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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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72568006 No.72568006 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.72568086


>> No.72568103

>t.Underage who got raped and filmed b Luca

>> No.72568132


>> No.72568336

>*jack off quietly while listening to your voices*

>> No.72568487

so how fucked is this guy?

>> No.72568538

Wait are the sisters already on a pro Luca campaign? Did the Nijistaff blow the horns already?

>> No.72568659


>> No.72568698

Depends on whether or not this exits the vtuber-sphere. There really isn't that much going on now, so if it blows up on Twitter and gets the attention of one of those Youtube lawyers it's going to blow up with the normalfags.

>> No.72568716 [DELETED] 
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>> No.72568846

He's company protected, but definitely not outside of his workplace. Obviously his crazed chink fans will protect him from the hate mob and shit so unless he gets his ass kicked in real life nothing will change

>> No.72568873

false it's all over it so it's just a matter of time till the lawyer sees it

>> No.72568899

Not much it would seem because niji is literally corrupted and plays double standards depending on who precisely you are.

You know how people bitched about how Cover fired Mel for breaking NDA? Remember they also fired Rushia, fucking literally their top earner company-wide, for the same thing? They don't just let it go if you're a big shot. Anycolor fucking clearly does.

I wonder if the issue is more like they just have such a huge wall between EN branch management and JP headquarters that they are just literally-blind to what's going on. However that wouldn't really mesh with how JP has had its catty clique shit either, they just knowingly are like this. It's like being surprised two siblings from a bad family with shit parents both turned out kinda bad and crooked.

>> No.72569076

he should have seen by now

>> No.72569144

seen *it by now. that guy will pounce on anything that will improve his view count

>> No.72569254

False already cooked up a juicy piece a couple hours ago. The vtubing dramanormies are skinning Luca alive

>> No.72569278

Fuck Niji but I also fucking hate that the grifter Lawyer got clouted after this

>> No.72569298

The smartest idea for niji would be to not acknowledge shit and not boot anyone to not bring attention to drama and then just trash the whole branch to leave with the least damage to their stocks possible, because firing people would make investors jump ship sporadically

>> No.72570423

A high executive at NijiEN, who is now even higher up than he was, profusely thanked Luca specifically for saving his career while showering him with praise.

Luca is protected. Nothing will happen to him. It'll just be a lotta hoopla in the twitter and dramatuber spheres.

>> No.72570439


>> No.72572606

which means that the dramatubers gotta get the normies involved again.

False is definitely going gung ho on it now, at least

>> No.72572720

That was back in 2022.
Now, with -40% in revenue, all bets are off

>> No.72572742


>> No.72572785

Honestly, this just tells me that Luca was the management all along and Elira was just the designated secretary for the female talent.

>> No.72572873

No, Raz did everything for him. All that lazy fuck did was eat and pog.

>> No.72573061

Why are you all acting like he committed some horrible crime? All I'm hearing is that he was involved in the company, is that so bad?

>> No.72573122

his actions have broke contract and there have been no consequences. this is bad, just fyi

>> No.72573146

Sure lucub

>> No.72573178

He's just a shitty person all around.

>> No.72573190

Not at all, he's groomed a massive following of female simps that will follow him for years to come. He's a male mikeneko

>> No.72573196

Because he's fucking untouchable. Selen and Zaion were terminated and put through the meat grinder for less. He's an actual harasser and his complete disregard for REAL rules like don't fucking leak the entire company to a vindictive dominatrix, then ANTAGONIZE HER is a major sign that he needs to be let the fuck go.

>> No.72573224

Sounds more like he's a lesser Vox.

>> No.72573334

Vox, for what it's worth, is missing the Mafumafu element.

>> No.72573344

I'm sure he can POG through it.

>> No.72573375

what's up with her legs?, they are kinda twisted?.

>> No.72573400

Luca and Vox have different appeal. Luca is like a mothers retarded son.

