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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 311 KB, 475x556, 75zdz0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
71109034 No.71109034 [Reply] [Original]

vamp succ tonight edition

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Menhera Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: shadow weekend

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>71072555

>> No.71109058

Luv me wife, simple as.

>> No.71109218
File: 17 KB, 262x230, 1685208296219486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shontoes in my mouth

>> No.71109447

Ft should see this

>> No.71109500

Literally me

>> No.71109888

I want a cool nickname like the blob. Why has she stopped responding to me, she used to to talk all excited with me with messages full of >~< and !!!! now I get normal short comments if any at all while she responds to everyone else. She doesn't read my chats anymore, when I was a 1 month last year she read everything. I want to draw her but there's nothing to draw and it's not good enough, the other artists are way faster and better making mine worthless. No one ever mentions me. When I say hi in prechat I'm lucky to get 1 person saying it back. She's changing. I want to watch movies with her but I need to sleep and my internet is shit. The last vod got muted. No stream till Wednesday

>> No.71110770

Queer will be your nickname

>> No.71110834

>The last vod got muted.
Someone recorded it probably

>> No.71111204

She appreciates any and all art of hers that follows the simple rules so just draw
If i see you in chat saying hi and addressing everyone then I, along with others, will probably say hi back
Nothing much do for the movie watchalongs... I also wish I could see them with her... But there are vods available
Speaking of which, orange barely tried getting confirmation of whether or not to share the vods with nonsubs. All he did was send a longish message about it during a zatsu then he stopped, didn't even highlight it

>> No.71111290

op forgot a link

>> No.71111574

cry more

>> No.71111786

I had a dream/vision where Shondo said she started to noticed moms feminizing their sons starting in ‘01 to ‘06, before her first adoption.

>> No.71111977


>> No.71112144

She's not wrong

>> No.71112453
File: 379 KB, 512x638, 1707175875367115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She didn't post eggs uuu she hates us uuuuuuu why didn't she take a photo of her eggs uuuuuuu

>> No.71112557

I love my gold digger of a wife

>> No.71112724
File: 1.03 MB, 960x1553, 1706647141021104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71112764

I'm glad shondo takes a break from being our wife for 2-3 days a week, her mental wellbeing would be threatened if she was our wife every day of the week

>> No.71112983

That's not what the shadow weekend is for

>> No.71113160
File: 103 KB, 897x500, IMG_4138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my smol wife so much! She’s perfect in my eyes <3

>> No.71113209

I'm glad she takes a break from the klub 4-5 days a week to play video games with us

>> No.71113213

She's the best... I love her so much

>> No.71113379

>before her first adoption

>> No.71113934

Yeah its so we can all replenish our internal supplies of dark cums

>> No.71113944

Found it interesting in the LA Noire stream, she mentioned how her Forest Elder would grope her in the car by pulling the ‘ol Costanza Clothesline. What a lucky man!


>> No.71114014

She has to play Vamipre the mascarade now

>> No.71114061

based old man
kinda intersting that she liked it there but not elsewhere. maybe she wasnt lying about her type

>> No.71114141

no she does not like old games she will verer play the mascara

>> No.71114143

Weird thing to shitpost about

>> No.71114237

>Forest Elder
who dat

>> No.71114370

name one old game she liked shogger

>> No.71114513


>> No.71114548

It was new when she liked it. Now it's old and she doesn't.

>> No.71114625

same with her subscribers when you think about it
same with many aspects of her life
why does she hate anything old?

>> No.71114662

Shondo is your wife for exactly 0 days a week. Her days off are a break from the mentally ill sycophants she has to manipulate for money.

>> No.71114685

She doesnt hate old men>>71113944

>> No.71114884

I wasn't talking about the games thing

>> No.71115130

Brother I think. I don’t know anymore, here family is very dysfunctional.

>> No.71115179

it’s early sworry

>> No.71115659
File: 971 KB, 1280x720, 274bn295h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop antiing yourselves for sympathy points from shondo

>> No.71115676

Stop using my screenshot anon

>> No.71115763

make an NFT

>> No.71115839

i'll leave my discord name in the bottom of every image, gif and video I post

>> No.71116140

anti general

>> No.71116223

I didn't start posting yet

>> No.71116343
File: 31 KB, 360x360, 1700540000950709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a-are you me? :syadouhug:

>> No.71116401

sometimes i think about how sexy shondo's outfit for the concert was and get way too jealous at the men who oogled her. maybe she should wear a burqa next time

>> No.71116448
File: 47 KB, 493x392, lobster-boiling-shondo-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boiling your shondo
>cracking her shell open
>slurping down the squishy, meaty bits
With a little butter, we're cooking!

>> No.71116545

the secret is to be more annoying

>> No.71116615

It's her now-deceased grandpa
She also calls her grandma forest elder though

>> No.71118069

So why is Shondo the way she is?

She got raped by her dad right?

