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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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71440904 No.71440904 [Reply] [Original]

Apology for bad english

Where were you wen VTA die

>> No.71441014

VTA thing/project concept would have worked better under Cover since they have actual staff to handle that shit.

>> No.71441072

Wasn't that whole thing just a scam where Riku got people to do jobs for free with the empty promise of debuting for his black company?

>> No.71441481

this, and it included free editing to their betters and actual ndf work like "working to guide and influence discussions about nijisanji online"

>> No.71441520

Presumably they gave tons of training for dancing, singing, marketing themselves, streaming, commentary, so on and so forth. I say presumably because they ended up killing off a dozen people and basically ended the branches public-facing side over a "leak of information". So everyone was in cahoots despite the fact they're all random auditions signing on for what was free professional training A.K.A. something most up and coming streamers would kill for. So clearly that was a cost-cutting measure.

Basically the only things you can say that are 100% true about VTA is that it's free and there are people who are trained there behind the scenes. And they're looking for lawyers, doctors, and scientists to eventually join Nijisanji proper for some reason.

>> No.71441521
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And another one bites the dust

>> No.71441691

I thought they only did editing for themselves? That's why the later-named Idios had so many videos for themselves. Then again given it's kurosanji I wouldn't doubt it.

>> No.71441791

it was called "training"

>> No.71441989


>> No.71442207

thats retarded considering they got doxxed last year and all of them were just regular fresh college graduates and majority had a mass communication degree

>> No.71442288

sees their contract, does a 360 and moonwalks away

>> No.71442319

Is this thing still around? Riku mentioned VTA as part of the company's strategy going forward during the investors meeting, but it's been dead for months now. The latest Niji debuts were the last batch of graduates I think.

>> No.71442347

If you don't believe me you can see it for yourself.

>> No.71442409

>I thought they only did editing for themselves?
nah they also do editing for the main channel and even clip editing for their seniors
iirc one of them leaked everything to his friend after anycolor told his group that they had to wait for over a year to debut and that they couldnt do any online activity while they wait

>> No.71442532

anon you are a retard
they just want anyone to join and not looking for doctors lawyers or scientists
its why they also included hair stylists as well

>> No.71442741
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>The latest Niji debuts were the last batch of graduates I think.
nah theres still 3 left that has disappeared

>> No.71442775

>Super Elite Liver
>Doctor, Lawyer, Businessman, Stylist, Scientist
So if a version of Dr. Oz debuts as a Niji Liver and proceeds to give out harmful medical advices, would they or Nijisanji be responsible for the potential legal damages? Technically Nijisanji hires this person to spread harmful information under their company's name.

>> No.71442845

I might have been at work, sad shit

>> No.71443272

>they just want anyone to join and not looking for doctors lawyers or scientists
For their normal auditions right above that tweet, sure. This is the
audition which is explicitly about people with qualifications.
From https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2311/17/news184.html copying the (now dead) audition page linked in the tweet.

>> No.71443643

>VTA Super Elite Driver Audition Recruitment has started! ] Virtual Talent Academy (VTA) has started recruiting auditions for “Super Elite Driver”! We are recruiting a wide range of people from doctors, lawyers, hairdressers to businessmen!

>> No.71443709

>So if a version of Dr. Oz debuts as a Niji Liver and proceeds to give out harmful medical advices, would they or Nijisanji be responsible for the potential legal damages?
theres a ton of those in youtube already all you need is a disclaimer in your stream saying that this is not a professional medical/legal advice and your good

>> No.71443818

This recent. If so good, another promise broken since they had just “praised it” in their report.
Care to send this to JP? They need to be informed how fake they are.

>> No.71444073

> 「医師や弁護士など高難易度の士師業の資格や、それと同等の専門知識を持つ人、美容師、ビジネスマンなど、優れた技術や能力を持つ人」
Are you incapable of reading Japanese? They are explicitly asking for people with qualifications beyond just a simple degree, but stuff that requires real effort to get into like being a doctor or lawyer, or stuff that needs a specific subset of expertise like a hairdresser.

>> No.71444307

>They are explicitly asking for people with qualifications beyond just a simple degree,
>still put hairdressers as an example
anycolor is just retarded like you

>> No.71444410

>Care to send this to JP? They need to be informed how fake they are.
if you are talking about the board then its uselss
if you are talking about the jp sphere they already know and anon likely got it from there

>> No.71444471

Cosmetology, despite being bullshit, is a shockingly challenging degree.

