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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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72738987 No.72738987 [Reply] [Original]

rat build

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Menhera Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow/status/1774627258818322866

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>72679206

>> No.72739052
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>> No.72739230

Why's there so many good fanart this week?

>> No.72739257

just in case: BST = WEST = UTC+1

>> No.72739263

does otis look like a mutated rat on purpose?

>> No.72739552

Canadians bread them into existence in the '60s so yeah

>> No.72739850

I like this spinx =)

>> No.72739857

I miss her

>> No.72740527

should I convert to Judaism in order to prove that I respect my wife's heritage

>> No.72740782

God's wrikliest scrotum.

>> No.72740951
File: 279 KB, 1527x1458, depth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baby Otis is small and frail and wrinkly but his eyes portray a capacity for pain beyond his years. He is tormented by visions and deep esoteric knowledge he's not yet equipped to deal with. His innocence has already been stolen from him. Glimpses of a terrible future he is powerless to prevent. Locked in an eternal conflict with fate that he cannot win, and yet he perseveres. Older Otis looks down on the trivialities of man with the haughty contempt of an aristocratic soul. He's seen all humanity has to offer and was left unimpressed.

>> No.72741335

why does he persevere

>> No.72741634

Shondo better think up some excuse to drop this collab, male collabs arnt magically ok because she's using the Sho model.

>but they're girls irl!
If a guy is trans and uses a female model us ok acording to her because they are female presenting, like some of her friends, then a girl using a male avatar counts as male and falls in the no male rule.

>> No.72741995

Who's all apart of the collab?

>> No.72742174

nigga she doesnt care

>> No.72742668 [DELETED] 

It’s weird for Shadow to be entertaining/enabling someone’s mental illness. I would have assumed she would, in her moments of clarity, hate it if we played into any of her schizophrenic/menhera episodes or encouraged them as “actually a good thing.” But since it’s “hip” to be trans, I guess she doesn’t have a problem with people disfiguring themselves, lying to themselves/others, and trying to be something they are not nor ever will be.
I’m disappointed in her if that’s her genuine belief and sees nothing wrong with it.

>> No.72742833

This is shaping up to be an excellent thread

>> No.72742855

>hate it if we played into any of her schizophrenic/menhera episodes or encouraged them as “actually a good thing.”
you shitpost, but there are many who think this way

>> No.72743012

i hope this sparks some more sho art from Giru-san

>> No.72743079

sho in a dark purple chastity cage… giru please…

>> No.72743108

If it does he should give us some bulge.

>> No.72743175

sho in my arms

>> No.72743228

Sho looks like he's gonna be in the middle of a casting couch with those silhouettes.

>> No.72743329

Why would she tell giru to stop drawing sho and do this right after? I don't get her, I thought she wanted sho gone

>> No.72743429

This collab was not shondo's idea. Duh.

>> No.72743551

as the designated community faggot, i approve of more sho

>> No.72743556

she can't tell her friends no

>> No.72743705

I guess in the end were the fools

>> No.72743816

i guess in the end it didn't even matter

>> No.72744271

where should i be watching this fag shit

>> No.72744308

figure it out yourself

>> No.72744335

the mirror

>> No.72744551

I hate my gold digger of a wife

>> No.72744564

Your "wife" is finding some interesting ways to get past the "no streaming with males" rule today isn't she.

>> No.72744687

im not lurk

>> No.72744752

Oh god theyre all so fucking gay looking

>> No.72744753

poor little sho guy

>> No.72744807

man sho is ho


>> No.72744845

Sounds like a silly time today. Can’t watch but I hope they have fun. :)
>We’re not GIRLS anymore we’re BOYS
>Male models for today
>Drink cheap beer
>Joke about banging each other’s moms or sisters
>Talk about fixing shit around the house, trips to hardware store fixing lawnmower, car. New grill.
>Hurl racial slurs while gaming

>> No.72744905
File: 77 KB, 184x288, barebacking_the_sho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im hony

