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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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7121342 No.7121342 [Reply] [Original]

>Next stream

>Who is Beatani?


>NEW Minecraft server

>OFFICIAL Discord server



>Streamlabs, because superchats are for low IQ dads who like giving Youtube 30% of the cut:

>Lore Summarized:

>Last Thread:

>> No.7121430

Faction was a nice idea, but I would have had more fun playing with everyone instead of being isolated in one part like this.

>> No.7121463
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Boring Dad detected, we live for bloodshed, not daycares

>> No.7121471

I'd have much rather we have a whole ass server for everyone to mingle and do shit in, instead of being confined to one of three teams/sections

>> No.7121475
File: 123 KB, 690x1024, 1623502545165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love this fucking bear

>> No.7121479

Graybros.... Let's keep calling Minecraft a child game so maybe Bea cancels the server.... ogey??

>> No.7121481

>but of course the EU faction was named "europoor" while burgers are just burgers
The EU faction was named "euro"

>> No.7121506

It does show up as Europoor everywhere tho

>> No.7121514


>> No.7121532

Can confirm, when I enter the zone it says that

>> No.7121534

That's just the region name. For the burger team their region is called burgerland

>> No.7121577
File: 562 KB, 1500x999, 1626985665053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too

>> No.7121591

The day the bear does asmr is the day i become green.

>> No.7121618

euros complain again, like pottery

>> No.7121622

the streams you are talking about started at 4AM-6AM europe time.
stop acting like the streams at this time were euro prime time and that burgers prevented this.
the narrative is sad

>> No.7121627

She's already done ASMR

>> No.7121628

very important poll

>> No.7121633

Well, because they have reasons for it

>> No.7121666

complaining that they're name is made fun of while all names are made fun of is somehow more pathetic than the usual crying about stream time

>> No.7121681

Never said that, only said that it was the one time it wasn't convenient for burgers, and they instantly got vocal about. Meawhile pushing the narrative of Euros being the ones to complain about streams time. Even tho the only time it wasn't perfect for burgers they instantly cried about it.

>> No.7121690

tatemae: nadenade
honne: nakadashi

>> No.7121700
File: 2.00 MB, 1146x1006, nether.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Securing the future of all burger and polar bear cubs.

>> No.7121721

tatemae: nakadashi
honne: nadenade

>> No.7121738

Oh yeah, burgerland, that's so contemptuous, oh god the infamy.

>> No.7121770

tatemae: nadenade
honne: nadenade

>> No.7121771

Is it erotic?

>> No.7121776

I love nadenade but it's not a fair choice, nakadashi is its own tier

>> No.7121803

Oh yea, europoor, that's so contemptuous, oh god the infamy.

>> No.7121833

nakadashi and nadenade while we cuddle after. bea would probably just get up for beer though

>> No.7121887

Let's just admit we all hate the turd world

>> No.7121892

Not that big of a deal, but it's clearly not on the same level. Both mods are burgers anyway and play at similar hours so not like there was anything to expect I suppose.

>> No.7121908

That is a head scratcher

>> No.7121925

Half of 3rd world is egoistical attention whores who joined it to play with Beatani and not because it's their actual region.

>> No.7121936

honestly, i think you're just too used to seeing the term "burger" to understand the meaning behind the term

>> No.7121955

I really don't get why they added canna, it feels so random. I assume he's a friend of gyro or something.

>> No.7121975

Just means the country consumes a lot of hamburgers and made the meal popular.

>> No.7122001

I thought it was just because it's their national food or something, I don't think it's offensive.

>> No.7122031

He donated a lot of money, it's only natural he's rewarded with responsibilities and influence like a mod role.

>> No.7122061

yeah, just surface level stuff, its that they eat burgers (fast food) and are overweight and obese as fuck, being more fat mounds than people
europoor isnt just euros are poor, it ties more into poverty and the shitty living conditions euros are subjugated to because of it

note: these are both preceived exaggerations from both sides

>> No.7122064

He's got a lot of Minecraft experience according to his reddit profile

>> No.7122089

3rd place before she hid the list

>> No.7122150

How many swastikas and floating niggers are gonna be on this server?

>> No.7122165

all of them

>> No.7122179

I'll clear it up for you, he moderated for a couple big faction pvp servers. Volunteered if Gyro needed help and he accepted.

>> No.7122295

cringe dads

>> No.7122392

Well we saw 2 so far

>> No.7122407

What's new?

>> No.7122419

no u

>> No.7122523

I thought the "portal to tijuana" joke was funny, don't know why they removed it.

>> No.7122594


>> No.7122651

we're pretty used to garbage stream times

though for yuro NEETs, normal japan stream times line up quite nicely

>> No.7122673

Really, why?

>> No.7122695

This will the ultimate decision, I can’t choose

>> No.7122749

mods hate!

>> No.7122786

What incentive is there for me to answer this? I can get all three of these fairly cheaply and easily.

>> No.7122797

I guess go with mikan since it's your profile pic

>> No.7122840

You have a point. I should have put you have to pick one or you never get to have any of them.

>> No.7122972

I don't mind the tension of upcoming conflict to add some 'spice', even if it breaks the mingling

>> No.7122997

I chose mochi

Only mochi is impossible to substitute with anything else
if you can't eat korokke, you can eat menchikatsu
if you can't eat mandarin oranges, you can eat grapefruit

You should choose mochi

>> No.7123121

Is dango not close?

>> No.7123303

They are close but still I'll protect the right to eat mochi
The biggest difference between mochi and dango is stretchability
Also not being able to participate the Mochitsuki Festival will be pain

>> No.7123327

I just picked mochi because I don't like oranges but after double checking what a korokke even is it just made me hungry for hash browns and hush puppies and while I know it's not the same thing fuck man I kinda want one right now. gonna have to change my vote.

>> No.7123372

Korokke are great. Pack a bunch of delicious ingredients together, bread it and fry it. I didn't even hesitate. Not that big of a sweets fan so that made it easier.

>> No.7123537

So this pretty much confirms it's the minecraft autists that have been shitting up the threads, right?

>> No.7123616

I wish she would bring the burger hate to the streams instead. Let them know what it feels like

>> No.7124164

Something on December 7th tabun maybe

>> No.7124258

Surprised no one has made a designated shitting street for r*motekid in the server.

>> No.7124512


>> No.7124524

>remote kid is the only one with only 1 bar of ping

>> No.7124702


>> No.7124734

Trips of truth

>> No.7125264
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>> No.7125333
File: 512 KB, 1852x1453, 20210727_004705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on new pixel art. I'm totally new so this is only the third one I ever did. I won't be able to finish tonight, so hopefully tomorrow I can finish and clean it. In the meantime I was hoping if I share my wip maybe someone will point out something or offer some advice. I've been watching some pixel art guides and now using pixelki to draw. But there is a lot to learn

>> No.7125334

Bea would think Hitler was foolish because he was a vegetarian.

