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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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70054539 No.70054539 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any hope for her left?

>> No.70054668


>> No.70054685


>> No.70054723

graduate and become an avchuuba, i would pay 100 dollars a month for that

>> No.70054766

Yes but only if she wants better. That's the problem, I don't know if she cares. Until then probably not.

>> No.70054785

She should graduate and do NSFW. It's all she is good for and the sooner she understands the better.

>> No.70054798

No, she would have to do a full 180º on her content and attitude and work her ass off for a long time. Finana doesn't care enough to put the effort.

>> No.70054802

Yes, in the AV industry.

>> No.70054831

She ia an excellent singer and got her 3D, I don't watch her often but she should do as Hana and stream with her 3D, unless she does and I'm ignorant.

>> No.70054879


>> No.70054885

>Caught in shitstorm.
>Gen 1 3digit view.
>Gen mates out or at the top of shitstorm.
>Gen 2 same.
>Almost everyone else hiatus/suspended, no collab.
>Suspected to be clique slave.

It’s a lost cause man. Should get in the 6 month line.

>> No.70054891

I would say yes if despite everything if she would to listen to good advice, but she doesn't, so there is no hope.

>> No.70054894

Yes, reincarnate as an AVtuber

>> No.70054953

As stated, she is:
>Follower. Naive. Gullible. Bereft of conviction. Inconsistent. I am not a fan of people that uncritically embrace positions and flounder about based on inconsistent, incongruent, or even dissonant principles.

>> No.70055003

tfw nobody baked...

>> No.70055012

If she jumps to doing porn I might watch her

>> No.70055053

I have hope an anon is compiling all of leaker's posts before baking. It was a very messy thread, it will take time.

>> No.70055070

This just means she can still be saved fr fr. Put her in a healthy environment with actual good people and she'll soak it up like a sponge.

>> No.70055083

I was more interested in wording and how it would be expressed. But youre smart enough to have figured out that the other anon does some form of word analysis through some systems I dont understand, and that Im into linguistic, literature and psycho-stuff.
since you responded to other anons, Ill take that as instruction shut it with my questions. thank you for hanging out. appreciate our chats.

all my questions were answered correctly, you should know why Im telling you that and what it means

>> No.70055091

Yes, if she works hard and diligently over a long period of time.

>> No.70055101

You tell me. >>69907378

>> No.70055110

>This just means she can still be saved fr fr. Put her in a healthy environment with actual good people and she'll soak it up like a sponge.
Pretty much. Bad management ruins good potential talent. Just needs the right wrangling to direct it.

>> No.70055145

bad larp

You don't even use punctuation you nigger holy fuck

>> No.70055170

Holy fuck, she actually self reported. I knew I should've kept an eye on that thread.

>> No.70055174

NTA, I'm hoping the same too. Something like a link with every screenshot of the leaker's posts.

>> No.70055178

Her only hope is to quit, expose a lot of niji shit and say she was bullied into acting this way by other livers

>> No.70055227

That self-reporting makes me laugh more now than when I first read it...

>> No.70055263

godspeed on that graduation queue friend

>> No.70055265

I keep telling people they ego search in this place, many of them drop references or outright quotes / calls out /vt/

>> No.70055341

what does even mean?
it doesnt matter on 4chan and this isnt my first language so I do dumb shit all the time. Everything I type here is intentionally very different from how I type in places where people know me.

>> No.70055381

Some anon yesterday compiled this, but obviously needs to be updated for last thread:

>> No.70055398

Retard, he isn't larping as a leaker.

>> No.70055416

oh sorry ESL mate, jumped the gun there

>> No.70055474

Saving that link right now for future reference.

>> No.70055496

Leaker-san, do you have any insight on the rrat of artists starting to reject working for NijiEN?

>> No.70055536

Can we get a tl;dr of the leaker on Finana to stay in topic?

>> No.70055554
File: 693 KB, 1140x993, InsideNijiEN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New tier list! What do you guys think?

Its still quite broad but I think visually placing eveeything like this helps in the long run!

>> No.70055580

Anon, part of the tradition of the Finana threads is that they are usually not about Finana.

>> No.70055603

Leaker gave his opinion about Finana and said what this anon quoted here: >>70054953

>> No.70055606

(me) I couldn't put Shu in both translator and Hanamori category but everyone knows he's Hanamori anyways

>> No.70055647

Finana is a hollow person with no morals or values, just follows where the percieved fun and benefits are (I'm not Leaker-san)

>> No.70055648

That's the worst list i've seen so far I think.
Poorly chosen categories, some talents fit multiple categories, some categories have wildly different talents inside them.

>> No.70055650

Kotoka and Meloco as honorary JPs are higher than the clique, essentially sigmas in an alpha-beta-omega hierarchy.

>> No.70055655

visual does help a lot, obviously with a grain of salt on placements of course

>> No.70055658
File: 242 KB, 564x444, 1708943156342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70055665

Wait Alban isn't retired yet? It's been so long since I thought about him I forgot he wasn't a Mysta outfit. Also who's next to Uki? She looks like the chick from kill la kill.

>> No.70055683

Kotoka threw Zaion to the sisters' wrath, I think she is toeing line.
Wilson is in the ''Chuunisanji'' FF guild, he probably has already joined the clique.

>> No.70055709

Of course, I'm not an insider, this is just what I personally think with the information we have on hand at the moment

>> No.70055720

Not a woman, it's a man who has known Elira since their Hanamori days. The name? Claude Clawmark.

>> No.70055734

Which unironically means she can be saved with the right direction and management. I hope she finds the right support system one day and never goes back to the people who sent her on a death spiral. Good luck, Finana!

>> No.70055749


>> No.70055757

For posterity's sake, that quote is from >>70054614 and the last thread is >>70043260

>> No.70055767

You should educate yourself on the parasocial question.

>> No.70055802

the first thing I learned when I first came to this website like 18 or 19 years ago was that I had to completely neutralise my natural writing style because otherwise Id just get shitposted at for every post.

I think the main problem with this is that its hard to put the leakers into that without being either very inaccurate, or outing them. I also think that clique itself is crabs in buckets.
Elira may be on top in the powerstructure inside the company, but its entirely possible that enna has actual power over her on a social level. Mean girl cliques are very complex and hard to navigate and the nominal leader might not actually feel that theyre on top. Conversely, Enna may have similar or even more actual power over eliras decisionmaking without being aware of it, simply because of much higher aggression.

>> No.70055806

She's not going to fine it in NijiEN even if they restructure. As others already said, she needs to recognize she needs help and do something about it before help comes, it is not going to just land on her lap.

>> No.70055817

From some of Leaker-san's previous posts, it seems the new organs don't really know there's clique management and are drinking the "Niji Family" Kool-aid. They may be part of the clique but I don't think they're concious of it, thats why they have their own category

>> No.70055849

I wonder if Kotoka had a self-realization moment. There was a clip from 4months or so ago where she tried to 180° on her opinion of Zaion.

I see Finana as a dumb foot soldier to the clique mafia. Part of the gang but not a made man. This might just be my bias speaking though

>> No.70055850

Nina was in the clique, when will you retards finally realize this? She was in the clique for majority of her time in Niji and continues to be in the clique after leaving the company,same as Kyo.
Wilson is clearly on clique's side, where have you been over past week? Enna and Millie aren't just nepohires, did you miss all the threads? Kotoka was the harshest toward Zaion of all.