>> No.72744944

alright i said hi time to mute the stream and not encourage this

>> No.72745071
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if you're so good at that, prove it

>> No.72745084

Would you rather her be a shota or become a bimbo. Stop complaining

>> No.72745214

I’d rather her become a bimbo, quit streaming then be discovered doing onlyfans 2 years later

>> No.72745343
File: 34 KB, 157x186, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my face has been contorted with cringe for 20 minutes

>> No.72745356

What would touching it be like

>> No.72745369

id rather she become a bimbo because she would still be mine. she would be my perfect bimbo trophy wife and i would show her off at the golf course

>> No.72745371

tanner sounds like kind of a basedboy

>> No.72745465

They just can't turn down the woman yapping, not possible

>> No.72745533

this is peak content

>> No.72745560

>sho might say my irl name this stream
I will TOTALLY NOT use that for party time

>> No.72745566

Oliver is now my oshi

>> No.72745568

not watching today
this is disgusting

>> No.72745610

Hi Pinis

>> No.72745632

>its all shoggers

>> No.72745645

dammit dox'd myself

>> No.72745670

They're gonna fuck sho...

>> No.72745695

that comment was non ironic btw

>> No.72745751

So true sister this is actually so fucking transphobic I’m literally shaking.

>> No.72745806

I don't like typing in other people chat this is scary why do I have to do it 2 days in a row?

>> No.72745864

I feel like I emote spam far less than other shoggas in our home territory but when we're in another chat I feel like I'm so close to being obnoxious

>> No.72745876

>imidiately says he doesn't associate with gay people
Good job guys, chat literally made her homophonic with all the gay spam

>> No.72745886

this but unironically

>> No.72745922

it's just a stream where my wife becomes a guy and gets sexualized and sexpests other men
talk your shit all you want, shit posts about xisters or whatever
it's stupid that you'll sit there and watch this utter faggot trash
that's what I mean by disgusting not whatever narrative you're trying to push

>> No.72745951

Yeah, too much culture shock.

>> No.72745969

I'm so glad I don't have your brainworms

>> No.72745977


>> No.72746029

I can't believe I have the day off and I'm missing regular Barbie streams for this garbage.

>> No.72746063

>show trying to insult a guy: I bet your wife is the active partner in the bedroom
She hates guys who don't take the lead, it's over

>> No.72746067

They could have done so many interesting scenarios today but instead they are showing us this torture. Disappointing shondo can't say no

>> No.72746179

inis was made for this

>> No.72746204

has this not been 1000% obvious for forever?

>> No.72746248

>shondo can’t say no
uhhhhh. Diamonds….

>> No.72746268

>whore was made for being a whore
wow amazing

>> No.72746269

on one hand i won't blame her for playing along with her friends, on the other hand i know she didn't even try to stop them

>> No.72746290

Can't say shit or fuck in Tanya's chat. Fucking retarded.

>> No.72746321

enough about shondo

>> No.72746334

well I can live with missing one stream per week if weekly barbie collabs will be a thing, not even gonna call her on promising against this

>> No.72746375

this is hilarious what's wrong with you guys
I feel bad for Vivi being too smart for the others though

>> No.72746390

nina knows way too many of the /here/ memes
is she the cuckposter

>> No.72746392

and people laughed at me when I said they were terrible friends and turning her into a common whore
say goodbye to the husband joke this year

>> No.72746435

first stream?

>> No.72746486

imagine shitting your pants over an april fools joke. get a grip

>> No.72746488

been here all week

>> No.72746521

somnium you're gay
a huge faggot
get out of the thread

>> No.72746621

okay that was a good one shondo

>> No.72746665

She's based. I love her.

>> No.72746687

shondo is the kind of woman who wants you to take the initiative but also hates you for doing it
the only winning move is to tie her to the chair and get with shadowmama

>> No.72746746

Oli does a good dudebro frat guy

>> No.72746770

I noticed that the best shoggas are chatting on inis' stream and worst shoggas are chattitng on vivi's stream

>> No.72746822

that's not true because we're on inis' stream but hirosaijo is on vivi's

>> No.72746847
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obsessed :)

>> No.72746866

How unfortunate because Shondo was never looking at Inis's stream.