>> No.71118319

basically yeah and thrown into walls etc etc

>> No.71118532

I hope not. I've already been in one relationship with a girl molested as a kid by a family member. Been there, done that.

>> No.71118612

none of that changes how much i love her

shit yourself

>> No.71118632

It was me. I was the family member >:)

>> No.71118720

Kek, i get it though

>> No.71118822


>> No.71119199

Hearing her british accent when she streamed with Lily was sweet. I wish we heard it more but she sent that accent to the shadow realm.

>> No.71119282

shes too much of a burgaboo now

>> No.71119294

Keep wishing, USA boyz run this shit

>> No.71119331

Never said we didn't, friend

>> No.71119698

Someone stream for me on discord i'm bored today

>> No.71119871

fallenshadow but on an american diet

>> No.71119902
File: 2.04 MB, 2048x1548, 1691316611419380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm excited to see the drawing.
Maybe I'm just retarded, but having (partially) funded her tablet makes all the drawings she does with it a little more special to me.

>> No.71119903

she already eats highly processed foods almost exclusively

>> No.71119978

Stop talking shit about shadowmamas homemade microwave dinners

>> No.71120036

processed food outside the US is healthier than healthy food in the US

>> No.71120130

I'm excited to see her eggs

>> No.71120142
File: 986 KB, 1920x1080, beware_the_snowman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be nise to my wife, or else. This is your only warning.

>> No.71120202

Smile I'm always nise, I'll tease her and play along and correct her though

>> No.71120290

is that why she's sicker and weaker than her american viewers
be less stupid

>> No.71120292

>70 posts
>4 IP’s
heh. you should just swap usernames.

>> No.71120406

we already know eachother's usernames we're just bored

>> No.71120460

i don't know you, care to share?

>> No.71120574

do your reps

>> No.71120605

I'd rather not attach my username to all my schizo/retardposts. Plus it's ACKCHYUALLY 10 IPs.

>> No.71120675
File: 3.02 MB, 2880x3240, 1705087033857391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watched that stream yesterday before basedas graduation, has some cool tidbits
Lily kind of carried the whole thing since shondo was too nervous, but would still recommend for anyone who hasnt watched

>> No.71121078
File: 51 KB, 815x419, syadouYayvivi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry i just woke up.

>> No.71121394

i think something is up with the counter? it's just a question mark for me

>> No.71121584

hiroshimoot removed ip trackers. 4chanx hasn't added it back, if they will at all.

>> No.71121838

all the posts in this threads were made by me

>> No.71121957
File: 567 KB, 752x877, IMG_3237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) with FallenShadow. Once I integrate my shadow and form a unified sense of self it’s gonna be game over.

>> No.71122287

good, it was cancer anyway

>> No.71122543

ok new ip

>> No.71123170

pain and suffering

>> No.71123293

does shondo like shaved, trimmed, or unshaved pubic hair?

>> No.71123357

I would assume trimmed or shaved but she also likes old men so maybe unshaven
it's a tough call

>> No.71123450

thank god she finally learned to shut up when she's sad about something

>> No.71123644

She's said a few times she thinks unshaven is gross so anything but that.

>> No.71123938

bush bros its shover

>> No.71124279

It's shover

>> No.71124562

SadCat owari da

>> No.71124574

shondos unshaven shunt

>> No.71124619

I can't even see posters count, doesn't show up at all

>> No.71125172

she shouldn't shut up she should just talk to me about it

>> No.71125336

yeah me too I’m a very good listener

>> No.71125340
File: 79 KB, 734x833, 1708199402532613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71125519

I made this up.

>> No.71125553


>> No.71125556

>he doesn't know she's DMing trusted husbands again
literally ngmi

>> No.71125599

feedback works

>> No.71125611

Stop that

>> No.71125686

orange won

>> No.71125706

I'm glad that we could bully her into sharing less with us and not trusting us with how she's feeling anymore

>> No.71125795
File: 27 KB, 256x177, otis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you really that naïve when she straight up hinted that she is using the manager account to do it?

>> No.71125855

I like this rrat, dm me otis

>> No.71125914

can you open dms for specific people without following them?

>> No.71126114

if they have open dms and you dm them first yes

>> No.71126143


>> No.71126142

she shaves it into a heart actually, she showed me

>> No.71126188

>trusted husbands
she doesn't have any
one guy, 4 at most. once shondo realizes their "advice" isn't sustainable and they're just menhera shoggers talking out of their ass it will change, sooner than later

>> No.71126290

>faggots stop pestering her with concernfagging or offering solutions they googled
>she likely has an easier time coping without stewing on it and getting used to expressing bad feelings
yeah man sounds awful and unsustainable
>groomers most affected

>> No.71126304

>shondo realizes
stopped reading their, shondo doesn't realise anything shes such a stupid bitch she takes every comment as a complete reflection of everyones feelings and then 2 seconds later forgets or stops caring entirely.

