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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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70977957 No.70977957 [Reply] [Original]

total shondomination edition

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Menhera Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT/status/1765161383220416574

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>70950317

>> No.70977974


>> No.70978005
File: 14 KB, 487x99, dmerdeath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder to never show your face again

>> No.70978019

Who the fuck is the blob

>> No.70978068

i'm crying from laughter

>> No.70978091

Why do you think that's such a huge L Somnium? He was talking about twitter interactions not DMs.

>> No.70978158

i wonder why her mind went straight to dms when he specifically asked but not when someone else asked the same thing? hmmm such a mystery

>> No.70978218

>hmmm such a mystery
It sounds to me like he got away with DMing her multiple times unlike you. :)

>> No.70978351

being treated as a pariah isnt exactly getting away with it

>> No.70978377

Listen if you want DM privileges then you need to create a value proposition she can't refuse instead of sperging out over those that have it

>> No.70978392

>bragging about this
no wonder she only tolerates your kind

>> No.70978409
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>Thank you Pixel, you're one of the good ones
What did he mean by this?

>> No.70978487

I'm going to fuck Shondo until she physically cannot move then leave her bound and gagged and post her address in this thread with a 'first come first served' sign outside her house

>> No.70978512

Weren't you all about winning? I'm getting as close to her as possible and you get to watch from the chair.

>> No.70978515

>trying to ally himself with groomsquad
they publicly attacked him recently, weird move oomfie

>> No.70978522

>someone they think is me

>> No.70978569

why do people feel the need to signal that theyre coming here? what is wrong with you

>> No.70978585

nta. please go more than 5 seconds without thinking about me :)

>> No.70978592

I guess he's one of the guys shitting up the threads then

>> No.70978678

she missed the bus
i told you she would be late for it

>> No.70978703
File: 763 KB, 885x951, ribbons and toes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>down in the dumps
>has a bit of a woman moment
>cancels stream
>radio silence for like 18 hours
>first post back is "hey tell me what I'm doing wrong and what I could do better"
>actually engages w criticism and points for improvement
This could have absolutely gone sideways but she handled it really well. She's unironically growing as a person and I'm proud of her!

>> No.70978723

i'm not S
if this is how you really act you aren't getting anywhere with her and you don't deserve to

>> No.70978787

>actually engages w criticism and points for improvement
You mean tells everyone that she won't improve and then doesn't read their follow-up comments? She handled it very poorly, literal waste of time.

>> No.70978801

not a footfag but i'd cum on those feet

>> No.70978864

Enjoy the chair.

>> No.70978929

reminder she's holding all of those dms and emails against you even if she wont openly say it. enjoy your perma when she finally has enough of your shit :)

>> No.70978946

you might as well go running to your side hoe and quit wasting your time

>> No.70978978
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>> No.70978977

groomcord still running damage control, theyll be at it for another day or so atleast after the monumental losses they suffered last night

>> No.70978999

I love my gold digger of a wife

>> No.70979020

theyve been running scared ever since king retard blew himself up and she held /shon/ rrats against him. they know she keeps all the receipts

>> No.70979036

She won't do shit because without my memes she'd have nothing to say all stream, she needs me far more than she needs you.

>> No.70979048

a little sparse on the detail but light bondage w ribbons absolutely gets me going. It's one of my favorite shondo arts!

>> No.70979067
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This is real darkness. It’s not death, or war, or child molestation. Real darkness has love for a face.

>> No.70979097

>oli saying hello to everyone saying hi in chat at 1.6k viewers
Its amazing what you can do when
1) you don't obsess over missing someone now and then
2) you have a community who doesn't obsess over squeezing as much attention as possible from the streamer

>> No.70979101

King T could replace two of you alone, maybe three.

>> No.70979102

>Little sparse on the detail
good. i fucking hate when the feet are rendered like the grand canyon and covered in sweat or some shit, it looks gross. everything else IS great though, good use of the ribbons.

>> No.70979120

how new? she has done this many time over the years and nothing ever changed. she couldn't change even if she wanted to. she's mentally ill, anon. it's not something you can overcome one day just because you feel like it.

>> No.70979136

its almost as if different things are different
also oli has an infinite amount of social energy and shondo has negative amounts of that

>> No.70979179

shadow week status:
late: 3
cancelled: 1
on time: 0

>> No.70979183

go to Oli and never come bck

>> No.70979302

>it's not something you can overcome one day just because you feel like it

>> No.70979324

Why are you still mentally ill anon?

