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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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7152706 No.7152706 [Reply] [Original]

redpill me on this moose

>> No.7152732

Bullied Pomu to death before her surgery

>> No.7152733


>> No.7152764 [DELETED] 

You will never be a functioning member of society. You have no empathy, you have no tact, and you have no sense. You are a neckbeard living in his mother's basement.

All the “redpills” you get are two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.

Women are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed women to sniff out rightoids with remarkable efficiency. Even incels who know how to use deodorant feel uncanny and unnatural to a woman. Your fedora is a dead giveaway. And even if you get a drunk chick home with you, she'll turn tail and bolt the second she gets a whiff of your diseased, infected facial hair.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the anger creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and smell of cum. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your name , and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a loser is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the cheeto dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably obese.

>> No.7152775 [DELETED] 

She's cute and socially retarded which led to a well-meant awkward moment lately so expect a disproportionate response assuming you weren't expecting such in the first place

>> No.7152828

Obviously a bait thread anon. You know better than this.

>> No.7152861

does she have bergers?

>> No.7152917

I heard she uses shredded mozza for her poutine

>> No.7153028

She always talkshit to someone, plus she's canadian

>> No.7153085 [DELETED] 

holy fuck
i am now a moose anti

>> No.7154251

I don't know what she really sounds like, im guessing it's upfront, not fake voice. dunno if i want to hear it

>> No.7154252

Being socially retarded doesn't exempt you from being flamed for saying some stupid shit

>> No.7154387

She sounds like an obese middle ages lady with colored hair and a nose ring.

>> No.7154455

No, but if you donate a fiver, she'll go down to Tims to buy herself a double-double.

>> No.7154505


>> No.7154565

>double double

>> No.7155140
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She wears glasses IRL.

>> No.7155254

Based if true

>> No.7155283
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One of my favorite indies

>> No.7155420

her voice sounds good

>> No.7155464

It's not a cult!

>> No.7155625

She asked Pomu about her surgery, live on stream, and when Pomu did not want to talk about it, the Canuck spilled the details herself.
She decided they were going to talk about Pomu's surgery, whether Pomu wanted to or not. Based as hell, a real chad move.

>> No.7155661

But does she use donair meat?

>> No.7155815

She talks over everyone in collabs including DnD so the DM killed her character 3 episodes out of like 85.

>> No.7155895

Ask in capslock because she doesn't know how to speak without screaming.

>> No.7155914

blursed karaoke moose right now

>> No.7155927

Insufferable voice wasted on a great model

>> No.7156015
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Her voice sounds perfectly fine - 90% of women you talk to IRL sound worse

>> No.7156053

>favorite indies
you're playing a risky game there anon
she might not be indie any second now

>> No.7156080


>> No.7156114

That's fine. Joining Vshojo just means we can start getting merch of her.

>> No.7156168

It's okay to say you don't actually talk to women bud

>> No.7156390

Coming from someone praising her horrible voice? Lmao

>> No.7156456

Fags ITT haven't heard her voice acting. Her Snuffy and Ash Ketchum are damn near perfect

>> No.7156490

I talk to women all the time, at Wendy's, taco bell, dairy queen. Get laid

>> No.7156559

Huh uh. I also talk to people at my job at Home Depot. Her voice is terrible

>> No.7156561
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I want to live a happy life with her

>> No.7156807

Very well-meaning but kind of awkward. Extremely cute canuck

>> No.7156828

She's a fucking cunt

>> No.7156859

Are you being sarcastic

>> No.7156994


>> No.7157358

she's cute, she's energetic, she's phenomenal at doing impressions of other vtubers, she likes playing video games with her friends, and she tries her best

>> No.7157365

Actually unironically based.
Imagine tiptoeing around shit like some half bit pussy

>> No.7157497

I'll never forgive her for that shit with Pomu. Day of the fucking Rake.

>> No.7157588

Everyone already hated her for single handedly making the collabs 10 times worse, the pomu thing was just the final nail

>> No.7157720

I want to comfort this stupid moose and teach her not to spend out with my dick

>> No.7157795

Yeah poor Pomu. I'm sure she is wiping her tears with the thousand dollar bills she's getting. Definitely not because of the surgery thing though since no one is supposed to talk about it.

>> No.7157862

Figured /vt/ would like her more considering she's a kissless virgin at age 26.

>> No.7157883

Pomu is allowed to talk about her own surgery, other people she barely interact with on a random gmod collab no, your vwhore is a bitch for putting her on the spot about a sensitive topic like that

>> No.7157965

I wasn't talking about Pomu talking about it. I'm talking about all the people donating mentioning it. She doesn't know them at all.

>> No.7157991

pretty disrespectful
is she "that guy"?

