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70583644 No.70583644 [Reply] [Original]

ITT the strangest or most cringe supas you've ever seen

>> No.70583713
File: 503 KB, 1080x505, 1683632909982074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not even in top 100 cringe supas.

>> No.70583737


>> No.70583788

this might be one of the most pathetic SCs I've ever seen KWAB

>> No.70583824

well? did gura silence them?

>> No.70583952
File: 190 KB, 1081x587, InCollage_20230818_002906584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70584216

I can't believe Gura had the choice to stop all trans bullying, and she didn't take it. It's over.

>> No.70584273
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>> No.70584511

Post the Poet.

>> No.70584571

Even the chat is in cringe mode, that’s impressive

>> No.70584706

I hope they still get bullied.

>> No.70584713

jesus fuck i remembered this one at work the other day and almost cried laughing. absolute hall of fame

>> No.70584820

I doubt jelly even knows who eric harris is

>> No.70585472
File: 97 KB, 1418x150, Screenshots_2024-03-04-03-43-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm wheezing

>> No.70585581

Is this an actual child?

>> No.70585678

Does someone have the one of the guy accusing Mumei of having autism?

>> No.70585845
File: 16 KB, 357x137, 1663178682694493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course anon

>> No.70585952

As much a child as the "haha what do yoshi's eggs smell like haha" guy was a comedian

>> No.70585960

I don't get it

>> No.70585977
File: 14 KB, 400x400, Rp39HTq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just so fucking funny because of how genuine it is

>> No.70586089

He’s definitely autistic as fuck kek

>> No.70586173

Based autist

>> No.70586277
File: 142 KB, 533x688, Beakie_has_a_soda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What makes people do shit like this? Are all Fuwamoco watchers retards?

>> No.70586308

>Are all Fuwamoco watchers retards?
Yes we are. Bau bau…

>> No.70586347

Based retard. Remeber to be a chill retard and DO NOT MENTION ZE WAR in pre-school (fwmc streams).

>> No.70586443

Hah that's actually a good one

>> No.70586481

Based Unit 731, their research has saved countless lives over the decades. And all it cost was a handful of nijisisters

>> No.70586518

He's clearly eating rations from a can. Possibly canned soda.

>> No.70586564


>> No.70586919

i think he's collect shriveled black hearts from the people /here/

>> No.70587045

He's recovering progenoid implants, that's an apothecary.

>> No.70587047

>Spending $50 to tell someone she's autistic

>> No.70587109

Or perhaps he's eating a delicious space snack, it's up to the viewer really.

>> No.70587115

Don’t have the screen caps or pics but didn’t someone at some point drop like 3 or 4 supachats to Mori talking about how they want to make it as a rapper and how inspiring she is and how he’d super appreciate it if she responded back or something? It doesn’t sound that bad, but I remember the general ripping the guy apart for it and Mori didn’t give it any kind of acknowledgement whatsoever

>> No.70587127
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>> No.70587214

It was an 8 part supa trauma dumping about how much he was bullied in school, and then he pastebinned an epic bully-owning rap that he wanted her to rap along to on stream. People emailed him afterwards calling him a retard. That was also my first introduction to morig, so it’s nostalgic.

>> No.70587262


>> No.70588181

Actually based

>> No.70588489

The question is, did Gura stream that week or..?

>> No.70588720

To be honest trauma dumping is like 70% of all rap.

>> No.70589142

Chumbie is probably dead bro…

>> No.70589216
File: 120 KB, 400x226, 1612507224038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's always Gura getting these types isn't it.

>> No.70589219

Man what the fuck is with trans people needing everyone else to validate their fucking existence? If you are going to be trans just accept that some people aren't going to accept you and stop looking for external validation. This fragile "everyone has to praise me and tell me how special I am or you literally want to genocide me" bullshit is annoying. I'd be fine with ignoring them if they could just shut the fuck up for five seconds.

>> No.70589228
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>> No.70589243

This is just sad

>> No.70589320 [DELETED] 

This is her.
Please, be kind and support her.