>> No.7125517

Good job dad.
maybe the braid is too packed, make the same color as the hair and put the x marks a bit more far from the other

>> No.7125606

Nice trips
Nice subject
Nice pixel art
I've got nothing to add but i like it.

>> No.7125627

The braid continues beyond the bow a bit, but its very cute dad

>> No.7125676

thanks. i actually erased it to do some work nearby and forgot to put it back.
braid was super hard for me to figure out how to do it well with the pixel constraint. im not sure im reading your comment properly, but i'll try

>> No.7125792
File: 2.06 MB, 1440x3040, Screenshot_20210727-011011_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's this

>> No.7125959

Not them but maybe a shade darker on the bottom of the braid?

>> No.7126456

I've had more fun participating in the Beatani community than I've had in a long time. Thanks everyone.

>> No.7126544

It feels like weeks since she last streamed

>> No.7126603

Much happenings

>> No.7126625

Been fun here too!

>> No.7126778

5k Ring Fit stream? I'm doing a dogeza please accept it.

>> No.7126834

Same here. Bea and everything around her has really been a one of a kind experience.

>> No.7126935

>not whitelisted
what do anons

>> No.7126950

become membear

>> No.7126961
File: 23 KB, 400x400, FEET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please God, I want to impregnate Beatani so bad. I want her to bear my children with those beautiful child-bearing hips. That beautiful, radiant angel. Like a goddess, having come down to Earth to cleanse us is beyond divine. I can’t help but drop to my knees in worship whenever I see her beautiful figure on the screen. I yearn for her in a way both primal and spiritual. I would send more streamlabs donations than every dad in her channel's history just to lick the sweet, glistening sweat from her smooth, creamy skin. I want to listen to her moans as my manhood throbs within her, I want to hear her heart race as our bodies become one and our souls irreversibly intertwine in carnal union.

I want to suckle at her modest bosom, slurping that rich milk from her teat as she gently strokes my raging erection. I would stir her velvety cream into my coffee and let my balls boil in it. Her cries of pleasure and the rocking of our bed would be louder than the cacophony of a Keith Moon drum solo. I would make love to her until my body gave out, and then some. I would let her break my rib cage with any part of her body. I would let her bury me under an avalanche of trash just to be near her for a brief moment.

She’s so perfect it hurts. Every moment without her I suffer a pain worse than breaking every bone in my body simultaneously while drowning and also having shards of glass coated in hot sauce forced through every orifice of my body. I want her, I need her. I want to desecrate her pure untouched body. I want to start a family with her and retire after our twenty seven bear cubs have grown up and moved out. I want to see those luscious lips speak such filthy, perverse words into my ear while she slides ice cubes down my gaping pisshole.

I want to fuck her like she owes me money. I would let her step on me, just to feel the soft, firm warmth of her feet upon my face and groin area. I would sleep under her just to catch her drool in my mouth. I would fish the strands of hair from her shower drain just to smell her alluring scent, and braid them into necklaces to keep her with me always. Or cock rings. Whichever would please her more.

God please, I would do anything for her. I would relinquish my life, all my hopes and dreams, just to become the socks on her feet so that I may warm her mouthwatering toes with my very being, so that she may feel the heat of my passion always. I would encase myself in cement and become her doorstep, so that she may wipe her heels upon my face. I would tear my own limbs off and let her live out her every degenerate fantasy with my body.

My polar bear queen, my goddess, the light of my life. Please God, let me have her. I want her to be mine and only mine. I would lick the korokke crumbs from her fingers and fill her belly button with honey mustard to dip my tendies in. I would give her a bath with my tongue every morning and serve her breakfast in bed. I would let her eat her eggs and pancakes off my body if it pleased her, no matter how painful the third-degree burns would be.

I would bear the torment of eternal damnation until the end of time to taste the seat of her chair but once. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for her, nothing I wouldn’t say. I would beat my own friend to death with my engorged penis if it would bring a smile to Beatani's shining face. I wouldn’t even let myself cum until she gave me permission.

I love you, menhera polar bear. Please. Be mine. Be my wife, my lover, my master, my everything. Say yes. Answer my DMs, respond to my letters. Something. Give me a sign, Bea. I’m waiting for you.

I’ll always be waiting for you.

>> No.7127053

Thanks or fuck you I guess

>> No.7127077
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>> No.7127090

I'd go for more of a 'wtfy', so the latter

>> No.7127133
File: 473 KB, 722x692, 1624396426312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it that day again?

It's always been a fantasy of mine to be a sex slave for 2 Beatanis, male and female, pleasing the male when she's tired, and vice versa. Slowly sliding my lips up and down her thick shaft, tasting her pre-cum on my tongue. Once she's had enough of that, she rolls over onto her back, lifting me up as though I weighed nothing. Gently placing me on her cock, I guide her in, feeling her stretch me wide open. I moan with pleasure, feeling her fill me up. She growls softly, I feel it rumble deep in her chest, vibrating all the way down her body and through mine. She continues to lift me up and then pull me down. She's doing all the work for me, it feels so good, the warmth of the fur, her paws either side of my waist. She is in total control, I'm just nothing compared to her vast size and strength, but I have total trust in her, I know she won't hurt me. I feel the pace quicken, almost imperceptibly. I slowly stroke myself, feeling myself nearing the point of no return coming closer with every stroke. I can hear the growl getting louder now; she speeds up even more, forcing me further and further down onto her thick cock. If it wasn't for the fact I my body is releasing so many endorphines, I would probably be screaming in agony. Except I am panting and whining, just like a bitch, begging her mate to fill her up. Her claws dig in deeper, the pain, its excsquisite. It sends me over the edge. My head goes back, I let out a short grunt, I feel my cock explode, covering her chest fur in my seed. I keep stroking, it looks as though I'm trying to rip my cock out. I let out another grunt, another torrent flows forth, then another and another. A drop lands on the beasts muzzle. She seems confused for a moment. That's what I think. She digs her paws in even harder now and slams me onto her cock, I feel her grumble turn into a roar. She's cumming, oh my god. I can feel in, filling me up. It's undescribable. She's mating with me, she's claimed me. I feel her slow, her cock still throbbing within me, it seems as though there's no more room for her cum. It's dripping out of me, onto her fur. I reach down, and then bring my hand up, tasting her. It's more than I ever expected. It's heaven.

>> No.7127352

Arbitrary "I love bea so much!!!" post

>> No.7127593

Nobody is perfect.

>> No.7127843


>> No.7127892

I want to forcibly breed her after two weeks of nofap - mating press every drop in her womb until her cute and funny hole overflows.

>> No.7127920



>> No.7127922

Oil balon carousel

>> No.7127974

Cracking open a bear where she's never been cracked before!

>> No.7128029

I don't really care that much anymore about the topic, but I feel like this is what it's happening. It's not even about having a thin skin, I'm sure that most of the times the burgers are just joking, but pushing so much this rrat has started to make it the truth for some people, because it's literally impossible having a discussion about the streaming times without someone attacking the euros, and I suspect it's also the origin of the rrat about them being emo whinny bitches

>> No.7128121

You all talk about how she has trauma and serious hang-ups (sounds perfect for hololive).. I'll admit that I haven't watched every stream. When does this cute funny and abusive bear talk about that?
From some of these threads: kinda worry about her, want her to be safe, want her to be happy..

