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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 793 KB, 2048x2048, 1686248553586013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
71556356 No.71556356 [Reply] [Original]

Charmed, I'm Sure Edition

Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo and vtubers who frequently associate with them.

Zen is LIVE! And is looking at jets. Yup. Weird start to the day. There'll be a couple collabs today. A big one later with Mouse and ??? who knows who else in Predator Hunting Grounds. That's it for now so keep things comfy and civil by ignoring and especially reporting bait, and being excellent to each other.

VShojo is:
Froot - https://www.twitch.tv/apricot
GEEGA - https://www.twitch.tv/geega
Haruka - https://www.twitch.tv/harukakaribu
Henya - https://www.twitch.tv/henyathegenius
Hime - https://www.twitch.tv/hajime
Kson - https://www.twitch.tv/ksonsouchou / https://www.youtube.com/c/ksonONAIR
Kuro - https://www.twitch.tv/k9kuro
Mata - https://www.twitch.tv/matarakan
Mel - https://www.twitch.tv/projektmelody
Mouse - https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse
Zen - https://www.twitch.tv/zentreya

総長 + 会長 for dedicated Kson discussion
/999/ for dedicated Henya discussion
/lig/ for more + and ex-member discussion

Previous Thread: >>71545777

>> No.71556447
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>> No.71556501
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OP image is not official but someone made some reversible VShojo charms if you want to buy some fan merch. Geega has her original outfit on the other side, Kuro's wearing the mask, and Mata's got a different expression. https://twitter.com/daphodoodle/status/1769048171890835719

>> No.71556566
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>> No.71556573
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>> No.71556654

that's a new one, have they collabed before?

>> No.71556664
File: 187 KB, 224x416, N52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love my wolf wife

>> No.71556686
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i love kchon!

>> No.71556733
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>> No.71556735

Yeah I don't know this one. Obviously one of Heavenly's friends but never heard of her. She's a rage machine tho lol

>> No.71556741
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>> No.71556749

Nope. Apparently Heavenly knows her though and that's how this started. Is this someone that /fig/ talks about or someone random

>> No.71556778

No, as soon as she got in a call with Zen, they both said "nice to meet you." This lady raided Zen TODAY not even an hour ago and Zen is already collabing with her. Zen has some serious power.

>> No.71556827

3-0 into 0-3 wait we got a game

>> No.71556856

Another week of Mouse ignoring everything she planned to do and instead spamming the same game for hours a day. Maybe instead of playing the same game every day for 8 hours she could spend 4 of those hours on something else? Because God forbid she certainly doesn't have anytime to do anything she wanted with having to stream 12+ hours every day. Poor girl must be so busy.

>> No.71556857

oh i remember her, she is the one who called Neon out and set off the chain, pretty based

>> No.71557024
File: 445 KB, 630x938, 1710591301012835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

next Vshojo concert?

>> No.71557029
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>mouse when she does this to specifically spite (you)

>> No.71557103
File: 627 KB, 4096x2519, deme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, she did. I watched one of her streams a while back and she seems okay. Her model is really cute.

>> No.71557122

This girl Zen's fighting sounds like what I imagine Mouse would be like if she got really into fighting games

>> No.71557135

>caused the split
>usual bait isn't working
>better go back to Mouse bait unprompted!

>> No.71557270
File: 1.30 MB, 1920x1080, IMG_9507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zen and Mata should get Botan and Mio to collab. I need more hags

>> No.71557287

Mom soonish.

>> No.71557297

unlike some idiots I keep any specific discussions to one thread. going more than that is just a waste of time and energy.

>> No.71557360

>another split schizo

>> No.71557366

Zen hasn't said anything for the past 5 minutes

>> No.71557412
File: 51 KB, 1081x212, mouse stream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71557416

Her and the girl she is fighting are very close in skill level it is making for a fun match

>> No.71557420

nta but if Mouse did avoid fun plans that everyone would enjoy because of a few people here that would be very pathetic not that I think that's the case

>> No.71557442

4 hours is impossible sorry. maybe she’ll consider an hour or two out of pity before dropping the game

>> No.71557449
File: 82 KB, 1500x390, 1708904895130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say hi to the numbermonkeys guys

>> No.71557523

Did Henya flush Far Cry 3 or no?

>> No.71557551
File: 258 KB, 2327x1440, 1685215191490227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She knows if she loses everyone will mock her forever so she's doing everything she can to win

>> No.71557652


>> No.71557668

good morning sars
bloody IM embed facking bastard

>> No.71557734

No. But she talked about it recently on stream. She was clear that she has friends that she just doesn't get to talk to or collab with every year.

>> No.71557764

Why do streamer always have to play one game till you just hate it? is it so hard to mix it up a bit so the games last longer?

>> No.71557815
File: 27 KB, 112x112, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zen sweating in Tekken 8
>Mata soon with print signing
>Mouse soon
>Haruka streaming today
>Henya soon
today will be a good day lads

>> No.71557827

>very close in skill level
nope, if one can talk keep a conversation while playing and the other needs to focus a 100% it's not even close to being the same skill level.

>> No.71557833

For people who truly love vshojo, come home.

>> No.71557845

Thanks for giving the discussion a fair explanation despite being hated universally across the board.

>> No.71557869

And it works

>> No.71557880

>>Mata soon with print signing
How soon are we talking?

