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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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72507478 No.72507478 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Pippa considered right-wing again?

>> No.72507509

Clip watchers, thats it

>> No.72507639

Only terminally online retards think being pro/tolerant of lgbt people is a left wing, rather than a bipartisan one

>> No.72507679

found the lefty troon

>> No.72507737

everybody to the right of Trotsky is literally Hitler

>> No.72507762

you have to be mentally ill and retarded to be a vtuber son so its just a sea of dumb fucks or left wing obese femmoids
only one close to being right wing is kirshe and shes just a grifter if anything

>> No.72507806

She was literally Kiwifarms's darling during her start until she got 1k ccv. Mister Metokur sent her a superchat, and she talked about Ethan Ralph.

>> No.72507837

So people can't grow up

>> No.72507897

It's called we do a bit of funny, don't read too much into it

>> No.72507904

She is pro guns and are very much in right wing circles, so she ringwing just not far right, or to be specific she is as right wing you can be while still staying in corpo lines

>> No.72507939

She's not right wing, she supports BLM. But she does grift right wing talking points hardcore because there's a market for it.

>> No.72507940
File: 117 KB, 1280x720, 620668569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why.

>> No.72507953

The left has moved so far left that just having your own opinion is now right wing.

>> No.72508123

People call anyone they don't like right winged Nazis

>> No.72508229

shes a fucking coalminer you dumb fuck

>> No.72508316

She's Bi, likes guns, supports lgbt, is skeptical of the government, and is a ruralite. She's a new age libertarian stereotype to a T. She's "right wing" only to those who are far left, or to those on the right who piss and cum when they find a e-celeb they can claim because they don't disagree with them on every single topic.

>> No.72508332

Coalminers are usually conservative though

>> No.72508360

Clip watchers don't know about her retarded woman and lolbertarian opinions
Also there are deranged socialists who consider all of lolbertarianism to be right wing

>> No.72508380

>She's "right wing" only to those who are far left
Most people who thing she's right wing are right wingers desperate for a 'based' vtuber. The easily grifted sort.

>> No.72508399

Maybe faggoty modern coal miners, real coal miners are syndicalists.

>> No.72508445
File: 42 KB, 297x396, sadpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>skim through rest of vid
>she barely talks for most of it
wow, cool "vtuber", guys

>> No.72508446

I agree, but that's also just the second part of what I was saying lol.

>> No.72508628

I don't want to be in the same wing as fag enablers, which team's jersey should I wear?

>> No.72508767

Try the mudslime jersey, that one is sure to fit

>> No.72508957

They can, but a lot of people still enable fags.

>> No.72508966

because she fangirled for Metokur

>> No.72509130

Inshallah brother. From the river to the sea

>> No.72509518

None of that is right-wing.

>> No.72509709

because she knows the Sneed dog whistle
If you've ever posted "sneed" or a pepe or a jak you are right of Hitler The great irony of this is that Hitler was a centrist. Debate me, destiny. I've got all the benzos in the world ready

>> No.72509806

What would you consider the bare minimum to be right wing?
Say someone is pro guns, pro right wing economics but indifferent about the “culture war” what would they be in your eyes?

>> No.72510717

Because she's racist

>> No.72511282

because burgers are mentally ill and lost grip with reality.
anyone that don't kneel and suck the toes of the alphabet mafia people we're "right wing" and then when you go AGAINST them you're a nazi.
never mind that she's a BLM supporter.
frankly, she's pretty fucking left wing.

>> No.72511421

Like 80% of the country was pro BLM for a few months you clown shut the fuck up.

>> No.72511851

no how bout you shut up you, the fact that 80%, according to you, supported this bullshit movement about a dude overdosed with fentanyl, literally solidifies another of my point that burgers are mentally ill.
and what i'm saying quite literally, is she isn't right wing.

>> No.72512038

No it's a combination of fuck cops and fuck the state. I didn't agree but you don't understand humans.you dumb faggot. Neck yourself.

>> No.72512200

A lot of people fell for the blm scam, but many conservatives are anti-pig too.

>> No.72512511

/pol/ was a mistake

>> No.72512564

That's wisdom, not politics. Lyndon B Johnson's most famous quote, afterall.

