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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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69977096 No.69977096 [Reply] [Original]

So what's the deal with Shiori and her manager? She banters more with him than with anyone else in her branch.

>> No.69977120

>So what's the deal with Shiori
She's autistic (for real)

>> No.69977412

It's probably like Shylily/Riro and their "managers"

>> No.69977434

fr fr tho

>> No.69977502

She's been a Vtuber longer than her Manager has had a job with COVER and she used to bully her past managers.

>> No.69977560

Doesn't Shiori's manager live in Japan?

>> No.69977657

She's riro ron 2.0

>> No.69977679

Her manager is the autist wrangler supreme, previous talents managed were Mumei and Ame.

>> No.69978011

Remember those two breaks she took already it was so she can see him.

>> No.69978040

Guess Mumei and Ame are suspect as well since they have / had the same manager.

>> No.69978073

>previous talents managed were Mumei and Ame.
Holy shit, I salute the madman

>> No.69978095

lucky manager...

>> No.69978104

>Fuwamoco can't speak english
>Biboo is esl
>Nerissa is a degenerate
Why would she talk with them?

>> No.69978129

Just because shiori is a slut does not mean the others are too.

>> No.69978154

Look at this drama hungry trannoid lol. Fucking kill yourself.

>> No.69978175

Shiori is esl too retard.

>> No.69978202


>> No.69978225

>autist wrangler supreme
She literally bullies him and makes him look like a pussy during tangent-heavy streams.

>> No.69978233

it's true tho. chinese girls who are raised in that particular chinese cult religion end up being massive sluts in my experience

>> No.69978259
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>talks fondly over her manager
smells like a nijisister in shambles

>> No.69978260

Is the manger dark skinned? Asking for a friend.

>> No.69978299

>chinese cult religion

>> No.69978313

for an asian. he did Judo in uni

>> No.69978374

PL she mentioned being raised falun gong

>> No.69978451

CCP's propaganda.

>> No.69978470

and don't forget about her family having connections to the Freemasons

>> No.69978471

She was raised as a free Mason based off the weird group she described being in as a kid. Are there even Chinese free masons?

>> No.69978641

She needs the Belden Program to be cured of the evil tai chi asap.

>> No.69978653

No she's falun gong. Which is literally a Chinese brainwashing cult for overseas chinks.

>> No.69978784

no, there aren't. she was raised FG, but given holo's history of china yabs she tries to murk it a little.

It's also the reason why despite being half-japanese half-chinese and moving from Japan to China after her dad's death her family was able to secure an American green card.

You can tell when she wants to talk about her childhood insanity, but is forced to improv details on the fly to make it fit with a christian religion when you hear her describe the nonsensical "priest" she did a "confession" to while randomly sitting on a bench outside.

>> No.69979026

And you think the manager enjoys this shit or somethin?
the dud is getting shiori'd and you're getting jealous?

>> No.69979124

How on earth would you know that when we get almost no info on managers from any of the talents?

>> No.69979130
File: 144 KB, 1073x1015, yes-and-crazy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will trust (you) on this one, as I'm not so familiar with her PL. Only know about the stuff she have publicly talked about as Shiori, and that was she grow up in a cult. And she called it Freemasons.

>> No.69979154
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>talents have personal managers they can banter with and won't be bullied to suicide attempts by a clique of control freaks

>> No.69979229

I've never heard of Freemasons referred to as a cult

>> No.69979236

This, but unironically.

>> No.69979261

My god I hope Yagoo is paying him well for that ordeal

>> No.69979292

she's obviously gotten smacked by management before.
If she mentioned FG (especially after what she's said already), she would be flamed nonstop by both China shills and FG shills.
FG are crazy huge secretly. If you've ever seen an ad for that Shen Yun show or the free newspaper the epoch times, both are actually FG owned.

>> No.69979321

...the more I hear of her past, the more I'm surprised at how relatively well adjusted she ended up being

>> No.69979335

He's a Novelite meme at this point and she often brings up how she stresses him out behind the scenes, too. Something shady going on between them.

>> No.69979403

>the dud is getting shiori'd and you're getting jealous?
You're not?