>> No.71557895
File: 17 KB, 599x165, 1708447107424066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mata confirmation. She'll be around in 1 hour.

>> No.71557906


>> No.71557938


>> No.71557940

That's 13 hours?

>> No.71557995

pm anon, not am

>> No.71558017

the people in this thread can not judge what is on topic or not by reading mouses thoughts. we can only do it through actions that we see happening in the real world.

>> No.71558043

Did vei turn of the wild wasteland perk?

>> No.71558071
File: 2.44 MB, 500x281, 1679840414686112.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Heavenly lets Zen teake a round
>Proceeds to perfect her the next one

>> No.71558102

time zone?

>> No.71558151

Mouse is EST.

>> No.71558177

damn, heavenly sucks

>> No.71558189

Yes. That was the second point. >>71556846

>> No.71558230

I've been following Deme forever, nice to see her in a Zen collab

>> No.71558320

i wouldn't mind if she didn't lie about it. your illness is not an excuse for lack of self control especially when you use it to conveniently ignore things you don't want to do. it's even more annoying when she says she has no time to do things when she streams mindless games for nearly twice an average work day. how about you stop stream early so you have the time to do things instead of stressing over things you do to yourself. the complete lack of empathy from her is tiring.

>> No.71558327
File: 1.77 MB, 1543x863, 1703328211194353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zen just keeps getting hit by the same move over and over
lmao Heavenly's fucking around a bit too much

>> No.71558526

Deme and Heavenly are good together.

>> No.71558555

Man Zen would get sweated on in MK

>> No.71558630

i dont remember posting this but yes, i do with every fiber of my being.

>> No.71558663

He is bullying this poor girl, oh my god

>> No.71558678

Is it really 2 silverfags?

>> No.71558687
File: 194 KB, 1080x1080, Breakfast-Teapot-Burnt-Toast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the complete lack of empathy
Pre whiners are so fucking pathetic

>> No.71558715

>Do they collab regularly with Vshojo members?
>"yes because mouse has friends offstream and one is silver i saw it in a dream"
is that actually what you're arguing

>> No.71558741

But it already happened last week.

>> No.71558832

thank you

>> No.71558847

at least 3, that's for sure

>> No.71558882

I'm arguing that anything that requires reading into their personal relationships is unenforceable because it's just this:
>"yes because mouse has friends offstream and one is silver i saw it in a dream"

>> No.71558889

ya like when you losers start whining that she wouldn't play ship graveyard and then she proceeded to play it kek

>> No.71558908

Heavenly seems like a good teacher. Deme also seems like she gets extremely fired up over minor things. I like this combination lmao

>> No.71558961

Kuma time

>> No.71558992

I was hoping she wouldn't play that one. It looked like ass.

>> No.71559033

that's also what i think so it doesn't make any sense why you're arguing. what matters is "do they collab". when they don't and they aren't going to anytime soon they aren't on topic.

>> No.71559046

Heavenly's bants are amazing.

>> No.71559137

the week is over and multiple plans she had for days other than the weekend have fallen through. she'll try to make up for it by spamming variety for the next couple of days making up excuses only to do the exact same thing next week. honestly she's lucky she can't drink or she would be a prime candidate for addiction. she has all the signs especially ignoring your responsibilities and promises to feed it and then try to make up for it after the fact.

>> No.71559202

No. You're skipping the first point, agreeing with the second point, and calling it a wash. The only way it would be remotely enforceable is if there was a clearly defined time span.

>> No.71559204

Zen was close to beat her

>> No.71559236

Is he outsourcing his posts to chatgpt?

>> No.71559277

lol. lmao even.

>> No.71559459 [SPOILER] 
File: 626 KB, 1536x2048, 1682906520191470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go into the archive to see if Deme gets any discussion in other threads
>Immediately get a picture of her PC

>> No.71559500


>> No.71559525

Ahh you are on those retards who take any expression of intent as a blood oath promise. Are you in still therapy from when you found out santa isn't real? You can't be judging anyone's mental health from the sandpit foundation you are standing in

>multiple plans she had for days other than the weekend have fallen through
Other then the wheel which didn't work and was out of her control what plan has fallen through this week especially considering it's saturday. The only one i can think of is white day and she still has two days to play it

>> No.71559556

the time spam is "at least once after leaving vshojo and saying that they suck and you aren't friends with anyone there while commissioning art of you chopping up your vshojo stuff".

>> No.71559569

is she really losing to a keyboard masher? baka zentreya from vshojo

>> No.71559580

I know that the sub goal list was deleted but the goals still exist.

>> No.71559578
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Henya is an American

>> No.71559633

>Heavenly has a roommate

>> No.71559974

Vshojo changed him

>> No.71560075

you can't seriously be trying to argue she doesn't have an addictive personality? that's got to be the biggest cope I've ever seen. she self admits to streaming to ignore her responsibilities and regularly obsesses over games and people ignoring everything else. if you don't see that as a sign of lack of self control and addiction then idk what to say to you. and that's not even including her gamba obsession, hopefully she never does poker for real money or it's literally over.

>> No.71560079

Does anyone have an update on Kuro? He hasn't posted anything since his apology and he usually daily tweets. It's been awhile since he has been this silent. I hope he's doing good.

>> No.71560168

How do you expect the jannies to know that?