>> No.72513718

Pippa is literally a trans-supporting BLM advocate, how the fuck did anyone ever think she was even remotely right-wing? She used the word 'retarded', that's it?

>> No.72513775

>80% of the country was pro BLM for a few months
This never happened

>> No.72514061

Yes it did. You wouldn't know living in Malaysia though fag.

>> No.72514145

A normal person

>> No.72514196

It was very specifically 13% of the country

>> No.72514277

do you live under a rock

>> No.72514310

Literally just because she doesn't worship the government. Thinking that government is bad is right wing. She's a trailer park libertarian.

>> No.72514352


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, /vt/ is stupid. Pippa Pipkin is a faggot.

/vt/ is desperate for Right-wing support. lol.

>> No.72514411

It literally never happened. You (singular) are desperately constructing this fantasy world to avoid facing that pippa is a grifter.

>> No.72514419
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>> No.72514587

Is this another undercover/pol/ raid?

>> No.72514683


>> No.72514700

She also got in a fight/argument with Vaush.

>> No.72514753


>> No.72514832 [DELETED] 

It's baffling how people can think Pippa isn't a habitual grifter. Even ignoring the BLM shit, remember her lying during the half-life streams about being a virgin and no boy ever having interest in her, despite literally having lived with her boyfriend for over her decade? I know it's /vt/, but damn, have some self-respect.

>> No.72514866

No u

>> No.72514882

I don't see how anything in that clip precludes her from being right-wing. Her exact wording was "I don't care" rather than "I'm an adamant LGBT ally", which you'll notice is a very common way libertarians and libertarian-leaning conservatives will phrase it.
She also goes on to say that progressives don't consider her progressive enough on that issue.
Meanwhile she's also very pro-capitalism and pro-guns.
I don't think she's read Rothbard mind you, but I think "libertarian-leaning" is prob the best way to describe her based on what she's said on stream.
And that's good enough for me.

>> No.72514923


>> No.72515032

You're thinking of another pink-haired girl in Phase.

>> No.72515069

Someone needs to clip that recent stream where she says she doesn't vote and screams "I DONT CARE" about politics.

>> No.72515296

It was all of the blacks, hispanics, and asians, and about 60% of the whites. So a total of about 70%.

>> No.72515337

Another lie then, since she has voted Democrat multiple times, that was part of the kiwi doxx a couple years ago.

>> No.72515375

Radical centrist lolbertarian. She isn't that hard to pigeonhole but /pol/acks are drooling morons who think anyone who doesn't hate sexual and ethnic minorities is a bleeding-heart leftist.

>> No.72515485

I also don't vote, but because I care way too much about politics. So much that Im intensely unsatisfied with all options.
We are.

>> No.72515621

It didnt say she voted Democrat multiple times. In fact I dont think its even possible to dox that about someone.
It just said that she was registered Democrat, which lines up with her story about panicking and registering Dem when they asked her if she wanted to register at the DMV, cuz the clerk was a black lady.
And I believe she told that story before the dox came out, but correct me if I'm wrong.

>> No.72515722

She doesn't vote. Watch streams.

>> No.72515820


>> No.72515837

>BLM advocate
She was anti-cop, and still is, which is based. The racial identitarianism is cringe, but she seems to have changed her mind on that part, at least enough to have a sense of humor and make George Floyd jokes.

>> No.72515879

You mean the streams where's she's demonstrably lied multiple times? Sure sounds like a credible resource.

>> No.72515911

Proofs? None? Shut the fuck up. Watch streams.

>> No.72516175

You're literally coping. Feel free to try and deny any of this >>72514832

>> No.72516375

>random names
Despite being clinically online I have no clue who these people are. Are they some of those cringe groyper keyboard warriors?

>> No.72516557 [DELETED] 


Kids, I'm old enough to know that v-tuber agencies such as Hoe-lolive, Niggersanji, V-Shroom (V-Spo), V-Show jew, and /jidf/ are a self-destructive DEI psyop. If any single one of you enables faggots or has at least have a faggot in your team, you are automatically left-wing. In short, you are guilty beyond reasonable doubt.

>> No.72516618


groypers (Nick Fuentestists) are faggots by default, not part of the Right.