>> No.72746911

clamoring for women's attention id kinda gay, bro

>> No.72746931

only massive faggots are chatting in inisis chat please stay there

>> No.72746971

>I want to take your sister out on a nice date you'll never see her again.

>> No.72746997

Yes I'm extremely obsessed with her I probably think about her most of my waking hours c:

>> No.72747009

that explains, they're attentionwhores

>> No.72747012

Vivi has the lowest delay for me, don't care about anything else

>> No.72747077

but im the best shogga and im in vivis chat...

>> No.72747081

go hang out with the chat spamming faggot and stfu

>> No.72747170

this stream is so female coded, men will literally say they will fuck one another and not even say no homo

>> No.72747202

inis' chat is the best because it doesnt have gay pg10 mode on

>> No.72747209

Fuck off Neosky, go back to Inis's stream.

>> No.72747275


>> No.72747392

Inis' moans are too much
I understand why Shondo fears her

>> No.72747442

Who is the extra player?

>> No.72747462

shondo is going to become that one day

>> No.72747487


>> No.72747574

holy shit my husband is hilarious

>> No.72747599

im getting a headache

>> No.72747603

yeah for me

>> No.72747623

what a haunting post

>> No.72747650

I will fuck Sho's tight hole

>> No.72747938

everyone who was just a pedo in vivis chat has lost

>> No.72748026


>> No.72748091

another banger from my wife

>> No.72748196

you are not welcome here

>> No.72748218

I'd banger, iykwim (if you know what i mean)

>> No.72748227

there's no way Inis doesn't shitpost here

>> No.72748241

I'm only here for Otis

>> No.72748265

they all do, including shondo

>> No.72748352

She posted on /x/ a while back and asked discord how to do it and posted a screenshot of her post she was so proud, so she knows how to post now so she could be here

>> No.72748361

we know you're an actual pedophile dewd but that doesnt mean everyone is

>> No.72748363

They were literally just repeating what wife said

>> No.72748449

Inis is probably behind 80% of the anti posts here
She knows it's not possible to damage Shondo's brand so thinks she isn't doing anything wrong despite getting laughs from making the community more deranged

>> No.72748572

You don't need to agree with your wife for everything

>> No.72748595

Her recent ban was for reading the Rushia rape shower copypasta on stream, of course she does.

>> No.72748619

You posted this already you don’t need to continually counter signal Shondo’s friends

>> No.72748620

It's her official age and It's funny. The point is she doesn't care

>> No.72748688

Vivi hardly talks in regular collabs but now that she has adopted a male avatar she won't shut up. Tranny ass vtuber.

>> No.72748691

You already couldn't resist the urge to reply to me here, you're going to acknowledge it on stream eventually.

>> No.72748762

i've never watched her and I never will
shit yourself vivi

>> No.72748775

But our wife is one.

>> No.72748844

i like my wifes friends :)

>> No.72748881

Even larping as men, they cannot resist talking about impregnation.

>> No.72748894

I'd fuck all of them, just for her.

>> No.72748905

tbf I think about it a lot too

>> No.72748938

You’re right bro it’s your world and I’m just living in it :p

>> No.72748944

I wrote this

>> No.72748994

they're not her friends and they don't actually like her, her fans or her style of content

>> No.72749012

shit yourself eternally

>> No.72749035

Honestly this has been slightly more tolerable than the usual woman yapping collabs

>> No.72749042

i cant believe she made a cuck chair joke

shit yourself

>> No.72749053

what else is there to make fun of men for as a woman?
as a guy i can only think "women be shopping"

>> No.72749083


>> No.72749098

cope and shit
Verification not required for this post.