>> No.72573419

we live in a male dominated society and you're surprised at the double standards that men and women are viewed by, it is so dissonant i struggle to believe any of you look outside this board or even your window

>> No.72573435

It sure seems like Luca is the epitome of all things that's wrong with Luxiem.
Dude's literally numberfagging against his own genmate

>> No.72573445
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Luca don't look at this thread ! don't Ego search here ! !

>> No.72573540

The only thing that bothers me is how the fujos are so fucking stuck with him specifically, he actually was a massive bitch before, the sisters literally are in love with the character Raziel fucking molded

>> No.72573564

I feel bad for Elira now. Trying to tard wrangle a bunch of these creatures must've been extremely exhausting.

>> No.72573625

I'm not surprised. I just want the company to burn for it.

>> No.72573634

>implying she tried

>> No.72573687

Why do you think everything fell apart? Elira wasn't a real manager, just a de facto one.

>> No.72573688

roru nice try Elira
You and your hanamori lackeys should burn too

>> No.72573696

Bet me, the reason Anycolor is tweeting about no refunds for their AR Live is cuz they boutta terminate Luca & don't have time to edit him out.

>> No.72573824

Raziel herself is a gigantic fujo, so no wonder her product appeals to more of her kind.

>> No.72573886

It's obvious Rosemi is graduating.

>> No.72573963


>> No.72574113
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Yes, they threw out something that should've been given months to build up hype in... two weeks. Coincidentally it leaves barely enough time to calculate its earnings before the Q4 report.
It's actual pottery. Two more weeks and we'll get to see just how fucking negligible the seren shokku really was.

>> No.72574798

For Luxiem?
They are the most untouchable group of the vtubing world.

>> No.72574883

>They are the most untouchable group of the vtubing world.
Hut enough about Holomyth

>> No.72574960


>> No.72575018

What does holo have to do with anything? Do they have any secret NDA breaks that threaten the integrity of the company when compared to a talent who nearly took her own life due to mismanagement and harassment both from staff and her coworkers?

>> No.72575033

Not only that, out of the 3 sites they're streaming it on, 2 are basically EN unfriendly. Stagecrowd is also a platform I've never even heard of before until this announcement
Their talents stream on Youtube, why not just do it on Youtube like Cover?

>> No.72575038

the thing is that woman don't need to sexpest when they can have sex on demand (if not fat like niji fujos), so if they yab is not even close

>> No.72575182

i hate this faggot for ruining the term "pog" he doesn't even stream on twitch

>> No.72575754
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>> No.72575857

Can't ruin what was already shit

>> No.72575881


>> No.72575944

what the fuck does this even mean pagpagsister? this is the first time i said something about lucuck bobo bugok tanga tanginang gago ulol

>> No.72575986

He was rattled by numberfags constantly making fun of him

>> No.72576031

Those poor fishnets...

>> No.72576101

This was when /nijien/ found his alt accounts shitting on people there were applying to join niji/were rejected

>> No.72576152

is that so ok then

>> No.72576166

>was about to shitpost and baiting dramafag
>saw this
was he always this autist?

>> No.72576215

>thinking he's getting away with this silly bullshit because he's a dude and not because he's a valuable asset in Nijisanji's eyes

>> No.72576223
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She literally said she's looking forward to using her home 3D a lot and achieved the incredible feat of being Harada's oshi, she's not going anytime soon

>> No.72576261

This is probably the lamest thing ever. Luka is such a joke holy shit!

>> No.72576277

From the document it seems like she was telling him to actually set boundaries with factual rules about homo shit and being sexualized if he doesn't like it, but he floundered about and eventually caved while still hating it.

>> No.72576325

I'm almost certain this is supposed to just be rent free and the L just happened to be there because it's the first word in the sentence.

>> No.72576340

vox never been look so very handsome!

>> No.72576382

Selen was a valuable asset, but look at how management tarred and feathered her.

>> No.72576381

>just got 3d
>is harada's oshi
>would rather slave away at niji instead of being a successful indie
no balls.