>> No.70055888

Although Enna might be pulling the strings, I think its important to point oit that Elira is the trusted liaison of higher management. She gets the final say at the end of the day, even if that decision is made under someone else's manipulation

>> No.70055890

>nina sabotaged by clique
>but she was bullied by them

>> No.70055913

>I wonder if Kotoka had a self-realization moment. There was a clip from 4months or so ago where she tried to 180° on her opinion of Zaion.
Honestly, I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt that she was really just REALLY fucking ESL when she said "I can't wish her well" and that she meant something else. She's also the only one I've seen who's ever mentioned her postmortem so maybe she's not all bad. The Mel thing is an incredibly unfortunate coincidence if so though.

>> No.70055930

I think Wilson is the only from the new post-Iluna generations confirmed to be in said guild. That's why I consider that he is knowingly part of the clique.
As for Kotoka, because of what she did to Zaion, she could be put in either ''Toeing Line'' or ''Doesn't Believe in Clique Management''.
Also, if you don't mind answering, are you the anon who did the original tier list? If so, glad to see an update to it.

>> No.70055959

What does 'Doesn't Believe in Clique Management' mean?
Didn't Vivi actively take part in the artist pr campaign?

>> No.70055963

Zaion probably got smeared from the inside, starting from clique management. All of xSoleil was very new at the time so I doubt Kotoka would have realized it was a smear campaign and just trusted her senpais.

She likely did her 180 after having more experience with how the company works and realized it was a smear

>> No.70055975

I would not put it past someone like Elira to fool newcomers, it gives her an edge if they do not suspect the fuckery.

>> No.70055976

I would be disappointed because original tier list was far better thought out, other than a couple of wrong placements.

>> No.70055996

I'm with you on kotoka (and meloco in the same vein). Seems like she made what she may have thought were the right decisions and possible is regretting or at least questioning them by now. Both of them are in a weird spot in this dynamic because they're kinda only EN in name. Just an opinion though.

>> No.70055999

I think that it means that they aren't aware of the power structure going on inside the branch.

>> No.70056029

Yes, I am the original tier list anon. Although I wish some other anons would make their own as well so we can compare and contrast and fill in information missed by different parties

>> No.70056033

I agree.

>"I can't wish her well"
didnt see that when it happened, but she may have said that because sayu was person non grata after she was fired, and there was no option to wish her well, that stuff was just not tolerated. One family, youre either part of them, or youre dead to everyone.

>> No.70056055

The last 2 gens should be grouped there but honestly given what has happened it's really difficult to excuse them especially given how they are terminally /here/.
It would take a lot to repair a friendship like that, I feel. It would not surprise me that it could take years before they would want to talk again. Sayu did seem really upset about how everything went down with Zaion's ordeal and Kotoka's reaction to it to the point she broke her third person rule mentioning her past to say "I" during that part of the rant.

>> No.70056064

The fact that they have actual managers who are just shit as well means that they may just think of Elira as a helpful senpai and not realize that she is controlling the flow of information

>> No.70056115
File: 139 KB, 654x1153, nijisanjifantasy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe this screenshot could be of help.

>> No.70056116

There's purposely not a leaker tier because anons will make me put Luca as agent LK and its retarded

>> No.70056123

Not being aware and not believing are two contradictory stances.

>> No.70056126

It’d be funny if she’s /here/ and consumes rrats unfiltered, becoming untrustful toward Kurokara

>> No.70056139

Anons, wouldst thou truly Reincarnation sanction, in one so bereft of spine?

>> No.70056152

update is done, feel free to refresh

>> No.70056159

I would genuinely be surprised if she can walk and chew gum at the same time. So no there's no hope for her

>> No.70056161

about that

>> No.70056162

Oh my god these names are retarded

>> No.70056177

this is part of it, but right now, theres also the issue of multiple leakers. that must be isolating. you cant really trust anyone. JP cant fire clique, probably cant even take away eliras powers because she is too important, clique, at least those that have power, probably still trusts each other. Honestly, their social power inside the branch might be higher than ever. I dont think they have the freedom to really fuck someone else over professionally, but I think theyll probably have an easy time

yes, it also would be retarded to put any leaker in any leaker tier anyway. being outed is clearly not in their interest.

>> No.70056187

If anything, this points to her thinking she's in the right side: >>70055101

>> No.70056216

>I wonder if Kotoka had a self-realization moment. There was a clip from 4months or so ago where she tried to 180° on her opinion of Zaion.
Link? That would have been around the time when Sayu had that public breakdown during her subathon.

>> No.70056224

I'm very hesitant to put Fulgur in the clique because I feel that he may be playing it safe to not get fucked in the ass

>> No.70056236

Kek I can easily imagine her trying that out to check if it's possible.

>> No.70056257

The streamers of the newer waves have increasingly worse names.

>> No.70056258

Was there ever any?

>> No.70056262

(me) I think I need to make a new one that separates between members of the clique with power and members without or just think they are being friends

>> No.70056274


>> No.70056277

she should graduate and open an onlyfans, otherwise there's no point. She has no other value as a human being

>> No.70056289

Yeah. He hasn't done a single bad thing. He didn't stand out with anything good either but that's probably smart in Niji EN.

>> No.70056315

Even though I sent the image, I think the same as you. I would leave him as ''toeing'' for now.

>> No.70056383

I find it hard to believe.
Either way that was a bad step to take when you know your company has been slandering your oshi.

>> No.70056388

it really depends on his relationship with Scarle. When he tweeted from PL, was he talking to management on her behalf? or was he talking to her on managements behalf? either hes leaning good or leaning bad. Or he was forced to toe the line. Its very hard to know. Pr sure he isnt actually a cliquemember though.

>> No.70056436

They aren't aware so they don't believe any claims made about its existence, it's the way I understood it.

>> No.70056450

This shit is weird but no one bats an eye.
His PL tagging @scarle in public like it's a normal thing to do

>> No.70056485

If you mean the updates on Scarle, that was no management post. He wrote several clarifications unprompted which meant he was making sure his words weren’t misinterpreted by management and putting him in shit too.

If he was fed a line to say, there would be no need for that.

>> No.70056487

This whole fucking year has been weird, anon. I can't tell the difference between rrats and reality anymore. I hate it. I miss 2011. I swear that was the last time reality felt real.

>> No.70056512

This plays into the rrat that he may be one of the leakers, and Scarle is clearly is not feeling the clique either, her behavior suggests as much.

>> No.70056516

>I don't want to forget about Zaion, we were good friends
Yeah, and that's why you threw her under the bus and then you didn't even try to defend her when your community started harassing her
>I think management learned a lot of stuff from her
>And Sayu learned a lot too

Sayu said that Kotoka and Finana never tried to contact her again after the termination, and this stream seems to be a couple of weeks older than Sayu's breakdown, so Kotoka can fuck off.

>> No.70056527
File: 65 KB, 1191x187, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy kek that's an interesting thread
So Zaion was using Finana doing dumb shit and getting away with it as an example to ask why she wasn't allowed to do the same.