>> No.70589333
File: 27 KB, 640x268, 1697860902414975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My favorite supa of all time
>It isn't even real
It's over.

>> No.70589338

My loud

>> No.70589388

Based. Nice trips too. By the way that was me.

>> No.70589413

jesus christ these are actual toddlers
no wonder shes not around much

>> No.70589448

There's plenty of others in other groups, but she's the biggest and most popular which attracts the kind of losers who have no friends and hope liking a thing will magically make up for their lack of personality.

>> No.70589462

I would guess they have some shadow of doubt in their own minds about what they've done to themselves and want to be told it was the right move and everyone approves. Also part of the sunk cost fallacy at play there is they are willingly putting themselves through extra shit in life making things difficult and want to be given a medal for it basically. Epitome of first world problems.

>> No.70589681

Same shit with any other faggot.
>why do you care what we do behind closed bedroom doors
like nigger, if it was behind closed doors there wouldnt be a problem.

>> No.70589908

Well, are they wrong?

>> No.70590029

Checked, but OP asked for strange or cringe supas not ordinary sentiments shared by half the board.

>> No.70590167

I won't even look. They do not exist.

>> No.70590234
File: 55 KB, 640x640, IMG_20231011_190230_441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I looked so you don't have to. It just looks like a guy with bad hygiene.

>> No.70590294

Selection bias. It's the annoying ones who put themselves in the spotlight like this. You won't notice the ones that don't.

>> No.70590312

looks like a dude
put on the programming socks

>> No.70590414
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>> No.70590462

Truth. Pre-tranny boom in the early 10's, I knew of a few of them around my town, one who owned a comic book store that I'd buy anime/manga from. They mostly kept to themselves, put more effort in to at least kinda look the part, and most people left them alone to do their weird thing. Then in the 10's, you had all the attention whores, all the narsassists, all the egomanics seeing that it gave you a little bit of power and they jumped on it and took it to a whole new level.

>> No.70590684

Man, I live for these.

>> No.70591245

Sana saw this and decided to graduate at the spot.

>> No.70592291

Does anyone have that like 10-part superchat about a jew getting offended by mori's "antisemitic" joke

>> No.70592350

is he still a schizo over Mori and deadbeats?

>> No.70592424

You can always make it real, anon.

>> No.70592441


>> No.70592559

Anyone have the clip of Mori getting mad at the Jewish super chat

>> No.70592595

The shekels one

>> No.70592739

>chuuba makes joke about Jews and money
>be a Jew and feel called out
>try to moral fag by spending a large sum of money
>confirm the wealthy Jew stereotype

>> No.70593298
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>> No.70594270

I mean, based jew for actually parting with money to prove a point?

>> No.70594735

Don't know about Mori, but he got banned from Shiori's chat, has started making alts so he can continue to send SCs to Shiori and they all get instantly deleted now

>> No.70596240
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>> No.70596498

jesus some people are so desperate to be funny

>> No.70596528
File: 96 KB, 396x544, 1526432728113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this so fucking funny

>> No.70596568

Gura gets the worst fucking SCs but thankfully she's the best at dealing with them. (This one was Gura, right?)

>> No.70596651


>> No.70597110

There was that guy who wrote Gura a series of like 10+ superchats of nothing but inane bullshit.

>> No.70597547

It was Mori, and she told him to fuck off and next time send her manager an email if he had any complains. She handled it well imo

>> No.70598549

I don't pay attention to supers really, but back when Kiara still read them live, some dick had a 2 part superchat where in one he LARPed that his child was a fan and on life support. The next superchat, a week later or so, was thanking Kiara for inspiring them to pull the plug & euthanize the kid. Single-handedly ruined the mood of the stream because Kiara had no clue how to respond to that. Just made everything awkward.

>> No.70598669
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if anyone wants to look it up out of curiosity, I'm pretty confident the second supa was in a Papers Please stream

>> No.70599155


>> No.70599396

What's even the origin of this? Why do I have to actut laugh every time a chuuba gets hit by it?