>> No.71560247

probably laying low for now

>> No.71560254

by looking at the thread

>> No.71560523

Do you expect the jannies to watch every mouse stream?

>> No.71560555
File: 389 KB, 2000x936, GIz11F6XQAAoLnB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Lily's big announcement was trading cards



>> No.71560633

I'm going to play a Zen beatdown deck

>> No.71560635

>its actually called VCARD
my sides

>> No.71560643

jannies can delete off topic stuff from /hlg/ despite it being literally impossible to watch all 70 holos so they have the power

>> No.71560664

how did vshojo staff not think of this ? with the orbiters they can pull this off easy.

>> No.71560673

geega looks like she smells nice

>> No.71560693

he's probably laying low until things blow over, honestly the best thing to do for now, he'll probably update on his discord

>> No.71560733

I ask this genuinely, what makes you think there would be insider information here?

>> No.71560746

Honestly, I wouldn't buy cards

>> No.71560769

>trading card game
really? nothing against lily but would people actually buy this

>> No.71560834

If it's successful, partner with her. Vshojo expansion pack.

>> No.71560836

im guessing they're not subbed to his discord

>> No.71560853


>> No.71560911

because its a waste of money

>> No.71560914

Nigga who cares about the game. People just wanna open packs. You think people actually play Pokémon TCG?

>> No.71560942

If she gets enough vtubers involved I don't why it won't be successful

>> No.71561052

She's part owner of Gamer Supps now so she can use their money to support her ideas
IDK if they'll do more than one edition depending on the sales and the rest of the numbers
It also depends on who she makes cards of
It seems to be an open invitation to whoever replies to her Twitter post
My guess is that all the big mythic girls will get a spot

>> No.71561090
File: 2.24 MB, 1574x883, cards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71561100

Mouse live

>> No.71561101

It is merch but at least it's original

>> No.71561141
File: 3.77 MB, 420x451, BouncingFluffyMouse2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best girl in the whole universe is live

>> No.71561163

I know but that's holo they are on another spectrum

>> No.71561164

well, at least it isn't NFTs. i won't be buying any though

>> No.71561187
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>> No.71561216
File: 1.54 MB, 1546x861, 1686524921214886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey Geega played this game. It's great.

>> No.71561219

You do realize that's a dramafaggot hoping to make bait right?

>> No.71561220
File: 60 KB, 739x568, hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think about it is a physical NFT kek

>> No.71561301

>in collaboration with gamersupps
already putting her stake in the company in good use

>> No.71561327

Enjoy her while you can. Her content is going to take a nosedive in 2 weeks.

>> No.71561349

eh dramafaggots wouldn't know his posting schedule unless its rebecca but im pretty sure she already fucked off a while ago

>> No.71561353
File: 14 KB, 181x171, Ironmouse_Lost_Season_Kiritan_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ironmouse rookie card, let's goooooo!

>> No.71561363

>physical nft
that's kind of an oxymoron

>> No.71561392
File: 1.25 MB, 1366x768, 1693870104581668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Henya's unintentionally comedic timing is flawless

>> No.71561415

That's my point. You're spoonfeeding a retard.

>> No.71561426
File: 99 KB, 211x214, -9ur-jr3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My guess is that all the big mythic girls will get a spot
Most of the biggest mythic girls I can't see wanting in. Better trying her whoreclan friends, they're easily scammed.

>> No.71561463

This model comes in mouse's dream every night.

>> No.71561618
File: 373 KB, 112x112, RatanaJam.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah the music from mouse's concert is 10/10

>> No.71561714

helldivers, supermarket sim, lethal company

>> No.71561732

i doubt it. even mouse realizes watching that for 2 weeks straight will just be shit content. she already said she'll be skipping most of it. on the plus side it means 2 weeks of no game collabs with them.

>> No.71561781


>> No.71561848
File: 497 KB, 1079x765, SupYall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another good day for the Democratic Company Vshojo.

>> No.71561908
File: 412 KB, 900x900, Vods2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vshojo Vods
I do not store vods so once the gofiles expire they will be gone

https://pastebin.com/ixXpuLWH (2 New Vods)

[INFO] I'm missing a few vods as the server had an issue the other day and I was unaware till just now. Sorry

14-03-24 - henyathegenius_41141809127 -
GoFile: https://gofile.io/d/JDvOkK

15-03-24 - projektmelody_43820005755 -
GoFile: https://gofile.io/d/Bcej8A

>> No.71562051

>You think people actually play Pokémon TCG?
I wanted to play that but Nintendo sucks so hard at service.
>make an account
>pick name
>have to wait 24 hours
>your name is against tos
>pick new name
>have to wait 24 hours again
>name is against tos
the names in question
fuck nintendo

>> No.71562062
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For future posting / shipping purposes

>> No.71562078

it's a shit idea unless you can include Niji/Holo number of Vtubers and are the sole holder of the IP.
Best of luck to her doing that with different indies with different interest in different groups/agencies.

>> No.71562182

You forgot Predator: Hunting Grounds, which is the Zen collab today. They talked about it earlier in the week.

>> No.71562202

in Zens Stream

>> No.71562232

Did they fix that game? Is it still hilariously jank?

>> No.71562240

That's what I love about her, she's either the most crafty, manipulative vtuber I've ever seen, or she's a naturally hilarious dumbass.