>> No.70056529

Chris Chan spoke about the Dimensional Merge and nobody believed him....

>> No.70056532

Mayans were onto something I swear

>> No.70056542

management gave permission, allegedly cause of skinwalking and nobody believing their tweets.
They probably initially had her suspended, and then JP ran in and the backlash happened on twitter when she missed two streams, and suddenly theyre on fire again. I think they immediately unsuspended her.

I mean thats correct. But we do know they are friends and Scarle was probably pretty shaken after that.

>> No.70056550

What do you think happened in 2011 anon? OWS.

>> No.70056612

That post is so Finana.

>> No.70056641

Zaion is a privileged Japanese female and should educate herself. Finana comes from an oppressed minority background and that is why she should be able to enjoy things that Zaion's ancestors robbed her family of!

>> No.70056662

>Finana acts like a piece of shit all the time
>but believe me everyone talks good about her
>everyone from the clique that's it

>> No.70056694
File: 701 KB, 890x1728, 1708801093512622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I think this thread has somehow given us more info on Finana than we ever had before (outside of people who actually watches her streams.)
I feel kinda bad for her because of my own saviorfagging, but I also don't have the budget to help a gacha player, nor do I actually like her content.

>> No.70056716

I think Kotoka might be genuinely retarded or have a mental illness.

>> No.70056733

This is so dumb. She went out of her way to meet with you at a music concert before debut to try and be friends with you and you guys even did collabs together and you threw that friendship under the bus for something this petty?

>> No.70056741

>Now you remember that she is on break because of her mental health

>> No.70056794

Oh shit this reminds me of the time Selen asked management about how NijiKR does unarchived karaoke to ask if she could do the same. Instead what happened was management had NO IDEA KR was doing unarchived karaoke and playing whatever the fuck they wanted, and instead of letting Selen do it too, they banned KR from doing it.

>> No.70056806
File: 143 KB, 1469x828, GFBGUJgbkAAvcbI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean

>> No.70056823

Yeah, the best interpretation you could give her is she's full on coping and has no idea how fucked up it was. The clip doesn't really paint her in a good light.

If anything it just reinforces that she's too stubborn for her own good and will not take criticism. Whether that criticism is good or bad doesn't matter if she always goes full defensive every time someone doesn't lick her boots.

>> No.70056837

>She was like a good friend, you know
You fucking bitch.

>> No.70056889

Just not North American high school lol. The bullying there is insane.

>> No.70056893
File: 688 KB, 1140x1117, NijiEN Power Structure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different type of tier list more similar to the first one I made

>> No.70056946

My rrats
>Elira has a semi-official position as the cultural sensitivity manager for nijiEN. It's not just translation work. She's supposed to inform JP management hires how the western audience would receive things. This is how she got into the position of being a manager's manager.
>The clique judges everyone on the prettiness of their models and doesn't like when people with uglier models than them get more popular. It's actually that level of shallow.

>> No.70056952

I don't believe in the naive 'I didn't know the clique even existed tehe tier'.
These are adults who newly joined a company and are actively trying to get ahead and promoted. Sucks that this happened when they are trying to grow after their debut.
Does that make them a bad person...idk.
But that certainly doesn't make them naive.

>> No.70056959

I like this one.
Personally I would merge the ''It's complicated'' and ''???'' tiers. Finana and Elira got to choose their second outfits while Pomu couldn't, so I would think that she has some power, but I'm not sure.

>> No.70056974

>she broke her third person rule mentioning her past to say "I" during that part of the rant.
Wait what? Did she...?
>it's true

>> No.70056982

Petra and Rosemi are Elira clique bootlickers. Rosemi was absorbed to "Besties" as they call with Elira, Millie and Enna as members. Petra is Elira's best friend in Obsydia and was confirmed to received lots of gifts like bags and free dinner from Elira.

>> No.70057007

Her being in "No Power" indicates that while she benefits from fitting in with the clique, they won't give her any actual decision making power over others

>> No.70057011

did Finana get banned from doing something while Zaion was still employed?
could be a smoking gun

>> No.70057032

(me) if only I could give each tier a title thats a paragraph long lmao

>> No.70057033
File: 25 KB, 588x212, 1711920540846068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's going through the family experience.
It's funny because people now don't believe twitter messages because of skinwalking, taking breaks because of stealth suspensions and are now questioning whatever anyone mentioning mental health is being tortured by their coworkers.
Nice company you got there Nijikeks.

>> No.70057035

thats better, though Ive always been wondering if the boys that have power arent necessarily required to bow to clique as hard, cause I imagine that they kind of have their own powerdynamic and cause there was a time when they made more money. Also, clique doesnt directly compete with them, so theres less space for friction

theyre both checked out and in graduation queue. my guess is that petra is the one in front of rosemi

>> No.70057047

Makes sense.

>> No.70057051
File: 127 KB, 493x470, 1708815934097648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, it was fucking painful seeing Sayu like that.

>> No.70057057

AVTuber with a focus on Lewd ASMR.

>> No.70057072

Looking at this tierlist reminds me how they used to spam tierlist streams a lot back in the day. Funny they stopped now ever since the 'family' image started to crack

>> No.70057078
File: 218 KB, 374x378, 1708893011222807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I didn't even notice that... Yeah I gotta walk that back now. Fuck Kotoka. That was around the same time, so if she didn't try to smooth it over, then the potion quotes just sounds manipulative...
It still hurts to hear that breakdown. I don't think I've listened to it since I heard it live... I'm glad Sayu's in a better spot right now at least. Definitely gonna support that loveable hag however I can.

>> No.70057090

True, the Luxiem boys likely are able to check or veto the clique in some ways because of their popularity. Putting that in a tier list though would make it harder for anons to read what the basic power dynamics are

>> No.70057091

well well well, if it isn't the consequences of our actions

>> No.70057116
File: 119 KB, 1020x408, yup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70057137

Self actualisation and enlightenment takes time, my dear anon. I for one wishes the best for that little feesh

>> No.70057144

A family built in tough love, if there's any love to start with.

>> No.70057157

Isn't that a joke tweet with the Elira ojou and Selen maid thing? Sounds familiar

>> No.70057155

You're missing the date this tweet was made anon. Things change over time, thats why Petra and Nina's relationships and power dynamics are complicated

>> No.70057199

She would need to remove the chip on her shoulder first.

>> No.70057204

Leaker san said that?
Because that's pretty much a QRD on Finana's career that even casual viewers get after a couple of weeks watching her

>> No.70057216

same, shes the reason I even care about this stupid drama enough to hang out here 40-50hrs at a time to find answers. I really kinda hope sayu will stay out of the war now. she has done her time in the trenches. I just want her to heal and smile. let someone else sink the yacht.

>> No.70057225
File: 384 KB, 1044x988, 1650220653761215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Petra's oshi btw are Riku and Elira

>> No.70057250

Honestly, I don't know what to think about Kotoka. It's true that she threw Zaion under the bus, but she also kept her in her stream background and still talked about her from time to time. She didn't seem to be part of the clique either, and she didn't retweet the black frame stream. Maybe she has a mental illness for real >>70057033

Finana doesn't have any excuse tho.

>> No.70057271

You can hear her screaming for help from a mile away.
Don't forget that there was that image of Riku holding a paper that said something like ''Selen is my favorite idol'', purely for show, as we know how Selen's tenure in the company ended.