>> No.72576414

No. He was worse.
He was masturbating to Raz's voice in VRchat while talking to her before his mom walked in and grilled him.

>> No.72576425

>hates trannies
>hates gays
>is a tranny
>is gay
many such cases

>> No.72576560

Based though

>> No.72576768

which is mindblowing honestly. past 15 my parents who had the "this is my house and i don't need to knock on my own doors" mentality chilled out when i told them "look, you can barge in as much as you want, but there's a decent chance you'll see something you really don't want to". i just can't imagine being 18 and STILL having parents that think they can barge in and then ground you like you're a fucking 8 year old.

>> No.72576910

How did this kid even managed to get a job for one of the big two chuuba agencies is beyond me. Oh, right! He was being manipulated through and through.

>> No.72576963

>luca was being manipulated guisss he did nothing wrong
Fuck off lucub

>> No.72576993

Because Finana cheated his way in

>> No.72577038

Why are you breathing and doesn't kill yourself when you are this dumb?

>> No.72577060

He's the manipulator, ostrich-sama.

>> No.72577069

Yeah, and Selen had "a ton of things in the works for 2024".

>> No.72577109

Retard, Selen was the one with the drock. Finana is ALWAYS fishpussy.

>> No.72577152

For fuck's sake, she had a big announcement planned for the week that she was suspended.

>> No.72577162

I'm talking about finana giving "tips" to Luca before he joined niji

>> No.72577371

Have you seen the other hires? LMAO

>> No.72577377

So this other Nijisanji liver who instructed Raziel to change her name to mod for Luca is Finana?

>> No.72577421

Wouldn't it be hilarious if the little feesh is also the one who was being harassed by big daddy Luca?
Might actually give her an angle to get some pity points back if she works it right.

>> No.72577505

Finana is so incredibly stupid her little brain probably didn't even register the harassment as harassment eventhough it was clearly obvious for everyone else.

>> No.72578136

Just another lazy loser, like the rest of the organs remaining in Kurosanji

>> No.72578158

Imagine being one of the nijis that see that one of your coworkers had a yab and you come to /vt/ to see people reacting and people start shitting on you too LMAO

>> No.72578227

From what I've seen... That's basically Reimu's entire life for the past few weeks.

>> No.72578276


>> No.72578320

Did Millie ever really yab outside of the secret gc? It was just that and the selen tweet, right?

>> No.72578324

Not that fucked. His genwave is protected by ex-nijiEN staff that used to be their manager but now currently sit on the higher position on the main branch.

>> No.72578407

all of them have the opportunity to pull a move that would give the love of the entire fucking community, who is the one who is gonna give in to the temptation first

>> No.72578425

not exactly a "yab", but she's been an outspoken corporate mouthpiece multiple times so people started shitposting with her when Rosemi's 3D was copyright struck

>> No.72578504

no, she is just disliked in general

>> No.72578633

Millie was a poorfag and doesn't want to be poorpoor again, of course she'll grovel on her knees so she can keep her job for as long as possible

>> No.72578658

What's with him and pregnant women?

>> No.72578739

reminds him that he will never be one

>> No.72578779

He will never be mpregnated
He seethes that he'll never be a woman

>> No.72578915

Bros this is not good... looking at his leaked DMs, I think Luca's pretty based...

>> No.72578991

>Trying to tard wrangle
She probably condoned every move until the cat was out of the bag. I hope she sinks with the ship and doesn't try to play victim when shit it's over an EN is no more.

>> No.72579002

Not pregcist, just dont like em

>> No.72579339
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>> No.72579373

Pretty sure Luxiem is an even more valuable asset than any of the females.

>> No.72579536

>scared of pregnant women

>> No.72579561

Selen outsold and earned more than half of the remaining luxiem members. Only vox, mysta, pomu, and luca were above her in terms of revenue.

>> No.72580974

>Becomes male vtuber to end male vtubing
Truly we did not deserve LK

>> No.72581023

Smegma-filled sister fingers typed this.

>> No.72581165

the see themselves in him, that is why.