>> No.7158077

>don't actually talk to women
you won't deny it?

>> No.7158106

voice filtered me hard

>> No.7158113

and chinks will getting cips of her on semi official channel.

>> No.7158121

Female /tg/ down to the weight problem and pendantry over dnd edition wars.

>> No.7158158

what a terrible bitch!

>> No.7158166
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Talking graduation here.

>> No.7158224


>> No.7158277

Unlike the random gmod collab, this is a free talk stream specifically about her going on a break because of the surgery, this is the actual place to wish her a speedy recovery

>> No.7158309
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>> No.7158331

Talking to women is pretty cringe, anon. You do that?

>> No.7158346

I hope she fucking graduates. Fuck this bitch.

>> No.7158350

funny fuck, Selen (NijiEN gen1.5) is a big fan of GM andplayed it a lot with friends

>> No.7158403

She's pretty irrelevant and have little chance of getting bigger than she aalready is not even worth a hate-thread.

>> No.7158453

>he doesn't know

>> No.7158458

oh yeah, why would you wish her good health while you're literally talking with her, better wait a few days for your zatsudan so I can write a msg in your live chat.
you're a fucking idiot anon.

>> No.7158550

When she herself tried to dismiss it and just mentioned going a break? I guess the vwhore fanbase really is retarded and can't catch a hint

>> No.7158587

she WHAT

>> No.7158607
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if you Really care about personal well being and not just about social/media points/credit, what about private call or message?
is this too "cringe" for zoomer like you?

>> No.7158637

>going a break
English please

>> No.7158691

or maybe Haruka knows Pomu better than you do.

>> No.7158698

Why would Pomu want that when she can get like 10+ other vtubers fandoms to know about it and donate to her? It was all a ploy and it worked.

>> No.7158740

Her voice is pure cancer

>> No.7158793


>> No.7158942

you know damn well that every ratt on here would go into a ravenous frenzy if they hadn't sent pomu off properly at the end of this collab.

You think there has been a lot of threads about this non-drama that literally only /vt/ schizos and rrats even care about?
it would have been nothing compared to the spam you'd have seen if they DIDN'T publically wish for her good recovery.

next you would have said
>well if it MUST be public they could have just tweeted it
but you know damn well if you'd give it a full second of thought that rrats would easily excuse that with shit like.
>omg they couldn't even be bothered to say it during the collab they're only sending these fake tweets, this PROVES everyone of them HATES pomu

all of this shit is just sad little fags trying to stir up shit because they're bored, and you fell for it like the idiot you are.

it didn't matter what they did, the rrats would have made it into something somehow, they always do, like that "ollie getting fingered" on stream bullshit.

>> No.7159021

No you fucking retard. She was CLEARLY FUCKING UNCOMFORTABLE talking about it and they should've stopped and wished her well on her "vacation" instead of literally bringing up the surgery instead when it literally never left Pomu's mouth. It could've went from remotely cringe to just a whatever sendoff rather than whatever this abomination we got was.

>> No.7159036

Don't know why you fags hate deep voices. She basically sounds like Calli but a leaf

>> No.7159064

Her voice is far worse than Mori's, go to an ENT.

>> No.7159076

come now anon, it's obvious she was getting her tunnel excavated

>> No.7159091

pomu had already said in a previous stream that she was having surgery.

you just outed yourself for being a rrat eater you fucking dumbass.

>> No.7159122

>t.didn't watch the stream

>> No.7159128

>Rrat eat

No, I saw the fucking collab stream. She might've mentioned it before but she did not mention it at the fucking moment which she was clearly trying to fucking deflect. But it seems you're a fucking autist and can't take social clues either.

>> No.7159178
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>> No.7159241

>pomu didn't wanna bring attention to herself and make people uncomfortable by talking about her surgery
>the rest of them insist she deserves the attention and that the matter is important enough that it should be addressed regardless of the topic not being super nice and great.

spread this rrat instead, I'm sure pomu would prefer it to the other one.
pomu has a kind heart.

>> No.7159258

Jesus christ you guys hold singular fuck ups as if they're the end of the world it clearly wasn't meant to be malicious

>> No.7159287

they are very bored and do not have a life outside of this, preese anderstan

>> No.7159300

You mean Subaru but leaf

>> No.7159418

My only question why the fuck canadian named herself "Haruka". Fucking weebs i swear

>> No.7159463

you have to love the irony that someone from here of all places would get so uptight about a person being socially awkward.

