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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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72496301 No.72496301 [Reply] [Original]

DAE know what time it drops on steam?

>> No.72499898


>> No.72500405

5.00 pm jst

>> No.72501363


>> No.72501397

Need 3 hands

>> No.72501444

whats a good keyboard control?? the default feels really hard or am I just too fucking old for this

>> No.72501580

is this a steam only game?

>> No.72502100

still looking? im trying to figure how this remote play shit works

>> No.72502162

It's up.

>> No.72502185

I already play alone because some anon say remote play suck if not in the same city
If you want to try I can give you a new link

>> No.72502255

yeah we can try, i mainly just wanna see how controls work over remote steam play, idk if it uses your control scheme or i can just have my controller and its fine

>> No.72502325



>> No.72502449

oh, i see, this is weird
it has my controller as p1 and seems im controlling you

>> No.72502478


>> No.72502612

Is there no chat function? You guys are still talking here

>> No.72502645

Can you really not play with HoloX? or are they a secret unlock?

>> No.72502671

Damn, my game just doesn't initialize at all. On one hand I get that my PC is quite potato atm, but a game of this scale and graphics doesn't seem all that demanding.Took a look at the task manager and the exe just appears briefly and closes.
I also see that this game is using Godot of which I haven't played much games of (only notable title for me iirc was Ex-Zodiac).
Anybody else experiencing this or just me? Already tried restarting, no dice.

>> No.72502738

The requirement of coop really kills the hype on top of no online play... I'll wait for streamers to play it, have no friends into this hobby

>> No.72502758

>homo references
Aaaaand it's dead.

>> No.72502773

I can play it just fine on my 10 yo laptop.
Try updating your driver

>> No.72503047


>> No.72503096

the only problem I had was an error because my laptop is shit and isn't compatible with vulkan, fixed by adding "--rendering-driver opengl3" to the launch options, what kind of dinosaurd are you trying to run it on?

>> No.72503237
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>> No.72503323

Guys my save is gone after quitting stage 2
what do

>> No.72503365

same here, others having the same issue

>> No.72503394

bwo you can't save..

>> No.72503410

what the fuck I don't have the time to play in one sitting

>> No.72503554

is the menu going crazy? what the hell

>> No.72503598

OP of post above, I tried >>72503096 solution (--rendering-driver opengl3) in launch options and it seems to have worked for me, can now boot into the game. Thx for the fix.

>> No.72503607

You can't move?

>> No.72503609

oh my game crashed
well it was fun while it lasted, im not sure what happened with the menu there, i was worried it was my controller bugging out or something so i disconnected it, replugged it in then it crashed

im gonna sleep though, ty for the session bro, it was decently smooth, a little bit of input delay since we're prob in different countries but i didnt mind

>> No.72503654

ok ty

>> No.72503705

Are Joshu-kuns furies?

>> No.72503729

>pink coyotes
I dunno anon, you tell me

>> No.72503744

You can't hit the boss during its attacks? You're really supposed to walk around and wait it out? And I read there is no saving?

>> No.72503760

no problem, it could be related to your vulkan drivers, weird it didn't show you the same error window that poped up for me, that's how I got the fix in the first place

>> No.72503885

>You can't hit the boss during its attacks?
Yellow aura means you can't knock down or stunlock but can still deal damage.

>> No.72503898

yab koyori's gonna see this

>> No.72503966

Speedrunbros, plz spoil Wagahai section.

>> No.72504142

She didn't even notice or acknowledge it

>> No.72504204

oh dear there really is no saving...

>> No.72504727

Anyone tried it on steamdeck yet?

>> No.72504738
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>> No.72504757


>> No.72504766
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La+ is fucking filtering me AHHHH

>> No.72504823
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i cant get past iroha..

>> No.72504886

You can dodge with the B button. Also you can dodge vertically by moving up or down before pressing B

>> No.72505308


>> No.72505373
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oh yeah

>> No.72505491

It saves your stickers and that's all you really need. It's a beat 'em up

>> No.72505503
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mai waifu

>> No.72505521
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We did it

>> No.72505646

>thoughts after finishing the game
no one from HoloX is unlocking their character. Holy shit that was actually arcade coin cabinet level of hard

>> No.72505850

The game sucks

>> No.72505908

no way any Holox will be able to clear this..

>> No.72506073

I'm hard stuck on lui.

>> No.72506148

why the fuck can you not move while reloading as shishiron? also, why do so many enemies have projectiles that can pierce? so many baffling decision in the game design. they weren't kidding about this game is more fun multiplayer because single-player as shishiron is ball and cock torture. I hate the fact that any damage interrupts your charged attacks

>> No.72506187

There's an item that prevents being interrupted. The only real issue I have with Botan is the fact that her gun doesn't at least pierce two people OR shoot down projectiles.

>> No.72506214

we could have gotten 3rd and 4th gen in holocure instead of this trash..

>> No.72506238

You can really tell who was around when Holocure released and who wasn't

>> No.72506248

this game was really made to play with multiplayers in mind..

>> No.72506298
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Just have a friend

>> No.72506398
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I fee like ranged characters attacks are so slow also the fact that any stray hit basically says fuck you and knocks you out of the attack unless you have super armor. Botan as a solo is just abuse items and pray as someone who beaten it solo with her. I miss holocure

>> No.72506399

I really didn't find it that hard. Died once on La+ just learning her attacks, but otherwise had no issues.