>> No.70979352

she wasnt late she didnt miss the bus

>> No.70979355
File: 274 KB, 2738x2714, Shondo-cute9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She cannot change even if she wanted to
I don't buy the deterministic BS. You are wrong and I will be vindicated in 6 months. She has improved, and will continue to improve.

>> No.70979388

she addressed this, it's because she loves, and I mean LOVES to wallow in her self pity
I can guarantee you she will trauma dump at least twice today

>> No.70979401


>> No.70979450

i love her :)

>> No.70979497

when did this happen

>> No.70979507

it has nothing to do with determinism and everything to do with her mental fucking illnesses, you retard.

>> No.70979510

I was talking about you. Why haven't you overcome your mental illness?

>> No.70979568

>on the bus in a puffy skirt
How does it feel that the first cum touching her butt isn't from a husband?

>> No.70979600

i already jerked off on every seat 2 stops before ours

>> No.70979609

aren't you guys happy?
she spent 5 minutes googling "moving bus loop" before stream, she's such a hard worker, no she didn't just do it before stream, she worked extra hard during the day she cancelled stream!

>> No.70979622

move on fleece

>> No.70979631

I'm thankful for her had work

>> No.70979639

im very happy right now

>> No.70979667
File: 588 KB, 731x526, bus wife 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look how cute my wife is on the public transit getting to her minimum wage job

>> No.70979752

I think it’s unironically very cute and a nice show of effort! Someone in one of the threads last night was talking about using set pieces, seems like she took the advice

>> No.70979764

I see she's accepting cuck jokes once again

>> No.70979766
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>> No.70979798

This is my third post ever on /shon/ if memory serves. I have no idea what the groomsquad is, nor can I recall anyone "attacking" me. I just lurk sometimes - that much is not a secret

>> No.70979806

I thought we were going to stop interacting with the MALE ON STREAM bullshit chat spams

>> No.70979824

I wonder if she will really keep the zatsu short today. I hope not.

>> No.70979829

your damage control won't work

>> No.70979835
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>> No.70979899

>thinks people clout-chasing on tiktok are trad

>> No.70979924

She has a timer in the corner, I think she’s keeping the zatsu to that time

>> No.70979938

>doing things for social media clout is wrong
>hehe look at this epic post of someone cleaning a grave at night

>> No.70979984

the entire game is zatsudan

>> No.70979985

get a sidehoe fleece, you're doing worse than most shoggers which is almost impossible

>> No.70979989

Isn't that what streaming is

>> No.70980028


>> No.70980037 [DELETED] 

Shondominated by bbc

>> No.70980051

>60 min zatsu
worst day ever

>> No.70980062

are we seriously talking about fucking tiktok. can we talk about something else please

>> No.70980091
File: 457 KB, 658x748, promised.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fake husbands and manipulators need not apply

>> No.70980095

she would not wake up.

>> No.70980100
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>> No.70980103


>> No.70980109

she's a modern woman

>> No.70980111

*45 min

>> No.70980113

she's not gonna be able to fit the thank yous into that 60 min so it's gonna be longer

>> No.70980142

28 monites
Tik tok zatsuflgags

Omg that's why she's talking about tiktok

>> No.70980149
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>> No.70980155

The way I type should be a dead give-away, and I have not made my identity a secret any of the times I have posted here. I don't try to stir up shit, so I have no need to hide behind anonymity

>> No.70980182

Special stream like vr so she'll skip it today

>> No.70980304

>I don't try to stir up shit

>> No.70980348

she has a commute of about 2 seconds but shes still late every single time

>> No.70980412

>infighting dereks can't even shut the fuck up during streams
why are you so gay?

>> No.70980428

Shondo getting mogged by Shadowmama

>> No.70980438

now what do you think of the complainers and antis

>> No.70980440

ft definitely sounds british. what is she talking about lol

>> No.70980439

and yet you're here infighting with them, curious!

>> No.70980498

>I don't try to stir up shit
You have been crying about the watchalong for days because she draws a line with depictions of romance involving real children...

