds bored 95% of the time she speaks.

>> No.73042301
File: 411 KB, 1602x1548, Fuwawa Yandere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you gay OP?

>> No.73042329

I'm an incel and I think she sounds unpleasant.

>> No.73042400
File: 138 KB, 300x300, 1692101327650252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if she didn't sound like she's dead inside, she'd easily be top tier
sadly, that's not the case

>> No.73042463

Man... I know this might sound like begging anon but if aradia sends an audition for an asmr role she will knock it out the park. She just know how to work that sex voice of her. Imagine how unhinged members streams would be. Would I want it to happen maybe not but, if she can be huge money pot for cover due to her voice and the fact she also mogs nerissa at singing I wouldn't be against it.

>> No.73042489

Great voice used badly.

>> No.73043234

dead inside > fake enthusiasm

>> No.73043331

So what about Kronii in those homo collabs then?
Does she fake being dead inside or did she fake enthuiasm then?

>> No.73043583

The DBD collab the vesper collabs were the only time she sounded excited I'm going to guess she's a turbo dyke with a bro energy which is why she meshes well with the boys because she feels like one of the "guys".

>> No.73043740

>revisionist history
She was "excited" in the physiatry stream because that was pretty much voice acting. And then the yab with time mutt.
Otherwise she is exactly the same during all her collabs. Starts out dad inside and is like that most of the time unless something happens.

It kinda feels like you just watched a bunch of clips.

>> No.73043904

>It kinda feels like you just watched a bunch of clips.
Nothing wrong with this

>> No.73043977

I'm not one to go on a tirade about clipwatchers but perhaps they aren't the ones best suited to make personality judgment calls about streamers they never watch.

>> No.73044066

I prefer high pitched voices, so someone like Gura sounds hotter to me.

>> No.73044090
File: 301 KB, 675x675, Erina_Makina_-_Icon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Erina Makina sounds like her but sexier.

>> No.73044107

No that's Biboo

>> No.73044200

I tried to give her chance by watching actual stream but I felt her personality is too dry. Even sana called her out on it before.

>> No.73044296
File: 1.18 MB, 546x550, 1711921210165917.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he doesn't know...

>> No.73044387

I absolutely loathe the higher pitched, sometimes nasally voices that JPs can't get enough of.
Fauna, Sana, Okayu, Choco are some of my faves
I'd be more interested in seeing what voices people don't like.

>> No.73044640

Okayu voice especially when she's trying to flirt with korone makes my dick so fucking hard anon. I also like Mio and fubuki voice but not as much as I enjoy okayu.

>> No.73044649

I hate high pitched.
Haachama speaking English is unwatchable.

>> No.73044802

She can do a good mature voice but most of the time she sounds like she's about to start crying.

>> No.73044897

I feel this way with Mumei. Mumei always sounds like she's on the verge of dramatic, heavy, heart-wrenching emotional breakdown but I guess that's just what she sounds like.

>> No.73044947
File: 3.52 MB, 600x400, Punished Kirin[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fnxcr0j.aac].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73044984

I hate that I agree with this.

>> No.73046100


>> No.73047021

That's Nerissa tho

>> No.73047153
File: 25 KB, 480x347, 1626893557908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a feeling if Kronii got her leg caught in a padded bear trap (i.e. it didn't cripple/hurt her beyond the squeeze) she'd just complain about it and wouldn't try to take the trap off.

>> No.73047270

why does kronii attract so many homosexuals

>> No.73047443


Guys and gay women like sexy women. Simple as.

>> No.73048387


>> No.73049136

>make personality judgment calls about streamers they never watch
Anon, where do you think you are? That's all /vt/ does.

>> No.73049350

wasted design, wasted voice

>> No.73049392

Kronii, stop browsing /vt/. You know it makes you crazy.

>> No.73049676
File: 146 KB, 850x1629, 1704900695374389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's Irys.
Then Hakoz Bealzu second.

>> No.73050243

I prefer Mori, when she tries
but Kronii is good too

>> No.73050296

shes asexual

>> No.73050691

Even when I hate her I have to admit that yes she does have probably the sexiest voice I've ever heard

>> No.73050735

not after you get a few drinks in her

>> No.73050784

Too bad her personality is trash

>> No.73051909


Imagine thinking anybody else comes close.

>> No.73053730

Bad design if anything

>> No.73056716


>> No.73059435


>> No.73060039

No, she's the only Holo I dnt like, particularly bc of her voice.

>> No.73060407
File: 684 KB, 2328x4096, __erina_makina_phase_connect_drawn_by_taekaze7__29737778553388464bf618650aec73d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's nice, yeah.

>> No.73060720

But Bae's voice only induces my boner when she shuts the fuck up.

>> No.73062261

I'm incredibly hard right now

>> No.73063994

Yeah, with me.

>> No.73064091

nope, Ina wins but it also gets into more personal territory, just imagine Ina as your asian girlfriend is all I can say.

>> No.73064169

Her voice is the only reason I’m watching vtubers.

>> No.73064316

>sexo model
>sexo voice
>complete fridgid bitch

>> No.73065173

The OG Kronii:
I'd really like to hear her sing this song.

>> No.73065342

At least she's honest.

>> No.73065357

She should sing Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down).

>> No.73066442

Sally's baby shot her down though.