>> No.72506403

Honestly if you want to solo this game just pick nene. Shes absolutely busted. Her ult heals and does aoe. Her ability 2 is a homing missile and can be abused. And with the right gear shes unkillable

>> No.72506473
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Fun game for a free game, some enemies attack way too fast while being 90% ranged for a beat em up. Progress not saving is a bummer but now im aware of it. I cant complain because they made Holo X playable i didnt thiink they'd actually do it

>> No.72506594

Of course Kaela and her pet are going to grind it out until they finish everything...

>> No.72506656

This image is literally in the game.

>> No.72506662

a 4 person remote play is gonna be hell

>> No.72506731

I only care about the emotes
I hope someone rips all of them

>> No.72506736

How do I avoid the La+ aoe? She just walks towards me and deals a fuckton of damage with her Orbs

>> No.72506771

did you get audio working on remote play? me and my friend are stumped.

>> No.72506773

Stay close to her and roll as the balls start to come out, that will put you inside them. Then you can just stun lock her with regular attacks.

>> No.72507025

>No holostars in game
shitty trash game

>> No.72507142

>Xisters, homobeggars and ironic shitposters already appearing

>> No.72507161

The trash bags?

>> No.72507218

the whole pizza place since that's Aruran's thing.

>> No.72507287
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>> No.72507364

I didn't even notice it, you guys are obsessed...

>> No.72507372

sorry i'm too retarded for most people's sense of "humor"

>> No.72507537

Wasn't Akirose doing pizza delivery during the GTA CR thing?

>> No.72507539

It was definitely made for multiplayer, i tried it out with a friend and even just 2 players makes it way more fun.

>> No.72507573

you expect people here to have friend?

>> No.72507580

wrong, she was a gang leader

>> No.72507661

Different dev team altogether except for eufrik, retard-chama.
Also, next holocure update is scheduled on summer.

>> No.72507693

>we could have gotten 3rd and 4th gen in holocure instead of this trash.
We're still getting that later on. And this lets Kay be a part of HoloIndie without giving them Holocure.

>> No.72507733
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he will eat you

>> No.72507813

Wasn't Ao part of the pizza gang?

>> No.72507838
File: 89 KB, 892x142, he really does it for free.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So that's why he never accepts money, it was all to make this joke

>> No.72507881

>have no friends into this hobby
in gaming? Just get some friends together who play beat em ups

>> No.72507900

Literally impossbile to beat Laplus

>> No.72507913

Kuyu and Riri

>> No.72508330

If i can do it with Polka (slow ass melee) you can do it too, literally just dodge roll all of her attack. If you lucky maybe you can get Kiara sword items or BL book, that will deal a good chunk of La+ health.

>> No.72508536

Invited 2 of my pals. Hopefully they like it, gonna play it next week, not gonna touch it myself until then

>> No.72508573
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Holy shit botan is bad, all of her attacks are absurdly slow with every fucking enemy having a projectile with no cooldown

>> No.72508779

I feel like if you solo, it just better to play melee character. Enemies just zerg rush your ass with ranged character, their attack having a weak knockback effect is not helping.

>> No.72509511

Botan with armored charges is broken

>> No.72509685
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>> No.72509726

Modders help!

>> No.72509875

>Almost all reviews on the first page are positive with nothing but some meme in it
>The only review actually talking about the gameplay is negative
Really now.

>> No.72509948

pretty much how it was for holoparade as well.

>> No.72510082

Is that really Kaela voicing herself?

>> No.72510107

So overall thoughts as a beat em' up fan after finishing the story mode:

On the simpler side combat wise (can't really do fancy combos moveset wise, items sorta alleviate this but you're still bound by RNG)
Movement feels rather slow even with evade spamming (spd equipment helps but yeah still kinda sluggish)
A.I Teammate focus is sorta cool, but very quickly ends up having visual clarity suffer when you've got like 4-5 roaming around + enemies.
Quite a lot of ranged enemies for a beat em up, very aggressive too which can be annoying
Echoed sentiment that yeah ranged solo feels awful, botan in particular due to ammo, koyo just kinda devolves into charge attack spamming with enemies zerging on you and idk just feels boring but idk maybe just me

My main grievance really is because they're doing pseudo-roguelite type stuff with the items and chests popping up constantly, I want the coins to be magnetized towards the player.
The amount of time you end up wasting running around collecting coins kinda adds up and it just ends up hurting your player economy for upgrades/enhancing later if you want to speedurn.

Overall, 6/10, definitely a lot more fun in multiplayer I imagine but a bit too simple for me gameplay wise, pretty neat for a free game tho.

Sidenote: Having jump be replaced with a dodge and no grabs that's typical of beat em' ups does definitely make it interesting control wise, but probably ends up hurting combo variety to an extent.

>> No.72510500
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Enable steam input is how I got my controller to work.

>> No.72510528


Charge attacks take way too long, to a point taking Time Ring is mandatory to actually pull it off playing solo. Or maybe the enemies move way too fast.
Status effect items are outclassed by other alternatives.
Too much ranged enemies other than bosses, too much emphasis on dodging pixels where I have no idea about my hurtbox.
Botan is simply way too shit since she can't kite.
Too many items, bad item management. Just make it refillable and let us build in peace. Leave the "random" items to environment pick up items.
Equipment variety is good, I liked it.

Kay is a Towa anti and all I get is one emote of my oshi featuring a meme I hate by fucking 2snacks.