>> No.70057291

>Maybe she has a mental illness for real

are there any female vtubers that dont?

>> No.70057305

Petra is definitely the worst example of "not the clique". If you follow them closely you'll know immediately who are in the clique. Also, Elira's last tweet is basically about Petra and her hanging out in Japan.

>> No.70057311

Thanks anon

>> No.70057331

>4 months ago
>I knew they would self destruct anyways.
Atleast Sayu confirms the en branch was on decline.

>> No.70057335

>no lewd ASMR
It's over.

>> No.70057337

i always thought that Reimu was nepohired by Petra, as people always forget that they were friends before Niji

>> No.70057353

She got along with Zaion because they both spoke JP, wasn't anything deep on Kotoka's end while Zaion thought she found someone to relate and share experiences with like a friend.

>> No.70057355

Honestly if Riku took a picture with "[organ] is my favorite idol" and they announced their graduation or termination next, I will kneel.
Respect where respect is due.

>> No.70057362
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>> No.70057384

She's not going anywhere as long as she can still crowd source her gacha addiction. She lives with her parents, so it's not like she has other expenses.

>> No.70057399

She did retweet the stream. It was just 7 hours after the fact iirc.

>> No.70057402

If I don't remember badly, Zaion's lore is that she was some sort of prophet for an incoming apocalypse.

>> No.70057412

The flack increases over the target, as evidenced by this post.

>> No.70057417

Sure, but she seems to be genuinely unaware of how much she fucked Zaion over. If I was Kotoka I would have just memory-hole her.

>> No.70057421


>> No.70057423

Leaker san said Feesh is asking tips to diversify her content, glad she's fucking trying for once

Let's just hope it doesn't ends up like another F1 bs and she actually puts on the effort.

>> No.70057439

Meloco retweeted the stream, Kotoka hasn't.

>> No.70057451

Wasn't that Meloco?

>> No.70057452

Move Yu, Rosemi, Petra, Pomu and Nina to joined Clique. Move Aster down to Not Clique.

>> No.70057468

>you guys are worth so much more than you think you are
I hope atleast Vivi listens to this.

>> No.70057473

yeah, you guys are probably right.
I remembered it was one of the jp chicks, so it could very well be meloco

>> No.70057478

Where did the leaker say that? Quote or link to the post if it's real.

>> No.70057486

If she wanted to memory hole Zaion that potion stream speech wouldn't have happened. I'm not saying any undying anime friendship was going on, but I don't think things behind the scene were as simple either.

>> No.70057501

Yu I agree, but please tell me you are actually joking about everyone else,

>> No.70057511

Yes. And it's simple. Lick that ASMR mic like her life fucking depends on it. Moan into a pillow again and be a slut. If she does she'll go top of the girls within a month

>> No.70057516

Holy kek

>> No.70057521

Leaker said to not interpret Rosemi as ''in cahoots with the clique'' weeks ago, and in the past thread he defined her as an ''accessory'' to the clique.

>> No.70057560

Finana - not clique (but she thinks she's part of the team)
Rosemi/Petra- joined clique (see all offcollabs with the clique masters)
Reimu - nepohire clique (Petra and zuttomoshit clique)
Scarle - nepohire clique (Fulgur)

>> No.70057561

This is so retarded that I genuinely think this is a sister trying to ruin the list

>> No.70057591

You haven't lurked enough...

>> No.70057602

Nah it's pretty simple, Kotoka is an opportunistic cunt that only joined EN to backdoor into JP and thought Zaion was the same and threw her under to distance herself further from NijiEN.

>> No.70057652

It could also be some sort of emotional manipulation tactic to get the viewers to side with her. Who knows.

>> No.70057666

>Move Aster down to Not Clique
Nice one anon

>> No.70057674

From the thread posted here: >>70055757

Could be larp and I'm incredibly coping, but still it'd be nice to believe she's finally growing a brain

>> No.70057722

they gave things to verify in the future at least even if they aren't super concrete proof

>> No.70057740

> I'm not saying any undying anime friendship was going on, but I don't think things behind the scene were as simple either.
I mean...
>Throw a good friend under the bus
>Stay silent when your community is harassing her
>Never contact her again
>"She was so cool you guys, I don't want to forget her"
Either she genuinely has a mental illness and can't understand the consequences of her actions, or she's just a snake

>> No.70057808
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She went too far into the dark path. There's no hope for her.

>> No.70057841

Seeing this makes me think that Niji actually broke Sayu for the longest time, its only really recently has it felt like she's been able to really rebound

>> No.70057870

Later on in the same thread the leaker said about Finana what has been quoted earlier here. It sounds contradictory, but so did the Rosemi ''not being in cahoots'' claim while also having the ''save me pink girl tweet being made at Millie's advice'' claim, until he explained further that Rosemi was like an accessory for the clique. So I will wait to see if any of the other things that the leaker said happen or not.

>> No.70057923

If I threw someone under the bus, I would be so wrecked with guilt that I wouldn't find myself worthy to contact my victim.

>> No.70057925

I doubt there's still hope for her
that "educate yourself" stunt she made was so retarded.

>> No.70058003

I wonder if she just needs to become more critical of those around her and herself. If this was some bullshit Uki poured in her head or she just mindlessly consumed off the net, she needs to reevaluate how she processes information.

>> No.70058029

Well, if you are surrounded by tumblr vtweeters turned vtubers, you tend to incorporate their terms even if you don't really understand what they mean

>> No.70058035

>Seeing this makes me think that Niji actually broke Sayu for the longest time, its only really recently has it felt like she's been able to really rebound
She has told a few stories about friends avoiding her and even hiding away from her when they saw her at cons. It's a miracle that she even went back to streaming.

>> No.70058078

I would whale for her if she went back to doing coom ASMR

>> No.70058126

might be my bias for yugioh and Rosemi playing it at that time that made me angry when she try to ban the word "trap" as I don't normally care about these sjw shit.

>> No.70058133

Nobody wants to take the verbal beating they deserve when they should at least give the victim this much. It's hard to be true to oneself and probably easier to try to forget the pain we cause. No wonder you get mental illnesses afterwards though.

>> No.70058134

struggles of an empath

>> No.70058175

Same, I just hope she can grow despite of the hugbox hivemind of fake positivity that ryuguards give (seriously you can't criticize anything past Valo or Honkai being too long there)

>> No.70058213

The thing she has most to look forward to is picking out the casket they will bury her model in when she graduates.

Also she can look forward to meeting her top discord groomer in person only for him to be a short fat chubby faced southeast asian, and she has to mentally steel herself to put up with him as he makes the moves on her.

>> No.70058396

fucking hell! that's an obvious nepohire, they're not even trying to hide it

>> No.70058430

Imagine the Zaion situation eating away at her for years and then it happens again with Selen. Wouldn't be surprised if that broke her.

>> No.70058454

Believe it or not. God proteccs the dum. Feesh is dum enough to be protected.

>> No.70058470

Let's not get too far into fanfiction territory here.

>> No.70058481

Animal videos?

>> No.70058519
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That's the thing, anon. It hasn't been years. It hasn't even been 1 year.