>> No.72581481


MANLY Luka Kaneshiro.

Truly the voice of the voiceless.

>> No.72581508

Why are KFP making deflection threads despite her meeting up with him and having fun?
Are they upset?

>> No.72581529

Where'd this rrat come from? You have proof or a link, right?

>> No.72581562

Kiara really doesn't know what she's getting into.

>> No.72581697
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>be luca
>be rich as fuck
>can't get this board out of your fucking head
>think 24/7 about us
>hate your fanbase
>your coworkers don't like you and leak stuff to hurt you
>you career has come to a dead end
>can't get out of the sinking ship because you have no balls and the company would sue you to death
>at this point you can only wait for the inevitable

>> No.72581702
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Please Agent LK, I summon thee to come /here/ and drop the final leak that I know you've been working on for when the shit hits the fan

>> No.72581757

>your coworkers don't like you and leak stuff to hurt you
This is the funniest thing. The organs must be playing a new round of Among Us right now trying to guess who is the leaker.

>> No.72581775

if he gets fired then anycolor is basically admitting that all the allegations against him and likely the rest of nijiEN are true and that they, as a company, have been fucking retarded for multiple years now. any confidence in their ability to manage their talents will evaporate instantly with potential fatal results for their stock price

>> No.72581784

Trannies make every person uncomfortable, even the ones whiteknighting their existence. A tranny, by default, cannot be viewed as normal or subjected to common treatment. By "nature" they require delicate treatment thus making it uncomfortable for anyone around them.
However, pregnant women making him uncomfortable is pretty weird.

>> No.72581984

She never does.

>> No.72582076

>can't get this board out of your fucking head
This is so funny to me. He really tweeted the RENT FREE tweet thinking anyone here actually gives a shit about him. He has an ego inversely proportional to his talent as a performer.

>> No.72582133

Why is this pink rose puking?

>> No.72584223

How much love?

>> No.72584441

And she also planned to get good at Tekken and only achieved Fujin and never streamed it. Victoria got more abead of her.
Either she has no balls or she is lying, Harada is too quirky to stick to someone who doesn’t relply back with some tekken love, he has the FGC to deal with.

>> No.72584583

Sorry, I got her preggers

>> No.72584614
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>Hates faggots and minorities
>Hates Le retard de Vox
>Is /here/
>Grift god
>Will undermine and trample over anyone's efforts just to get what he wants
Is Luka /our/ guy?

>> No.72584647

nothing will happen, luca knows too much about high management`s bullshit as much as they know about his

>> No.72584662

Damn, who would've thought having someone who is marketed as a Himbo, aka a moron, would actually suck at their job

>> No.72584689

There is NDA breaking stuff in there that he should be terminated for though. There's screenshots of stuff in there that she probably shouldn't have.

>> No.72584787

well at least he is the same ethnicity as the average /vt/ poster

>> No.72584803

Dude she leaked promotional and concept art for a cafe event that didn't even happen.
She had tons and TONS of shit she shouldn't have. Rough drafts of all of his voice packs, too

>> No.72584845

Honestly we know so much sbout Niji and the type of livers that seems to thrive there at this point that staying is a free diagnosis of a mental disease, either stockholm syndrome for believing it’s actually good for you, to imposter syndrome believing that’s all you will ever be, to encouraged parasocial behaviour like bullying and harrassing others being something to be praised and defended.
Honestly this really messed up the hobby for me, it’s already hard to trust a streamer to be who he shows on the screen but knowing with livers you have to add 6 more layers of corporate mandates, deflection and mental problems? Feels like you have to be parasocial to follow any of those, unless things blow up and you find the truth.

>> No.72584961
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>> No.72584965


>> No.72585056

If he browses this place then he probably is leaking shit himself due to some random mental disorder.