Yes the game is free, but if only it had online mode, I would've played it more. The game had too much systems that is just flair rather than something enjoyable. The game does not feel octane fueled beat em up, you have to backtrack and get coins, boxes need like 5 hits to destroy. It slows down the gameplay a bit too much.

The music isn't that good. It's grating.

>> No.72510607

JP homos get a pass.

>> No.72510811

This is a lie, I'm using my controller right now with no setup needed

>> No.72510946

>all I get is one emote of my oshi featuring a meme I hate by fucking 2snacks.
at least fuwawa is not your oshi

>> No.72511005

double apostrophes are for quotation, singular are for sarcasm, paraphrasing or emphasis.

>> No.72511056
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H-hey bro. Can I play this too?

>> No.72511285

ignore coins, they appear all together right next to you when you move to the next screen

>> No.72511765

I feel it's much closer to holoparade than holocure

>> No.72511821

Tried remote play together with a friend, we had an issue where my input was just not registering half the time.
I was using a controller as the host, my friend using keyboard.
Any ideas on what could be the issue?

>> No.72512421

are coins just for unlocking emotes

>> No.72512455

You can buy and upgrade items with them.

>> No.72512873

>my game wasn't saved

>> No.72512997

I don't really like it

>> No.72513058

Yeah still needs quite a bit of work
Sucks that it will probably push back the next holocure update though

>> No.72513068

>accidentally close the game on Stage 4

>> No.72513161

I've only played singleplayer, but it's really hard to make out what's happening in the game with all the shit going on.

>> No.72513168


>> No.72513179

>No Mel sticker
And here we can see what corporate oversight does to a game, sad.

>> No.72513477

Polka + Biboo's hat is broken af infinite super armor

>> No.72513528

Normal mode was too easy, lets see if hard mode will change that

>> No.72514220

I haven't play the other character yet but why are 2/3 nene's skills are healing skill.

>> No.72514302

How many Stages are there?
Is Stage 5 (Laplus) the end or is there more afterwards?
My game crashed on 5-2 and I don't really feel like playing through it all again, I don't like Beat Em Ups that much

>> No.72514439

Because she's the Healer character? It even says so in her chara description.
The game is designed around multiplayer anon, you DO have friends, don't you?

>> No.72514475

Love this little pizza nigga

>> No.72514503

weird choice since lamy looks more like healer to me.

also yes I don't have any friend.

>> No.72514659

Am playing it now, having a good time

>> No.72514868

That's pretty rough considering Holoparade is made by a single person if I remember right. I like Holoparade for what it is, but yeah Break doesn't sound even close to the level of enjoyment HoloCure delivers on.

>> No.72515026
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>Nene not unga bunga smash
Sounds to me like it was a matter of
>fuck, i designed these encounters to require a healer
>Literally no one in NePoLaBo fits the bill aesthetically without some stretching
>Well Nene is the least aggressive in terms of appearance and canon lore powers (despite being super strong nenechi) token healer here you are
Could have made Polka a hybrid support with healing funny clown magic imo.

>> No.72515171

OG HoloCure was VERY barebones compared to what it is now too.

I think the biggest issue is simply that Beat 'em Ups just aren't popular and there's not enough crazy shit to make up for that debuff here.
Kay Yu clearly likes the genre a lot, hence this game, but the vast majority of folks are at the very best indifferent about them and would never play through this more than once, if even that.

>> No.72515270

Nene is the idol of Gen5 and idols are very often themed similarly to classic bards in video games. They buff, heal, support, etc with their cute songs and dance.
It fits her pretty well.

>> No.72515552
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Yeah I do remember the early release days of HoloCure, but it was still something I felt good about spending time playing since the the genre was enjoyable and making builds was fun. Beat em ups, while a staple of my childhood, aren't really something I'm thrilled about revisiting, since there's not substitute for going to an arcade and just playing with a stranger to hopefully see the end of the game. Also from what I'm seeing, the things they did to try and make it interesting; items, levels, etc, just add a layer of complexity that isn't really needed and requires the game itself to compensate by making the enemies annoying aggressive and magnetized to you. The sprites look fucking amazing, I wish I just had a turn based RPG of this instead of a beat em up.
anonchama, they're all idols...You're not wrong that Nene is the most girlishly upbeat of the group, but it's a stretch to make her the support bard when she has fucking bear claws. If I get to play as Nene, I want her to be focused on pounding her enemies into a fine paste and coating the dirt red.

>> No.72515869

>anonchama, they're all idols...You're not wrong that Nene is the most girlishly upbeat of the group
Nene's entire concept as a vTuber was being an idol. She's not just doing "idol-like activities" on the side a few times a year like the vast majority of them.
Granted after she didn't deliver the expected results and started falling behind the rest of her gen they stopped pushing her music so much and made her transition over to doing more variety streams/ play games, but at heart she's always been an idol variant music type Holo. The only real classic idol vTuber in the entire company honestly, it's what she's always been and joined the company for, it just took a backseat after a while.

>> No.72515966
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That was a fun two hours. Game doesn't have the same "depth" or replayability as holocure, but I don't think it's trying to.
Also struggling on solo is a skill issue.

>> No.72516139
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>> No.72516145

>A girl who came from another world in order to become an idol. She loves singing and dancing, and drawing. She is training hard every day to become someone loved by many.
Nene's official chara bio

>> No.72516167

Actually Nene is a healer on that Shadow Garden gacha so it's not really a stretch

>> No.72516180
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But how does Aloe play?