>> No.72749133

they only talk to her because they think they can "fix her"
they see her as a project to pick up and chip away at
they should stay away from my wife

>> No.72749178

poopy in pants

>> No.72749204

barbies damage controlling in the thread
who could've seen it coming

>> No.72749208

she's happier for meeting them the only reason you would be mad is if you're a groomer. seethe

>> No.72749217

just for the record this loser isn't
>>72748449 (me)
I like Inis and think she is a funny shitposter and just want her to admit it

>> No.72749377

>she's happier for meeting them
and drug addicted homeless people are happier for meeting a dealer, just because someone is happier for meeting someone doesn't make that person a positive in life
shadowmama was probably happy when shondo was being thrown through walls

>> No.72749391

nta but i do get concerned about how much she's attached to them for what their relationship actually is

>> No.72749428

>for what their relationship actually is
boomer detected

>> No.72749465

This is the weirdest anti posting. I like the Barbies. Shondo is my wife. I like my wife’s friends

>> No.72749484

side hoe mentioned

>> No.72749521

i'm talking about what they say and do together besides games too

>> No.72749551

yep, the barbies are literally her dad. good one retard

>> No.72749552

Somebody is trying to start a fight

>> No.72749631

what the fuck is with shondo and cucking

>> No.72749660

she's the cuckposter

>> No.72749685

she's imagining fucking vivi as sho

>> No.72749738

i'm now 100% convinced shondo is /here/

>> No.72749740

>she’s already in my DM’s bro she’s BEGGING me
goddamn that was a good one

>> No.72749769

why is oli so obsessed with tiddy sucking

>> No.72749784

shondo and D probably coordinated that attack on /shon/ through emails yesterday
shondo is the cuck posters and D is the *** poster

>> No.72749799

She reads what you guys write, so she thinks this is just how guys act.

>> No.72749805

She wants her titties sucked obviously

>> No.72749851

cause tit's are nice? Imagine sucking Shondo's little titties.

>> No.72749855

I volunteer

>> No.72749897

i'll imagine that

>> No.72749944

Why aren't you? That's kinda gay, bro.

>> No.72750020

swap the roles around and its true

>> No.72750037

This collab is fun

>> No.72750046

tiddy sucking good.
tiddy sucking for milk as an adult has layers of Freudian shit to unpack.

>> No.72750147

It’s great. :) Good satire comes from a place of love, not spite.

>> No.72750176

I hope they wrap this up fast I have lots of sex to have

>> No.72750200

the collab sucks ass
imagine all the shit shondo could've done instead of this male sexfest

>> No.72750287

take ur meds

>> No.72750289

>I'll give your wife 6 months until she leaves for another man
this is fucked up coming from shondo's mouth regardless if it's a joke or not

>> No.72750308

Imaging all the shitting she could’ve done IE; on my chest

>> No.72750372

i already imagine running my tongue up the shummy to the nipples and then swirling it around them before biting them lovingly and kissing them better

>> No.72750387

Trannies and faggots fucking DIED today lol holy shit I LOVE my BASED WIFE!

>> No.72750439

>imagine all the shit shondo could've done
not stream because its monday?

>> No.72750481

and yet somehow she's still streaming in all but name only?

>> No.72750549

>thinking she wont skip the other days this week bc she needs to decompress

>> No.72750556

she would be at da klub otherwise

>> No.72750573

>5th cuck joke from sho so far

>> No.72750580

did they come here for content?

>> No.72750588

this is a reflection of how Shondo perceives you guys btw

>> No.72750632

i have never and will never make a cuck or ntr comment

>> No.72750637

I think (s)he saw all the cuck posting and just thinks this is how we act

>> No.72750683

>woman on a polygamous relationship with hundreds of men perceives them as cucks
what a surprise

>> No.72750687

He is strong

>> No.72750691

shondo kissing me goodnight with the shunny

>> No.72750696

there are so many things to insult the other girls with, but sho just latches on to the only person who has "a wife" and continuously runs the cuck jokes to the ground with it

>> No.72750734

He's such a little shit I want to top him

>> No.72750768

I think sho is projecting bros, he might be a cuck...

