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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 234 KB, 527x541, 1712118056351412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
72866117 No.72866117 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.72866259

Oh look, more identical prison-tier “merch”

>> No.72866416

How is he going to sign them this time? He can't write in cursive lmao

>> No.72866515

i wonder how drastically different the signature will be

>> No.72866518

The fucking timing

>> No.72866562

I think they gonna use the management version

>> No.72866610
File: 27 KB, 304x232, niji ljn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72866769

>Acrylic Photo Frame Set
>Badge set
Is this the Niji standard for b-day merch?

>> No.72866779

The identical merch aside, is there any reason for the 5 delay between the announcement and actual sale going live?

>> No.72866798

Anyone got that screencap proving 1bu and Luca are the same person?

>> No.72866863

Sadly, yes

>> No.72866954

Everyone gets the exact same thing.

>> No.72867082

No one's forcing you to buy it.

>> No.72867340

Yeah, Riku bought the machines and put children to make the merch 24/7. 80% of their merch is exactly the same thing

>> No.72867449
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I came here to laugh at you

>> No.72867741


>> No.72867760


>> No.72867807
File: 57 KB, 210x203, 1702628577450505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I came

>> No.72867810

Unfortunately (fortunately since it's Luca), yes

>> No.72867811

Generic merch with 2% cut.

>> No.72867854

>the so-called royalty of nijiEN
>It's members are millionaires
How come they got worse merch than fucking homostars?

>> No.72867931

LMAO look at all of those retarded fujo got scammed KEK

>> No.72868045

Wonder if they’ll even let him sign merch from now on.

>> No.72868064
File: 161 KB, 476x386, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They actually changed the signature

>> No.72868145


>> No.72868245

Oh no no no no no

>> No.72868379
File: 44 KB, 738x338, legasov fafo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In related news, they know they got caught

>> No.72868489

>still no punishment for breaking contract
there is no favoritism in nijisanji...

>> No.72868699
File: 604 KB, 1180x940, lucas cucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72868736


>> No.72868739

If anybody else gets terminated for breaking contract and Luca still hasn't, can't they sue?

>> No.72868746

b-but Vox said...

>> No.72868827

so? which one is it? or is it a new one? did you guys compare them? hopefully the management making them gets paid somehow
you can always leave if you don't like it

>> No.72869027
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>luca's handwriting is so round and girly

>> No.72869093
File: 299 KB, 1080x1080, last year.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is 2023

>> No.72869229

On the other front. Does Holo have a standard bday merch?

>> No.72869231

I wonder if that anon knew subconsciously but ignored it anyways.

>> No.72869326

was this voice written by his gf too?

>> No.72869350

Lucy Kaneshiro...

>> No.72869384
File: 2.75 MB, 1760x9256, 1708615304361166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a longer one, but I don't have it saved.

>> No.72869391

Aside from some kind of acrylic stand product, no.
You can check out Flare's Birthday goods and see a world of difference,

>> No.72869415
File: 2.95 MB, 1024x9791, 1655892195676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72869460

stop it they are already dead

>> No.72869583

Jesus christ, literal cookie cutter manufactured merch

I guess they are onbrand for being an "Entertainment Factory".

>> No.72869837

Kek. I wonder if they still refuse to accept that it may not have been luca who wrote it.

>> No.72869852

Roru which of his Discord mods did he rope into slaving away for him this time?
Or did he swindle Meloco into doing it?

>> No.72869861

This is the amount of effort your supas are going to. Total Nijinigger death

>> No.72870243

People are really ok with this?

>> No.72870283

would be kino if it was the same, I bet the girl is still secretly simping for him

>> No.72870629
File: 82 KB, 700x700, 205738-holostars-en-gavis-bettel-official-birthday-commemoration-2023-all-goods-set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate this kinda merch so much. soulless, mass produced chinese merch.
even homostars got a better treatment than vox and luca.

>> No.72870692

To be clear, homos also got their own version of cookie cutter merchs starting from last year.
BUT they still have 1 personalized item in each of them as opposed to the nijis.