>in before Nick Fuentes is into e-celebs and sucking nigger dick.

>> No.72517256

>no Proofs

>> No.72517367
File: 211 KB, 593x592, 1685350324964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i dont care about politics
>goes on a political rant about not voting

>> No.72517577

>saying you don't vote because you aren't smart enough is being political

>> No.72517590

>generic Pippa picture
>video from a year ago
>bait question
At some point she is just living in catalog's head rent free

>> No.72517662
File: 157 KB, 1600x2200, pipster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pippolitics are:
>I'm not smart enough to vote
Which means that she is smarter than most people who vote.
>I don't trust the government
You shouldn't.
Country rabbit.
>edgy humor
Reminds me of the good old days of the internet were people were edgy without making it political.
>individual freedom, leave people alone.
That's the one making people seethe, because when she says that she includes *people you dislike* in it.
Meaning right wing culture warriors sperg at her because she doesn't inherently hate transformers and urban youths and left wing social warriors seethe at her because she doesn't inherently dislikes somebody for saying forbidden things.

>> No.72518276
File: 188 KB, 407x399, 1688193644512328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dont exercise your political will
>non political
Smartest pipkin

>> No.72518379

i forgot that making fun of far right people like ethan ralph makes you right-wing. what fucking logic are you operating on?

>> No.72518502

For some reason, many right-wing, anti-SJW culture war types continue to assert that she is right-wing and is somehow hiding her true views, even though leaks and her past posts suggest the opposite.

>> No.72518685 [DELETED] 

Kiwifarm whore grifter

>> No.72518708

She's calmed down a lot, used to go on a lot more political rants. Its how she became famous as the "based" rabit. She still does go on some political rants now and then.

>> No.72518735

Kiwifarm grifter whore

>> No.72518988

You can't fool me

>> No.72519276

"Live and let live" and "I don't care what other people do" are conservative views these days.

>> No.72519608

She is Libertarian, for this reason, right-wing people think she is left-wing, and left-wing people think she is far-right

>> No.72519699
File: 1.30 MB, 2480x3508, 1711727136908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf i love communism now?????

>> No.72520645

lol, which right-wing people are you talking about? Most right-wing vtuber fans think she is secretly racist and hate tranny.

>> No.72521789

Not being a bootlicker alone makes the flagbros livid. She's not racist, just not "politically correct".
She's pro LGBT because she's bisexual herself, but seems well aware of the liberal IDpol campaign to politicize it all. Even a trans guy came out like last year saying things are going too far in pressuring kids to make stupid decisions.

>> No.72522528

>She's not racist
proof next thread?

>> No.72524090

The burden of proof is yours.

>> No.72524235

You need to check the history of coal miners to believe that shit. Modern insular coal miners are because "mih family values and heritage" but they have been radically leftist most of history.

>> No.72524251

Rie went on a meltdown about JK rowling being anti-trans which is worse than anyone in any of those corpos you mentioned has done

>> No.72524293



>> No.72524385
File: 283 KB, 463x453, 1605471778491689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Phase is a wokeshit company

>> No.72524424

she is racist, just towards White people

>> No.72525511

that was AGES ago, she has improved since then.

>> No.72525678

That's just Rie. Nobody likes Rie.

>> No.72525724

she grifts and simps for right wingers on twitter, that's the only reason really

>> No.72527452

She has some fans, but they tend not to overlap with Pippa and Lumi's for instance. Some overlap with Shiina and other Gen 2s

>> No.72527501

Yeah, shes a BWC slut. Kinda based. Still not gonna watch her tho

>> No.72528349

People who don't know jack shit about Pippa the thread.
She's a registered democrat, pro-LGBT, pro-BLM furry. Did you retards get all your info reading catalog threads and watching clips?
She's just a paranoid shut-in schizo that wants guns for her own protection and is scared of the government gangstalking people, that's the only overlap she has with the political right
Stop looking to anime girls for political reassurances you window licking, crayon eating faggots

>> No.72530049 [DELETED] 

The only correct opinion is that she's not only cucks her audience (having a rm stream holding hands with a man) but also a blatant grifter and one of the most fake people on vtubing, anybody that has a different opinion to this has poop colored skinned (which is most modern amerisharts younger than 30) and doesn't do reps.
Cue the screenshot of her and the cyberlive whore telling a 2 view to grift "right wing audience" on discord
Cue the screenshot of her rm praising blm and "the troops"

>> No.72531923


>> No.72531943

She isn’t

>> No.72532271

Why are Americans so obsessed with left and right?