>> No.72750776

vivo showed weakness. sho had no choice

>> No.72750780

time to party time to shondo 69

>> No.72750860

vivi is into ntr isnt she? so its kind of a easy target

>> No.72750880

Touch your shaved balls and it's like that

>> No.72750889
File: 2.52 MB, 498x411, fallenshadow-shondo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>party in da spot wit shonshon

>> No.72750978

Imagine doing 205978 with Shondo and Sho

>> No.72751035

>I only need 2 minutes
jesus, I envy the guys oli has been with if their average time was 2 minutes with her

>> No.72751083

>kinda gay bro

>> No.72751451

I wonder how frequently Shondo ends up in VC with Inis alone

>> No.72751557

>it's all cuck jokes

>> No.72751575

shondo loves the cuck jokes

>> No.72751611

How long until she starts making bibisi jokes?

>> No.72751619

It's how she thinks guys talk because retards keep calling everything ntr in chat

>> No.72751661

All jokes aside my wife is hot babe and I love her a lot :)

>> No.72751673

Didn't she say that she doesn't find cuck jokes funny and told us to stop on the last karaoke stream?

>> No.72751701


>> No.72751704

nobody has been doing that for months

>> No.72751777

did you watch the last shondo stream

>> No.72751782

You've missed streams.

>> No.72751791

on multiple occasions, but I guess that was just her putting up an act since her mind just defaults to cucking whenever she hears the word "wife"

>> No.72751809

sho never joked about suckin big mommy milkers. I wonder why syadouClueless

>> No.72751869

she's mocking men like you btw

>> No.72751904
File: 825 KB, 960x1234, 1708531624818837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a brat and i will correct him with rape
Imagine playing a game and him running his mouth about you being a cuck so you'd lose then before he apologises because he's aware you're sensitive about that you grab him by the hair, open his mouth and shove your dick down his throat calling him a little faggot, etc.

>> No.72751906

he likes the superior chest size

>> No.72752006


>> No.72752059

shondo saying :D
shondo doing D:
you could also take the hint and shut the fuck up about cuck shit but certain people cant and other bad actors wont

>> No.72752085

she's mocking men with wives, if you don't treat her like one, then yeah, you aren't the target of that joke

>> No.72752115

see a therapist

>> No.72752137

I didn't even make cuck jokes, shondo. I never thought it was funny

>> No.72752158

stop being autistic

>> No.72752185

Have you guys not figured out sho's 50% the opposite of shondo

>> No.72752244

no. stop being retarded

>> No.72752256

They think everything she says is some cryptic message. The reason why she is afraid of talking with us

>> No.72752283


>> No.72752288

joke about whores and rape like you always do shondo, you don't need to default to cucking just because you think about it all the time

>> No.72752371

BUT WHICH 50% IS THE OPPOSITE? fucking cryptic ahh mf

>> No.72752479

Sho did say he wants to be a viking and pillage and **** women(he beeped it out)

>> No.72752487

the second x chromosome

>> No.72752554

there's race jokes, rape jokes, women jokes, game jokes, gay jokes. all of these and more topics they joked about, but sho chose to do the cuck jokes, and kept it a running theme.
it was her choice to do so, and defending it is retarded.

>> No.72752559

Everyone should be drawing sho for April's fool's

>> No.72752625

How come you guys are talking about gay shit and not stocks.

>> No.72752655

You didn't listen to the stream then. Vivi played into it and inis kept talking about it too.

>> No.72752659

Sho didn't start the cuck jokes, oliver(i think, could've been nino) started it

>> No.72752663

tbf 12 year olds do talk about fuckin people’s moms a lot

>> No.72752677

well i found my wife funny even if she did make too many cuck jokes which i assume is just a coded message to stop posting cuck shit (it wont work on people unfortunately)

>> No.72752720

Are you stupid? Did you watch the stream? She made a ton of gay jokes, called Vivo a fag multiple times (bleeped it out), made more than a few comments about raping women, killing women, fucking their corpses after, said the peak age was 12, made an Epstein island joke, and yet you only talk about her comments on stealing Vivo's wife?