>> No.73066499

I didn't need to know how homosexual you are but grats'

>> No.73066639

No, she sounds like she is done for life. Anerissa took over her only personality trait, having gigantic boobs, but she is actually taking advantage of them by behaving like a whore (together with her family)
And the memer part, Biboo does it way better and does not sound like if she is begging to be taken down and since she is a loli, she does not need to act like a big boobed whore
>kroni is just a missmatch in all possible ways

>> No.73066918


>> No.73067131

The fuck is wrong with you? That's a classic and Kronii's voice is a good fit.

>> No.73067198

She always sounds bored and mildly annoyed. Don't see how people enjoy that.

>> No.73067693
File: 69 KB, 500x1170, Kronii.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is.

>> No.73068018

So Kroni is Skipper Dan?

>> No.73068981
File: 256 KB, 508x1172, kroniihashadenoughofthisshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73069729

Yes, pretty much.

>> No.73069894


>> No.73072653

hell no

>> No.73072856

>Intense amounts of vocal fry, the hallmark of the lazy
>Boner inducing

>> No.73073036

Mumei suffers from anxiety she's nervous everytime she streams because she thinks she might mess up or something. Do you remember that tourney the girls had I think it was the pot game well during that stream she was panicking because she was way under pressure. That's just how she is she's a fragile sweet soul.

>> No.73073328

it's 2024, you can just say you're gay anon

>> No.73075269

no thanks

>> No.73075633

Are you insinuating that Pekora made this thread?

>> No.73075698
File: 325 KB, 1280x1600, _anime_gfx_design__saori___blue_archive_by_imayaka_dg4xotd-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking about her when Kronii's voice gets mentioned. They have a similar speech style but when Erina puts out her kawaii voice its like a shock through the system. Interestingly they also have that JP Yuu which I like more than Kronii. I think Kronii needs a more updated model like that Saori from Blue Archive.

>> No.73076140


>> No.73076357

her voice is annoying

>> No.73079206


>> No.73079215


>> No.73079337

Not even close.
Also wrong.

>> No.73079587

>She sounds like a boring bitch to hang around with and there's 0 enthusiasm in her words like she's disinterested in whatever is that she's doing at the time
I'm sad to day that that is kryptonite to some pitiable anons.

>> No.73079730

Voice rankings are:
#1: Ina
#2: Fauna
#3: Fuwawa
#4: Kronii
#5: Nerissa

>> No.73081382

Had to google who and turns out it was another phase beggar post. What a classic

>> No.73082938
File: 1.40 MB, 1006x1601, 1681423270009323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit taste

>> No.73083097
File: 226 KB, 1267x2048, 1676413401244242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. Mori's voice at least sounds hot when contrasted with the autistic way she words certain things, or how she talks to chat like they're Japanese ESL preschoolers because that was her literal job for years. Kronii is just "Female: The Voice".

>> No.73083168

All it takes is an MFA to literally shit on a canvas and make. Just write an essay to describe why that shit on a canvas is a reflection of women's rights in current day and how it's in direct opposition to Hitler.

>> No.73083310

Kroni sounds like a bored American woman, similar to lots of girls American anons have fallen for.

>> No.73083335

Kronii is a red scare gf
I will be her cumtown bf

>> No.73083719

>Kronii is a red scare gf
But she's actually entertaining from time to time.

>> No.73084227
File: 2.28 MB, 3541x2508, 1707688124812788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she sounds like a bitch in heat when collabing with vesper
Oh shit I think I figured out why kronies love those coed collabs.

>> No.73084574

Nah. Any sexiness that her voice could've possibly commanded is heavily hampered down by her sound like she doesn't even want to try anymore. There was a time when she had potential, but that stream with Sally is so fucking embarrassing that it genuinely turned her from sexy-annoyed vibe into just straight up pathetic.

>> No.73084652

She sounds like any basic bitch Korean living in an English-speaking country. Which is to say, annoying and a dime a dozen, and those who don't know any better obviously don't go out much.

>> No.73084665

Zoomers love le depressed woman with monotone voice. See Billie Eilish

>> No.73084779

>She sounds like any basic bitch Korean living in an English-speaking country
That's common enough to have a distinct sound?
>and those who don't know any better obviously don't go out much
Where do you think we are?

>> No.73087060


>> No.73087380

Who are you quoting?

>> No.73087770

Me, nigga.

>> No.73090368

get a better taste

>> No.73090455

Maybe until EN3

>> No.73090619

Fuck no. Frankly I'd probably rank her voice near the bottom of en, even kiara's voice is hotter.

>> No.73091378

yeah i agree

>> No.73093273

cringe whore

>> No.73093375

Kuuderes are good though

>> No.73093456
File: 370 KB, 600x510, 18E4B87D-C715-4131-A6F0-5EA18044A911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top tier sexo voice

>> No.73094854

if Kronii did something like this I would even come back to her

>> No.73094954

She's an insufferable leaf, but you do you, anon.

>> No.73097636

Top whore

>> No.73097747

>vocal fry
are you retarded?

>> No.73098622

A sexual for vesper and his bbc

>> No.73098737

I can already picture Ina being somebody's wife she would basically be like chi chi from dragon ball z minus her her cooking skill and care. She just be annoying as fuck.

>> No.73100812

Buts she’s perfect wife material

>> No.73102399


>> No.73102738

Not even faggots have taste this bad.