>> No.70980514

if shadowmama debuted shondo would get mogged in ccv within 3 months

>> No.70980516
File: 99 KB, 1176x1176, BaitNoGood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do not feed the wormfarmers

>> No.70980550

I almost replied that

>> No.70980582

This but with Otis

>> No.70980610

>shondo: try to get along
>immediately after
>these guys: I saw what you fucking rats said about me I'm building an alliance

>> No.70980609

its nice you have restraint tuffnar if only you could employ it more often
this better be the bober meme

>> No.70980664

they will never learn

>> No.70980677

no shondo
the best thing someone can tell you is "I'm giving you 2 million dollars to buy a house for you and your family"

>> No.70980706

It is!! kek

>> No.70980715

she saved fifteen minutes for it. zatsu fags in shambles

>> No.70980720

effort is a stretch but it's at least thoughtful

>> No.70980739
File: 1.57 MB, 960x1660, 105_copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the best thing i will ever tell shondo is 'I do'

>> No.70980771

it's fitting she is singing happy birthday on demand like a restaurant chain employee during her wagie stream

>> No.70980804

im jobbing on todays job day.....
its over....

>> No.70980837

i'm so close to calling her out in chat. hold me back bros.
>says the greatest compliment is when people went back to work or got fit in the gym thanks to her
i fucking hate when she says this shit after having spent years telling us basically the opposite. what the fuck is this level of gaslighting

>> No.70980840

why would i do that

>> No.70980854


>> No.70980885

I see pixel is still trying to gaslight and manipulate his way to make people think he wasn't a dmer

>> No.70980889

what is the opposite you're talking about?

>> No.70980915


>> No.70980961

saying she values her dedicated husbands the most and defining dedication as staying up 24/7 to look for clues to find her alts etc. encouraging stalking. encouraging the FOMO behavior she now says she doesn't want. etc etc etc.

>> No.70980967

you don't understand he was clueless about digi's intentions to send her the doxx art in DMs with his real name
also he's totally not here an anon was certain of this at the time because he was their sole informant

>> No.70980981

now she's calling out alt accounts

>> No.70980984

>chester gets his own greeting
>1 monther gets a 'Love you too'
groomers aren't gonna like this one

>> No.70981020

their little groomer gang literally tried to invite her to the circle thing on twitter the second she closed dms

>> No.70981033

i will keep replying to bait when i feel like it then because i don't know

>> No.70981074


>> No.70981077

that's what she's talking about with "innocent intentions" that have effects she doesn't think about, she doesn't know that asking for absolute devotion and fostering the rat race mentality means people setting aside friends, family, and self-improvement for her

>> No.70981150

>I have a terrible memory

>> No.70981185
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>> No.70981225

when will she realize nobody fucking believes her when she says she loves lurkers and people who don't watch every stream

>> No.70981249

stop doxxing somnium

>> No.70981277

oh interesting, now she likes everyone equally, including lurkers. i guess everything she said on rrk was a lie then, when that was supposed to be her super honest completely open rm alt :)

>> No.70981278

I can't believe she flip flops on how often you have to be here from messages back to back

>> No.70981328

yeah this is the kind of shit that literally drives me insane lol. i guess i should just stop listening to what she says

>> No.70981335

no no, "rewarding" the more devoted doesn't mean she loves them more :)

>> No.70981340
File: 269 KB, 1536x2048, otis over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god you guys are fucking gay

>> No.70981391

not a lesbian btw

>> No.70981398

>nothing more to say to soya than thank you
their friendship was over before she even graduated

>> No.70981409

correct ;)

>> No.70981423

what does that say about the lot of you being her husband then

>> No.70981443

It's almost like there isn't some hard rule like that in her mind

>> No.70981453

they wont survive may

>> No.70981503

no she has hard rules, just some of them are contradictory
it's the superpower of women

>> No.70981508

she is bisexual like all women

>> No.70981554

kek good one anon :)

>> No.70981553

Remember how she used to say she's 3 years old, but then she says she's over 18?

>> No.70981563

one day. working VERY HARD. just not right now.

>> No.70981565

she likes men as surrogate fathers and women as eye candy
in neither scenario does she want a real partner

>> No.70981571

>when i say "i'm gonna do this" i don't mean immediately

>> No.70981577

>like all women
Not all women have been molested by men in ghettos.