>> No.72516348

Welp, I'll eat my hat then. I'm also aware of her official bio like >>72516145 mentioned, but when they ALL like to dance and sing to some extent, the girl with the hands meant for mauling just goes lower on the healer priority list.

>> No.72516727

Too OP had to be removed for balance. I would like a mod with her added in for fun. If fucking Sana can get in Holocure!

>> No.72516825

>They don't farm likes by perfect dodging the first enemy for thirty minutes

>> No.72516828

I see a certain dragon emotes in the game. Maybe she'll show up in holocure

>> No.72516878

So how are holoX characters?

>> No.72517109

She's not bad due to high DPS but with all bosses having high speed ranged attacks and having to watch your ammo count so you don't reload it's not exactly pleasant to play her solo without the projectile stagger protection

>> No.72517110

I've only tested La+ so far and its actually funny how much stronger she is than NePoLaBo

>> No.72517327

I dont think you're supposed to farm this game, its more like a one and done kinda thing that explains whys its tough

>> No.72517732

Yeah but imagine the meme pic of being 5view on first stage

>> No.72517795

Maybe I suck, but Chloe's basic attack seems really small compared to the others

>> No.72517977

So the end cinematic means gen 5 and 6 are next for holocure.

>> No.72518013

what happened to 4

>> No.72518074

Or 3

>> No.72518138

Presumably being added in a future update, not like he has to go in chronological order. 3 and 4 are probably going to be the most hyped, so saving them makes sense, or these gens were simply easier to design for the team.

>> No.72518147

fucking kek I kneel

>> No.72518154
File: 118 KB, 512x512, Emote_Ina_Heh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if Kay has the gall to have either Coco or Rushia in the next update pic he uploads

>> No.72518186

>gen 3 scary please understand
>gen 4 scary in china, please understand
Honestly, literally no one would give him shit if he included any of the graduates. At worst just won't play Rushia and do her pulls off stream so she doesn't have to react to getting her.

>> No.72518191

will nepolabo plays this together?

>> No.72518279

doesn't matter because Gen 3 will never play Holocure again, noone wants to get bombarded by Rushia comments

>> No.72518350

HoloCure doesn't even need the chuuba exposure anymore. It's more than big enough on its own that the fans of Hololive know about it. If he is torturing himself over the rushia and coco includes, he needs to get over himself.

>> No.72518475
File: 218 KB, 512x512, Emote_Flare_Fuzakeru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 watch fucking Flare pull the most rancored move ever and actually play the game just to fuck with antis
I will become an elfriend there and there

>> No.72518582

>Flare plays the game
>Goes out of her way to not pick a single projectile weapon

>> No.72519263

haha theres pvp in the game

>> No.72519308

Wait what

>> No.72519460

I don't know if I care to beat the game in one sitting, if that's required since progress doesn't save between stages?

>> No.72519484

game is shit

>> No.72519485

Pause it and come back later?

>> No.72519522

La+ keeps killing me when she's at 1HP

>> No.72519526

It is, arcade style.
There's only 5 stages, at least on Normal Mode, so a playthrough is like an hour at most unless you get hard stuck somewhere though.

>> No.72520183

Rushia isn't a graduate, she was terminated and there's no way he'll add anything related to her given how tainted her image has become since then.

>> No.72520632

Just roll to reload, plus you get to reposition while doing it.

>> No.72520803

Aloe technically graduated and left by her own terms and this game doesn't have her

>> No.72521084

Beat the game once as Nene, it's quite fun. I do say that without any experience of other beat'em-ups though. Just like Holocure the most fun part is how dodging enemy attacks links into the gameplay.
I do hope online play is fully realised soon though, I want to have some fun in it with a group.

>> No.72521199

Anyone play as holox? I feel like la+ has an interesting dodge as hers is a teleport and lets you move in omni directions. Also really stupid with hope soda buffs

>> No.72521315

Finally beat it, that was fun.
So, who's meta?

>> No.72521554

Is Hard Mode noticeably different or is it just number bloat/ more enemies?

>> No.72521695

Enemies do more damage and you only get 1 run
(You have to do the whole thing without dying)

>> No.72521741

So the boss patterns and stuff is all identical? That's kinda lame

>> No.72521918

Aloe was in Hololive for 2 weeks. Good luck making a character out of that.

>> No.72521990

I only got to koyo so i cant say for the rest. It seems like she gets more projectiles+ she seemed faster? (It was late so i cant say for sure tho ill have to try it again later)

>> No.72522766
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>her special technique is to self destruct into an explosion that kills everything but she can do it only once but she cant do literally anything else


>> No.72523351

pretty sure if they're Alumni on the site, they're a safe bet to be in.
I imagine that was part of the conversation kay yu had with hololive last year. i do wonder if they'll make him remove Mel from Holocure, as fucked as that would be.
i also expect to see Coco but no Rushia.

>> No.72523484

Holocure is not under the holoindie flag, so he would be under no obligation to make any changes. And I really doubt they would want Mel removed from any fan made content.

>> No.72523494

Her headphone is the only reference we have of her

>> No.72524000

I'm not feeling this game, some things are tedious, at worst frustrating. I must have missed the tutorial where it teaches you to dodge because I had to look in the controls. There's a slight delay to attacks and it might be a keyboard issue, but why can't you charge skill 2 while moving? Half the time it doesn't even work for me, I have to keep restarting just to make sure I'm not standing around like an idiot.