>> No.71126328

I woke up today making out with my Shondaki
I feel like several recent events are turning my love into down badness and it sucks fr
Is there a way out that doesn't involve finding a similar looking 3dpd and becoming a manwhore

>> No.71126358
File: 664 KB, 900x866, 1700418248249841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she shouldn't trust any of you, but she should trust me
simple as

>> No.71126485

I made this post, except I'd also tell everyone publicly not just /here/ about her contacting me

>> No.71126502

Why do I wish I had the free time to make desperate courting attempts towards wifey despite it appearing really fucking bad for all of your mental healths

>> No.71126537


>> No.71126564

>still offline

>> No.71126598
File: 825 KB, 960x1234, 1708531624818837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Party time to sho

>> No.71126624
File: 3.92 MB, 467x315, in da klub[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fwa4da4.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shondo in da klub tonight
she is having a really good time
/shon/ will fucking lose its mind
da klub just wants to see her
shake that

>> No.71126636

This is the biggest newfag thread I've ever seen. Please do any amount of reps before posting I'm begging you
Also who the fuck is that in the OP image? It's not my wife

>> No.71126665

I didn't go to Basedas graduation because it seemed too sad and like I'd be forced to think of the inevitable separation occuring with Shondo but she was definitely keeping track of who showed up, at least out of the top fifty husbands wasn't she. Was another ARG hint dropped?

>> No.71126691

>watch 2view
>ancient shogger is there as a mod
every time

>> No.71126756

you could have done that instead of posting

>> No.71126783

I can only party time to rtx model images unfortunately

>> No.71126792

yes if you were there its over she has you on the Cheater List and will never read your unpaid comments again and replace her "i love you"s with "big love"

>> No.71126796

Yeah basedas graduation was a psyop so shondo could form another sekrit club, if you werent there it's unironically over for you

>> No.71126833

she confirmed she has no hair except a wee bit of peach fuzz on her upper lip

>> No.71126876

the barbies are finding the one man fit for their coven

>> No.71126885

>It's not my wife
Just saw the bare neck, gross

>> No.71126904

It's easier and faster to whine here during downtime at work than to develop a Twitter presence and get better at art.
I had that same thought before hitting post though, maybe I should at least attempt drawing during these moments

>> No.71126918

>she confirmed

>> No.71126931

actually, it's "shondo rock IS"

>> No.71126976


>> No.71127038

the first problem can be fixed and the second is worse if done wrong, and i know shondo isn't doing it right.
if the groomers cause problems the groomers get the axe, simple as
you're so scared it's sad. posture harder

>> No.71127126

>can be fixed
how, by banning every regular?
>I know shondo isn't doing it right
ok pal

>> No.71127176

>you're so scared it's sad. posture harder
Jesse, what the FUCK are you talking about

>> No.71127178
File: 285 KB, 467x542, 1707601949337617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tells others to posture harder
noone here is trustworthy
except me of course

>> No.71127219

I discovered something last night that put the most wicked of smiles on my face
It will be my little secret for now but someone will mention it here eventually

>> No.71127241

>by banning every regular
nta but yes; total groomer death, total infighter death, total menhera death

>> No.71127299

you didnt find anything king T

>> No.71127338

i didnt cheat i just wanted to check out the asmr i swear

>> No.71127477

if that's what it takes to get them to act decent then yes, but communication can work for most
you're scared she's going to start doing it again so you make threats /here/ where she'll read it. playing dumb won't work and if you are that's still the effect it will have
none of that is posturing and i'm also trustworthy

>> No.71127493

Tuffnarr doesn't capitalize his letters here as far as I can tell except for Smile
Somnium doesn't capitalize anything and doesn't use ' in words such as "i'm", "can't" and "don't"
Hope this helps

>> No.71127562

No I'm just saying if she messaged me I'd tell people
She stopped coming here

>> No.71127607

I don't go back and watch old vods because when I'm sat with Shondo infront of the fireplace I dont want to have heard everything already, I want to be able to hang on each word.

>> No.71127612

Dewdhole changes his righting style. I hope this doesnt help

>> No.71127685

Yeah it doesn't help

>> No.71127695

>She stopped coming here

>> No.71127741

I also do this but you don't know who I am

>> No.71127756

tuffnarr is bratty
grackle is the email schizo
dewd is the bbc poster
bbk is the femcel anti

>> No.71127775

SyadouShrug she said she did
INSANECAT unless it's a false memory

>> No.71127793

you're right if she was coming here she would have announced to everyone on stream that she browses her thread on 4chan.org/vt/ regularly. there's no good reason to lie about that. you got me

>> No.71127801

i do this as well, but you do not know who i am.