>> No.7128193

What's her trauma? I think she is fine.

>> No.7128202

new community post

>> No.7128216
File: 198 KB, 572x639, beatani glue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just did my reps with VR Beatani. Feels good man.

>> No.7128267

Feeding Bea strawberries using my mouth!

>> No.7128345

it’s given in bits through different streams hard to compile in one

>> No.7128401

>it's finally time for the 3D debut
>Bea walks out in a giant tangerine costume
>"This is me now, do you love it?"

>> No.7128411


>> No.7128419

I probably took a rrat seriously..
but if she did talk about it, I'd really like to see/hear.
Also, I think she's been corrupted by our collective presence. She won't appeal to JP crowd with our asses around..

>> No.7128461
File: 93 KB, 1024x1024, ghost-pepper-fire-dust-candy-spicy-candy-sonoran-spice-890659-776808_1200x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7128514

Who cares?
There are already enough Vtubers in Japan nearly 130 in Holo and Niji. Who would like to find out small an indie Vtuber among them? It's already a red ocean.

>> No.7128586

>Who cares?
Really doubt that she wanted to be the meme queen of 4chan..

>> No.7128610

She specifically went here because there was no chance to make it in japan

>> No.7128662
File: 152 KB, 951x1036, jdjdodhdj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to do krita reps but its so mich harder adding detail vs just doing a really rough sketch

>> No.7128755

great for a start

>> No.7128760

going back to the JOP audience with the Beatani character is not something that will happen in Beatani's indie form. even as a small agency chuuba, 99% of chuubas are underperforming Beatani (in dollars where it counts).
if the monetization does not slow down, she could be approaching a 6 figure salary for first year of monetization. This is based on the initial numbers shared months ago (USD). I still think she will fall short of $100,000, but not by much.
add in the 300 members (280/20) is like 1900 per month before cuts (estimated 16k/yr after 30%).

>> No.7128789

It's not that she comes from 4chan ordinally it's just she built a fanbase on /here/ coincidentally. But I don't think she doesn't like her current fanbase.
I don't understand your opinion clearly. Why did you bring the name Holo? I don't think it's possible to be as popular as Holos without belonging to Hololive.
Even if she hadn't built up the current fanbase here, it wouldn't mean she had a chance of success in Japan. It's like grasping at a cloud. This has nothing to do with her contents or something, but with the name value.
If anything I think it's almost a miracle that she were able to build a fanbase here. She is clearly blessed.

>> No.7128822

The cycles are shorter and shorter every time, horny posting is now over and the manager posting has started

>> No.7128858


>> No.7128859

that’s a big overestimation on your part considering support stays as consistent as her first months which is a big statistical oversight on your part.

>> No.7128888

I dont think it is. I think she's getting more money per stream today than ever. I'm just using anecdotal evidence, so you'd have to get a data dad to back me up. But if I was wrong I'd be shocked.

>> No.7128932

it should be lower than your prediction because of currencies such as Poland yen

>> No.7128946

she can be good for JOPs looking to learn more english or talking to more english people while also watching vtubers.
learning and bettering english through interacting with beatani and community could be a good draw for some board overlap of people wanting to learn english while watching a jap chubba on 5ch and 2ch.
The draw to beatani is that they are different. in a good way.It’s not your typical chubba experience or corporate experience for japanese standards or english standards which is good.

>> No.7129026

Beatani and her English is still improving so rapidly that it's incredible to watch.
But I can't agree that watching Beatani streams is a good way to learn English. I do not see the appeal to JOP viewer the same as you.

>> No.7129077

>learn proper english
>learn japanese peculiar cultures
>learn mental health

>> No.7129079
File: 2.59 MB, 1872x1861, zw3unj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love fucking this bear!

>> No.7129088

it would be the interaction or having someone improve with you , not necessarily the streams themselves.

>> No.7129096

>learn English
Are you fucking high? She's doing pretty good, but that's like me saying that I learned JP from a JP onry chuuba. It's bullshit.

>> No.7129129

Its even worse than that
It's like saying you learned JP from a JSL chuuba. I guess someone like Fuzuki Miki?
Sorry if JSL is not the right term I dont remember what to use and it's too early.

>> No.7129149

I understand what you mean.
In fact, her experience could be useful for Japanese indie Vtubers who are thinking of expanding overseas. This will be a B to B kind of thing though. It may be possible to use this as a foothold to appeal to JOP.
But what she is doing isn't learning English actually. She is learning the culture of 4chan like the slang and memes. I'm sure there are many Japanese who are interested in this culture but I think it's too latent a demand. How can people to get the demand that they are not aware of? After all the first spark would depend on luck.

>> No.7129220

Fuck, I'm getting Tetris effect but with Minecraft.

>> No.7129262

When are we going to help Beatani improve her English? Spotting bear paws is nice and all but she should learn to rely less on DeepL.

>> No.7129284

Minecraft is dumb, I wish Dragon Quest Builders had server multiplayer

>> No.7129303

Who gives a fuck? isn't her broken and very direct English part of her charm?

>> No.7129319

>what she is doing is not learning English
You have got to be joking me.
She has improved more than anyone you watch (or prove me otherwise)
She is learning both fundamentals and meme lingo.
truly culture

>> No.7129333

Bear.. we can have an English studying session at my apartment anytime.

>> No.7129334

Tailgating Beatani in Euro Truck Simulator!

>> No.7129385

Being exposed to English is what I should have said.

>> No.7129403

If you can understand obscure references layered in irony and lingo you will pick up English from it even if riddled with memes

>> No.7129423

>four leaves clover

>> No.7129560

that commission which was pending for 30 days finally timed out. over the next few hours would be a great time to share an (open) skeb link.

>> No.7129597

This, when I went to sleep yesterday I could only seem myself mining when I closed my eyes

>> No.7129628

Your heart was in the right place.
Even if it's retarded.

>> No.7129650

any good web to convert pixel art to minecraft blocks?

>> No.7129657

I want to be exposed to Beatani's inner thighs.

>> No.7129863

Felt inspired by her suicide speech and made this shitpost
Prease enjoy, dads

>> No.7129911
File: 218 KB, 200x150, 1627377590578.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bea in heartlocket
Bea I heartlocket

>> No.7129933

>I'm Kumagai Chisato
why does this get me

>> No.7130060

Just wait until you start getting dreams of building entire fortresses. Those are wild.

>> No.7130114

Is there only a single Minecraft autist in Europe? Is that why the only things of note are a small tower and a cube that is in even a less finished state than the gargantuan walls the other factions have?