>> No.70981602

>she likes men as surrogate fathers and women as eye candy
so like all women
>in neither scenario does she want a real partner

>> No.70981606

I don’t understand is she still my wife is she still gosling friendly or is everything over and she’s a normal streamer now

>> No.70981610

Feels good to be a gameplay chad

>> No.70981627

hey the average vtuber still does nothing at all
it doesn't matter that half her work is self imposed and intentionally done in an inefficient way so she can stave off brainworms for longer it's still something

>> No.70981636

that couldve been her creative thing to start 2024 with, guess not huh

>> No.70981645

email her and ask, she always responds to me

>> No.70981672

it's over, pack up, she's announcing a male collab next week and an offline meet n plap

>> No.70981702

wait, tuffnar has only been a member for four months? how are you guys getting mogged so hard by someone so new? i kneel to my king

>> No.70981703

gametime, therefore im taking a nap

>> No.70981733

He's such a Chad.

>> No.70981753

yesterday was the end of only 3 months, actually Smile

>> No.70981774

>one hour zatsu
>nine hours gameplay
I like this ratio

>> No.70981802
File: 53 KB, 597x487, 1680270105987145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't handle the pain of this anymore, especially when she's so nonchalant about it. literally zero interest in even trying to understand what it's like for us.

>> No.70981810

>an offline meet n plap
that plapper? me

>> No.70981821

Where's the critter?

>> No.70981847

That's because all of Shondo's whales are american.

>> No.70981859

oh yeah true that makes sense. i will train to be your strongest knight, all hail king Tuffnar! may his reign last

>> No.70981874

almost like if you interact more you get more out of it, also he is a reincarnated shogger

>> No.70981905

i don't cringe at much but this does it

>> No.70981921

don't insult my liege with your treacherous slander, foul knave

>> No.70981933 [DELETED] 

Norway (dont research)

>> No.70981961

>my whole family are night owls
>we've heard her family get up while she was doing late streams
I don't get it
>sorry I just can't get up before 6pm because uhhh my family stay up late xDD

>> No.70981967

tuff dm me :)

>> No.70981995

Is this /tuff/ general?

>> No.70982034

we're all tuff guys here

>> No.70982052

they're all night owls, that's why they just HAVE to be in bed by 11 pm every single day

>> No.70982061

after last night? yeah
the king is dead, long live the king

>> No.70982062

they've been open

>> No.70982107

I hate this

>> No.70982125

I mean that's the kids, did you not have a bedtime as a kid despite playing your DS under the sheets?

>> No.70982127

the most important moment will be what sparks conflict between the zoomers and tuffnar. sides will be taken. history will be made.

>> No.70982159


>> No.70982205

tuffnar is a zoomer fag early 20

>> No.70982229

when i was a kid, not when i was a teenager lol. especially not on weekends.

>> No.70982250


>> No.70982276

100% went clubbing

>> No.70982285

he is currently part of the zoomer faction but his power grows with each day. soon he will no longer be able to be controlled

>> No.70982289

the youngest one is kind of a young teen? idk maybe it was weird I still had a bedtime pretty late in the game

>> No.70982296

she's still running with the bath tub head injury story...

>> No.70982355

sorry i was angry with her wasting my time so i hit her while he was in the bath

>> No.70982399

FT was rough

>> No.70982470

so why did shondo immediately think of a never ending conveyer belt of men when she saw men in the queue?

>> No.70982471

foul wretch, you have besmirched m’lord’s good name for the last time. meet me in front of Shonmart in 10 minutes, lest you be a coward

>> No.70982474

>the urge to bathe a tree
no... it couldnt be...

>> No.70982499

stream ends here, see you tomorrow :D

>> No.70982557

someone tell tuff to accept my friend request on steam :(

>> No.70982581

nononono husbandbros nooooooooooooo

>> No.70982600

no way, she's being stubborn and sorry maxxing on stream the day after getting those criticisms?

>> No.70982626

she's a changed woman

>> No.70982627

shome wasnt built in a day

>> No.70982702

almost like changing aspects of your personality and breaking bad habits is a gradual process

>> No.70982705

Sometimes I check if I'm watching a vod by mistake because what's happening on stream and what's said in the thread doesn't line up at all

>> No.70982716

It's addictive to play not watch you dumb broad.