>> No.70058527

Anon, she doesn't know what "gaslighting" means...

>> No.70058528
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Finana will never be successful in an industry that's all about fan interaction as long as she hates her fans.

>> No.70058538
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I a day one Ryuguard and someone that was considered her biggest simp.
I left her a month after the discord group was found out, seeing as there was no regret from Finana, things will never get better for her.
Now it’s being close to two years and her fan interaction has almost completely died, which is a reflection for her own live views and revenue.
In all honesty I don’t see her improving anytime soon as long as she continues her friendship with toxic people. I was friends with the valoguards and followed their private twitters.
Here’s a list of what I was witness of what changes Finana made after being “groomed”
>Futa and Trap are slurs
>Only plays games with Valoguards (tower of fantasy, ffxiv, league, etc)
>Leaving her fans with Gacha streams and Yakuza
>Ends stream way earlier than before so she can play with them
>Cancels streams or ends them ealier again to celebrate Valoguards birthdays
>Sees her regular fans as just being jealous
>Stopped making lewd remarks
>Hated how Finana’s ASMR was focused for male fans, and no female fanservice. Finana felt bad about this so she decided to drop it
>Many of her “vacations” were spent playing or visiting the valoguards
>The week she took off during the release of Tower of fantasy was for this purpose
>Stopped pandering to her chat because in her mind, the valoguards are her true fans

>> No.70058637

My bad

>> No.70058641

It was her retarded d*scord group who told her about that twitter shit.

>> No.70058704

>Sabotaged by Clique
Aren't her and millie still friends?

>> No.70058714
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>> No.70058852

>still friends
lol someone needs to monitor ex-members and remind them to not leak clique secrets

>> No.70058851

How exactly did so many nepo hires get into nijisanji anyway? I find it hard to believe elira had any sway in talent employment. Enna and millie make sense because they at least have singing talent to work with.

>> No.70058918

Blowjob joi asmr in finance voice and all is forgiven

>> No.70058946

There's an update to the tier list further down in the thread.

>> No.70059003

>get 1000 application
>someone says "Oh I know Applicant 997, I can vouch for him"
Seen it happen in regular jobs. If talent got to see the applicant list this could have been the result.

>> No.70059027

The first one wasn't very good because the only thing stronger than my autism is my adhd

>> No.70059061

Wasn’t Finana the one that tried to pander to her gachikois after the discord leak? I remember something about naming her sims baby after her fans

>> No.70059075

After that leaked membership post about loving the Niji family, I think Sonny should maybe be moved above neutral at least

>> No.70059181

The possibility exists that he says those kind of things to look good in front of the company and the clique.

>> No.70059231

Anyone that still watches Finana, does she still has long zatsudans? Does she still end her streams with a kiss? Does she still pay attention to her chat?

>> No.70059372

>How exactly did so many nepo hires get into nijisanji anyway?
She could just show them her interview video, what kind of personality they are looking for in the characters that they are debuting (Assuming that managers told her that) and then vouch for their ability as streamers after they get past the initial phases.

>> No.70059493

Character references still hold a lot of sway. It starts off slowly 1-maybe 2 at most. Elira whispers "Oh I know that person, they can do a good job." Those 1-2 nepo hires perform adequately (Millie & Enna). Next round of audition there's now a few more nepo hires with more internal backing behind their applications. Management thinks "well it turned out ok last time so we can trust the recommendation" Now there's at least 1/2 a dozen nepo hires in the branch. They're all vouching for the next nepo hire and it snowballs. They've essentially usurped the recruitment process.

>> No.70059500

That's true, but he might not be successful outside of Niji given he faked his death on PL. He is friends with Alban though I think so he could actually be in the "playing safe" category.

>> No.70059539

He might be in a situation where he has to try his best to stay in Niji since if he leaves he might be toast

>> No.70059571

Yes actually, moreso than others

>> No.70059807

>"I like Gachas so that’s what I play"
Classic freudian slip

>> No.70059859

So is Pomu.
Remember she was also bullied by them and forced to fall in line which left her with no option to play ball until she graduated. If that's not sabotage I don't know what is

>> No.70060114

newfag too finana, what's a valoguard? ryuguards who play valorant?

>> No.70060478

zatsus are 10-30 minutes long
She just started doing kisses again but on members only
usually watch as background so not sure about regular chat
She's been reading less supas after her radio silence tho (no inflammatory ones regarding yabs tho)

>> No.70060491

You think Kotoka regrets what she did to Sayu which is why she's trying to pull a 180 on the whole thing

>> No.70060508
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She responded to me with this post and wasn't even interested that I play the same fucking gacha games that she also plays.
A good liver could play Space Cadet Pinball or the Nokia 3410's version of Snake 2 and it would be the best stream ever.
It's not her choice of games, it's her.

>> No.70060663

groomer discord group named after Finana wanted to play valo with members.
Finana joined a private server with them after said stream, causing the yab.

>> No.70060683

>Zatsus are 10-30 minutes long
That’s a huge decrease from her hour long ones, it could also be shorter because of her dwindling fanbase
Seems she’s overall still hesitant to interact much with her chat and is testing the waters. The memebrs stream where she cried could just be her hold up emotions, she obviously afraid of facing backlash

>> No.70060893

Not just chat, she doesn't even responds to group projects anymore, just gives a like and moves on.

Ryuguards only want feesh interaction like pre-2022 yab.

>> No.70060905

In her defense - in regards to the recent scandal general consensus is - her role is basically as a useful idiot. This limits her culpability.
As for the relationship with ryuguards from the outside looking in, she's neglected them and that's where the problems lie, that can be recovered but that's going to take time and a lot of effort. The gacha game spam isn't helping

>> No.70060949

I don't understand why you would want to associate with people after they fucked you over.

>> No.70060985


I can see why Finana's only actual collab partner is fucking Aster of all people.
Those two are made for each other

>> No.70061002

So she never educated herself after all this time? Figures.

>> No.70061013

>Doesn’t respond to group projects
Man I remember when people were told to cool down on projects with how many they were doing. It’s sad seeing how much fans loved her to how she acts now. Feels like she never really appreciated the support she got

>> No.70061027

She ignored my comments about the way she treated her community, Zaion and Selen, and just focused on how bad she felt about her numbers. Finana doesn't care about anyone but herself.

>> No.70061122
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Isn't Aster that guy who pulls around 150 (one hundred fifty) live viewers to his stream as a liver who works for the 2md biggest vtuber agency on this planet?
He must hate his chat even more than Finana, I guess.

>> No.70061159

If that is really true, then she does not understand how her job works / what kind of business she is in. That is a disaster, I am sorry about that anon. I got burned falling some indies too, who ended up just ghosting out of existence. It is hard to realize their heart is just somewhere else.

>> No.70061187

and they are still active? wtf is wrong with nijitalents? hana has one too.

>> No.70061230

If anything, this thread proves that karma is a real thing.

>> No.70061318

She should graduate quickly and come back as a talent in their new gen that they're debuting.

>> No.70061331

doxxsite receipts seem to imply that, but I really don't want to keep up with that

>> No.70061388

>given he faked his death on PL.
Thats still funny as fuck and its insane that he somehow got away with it

>> No.70061397


>> No.70061436

Most of them moved on, and the left ones aren't very interested in projects, instead of asking to slow down, now we have to extend projects and spam discord to even fill in.