>> No.69979469

Because they aren't, they're a shadowy cabal that think they rule the world (they don't, they're just a a pawn of (((them)))). But they don't really take kids to camps and isolate them/preach to them about eternal truth or whatever. They just go to wealthy people and go "hey, want to join our 'rule the world club' we have some secret bullshit rites but mostly just have glorified dinner parties.

>> No.69979485

...you think she's well adjusted?

>> No.69979533

But can we still fix her though?

>> No.69979549

nah its not my kink.
am only there for her stories, i like her retarded side.

>> No.69979555
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thank you anon for the information. Not super knowledgeable about falun gong. Anything to keep the CCP faggot out of Holo and not harassing the talents. The better.
Have some Shiori stuffing as thank: https://litter.catbox.moe/42sfvv.jpg

>> No.69979554

All these cult shits and the cannibal jokes she make in her stream...

>> No.69979580
File: 139 KB, 427x381, 1704616449970082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy schizo

>> No.69979619

It's clearly an euphemism. Freemasons lost relevance around WW2 because too many of them became Nazis.

>> No.69979710

Pretty convenient that all her stories that would contradict what you're claiming are just something she made up.

>> No.69979774

I tried fixing one once. After I broke up with her she stalked me IRL. After blocking her number she bought a new one twice to bypass, and tried calling my mom. She even somehow figured out who my therapist was and called them and yelled at them because she was always super jealous over my therapist being a woman.

So, good luck anon. FG girls are batshit, can't speak to ex-FG

>> No.69979781

Her organs are safe as long as she doesn't do a tai chi stream.

>> No.69979789

There's an organization called the order of the rainbow for the daughters of free masons that match what she described being in as a child pretty closely.

>> No.69979831

>but is forced to improv details on the fly
if it's true, then she's one hell of a liar for being able to keep her story that consistently for all those years
in other words, meds.

>> No.69979995

I had the oppertunity to join them and it was mostly old men hoping to pass on the traditions because it was harder and harder to find young people that werent completely retarded

>> No.69979998

It would be a shame if people found out she's a fucking cultist

>> No.69979999

>these posts
holy shit, I need to renew my membership for her

>> No.69980065 [DELETED] 

I'm glad she managed to keep her cuck audience from her natsumi moe days

>> No.69980130

Man, sometimes I realize that fwmc turned themselves ESL out of sheer hatred for western media.

>> No.69980201

He breeds her vtuber pussy every night on the reg

>> No.69980273


>> No.69980297

I'm starting to think that might have been a good idea.

>> No.69980321


>> No.69980403

Someone give me a qrd on Shiori so I can decide whether or not to support her
She seemed pretty cute and slightly unhinged from what I've seen

>> No.69980439

If you knew her PL and her personal life backstory you'd know how nonsensical a girl born in Japan and raised in mainland China being a part of the freemasons is.

>> No.69980484 [DELETED] 

Her boyfriend Pending is involved with writing scripts for her educational streams. Go check the microscope stream, the vitamin stream, the cryptids stream. He also writes the scripts for her Tier 3 members rewards. Check the hide and seek one and the fireworks one for January. Her friend Yana draws the emotes for her channel, she drew the "gift" she gave to Fuwamoco for their birthday. Her friend KLemiscus draws the comics she has as a T2 member reward. Shiori Novella is a group project and not an individual. You support Shiori you support her 2view gay and troon friends.

>> No.69980505

she's a heartache
just don't bother

>> No.69980519

she's a drug dealer

>> No.69980559

all false

>> No.69980614

She was not born in Japan

>> No.69980624


>> No.69980629

what about her being part of that chinese cult?

>> No.69980636

Get out while you can, it's a fucking nightmare and I can't quit.

>> No.69980682

Shiori is not nijisanji.

>> No.69980753

She is cute and unhinged, she is also really creative and has fun ideas for streams.
She also tends to tangent a lot, to the point that any stream can suddenly become a zatsudan.

>> No.69980758

After Kiara, this woman is the one who receives the most undeserved hate where this Board was created.

>> No.69980785

Cool story sister

>> No.69980884

She used to regularly brag about how she was getting gang banged on the weekends.

>> No.69980937

That sister didn't say anything about that, so it's probably true.

>> No.69981017

her getting gang banged? all me

>> No.69981038

He may be a stellar autist wrangler but Shiori is the biggest autist in Holo EN and probably the entire company.
Immovable force and unstoppable object

>> No.69981044

That's hot.