>> No.70599582

How do they deal with big suppas that are completely tilted do they still read them? I moved on from holo and never watched super chat readings
Could never be a chubba dealing with the level of autism unloaded

>> No.70599673

this, speak truths anon

>> No.70599775
File: 67 KB, 973x171, MY DOG [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fuauxv1.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara always gets "Kiara my X died" SCs which resulted in this soundpost and it broke containment

>> No.70600567

The fact that he has Taizou as profile makes it even funnier kek

>> No.70600769

Honestly hope this guy is doing well, that's just funny.

>> No.70600804

I don't really blame either of them for not streaming much these days.

>> No.70601375

Objectively incorrect. Narcissism runs rampant through their population. Also,



Being intolerable is pretty much a "given" for the majority of these people. Perhaps it wasn't so about twenty years ago, but that is not the world we live in NOW.

>> No.70601559

Holy based

>> No.70601823

These are just hilarious.

>> No.70602014

>I came back alive
Imagining the little brown ESL SEAcritter typing this killed the humor. Sad!

>> No.70603342
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>> No.70603608

Every single time that Mayuzumi jackass shows up to throw $100 at whichever chuuba’s 'turn' it is so he can derail the plot for a few minutes with his stupid 'uwu magic' bullshit it sets my fucking teeth on edge.

>> No.70604027

It's so fucking cringe. I don't even care that it's uwu I care that it's just bad copypasta with no originality whatsoever.

>> No.70606202

Its been a while so my memory might be wrong, but I believe it started when someone sent a SC to Gura about how their dog died recently and someone else sent the "my dog died lets go" SC to make fun of him.
Then Gura only saw the lets go SC and reacted to it and the original dead dog guy wrote a comment about being hurt by it on the VOD.
I think it was a MonHun stream but I dont remember

>> No.70606353

what a little liar, there's no way a jew would donate that much money!

>> No.70606444

the sanest sapling

>> No.70606896
File: 198 KB, 394x362, baeby....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all her EN speaking superchats are normal feel good "hey u did it!" or "haha thing happened in stream!"
>Korean/Japanese supas are three step puns that either make her say shit like "i love you marry me" or the elbow clip.

Dunno if this is good or bad

>> No.70607108

It's normal for the group of people who don't speak her language to assume she's waifu material via the design and voice. You get people on here doing the exact same thing to people like Laplus.

>> No.70607233

Bae's superchats are either a shitty pun, a clever pun or her whales showering her in money.

So in other words: she's EN flare

>> No.70607388

Is she on the spectrum? Aspie?
Or just some genuine introvert?

>> No.70607404

Let me guess, Gura joined with his bullies?

>> No.70607500

My x died, let's GOOOOO was a pretty old running gag here. One containment breaker sent that as an akasupa in response of someone else telling Gura their dog died

>> No.70607639
File: 4 KB, 384x240, LOTS OF SPAGHETTI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When a sapling cuts themselves it's called Pruning.

>> No.70609666


>> No.70610816

Bae's supas and chat are usually well behaved compared to the schizophrenia you see elsewhere in the chuuba industry

>> No.70611541

satan knows a good joke when he sees one.

>> No.70612189

What is it with people falling for obvious bait?
Gura didn't bite it.
Are you dumber than Gura?

>> No.70612440

You say that, but I legitimately can't tell if it's bait or real. It's 50/50 for me.

>> No.70612620

This reminds me of an SC that Sana got about some guy trying to commit suicide. The dude payed $500 to tell Sana about it and she got half way through and just got really quiet and stopped talking for like 10 minutes.

>> No.70612712

It's real. Someone posted their youtube in the thread. Never looked into the guy but jesus christ.

>> No.70612797
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>> No.70613145

That's when I realized hololive has the worst fanbase on this board

>> No.70613241
File: 108 KB, 800x702, 1474162907838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah ok sis.

>> No.70613381

Mofo has no idea what a bit is.

>> No.70613475

Not beating the allegations.

>> No.70613586

This is a joke and the fiver at the end was the punchline. Fucking brilliant.

>> No.70613623

this guys hasn't killed himself yet??????

>> No.70613685

Fucking hell this one made me laugh hard.