>> No.70061455

*Important Announcement*
Done some introspection and plan to do better
love fans etc.

>> No.70061525

His chatters literally have conversations with each other during his streams.

>> No.70061547

Unironically this
Ryuguards ate up when she cried about the whole discord yab on January.

>> No.70061572
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>karma is a real thing
The funny thing is that Sayu now outperforms her greatly in both CCV and donos. All while playing the same gacha game (Honkai Star Rail).
If you wonder why, it's because she's actually entertaining and very actively involved with her chat.
Finana unironically doesn't understand her job.
Let's hope so. She was so nice to watch in the beginning. She just has to start somewhere and do 1 first step on her way to redemption, nobody is ever hopelessly lost.

>> No.70061653
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Finana is an example of a complete change. One of the few things you could say that stayed with her is her interest in Music, the rest of her focus was consumed by Gacha.

>> No.70061732

funny thing is sayu doesnt really like HSR that much as she likes genshin something about the font size on HSR being smaller and it dont have the paimon repeat TLDR dialogue to understand the story more easier

>> No.70061736

I dont trust anyone that expresses interest in music/singing that cant produce their own music. If you only want to sing you are just addicted to be in the spotlight, it doesnt matter the circumstance as to why you are in the spotlight

>> No.70061761

Sayu (even as Zaion) NTR'd me from feesh
But I still hope feesh can recover

>> No.70061769

>People unironically think Finana was here
The sad thing is that I can't even dismiss it. This fucking year, man...

>> No.70061776

She needs to log off and go outside and actually interact with real people. If there's anyone who actually needs it it's her. Like CHADeaker said, Finana has no real sense of individuality to speak of and just goes with what's popular. She needs to go to school, get a job or just do anything that requires some amount of discipline and crawl out of that bubble.
Cause when NijiEN collapses and if she becomes an indie (if she doesn't just cling to Nijisanji) what's even going to be left for her? Who's actually going to watch her. You think she's the only one doing Erotic ASMR on twitch or whatever? She needs to do something with her life instead of being a bum and reevaluate what exactly she wants to do in life

>> No.70061900

This makes sense if you consider her latest songs. All of them are a collab, Sonny and Kyo, and guess who appreciated those covers more? Not the Ryuguards, but the fans of the boys. For some time now Finana has put more effort into projects that won’t grow her own fanbase and at most just give her thumbs up from people that won’t watch her

>> No.70062088
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Nope. I'm done with Finana and her nasty attitude towards viewers.

>> No.70062098

true that, the fish shoukd fear the amouranth

>> No.70062290

He's the jackass who tried to force Scarle to collab with him

>> No.70062354

yes. follow notHana's path and i'll forgive her

>> No.70062379

I still don't understand the disdain people have towards "Parasocial" in the fucking vtubing sphere.

>> No.70062404

>2md biggest vtuber agency on this planet?
How are you defining biggest vtuber agency? Nijisanji has bigger revenue than Cover somehow, though given that even their golden goose, NijiJP is going through bullshit of current talents promoting the debut of recent graduates former talents I don't know how long they will keep that advantage.

>> No.70062479

You thought February was bad, wait until we get to March and especially April

>> No.70062554

There's an intrinsic shame I believe. Overall, most would agree that parasocial relationships are, in a complete vacuum, a net negative on society and on an individual level. However, streamers in general, be they 3- or 2D, prey upon these relationships and inclinations. Some would argue that the entire business model is wholly dependant on them existing.
They most likely are trying to cognitively dissassocite with something their consious mind regards as something negative so as to lessen the strain they place on their mental well being.

>> No.70062556

Claude has ancient history with Elira, Millie and Ennas PL if their past bullying action is true.

>> No.70062651

People are telling me Claude is a real bastard, time will tell if they are just lying

>> No.70062658

Ignorance. People see "parasocial" and instantly think it's referring to an insane stalker gachikoi boogeyman. They don't understand that streaming is literally BUILT on parasocialism. Keeping with a chuuba, chatting in their chat, having an emotional connection to their content, all of that is parasocial, but they see the word and instantly jump to the extreme end of things.

>> No.70062675

So it's sort of a
>I'm not like THOSE Freaks, I'm better!
while they do the exact same thing as said freaks?

>> No.70062684

I have no idea about real numbers and just wanted to stress that they are industry giants and that you might expect people to give a shit. I mean, don't they see him promoted on other, more popular channels? His audience rivals medium sized indies, but he gets all the free promo and ads that indies miss.

>> No.70062721

>streaming is literally BUILT on parasocialism
celebrities, sports teams, public intellectuals - parasocialism is all over, but they cry foul when its anime characters.

>> No.70062722

A good example of someone doing it correct is V. Zeta
The accepts the coomers but doesn't feed them much
She interacts with chat in specific streams and the like

>> No.70062741

The lizardmen have infiltrated NijiEN and America's political system. We are winning.

>> No.70062824

oh yeah, they totally did. someone said she's been dramaless in the indie scene and even before that and only started taking meds after nijisanji. she isn't unexperienced, she had boyfriends cheat on her and divorced a husband. all that didn't break her but nijisanji did.

>> No.70062953

>but they cry foul when its anime characters.
It's streamers in general. Where do you think vtubers got it from? It's most likely exasperated for streamers because they can't even pretend that the reason people consume most of their content isn't due to or fueled by parasocial relationships, since they can't pretend people simply enjoy their athletic feats or musicianship

>> No.70063049

Why can't she be friends with people who she likes? I don't see you guys getting angry at Hololive when they do it

>> No.70063315

Her music video is the most blatantly botted views video I have ever seen. Kyo sounds like a pre-teen boy going through puberty, honking his "singing voice" in that video. It's not a pleasant listen.

>> No.70063318
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I have already said this a few times, but Finana should eat her pride and just follow Sayu's example.
>Steps out of her comfort zone and tries new stuff to reach more fans
>Hangs out with her chat and takes the time to get to know her fans, but she is not afraid of calling them out if they are annoying
>Goes out of her way to give a warm welcome to the newcomers
>Asks for feedback and actually takes it in consideration
>Never stops paying attention to the chat, the gacha streams are just stealth zatsudans and they are actually fun to watch

>> No.70063483

yeah coping about artifact memes with Sayu is surprisingly fun

>> No.70063517

Man that's sad

>> No.70063533

Simple answer? Keep operating costs low. See: trilingual talent manager ad for $8/hr

>> No.70063536

FC is literally just another membership you dumbass

>> No.70063556

>Hololive when they do it
I don't care about Hololive that much.
May you tell me which holomems abandon their own chat in favour of some secretive group?

>> No.70063620

What you described is early Finana
>Tried new games ouf of her comfort zone (little nightmares, Valhalla, truck simulator)
>She went so far for interactions that she used to call out some Ryuguards for what they had in their likes
>Always asked chat what games they would like to see or for streaming ideas

>> No.70063735

>parasocial fucks
she literally is an iq vacuum huh

>> No.70063764

Gura flat out abandon streaming for most of the year, does that counts?