>> No.71562452

That doesn't fit my narrative so it doesn't count

>> No.71562477

when is the mousey + Zen collab?

>> No.71562527


>> No.71562546


>> No.71562589

Wasn't Mata going live?

>> No.71562652

yeah, in Matara™ time.

>> No.71562677

that sounds really fun

>> No.71562717

zen and mouse playing predator hunting grounds later then

>> No.71562726

Someone needs to call Cat Police

>> No.71562924

is that like the Dog Police?

>> No.71562995

Is Zen playing the new gundam? Literally looks like gundam

>> No.71563038

Did she actually mean 4:30am?

>> No.71563242
File: 144 KB, 850x1206, sample_fafd8053fdfed82f73615e42352b0ab8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71563305

... you don't watch mouse hm?

>> No.71563304

Not that Dog Police, this one

>> No.71563392

I'm not a furry, but...

>> No.71563549

That's an anime girl with dog ears and a tail.

>> No.71563602

I want Korosan to extrajudicially torture me to death in the back of a police van.

>> No.71563673

yo has anyone told mouse about VCard TCG, the new critically acclaimed vtuber trading card game from vtuber shylily in collaboration with gamersupps yet?

>> No.71563785

I'd like to think neither Lily nor GamerSupps is having people spam popular vtuber chats, but I also know Lily is a ruthless business woman and of course she would have people spam it. Because I do not believe there is that much organic excitement over a trading card game. Especially since the reactions here and other places have been tepid at best.

>> No.71563795

fucking hell, literally got announced less than an hour ago and they wont stop spamming it. It's shyliys merch and has nothing to do with Mouse. Chatters are fucking retarded

>> No.71563816

I heard the critics said it was shit.

>> No.71563956

I don’t know what you faggots are discussing im enjoying Zen destroying a whole ass town

>> No.71563988

Did anyone actually buy the Vshojo bucket hats?

>> No.71564070

bucket hats are ass, why would i buy vtuber themed one?

>> No.71564085

Nope. Too pricey for me and fishing hats are not my bag.

>> No.71564096
File: 718 KB, 812x655, 1705751806229003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71564131
File: 14 KB, 96x96, MomoNodders.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71564147

Oh you poor lamb.

>> No.71564175

I mean it's Deer Simulator, that's what you do.

>> No.71564216

fat raid

>> No.71564260


>> No.71564280

and immediately trying to ditch anything fun for today

>> No.71564383
File: 302 KB, 1718x1306, AgU20guaWH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71564434

awful model

>> No.71564494

She did a flip on stage

>> No.71564538

the bitch who got me into this hole

>> No.71564591
File: 1.23 MB, 1200x841, qrxf9rXMsg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71564607

so plasma shortages again then?

>> No.71564631
File: 677 KB, 736x648, AngyIronmilfMouse2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe that model won. I'm not salty. Okay just a bit salty.

>> No.71564681

2 of the worst Mouse models.

>> No.71564710
File: 129 KB, 1998x1293, F4ykUo7XAAAl_qM.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71564727
File: 505 KB, 525x444, 437515964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71564804
File: 621 KB, 888x687, n2fPgeaS5O.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71564815

Go extract your bodily fluids anons so they can be deposited inside Mouse

>> No.71564837

Poll should have had more options regardless

>> No.71564945
File: 1.75 MB, 1416x1147, 1693749872398391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71564961
File: 1.98 MB, 1560x1688, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71564983

demon goddess is overrated and the poll proved it

>> No.71565100
File: 322 KB, 387x343, 1704095788531255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71565161

That head angle right there is why I disliked that model, dunno if it was an issue with the tracking or Mouse herself.. But it felt like she was positioned that way half the time.

>> No.71565235

If that were the case it would have won, retard

>> No.71565281

>I can't believe that model won.
Brat Princess was the model she debuted on the QSMP with, it's no surprise it would dominate a twitter poll. S3 may have had a chance.

>> No.71565290
File: 322 KB, 1580x1539, bErjGoXPHn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71565344

I don't know. It seems like the strangest thing for Vshojo to produce in collaboration with another company. I don't get who the audience for those were. Maybe people like the AX Nazuna guy?

>> No.71565349

you know she streams from her bed right? When she is tired she just lay down. Check out her VR stream on new years, her head always tilted.

>> No.71565425

Yes, and no other model had the same issue mentioned

>> No.71565446
File: 1.30 MB, 887x748, 1667348164886798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She clearly likes pretending to be a little brat over pretending to be a full bodied milf, no model is going to change that

>> No.71565501

She can just pretend to be a brat while using the milf model.

>> No.71565572

they really need to ask what fans want, even caps would be infinitely better than this

>> No.71565736

No that's not how avatars work
An avatar affects your personality, and one aligned with your idealized self will work best
There are many studies on this
See Layna when she's in loli form

>> No.71565742

>you know she streams from her bed right? When she is tired she just lay down.
That would make her head angled down not up genius.
>Check out her VR stream on new years, her head always tilted.
That's because she lifts the headset up and rests it on top of her head.

>> No.71565843


>> No.71565858

Mouse called Rima a horse kek

>> No.71565875

>clicks on video that she has already watched
>video says "Silvervale"
>she clicks off

So, Mouse watched that video and clicked off when Silver was mentioned kek

>> No.71565917

My wife yeah, what about her

>> No.71565964

When Geega talked about the bucket hats it sounded like the idea was brought to them. I took it as Luwud came up with it, but not sure.