>> No.7159812

you should be used to it by now
>Finana Ryugu
>Selen Tatsuki
>Mori Calliope
>Takanashi Kiara
>Ninomae Ina'nis
>Gawr Gura
>Amano Nene
>Literally everyone in PRISM

>> No.7159964

in your/vt/ is 1 person or hive mind apparently.
do not put you shit(opinion) into my mouth, anon.
as much as i Personally want to know about people's personal interesting/funny stuff, i Genuinely think that if media influencer care about another person it is better to reach in private.
examples will be
>Kiara reached to Coco in privat after her member only stream
>basically Ame's interactions with Gura, Kiara, Calliope behind the scenes
the only reason we know about this stuff is becaise ppl on the receiving and told about it!

>people will make drama out of anything
>/vt/ are messing around because they are bored
SO why are you so fucking serious about it?
people either (1) messing around with each other without serious intentions either just (2) want to BE angry about something.
why do they wants to be angry? because anger is
>emotion you can control (unlike depresion for example);
>this is distraction from another problems(real life problems for example), specificle problems where you are powerless.
Now just take a look at 4chan demographic.

>> No.7160315

why am I serious about it? because of the damage it incurs when rrats and rumors are spread around the community it harms the community it self but most importantly it harms the entertainers that we enjoy.

>> No.7160491

All of these are some artificial non existent or barely used names meanwhile Haruka is something you'll see in "top 10 most used japanese" list

>> No.7160756

Felicia Finbottom
Selene Huricane
Mary Capricorn
Kelly Cluck
Erma Octopus

>> No.7160779

Most of those are excused by being engineered by almost entirely Japanese people, in part for a Japanese audience.
Indies have no excuse for going full weeb, unless they're entirely fluent and make it a part of their character. Her character is an animal that has nothing to do with Japan, and to my knowledge she is not fluent. She's Canadian to the core, might as well have named herself Maple or Leaf and it would've been much cuter.

>> No.7160888

>no excuse for going full weeb
You need an excuse? That's like saying people shouldn't use weeb names in mmos and shit.

>> No.7160982

When you're playing a character for public entertainment, it only makes sense to have your name reflective of your content. I could give a rat's ass about the Kiritos in MMOs.

>> No.7161039

>rrats and rumors are spread around
you think too highly of /vt/ and their impact on the industry and vtubers. there are about 100+ people here (in a prime time). 90%+ viewers don't care about /vt/ and their shit (opinions).

if you genuinely want to enjoy vtubers you are better stop spoil your own entertainment and leave /vt/.

>> No.7161040

If nobody clipped the moment then it wasn't that bad. Clippers eat up horrible moments

>> No.7161288

you know damn well that shit spreads beyond /vt/

>> No.7161374

it was literally nothing, /vt/ has nothing to do right now.

>> No.7161613

Nah you're retarded

>> No.7161672

whatever anon, enjoy your white knighting dutices.

>> No.7163184

any archive of the stream, or at least when nyan vei mouse checked out?

>> No.7163296

Any of the ones that stream on Twitch should still be up, with the exclusion of those three because they gave so little fucks they didn't even stream it.
The youchuubas removed the archives for DMCA.

>> No.7164015

Was my beloved bao okay during this stream? Don't tell me she fucked up, or im gonna have to fuck her up

>> No.7164424

She joined the voice chat last and then immediately burped on everyone's streams

>> No.7164606

Is she actually autistic?
I'm asking seriously.

>> No.7164743

This is why I hate her. Not the fact that she misread the room or acted awkwardly. But the fact that she forced that topic out because she wanted to. As if it was her right to choose what everyone had to talk about now.
Being "socially awkward" is not an excuse for being an asshole.

>> No.7166889

She was like that the entire collab.
When they were doing the stupid ara ara segment, she kept autistically shouting "I'm last! I called it! I get to go last because I said so!" when everyone else was cordial and going alphabetical. Everything was about what she wanted.
She's like the chicken but without a tard wrangler to reel it in.

>> No.7168962

>As if it was her right to choose what everyone had to talk about now.
Otherwise they'd all be quiet and it would be awkward. Someone has to talk.

>> No.7169314

Is tim horton's a meme?

>> No.7169525

>What's the details for your break?
>It's just a break, that's all!
>Oh, well we all want to give you well wishes on your break!
There. There's all the talk that needed to happen.

Guarantee every single person within the collab would have understood the meaning behind the ambiguity. Outing the reason was entirely selfish.

>> No.7170078

Except it didn't benefit her at all. If anything it just got Pomu more money tonight.

>> No.7170161

Haruka autistic moose jesus?? Hot rrat

>> No.7170225

You need to check 7 of the 12 recognized symptoms of autism for an affirmative diagnosis. Only 6 of them can be measured via a chooba. However, she does check all 6. So even one more is an affirmative diagnosis.
>t. someone who checks 9 of the symtpoms.