>> No.72532359

Its team sports but even gayer

>> No.72532518

This thread, you fucking goon.

>> No.72532880

didnt mention how much she supports lgbtqraatkscdps
didnt openly support open borders
didnt mention her disabilitlies thus making her priviledged
shes practically a right wing nazi!

>> No.72535507

Who and who

>> No.72535694

Didn't she once picked a fight with Hasan?

>> No.72535977

No. Hasan picked a fight with her. Pippa hasn't picked any of the fights she's been in, except maybe with KFPs (who seemed to care about it more than any of the actual Hololive talents did).

>> No.72536670

When people say Pippa is right-wing it's because Leftid insects view anyone outside of the hive as far right.

All there is to it.

>> No.72539184


>> No.72540394

I'm speaking for myself when I say all this shit about pippa being overly political and politically controversial and whatnot is a headache that drives my interest away from phase connect as a whole
I don't know much about them other than pippa is their most successful vtuber and they call themselves "the sad girl company", why would that be appealing to anyone?

I say I'm speaking for myself but I wouldn't be surprised if other people feel similarly

>> No.72540427

Dude, the far left and far right in this country are weird as shit. I mean, the fringes were always weird by definition, but now it's all insecure dorks who spend too much of their lives online yelling the loudest.

You have Honduran cross dressing femboys in cat ears posting how cool the Turner Diaries are while cuddling a riced out AR and a squishmellow on one side, and schizo shutins posting who goes up on the wall during their Maoist rebellion inbetween rants on how they need doordash because frozen vegetables are late stage capitalism.

>> No.72540518

> about pippa being overly political and politically controversial and whatnot is a headache

Pippa doesn't even allow politics on her streams.

>> No.72541439
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>doesn't trust government
>Make her right wing which is bad somehow
You niggers forgot what happened to the Native Americans when they meet the "government"

>> No.72543091
File: 1.08 MB, 852x480, Pippa-GayPeople[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F7pz3j5.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.72543289

A normal person is indiferent, so a filthy centrist

>> No.72544371
File: 3.58 MB, 640x360, Pipternet [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F9sivbj.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.72544469

It's less that she's right wing and more that everyone can see that the second she gets any dick at all, her political opinions are whatever that guy's political opinions are. It's just annoying cause she wants to be edgy but she doesn't know why so what she really wants is the attention for being controversial without actually being controversial.

I fucking hate kirshe but at least she has a spine and believes the things she thinks. Pippa's just a retard

>> No.72544818
File: 124 KB, 506x594, Pippa_Secret_karaoke_End_Screen[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Frjrczu.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72544983

The grift goes both ways

>> No.72548899

>normal person

>> No.72549987

>her story about panicking and registering Dem when they asked her if she wanted to register at the DMV, cuz the clerk was a black lady.
Now that I believe, the little spaz.

>> No.72551032

That castle-doctrine clip was nice too.

>> No.72554226


>> No.72554703

It sure was.

>> No.72555591 [DELETED] 

I don't like Pippa not because she's loud in Youtube clips or Zax. But the fact that she's a furry is what turns me off.

>> No.72555736

She was until she built up her normie audience.

>> No.72556070

>went on a meltdown
Translation: one deadpan insult.

>> No.72556171

>People who don't know jack shit about Pippa

>> No.72556275

>those schizo posts on /vt/ are a very huge deal
You know that none of this shit is actually true. Why lie like that?

>> No.72556436

You haven't watched a single stream of either of them and it shows.

>> No.72557364

Pippa has said several times in the past "Am I right or left politically? Depends on who I'm trolling." (I'm surprised it hasn't been clipped) This confuses the twitter leftist and because they have to have everything be 100% good or 100% bad, this makes Pippa right wing, because to them all bad things are 'right wing'. Retards online hear this from people they know, do no research on their own, then just parrot the sentiment without knowing if its true.