>> No.70063780

Sayu said she saw Finana as a little sister, so I'm sure she thought they were somewhat similar

>> No.70063832

Not going the "muh what about holo" route, but wasn't one of the new homostars implying right after debut that he had an insider giving him pointers or something during the auditions?

>> No.70063898

>in favour of some secretive group
Not sure it does no. Gura is autistic, neurotic and has trouble being out around people. Imagine her having to fly around and host large groups of weebs on a big screen for cons. It is a tad much for a shy autist. She is working on it. And Hololive fans in general are supportive of their oshis, many of them have taken extensive breaks and it has not really spoiled the fun for us. The ''where is Gura'' is not the jab you think it is - Hololive fandom and Nijisanji fandom treat each other and their streamers different, I guess.

>> No.70063917

People already know that they ego search. Enna talked about doing it, there was the wrong discord stream debacle and of course even before that Reimu accidentally leaked her google homepage top sites which has BOTH /vt/ and an offsite /vt/ archive. That is some serious ego searching.

>> No.70063930

>Zaion x Finana collabs could've been oyakodon
It's not fucking fair

>> No.70063964

But has Gura outright told her core audience to go fuck itself? I would be surprised if she did.

>> No.70063989

This has been a pleasent thread to read. All the best for feesh and the condition of Niji seems to have set their course. Now lets see how the yacht handles the March iceberg and April torpedo. Hopefully the new manager can usurp the control room and navigate this disaster.

>> No.70064036

Not to my knowledge, but if anyone can provide a source I would look into it

>> No.70064061


>> No.70064090

Dokibird is just too big to sidestep forever
if they want to join tournaments or the like in the future they have to come to terms with her

>> No.70064133

Doesn't exist. She has always been the type to come and go.

>> No.70064225
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There's an alternate timeline where NijiEN tried to help Zaion to overcome her issues instead of throwing her under the bus. In that timeline she became Finana's best friend, helped her to improve and get back on her feet, and even organized a chuuni yugioh tournament with Doppio. She also got really close to Pomu, did several collabs with her just to talk about lolibaba stuff and helped her out with the issues she had with management.

>> No.70064261

Thanks for the new tag anon

>> No.70064342

>She self-reported.


>> No.70064351

>he gets all the free promo and ads that indies miss
I don't think he is benefitting from these promos and ads when he's still stuck as a low 3view for almost his entire career and counting.

>> No.70064461

Yagoo got lucky that Fubuki wasn't a conniving bitch or Hololive Gamers (which was just her nepo circle) would have turned into a clique. But yes, that happens everywhere.

>> No.70064492

If I threw someone I was actually friends with under the bus, I would feel so guilty I wouldn't be able to live with myself. I'd quit my job that forced me to do that and beg them for forgiveness.
If I threw someone I was actually friends with under the bus but also I'm a massive backstabbing cunt, I would pretend to feel sorry about it in front of my audience while laughing at their misery behind the scenes.

I haven't watched enough Kotoka to get a bead on her personality, that's literally just what I would do.

>> No.70064534

Also you'd have to imagine at least a percentage of the numbers he's pulling are colleagues, friends and family trying to pump numbers up. Grim

>> No.70064549

>insider giving him pointers or something during the auditions?
Getting pointers on what to do isn't really the same as nepotism in which you're actively trying to get your company to hire someone on your behalf

>> No.70064566

Wasted fucking potential on all fronts. I tell you all. And none of this NijiEN downfall would have happened. They were given a chance and they fucking blew it. Incompentent fuck, the lot of them

>> No.70064705

It's honestly the modern version of 'celebrity fascination'. Shit has always existed through time, people who feel trapped in the mundane worship those who champion a better system of values.

>> No.70064720

I was genuinely hyped for F1 watchalongs. She fucked up not following through.

>> No.70064871
File: 28 KB, 600x338, d26c460a-b7b4-42d0-a169-e7fe7f5274b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Elira got therapy
>Selen got to do her big events and sponsorships
>Finana bought a ticket for Antarctica
>everyone feels surrounded by loving friends
Someone send Riku a D-mail, tell him to hire PR and more managers.

>> No.70064893

Honestly Elira's outward personality itself isn't horrible. She just kept the worst kind of company being Enna and Millie. I still remember slandering one of them here and getting called out by them. Your greatest fear should still be the JP shinigami during restructure.

>> No.70064906

That has been the story for the entirety of nijisanji. imagine they never found kazuha but any other company did?
you cant run a company with such equations. If you remove gura, hololive is still mostly hololive.

>> No.70064913

There wasn't any hope left before all of this.

>> No.70064991

Reminder that Shu STILL hasn't fucked Elira after all these years. lmao

>> No.70065009
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Lets make a promise anons, if Finana really was /here/ and tries to change for the best. Should we attend her none gacha streams and superchat?

>> No.70065011
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They hire promising indies and those that have proven themselves, just to throw them into a snake pit that promotes their worst qualities and punishes them for doing good. The result are broken great livers like Selen and Zaion, livers that lose all of their drive and ambition like Rosemi and Finana all while genuinely evil people like Enna and Elira climb to the top.
I'm glad that my oshi left.

>> No.70065066

It was that dinohomo Jurard. I don't remember if he specifically mentioned ollie because I can't find the clip of him talking about it, but it was 100% her. Both of them collabed prior to him joining homostars, and I don't recall him ever being in touch with other members. However, I really don't think it's a big deal because all she could have given him is generic stuff like questions you'd expect to get asked during any interview. He also ended up being the most popular homo of his gen, so you can't really blame him for (potentially) taking someone else's spot just because he had a pep talk with ollie.

>> No.70065069
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>Vox got stabbed by her menhera chinese fans
Oh well.

>> No.70065114

No. She should apologize first to Sayu and Doki.

>> No.70065180

I mean I already do that, so...

>> No.70065203
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It doesn't matter if she plays gacha or not.
It's her, not her choice in games.
If she genuinely changed, I'd finance all her Sparkle pulls - but at this moment in time, it feels wrong to watch Niji EN in general.

>> No.70065277

>Pomu got her chance for a big MGS collab and has a collab with her idol oshi

>> No.70065296

It's sad that things got to this point, and even sadder that all of it would've been so easily avoidable if they had a proper management and support system. Finana? A good manager could've wrangled her out of nosediving her career. Clique bullshit? Good managers would nip that shit in the bud before it even starts. Their endless PR disasters? Avoidable by simply having a PR team employed (seriously wtf).
Tazumi would rather buy yachts and buyback stocks instead of investing ANYTHING back into his company and this is what happens. It's just sad.

>> No.70065348

Imagine a Pomu x Pomu collab. The crowd would've gone wild

>> No.70065362
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Its funny how I got into honkai 3rd thanks to her. But now I rather just play those games than watch her streams. They feel souless somehow

>> No.70065367

Enna and Millie will constantly make her feel stupid. People still ignore the elephant in the room and that's the source of negativity in the workplace.
Terminate Enna and Millie, get through the next 2 months NijiEN has a decent chance of recovering.
The loss of creative potential has been the biggest price.

>> No.70065515

If she's so impressionable why hasn't anyone counter groomed her into going back to asmr

>> No.70065587

The valoguard anti-grooming is too strong

>> No.70065821

She always gets pigeon holed by the clique, and it's obvious how they limit others potential in NijiEN so they maintain relative popularity if not more. Imagine being close but told to skip this collab.