>> No.7130143

>EU makes a watchtower with Swedish flag
So guess I'm fighting africans now.
>sobs and eats burger

>> No.7130161

Pretty much, it's all Zia.
I just made a small Commie-cube for myself

>> No.7130198

Holy shit Bea is literally Gendo. She will sacrifice everything she has built up, her whole community, just to be with the ones she loves the most.

>> No.7130215

I tried making it in the eu flag colors, but with only 3 height it does look swedish

>> No.7130236
File: 78 KB, 596x455, collab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Impregation collab....Haa....

>> No.7130244

>tagging Youtube

>> No.7130262

>eu flag
Bruh, just because we fight together as brothers in a civilizational conflict doesn't mean that flag represents me. Putting up a rainbow flag would mean the same thing as an EU one really.

>> No.7130268

Spent the first day grinding, made the tower and some villager slavery yesterday, I'll try to build some things today. But it does feel a bit onely.

>> No.7130283

She just used the share button on youtube

>> No.7130349

Do your Twitter reps.

>> No.7130376

Uohhhhhhhhh! !! !! SALMON erotic !!!!!! SALMON'S belly and chest !!!!!! Erotic … UOOOHHHHHHH

>> No.7130383

>eu flag
Do Euros really?

>> No.7130395


>> No.7130697

they don’t know anything about unity

>> No.7130740

media share beatani

>> No.7130753


>> No.7130841

I believe he's talking about where you donate to have your videos played on stream and the streamer reacts to them

>> No.7130857

sounds gay

>> No.7130871

like this https://youtu.be/MIiam6p_bDI

>> No.7130872


>> No.7130880 [DELETED] 
File: 861 KB, 2012x1457, 89303CF6-5824-4DF2-BADB-A6A152770EF3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7130905 [DELETED] 

I hear that you are looking for a horse of mine? If you will use her only for breeding, I will sell her cheap.

>> No.7130930 [DELETED] 

>Sex: Bay Filly
>Breeding: Beat
What does it mean bros

>> No.7130948

>namefag and samefag
Aren't you quite the attention whore

>> No.7131006
File: 125 KB, 1324x590, 7865BE25-382C-468F-87DE-F64818FB7FA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when your existence breach’s containment
only bear

>> No.7131046 [DELETED] 

babiniku confirmed

>> No.7131123

jannies have been oddly quick and particular these past two days. the fuck?
as a reminder whenever you think we are the most autistic fanbase

>> No.7131163
File: 370 KB, 747x540, 1626804658919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sex with bears

>> No.7131190

Sorry dads. It wasn't the mods. A creeper blew it up and I couldn't remember the joke so I just put a dumb sign back. Naked dogeza next time I log on

>> No.7131223

The point is that JOPs never give indies a chance except if they're a well-known utau who would end up in either Nijisanji or Hololive anyway

>> No.7131266
File: 3.40 MB, 1852x1453, RedCircles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hair could curve out a bit
shirt creasing and angle is off. The angle of the sleeve looks like the arm is extending away horizontally when it's mostly going down vertically.
left hand should protrude below the fish more
the way the hand looks, it's full closed, but that shouldn't be possible with the fish tail, so the hand should be a little more open.

I'd draw the suggestions, but I got work in 2 minutes.

>> No.7131273

Wasn't it clearly a joke?

>> No.7131282

actually thanks, i was literally cleaning it up right now. i'll try my best to do your feedback.

>> No.7131321

if you want to add more of a curve to the ears would it be better?

>> No.7131334

i've been trying to do this for a while, but it's very hard at my resolution. I'll keep trying.

>> No.7131413
File: 467 KB, 1908x1731, 20210727_064746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the pic

>> No.7131433

Honestly I'm looking forward to her Salmon collab, I think they'll both autistically get along.
Hopefully it'll pave the way to future collabs so she can outgrow this place.

>> No.7131454

>looking forward to collab
Okay that is understandable
>outgrow this place
managerdad onegai

>> No.7131482

She doesn't really need /yah/ anymore, now that we have the minecraft and discord coming it's a good opportunity for her to reach out to other communities.

>> No.7131502
File: 5 KB, 534x248, 12331231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7131507

I thought she enjoys playing with viewers of /yah/

>> No.7131539

I don't think she minds where her fans are from. I think the problem is Dads want beatani to stay as some secrit club vtuber, but it's obvious she is interested in growing and will need to reach outside of 4chan to do so.

>> No.7131567
File: 435 KB, 768x888, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the great feedback.
I think I was able to do everything except for
>Closed hand
Picrelated for my reference. This is a closed hand. Does something look weird?

>> No.7131568

>Dads want beatani to stay as some secrit club vtuber
If that were the case, you wouldn't see people have an issue with containment breaching.

>> No.7131595

When was this announced she just shared a salmon clip that doesn't indicate a colab is imminent

>> No.7131596

Well not everyone feels the same way, but I think most dads probably do.

>> No.7131635

She should start networking with /wvt/ chuubas since this thread dried up, also move to twitch while at it.

>> No.7131648

it isnt confirmed, pure rrat. but shes been getting braver lately, everyone was against a discord server but she did it anyway. a collab with salmon seems inevitable at some point

>> No.7131654

i agree bea, why don't you do it now.
your fans are shit anyway.
bunch of self hating western otaku gaijin.
the wvt community is way nicer.

>> No.7131669

some bear ear shapes

>> No.7131681

I don't think a twitch migration would be worthwhile considering she already has subs on youtube, but I think that some /wvt/ collabs would be worthwhile, maybe.
I think that anyone from /wvt/ already knows who bea is so it's not really new exposure.

>> No.7131691
File: 141 KB, 1362x589, 6382D866-0E45-468D-AFFA-B67861A67C00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

photo didn’t attach for some reason

>> No.7131698


>> No.7131711

thanks, i'll try it!

>> No.7131724

it’s dead hours and stream is hours away.
our thread even in dead hours is usually more active than wvt
wvt has been having a problem with keeping threads alive not beatani

>> No.7131737

just saying that the real /wvt/ is on /trash/ not /vt/

>> No.7131778

Fuck off /wvt/rannies

>> No.7131793

Rent free. Don't you think of anything other than trannies? That's a little gay anon.
Maybe you should come up with some new material.

>> No.7131813

and back there they have been complaining about how threads have been harder to keep alive here and how the threads need new blood or thinking about shilling smaller corpos to mix it up abit, because the threads are same ish.

>> No.7131839

I want to have sex with Beatani, and then cuddle a little in bed afterwards, maybe hug her from behind and rub my dick against her ass.

>> No.7131841

go back

>> No.7131862

If you love your daughter and want her to go grow, you have to accept that collabs are one of her best options. And yes, that includes collabs with men.

>> No.7131892
File: 55 KB, 622x626, bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7131893

Maybe you should go back to your favourite board first.

>> No.7131907

I would fucking love to see the meltdown if she does a stream with JP male streamer.

>> No.7131925

The only male I would be okay with Beatani collaborating with is me.