>> No.71444650

its a garbage degree thats part of the diploma paper mill
theres programs were you get cosmetology degrees in 6 months

>> No.71444745

That's anycolors fault not anons

>> No.71444997
File: 438 KB, 1108x922, VTA loss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also, I was there when their best VTA member ditched Nijisanji for fucking Riot Music.

>> No.71447123

>their best VTA member ditched Nijisanji for fucking Riot Music
Who's that?

>> No.71449742


>> No.71450734

If Filia got scooped up somewhere else instead of just quitting and nobody told me I am going to fucking scream.

>> No.71451029

I would like to know that too

>> No.71454615


>> No.71455014

What happened this time? No announcement?

>> No.71455251
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Quietly wiped on the 14th

>> No.71455670

Was it just after the report dropped? Sasuga, yachtman.

>> No.71455939

Azusa is now Jill in RIOT.
Filia went back to being a literal who indie, I’d link her but the name escapes me.

>> No.71456515

>>71455939 (me)
After five minutes of digging, here.

>> No.71456588

>Azusa is now Jill in RIOT.
Riot must pay well no? It took like years for some of their members just to activate membership. Good for her.

>> No.71456851

Ah, I like Jill but didn't know she was in VTA before that. Good for her.

>> No.71456884

I highly doubt it considering their viewership, but who knows really.

>> No.71457190

That's exactly why I think it pays well. Most of the old members fought tooth and nail for their subscribers to get as high as it is since it was so slow but they seem to get high quality MVs quite regularly.

>> No.71457682

>10k subs after almost half a year
Grim. Still a better choice than Niji.

>> No.71458588

Seeing how Gamebu operated, I'm less inclined to think that.

>> No.71460583
File: 216 KB, 672x628, Hœh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Apology for bad english
>Where were you wen VTA die
i was in japan waiting in line at mister donut when pondering

"VTA is kil bitch bau bau"


>> No.71461122

They are either getting ready to debut themselves or have otherwise left. They have auditions still ongoing for another batch.

>> No.71461782

The only time they ever announced it was the mass purge due to leaking shit. When it's people just leaving or getting ready to graduate they just quietly remove their VTA vods.

>> No.71462100

They thought nobody would notice
lmao even

>> No.71462406

Some of the vta members are probably chink spies sent to anycolour considering how fast they got absorbed back into the shadow chink corpo.

>> No.71469636

Brave's been relatively yab free the last 4-ish years

>> No.71469833

I hate current niji but that was obvious. VTA is a dated concept, it was good back then when vtuber models and streaming tools weren't popular as they are now, now that everyone and their grandma can be a vtuber there's not much use for VTA.
Also you should pay respects, the Virtual Academy is were the concept of "vtuber graduation" originated.

>> No.71470308

I thought Brave was still a black company though

>> No.71470377

Wow the contributions of Anycolor are amazing
>Finana as a measurement of CCV

>> No.71471256

That's because brave is split into so many small groups that yabs that are supposed to blow up become buried. One of the member of the small group got forced by management to apologize and cover their asses when their offline event went horribly wrong. There is a lot of mismanagement that never blew up but then again brave can just throw all the responsibility to the sub groups management instead.

>> No.71471968

True, but it only applies to VSpo!, Riot Music, and their overseas agencies like V4Mirai and Globie.

The rest? No exposure for the likes of HareVare, Palette Project, Vlash, and Uniraid. I believe one Vtuber from HareVare just got graduated yesterday.

>> No.71479530

I thought it's Vshojo Talent Academy

>> No.71494877

you mistook it for NijiEN

>> No.71505658

Well at least they're free now... Right?

>> No.71508738

It only produced castrated boring ESG vtubers.

>> No.71516711


>> No.71519446

>work for free as an edit monkey and a fucking internet troll
>cant even do anything for real money while at it

>> No.71532390

Well done

>> No.71535666

Enjoying life, cant be said for the livers lol

>> No.71536110
File: 484 KB, 847x891, 49d9e5c7a78840247ca74a4d47e5c90f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still holding auditions
Why did they wipe the other student videos

>> No.71536707

>Still holding auditions
>Why did they wipe the other student videos
because the auditions is a sham to try and trick investors into thinking that VTA hasnt collapsed hoping that they wont hit the limit during mondays trading
iirc they were still "recruiting" for nijiID wave 7 a month before they got absorbed