It's really annoying to have to pick up every coin, everything is made worse by the npc helpers that make the enemies spread out. Their AI is retarded and stand in front of every telegraphed move, and in normal stages they also make ranged enemies spam attacks in all directions so you can get stunlocked off-screen. I want to be able to herd them to safety but they all fight their own losing battles, surely it's still safer than playing alone, but they also make it hard to see.

And I found this terrible bug where it showed the wrong selected item until I switched what I was equipping. I used up all my healing items for that stage while trying to fight normal enemies. I don't see the replayability.

>> No.72524143

skill issue

>> No.72524205

With what

>> No.72524482

>I don't see the replayability.
it will probably be more fun with the online multiplayer mode

>> No.72524553

Seems like Laplus is the easy mode character

>> No.72524564

honestly same desu, botan's hitboxes are a little narrow for my liking although really it feels like the crate's are too narrow, will probably play after matchmaking comes out

>> No.72524615

The decision to not push back the release until online play worked is kinda baffling to me. To me this is only half the product it is meant to be without it.

>> No.72524690

It just looks like an old school arcadey beat em up with a Holo skin, unless you really love those games I don't see it gonna be very fun solo. It's probably a good time to fuck around with a few friends when the online works, but until then I'm not even gonna bother.

>> No.72524732

I only beat it with Polka and her hitbox doesn't match the animation, it should be much bigger. I don't think this guy dev has played beat em ups. Like come on, who hasn't played the Simpsons game at an arcade?

>> No.72524997

Finished the game. If it actually had online so I could play with a full party I could see myself sinking a weekend into the game. As it is I'm satisfied with just doing the one run

>> No.72525641

Seems pretty weird to me that the main playable characters are all JP even though the emotes show that EN are clearly more popular.

>> No.72525689

The biggest problem is that it's not responsive or smooth. It even feels bad to use EMOTES. You should be able to spam them since that's the main function for a multiplayer game. Most games with emotes let you do that to some extent. You can't cancel them either. Let's say you accidentally press 8 instead of 7, they could display completely opposite emotions but you have to wait 4 seconds to do it again, so the moment probably passed. It's very awkward. You can't even open the wheel while emoting, so the whole process is that much slower.

>> No.72526052

What's with that Yagoo teaser after the credits?
Is there a hidden stage if you play as a HoloX member or do Hard Mode or something?

>> No.72526109

game is pretty basic so I guess they have bigger plans like with holocure

>> No.72526161

I think this game being a collaborations of multiple devs kinda fucks it up because Kay couldn't do this alone so some part has to be a mess

>> No.72526247

HoloCure was a bit of a mess at first too. They are obviously going to update it a bunch, Kay clearly loves beat em ups so he's not gonna be happy with a half baked thing

>> No.72526639

It's like those arcade beat 'em ups that you only used one quarter and instantly knew that the only way you'd play it again was if you were to beat every single other arcade game in there, but this one is competing against your entire steam library

>> No.72526779

the only real value it could have would be playing it with friends but they couldnt figure out the netcode
it shouldnt had been rushed

>> No.72527448

i seem to have a lot of trouble throwing items, any ideas as to why?

>> No.72527527

Try standing still.

>> No.72527535

Are you playing on dinosaur PC too?
Sometimes my input wouldn't register when I'm playing on my old ass laptop but it's smooth as butter on my adequately powered PC

>> No.72527538

The Pizza and Peanut-kun are invited to the cookout

>> No.72527586

yeah this seems to be the case, weirdly it registers every normal attack, but fails a lot while i carry something

>> No.72527709

>game crashed when Laplus is doing her ulti move
Thanks for the hours I wasted on nothing, game.

>> No.72528022

Shit game, shit rosters, shit """beat 'em up""" gameplay and shit mechanics. Why even bother releasing an unfinished and unpolished game? No multiplayer at launch, seriously? Extremely disappointing. Go back to developing HoloCure instead, Kayutard.

>It's a free game
Time isn't free, faggot.

>> No.72528128

Looks like you have enough free time anyway, as evidenced by you being in this godforsaken site

>> No.72528486

There are Coco emotes in the game

>> No.72528631

I got filtered by the scott pilgrim game, is this going to rape me?

>> No.72528753

beat hard mode solo
nene is top tier
iroha is very good
lamy polka orca are good with superarmor or quick charge
botan and koyori are garbage
lui and laplus are glass cannons

>> No.72529191


S: Nene
A: Iroha, Laplus
B: Lamy, Orca
C: Polka, Botan, Koyori

>> No.72529198
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I could never get into beatemups. They're like the musous of old Arcade genres. You just mash one button over and over. It's so tedious. What am I missing?

>> No.72529267

its time to fuck off bijoutard

>> No.72529289

Why the fuck is there pvp in this game?

>> No.72529389

HP is bloated as hell and it's only fun as a party game but there is definitely real sweat potential

>> No.72529584

Same but with special attacks (with controller, uncertain if it's like this with keyboard). My computer definitely falls into the ancient potato category.

>> No.72529652
File: 633 KB, 960x960, 1705204261773187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your ohio genre is hella mid, gramps. Sorry. Get some skibidi rizz and play Holocure if you finna get all the gyatts.