>> No.7131928

the only person i wouldn’t mind would be kamiyaa

>> No.7131934

It would be far worse if she were to stream with a dad, act very friendly with him and ignore the chat

>> No.7131936
File: 259 KB, 549x631, 1626946733917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cum on Beatani's tail.

>> No.7131961

During my last archive reps there were some complains about the threads being too fast and about the changing culture with the almost daily influx of newfag chuubas who don't know shit about 4chan.
Only one dad took it so that's an improvement.

>> No.7131967

These threads would be banned if it was a certain H-dad.

>> No.7131987

hey if your nice and befriend and genuinely want to make good content and interact well with her and come to some streams i don’t think a lot of people here would mind wvt.
that’s why people here are ok with the salmon girl and are being nice to her.
she was nice, watched streams , interacted.
I’m sure she would want to colab with someone she knows atleast a little or has watched some of there vods like seep or koopa but you guys don’t give her any room to breath because of liking a certain post.

>> No.7132031

Teach this kusogaki a lesson

>> No.7132040

her preference of angry burgers over emo euros tells us something about her alcoholic father

>> No.7132045

I really want to

>> No.7132047

it’s threads on the main wvt being riddled with newfag chubbas not knowing what to expect probably what they were talking about in particular without properly learning or lurking the board first, and accepting any 2view because they browsed the board once is also a problem they seem to be having so the chubbbas outnumber the viewers in threads.

>> No.7132082

Alright, let's end this

>> No.7132087

Truly, the /yah/ is dying
First you just accepted that she is making a discord server with a little to no backlash
Now you advocate for collabs with /wvt/rash
How have we fallen

>> No.7132113

no one has advocated
there isn’t anything to talk about or optimize as a managerfag
no new details just yet on server
what do you expect?

>> No.7132115

bear paws, everyone

>> No.7132134

Where is the option "yes, no /wvt/ shitters"?

>> No.7132162

you should have realised that dads are nothing more than spineless cowards who will kneel to beatani no matter what a long time ago. they'll agree to the thread hivemind but when beatani makes a decision they're willing to do a complete 180

>> No.7132189

>muh /wvt/ shitters
Grow up

>> No.7132196


>> No.7132203

It goes both ways. Beatani has backed off stuff that the thread was against and plays into the rrats.

>> No.7132225

This but unironically.

>> No.7132235

any minecraft anon updates?

>> No.7132241

The scent of Japanese vagina is too hypnotic.

>> No.7132242
File: 347 KB, 772x671, 1C6G8sZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but you guys don’t give her any room to breath because of liking a certain post.
This is pretty fair, but I don't think she really "cares" that much about what the schizo hive mind thinks. In her last yakuza stream she reminded us that she was an adult and asked us to trust her, so I think she is already mentally prepared to do whatever the fuck she wants from now on.
Also the schizos are very vocal but they are not really that many of them, most of Bea's fanbase will support her decisions as long as they are not actively hurt by them
I trust this bear, and I'll keep supporting her no matter what

>> No.7132247

minecraft chat

>> No.7132260


>> No.7132271

ohnononono stop leaking

>> No.7132293

didn't attach screenshot so it'll stay a rrat

>> No.7132320

Good. The grays don't need to know.

>> No.7132331

It's not spoonfeeding if the source is a volatile chat.

>> No.7132351

it is when you literally point the direction of where they should look

>> No.7132637

why hasnt anyone done a cum tribute to chisato yet?

>> No.7132654


>> No.7132660

I came on her tummy

>> No.7132700

Because she doesn't care anymore, she just wants to do collabs and now we're just "fans". She'll stop interacting with us even more than usual (an art retweet every 2 or 3 days) and will cease coming to the minecraft server just so she can get more popular until she has 300-400 viewers and will only interact with other vtubers, meaning when one of her fans gets popular enough she'll collab with him and they be friends and none of us will be.

>> No.7132726

this is why you don't do cum tributes anon?

>> No.7132734

Someone already did one

>> No.7132763

Is it still a cum tribute if I cum inside her?

>> No.7132783

Where's "no /wvt/" option?

>> No.7132805

>only if it was with a girl

>> No.7132813

Why waste time doing stuff relates to her when she'll just ignore me? It's hard to even look at her knowing she'll actually be groomed by some vtuber but she's too naive to even notice it

>> No.7132814

>implying /wvt/ is not full of bottom tier garbage
you first

>> No.7132823

There isn't one.

>> No.7132872

>will cease coming to the minecraft server
Hopufully that kills the server.
Nice bait btw

>> No.7132888

How would you react if you found out she has a boyfriend? Not a fan or anything, just some Japanese guy she's been with for a a couple years?

>> No.7132892

Watching Japanese vtubers doesn't make you superior. You're still probably underage and EOP.

>> No.7132919

Pain as I get reminded I'm a single fuck, but not jealous if that's what you mean.

>> No.7132923

I would fly to Japan and rape both of them.

>> No.7132938

i'll pretend i feel betrayed and spam the thread for a few days then forget about it

>> No.7132939

I will rape her boyfriend
No homo

>> No.7132950

>most of Bea's fanbase will support her decisions as long as they are not actively hurt by them
The ones closest to her supported streams being cut down to 3 a week, Bea's weird behavior on social media lately and support anything else that hurts the community without much pushback. Spineless yes men.
>I trust this bear
She makes too many spur of the moment retarded decisions for me to trust her with anything. I personally want to see the Salmon collab only because it might be chaotic and fun like her streams used to be in the second age. The first age being the seiso phase and the current age being the managed decline of her career.

>> No.7132978

people have lurk more
yo chisato

>> No.7133008

so much this >>7132938
honestly i'd be happy for her.

>> No.7133024

>Watching Japanese vtubers
Who are you quoting? /wvt/ is 99% unwatchable shit and that's why majority of them can't get even 10 live viewers. Deal with it

>> No.7133049

NTA, but It would seem that you are incapable of understanding why /wvt/ specifically is bad, or using "all western chuubas = bad". I'll give you a benefit of the doubt and think that you are just retarded, and not a shitposter.
I am not against western vtubers in general, just /wvt/

>> No.7133050

Bear paws
I would feel used and made fun of. What would be the reason to hide a boyfriend? Try to give people fake expectations? I would accept it though.

>> No.7133051

Wouldn't matter, my entertainment isn't relying on e-dating her

>> No.7133091
File: 251 KB, 732x265, bea smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as its not a dad, I wouldn't mind at all.

If it were a dad though, I would go nuclear on this thread the likes of which have never been seen before. The pure schizophrenic energy that I would unleash would be enough to cause several jungle wars.

>> No.7133095

Anon, think a second here. Bea is a JP ENtuber. Objectively true even if I don't like most ENtubers.

>> No.7133119


>> No.7133139

Drop her like she's hot

>> No.7133189 [DELETED] 
File: 102 KB, 1193x2048, my knees hurt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based straight dad

janny gave me a warning last thread, this might be my last. onegai janny-chame, let this one stay

>> No.7133226
File: 69 KB, 499x321, 6644a323c2f0fede3b47fff0bd76a5c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ my dick
was nice knowing you

>> No.7133235

only male id be ok with for a collab is Jack0fAllBlades | VTuber | Clipper | Pogger

>> No.7133244

>thirsting after femboys
Why are dads so desperate?