>> No.70982720

yeah i can really hear how much fun you're having right now shondo it shines through

>> No.70982730

it starts with a first step, not stagnation

>> No.70982788

see this kind of brattiness is acceptable

>> No.70982789

anon it's been 12 hours since the tweets calm down and stop being a faggot. say it if she's just as bad a month from now and you might have a point

>> No.70982798

yes dont notice

>> No.70982805

Today was the perfect day for all the super regulars to not show up in order to prove our point but like usual no one can work together

>> No.70982807

are we still pretending she has never talked about making these changes before?

>> No.70982852

you first

>> No.70982880

you must unironically be new.
she went through this feedback loop 3 times over with marshmallows and google forms and now twitter replies since two years ago, and that's only counting on her main.
if you're a newfag, please stop talking about things you have no idea about.

>> No.70982901

Because it's not mean and malicious.

>> No.70982909

>if you're a newfag, please stop talking about things you have no idea about.
no, we run this shit

>> No.70982949

it never is, faggotmancer

>> No.70982969

whoever told me this game was a zatsu lied

>> No.70982980


>> No.70983004

faggot waste of skin retarded gaylord disappointment of your parents (affectionate)

>> No.70983025

yeah i know you have it

>> No.70983037

you think she's the same as she was 2 years ago and hasnt got better in ways? even 6 months ago to now she's improved. and im meant to be the one that has no idea what im on about?

>> No.70983083

This would be very affectionate and funny on a discord stream tbqh

>> No.70983121

ok gay lord

>> No.70983149

no problem fagtron

>> No.70983189 [DELETED] 

improved at what? her life has objectively gotten much worse anon. she used to have a bf, travelled overseas multiple times a year, had friends and met up with viewers irl. she was writing, reading, playing games etc etc. she was a relatively normal girl. look at her now, she literally just cancelled her trip with her own family that she had looked forward to for over a year because muh anxiety.

>> No.70983198

Did someone really say that? She's hyper-focused the whole time

>> No.70983201

are you being facitious or are you unironically not following your own arguments, we aren't talking about a broad sense of improvement here.
good job quoting her reply chain yesterday instead of doing your own reps by the way

>> No.70983214

>You guys are gonna be sad when I'm rich

>> No.70983255

hates drama by the way

>> No.70983263

lol lmao

>> No.70983272

you don't know what's best for her so stop acting like it.

>> No.70983340

>she improved dude trust me
>no she hasn't
>y-y-y-y-you don't know what's best for her
moving them goal posts

>> No.70983357


>> No.70983478

> her life has objectively gotten much worse
lol irl
>shes spoke about improving before and some stuff hasnt changed
>yeah but she's still improved on some other stuff
>erm well we arent talking about that though so that doesnt count

>> No.70983508

so true oomfie. what's best for her is to be chained to her computer for the rest of her life, streaming to people that hate her. no new experiences or memories being created. no ambitions. no potential for anything to happen. zero inertia. imagine her life when FE dies. or when shadowmama dies. and she's still just sitting there. alone. this is "what's best for her" according to you. what's best for anyone is to have a life. you're just a selfish fucking prick.

>> No.70983525

the only metric which she improved in is viewer count and money
even she reminisces about old times more than present days

>> No.70983532

>lol irl
She makes more money. That's it.

>> No.70983579

>broke a piece of my gunpla trying to disassemble it for panel lining
last time im panel lining after assembly actually want to kms rn

>> No.70983595

>shes spoke about improving before and some stuff hasnt changed
stop asking to be spoonfed, for once in your goddamn life.

>> No.70983630

>chained to her computer for the rest of her life, streaming to people that hate her. no new experiences or memories being created. no ambitions. no potential for anything to happen. zero inertia.
all wrong, you're on the way out groomerchama and her new fans love her more than you ever will because they actually care and arent perpetually crying that shondo evolved and isnt stuck in 2022
we run this shit

>> No.70983684

but also what model

>> No.70983770

you "care" about her, yet you're trying to keep her from having a life. you're the groomer in this scenario, brainlet.

>> No.70983823

lol lmao

>> No.70983832

you do not know what you are talking about, it's that simple. you have no idea, you don't know, and you can't know. continuing to act like do is gaslighting.