>> No.72870932
File: 67 KB, 377x417, Screenshot_2024-04-02-17-02-58-07_f9ee0578fe1cc94de7482bd41accb329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is using the same one, raziel said that she didn't handsign this one, but that Luca is also too dumb to draw the chibi luca so it wasn't him either

>> No.72870956

let's not get too far ahead of ourselves. male vtubers just aren't very popular or valuable.

>> No.72871042

At the risk of being called sister
>What is ROF-MAO

>> No.72871043

they still did a decent job for them.
compared to niji's? if i was a women and dig male chuuba i'd take homostars.

>> No.72871064

Wasn't that one a manager made anyway?

>> No.72871129

yeah isn't that the usual? then stuff like >>72870629 is like custom merch the talents make and get a bigger cut of the revenue like Mio's hoodie, or was it some other merch that she basically asked to stock too much so she remembered the miofa if they wanted to buy it?

>> No.72871167

No, homos merch are getting standardized from last year, holos don't.

>> No.72871327

ah gotcha, well I guess that's what they have to do to keep making their merch lucrative

>> No.72871406
File: 225 KB, 1124x1381, 1712074404552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The numbers speak differently though. It is changing due to the drama from earlier this year but at best, you can only say they are equal at this moment in time. Cover is great at girl talents but they clearly have a ways to go for male ones.

>> No.72871451

>Let's give our less popular branch a set of standardized merch + 1 personalized item in order to not cannibalize their fanbase
Yeah it's pretty logical business practice.
I don't see the logic between what nijis do though.

>> No.72871524

>I don't see the logic between what nijis do though.
It saves money that's why

>> No.72871623

But not really? they still have their regular merch run.
remember what Miosha said about only releasing few merch and rarely do a rerun because all that do is bleeding your fanbase dry?

>> No.72871723

hire another person to copy her penmanship. I'm sure there are a lot of those in fiverr

>> No.72871742

speaking of, did mio confirm when her jacket is rerunning?

>> No.72871773

Not yet

>> No.72871793


>> No.72871994

I enjoy this esoteric meme

>> No.72872296

Raziel's legacy erased...

But also confirmed 101% legit. If they were gonna try to bluff that it was all an elaborate hoax they could have not changed it, to fit the way they are playing it with Luca pretending nothing happened. Instead now we see they are aware and they are conscious about how bad it looks. I mean one can say it was damned either way because if they kept it people would be commenting "lmaooo it's raziel's signature" but instead we got "lmaooo it's not raziel's signature"

>> No.72872343

they keep putting themselves into these unwinnable situations and it's really fun to watch

>> No.72872467
File: 531 KB, 1080x1950, 1697189215539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the absolute state of sisters

>> No.72872518

The absolute cope

>> No.72872679

The sisters perfectly embody every single insult they throw out at their opposition. Absolutely pathetic, but expected.

>> No.72872782

Putting the handwriting aside he literally had someone else sign his signature

>> No.72872794

Holos sometimes get the same type of merch but to me it feels like it's that way because cover gets a deal with someone and they can produce the kind of merch the members have been waiting to make or it's popular at the moment

>> No.72872911


>> No.72872929


>> No.72872952

enfags don't know about jp

>> No.72872971

they're not wrong. no different than getting some fake stamped signature, the person didn't write it

>> No.72873009

seethe more faggot. over 12k likes, if even 10% actually buy stuff that's a nice chunk of change.

>> No.72873045

Hey anon you got the wrong board, the yellow whore worshipping board is two blocks down

>> No.72873071

isn't this just new merch so they had him redraw it? i want to be wrong because its much funnier if i am

>> No.72873072


>> No.72873135

Probably but considering how different it looks to the other one it's kind of obvious he didn't do one of them

>> No.72873140

If anything they are even worse at coping than the most beta of incel males. What's happened here would be fucking ripped on and made fun of fucking endlessly for the rest of time if it was say a Holo girl (same for a Niji girl or perhaps even more jeering and biting if it was a disliked one like Enna). Memes ripping on her would be bouncing around and it would be impossible to talk about her or even say her name without someone making fun of her. Instead with Luca you have fucking incontrovertible proof he is a fraud in every single way and yet you go into the nijien thread and see people posting "luca wuca :3" pretending they do not have all the eggs in the kitchen on their faces. Are they fucking insane or brain damaged? In before someone answers "they're women", I know that, but they seem particularly deluded even for women. Maybe they are straight up paid shills doing it for giftcards trying to hang onto the fucking tatters of nijiEN's reputation.