>> No.7133253

more off topic tranny shit
jannies clean it up, he clearly hasnt learnt his lesson

>> No.7133257

he will be made into a woman soon enough

>> No.7133265
File: 21 KB, 400x400, x0UlzA-o_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did somebody say collab?!

>> No.7133277

Sure but that anon was clearly implying that I was one of those people who sperg out abot "western SJW whores" ruining their "pure nippon hobby" which isn't the case.
I don't dislike every EN vtuber I just hate /wvt/,

>> No.7133281

its not off topic, hes going to do beatani cosplay soon

>> No.7133291

it's off topic until he cosplays beatani

>> No.7133313

right after his ban ends

>> No.7133322

i hate jannies now

>> No.7133337

based but probably a self delete, doubt jannies are that fast

>> No.7133340

You WILL transform into Beatani

>> No.7133353

Based jannies

>> No.7133377

>minecraft autism
>ok with discords
>ok with /wvt/ collabs
>supports trannyposting
we truly are the worst fanbase on /vt/

>> No.7133388

all me

>> No.7133407

Worst fanbase for the worst vtuber

>> No.7133417

of course I'm okay with this. I encourage it. i like traps

>> No.7133500

I disagree with most of this but the Salmon is alright. /yah/ gets shit on from this entire board so I can relate with an indie getting tagged as /wvt/ scum wanting a chance too.

>> No.7133518
File: 68 KB, 1080x299, Screenshot_20210727-052504_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck is Bea following a corporate vtuber? Is she actually going to get signed on with them?

>> No.7133529

>minecraft autism
It will pass
>ok with discords
Nothing we can do about that
>ok with /wvt/ collabs
The only ones who are ok with that are /wvt/ourists who enter this thread to shill their 2view nobodies
>supports trannyposting
Deleted in seconds which means it was either mass reported or there's a janny monitoring the thread

>> No.7133533

Pippa is /here/.

>> No.7133573
File: 434 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20210727-152736_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Refollowing a couple of chubbas so follows are for chubbas

>> No.7133577

>Bea is folloving people on twitter again
>didn't refollow me
it hurts

>> No.7133578

Pippa is based

>> No.7133597


>> No.7133602 [SPOILER] 
File: 600 KB, 1920x2303, 1627389037520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of those is a chubba yet

>> No.7133619

That's like saying child porn isn't porn because the person is 18 now. Yes, pedos have used that logic. Use your brain.

>> No.7133624

Become otokonoko vtuber.

>> No.7133643

She is probably going to more or less retire this year and almost every predicted omen of doom has come to pass. I want to see a collab with a cute girl for shits and giggles the sooner the better, who cares about your petty hatred for the entirety of western vtubing now? I want maximum entertainment now while it lasts.

>> No.7133673

>hatred for the entirety of western vtubing
Fuck off with your shitty strawman, it's /wvt/ that is thrash, not all western chuubas

>> No.7133678
File: 11 KB, 193x229, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She is probably going to more or less retire this year
We'll never become Beatani...

>> No.7133695
File: 21 KB, 531x465, BearAndSalmon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picrelated was a coincidence, I swear. Thanks to anons feedback above.

>> No.7133701

I want to smell bear cunny

>> No.7133710

>hatred for the entirety of western vtubing now?
nice strawman you retard

>> No.7133733


Looking good holding the fish
Came out great

>> No.7133742

looks great

>> No.7133748

Pretty good

>> No.7133806

What have you done to help your daughter reach 10k subscribers today, dads?

>> No.7133848

Not a damn thing. She's made it clear she doesn't want help or advice

>> No.7133852


>> No.7133857

same, and i am a vtuber

>> No.7133866

Nothing. Why would i?

>> No.7133871

What’s wrong with cp?

>> No.7133895

So I have to become a chuuba to get followed by her? Ok understood

>> No.7133929
File: 238 KB, 800x800, unnamed7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's not on the list of dads that bea stalks manually

>> No.7133973

These damn children are in it. If only children didn't exist, this would never had been a problem.

>> No.7133992

You are a nigger and you know very well why I'm calling you one.

>> No.7134005

No i don't, please elaborate further

>> No.7134160

I won't, just on the off chance you're bear paws with short memory instead of a faggot.

>> No.7134166

it annoys me honestly

>> No.7134185
File: 103 KB, 800x800, 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. europoor

>> No.7134228
File: 28 KB, 736x211, Common_symptom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7134353
File: 114 KB, 676x616, 1619201934055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it does

>> No.7134361

oh woah, this thread still exists? I've completely transitioned to chatting on mc with bea and dads.

>> No.7134374

>I've completely transitioned

>> No.7134396

don't forget to dilate

>> No.7134410


>> No.7134455

Comic LO Bot is my oshi now.

>> No.7134471

Seriously, you guys are obsessed.

>> No.7134487

that's it i'm going to vtube. fuck it

>> No.7134504


>> No.7134512

Make sure to drop a link here so I could dox you

>> No.7134543
File: 39 KB, 342x217, edit listener-e69a3670c7d29b2eda51ce7e4c65d1dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>followed the salmon

>> No.7134575

I can't wait for the /yah/craft server tour

>> No.7134576

I'm just glad she's still friends with seep

>> No.7134596
File: 271 KB, 1233x998, C3480DA7-064C-4EB3-B36F-A663776D7CFB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

minecraft dads give us updates or i’m going to commit not alive

>> No.7134597


>> No.7134641

bea is cute and funny even using the chat of minecraft!

>> No.7134655

If I'd known euro was going to be this bad I would have joined you guys instead. Figured there would be enough autists over there.

>> No.7134679

I don't even play minecraft, I literally only bought it for her

>> No.7134705


>> No.7134736

In all honesty, the teams should have been randomized. It should have taken your geolocation and tried to roughly split them in 3.

>> No.7134760

I think the issue with the slow development of the europoor lands was lacking a big project to focus everyone's attention at the start, so most of them went their separate ways to do their own thing

>> No.7134768


>> No.7134773

Hey we've got multicoloured sheep.

>> No.7134780

The teams were pretty even during the opening. Like within 1-2 of each other. But I guess most of those people just wanted to be on for the event.

>> No.7134807

Too many.

>> No.7134838

Actually that's a good point, I did hear many people dropped it after the stream. You stinky attention-whores! How could you let Bea down like that! She wanted war!

>> No.7134849

Discord will unironically help a lot

>> No.7134866

I don't think people dropped it, only made an extra effort to be present at that specific hour, and now they're logging in at the hour they're better suited for.