>> No.71565968

Comp cape when baldman

>> No.71565986

It beat Punk Rock. It has it a lot of fans.

>> No.71565991
File: 55 KB, 495x619, IMG_5711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s a thing called gap moe, it’s a well known cliche.

>> No.71566016

Natural response from any person with taste.

>> No.71566044

here's rima's video about mouse since she's been brought up.

>> No.71566065

gap moe is for other people to enjoy, the subject doesn't like it

>> No.71566101

VShojoJP should commission an official ecchi manga. It would sell like hotcakes.

>> No.71566121

is mata having a mimir?

>> No.71566134
File: 502 KB, 1050x1050, Sleepy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71566141
File: 1.91 MB, 1222x1438, TsundereIronmilfMouse.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A MILF can be bratty. Your body has has nothing to do with it.

>> No.71566143

And why do you think that >>71563392

>> No.71566171

mady by my wife sushidog

>> No.71566227
File: 20 KB, 336x309, 1679176058221546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok well she likes being smol
wait, wasn't there... some sort of list once...

>> No.71566239

My aim.. but both of you, answer.

>> No.71566249
File: 741 KB, 792x940, 1681497135397483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VshojoJP should hire more vtubers first.

>> No.71566315

You should post it so holochads can bait with it.

>> No.71566342

vtuber fashion show tomorrow
wheel arrived so she needs to test it, possibly driving stream next week

>> No.71566367

Yes, because Mouse is retarded as everyone who said the model didn’t fit her. The model was fine during the days she was being herself, hell the few clips we got of her were funny, like on Bouce when she was asking if she was truly evil due to the Mafia stuff. But Mouse and most people that watch her had in their minds that model could only played if she was “sexy dom”. Even Melware was supposed to be evil but it was still a silly Mel.

>> No.71566420


>> No.71566431
File: 237 KB, 1500x1458, 1691839479148051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VShojo should sell branded potato chips. Also what flavor would everyone's chips be.

>> No.71566433


>> No.71566454

Iron Froog

>> No.71566471
File: 206 KB, 1247x863, 1708163188720446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71566487

I still don't get why mouse got a chibi for monke, he's never going to use it.

>> No.71566496

new onahole just dropped

>> No.71566516


>> No.71566545

Too shiny

>> No.71566550

Personal use.

>> No.71566562

her personal Onahole

>> No.71566563
File: 882 KB, 1192x1353, 1708330342626170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea what that is

>> No.71566587


>> No.71566599
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>> No.71566609
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>> No.71566642
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>> No.71566679

Honestly, hosting a survey wouldn’t be a bad idea. They really need to look out for ideas, ofc it’s just a survey so it could just not be used if it’s too complicated for them. Right now the Zen chopsticks sounds like a great idea, if we could get more shit like that it would be great

>> No.71566694

I wouldve liked it more if she didn’t spam Kevin chibis. I’ve seen enough chibis to dislike them.

>> No.71566723

Why is it every time Mouse designs a vtuber for someone she just makes them based off some crush she has?

>> No.71566801

>mouse trying to get people to become vtubers
>most creators dropped their models cuz they lost ccv

>> No.71566803


>> No.71566805

>But Mouse and most people that watch her had in their minds that model could only played if she was “sexy dom”.
Yes, because avatars affect your personality
It doesn't merely change how people treat you, it changes how you act on a subconscious level

>> No.71566821

Some chibis are alright, I feel like looking at the Kevin ones have ruined my perception too, but mainly because it’s not drawings that were meant to be Chibi. The one from that Bear collab was 10/10, wish she would use that more

>> No.71566841

Zen responded to that vtuber trading cards tweet

>> No.71566856

Bubi and what she just said about the pirate software

>> No.71566887
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>> No.71566895

>if i like it they should like it
that’s her at her core

>> No.71566939

froog mouse my beloved come back

>> No.71566955
File: 10 KB, 384x507, TaraDog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71566957

I guess this means Lily might have not approached anyone so far. Wouldn’t be so bad if the Lily hires people for new art or recycles some good ass art. Like the Akagi ones

>> No.71566978
File: 543 KB, 739x987, chibi_monke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because it's a cute model

>> No.71567029

mouse has a crush on a ferret?

>> No.71567030
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>> No.71567045

nice geega cosplay

>> No.71567060

david bowie in that movie

>> No.71567115
File: 495 KB, 538x742, 1693895301899566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who doesn't

>> No.71567329
File: 199 KB, 608x276, OhWow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71567343

classic mouse, she was gonna talk about the merch situation and got sidetracked.
posting this for posterity: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2085682048?t=06h13m01s

>> No.71567366

>Yes I bought the Momo one because I want to support Mom and it looks funny but I only wear it at home and the Kson one because I like how it looks and I wear it outside to protect my bold head from the sun.