>> No.72559236
File: 57 KB, 193x371, 1711595098362336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, after all Phase already have a lefty in their gen 3

>> No.72559363

This oddly does not include the AOC AI clip where she complains that she's "Dogging on both me and my Party!" or the Trump AI clip where she says, "There's MY president!"


She's not extreme right activist, like her best friend Kirche, more of a live and let live libertarian, disillusioned with the entire election process, but she's definitely a Trump loving Republican.

>> No.72559816

Loves Guns.
Loves Trump.
Hates Biden.

Right, just maybe not extreme right.

Though I think you have to be a special kind of stupid to love a career criminal grifter pedophile like Trump, unless you're also racist. But, given that the alternative is a fricken zombie... C'est la vie.

>> No.72560044

Trump isn't any of those things. Except a grifter.

>> No.72560101

because they dont want to talk about the fact they dont have enough options, or the fact that the vote that really counts is not the popular one, or the fact that the version of democracy we have (representative) kills the real purpose for which it was invented, which was the need to eliminate middlemen and third parties (direct).

>> No.72560288

The Democrats never bring it up, because they are afraid it'll all spill over on "their guy" Clinton (despite the fact that no one gives a shit about Clinton anymore), but in addition to showing up in the Epstein flight logs multiple times, he had a charge levied against him for having sex with a 13yo in the 80's (though it was dropped). That's in addition to the fact that he moved Epstein from state prison to federal prison, just days before he """commited suicide""", against the NYDA's protests.

...and he's been in court his entire adult life. So yes, definitely a criminal as well, just one too rich to put away.

>> No.72560365

Don't forget she's also a QAnon believer. ...though yes, she doesn't seem to understand that Trump is exactly the sort of elite that QAnon was actually warning about.

>> No.72561733

>career criminal pedophile

Mother fucking based.


He'd have remained on the left if he just wanted to make money out of politics. He's been losing money the whole time.

>> No.72562173

>He's been losing money the whole time.
He got $3 billion from the Saudi's when he left office. Even if he lost every single lawsuit against him, he ain't losing shit, beyond time spent moaning about the injustice of it all.

>> No.72562890

>He'd have remained on the left if he just wanted to make money out of politics. He's been losing money the whole time.
And try to run against his formally best girl Hillary from inside the DNC? Rots of ruck.

He's made FAR more than he's lost, even with all the lawsuits. He may not have even really been a billionaire before but he definitely is now. Never mind the fact that he can get billions just by asking his base now.

>> No.72563304

didnt she think certain peoples lives mattered in her PL?

>> No.72565069

correct, wide majority are repulsed by any/all LGBT. It is an overwhelmingly bipartisan position.

>> No.72566794


>> No.72567459

You do know.. he won the popularity vote of all time in America right? Most of the country liked his rizz at one point in time, way more than the other side who although so outspoken could move their lazy asses to stop it.

>> No.72567617

Eh, no, he actually LOST the popular vote against Hilary, and only won due to electoral college shenanigans.

>> No.72567735

I love it when I shoot up (heroin at) Walmarts

>> No.72572565

Popular vote is a spook.

>> No.72574381

And thank God because Democracy fucking sucks. It only works when the majority of a population is accurately informed, all share the same interests, and hasn't been spoiled into a delusional state.

>> No.72574690

Are there any actual schizo chuubas that dont recycle the same old QAnon garbage?

>> No.72574784

she's not right wing, she's just insane

>> No.72574831

Sounds like a right winged thing to me

>> No.72575055
File: 808 KB, 1268x579, 00134891530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schizo enough?

>> No.72575329

If you haven't noticed the american alt-"right" is a bunch of contrarians, whose only element of union is being pro-billionaires, pro-israel and pro-gay. This is because they're funded by Peter Thiel, a jewish homosexual who pays the new Republicans and sponsored the likes of Milo Yannopulos, Andrew Ng and other homosexuals to infiltrate the conservatives. Obviously they're not right wing at all, but some losers are so desperate to one up the progressives they'll become pro-feminist and pro-faggots to counter trannies (and in 5 years they'll be pro-trannies to counter thr latest degeneration)

>> No.72575422

what the fuck?