>> No.70983839

Wow what a fresh new topic shonders

>> No.70983859


>> No.70983884

hates drama by the way

>> No.70983896

half of your reasoning is her life was better for having hobbies like she doesnt still have them. of course she spends more time working on stream and youtube stuff as she's grown retard. or saying she's not having life experiences like she didnt go to the concert recently. if anything she has even more options and opportunities than she ever did just because she's not out on a trip somewhere every month it doesnt mean her life is worse.

>> No.70983900

cant tell what kit cause dogs but u cant figure it out

>> No.70983903

I don't know what she's waffling about

>> No.70983947

can* figure it out
the rubbing alcohol is making me woozy

>> No.70984039

yeah my wife is basically a body builder

>> No.70984078

>concert recently
Last year.

>> No.70984085

>Shondo having fun with the autism game
>fags arguing over Shondo meta
why are you gay. have fun with your wife. you can argue when she’s not on the telly

>> No.70984129

no, she doesn't have any hobbies anymore. she literally stopped all of that because she doesn't have the energy to do anything. do you even watch her fucking streams, you fucking threadshitting retard?

>> No.70984165

She has one hobby, BA.

>> No.70984241
File: 1.48 MB, 1301x945, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

life imitates art. We will live to see jacked and shredded Shondo. I love my hulked and shredded wife. She’s such a beast. Such a physical beast.

>> No.70984290

>vegetarian who doesn't like vegetables
she eats healthy :)

>> No.70984300

she was literally doing art all of yesterday she said it this very stream and you're telling me to watch?

>> No.70984324

>no, she doesn't have any hobbies anymore.

>> No.70984390

try harder with this one, even yesmen dont defend her eating habits

>> No.70984431

GOMAD Shondo with a pushed out and bloated belly, milk sloshing around in there

>> No.70984434

you are incredibly clueless and vapid. You are glorifying a time of her life she was miserable in because it fits your vapid superficial values of what you think a good life is.

>> No.70984457


>> No.70984489

My milk btw

>> No.70984660

>4chan users in a marriage with a vtuber acting like they know what's best for her
i know you want the best for her but coming here to tear her entire life down without knowing what you're talking about can only hurt. if you want to help her you need to listen to her to find out how to do that, what you're saying is anything but.

>> No.70984677
File: 26 KB, 112x112, 1697646431644943.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is giving me PNGTuber vibes, she's actually having fun without trying to put on a show.

>> No.70984738


>> No.70984916

why is everyone baseg-ing drinking breast milk
does everyone work in blizzard?

>> No.70984926

>can only hurt
if it hurts bad enough maybe I'll get a filtered happy ending or maybe I'll become Fleece

>> No.70984971

it can hurt her too.

>> No.70985031

its over for your kind groomerchama

>> No.70985094

it shouldn't if she's not /here/ like she claimed

>> No.70985095

all I’m saying is that I would suckle at Shondo’s teat. I would would try her tiddy nectar.

>> No.70985132

Explain to me the breast milk lore

>> No.70985146

When did she start mentioning milk so frequently?

>> No.70985152

Shondo is a fetish friend who wants to drink breast milk

>> No.70985157

she lied to the normalfags about using 4chan then signaled to us for weeks that she was, boo hoo.

>> No.70985181

dolphin jelly mentioned

>> No.70985217

anyone else's chat constantly disconnecting?

>> No.70985231
File: 16 KB, 400x199, IMG_3669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dolphin nipples

>> No.70985257


>> No.70985268

she thought of saying horse milk, I just know it

>> No.70985291
File: 108 KB, 364x754, milk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70985329

Unpopular opinion but animals like ponies who have their breasts/nipples near their crotch are superior to animals like humans who have their breasts up top away from all the sexy parts

>> No.70985359


>> No.70985398

Please explain why

>> No.70985402

Also here for anyone who cares

>> No.70985410

i love my fertile wife and cant wait to give her a child

>> No.70985416

whore topic

>> No.70985481

she's actually going to sell her eggs to us someday

>> No.70985520

>she doesn't know you get different egg colors

>> No.70985530

She better sell them in the next 3-4 years for best offspring.

>> No.70985540

Do you think you could convince her to slonk raw eggs

>> No.70985544


>> No.70985838
File: 67 KB, 300x250, 1709874873318571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes catching baby fever from Oli and Nina. i told you they will save this marriage

>> No.70985987

thats not what she said

>> No.70986026

>people don’t store eggs in the fridge

>> No.70986043

shondo going to shove a camera into her fallopian tube to take a pic for us

>> No.70986092

Eggs are literally made to stay fresh at room temperature till the animal decides to hatch them why would you need to put it in the fridge?