>> No.72529703

i think the thing that blew me away the most was hitting pause, i love that shit

>> No.72529739

This is what holokeks were hyped about? I guess when quantity over quality is their objective shit like this would be exciting lmao.

>> No.72530163

I like how the game looks and how there was effort put into all that little stuff. Too bad the game itself is not that good

>> No.72530335
File: 381 KB, 973x654, 1698703190974391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my take? remove the fucking speed stat
needs a dash animation with dash attacks
add a combo system
no jump attacks
needs a stunlock break
tandem attacks would be nice


maybe i just wanted another streets of rage or ninja turtles....

>> No.72530671

It feels like a half-assed beat em up with a bunch of modern "mechanics" thrown in. There's no reason to have equipment and upgrades if the core game is fun enough, but it isn't, and everything else is random. The worst part is it's not even impactful enough. If it didn't have a chance to fail but instead had all sorts of OP effects then it would add a lot of variety to the gameplay.

>> No.72530893

>streets of rage
now that would have been something. Grittier environment, harsher music, simple but solid combat. Wouldn't be as cute, but the holos in street walker outfits would have made it a 10/10,

>> No.72530954

Probably not the game for me. Can't just play like 30 minutes and fuck off til the next time I want to play. Plus it doesn't seem like there's much variety.

>> No.72530966

Having to find items and then upgrade them to have a chance at winning is a very "find a way not to lose" mentality when it comes to game design, which works for some genres, but not where a player is given direct control over their character and can in theory dodge attacks. The player actions and chuuba skills should have been given more attention than the items meant to compensate for the difference in power between the player and the enemies. When random goons are taking full combos plus a little extra to die, that's a bit of problem. The player won't feel like their chuuba is powerful, which is the opposite of what you want for a beat em up. You want to thrash little minions, throw shit at them, watch them fly around the screen, then shit can get real when it's boss time. This first pass seems to be Kayu's typical misconception that hard/bloated numbers = fun. It can get better with tweaks though.

>> No.72531089

>What am I missing?
castle crashers.

>> No.72531152

knowing that there aren't gonna be any major updates for this game ever rly killin my motivation to play the game seriously desu

>> No.72531551

Beat the game twice
Once with Lamy and once with La+
La+ is so much stronger than Lamy it's stupid
Either way the game felt very tedious. I used to like beat em' ups back in the day with Streets of Rage and Turtles in Time, but now I realize the genre is kind of boring. No saves and no replay incentives also kind of suck. Guess being very mildly entertained for a few hours is good for a free game though.

>> No.72531601

la+ is easily the best character in the game by far lol

>> No.72531976

Honestly knowing about perfect dodges makes the game feel a good chunk different

>> No.72532640

Played 4 hours tried out all characters including HoloX and I am so done with this game
They definitely could make everyone stronger, everything felt so weak and unsatisfied
Even Ultimate feel so underwhelming despite take so long to charge without Idol costume

>> No.72533825
File: 49 KB, 454x565, 1686928024230166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beat two stages
>quit out to menu
>I can't resume the playthrough and have to start over
Not like I'm expecting it to be super long but what the fuck

Anyway my impressions so far
- controls are too stiff
- if you try a hold action during an animation it won't queue the input so you'll have to let go and hold again
- hold actions are unincentivized because they can be easily canceled by enemy attacks
- in general I hate that all attacks are differentiated by hold times, D-pad and left stick don't need to do the same thing and right stick is useless before pressing R3. Make use of the controller space
- bosses are overtuned for single players

>> No.72534616

Can I get these emotes exported to Holocure and gacha for them there? I'd like to collect them but this game is not gonna be it for me.

>> No.72534737

Probably more aggressive attacks as Koyo throws more syringes at (You)

>> No.72535150

Botan is insanely strong but she requires skill OR the proper build to use solo.
It's far easier to just play someone else and build defensively.
Kronii's hat that makes charge attacks charge 25% faster and the breastplate that prevents being staggered while charging are both indispensable.

>> No.72535345
File: 467 KB, 693x700, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair she didn't originally have those hands. She used to be chinese-themed but during the chinkening they changed her outfit to be "from planet taotao" to some misc. one and removed her chinese dress to a relatively generic bear idol theme.

>> No.72535397

Patterns are the same, just additional counts. Koyo throws a second wave of needles after half health, Lui does 3 rounds or bullet waves instead of 2, stuff like that.

>> No.72535418

Is there anything special about the coat and the hat or are they just for meme runs?

>> No.72535482

They're both just very nice_____
Seriously their base stats are great

>> No.72535485

Dunno if it's a hard mode only thing but playing as La+ gets me karasus/pokobee instead of the usual zains in the first stage

Tried normal with Chloe and it's the usual ones

>> No.72535778
File: 2.97 MB, 502x900, 1694532528752117.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please hire someone that understands basic fundamentals of beat em ups.
I know you're here Kay.

>> No.72535799

Honestly I found a great success with IRyS wings, they allow you to easily mow the stages and are still useful during bosses

>> No.72536513

I mean, the fundamentals are there, it's just there is a lot of extra bullshit that takes away from them in there too. I think his obsession with items and roguelite mechanics got in the way for this one. It was a decent attempt at innovation, but it doesn't land too well.

>> No.72536529

Or its just a cute reference to his other game? Why do people always try to look for deeper meaning in things.