>> No.72585112

i mean yeah she should be fired for sure but his misdeeds don't just reflect badly on him, they show that nijiEN management is rotten to the core and has been for far too long. firing him is acknowledging the problem and acknowledging the problem means there's a whole lot of other people who have to go as well. even if riku isn't implicated directly in all of that it shows that he's at best extremely incompetent and that's not a great look for a young billionaire ceo

>> No.72585160

fuck off Luca even that sleazy cunt in picrel is more likeable than you

>> No.72585357

I dont know, the doc came out and stocks dropped again.

>> No.72585437

Luca has a split personality.
Lucy is the one leaking shit on 4chan.

>> No.72585446

What stocks? It's the weekend over there anon

>> No.72585557
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Document came out yesterday, anon and it went down by -35 again.

>> No.72585609

This pretty much. There is meat for the normalfags to be angry at, but reaching them is hard without actual drama. The Luca dossier sums it up in the most definitive proof of favoritism, as no matter how much he damages the company and the others he seems protected, even by the nijijannies.
Expecting Niji to fix anything is a miracle unless they lose the JP audience too. Then they may start to care about what immense mess thry are.

>> No.72585655

nothingburger probably

>> No.72585743

Anon, the document was posted on the midnight of 30th JST.
Just look at her twitter account

>> No.72585794

Tbey are already at this point, the anniversary being basically moved to April is their last effort to make things look “successful” enough to drag things to June when they actially have to present the receipts.
They will do everything in their power to make Q4 not look bad, save of actual fraud of course because being found about that is a death sentence.
The company will do it’s usual: survive, not thrive, and speculate to fill up their cash.

>> No.72585793

Doesn't mean much. COVER dropped even more. It's probably just generic stock market shit. Following it day to day will just give you an aneurysm. Give it a bit longer and we'll see the real shit go down next month after Q4 ends.

>> No.72585843

>Niji thread
>Someone brings up Holo out of nowhere
Like fucking clockwork.

>> No.72586350

What I want to know is how a 17-18 year old manipulate a 25 year old roastie? Can I get this power?

>> No.72586377


>> No.72586631

>thread about Luca's reputation being a complete disaster on hurricane watch
>holo brought up for no reason

>> No.72586784

You are not even out of highschool bro shut the fuck up

>> No.72587339

Started appreciating him again when I found out he hates troons

>> No.72587400

what about holo sister?

>> No.72587497

guess you really love radfems then fucking retard

>> No.72587761

fuck i'm sick of people simping over that cunt because he has a sad backstory in 2.1. he stole acheron's story spot and he's probably going to get the second half of the patch too. at least he has a good kit. oh yeah luca is a prick too.

>> No.72587793

I just realized that with the tranny comment, if the people from the comunity Luca came from see this there is a potential of A TON of more shit to come out

>> No.72587806

Not even remotely close. We're talking about the Luca and the males in NijiEN making a larger chunk of the shrinking pie given how many female talents that made up NijiEN's revenue has left the company. That makes the problem worse not better.

>> No.72587843

It HAS to spread. I cannot wait for it to disseminate on twitter. Those kinds of revelations might actually hurt him more than anything else in the document. Especially if it comes out that he hurt Yugo, his coworker.

>> No.72587858

You gonna cry, sir?

>> No.72587957

I will never forget how this fag would roleplay being a woman and try to erp with the guys there, only for them to get really uncomfortable and no one wanted to interact with him

>> No.72587971

That's most likely why leaks have stopped happening /here/, main HQ probably got wind of it during their investigations and it became too dangerous to leak any more after the person requested the reentry to be edited.

>> No.72588220

lmao troon

>> No.72588315

The funniest thing about the leaks is that he literally messaged his ex asking for tax invoices after ghosting her which obviously completely enraged her and is probably what got the ball rolling on her writing and posting the previous document which led to this one.

>> No.72588847

he's not fucked since anycolor's EN branch is corrupt and showing favoritism, but it will be a continuing poison for nijiEN while he's around, and with his immunity is behavior behind the scenes will only get worse until he does something truly unforgiveable (raping a talent)

>> No.72588951

Just be a man, women will literally let you manipulate them if they like you enough.