>> No.72752721

>race jokes

>> No.72752732

yeah but she latched onto it hard like oliver onto his bitch's tits

>> No.72752741

>>72752659 (me)
Please understand, i barely remember their voices as women, I'm even more lost when they're men

>> No.72752744

I'm not the most objective observer, but I think she was the funniest by far

>> No.72752748

breaking into shondos treehouse and pillaging her

>> No.72752800

relisten to it again and tell me who was the most aggressive with the cuck jokes anon. it was her choice to do so, and carry on to do so.
she could've simply said "not cool bro", or literally anything other than her one option that you guys seem to like to justify is the only option she has

>> No.72752807

I only saw one person say something against it in chat. None of you have a right to complain

>> No.72752811

anti general

>> No.72752844

inis was funnier but she was just being herself instead of playing a character
greeks were mentioned in the collab bro

>> No.72752865

I already forgot everything that went down

>> No.72752880

yeah, shondo you were pretty cool for those. Would love to play vidya with the woman i love sitting in my lap and calling me a faggot, unironically.

>> No.72752888

She was probably hoping people in chat would stop omegaLULing and say something

>> No.72752897

are you autistic or don't understand English?
the point is that it's cool to do those jokes you retard.

>> No.72752968

>greeks were mentioned
yeah, he said Meds already. what, not specific enough for you?

>> No.72753017

if shondo was in my lap and called me a faggot i would immediately rape her (consensually, since we're married and spousal rape doesn't exist)

>> No.72753058

>>72752897 (me)
and you better not fucking say that cuck jokes are cool to joke about too.

>> No.72753066

they give it sho up the pooper

>> No.72753112
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>> No.72753221

what if she called you a faggot during sex? Also mever think about having sec or raping my wife, you faggot.

>> No.72753350

More sho art is needed from more artists

>> No.72753365

I hate my bitch wife (April fools haha)

>> No.72753458

Yeah we know T*f, we all saw you in Vivo’s chat.

>> No.72753508
File: 176 KB, 706x988, yumyumbandaid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dislike my wife risenlight

>> No.72753602

if she called me a faggot during sex i would start beating her

>> No.72753675
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I'm lucky I chose to watch my side hoe instead of the gay faggot male genderswap stream myth milked dry 5 years ago

>> No.72753750

why did she get a sphinx cat out of curiosity? was it her first choice?

>> No.72753878

I would have prefered to have nothing today other than a meme or april fool's announcement than whatever shitfest this male collab was

>> No.72753902

she explained it multiple times but i forgor

>> No.72753928

now that shit show is over can ft stream please shondo

>> No.72753964

is fute the opposite of cunny or the inverse or the mirror image?

>> No.72753970
File: 220 KB, 1284x1359, IMG_20240401_213737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shondo when it came to rushia those two times

Please understand, I'm really slow, it took me until now to think of a joke

>> No.72754044

Fute is funny and cute
Cunny is cute and funny
Fute is innocent
Cunny is erotic
Two sides of the same coin

>> No.72754054

it was made on 3 separate occasions in the thread before you thought of it

>> No.72754056

but shondo is a woman
does a woman forgive a womans lies?
from what little I know about them, women forgive nothing

>> No.72754061

Why get upset over jokes don’t be so sensitive. they’re jokes. You’re allowed to laugh and have fun. You’re allowed to be silly sometimes.

>> No.72754082

IIRC: They are more playful and affectionate than normal cats, kinda like dogs. So after FE passed they got Marley to help cope with the loss. No way that could backfire syadouClueless

>> No.72754083

because if her landlord sees her cats hair they will all be executeddd

>> No.72754178

try make an ntr joke about shondo next stream.

>> No.72754200


>> No.72754216

bros my asshole is bleeding so much rn. i really should not have watched that stream

>> No.72754320

shondo you owe it to us
go make ft an oil soaked bacon sandwich and force him to stream

>> No.72754356

lube up next time you get railed in the ass

>> No.72754428

we know dewdhole

>> No.72754554

https://x.com/punchingcat/status/1774272441218474390?s=46 Look at what they done to my son dawg

>> No.72754562

sho wont make it to april 2nd

>> No.72754739

stream was funny but i don't like how gay everyone is being now. stop being gay.