>> No.71567385

sorry advancedgg partner, no room for competitors

>> No.71567406

Mouse has seen the MOOSE

>> No.71567424
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>> No.71567483

Curious if the qsmp will still be a thing if the french work ombudsman goes after them

>> No.71567492

Mouse kek

>> No.71567528

omg mouse

>> No.71567541

we know this
geega haruka and mouse all swaped pics at the same time
haruka and mouse said each other were cute but they both said geega was hot

>> No.71567580

Its a nothingburger anon
All the main people still play it
I saw Foolish and Tina playing on it yesterday and they added a German guy this morning

>> No.71567628

No she wasn't lol she literally answered it with ' do you see what is going on with current situation' in response to someone asking about new merch. Listening comprehension kek

>> No.71567664

good luck Zen

>> No.71567720
File: 1.40 MB, 1539x836, 1700578298774285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I love this stupid fucking deer game

>> No.71567840

lets see how long mouse can avoid talking about snuffy while talking about dd2

>> No.71567919

She literally didn't know what dd2 was until chat brought up.

>> No.71567922


>> No.71567945

will it still be a nothingburger when he gets sent to court for being a scammer?

>> No.71568085

Thank you for literally proving my point.

>> No.71568139

Does it have rules or is it just collectable? i saw Japanime games are doing one with phase too.

>> No.71568232

I guess Mata lives in her own EST timezone

>> No.71568268

>can you play new vegas without playing anything else, like do you need to play the others?
Well that's a yo or nes answer

>> No.71568316

>"I don't know if you guys have heard our merch situation"
>proceeds to get distracted by tts
She was 100% gonna talk about it before those messages came through

>> No.71568333

mouse won't like outer wilds

>> No.71568438

that’s more a game for connor than her

>> No.71568458
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>> No.71568488

They are both too retarded to play it

>> No.71568496

vei mentioned

>> No.71568504
File: 102 KB, 256x256, FatVei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71568510

>Outer Wilds recommedation
Do people really think Mouse has the attention span for that game?

>> No.71568514
File: 3.28 MB, 3700x6849, VeiMouseUnity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vei mentioned

>> No.71568513

Damn you're fast

>> No.71568519

yes just play it.

>> No.71568524
File: 1.39 MB, 1727x866, 1680741581255148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zen gets the opportunity to execute the downed villain
>Zen spares them
>Geega immediately mad
What does this mean

>> No.71568536

I love Zei

>> No.71568551

Bruh thinks he's smart for reading some text and looking away from something to change it

>> No.71568565

>answers the question in a joking tone
>goes back to original topic since she was discussing vtuber models
she 100% answered it and wasn't going to say anything else

>> No.71568591
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>> No.71568605
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>> No.71568608
File: 704 KB, 803x933, 1687518538277726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this look like the face of mercy

>> No.71568628

outer willds is a bit of a filter game especially for those who need faster paced games

>> No.71568650

They keep saying Fallout NV, so I guess the answer is no lol.

>> No.71568652
File: 1.66 MB, 1559x868, 1698718683497522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Giantess org

>> No.71568657

Mouse struggles with basic puzzles and Connor is allergic to reading so yes, that's a high bar for them

>> No.71568737

Zen is already following that twitter account somehow...

>> No.71568743
File: 1.82 MB, 2018x1106, 1703004524897134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zen hates moose tits

>> No.71568804

So Mouse is playing it because Vei is playing it?

>> No.71568824

agree to disagree then.

>> No.71568837

The idea of playing it without other games is moot. Part of he appeal of New Vegas is how NOT SHITTY it is compared to 3 in terms of various things. This isn't to say 3 is bad, but NV just did 3 better. Also 4 is vastly superior in all facets to both in terms of gameplay and the hate 4 gets annoys me. Or 76 for that matter.

>> No.71568856

Am I better or worse when non of that games is in my top 10?

>> No.71568896

I blame preston garvey.

>> No.71568907

Fallout 4 gets hate because it has shit writing

>> No.71568912

mouse will never play any of these games

>> No.71568931

you are esl

>> No.71568965
File: 306 KB, 498x498, 1702363626214732.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rosebuds are /in/posting for us

>> No.71568979

wasn't there an anon who kept asking her to play the walking dead. Fuck you

>> No.71569003

holy shit, a person with the same opinion as me in regards of fallout, my man

>> No.71569029

this isn't the first time she's mentioned wanting to play it

>> No.71569050

they said telltale games not walking dead specifically

>> No.71569082

Preston is such a tiny part of that game.

This is part of it, but most of that rage came from the self-insert RP faggots who hated that you were locked into a character with an actual past and you couldn't just pretend you were your own thing. Ignoring, also, that you always have some fucking background in Fallout games. The real bitch is that they were mad they couldn't run around as an evil hellion blowing up everything while still somehow able to do the main story quest, which was something from 3 and NV that never made any fucking sense.

>> No.71569103
File: 112 KB, 1080x400, Screenshot_20240316-171446-183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U-san so sweet

>> No.71569109

It's only having all of them in your top 10 that's an issue

>> No.71569117

no, that would mean I ever learned english. Which i never did.

>> No.71569129

Yeah, Fallout 4 was mechanically fine, if a bit bland in places, it was 100% the writing and choices on how to implement said decent mechanics.

>> No.71569152

pink woman save us

>> No.71569180

Not liking some of the most celebrated games of all time just to be a contrarian is even more cringe.

>> No.71569189

The writing is dogshit even if you are RPing as a good guy trying to save his son.