>> No.72576188

Now THAT'S how you reddit post

>> No.72576553 [DELETED] 

Because they have been the victim of the culture war, the culture was exist to give both the right and left a bogeyman they can hate and reason to hate anyone who wont take a side.
Truth is that the establishment enrich themselves, its why the only correct opinion is to hate all politicians, because both the left and right are in on the scam

>> No.72576958
File: 69 KB, 523x328, dictatorwelcome1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Owning all of California
>including Baja Cali
I... I kneel...

>> No.72577052

psychotic government/media, like pre-genocide rwanda

>> No.72577177

Honestly, why does anyone care if Pippa is left wing? I don't see how this matters to me

>> No.72577237

>She also got in a fight/argument with Vaush.
To be fair a lot of lefties hate that guy too

>> No.72577328


>> No.72577340

Because a significant number of people online forgot that you can have a personality that isn't rooted in your political ideology, that you can leave politics at the door. The people who don't fall into that camp simply don't engage because it's tiring and fruitless and they would rather spend their time engaging in things they actually get joy from.

>> No.72579819


>> No.72579945

Rie nuked her own fans and starts shit with a lot of the bigger fanbases, Ringos really didn't like the way she went out of her way to turn the 50k celebration into a race against Panko and her fans were numberfagging against her when everyone was just happy they were both reaching the milestone the same week

>> No.72580924

What it comes down to, what it all comes down to, is if you're willing to accept that a man can become a woman.
There are honest to God only two camps here. if you're willing to accept such a fundamental lie then everything downstream from that is compromised too. Pippa has unfortunately shown herself to be part of the camp willing to believe this shit.

>> No.72581011

You'd love it if your castration cult was that normalised.

>> No.72581040

Funny that a BLM supporter could do all this.

>> No.72581086

I think it's kinda sad that we don't have a based chud vtuber to love :(

>> No.72581101

Pippa "kill niggers" Pipkin
Pippa "Drop kick a tar baby" Pipkin
Pippa "I'm into bestiality, that's why I fuck black dudes" Pipkin

>> No.72581111
File: 2.46 MB, 544x440, BBC[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fo4myjp.opus].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rie also sings this all the time

>> No.72581753

im tolerant of gay people, they can do wherever they want with their life while if they are not involved in any type of political agenda, they should keep their sexual life private, but troons should hang themselves, even if they fall in the category of gay, this type of people dont understand reality even thinking futas are real, like seriously wtf is that line of thinking?,
another thing is that lgbt content is not acepted for heterosexual people so there should be games directed for heterosexual people and others for lgbt but never combined through inclusivity, lgbt people dont want to see heterosexual people, heterosexual people dont want to see gay people.

>> No.72582331


>> No.72582455

I see we got a lot of people discussing the topic and a lot of liberal cunts trying to act like BLM was popular outside of their ivory towers or MSNBC broadcasts. FYAD

>> No.72582621

Yeah, and then she issued an apology on twitter to Hasan and in it said to respect people's identities or she doesn't want you. Then she never played the game again.

>> No.72582866

nah this is just her being a pickme, she does shit like this all the time not thinking, like inviting people that try and cancel her coworkers to her birthdays and crying to management whenever she "feels" like other fanbases might not like her, pippa hinted at it at some point and it seemed even she saw it as just something random and petty when she's the first to freak out anytime anything she does affects someone in her corp

>> No.72582920

>inviting people that try and cancel her coworkers

>> No.72583044

the ex CL girls that had just tried to cancel lumi, she had a bunch of them on less than a month later including the cyan haired geisha one

>> No.72583095

ah... yeah, wtf was she thinking?

>> No.72583341

it's because she's retarded and goes by the rule of "if it affects me emotionally it's everyone's problem, if it's something that affects someone else in the corp they deal with it"
It's the same reason she slept through collabs with smaller corpos and guerillad a shorts stream right as panko was reaching 50k, Rie is extremely petty

>> No.72583404

this is now a rie hate thread

>> No.72585058

>Why is Pippa considered right-wing again?
you said she is

>> No.72587335

One of the few things that's actually good about her.