>> No.70986111

if only she took those criticisms to heart

>> No.70986159

so it lasts longer than that?

>> No.70986162
File: 159 KB, 648x832, 1692423635411708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol they not the infighters, we're the problem

>> No.70986173

wouldnt be the first

>> No.70986238

>because I don't like putting my legs down
It's because Shondo's legs are too long.

>> No.70986245

why does she keep lying about her height

>> No.70986257

shondo should ban anyone that posts jaks

>> No.70986278

weird, i've just stopped caring about her entirely today
i'll see you all next time she streams, hopefully she hooks me back again next time

>> No.70986309

Because she want's to be a loli, Shondo lying about her height is the equivalent of guy lying about his dick size.

>> No.70986371

I take pride in my 12 incher

>> No.70986382

eurochads keep winning

>> No.70986404

>add pm so people who can only read 12h clocks can understand what the 20 means

>> No.70986423

so was this guy who posted it here or did they take it from here and post it on twitter

>> No.70986440

her ego is through the fucking roof

>> No.70986449

An unironic nazi and someone who has had two melties over a watchalong and called her an anti before sucking off a groomsquad member. What a duo

>> No.70986492

I learned how to read an analog clock when I was 15. All of the clocks at school were digital and so were my sports watches

>> No.70986590

i think its very cute

>> No.70986657

i love her long legs, as well as everything else about her

>> No.70986678

>smile gets wiped off her face when she sees a black guy
ummm shadowsisters what did she mean by this?

>> No.70986681

shondos high arches

>> No.70986701

it would be if she didn't tout honesty as her most revered trait and constantly tells us that she will never lie to us

>> No.70986743

When we date irl we can amputate her legs she doesn't need to worry about her height

>> No.70986802

short KINGS are so fucking back

>> No.70986831

fibbing about her height and lying about something that matters are two different things

>> No.70986852


>> No.70986857
File: 204 KB, 1224x1080, 1695432888396699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I'd make her walk on all fours.

>> No.70986935

you're not talking about shondo, the girl who got stressed about accidentally lying about her GTA save file, are you?

>> No.70986949
File: 58 KB, 500x576, IMG_3635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70986987


>> No.70987000

>hehe i'll make fun of infighters, thereby perpetuating infighting myself
not very self aware are they

>> No.70987057

>a good husband gets groceries on the way back from work
in shondo's eyes, a good wife does literally nothing, not even provide sex

>> No.70987059

that didnt happen and even if it did it wasnt here fault and even if it was she didnt mean it and even if she did then it was fine

>> No.70987089

A wife bakes once every 3 months.

>> No.70987103

she knows what a good wife should be

>> No.70987111

stop embarrassing yourself newfag

>> No.70987120

yeah, if it's shondo that's the only thing she needs to do for me to be satisfied, nothing

>> No.70987141

I unironically apologize tuff and som, I just assumed this incredibly unfunny shit was made by one of you guys
Sorry, i will do better

>> No.70987151

lol the ironing

>> No.70987194

we have a jokester over here

>> No.70987285

why? they are all in the same group

>> No.70987432

Tuff/Som are in the seething zoomer group

>> No.70987444

apology accepted :)
i know im the resident infighter cause i call people out directly on shit but saying im in the same group as those 2 retards is genuinely insulting

>> No.70987497

based and tuffpilled

>> No.70987534

why wont this brat show us her pet rock

>> No.70987597

haha i'd show HER my pet ROCK if you know what I mean ;)

>> No.70987638

no I don't, explain

>> No.70987642

i do not. elaborate?

>> No.70987747

>insults her paypigs

>> No.70987764

I don't like how she constantly belittles everyone who thinks her prices are too expensive

>> No.70987859

>wont answer the questions
its over... shes putting up barriers between us and her.... groomer bros... please...
*coughs up lung*
please... before i starve... give me a 2view side hoe....

>> No.70987863

it's her gold digger genes, please understand

>> No.70987946

its going to be a 10 hour stream, and i will get read 0 times
i cant believe im jobbing so hard
its shover

>> No.70987954

i didn't even see your post Smile

>> No.70987962

experiencing the world and creating memories is superficial and vapid? how hard are you coping right now because your life sucks ass?