>> No.72536630

Just beat it with Nene and felt much better than playing Boton, My god her healing ability is invaluable. Using >>72535799 like this guy susggested also let my just kite around a stage with ease and her ranged attack and run until I needed to heal if I wasent in a good position to just melee

>> No.72536750
File: 3.18 MB, 957x5804, kaela.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not like he has to go in chronological order
NTA but he already said she's going on chronological order.
ID3 was a VERY special case purely because of Kaela.

>> No.72536781

It's pretty impressive that Kay made this in his spare time and the holo theme and artist support gives it a shiny coat of paint, but the beat'em-up genre is pretty dull, even with combo mechanics like TMNT or River City Girls.

>> No.72536867

It's cute to have someone from the source IP enjoy your stuff so much, but I can't help but feel like he's just going to keep shoehorning more grinding and the like into his games to appease/challenge Kaela.

>> No.72536936

I wish I could have this level of art and animation in literally any other style of game.

>> No.72537100

I hope he adds the stamp system to whatever else he makes with online, I want to spam the watamelon at people.

>> No.72537409

The one thing I hate about collab watchalongs is that I suck at multitasking so if I want to play a game or talk in voice chat with people there is so much going on that I subconsciously filter out the movie and the stream

>> No.72537529

I imagine Idol Showdown must have lifted a huge weight off of Kay's shoulders in regards to Coco.

>> No.72537668

Coco was always fine.
The problem was only Rushia.

>> No.72538011

fun game. i really like the just frame dodging similar to monhan. my only gripe is i cant keep track of where my character is when there's a lot of enemies and fans

>> No.72538172

It only features Holo JP. Not interested.

>> No.72538182

Bretty good game but I wish it was possible to backstab the bosses while they do directional attacks because they spawn dead-center most of the time.
The Laplus boss battle is KINO everywhere else although that the bullet hell spiral kills my FPS to the extent it becomes easier

>> No.72538522

Nenecchi is super easy modo.
Boss battles are way too busy. Some attacks feel unavoidable.
Items system kinda suck here, you basically want everything to be ATK + SPEED + whatever
Speed is a mandatory stat, I can't imagine playing this with sluggish character.
Consumable items kinda feel like garbage system too. Can you even drop something that you want to change for other consumable? Annoying if it's something with long cooldown, like soda. Books are pretty much must have, they are so strong.

>> No.72538537
File: 290 KB, 1350x1080, 1600714163158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any Mano Aloe references besides the headphones?

>> No.72538844

Unpacked and converted the game assets. Found two Coco emotes lol

>> No.72539120

>Can you even drop something that you want to change for other consumable?
Holding the top button (triangle?) allowed me to drop whatever I had selected.

>> No.72539158

How does he make two games that have so much fucking slowdown? Hitboxes are garbage too.

>> No.72540201

Beat the game a second time, only died once to Lui.
Things I would change are:
- Allow me to interrupt my attacks to dodge
- Allow me to merge gear to enhance
- Change the position of the boss' HP bar, sometimes it hides the boss
- Have checkpoints or saves
- Give me a reason to grind (permanent stats)

>> No.72540444

I can believe these anons played the game.

This is a Niji mod.

>> No.72540660

nigga used two out of three most retarded game engines available

>> No.72541273

Man this dudes style got formulaic real fast
Guy only needed 2 tries to invent vtuber game slop
This looks like it could just be a gamemode for holocure

>> No.72541398

retarded questions

how can I save? I just have to keep it on the same save?

>> No.72541919
File: 219 KB, 512x512, emote_suisei_hah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't, you are playing an arcade game from before you were born, either git gud to speedrun or wait until they add a save system because that's the most common thing I've seem people asking for

>> No.72542002
File: 35 KB, 230x234, 1692971357515795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh fuck it is an arcade game, you're right.
>tfw exposed myself to being a zoomer

>> No.72543204

She's a secret character. To unlock her, complete the achievements list and beat hard mode with each character in 8 minutes and 15 seconds or less.

>> No.72543595

This anon is my dad. He works at Nintendo, you can trust him.

>> No.72543889

Tried Horns and the shirt that heals you periodically and got +Crit and +Health items to pump %health boosts constantly and didnt really feel like dying the vast majority of the game. Second and third playthroughs were a lot easier knowing what items are good and a lioot of it was saving good specials for minibosses to keep them from draining resources before bosses

>> No.72544214
File: 424 KB, 1918x1078, 20240329145234_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saving good specials for minibosses to keep them from draining resources before bosses
These are petty much the only challenging parts, which is why Polka is still my favorite. Her A2 with breastplate can shred mini bosses alone, and her ult can take out half a bosses HP even in hard mode if timed well.

>> No.72544654
File: 2.28 MB, 281x364, 1710156194483902.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have so many questions about this webm.

>> No.72544991
File: 13 KB, 1918x1078, 2719150_20240329175816_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did my first run with Nene and only really came close to dying while I was still figuring things out against Koyo. After that it was heals and beetles everywhere.
Fun game, I wouldn't say it's as addictive as Holocure but I still want to try the other girls out. Is there a YAGOO secret boss?

>> No.72545207
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>> No.72548850

But Unity bad anon

>> No.72548891

modders can fix it

>> No.72548945

compared to holocure this game is shit

>> No.72549337

Another gacha game put Pekora as a healer, that one was weird as fuck.

>> No.72550038

damn every single suggestion is shit!
good job I guess? that is an achievement on itself

>> No.72550198

That was Valkyrie Connect, right? I think Pekora was one of the few healers in that game too.

