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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 194 KB, 850x1339, k7ryqpfk6xo51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
719632 No.719632 [Reply] [Original]

You just hate her because she's german.

>> No.719646

I love kiara!

>> No.719651

She is
>failed idol
One of those are wrong. Guess which one.

>> No.719652

9000 Kiara threads? Better. Ale another one!

>> No.719662


>> No.719672

I hate Germans but Austrians are ok.

>> No.719681

Austrians are literally germans

>> No.719723

Amerimutt hands typed this post

>> No.719755

No I'm german, it wasn't an insult.
Germans and austrians are genetically identical, culturally almost indistinguishable and only separated by a border because of anti-german post-war treaties.

>> No.719810

I want to hear this from an Austrian.

>> No.719814

Read Mein Kampf then

>> No.719823

a lesbian

>> No.719903
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>Anschluß was justifiable
Raus auf meinem /vt/ kanker

>> No.719941


>> No.719955

losing a war has consequences

>> No.719963

Why is she so unpopular relative to the other english vtubers?

>> No.719977

We hate her because she's a lefty SJW

>> No.719978


>> No.720025

Honestly surprised me too, when HoloEN debuted i expected her to be one of the biggest since she was very idol-like and trilingual.
I guess that schtick isn't as popular with westerners who might prefer more "genuine" personas like Calli and Gura.

That's silly. I'm most likely more far right than you and it doesn't bother me as long as she doesn't start talking about trans rights or BLM on stream.

>> No.720042


>> No.720056

Yes, but I still love her

>> No.720060

I hate her for being a*Strian though

>> No.720066

Nothing about Gura is genuine

>> No.720074

why does she interacts with her audience like they are teenage girls

>> No.720109

her south german autism scares away viewers

>> No.720112

Eh idk, but that's not the point I'm making anyway.
Whether or not she's entirely fake, to a casual western viewer she probably seems more down to earth and "real" than an idol character who does frequent yuri larping and puts out produced songs.

>> No.720127
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now now. we are close, but austrians are def not identical. they are less white. have far less inventions and in general are so unknown that 99% of international people never heard of them and just think its australia

>> No.720144

post proof chink. i hear this everytime yet no one has ever proof besides 1 repost from 2016 which is irrelevant in 2021.

cali has tons of pro tranny stuff tho.

>> No.720185

shes not shes one of the fastest growing channels. in a month by month SC basis shes #9 currently. thats #9 for ALL youtubers, not just vtubers.

but yeah being in the top 10 youtuber in the world chart is super unpopular

>> No.720194

It's more conplex than that, the germanic people are made up of slightly different races.
To be specific, southern germans and austrians are basically the same, they have a higher % of alpinoid germanic people whereas the north is more nordic.

>> No.720231

damn her fans are loyal

>> No.720238

ye as i said, they are less white. the closer you get to medniggers the less white you get, obviously.

>> No.720262

german fans are incredible loyal. ask any german. if you are german but make english/international streams or reaction videos you are a king in germany.


>> No.720277

if she showed her pits more i would feel different about her

>> No.720283


>> No.720343

was hat österreich dir angetan

>> No.720521

Can someone describe what an Austrian girl's armpit smells like?

>> No.720566

thanks i now hate her even more, no wonder she's so shit

>> No.720570

verschwitzte mädchen achselhöhlen

>> No.720576
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>> No.720640
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scheiB ösiland

>> No.720746

If anyone speaking g*rman got corona's off the planet the world would immediately become a better place

>> No.720762
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>> No.720804

You just hate her because you want to fuck her roommate and you know you never will.

I am the same.

>> No.720826

She is at least bi, during her A Way Out collab with Calli, Kiara seemed quite delighted with the male nudity at the begining.

>> No.720849

ITT: Seething angloids.

>> No.720914

i dont know about any german stuff but is it true that islam refugees rape your women?

>> No.720940

she isnt lesbian at all IRL lol.

unless youre just talking about the character Kiara right now.

>> No.720968

yes. and many german women love to race mix.
i believe like 40% of all marriages are german women with foreigners.

>> No.720973

Roses mixed with a faint fishy scent. She probably doesn't shower very often, but definitely tries to hide the smell.

>> No.721034


this isnt her wet twat. since when do armpits smell like fish?

>> No.721040

nice rrat. this number sounds familiar to americans though.

>> No.721048

>she isnt lesbian at all IRL lol.
She absolutely likes men, but I wouldn´t say she doesn´t like women "at all"
She is a turbo weeb. Anime is a medium where females are very sexualized, I don´t think you can be that much of a weeb without feeling some degree of attraction/apreciation towards the female form.

>> No.721112

She gets like 2k views per stream unless it is a collab were she only offers her POV

>> No.721180
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>> No.721271

> trust me dude shes actually super unpopular. being in the top 10 world wide youtuber list means nothing. shes hated trust me dude bro

>> No.721302
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>> No.721436
File: 86 KB, 292x205, Dis rrat ogey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Indog time

>> No.722453

Kiara is better than that bitch Calli

>> No.722492
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Or they think of Arnold.

>> No.722754
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I hate her because she's a narcissistic asshole.

>> No.722863

>>failed idol
We have to admit that now she's kind of on the way of success, so...

>> No.722930
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This is what wannabe Prussians think, everyone.