>> No.71569191

I'm not reading all that shit, I was just saying she asked two opposing versions of the same question

>> No.71569193
File: 285 KB, 497x385, Capture d’écran 2024-03-16 214331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 and NV writings and progression are worlds apart.

>> No.71569207

I prefer VATS no longer being a pause. 76 had to figure out how to make it work without any game slow down or pausing (same with chems like Jet).

>> No.71569228
File: 19 KB, 112x112, 1681801107041362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>phasebeggars think rosemi would want to go there

>> No.71569272

so fucking gaaaay/straaaight

>> No.71569298

It is kind of weird how these 'legendary' games get like 12 hours of play at most from their fans but then it's cringe when someone else says they like minecraft or wow or whatever after playing thousands of hours of them

>> No.71569302

Did everyone enjoy the Nazuna stream?

>> No.71569306

I don't agree. It works all the way up to where you find out the truth. People just didn't like the swerve.

NV's writing is very basic bitch, though. Everybody wants you on their side but none of them ever explain why except "you're the main character". The only faction that made sense for this was the NCR because they wanted to usurp House.

>> No.71569309

Phase doesnt seem like its a great company and I am a phase apologist
Like why would you switch niji for phase. You'd be better off as indie

>> No.71569318

>VR chat with Monke
Holy kino inbound

>> No.71569328

why won't anyone tell me if u-san has a pussy or a bussy

>> No.71569338
File: 1.29 MB, 1541x873, 1708758815634910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71569377

Different games provide different feelings though. That's not controversial.

>> No.71569379

this zen stream is kinda kino desu

>> No.71569404

VR Chat date Connor bros are eating good

It was chill idk wtf she was saying but it was a nice second monitor content since no one was live

>> No.71569410

Everyone has a bussy.

>> No.71569414
File: 1.21 MB, 1565x807, 1690224421250403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vore org

>> No.71569428

Management, I guess? No reason she couldn't join msm or some other agency as an indie.

>> No.71569452

I honestly prefer when a vtuber picks up a game, realizes it's really not for them, and just fucks off to a different one, like Henya with B+K. I loved it when I was younger, but I can see how someone can just get bored of an old-school collectathon and just move the fuck on.

>> No.71569486

>NV's writing is very basic bitch
and it's still like 1000 times better. really shows you how much they shat the bed with F4

>> No.71569490
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>> No.71569501

Nice, its been a while.

>> No.71569511

you can get management as indie just like Doki did

>> No.71569528

>1000 times better
Okay what's your beef with 4's writing? I already stated mine with NV.

>> No.71569535
File: 2.86 MB, 1436x922, 1702568698828238.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71569539

Vei did that for Half Life 2

>> No.71569545

Zen finished a game live on stream!!! you've heard it here folks!!

>> No.71569561

Most of those games are story-driven single player games so only an autist would have thousands of hours on them.
And Minecraft and WoW aren't controversial picks, unless you mean modern WoW.

>> No.71569579

The only reason that people think she would go to Phase is because she was in Tsunderia before Niji

>> No.71569608

It shows there is cringe on both sides. People who will hype up a game even if they have never played it and people who will shit on a critically acclaimed game just to contrarian (especially if they haven't played it as well).

In terms of game time games have differing levels of game time available to them. A short 3 hour game be a better experience than a 100 hour game and vice versa. Replaybility also doesn't necessarily correlate to quality as well.

>> No.71569680
File: 1.85 MB, 1132x894, 1702568698828233.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71569706
File: 252 KB, 128x128, nowaying.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71569717

playing tonsil hockey with U-san

>> No.71569723

Glad mouse did this with alan wake 2 instead of struggling through alan wake 1 which she clearly didn't enjoy.

>> No.71569774


>> No.71569797

>people who will shit on a critically acclaimed game
Or, you know, they just didn't like said critically acclaimed game, it's not exactly a crime.

>> No.71569829

with who

>> No.71569838

And Zen just confirmed Henya is joining the collab with Mouse.

>> No.71569847
File: 3.93 MB, 1132x810, 1702568698828231.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71569849

Zen confirmed Henya is in (the collab)

>> No.71569871

So mouse, zen and henya so far? Do we know if anyone else is in

>> No.71569882

Well at least Mouse acknowledges it.

>> No.71569884

Deer Sim is just a better game than the others she's been playing
It's objectively Zentrueya

>> No.71569901

Me :)

>> No.71569917

Yeah if Mouse says she going to drop a game or not play it that would be fine. but when she keeps saying she wants to finish or play x game and says she'll play it next week and never does its a little annoying

>> No.71569978

Nice one dude leaving out the rest of that sentence to try to get a gotcha

>> No.71569994

She is just like me fr fr

>> No.71569997
File: 35 KB, 760x428, 1700453715438856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck no, they fucked up with f4, you cannot defend these dialogue choices. Its a glorified looter shooter with no dialogue and a dumb story.

>> No.71570085 [SPOILER] 

You know what else is annoying? You, you bitch ass pussy

>> No.71570123

NTA but yes I can

>> No.71570128

She mentions it often enough over the years.
Only reason I want her to stop saying she wants to play/finish X game is so that people don't bitch. Once she doesn't go back to a game the next stream she should just say its dropped.

>> No.71570138

this video was pretty decent. she got several things wrong or at lest incomplete, but overall was a nice video on mouse. made me tear up a bit.