>> No.71127810
File: 235 KB, 412x556, 1708368407549143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm also trustworthy
but youre /here/ and therefore are inherently untrustworthy

>> No.71127840

Not getting a response last stream has really affected my mental health. I need to make an X account ASAP so I can interact with her more and make sure I stand out in her memory but the site sucks so bad. Even just visiting her pages I sometimes get hit with awful Israel war ad tweets between her messages. How did you all go about making the site less of a bad experience

>> No.71127843

I got you syadouSmile

>> No.71127901

lmao phoneposter

>> No.71127920

honestly can't tell if this is a shitpost or not

>> No.71127932

>How did you all go about making the site less of a bad experience
You can block the account of the ads can't you

>> No.71127939

being /here/ doesn't make me untrustworthy. you can be anonymous on any part of the internet

>> No.71127956

>she said

>> No.71127985

Yeah Smile

>> No.71128037

none of that is true

>> No.71128040
File: 558 KB, 1920x1355, 1692231955733759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>last message on discord was "stop" when she pinged everyone in February
>from 'I have a spiritual connection to my wife' to removing his oshi mark
damn, I never would've imagine FF not getting his 1 year ribbon, especially after going through the trouble of getting himself unbanned
kinda felt like someone was missing
is he gone fr or pulling a Gracklebones?
lol skill issue if true

>> No.71128081

>make twitter account
>try to talk to her
>end up annoying her
>she now ignores you in chat
This is why I've been using an alt account until I know she doesn't hate me or any of my extremist opinions :)

>> No.71128145

Oh this was what I noticed last night that gave me a wicked smile. I guess it didn't last long

>> No.71128269

I have this little rrat but if I say it I'll be accused of trying to opsec.

>> No.71128277

i keep telling you newfags to calm down with the overwhelming love for her shit because you're going to burn out

>> No.71128339

thought it was weird that i havent seen him for a few weeks
is he doing a roli, grackle or digi?

>> No.71128366

nushadow is ripe for emotional pump and dump imo just enjoy the high while it lasts and then move on to something more productive to do with your life than absolute dedication to a hikkineet with dubious intentions

>> No.71128402

doesn't seem like it, he's still on twitter but left the discord server and didn't like anything from wifey in a while https://twitter.com/CthukoKuuko

>> No.71128419

>burn out
Which logically means cooling down is a thing
My love is eternal
I unironically think he's just not cut out for this relationship, could also be he found someone else

>> No.71128465

I also do this and often make up a quarter of sane /shon/ posts.

>> No.71128483

>logically means cooling down is a thing
leaving his discord buddies too? idk

>> No.71128546

>He died and left his retarded clone with us
This is the fucking worst outcome possible

>> No.71128550

anyone else primarily a lurker so nobody can place is inane ramblings /here/

>> No.71128602

>this relationship
what relationship lmao

>> No.71128636

Drop it here oomfie I want to hear it

>> No.71128639

nah, Somnium's based
do a flip

>> No.71128659
File: 67 KB, 600x341, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was the last wifey post that he liked
did anything happen around this time?

>> No.71128669

nah, what's the fun in that?

>> No.71128703

no but I also am not a retard so there is no reason to namedrop me, which is unfortunate because being a retard is the only way to get ahead

>> No.71128717

lol maybe he really hated Twilight

>> No.71128753

recognized that shondo is a lizard person as evidenced here and broke from the mind control

>> No.71128785

no, but surprisingly never been named

>> No.71128786

>no argument
lmao, the fat dyke has you all running scared

>> No.71128797

fuuuuuuuuuuuuck I love bangs so much so the fact that Shon has them makes me love her 1000x more. (even though infinity x 1000 is still infinity)

>> No.71128836

I chat too much

>> No.71128876

shaving shondo bald and the bathing her in almost scalding water so her head begins to peel

>> No.71128887

Fuck off butterbitch

>> No.71128907

bbk im killin ye again
I done it before an I'm doin it again
ye girls a whore an she's doin it again

>> No.71128942

the only relationship hete is between shoggers and other men that they obsess over

>> No.71128949

bapy don't do it this isn't what shondo would want

>> No.71128960

I would guess gone, you dont "take a break" by removing your oshi marks

>> No.71128975

Baseg and same, i want to play with her bangs until they get messed up so she has to fix them whole pouting angrily at what I did

>> No.71128995

hi qwerty

>> No.71129041

>>71128975 (me)
It's fucking shover for me

>> No.71129101

>minor spelling mistake

>> No.71129128

stop framing dewdhole about the nigger dick posting, shondo might actually believe you guys

>> No.71129160

He shouldn't have leaned into it then or made his own black cock jokes in chat

>> No.71129210

are you implying he doesn't make comments like that

>> No.71129260

Not him but i can see why you'd think that, he came out of nowhere and got top 5 chat messages starting with the marashon
I send like 250+ messages and i think that's too much, i need to put more thought into my messages or to send less emotes

>> No.71129312

150-250 non emote messages a stream with a good read ratio is fine

>> No.71129376

What goes through one's mind when they just post emotes? How are you contributing to the stream in any way?