>> No.72754779

It was a bit abrasive<div class="xa24desu"></div>

>> No.72754979

I like cuck

>> No.72755050

Me too

>> No.72755124

for april fools we should all cuck our wife with another girl, as a joke

>> No.72755144

This is just as funny every time I come across it

>> No.72755247

no homo but for a spinks cat I think Otis is very handsome

>> No.72755254

thinking the same thing
i'll start liking, retweeting and talking to other women gfe streamers on twitter

>> No.72755450

check my IP shondo so you know that i dont like cuck shit or gay shit okay thanks

>> No.72755512

Personally, I’m very excited for the yandere theme ASMR and think it’s going to be kino

>> No.72755527

It's one of the mods. He has to tell shondo the IP

>> No.72755593

Mods, do 25 gambas back to back right now please

>> No.72755664

>Shondo knows I post about other chuubas

>> No.72755722

I would manage to lose all 25

>> No.72755754

Mods, tell Shondo how alpha I am and can take control in the bedroom. But also tell her about how sensitive and kind I am, but also how I don't give any fucks. Also, please tell her how I'd love to dick her down every night in our marriage bed, but also how I don't mind waiting until she's ready for sex, but also I'll be a man and have my way with her instead of waiting around like a cuck. Thank you.

>> No.72755912

you've cracked it

>> No.72755961

she still needs to do that sho collab with milky

>> No.72756003

Mods tell shondo I have a bibisi, am not (yet) hiv postive, have a nice cuck chair for someone that she chooses (she can sit on it and watch me and one of the barbies from time to time) and tell her I have no emotions what so ever so I’m incapable of growing attached (except to my boy Otis) Also tell her I own a nightclub like tony from gta

>> No.72756092

>admitting he's gay like tony

>> No.72756292

Someone tell Shondo I want to hit her in the head with a brick until she’s leaking brain goop on the ground and quits twitching

>> No.72756334

I can imagine shondo somehow convincing herself that us hating her cuck jokes somehow makes us cucks

>> No.72756539

>us hating cuck jokes

>> No.72756590

I’m the only one /here/ that hates cuck jokes. This is a fact.

>> No.72756617

I made this post

>> No.72756724

These posts? You already know-- all mine

>> No.72756782

the cuck jokes were funny as fuck and if you disagree you yourself are a cuck

>> No.72756792

Sigmas in the thread, what would've been the right thing to do?
Leave the stream and make her think you're a sensitive man who can't take jokes? Or stay in the stream and sit in the chair?

>> No.72756835

It's like 2 people repeating unfunny cuck 'jokes'. I don't get their obsession

>> No.72756987

We need more shoggas to stand up and call her out publicly, I miss fleece

>> No.72756994

When they introduced themselves more people should have said he is based for having a wife. If that didn't help more people should have made jokes about the wife being a whore

>> No.72757025

It's shondo on her PC and phone, just let her do it, it makes her feel like she's in control

>> No.72757080

Someone please tell shondo that I'm a sensitive young man and my therapist said that I have "the heart of an artist" and this often gets misconstrued as weakness but it actually makes me strong

>> No.72757109

true sigmas sit the chair and make eye contact with the alpha the whole time so they know theyre not intimidated

>> No.72757157

I want to fight ft and sho

>> No.72757192

never turn up

>> No.72757226

ft add me on steam already so we can run some apex :)

>> No.72757317

sho add me on steam already so we can run up so ape sex :)

>> No.72757504

These are just as likely to have been both posted by somnium

>> No.72757535

Maybe as an April fools joke we could have a thread that's not shit next time.