>> No.70987984

She read me at least 3x and I'm still a nobody.

>> No.70988065

6 hours and 45 minutes left
I love her but this is already real hard to watch

>> No.70988085

Uh oh zoomerbros, the groomers are back and theyre winning

>> No.70988092

trying to buy your way back in pixel?

>> No.70988135

no.. the honeymoon period is over for me??? time to reincarnate to get fresh interaction again

>> No.70988157

Is there anything more to this game?

>> No.70988188


>> No.70988199

he's back at it again

>> No.70988208

thanks for sucking my dick i appreciate it

>> No.70988256

I will unironically do this if I'm treated coldly after getting my 1 year ribbon.

>> No.70988259

Someone just namedoxxed her in chat wtf

>> No.70988273

my penis
it's rock hard
it was a penis/sex joke, I make them on twitter all the time when I reply to her, I know they're subtle

>> No.70988297

I always find funny when people do that when it's one of the first things you find doing your most basic reps.

>> No.70988304

no prob, you only function through cope and denial so glad you're able to make the blandest retorts

>> No.70988320

brother that is on her youtube channel it's not a secret

>> No.70988327

remember when she had an aesthetic that she adhered to?

>> No.70988329

i love my wife h

>> No.70988372
File: 29 KB, 651x122, 40r6kl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has enough for everyone

>> No.70988376

still weird to do

>> No.70988391

call her that in chat then :)

>> No.70988396


>> No.70988411

It's even on her official wiki

>> No.70988424

he also namedropped her old wattpad username for some reason as if that was some big flex lol

>> No.70988426

I get enjoying it when you get interacted with but I cannot understand schizoing over what is always at least somewhat RNG based

>> No.70988471
File: 152 KB, 1433x1079, 1704032112183874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i demand interaction

>> No.70988488

Didn't get it right. What a fag.

>> No.70988494

implying theres anything wrong with any of that

>> No.70988526

change name to TheDewdHole_ and she might give you attention

>> No.70988532

chat mindmeld reps

>> No.70988566

her name isnt any of the common candidates

>> No.70988630

maybe i'll try Ray_Bromaro_ instead

>> No.70988671

kek I got the reference

>> No.70988708

>only got a kiss and no song

>> No.70988710

you are the same

>> No.70988860
File: 1.85 MB, 498x454, sotrue.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am willing to fertilise all of shondos eggs myself

>> No.70988884
File: 199 KB, 1240x1754, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant help but think of faputa every time she says susu

>> No.70988919

I knew she would never try to change her ways, she just wanted the feedback so she could double down on everything people said they hated
most woman moment yet

>> No.70988922

this is shondos theme tune

>> No.70988938

i wish shondo would sniff my dick like faputa sniffs reg's :<

>> No.70988969


>> No.70989010
File: 1 KB, 163x42, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fucking christ

>> No.70989017

good one

>> No.70989022

fat bald polish fuck

>> No.70989030

lots of raids today

>> No.70989046

and 600 gone lmao

>> No.70989080

They can all fuck off for all I care

>> No.70989195
File: 267 KB, 667x1200, 1708386015384673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she would do that while you're asleep since shes too embarrased to do it otherwise. then eventually she would get overwhelmed by the BOYSMELL and have to pull down your underwear to take it in directly and she would start playing with it out of curiosity, her eyes growing wider as it grew larger and she measures it out against her hands and then against her shunny and tummy, her mind racing at the thought of it inside her as she pulls down her pajama bottoms and climbs ontop of you, steadying herself with her arm beside you and on your chest before she looks at you face and yelps in horror as she realises that you're actually awake

>> No.70989198

>Nina loli retcon
Why do they do this?

>> No.70989339

flat ass

>> No.70989398

groomed by shondo unironically

>> No.70989399

I dont think I'm gonna make it through this stream but I feel compelled to watch it all because if I don't I will lose arbitrary points.

>> No.70989454


>> No.70989473

sexy as fuck

>> No.70989627

last for i will win :)

>> No.70989633

if i dont receive an interaction in the next hour i am leaving forever

>> No.70989682

I've stopped commenting to increase your chances. Good luck shogga.