>> No.72550270

>kay yu doesn't know timerys is the real ship

>> No.72550655

type hololive.net at character select to play as mooks like zains and stuff

>> No.72551336

Compared to most other fan games this game is shit, only the gatcha is worse

>> No.72551599

can you enable playstation glyph?

>> No.72551698
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>> No.72552494

>add a combo system
God I wish there was one, it would've been so kino...

>> No.72553600

he seems to want the game more of arpg (2 active skills, lack of movesets, equips that gives random stats) than beat em up
still doesn't feel good to play, i don't even have the mood to beat hard mode anymore wish yesterday was holocure update instead of this

>> No.72554000

>combo system

I smell a figger here

>> No.72554120

My weeb, the last time you had a combat system this basic the genre was being defined with Final Fight and it does plenty of things better than this game

>> No.72554344

anyone know what each stat does? is Luck useful in the game?

>> No.72554955
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>> No.72555011
File: 209 KB, 512x512, Emote_Botan_tachukete.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what I got, gives you better chances to get SR things from the boxes, and raises the percentage of enhancing an equipment with Kaela
fucking wasted 10k on 47% to get the SR and didn't get shit

>> No.72555287

I had 13% and effortlessly upgraded all my 3 items

>> No.72555394
File: 124 KB, 512x512, Emote_IRyS_shiitake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats, grab your prize

>> No.72555510

I mean, I personally consider Streets of Rage 4 to probably be the best modern beat em' up to exist atm, the addition of wallbounces as well as the ability to regen your health for doing dmg (since specials consume HP) as long as you don't get hit not only enhances the combo game but the game literally rewards you for being confident in your ability to go ballistic on enemies provided you're good enough to not get hit.
Probably the closest a modern beat em' up has come to being a fighting game that's not Guardian Heroes, game even has a training to go wild on a dummy if you'd like.

>> No.72556188
File: 831 KB, 822x562, 1690775817956474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it doesnt *have* to be a complex beat em up, especially since its free, i just want it to be comfortably replayable. adjust solo numbers, less ranged enemies bum rushing you, let me charge while moving or make it faster, fix botans normal attack , put la+ in a micro bikini. its not too much to ask for

>> No.72556304

Playing botan solo is a very miserable experience, having to align yourself to hit the boss while they move around the whole field is just infuriating, it doesn't help that if u go too high the camera follows you and u can't see the 60% of the field, did they playtest this in a solo experience?

>> No.72557768

Jesuschrist, anon, are you happy living this way?

>> No.72557981

My friends have children and for some reason that means they never have time anymore. Mea culpa for being the only forever alone.

>> No.72557997
File: 62 KB, 1179x677, 1681479281580587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know it isnt even a blantant homo reference and you still shit your pants.

>> No.72559406

absolutely not balanced for solo play at all. is hard mode even possible solo

>> No.72559954
File: 120 KB, 512x512, EMOTE_KOBO_DEPRESSED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even think balance matters at all, me and my brother got to Lapu on sheer skill alone and we never had good enough RNG to get nice gear that allowed us to do effective damage to her and survive enough of her AOEs, we struggled for like twenty minutes until we ran out of items and the minions pretty much zerg rushed us.

>> No.72560022
File: 55 KB, 441x201, 1682346569146342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting the Playstation buttons to appear is rough. Maybe it would work better if I launched the game from Big Picture mode w/ controller by default, but it keeps either reverting back to Keyboard or gamepad/xbox symbols.

Also, does anyone know what the L/R thing is here?

>> No.72560203

Left trigger and Right trigger, the ones behind the bumpers in the gamepad, they are pretty much to quickcast specific items you want, just kept pressed the button while having up the item you want and it will get locked.

>> No.72560317
File: 137 KB, 415x329, 1695588517054754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great tutorial explanation for that, Kay. Thanks anon.

>> No.72560829

The game if fun, again a nice delivery of Kay chad and friends. But I have to agree that I don't feel like playing again the same stages. Maybe if it had a randomized mode I could enjoy more, also at the same time for a game with more resources, it feels smaller than Holocure. The game itself is amazing though, must be really fun with friends.

>> No.72561531

>The game if fun
If you've never played Final Fight or anything released after it, sure

>> No.72561827

>crow spawns
>kills half my goons i spent all this time babysitting
>stagger immune nearly the whole time so i can't save them

>> No.72561852

I've played tons of beat 'em ups including Little fighter 2 which Holobreak resembles the most. Playing for the first time is fun indeed. I did say the game doesn't looks like it can give hours of fun like Holocure though.

>> No.72562332

Stage 5 is a pain, but save up some bl's for the mini boss waves and it's manageable. Hard mode doesn't change much except enemies hitting harder and bosses have longer attack chains, so as long as you know what's coming its not that much worse.

>> No.72562394

Yeah that's the inherent weakness of the beatemup genre. If you're not mechanics heavy, or difficulty focused, then most people will play it once and leave.
Which leaves only the speedrunners and lab monsters to optimize the fun out of the game and become a regimented step by step experience.
Same problem plaguing the shmups....

>> No.72563161

its an old school game in a new school world

>> No.72563448

It doesn't feel old school at all.

>> No.72563963

Yeah, it's pretty hard to find a reason to play again unless it's to play with a friend or to unlock all the achievements. Maybe in the future they add a new random style mode for more replayability like SoR 4 did (and it was really good).