>> No.71129422

By letting the streamer know how the audience feels

>> No.71129445

I very rarely post them, but I can see them as just immediate reactions to Shondo, contributing to her feelings of being engaged with us as a whole

>> No.71129446

SyadouClueless, syadouOmegaLUL, syadouLove, syadouBlush, etc.

>> No.71129454

shondo likes seeing us being a hivemind when we spam Scared or Smile or OMEGALUL
but her emotes are all really good at expressing emotions, i usually include 1 in every message i send

>> No.71129464

I assume one read message per 90 non emote messages is good.
It's a virtual facial expression.

>> No.71129508

>i usually include 1 in every message i send
Yeah her emotes are top tier

>> No.71129533

clipwatchers clap like monkeys when they see her do something funny and the chat goes nutso with appropriate emotes

>> No.71129796

No one brought it up, but a few streams ago hiroto used ft's emote in chat then Erm'd
This has been bugging me for no real reason for a while now

>> No.71129839


>> No.71129871


>> No.71129910

forget it.

>> No.71129923

I watched a clip recently and he was in chat and did :omeg but o had 2 dots over it kek

>> No.71130016


>> No.71130079
File: 373 KB, 575x529, you look lonely.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love shondo. a LOT!

>> No.71130120

:woz is iconic, i love funny Brazilian man's :woz's

>> No.71130147

I made this post

>> No.71130598
File: 613 KB, 1080x1335, 1709808634669056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need more images posted

>> No.71130745 [DELETED] 

blw deserves bbc

>> No.71130751 [SPOILER] 
File: 131 KB, 824x1200, lobster-boiling-shondo-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bathing with daughterwife until she's too dizzy to get out and bumps her head on the tub

>> No.71130839
File: 281 KB, 407x536, Sad cute Shondo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It happens sometimes when I rest my eyes. The blackness expands out in all directions. I can feel her calling. I can hear her voice. But I never reach her.

>> No.71130919

Pat the hematoma

>> No.71130931

i just want to put my little pp inside her

>> No.71130975

we know dewd

>> No.71131017

never associate me with the blob again

>> No.71131032

lol'd hard

>> No.71131063

sorry, iProe

>> No.71131074

thats somehow worse

>> No.71131124

sorry, tuffnarr

>> No.71131131

I just don't want to put my big pp in her

>> No.71131138

taking shondo on holiday to japan. visiting an onsen. allergies going haywire. she sheds skin in the water constantly. super embarrassing.

>> No.71131162

please stop

>> No.71131170
File: 74 KB, 896x672, FwQupTKWYAI8Lb4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71131194

sorry skynet

>> No.71131206

sorry, Ina

>> No.71131232

i want her to put her big pp in me :^D

>> No.71131237

Nina get the fuck out of /shon/

>> No.71131294

Someone ought to fix OP's image

>> No.71131316

we know Kiri

>> No.71131323

She wouldn't be able to walk or sit down properly.

>> No.71131328

Fuck off Moobot

>> No.71131336

this thread is newfags only now, they dont even care

>> No.71131375
File: 57 KB, 500x576, IMG_3637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope she sodomizes you with one of her tentacles and rips your spine out through your asshole

>> No.71131408

i just want to put my perfectly average sized 5 inch pp inside of her

>> No.71131509

I just want to put my small 3.5 incher in her and fuck her painlessly.

>> No.71131540

That's below average, nothing wrong with it though since no one here's going to have sex, not the big or small pp havers
At least I'd hope so syadouKill

>> No.71131548
File: 3.84 MB, 640x582, 1696187561388784.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you go to suck on shondos small pp but she has a big one instead

>> No.71131554

taking months to overcome touch aversion only for pp to be too girthy and she hates the experience

>> No.71131610

she can still suck you off and vice versa, oral's always on the menu

>> No.71131612

>since no one here's going to have sex

>> No.71131667

I just wanted to say that you're smaller than me

>> No.71131678

How is that any different than now, fagit?

>> No.71131716


>> No.71131743

She'd endure it because she loves you and would feel too bad to tell you to stop
So you're a cheater?

>> No.71131772

I think shondo is more likely to allow you to have sex with her if your micropenis is so small that it doesn't even stand a chance to break her hymen

>> No.71131785

That's not me you're not replying to the same dude, it's true though

>> No.71131817
File: 30 KB, 201x208, Youjak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've recently jerked off so much to her that my pp is literally swollen, even when flaccid. i can't jerk it for days now until the swelling heals.
she is too sexy and she has caused me physical pain. she must be held accountable!

>> No.71131847

>she doesn't have any
what do you call orange then?

>> No.71131853

If we lived under the same roof we'd do it at least once a month, I don't need a lot of sex but I'm a guy.

>> No.71131874

Don't ever turn me into a wojak ever again, matter of fact, delete the file immediately

>> No.71131894

What started you off on this journey?