>> No.7134973

Same here, I admit that half of the time I can't understand what is everyone talking about in the chat
But that's also part of the fun, I'm having a good time

>> No.7135015

reminder that Risuna is canonically fucking stacked

>> No.7135135


>> No.7135219

I started building the exterior of my spleef arena. It's moderately big, so it took a long time to do. The roof alone took somewhere around 5000 logs to make.

>> No.7135284

Bea should start a new rrat

>> No.7135313

This is her trying to be professional arc.

>> No.7135337

Retard bear please I beg you

>> No.7135357

She heard about an upcoming corpo audition and wanted to clean up her act to get in
This is her best way to get away from us

>> No.7135365

bea streams with piss bottle under because i am lazy to go toilet

>> No.7135391

>thinking this is a rrat
you can literally hear the piss hitting the bottle

>> No.7135405
File: 121 KB, 499x321, 1626483873066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to stop Bea's ova from wasting away and have half-white babies with her!

>> No.7135421

Forgot your glasses

>> No.7135437
File: 27 KB, 499x321, fd52b8d1c3056bc6abb9611233ddfaf8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry to tell you this way but ive already done it

>> No.7135443

Sounds like she's frying chicken. I have been curious how you drink so much beer without pissing

>> No.7135494

this question is amazing to me. i remember i asked during one of the yakuza streams. I cannot remember a single time where Bear said she was going to the bathroom in the middle of her stream. At this point I believe that if she needs to piss she just reads the Supas and calls it a day.

>> No.7135520

Bea's tangerine juice...

>> No.7135523

It's not hard, what's wrong with your bladder

>> No.7135528


>> No.7135539

How weak a bladder do you have that you need to pee all the time?
You need to get it in to your head that for most of the day your bathroom is lava. Problem solved.

>> No.7135548
File: 451 KB, 400x400, download2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7135576

Aren't female bladders weaker?

>> No.7135593

Yes I would like to fertilize your ova

>> No.7135610
File: 293 KB, 397x415, 1621965143428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7135629

Especially with all the alcohol and not one piss break. She did say she got cystitis from holding it in too long a couple times so she's a pro I guess.

>> No.7135659

for someone i love so much she sure knows how to be a total turn off at times

>> No.7135675

I must have missed that. Yeah that's a bit overboard kek
If you are at the discomfort stage, it is time to pee.

>> No.7135708

brb taking a piss to stay healthy

>> No.7135725

Yeah holding it is already a lot for the body.

>> No.7135801

Imagine being Bea's cunny doctor...

>> No.7135827

If she removes the fruitttttttttt

>> No.7135837

i do a very thorough investigation before every stream

>> No.7135857

Being a gynaecologist is one of the shittiest jobs one could ask for. You're gonna see so much fucked up shit you're gonna become mentally castrated.

>> No.7135899

Do you think Bea would stick a vibrator in if she ever got a confirmed stream with Hiroyuki?

>> No.7135910

What makes you think she already doesn't?

>> No.7135941
File: 1 KB, 91x30, Screenshot from 2021-07-27 15-06-44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good point.

>> No.7135952

Imagine hiroyuki did those cameo things you can pay for to get someone to record a message for you.

>> No.7135974
File: 14 KB, 474x286, 1627394998339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never be Hiroyuki Nishimura.You will never find the love of your life Beatani on XP hill, who looks adorable and is a cutiepie Japanese Polar bear. You will never be The richest funniest comedian ever to set foot in japan with the highest superchats of France. You will never have the money that would allow you to become the owner of 4chan. You'll always be a loser.

>> No.7136008

Hello seep

>> No.7136010

Beatani has pretty much replaced twitter interactions with minecraft chat, by the way.
Who could have saw this coming?

>> No.7136011

Why do you hurt me like this?

>> No.7136032

I'm so jealous Nivi

>> No.7136059

Don't worry it's only temporary until Discord

>> No.7136108

Don't forget get to sit on your ass streaming talking a lot of random shit and drinking your favourite beer of the week, and streaming with thot destroyer himself.
Living the dream.

>> No.7136116

Twitter interactions died before MC if you are not ***, *****, ******, or ****

>> No.7136190

I think we could probably get him to do it if enough of us came up with a good enough pitch.

>> No.7136293

beatani could host a talk show kind of thing and then pay him to come on

>> No.7136394

>using your donations to pay to talk to her dream guy

>> No.7136411

That makes them so much sweeter when she does like something

>> No.7136419

>minecraft autism
>ok with discords
>ok with /wvt/ collabs
>supports trannyposting
I wouldn't put it past dads to be cucks as well.

>> No.7136503

Get chucked by Minecraft Chad's with your repetitive 4 points already mentioned

>> No.7136592


>> No.7136601


>> No.7136654

and you cant forget about ***** either
he is the worst of the lot...

>> No.7136711

He is the one who's deeper in and it goes mostly unnoticed...

>> No.7136724

also *******, **** *********, or *****.

>> No.7136764

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are grooming, supporting, raising and watching a girl for at least several months solely so that she can go get ravaged by other men. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little bear - doing your art reps, staying up to ungodly hours in the morning, making sure she has enough beer money, teaching her english, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.
Raising the perfect bear? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who has nothing to do with the right way she grew up with, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind yet menhera personality that came from the way you raised her.
As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least several months of your life simply to raise a little girl for other men to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically

>> No.7136767

You fags know when you hide the entire name with asterisks nobody knows who the fuck you're referring to, right?

>> No.7136833

lurk more

>> No.7136870
File: 84 KB, 600x681, I cannot think or comprehend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7136877

I kinda disagree with **** but the other three for sure 100%

>> No.7136967
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>he doesn't have the extension installed

>> No.7136994

If you try hard enough the letters match.

>> No.7137057

Hi. It's me, **********. While you fags have been slap fighting on Minecraft and Twitter, I've been positioning myself to make a perfectly timed move to groom her. My position is face down ass up.
Also, Nivi is totally going to have the best grooming application.

>> No.7137085

If by best grooming application you mean literally has no idea to groom and so you take it as cute, then maybe.

>> No.7137121

Someone better update the OP to have a Discord link and a list of Beatani affiliated vtubers

>> No.7137157

It's best when you never see it coming

>> No.7137180

Sure, when we have it

>> No.7137285
File: 2.59 MB, 1774x983, anilingussaurus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My position is T-rex

>> No.7137380

Bea can we get a rawr sometime? It would be cute.

>> No.7137418

the fuck is this xDDD

>> No.7137493
File: 727 KB, 1334x1506, 69megalodon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The new kamen riders

>> No.7137500

Elon Musk won, dads...

>> No.7137530
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>> No.7137533

fuck man I'm really out of the loop since I skipped saber. why the fuck isn't this year's season Shinobi

>> No.7137633
File: 722 KB, 500x281, 1481302997171.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm confused

>> No.7137644

lmao what a lazy nip bitch, very shamefur dispray beatani

>> No.7137646

If you're not rich, she hates you

>> No.7137662


>> No.7137670

She had her favorite Dad make the form for her, but don't worry, she still loves the oil balons

>> No.7137680

She's got tips enabled?