>> No.72587387

They're terminally online and therefore easily manipulated.

>> No.72587487

You are really out of touch with the average conservative and it shows. The modern Trump supporting Republican will say that Democrats are the real racists.

>> No.72588200

>all these terminally online retard replies

>> No.72589896

Damn, guess I was right about avoiding Eimi. And now after Runie, I may as well just avoid all of Gen 3

>> No.72590042

/vt/ trying not to call anyone a grifter challenge

>> No.72590129

>Don't forget she's also a QAnon believer
You're not supposed to take every joke this seriously.

>> No.72590189

>Except a grifter.
Do you not understand how much easier his life would be right now if he had never done any of this stuff and just donated some money to the ruling party instead?
Do you really not understand that? Because it way obvious from the start that this wasn't going to improve his life way before he ever ran for office.

>> No.72590482 [DELETED] 

He'd have passed up on gaining $3 billion dollars from Saudi Arabia after he left office, and the game that gives him the ability to get $3 billion more by merely whispering to his base that he needs cash.

...He's been in court his entire adult life. All the shit happening to him now is just another Tuesday to him. He'll scream about injustice for the same of further grift, but in reality he's laughing all the way to the bank. He, his kids, his grandkids, and his great grandkids are set for life, hard to leave a better legacy than that, all thanks to his dive into politics.

>> No.72590523

>thinly veiled /pol/ thread

>> No.72590709

He'd have passed up on gaining $3 billion dollars from Saudi Arabia after he left office, among other unimaginable grift, as well as the fame that gives him the ability to get $3 billion more by merely whispering to his base that he needs cash.

He's been in court his entire adult life. All the shit happening to him now is just another Tuesday to him. He'll scream about injustice for the sake of further grift, but in reality he's laughing all the way to the bank. He, his kids, his grandkids, his great grandkids, and beyond are all set for life. Hard to leave a better legacy than that. All thanks to his dive into politics and stoking the fires that brought the country to the edge of civil war, and has nearly a third of the country begging for an end to democracy.

>> No.72591046

>And now after Runie
What happened with her? I just casually watch her sometimes but I always get bored.

>> No.72591647
File: 35 KB, 1437x202, pls rember.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pippa may have a slight conservative slant, but politics has never been the core of her identity or appeal.
It's just people projecting, but in reality she's an equal opportunity shitposter.

>> No.72591795

I don’t know what shes considered at this point. If you’re far left you think shes a nazi and if you’re far right you probably think shes a commie because shes not based enough. I think she just takes after Jim and makes fun of people regardless of political leaning, otherwise she’s probably pretty moderate.

>> No.72591799

To be honest I always took pippa politic identity being "The one that can give me more content to stream, I barely give a fuck about politic" and in that aspect the one that give more content is the right one.

>> No.72591991

Jim is far right.

>> No.72592018

It really isn't. The problem is LGBT refuses to try and appeal to the Right because "le Christian says I'm bad". Deflect the attention away by doing things the Right otherwise likes, such as saying immigration bad, guns good, love the military. You had a good chance with Dave Rubin and Blair White, but becoming retarded and backpedaling is unfortunately a permanent fixture in the minds of fags

>> No.72592279

I'll never forget the clip where she suicide baits and that clip just keeps playing lol

>> No.72592468

Jim isn't. He's a regular conservative and a troll from a bygone era. However, pretty much anyone Jim interacts with will in time becomes a lolcow. I don't even think it's intentional, he just talks to people and they turn out to be that way once eyes are on them. It excites me to think about what will come out and Pipper, because if Ethan Ralph was the latest one and he's this much of a Trainwreck, oh boy. Oh boy. The Pippa HOLLERIN will be amazing

>> No.72592534

She is definitely more leaning on the right but she also doesn't want to be associated with /pol/-type LARPers.

>> No.72592608

>Anon believes that Trump lost money

>> No.72593014

I wish Pippa was good at video games

>> No.72594286

I wish the meidos would nuke this thread. It's sad how much better this place still might be if /pol/ and /news/ never existed. At the same time, even if I think she's a shitty person, I'm kinda grateful for Pippa, because she instantly becomes a magnet for /pol/shit, distracting these retards from everything else.