>> No.71131932

>orange acts out
>exiled like CF
mutually assured destruction isn't the kind of trust that's relevant to this

>> No.71131950

pretty pathetic, ive gone a whole week of 10 party times a day and never had any problems

>> No.71131954

i've also suffered pp damage before because of shondo, although in my case it was friction burns

>> No.71131975

longest goon sessions with everything about her you could ever collect. including the otter pics. when i woke up i could barely piss.

>> No.71131981


>> No.71132012

you're not getting sex now so whats the difference?

>> No.71132014

what the fuck are you talking about shogga?

>> No.71132071

nta but orange is prone to menhera attacks that he posts about publicly. if something sets him off he might go to her dms about it and fuck up everything he has

>> No.71132135

Reminder that you're free to email me about whatever//

>> No.71132137

The difference would be her being in the same house as me physically, I wouldn't want to pop a boner every time I hug her or sniffa.

>> No.71132143

>fuck up everything he has
she would allow it, probably even enjoy the fact that she's the one he goes to
she has said before she likes broken and dependent people, you just need to be on her list for you to be allowed to do it, which he certainly is

>> No.71132190

orange can't cause much damage and if he does do what little he can then he's done for. it might be trust but it's not enough to call him a trusted husband from that alone

>> No.71132198

Thanks doc, I have your email saved just incase

>> No.71132199

>her list
how do you know if you're on this list

>> No.71132260

anon if I knew that I wouldn't be here talking to you
i'd be talking to her

>> No.71132307
File: 1 KB, 66x59, ALKQWKNDMNEW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you see this on any of her accounts

>> No.71132330

her emails and dms have been open, it's not a privilege to be able to message her privately anyone can do it.
if orange doesn't
>keep it professional
then it's no different from sending her an email

>> No.71132339

I see this on otis' account

>> No.71132369


>> No.71132373

I'm dming her on roblox and no one seems to care, except for her of course

>> No.71132416

is this the real Ancient Rome Live? Im a huge fan

>> No.71132460
File: 14 KB, 487x99, dmerdeath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71132523

cuz she hates the groomer squad, anti groomer chads dm her all the time ;)

>> No.71132567

stop fucking bragging about it retard

>> No.71132584


>> No.71132590
File: 49 KB, 288x256, YouWithered.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm sorry...

>> No.71132604

If you're a (good) artist you get DM privileges. It's that simple.

>> No.71132611 [DELETED] 

Only slightly in the UK. America however has too many bbcs bringing up the average

>> No.71132741

she isnt openING DMs
but if you already DMed her or if she DMs you, those are already openED.

>> No.71132787
File: 22 KB, 437x303, kindabased.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

twitter thinks I'm a grooming anti-vaxxer

>> No.71132839


>> No.71132906

My alt

>> No.71132940

How did you find my alt

>> No.71132967

>hes a vaxxbrain

>> No.71133047

Not really. She follows me so I could technically DM her but that doesn't mean I'm allowed to do it. She would ignore me and see me as someone who can't the trusted. Maybe if you are Giru level.

>> No.71133118

By the time I found Shondo she’d already blow’d up and was big and popular and she never followed me on anything because I don’t do art and she could smell the stink of my mental illness from miles and the inevitable damage to her brand from any interactions. Shondo stay away from me I’m not good for you I should only be allowed to view you from a distance it’s safer this way for both of us

>> No.71133165

This is why if I become good enough for Shondo to follow me I'll click 'remove this follower' a few days later when no one pays attention. If I don't I'd end up DMing her in a moment of weakness and fuck everything up.

>> No.71133194

I would start posting my art to twitter and if she ever followed me I'd go private to remove her follow

>> No.71133206
File: 3.01 MB, 1080x1080, League [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F4ho21o.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71133248

We know Baru.

>> No.71133251

Best post ITT

>> No.71133261
File: 240 KB, 528x528, Ryan Gosling [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fmj0tpg.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71133283 [SPOILER] 
File: 8 KB, 726x226, dms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine, Im tired of this bitch getting away with the DM hypocrisy. Im leaking my dms with her right now. Open at your own disgression, it might change your view of her forever

>> No.71133324

my wife knows grammar more than you do

>> No.71133330
File: 585 KB, 1511x818, 1707941851817362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71133333
File: 1.55 MB, 720x720, me [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F7w7z8r.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71133366

this place reeks of boobros.

>> No.71133385


>> No.71133382

I get that a fair bit

>> No.71133441

Which of the newfags is a boobro?

>> No.71133506


>> No.71133524


>> No.71133547

already did silly

>> No.71133692

it's been 22 hours... where is my good girl... i need her...

>> No.71133739

She's 'drawing' let her finish

>> No.71133799

SadCat is she not even going to talk about what movies she's watched?

>> No.71133893

>it has risen

>> No.71134040

Ok I'm actually confused. The last few drawings she's done she said she only took 2 hours after not drawing for months. Why is the soya art taking so long?