>> No.72589299

There is a non-zero chance the crazy hag dumped all this because Luca told her "do it. Im already one foot out the door and I won lol". It's just how he expresses his termination and gets out of paying the graduation tax. Yes it's retarded and this level of retarded is par the course for him.

>> No.72591469

not at all. His core fanbase clearly doesn't give a shit. He's Luxiem, so his company will protect his ass to the bitter end.

>> No.72592136


>> No.72592213


>> No.72592223
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She originally broke down because Luca never told her that he got a dog

>> No.72592367

She DID stop collabing with Aster and Luca, and they were common choices for collabs before

>> No.72592398


Because sisters tryna bury this bitch

>> No.72592479

JP stonksmarket already closed for the weekend, we won't see how this impacts the price until Monday.

>> No.72592638

I would have done the same things he did, if I were him, anon. One can't just kick away opportunities to make it big.

>> No.72593071

Lucubs saw Luca getting exposed on Twitter and they are NOT HAPPY with him!
nah im kidding he dindu nuffin and shes a heckin groomer

>> No.72593265

>deflect every single thing on that doc because she's a groomer (never met IRL?)
>for some reason mass report the doc and it got deleted
It's that fucking easy being sisters

>> No.72593412

Nothing will happen to Luca most probably, but im positive him remaining in the company unpunished will cause tension as the other livers wonder why HE is let go without even a slap on the wrist while they have to walk on eggshells.

>> No.72593462

>the reddit thread got deleted
they are scared

>> No.72593565

r/Nijisanji is irrelevant and people stop shitposting there when the mods starting to wake up, thread still up on r/VirtualYoutuber

>> No.72593582
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>oshi cheats in games, gossips about colleagues, betrays the trust of coworkers, abuses women and looks down on them and minorities, swindles his own fans and the list goes on and on and on
>fans still support him unconditionally
who said women can't be loyal?

>> No.72593661

Not gonna lie, this bitch does looks like she is an insufferable slut. I didn't see anything like self-reflection about herself. Also, there were talks about her being married and divorced because of this faggot, is this true or another lie from the sisters to discredit her?

>> No.72593699

Not really, the livers are the mods and they gave up trying to control the subreddit a month ago or so. They only show up when something really annoys them (like Uki being called out for being racist).

>> No.72593847

why is the average sister more powerful than the strongest fancuck? maybe the patriarchy is real after all...

>> No.72594934

Nijisanji will basically do nothing, as long as there are sisters that will defend the company and the talents, and they are vocal enough to distract anyone from the actual issues.

>> No.72594997

We're criticizing the double standards by which the talents are treated, you dumb fuck.

>> No.72596643


>> No.72598801


>> No.72598998

It's a lie, and she has admitted to a lot of self reflection. No one is saying she isn't toxic or a bitch, but it doesn't discredit that Luca is an overall asshole that was abusive enough to drive her to commit a Selen and leaked not only company information to her, but personal information about other livers as well.

Also a confirmed source inside Nijisanji let her know that Luca is harassing others INSIDE OF NIJISANJI AS WE SPEAK.

>> No.72599097

Proof? Zero chance this is true

>> No.72599190

bro jerked off to a girl talking to him

>> No.72599240

Not much he is comapny protected in a clique.
There are litteral rapists in niji he is fine

>> No.72601547


>> No.72601613

his only redeeming feature is he shat on trannies.

>> No.72603674

Hell, it's even the case on playboard. you can check it yourself. Selen's merch also always sold like hotcakes for how ridiculously rare it was compared to the people "above" her.

>> No.72603830

*rapes and beheads you*

>> No.72603861

>hate straights
>hates LGBT
See guys? Niji is fair and not racist. They hate everyone equally.

>> No.72605344

blessed galaxy poawg

you're living rent free kid! hang in there!


>> No.72606750

>There are litteral rapists in niji

>> No.72607149

That one dude in JP who got booted after four days.

>> No.72607209

So those two engage in casual hate-sex?

>> No.72607519

hot. someone should draw that