>> No.72873178

what the different ?

>> No.72873193

Still waiting for Flayon to release that Tenga collab merch that he promised

>> No.72873201

kek at least sisters dont feel like they missed out on buying merch because its literally the same crap every year

>> No.72873202

This is like that time when that one vtuber sold her gaming chair to her top simp for like $1000 to sniff and then it turned out it was actually her boyfriend's and they were laughing about it on Discord

>> No.72873227


>> No.72873237

Isn't the technical term for this "ghostwriting", or am I mistaken?

>> No.72873238


>> No.72873279 [DELETED] 

>Raziel's handwritjng is so fucking cute

>> No.72873387

>Raziel's handwriting is so fucking cute

>> No.72873529

Yumejoshi are more delusional than any man can dare match, bar insanity.

>> No.72873607

what am i looking at here?
also that purple guy with sub 400 ccv is mental. must be shitty at streaming.

>> No.72873622

Wouldn't even be surprised if a double drunk, zonked out of his mind Luca was in some of them pretending to be his fans.
The dude used burner accounts to fuck around on twitter, ego searches on /here/. If he was already mentally scrambled while he was still with Razzle as she claims, one could only imagine the headspace that he's in now.

>> No.72873925

>that huge 2k drop between Bae and Luca
Holy wow, that's dire.
lmao didn't she write everything and he just said yeah whatever. That cope is sad.

>> No.72874123

Pretty sure he did just delegate that role to her, yeah. Not that it makes a difference to those that are already putting blinders on to his duplicity.

>> No.72874559

Holy shit nijisisters got cucked. lmao poor fujokeks

>> No.72875514
File: 9 KB, 74x138, 1710707826015587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give it to me straight... are my Rosemi and Petra merch signed by them or by some random staff fucker?

>> No.72875600
File: 164 KB, 263x361, 1708998664050620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72875863

I love that they've already accepted Raziel's words as truth.
Not even denying the allergations. Just outright coping with "This is fine"

>> No.72876481
File: 1.77 MB, 1559x3134, 1660672935411810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are at the "IT'S REAL BUT IT'S NOT THAT BAD OKAY" phase

>> No.72876788

Probably not but you never know

>> No.72877034

>Buy an autograph.
>It’s not written by the person.
>Cope his feelings are in it to not admit you have been scammed.
In the words of our oriental brothers, nothing beats the woman jutsu in avoiding the truth.

>> No.72877234

Why Holofags blame so much that the autograph was not written by Luca?

>> No.72877380

Sister, your eigo reps

>> No.72877474

Not a holofag but I will explain the logic to you, my dear cultist nijisister:
The whole point of getting an autograph is the fact that the guy that signed it is the guy that signed it (as redundant as that sounds).
If you, say, want a John Cena autograph, it would lose all its value, both monetary and sentimental, if it wasn't signed by John Cena and instead by intern #314.
The same issue happens with Luca. To those who cared about him, the fact that HE was signing it was worth more than the signature itself. But the things were not signed by him, but rather his GF. It's not even BFE sister cope (since GF and whatnot), but rather the perceived betrayal as the promise of autograph was fake.
It's this fact that everyone mocks, the Luca fans cry about and the niji defense force copes about.
It's in the word: Autograph literally means "something written by your own hand". It, by definition, isn't a Luca autograph if someone else made it.

>> No.72878234

This one is getting more in SC's than half of Hololive, including talents like Suisei, Towa, Bae or Mumei... I'm pretty sure his merch will sell well.