>> No.71134110

she keeps crying and deleting it

>> No.71134118

she has to keep wiping the tears off the tablet

>> No.71134131

Maybe she's nervous about it and wants to make it look really pretty

>> No.71134139

>only took 2 hours after not drawing for months
She said that to impress us, the truth is that she spent days on that.

>> No.71134184

Adorable if true

>> No.71134194

>lied about being fast
>lied about drawing
pick your poison

>> No.71134245
File: 564 KB, 1646x2048, 1688302234088409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fibbed about her speed to impress us is cute.

>> No.71134249

She's so sweet

>> No.71134305

Said it before and I'll say it again, her current style if beyond adorable and I love it the most so far

>> No.71134343

I agree, it's really cool how she just changed her style to something completely different from her previous one

>> No.71134387

I really hope she's doing okay...I hate I can't do anything to make her feel better.

>> No.71134398

a lie is a lie

>> No.71134429

She should still be in her depressive cycle, right? Sucks that it hit right around this series of events

>> No.71134444
File: 261 KB, 1296x2304, 1679694158233841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this count as her current style? She drew this when she got the cintiq. I love it.
Only if you're autistic.

>> No.71134506

For me this was her transition from her previous style to her new one

>> No.71134522

not true since dewd is part of the groomer squad and is both dming her and emailing her lol

>> No.71134523
File: 656 KB, 2048x1548, 1707566275828366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That one is cute too, but i mean this b/w one, so far used it for the to save the princess thumbnail, the bikini art, and this choking art

>> No.71134572

>tiny hint of cute & funny curve

>> No.71134583

i don't like when the vtuber is aware of the meme and leans into it. it's our meme, not theirs.

>> No.71134607
File: 3.92 MB, 560x350, sheck_em.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cunny quads check'd

>> No.71134618

i email her all the time and none of you know who i am

>> No.71134641

We already know you're the email schizo grackle

>> No.71134670

not related at all, but what do you think of girls dividing their body count by 5 or saying they're a virgin when they actually aren't

>> No.71134770

I would love for her to do more art streams again and draw along side her
Id also love to see the process of her new style
Its not as soft as her older style but its very nice

>> No.71134829

This is why I use an alt

>> No.71134834

I think that you should stop snorting red pills. The dating experience of normie men with normie women are irrelevant to mentally ill virgins.

>> No.71134889

she said she wont do art streams because she has autism about needing to progress while streaming and that can be a problem while she draws

>> No.71134935

i'm trying really hard to not say anything negative-sounding

>> No.71134960

Thanks shondo for the update but please consider a chama stream at least

>> No.71134967

she's drawing multiple barbie's and she is already slow as fuck when drawing one character and her plate is full wanting to do a fully rendered drawing. she will be busy and won't do a movie tonight, thank me later.

>> No.71135005

She doesn't do art streams because she keeps doodling guro and boobies on instinct when bored and doesn't want to get banned or give us bonkers from her drawings as she's drawing, it would make her feel gross and she'd have to stop drawing what she was

>> No.71135054

be nise

>> No.71135060
File: 127 KB, 847x1200, 1708358357734761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>71135005 (me)
Yeah I'll just kill myself

>> No.71135096

>needing to progress while streaming
explain, please? she should just do what she likes. real husbands will be happy knowing she's happy. realest husbands want to beat her up for being unproductive

>> No.71135133

>syadouBonk DRAW, YOU WHORE

>> No.71135138

no need for personal attacks, and it's a general question without a target, what do you think of it

>> No.71135241

>explain, please?
thats just what she said on twitter recently

>> No.71135269

anon, your wife is the most red-pilled woman in the world

>> No.71135348


>> No.71135352

there's a lot of redpill women grifting

>> No.71135363

The reason forestfag removed his oshi marks from his account is because he found the new alt and it has the rule of removing oshi marks from main

>> No.71135395

chama art streams would solve that but again she is too stubborn

>> No.71135497

if she doesnt want to do it she shouldnt

>> No.71135548

follow the hersheys

>> No.71135567


>> No.71135606

She didn't want to stream at all last week and she still did

>> No.71135621

why is this thread going so fast. find something productive to do

>> No.71135632

It's pretty funny that he got swept up with infighters and getting shot actually made him stop interacting with them. Just look at his recent replies and discord activity compared to his Walmart clone that learned fuck all. It's nise seeing shoggas actually learn something.

>> No.71135661

well maybe you shouldnt have, shondo

>> No.71135702

I can never win with you people

>> No.71135713

>personal attacks
Those were not insults just facts about you, if you took them as insults you must be very new. What do I think about normie women who lie about their body count? The men deserve it for having low standards. Any number above zero is too much for an unmarried woman, a man who'd stick his dick in a woman with a body count of 8 but not 80 deserves to watch as his woman gives birth to a black baby.

>> No.71135717

Shondo is not in this thread. She's too busy drawing, isn't that right fellas?

>> No.71135722

I know it would never happen but it would be so fucking cool to watch her draw violense art
Bc of Shondo I went from "Jesus Christ what is wrong with you people" to a "alright I get it" ryona/guro appreciator.