>> No.71570172

It's very expensive to have the management that Doki has and she can only afford it due to the outcry of support she gained after her termination. Hell I don't event think that Doki's current management is sustainable her drama buff has largely waned.

>> No.71570208

Does this also rewrite every single dialog in the game?
You can change the wrapping but your only options are still "yes" and "yes but later"

>> No.71570225

'fixing' fallout/tes with mods is a fool's errand

>> No.71570256

> but when she keeps saying she wants to finish or play x game
Because she wants to play it
>and says she'll play it next week and never does its a little annoying
Sometime it happens and sometimes it doesn't but she usually does end up playing a game she wants to atleast once. Her situation means shit happens so it comes with the territory

>> No.71570268

They hate her...

>> No.71570273

Mouse should repay Mel by joining her in a CB stream

>> No.71570280

Doki literally made 0 profit while she was on nijisanji. It was so bad in fact that she had to take donations to pay her fucking rent.

>> No.71570309

She's driving all the way up the hill...

>> No.71570328

That was her fault though. She said as much herself lmao. She made 6 digits. She just spent literally all of it on projects and other stuff so she had zero profit.

>> No.71570335

>Only reason I want her to stop saying she wants to play/finish X game is so that people don't bitch
Retards could also stop treating every expression of interest/intent as a 'promise' when it clearly isn't. Literally a grift at this point

>> No.71570375

If game becomes playable after 10+ mods then its not a good game. Look what happened to Starfield, a lot modders said fuck this shit and dropped it. You cannot rely on community modders to make your game better.

>> No.71570400
File: 257 KB, 1402x1724, GI0vsMKWMAAAkXW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71570417

NTA but it's easier to hope that Mouse will stop saying that than it is to hope that autists will stop being autistic

>> No.71570431

Doesnt matter if its her fault or not, my point is she was bum fuck broke and she could still afford a decent manager

>> No.71570459

Navigating dialogue trees is fine whether you have 4 options or 15. The end result of the encounter is either:

1). Made things better for you.
2). Made things worse for you.

That's it. How you get there is just irrelevant.

>> No.71570463

>we’ll continue x this week/tomorrow/this weekend
>too busy

>> No.71570467
File: 2.99 MB, 1920x1080, hime-get the fuck away[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fxv99im.m4a].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have this clip? the catbox link for the audio died

>> No.71570535

How is that different from the other games?

>> No.71570537

audio works for me

>> No.71570539

nevermind it works lmao

>> No.71570552

>the catbox link for the audio died
but it didn't

>> No.71570553

Starfield's creation kit hasn't been released yet and it was literally one fag who made a multiplayer mod that said that.

>> No.71570595

Modders are gonna mod whether the game is playable or not. And the game is very playable in its base form. Just because you don't like it doesn't make it not playable, anon.

That being said, Sim Settlements (esp. 2) is a must have.

>> No.71570604

Working in Nijisanji is horrible I don't dispute that. But being an Indie is really rough in regards to management since it's completely reliant on their income. Doki has talked about the level of management she has and I don't think that it's suitable for someone of her level. Even Shylily struggles with management and would love to part of something like Vshojo. I just think Doki's current management structure is unsustainable for the average Indie

>> No.71570617

She literally does say I will play X then does Y. I do not care either way. I want her to play what she wants to play and she should not force herself to finish a game, like with Alan Wake. Glad she stopped Lifeline because it shreds her voice.

>> No.71570624

>Hollow - I like apex
>Mouse - That explains so much

>> No.71570628

Damn Mouse, you really going to say that about Froot and Zen.

>> No.71570639

There's more to it than that. She's friends with players on a pro team and got the help of the manager.

>> No.71570674


>> No.71570714

>She loves me and I love her

>> No.71570743

Doesn't make it a good game. The world is also quite possibly the shittiest sci-fi setting in recent times. The most infantile and unambitious garbage ever devised. Lego Space Police has more social conflict than this garbage.

>> No.71570859

Which vtuber couple is mouse talking about?

>> No.71570901

new thread

>> No.71570925

I didn't say anything about it being good, I said that "omg modders hate it and dropped it" thing is bullshit.

>> No.71570970


>> No.71571085

nta but some bid bethesda modders did drop it. Also looking at new mods it way behind skyrim special edition and also behind fallout 4

>> No.71571099

I think 3 is genuinely bad. I couldn't finish it and I love Bethesda slop.

>> No.71571129

From modern games, not that match excluding BG3. From New Vegas and older RPGs - very.

>> No.71571251

The only modder who I know publicly dropped it is the dude who made Skyrim Together. Extrapolating that to "modders dropped it" is retarded.
And, again, the Creation Kit isn't out yet. That's the software people use for any mod that isn't just changing some textures or editing the ini file (which is pretty much every mod currently available).
Maybe modders will drop it or won't give it as much love as previous Bethesda games but you can't really judge that until then.

>> No.71571321

Sure i agree that modders won't drop it but i think it's fair to say unless bethesda seriously improves it there will be a smaller modding scene for starfield

>> No.71571348

I'm gonna be honest, I'm probably going to buy some to use as tokens for my commander group. partly as a joke but also cause they might look nice. gonna have an anime whale woman represent 300 white 4/4 human tokens.

>> No.71571570

that means there a chance i could be running a cozy wolf deck. awesome.

>> No.71571669

what was the video?