>> No.7137722

no its just a feature of the browser i use

>> No.7137877

Actually new agenda for Bea is settling rrats once and for all.
Brownbrick autist dads may know what I mean by this.
For others, don't worry, there is no yab or critical informations regarding this.
What there is, is kino in the pipeline. Kino like you have never seen.

>> No.7137974

keeping it a secret will make the event more exciting

>> No.7138127

just be Elon Musk bro and she will rike you for sure

>> No.7138154

>you will never go to Mars with Bea and become the Adam and Eve of Martians.

>> No.7138229
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>> No.7138239
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Are you sure about that?

>> No.7138241

Well come on brown brick dads, fill me in.

>> No.7138262

I'd wish her a happy life and move on. I like vtubers who are lonely and frustrated like me, if she get love and attention from someone in her life, well good for her, but it's not Beatani anymore, I'm not interested.

>> No.7138279

>It all makes sense

>> No.7138445
File: 53 KB, 534x248, 24B53F38-3738-4104-B7C6-DFCAFEA8956B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50/50 here

>> No.7138462

Well wvt does all of this + cancel. Also it's not trannyposting, it's trap, learns the difference. wvt does actually defend trannies, supporting people like that drawfag who went nuclear because people used the word "tranny" since he has tranny friends. It's very different.

>> No.7138592

tranny, trap. who gives a shit. its all faggotry in the lords eyes
they belong on /lgbt/

>> No.7138668

I'll stream the server tomorrow if you want, intended to map it for a while. Should give you a nice preview.

>> No.7138716
File: 1.35 MB, 1147x643, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of mapping, how difficult is adding a dynmap to minecraft? theyre cool, having one for the /yah/ server would be neat

>> No.7138750

I want this honestly. Hopefully Bear thinks about it

>> No.7138817

it's not hard but it eats a lot of server power, if the game struggles during high pop it's not worth it

>> No.7139133


>> No.7139220

I still don't know why you're this upset over Krimbo.

>> No.7139253

ah yeah that's his name
He has nothing to do on 4chan, every time I checked a wvt thread he was selfposting with an avatar, said he disliked anonimity, believe any boogeyman thrown at him, and people give him a free pass for anything just because he does free art for them. He doesn't understand 4chan and just come here for advertisement and influence.

>> No.7139280

I don't like the sjw types like him and that ninja faggot
Also his model is atrocious

>> No.7139293

I post on wvt sometimes and ever since that guy and his clique came it's really been downhill, everyone follow whatever they say because of the twitter influence they have, no one want to anger him, and he's quite the typical SJW and hypocrite.

>> No.7139295

Why are you lurking in /trash/ in the first place?

>> No.7139315

I like indie vtubers, I don't really care which threads they're talked on (well until some people try to what is ok or not to say out loud)

>> No.7139351

Easy, but disable the isometric view, it's shit and EATS server resources for no real gain.
On our friends server, it was literally using 2/3s of the space of our drive we allocated to it. That was more space than the damn chunks that it was rendering.
Also suggest setting the compression to JPG. There's no use for PNG for a map.

>> No.7139352

I lurk in both threads ever since the first one was made and don't see this happening at all desu.

>> No.7139439

>Also suggest setting the compression to JPG. There's no use for PNG for a map.
Are you faggots live in the 90s still? Storage is extremely cheap.

>> No.7139493

Actually now that I think about it, PNG will be perfectly fine on this server, it's not big. Ignore that. Likewise the default refresh rate will be fine too.
That's only really an issue if your map is fuckhuge spanning millions of chunks.

>> No.7140233
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>found a gigantic mineshaft and had to dig upwards to get out because I was completely lost
>still no new diamonds

>> No.7140287
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>> No.7140401

The grooming applications are up.

>> No.7140408


>> No.7140410

gray away!

>> No.7140441
File: 237 KB, 500x621, 9D585164-907D-4A90-BB4C-EEC608E36C4D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deadbraps are worse but we’re so bad I’ve stopped watching beato. It’s so fucking faggy and pathetic here now.

>> No.7140447

That's a lot more to write than I expected, I'm gonna have to wing it.

>> No.7140511

>package left the country 10 days ago
>no update since

>> No.7140516
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>> No.7140526

I thought we didn't have it because pvp/war. I'll be harder to hunt without it. Also if we had a map of where Bea was whenever she would login there'd be menhera stalkers following her around.

>> No.7140530

These no reply announcements are fucking gay as hell. I almost want to just manually make a tweets @ her for every single one until I get blocked. It shouldn't take long.

>> No.7140545

she HATES us

>> No.7140551

You can reply on yuuchuubu.

>> No.7140560

Hello bear

>> No.7140561

Do it

>> No.7140567
File: 3 KB, 149x25, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our daughter is so thoughtful and progressive!

>> No.7140589

buy the fucking dip. she cant harm you on twitter

>> No.7140602

fucking sjw trash...

>> No.7140607


>> No.7140619

The viewers reflect the oshi

>> No.7140647

She'll just have to submit another one for Risuna.

>> No.7140662

It's the attitude

>> No.7140669

You're trolling, but I've stopped watching streams/paying attention to Twitter and just scroll through /yah/

>> No.7140684
File: 180 KB, 533x754, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is her real form
Will you still love her?

>> No.7140696

Yes, I assumed that at the start

>> No.7140837

Is it possible disable the option to have players show up? I think having the map alone is good enough.

Also anyone know if it's ok to use client-side mods like minimap or better UI mods on the server? Could I get kicked for using them? Will the admin even find out if I do?

>> No.7140857

Yes but just a little less than i do now tabun maybe

>> No.7140883

>anti thread already up

>> No.7140896

Kill yourself replychama

>> No.7141068

Does gmail accept email from guerrillamail domains?

>> No.7141148
File: 272 KB, 1383x537, 85840AD0-71C0-4E20-8105-7DB383855C72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yah was posted to wvt today as well
seems fitting

>> No.7141171

When that dad gets back in August he's in for a big surprise

>> No.7141189

I don't see what that has to do with yah.

>> No.7141192
File: 124 KB, 1721x147, 65A872D5-03D7-4324-A5B0-9619FEF7F6F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong one

>> No.7141276


>> No.7141289

>caring about name fag drama
cringe! foolish dads!

>> No.7141317

I mean there is some guy who keeps bringing up wvt in these threads all the time.

>> No.7141434

Bye dadfags

>> No.7141465

It's just a schizo who goes back and forth between the two places.Tried with some Z*a baiting in trash but failed so he's back here.

>> No.7141489

>You'll be my sex slave can't be satisfied with sex with anyone but me.
Absolutely based

>> No.7141502

It really doesn't sound like a bad deal for remote kid. I'd take it.

>> No.7141528

Imagine being remote kid. I wish that was me.

>> No.7141537

Hope he doesn't has hemorrhoids.

>> No.7141627

Since that other thread went up, I actually decided to properly look at her recent follows.
She followed erection bot and Comic LO bot.
Based bear.