>> No.71135757

shouldn't have asked us to buy her a $1000 tablet then

>> No.71135766

we get it shes clubbing the night away stop rubbing it in

>> No.71135797

i enjoyed the streams but if she doesnt want to do something she shouldnt feel obligated to do it
its okay to be selfish

>> No.71135834

>shonshon is grinding on some muhammad rn

>> No.71135857

that explains her arabic-sounding Hs

>> No.71135860

>freely give to someone of your own volition.
>hold it over their head
unironically despicable

>> No.71135869

of all the people I want to have reply to my posts, dewd, it will never be you.

>> No.71135887 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.91 MB, 1736x2160, Fallenshadow - 21b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71135911

nigga she asked for it, gtfo newfag

>> No.71136018

can't bake 4chanx is giving me errors can a non retarded baker take over

>> No.71136050

reminder that women are never responsible for their actions and should never be held accountable for anything they do

>> No.71136062

so true bestie

>> No.71136067

nta but just because her fans give her money to buy a tablet doesnt mean they should feel obligated to have the streamer draw for them live on stream

>> No.71136073

Next baker reuse this op pic but fixed

>> No.71136127


>> No.71136158

shondo doesn't owe you anything
if she wants to go on a 3 month hiatus, then she should be able to do so

>> No.71136161

if she asks us to buy her a tablet there's an implication there that she'll use it on stream lol

>> No.71136221

>hey shadow, we pulled our money together and bought you a house, just like you ask!
Oh thx. btw i'm not gonna live in it all that much but thanksies ;)

>> No.71136238

She should at least tweet something if she does, might cry daily if not

>> No.71136248

no there isn't. shit yourself.

>> No.71136289

Not true

>> No.71136302

she owes me her life because she has mine. if she betrays me i betray her. it's not complicated.

>> No.71136304

yes, there is. it's a common courtesy thing. as a streamer you shouldn't just ask your viewers to find expensive shit that has nothing to do with the stream. it should go without saying, but apparently not to a newfag

>> No.71136308

this but unironically. its a transaction of entertainment for money thats already been fulfilled

>> No.71136346

nah, she spent it on 5 two-way plane tickets for almost her entire family as well as a 5 room airbnb house for 7 days rent so her family can go on a holiday on shadowmama's whim
she's broke though, and still can't get a mortgage at the increased price

>> No.71136351
File: 3.78 MB, 2150x3035, 623114-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71136381

I just don't understand how she's so bad with money

>> No.71136390

it doesn't matter how many times you say it that's not implied.

>> No.71136416

the implication is that she will use it to draw things, not that she will draw on stream for you out of obligation
seeing her draw KK on stream recently was nice but she obviously doesnt want to draw infront of 1500 people

>> No.71136475

yes, it is. you don't have to agree with it but that's the way it works lol

>> No.71136626

>shondo we bought you this house
>thanks shogger, I can finally live with my old rich husband alone
>ill still stream of course!!! but because im moving i might not have the energy to stream as much and as long anymore

>> No.71136665

>draws off stream
>guys can you buy me a new tablet
>continues to draw off stream
>grrrr lying whore you were implying you would start drawing on stream despite never saying that
i hope you get the help you need CF.

>> No.71136716

Some of you niggies make me feel normal by comparison.

>> No.71136737

nice art

>> No.71136739

>I want to do more art streams soon
never white knight while newfagging, kids

>> No.71136816

no one said this.

>> No.71136853
File: 46 KB, 500x500, 1692649231560394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>old rich husband

>> No.71136876

shoggers being unable to understand exaggerations

>> No.71136894

last for me and shondo sitting in a tree
you already know what we're doing

>> No.71136941

Me and shondo fucking

>> No.71136944
File: 17 KB, 587x117, 43583475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since you love implications so much, whats the implication here

>> No.71136988

watch streams, please.
don't use shondo's twitter as a weapon to try prove points for your arguments.

>> No.71137004
File: 152 KB, 1433x1079, 1704032112183874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last for I am no longer fucking asking: donate £350000 right now or perish.

>> No.71137050

no one said you can't ask her for more art streams we were talking about the tablet and you moved the goalpost like that was your original complaint

>> No.71137062

>she says something on stream
so true bestie, syadouHappynod
>she says something on twitter
nuh-uh, she obviously doesn't mean that

>> No.71137109

i hope you realize you are unironically mentally ill and that's why you believe the things you do.

>> No.71137110

imagine that the biggest dono she has ever received was 2k from a dead man

>> No.71137136

do you think she will drop everything, abandon us, and find an old rich person to marry, then?

>> No.71137187

only in /shon/ do you get called mentally ill for watching streams

>> No.71137219

well she said that on stream and on twitter but also said she wouldnt both on stream and twitter
beep beep boop analysis failure
system shutting down

>> No.71137336

cosmic slut whore joi arc