>> No.723110

Absolute chad chicken

>> No.724322

he isnt wrong

>> No.724421

She's a psycho

>superchat says she talks about callie too much
>"I'm not going to change so why did you even bring that up"
>blames the chat for bringing up callie too often
>starts crying and farming sympathy

I feel really bad for Callie having to deal with this crazy person. She didn't ask for any of this.
This deranged lesbian force-shipped her, convinced all Callie's fans that she's lesbian (she's not).

>> No.726572
File: 39 KB, 601x244, yninw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does such a sequence of hiragana and kanji equate to so few words? I can't find the tweet again so I can't translate it, but this looks odd to me. It's not like that was her only tweet, anyway. This one I found is more amenable.

>> No.726648


>> No.726657

I'm German. Austrians aren't German. Which isn't an insult either, but it's not my culture.

>> No.726669

fuck you pifke austria and germany are nearly the same but still so different only good germans are the baravians all other speak german which sounds forced as hell and akward

>> No.726685

Holy fuck I am retarded. That's the same fucking tweet. Thanks.

>> No.726703

Geil, oida

>> No.726729
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>> No.726801

Austrians always ruin things for germany.

>> No.726839
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why yes OP, i do hate Europeans, why do you ask?

>> No.727169

Sure you can, especially in her case since she wants to be a cute anime girl, not fuck one.

>> No.727202

Kiara is almost a perfect archetype of the abused lesbian

>> No.727238

If you hate her so much.
Why do you keep talking about her?
That will only make her more popular

>> No.727310

>That will only make her more popular
Well she needs it

>> No.727362

I hope the girl is happy. Just can't shake this feeling that all the joy she displays is just a facade and whenever her true self shines through, she is sad.

>> No.727432

She is me
I tried my best in life and i am quite manipulative too, i have a lot of acquaintances, but close friends are rare.

That is why, I always find it hard to watch her trying so hard, because im not satisfy with myself.
Fuck...These mentally ill rrats actually ruin my experiences.

>> No.727490
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he's right though

>> No.727662

Austrian germans and german germans were simply germans for the most part though.
The only reason austrians didn't join "germany" is, that they didn't want to give up the rest of their non german speaking empire. Not to mention that the other european powers weren't exactly fans of creating an even more powerful german nation.
The hard distinction is relatively new.

>> No.728080

>Uropa was a Sturmmann in the 20's
>Wasn't even German
I know it's not related, but my 93 year old grandmother told me a while back, and I find it interdasting

>> No.728780

did this fucking austrian chicken seriously learn moonspeak in a single month? I started yesterday and have only been able to memorize the first 10 hiragana

>> No.728811

Immersion makes a huge difference

>> No.728907

meanwhile haachama...

>> No.728933

No i hate her because she's a tumblr stacy who failed at everything she's tried to do who's the biggest numberfag Hololive

>> No.729025

if a student gets an F in a class, he retakes it and gets an A, is that still being a failed student?

>> No.729043

Western society sucks there is nothing to go out and immerse yourself in even before Corona

>> No.729265

immersion meaning?

>> No.731509

Amerimutts haben keine Ahnung, dass Österreich existiert lmao

>> No.731528

Kiara went from an F to a D.

>> No.731535

Her personality screams "pls, don´t break me" which obviously makes people try to break her.

>> No.731583

>You just hate her because she's german.

dubs of truth

>> No.731602

Austria is not Germany

>> No.731619

>If anyone speaking g*rman got corona's off the planet the world would immediately become a better

I think you mean to says orcs and skaven. They are the scum of the world

>> No.731647

keyed. Only Caucasians have true duhversity of appearance

>> No.731649

Source? I'd love to see the ranking chart and what other streamers are on it

>> No.731665

Close enough

>> No.731698

Never forget the original based.

>> No.731860

wäre gerne in deren Situation
Ösiland hätte wie Preußen nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg ausgelöscht werden sollen

>> No.732446

She talks with nips all day, every day. If I dropped you in a nip village 600 years ago with nothing on you, you'd learn it in a month, because you'd have literally no other option

>> No.732590

>who failed at everything she's tried to do
Like joining hololive and living in Japan?

>> No.732712

do you hate orcs and skaven?

>> No.732727

when will the lands stolen from Germany be returned?

>> No.732796

Cope harder, KFPhaggot

>> No.732839

After the Roman empire is rebuilt

>> No.732867

we just need a new Charlemange to kick out all the foreign invaders and restore Europe

>> No.733086

Kiara befiehl, wir folgen!

>> No.733133

I'm going to fucking learn this shit in 6 weeks while dealing with my wageslave job and CRUSH this alpine chicken

>> No.733185

>Anon hates on chinks hating on a harmless dragon
>Anon reaches chink-levels of autism by hating on harmless chicken
She's pretty cringe and I don't enjoy her content but goddamn, some of you really need to take your meds

>> No.733323

>Learning new things out of spite
Better than nothing I guess

>> No.733540
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this reminds me of "dont lift for girls" just turned 180°

>> No.733589

>just think its Australia
only burgertards do this

>> No.733831

A little bit of Kira hate now and then is cathartic, but some people just don't stop and seem offended by her existence

>> No.734015

>seem offended by her existence

thats how you know its racism

>> No.734606
File: 666 KB, 640x800, __takanashi_kiara_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_chino_machiko__010366ed64e9189f7f4bea1d1a70af92.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a content creator she's very dull to me, but she seems cute and nice. :)
Also everybody stop having a fucking racewar.

>> No.734628

Present the evidence.

>> No.736444