>> No.70065852

It's insane to think all this shit happened and we've still got 80% of the year to go

>> No.70065851

valoguards pull her strings like a puppet
they have manipulated her into thinking she needs them and that their opinions are more valuable than any of her other fans

>> No.70065945
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>her none gacha streams
>gacha this gacha that
unironically fucking irrelevant.
her gacha streams would be great if she was a great streamer, reducing the issue to
>oh no evul gacha games
means ignoring the issue. You write like a literal woman who just hears what she wants to hear.

>> No.70065953
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>Sayu having to remind everyone that they're more worth than what they're made believe they are
>Doki talking about how she was constantly called worthless, then revealed she had two suicide attempts
>Pomu cried during members because her goals and dreams were constantly broken, saying she didn't have any future there
>meanwhile Enna just constantly tweets about how everything is amazing

What in the world is happening inside NijiEN? Any company worth its money would have immediately done an investigation and gotten rid of every single bad egg by now.

>> No.70066060

You guys don't actually think Riku's money is only going to yachts, right?

>> No.70066085

If only they had been serious about investing in the EN branch. But no, they were too cheap so all we get know is an entire circus running around like headless chickens waiting to be put to rest
I am a bit of a dramafag sometimes but come the fuck on. It's tiring at this point

>> No.70066141

I honestly think it's streamer ego making them refuse to accept reality, pretending like their audience is different and follows them purely because of their merits. The alternative would mean that they're not as good of a person as they like to think that they are.
Regadless of the reason, whoever uses that term negatively instantly goes to my shit list.

>> No.70066214

NijiCommand was clearly unaware of the inner happenings of EN until the Selen situation exploded in their face and freaked out investors. They're probably still trying to figure out what the fuck is going on (if they're actually doing anything at all)

>> No.70066261

The only Finana streams I'll watch are coomer ASMR

>> No.70066263

Half the talent are Elira loyalist. Riku can't do shit without half the people in his company walking out. Also Gundo and every former NijiJP member have been doing a trashing parade on the main branch so whatever dysfunction the company has come from the core.

>> No.70066358

People complained about it being called Elira’s clique instead of Enna’s back in the day because Enna was obviously and blatantly awful, as well as being responsible for bringing more terrible people like Kyo into it, while Elira seemed inoffensive.
But even at the time wiser people pointed out that it was Elira that has been the one nepohiring the clique members and that when all your friends are terrible assholes then people should start to wonder about you as well.

>> No.70066455

She definitely took Doki's side, really shows that this isn't specific to EN

>> No.70066483

This is because the HQ in JP has little connection to NijiEN branch and/or has been fed wrong information about how good they were doing. Then the Selen thing happened and all hell broke loose
I am even willing to believe that the black-screen stream/vid was a thing devided entirely by NijiEN's sheer incompetence.
Like hello? You went from calling Selen a menace to a great asset in the span of hours
That's some schizo shit right there

>> No.70066561

Hard to feel bad for someone when all her problems are her own fault. She is a retard and will always fuck up, people recognize the pattern and give up on her.

>> No.70066609

This thread has made me realise what happened with Finana with the Valoguards was just a milder preview of the recent Yuko Yurei GFE drama arc.

>> No.70066622

Kronii had something similar but not as retarded iirc

>> No.70066674

Kotoka had that fiasco with Mel from hololive too.
I lean toward her being dumb and a snake.

>> No.70066712

the only "downfall" of any significance is the chinese leaving and nothing would have prevented that
nijien was never popular outside asia and this is the most attention they've ever gotten

>> No.70066781

I'm mad about the wasted design

>> No.70066835

People called out Elira's nepo schemes as soon as they found out who Ethyria were.
It used to be obvious, but people just shifted the blame to Enna because she was less subtle in her character.
However, many (such as unironically myself) believed she was just an endearing and relateable doomer, not that she was serious about it and a truly despicable person.
I honestly don't get how anyone can still watch her, she must have cultivated an army of unironic cucks.

>> No.70066844

>This is because the HQ in JP has little connection to NijiEN branch and/or has been fed wrong information about how good they were doing
There are clips of Matara talking about how little support she got in EN, that alone should have triggered an internal investigation months ago.

>> No.70066902

>I am even willing to believe that the black-screen stream/vid was a thing devided entirely by NijiEN's sheer incompetence.

Oh absolutely, there was no way the black screen stream should have happened when the CEO of all people was going to do an apology stream soon after. This kind of public corporate incompetence and miscommunication is completely insane.

>> No.70066970
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>> No.70067071

One of the leakers, if true, said there was a back-and-forth between Elira and the JP managers, so if true, they knew.

>> No.70067099

Yup, miscommunication at its finest. Still baffled while it is still up. Maybe they want to do some internal investigations?

>> No.70067159

Oh if that's true then welp. No more comments then

>> No.70067185

They can do internal investigation while the video is privated, there's absolutely no reason to keep it up other than some retarded sense of being right from Elira's part, but the more I read about this whole thing, the more I believe that she might really be that self-centered and arrogant.

>> No.70067294

I imagine it went something like this
>Erira, this is your messu, address it before I dogeza

>> No.70067371

Mori attempted something similar years ago when she was still more openly trying to use Hololive as a side gig to get more attention for her personal personas, specifying groups as being her “true” or “real” fans during that time.
There was major backlash for the things she was doing, her reputation cratered and never recovered. However she had a lot further to fall that Finana and Mori isn’t retarded, she was just an alcoholic that overreacts to things. Since Mori is willing to work, does pay attention to criticism after her initial overreactions and cut back on the sauce she is still continuing to do reasonable well and make progress even if she will ever achieve the heights she might’ve once since people don’t forget her true colors.

>> No.70067522

Oh, right. The ttfags arc

>> No.70067666

Elira was truly the true Moriarty of NijiEN the entire time
>whenever there was drama or trouble it was just her friends!
>and Elira wasn’t there!

>> No.70067713

Switching from first person to third person mid sentence is weird though.
Maybe it's just an anon with bad english

>> No.70067805

Many of Enna’s viewers are the Chinese women that previously watched males like Vox. She positioned her streaming times to be right after theirs ended so they would continue onto her and then would be a vile person to cater more to their whims (yes sister slay! etc)

>> No.70067876

except it was regarding her membership and not RM, you rrat peddling parrot ape
the tweet was directly referencing her Scsrface watchalong where she go so sauced she nearly dropped the nigger word on one of the lackeys

>> No.70067995

Seriously, how unstaffed is this 2 billion dollars black company
That's basically confirmed that there're basically no management at all.

>> No.70068166

I know well about that specific situation, I saw it myself, but there were other times and things too. Drunken streams at odd hours of the night and other things.
However unlike Finana who was still acting as Finana, just to a smaller group of people (which is part of the upset), Mori was trying to direct toward and preferring people that cared about her rather than caring about “Mori” the character. As such it isn’t something to really talk about here on /vt/ beyond how it spilled into her behavior as Mori (which is did).

>> No.70068224

the way things happened this month I wouldn't discard her retarded ass actually lurking themat thread at least

>> No.70068300

>the direct example I brought up may have been wrong, but it's about the vibes, man