>> No.72757586
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>> No.72757627

we had that last night for the most part
it was right after the cuck thread, everyone was nise and trying not to summon any shitposters
it didn't last of course but it was nise for the first 40-50 posts

>> No.72757652

>next stream doronko wanko
>shondog is real
nice. I'm gonna have a wanko later haha get it

>> No.72757814

I never do

>> No.72757876

Yeah I know, I'm always here. Frustrating that they are actually ok briefly when the shitting dies down a little.

>> No.72758019

I'm going to take a shower then go to bed, good night shoggas

>> No.72758059

I bet if Shondo was really mad at you she could be really mean.

>> No.72758104

shes always mad… and shes always mean :(

>> No.72758275

Where is fallenshadow

>> No.72758324

with a black guy

>> No.72758359
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Yeah, me

>> No.72758406
File: 3.10 MB, 2508x3541, 2fce21181b5ef21e38e1cc590e47d45f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shondo, I just came on your tummy. Next is your delicious bald unwashed pussy.

>> No.72758457

ruh roh raggy
rhis ream rounds rearry rontroversial!

>> No.72758475

this describes me

>> No.72758534

What is going on here, is this post-workout session

>> No.72758577

I really hope there isn't someone typing all these out

>> No.72758635

post bull action

>> No.72758642

>bald unwashed
Would you still lover her if she had a finely trimmed, combed and washed moustache bush above her cunny? Could you do it?

>> No.72758657

>shondo isn't streaming
>I have an english family friend to stay this weekend (arrived after shondo stopped streaming)
>she has a cat called marley
what did she mean by this

>> No.72758726

all these what

>> No.72758753

i want nothing more than to run my hand through it while she sits on my lap with my other hand around her neck

>> No.72758801

All these awesome posts. I hope it's a bot, for humanities sake.

>> No.72758900

this but with her head hair because doing that with pubic hair is a little weird anon

>> No.72758945

i hate to say it but i think people were actually shitting themselves

>> No.72759061

ruh roh raggy, rour rost rave re riarrhea

>> No.72759080

She's competing against sho to see who's the fastest
Winner gets dicked down by me

>> No.72759088

the thought of this has driven me feral

>> No.72759166

She wants to be raped by you

>> No.72759186

the contrast between shondos pale ass being against a black guy. mmmmhhhh

>> No.72759222


like, zoinks Scoob

>> No.72759257

Guys what the shit are you on about

>> No.72759276

/shon/ janny I summon you to cleanse these shitposters once more

>> No.72759319

Yeah, no. It's a small number of shitposters (maybe 1). Now that I think about it, if it was chatgpt they would be higher quality, so probably not a bot.

>> No.72759321

Flannedhadeow rubbing her oiled feet on the ASMR mic

>> No.72759331

she just had to walk 5 meters

>> No.72759350

>stream ends
>cuck posting begins again
>*** posting begins again
what barbie is this

>> No.72759378

rats right ranny, rean my riarrhea

>> No.72759429

shonjanny im sorry. Shonjanny please

>> No.72759441

if you dont find your wifes pubic hair erotic you might be gay

>> No.72759473


>> No.72759477

ruh roh raggy, riggers!

>> No.72759551

gee gang, we have to split up so we can find clues to this mystery.
(you) go that way with Otis, i'll stay behind and have sex with shondo.

>> No.72759584

i do i just think that's a little specific

>> No.72759603

The scooby doo posting is just the icing on the cake. At least it made me laugh

>> No.72759646

just imagine the feeling against your fingers

>> No.72759661

im rucking rying raggy

>> No.72759751

shondo uuohing

>> No.72759772

>Alice got her elementary school model done before shondo
Finish something cool for once please shondo

>> No.72759794

Not enough sho nsfw

>> No.72759822

>watching alice
>everything fine
>woman joins
ruined, like meeting a coworker you dont know that well off the clock

>> No.72759860

Its not gay to prefer smooth soft skin

>> No.72759890

after she was talking about facial hair the other day i cant stop imagining her rubbing her face against mine like a cat and rubbing her hands on my beard

>> No.72759971

Does art of shondo with a ballgag exist?
Asking for non masturbatory reasons.

>> No.72759997