>> No.72878375

You should post this on that site of theirs and show us how they cope with your ironclad logic

>> No.72878490
File: 3.29 MB, 2262x1514, fsdfdsf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop lying sis... what exactly is 'standardized' about this?

>> No.72878552

the machitroon set is the only one that looks personalized at first glance

>> No.72878732

Rosemi's done her signature live multiple times

>> No.72878777

postcards and voice packs, i guess

>> No.72878821

Retardo, Cover is not THAT heartless to give new guys standardized set, they're not Anykuro.
I bet the standardized set will be in effect next year for Tempus merch

>> No.72878854

Look at last year homo JP merch excluding Uproar anon.

>> No.72878910

Every day I'm thankful homos get the bare minimum from cover

>> No.72878913

No one loves you

>> No.72878944

I'm giving the benefit of the doubt towards nijien sans Luca.
He's just too fucking lazy, I mean his job is to play minecraft on camera and yet he couldn't even be bothered to do it.
I've seen more motivated kid with down syndrome than him.

>> No.72878968

That's pretty standard for Hololive members too. Both Bae and Roboco for example, are selling a card and voice pack in the Birthday merch. It really depends on the talent what they would like to sell.

>> No.72879002

Anon, when we're talking standardized merch, we're talking about shit like this >>72869384
Voice packs and signed cards are just the norm for vtubers and entertainer in general.

>> No.72879028

i don't think I've ever seen a single holo birthday without unique merch

>> No.72879060

Yep, not even the homos.

>> No.72879170

New guys? Miyabi is from Gen1 anon. UPROAR are in their 3rd year now. So is Altaire. The only 'new' guy here is Machiroon - if you consider someone who debuted 15 months ago, new.

>> No.72879221

I am talking with those guys, who are trying to pretend that the Holostars age getting standardized merch, because their packs have post cards and voice packs along the unique merch.

>> No.72879294

Anon, stars jp's merch last year are standardized.
The standardized merch consisted of
>Acrylic panel
>Emblem keychain
And then they get one or two personalized one.
Just look at Ogaman and Aran's birthday merch for example.

>> No.72879357

No one's calling them standardized because it has vp and postcards retard.
Look at this Oga BD merch and compare it to Miyabi >>72878490

>> No.72879394
File: 443 KB, 1170x658, tV64H7ct9GCFHS4i_1170x658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.72880640

>Of the top 10 male chuubas, 4 are from Holostars and 6 are from Nijisanji
>Holostars has 9 members while Nijisanji has 15, for a total of 24 males
>Holostars makes up 9/24=37.5% and Nijisanji 15/24=62.5% of the male EN chuubas on the list
>rounding up/down to the closest 10s, that's basically 40:60, or 4:6
>just going from talent numbers alone, both companies are in line with expectations
>the percentage carries to the top 20 as well (Holostars 8/20 vs Nijisanji 12/20)
>on top of Hololive absolutely dominating the girls' side
Idk anon Stars are doing just fine, if they aren't successful then neither are the Nijimales

>> No.72881309

>fans buy merch with handwritten signatures
>spread a rumour that your handwritten signatures were forged
>release merch that totally has your actual signature on it for real this time
>fans buy the new merch for the authentic signature
Luca's simply too smart, the grift to end all grifts

>> No.72884433

It's not even my logic, it's just the logic of creations. A real confirmed Michael Jackson signature on a book is worth a fuckton. A fake signature is not worth anything, perhaps even reducing the total worth of the book itself.
The only time a fake is worth something is with big famous art. An original Picasso is worth a fuckton. A fake pretending to be real is worth a ton BECAUSE people think it is real.
A reproduction is worth a bit because it recreates the real one but doesn't pretend to be real.

>> No.72887220


>> No.72887640

I wouldn't trust him not to simply hire someone else.

>> No.72888203

Niji get better numbers because they came before and took advantage of the boom, not to mention that many potential fangirls get scared by holobronies so they go to niji.

>> No.72888284

Are you on crack at the moment?

>> No.72888322

People aren't, Sisters are but sisters aren't people.