>> No.69981070

Yeah, all by me.

>> No.69981094
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true, not the boyfriend part though

>> No.69981098

>Her boyfriend Pending
Why is her boyfriend gay?

>> No.69981181

Shiori has a giant futa cock and she fucks his ass everyday

>> No.69981231

It should have been me...

>> No.69981256


>> No.69981358

>vtubers comission stuff and don't do everything by themselves
oh wowie zowie oh fuck oh god what a revelation you opened my fourth eye

>> No.69981371

Day 1 member here not a nijipig like you have throuhgout the thread

Shes basically 1960s TV Wendsday Addams as a vtuber. Shes sweet and enthusiastic even when ranting about unhinged shit. She does a lot of niche content ranging from Vtuber history and the parasite review to live crafts to her recent stream when she did her own 3-D like Ame pulled off way back. Her games have been mixed up with a lot of horror kusa games but generally uses a lot of them for zatsus. This makes her the most niche in Advent but also with a dedicated fanbase. She has mostly only collabed with Advent where she is the team mom and does a lot of stuff behind the scenes for them too.

>> No.69981378

Wrong, she docks with him. Her giant futa cock is the one being inserted in his tiny one.

>> No.69981406

Tumor weaks part 2

>> No.69981462

If you want to discuss the cult shit can't you make a normal thread instead of using some bizarre cuck bait
I guarantee it would still get replies and deflect from niji, sisters

>> No.69981524

You can't put a cock inside a cock, that's not how sex works.

>> No.69981546

Hentai says you are wrong and vtubers are anime / hentai.

>> No.69981608

Hyenas say you're wrong

>> No.69981626

They were ahead of the curve and fortunately dodged globohomo contamination

>> No.69981716

It's the /vt/ equivalent of Shiori making a thumbnail/title that has nothing to do with the game she's playing.

>> No.69981719


>> No.69981789
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>shiori threads always become unhinged and go off on tangents completely irrelevant to the OP

>> No.69981839

Ah, so like how last night's thread was just an excuse to discuss literature? Pretty clever.

>> No.69981844


You do realize dumb janny doing this shit makes it more believable instead?

>> No.69981862
File: 63 KB, 602x470, main-qimg-f596f6d5d1a7d7e5f55af9b4793a99c6-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69981865

Female hyena vagoo is literally an onahole shaped like a protruding dong, which tiny male hyena pecker sticks into

>> No.69981874

Look it up.

>> No.69981969


>> No.69982024

its trolling outside of /b/

>> No.69982068

Cope sis

>> No.69982099
File: 100 KB, 720x405, 1708866611963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't believe that God/evolution decided that the best look for a female apex predator is a fucking futa. This world is a joke.

>> No.69982113

How new?

>> No.69982143

that's pretty gay

>> No.69982152

You might as well ask why the panda or Galapagos tortoise exist. Darwin is a cruel mistress.

>> No.69982153

I think they do exist, but they're either homo or furry

>> No.69982180

Where does the baby come out of...?

>> No.69982182

>What is low quality post?
>What is trolling outside of /b/?

>> No.69982211

so she's not in that chinese cult?

>> No.69982259

Hololive debuts a hyena gfe chuuba would you guys support her?

>> No.69982344

she is the chinese cult

>> No.69982377
File: 314 KB, 531x724, 1708867107218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ol' cockbirth. Here's an after birth pic.

>> No.69982501
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feels like "2 opposite extremes are similar" kind of things, whiteoids high on western slop hating themselves, and whiteoids high on jap slop hating themselves.
Does it really matter why you hate your own race when in the end you are still hating on it?

>> No.69982500

What would the lewds be like?

>> No.69982546

Man i'm having a hard time picturing a hyena cub coming outta of a futacock

>> No.69982596

This probably.

>> No.69982683

h.. hot...

>> No.69982696

>Shiori manager-> cult-> hyena futa cock

>> No.69982957

humanbros... why did she do it...?

>> No.69983001
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I forgot my image...

>> No.69983011

Yesterday's was:
>Shiori pickme grifter->lotr fanbase sexism->literary debates->Aragorn sex->casual racism

>> No.69983096
File: 315 KB, 1280x720, 1708868033423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69983222

Kek. Imagine thinking Mumei isn't a slut
