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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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69962589 No.69962589 [Reply] [Original]

>biggest runaway success in EN vtubing since Myth's debut
>primarily cater to JP audience and move to Japan to get away from all their English speaking fans
Why do they hate us?

>> No.69962627

Try again sister

>> No.69962706
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>indians move in
>fuwamoco move out
Not a good look honestly.

>> No.69962868

try harder at cutting yourself sister

>> No.69962913

Make sure to not suicide later sister

>> No.69962934

Two s-tier weebs want to live in Japan? Say it isn't so!

>> No.69962987

I am EOP, so I don't know anything about Japanese Vtuber fans, but every EN fanbase is pure cancer.

>> No.69963077

This could also refer to Mori

>> No.69963188

They saw all the manipulated images foreigners like to post

>> No.69963242

I dropped them early on when they started doing JP only streams and avoiding English when collabing with JP talents. Every one else who collabs with JP talents usually try to speak English and translate for their fans but it was obvious what FWMCs end goal was. Best of luck to them but I don't give a fuck about JP talents

>> No.69963286

Didn't Bae move to Japan and had her bday concert feature only JP senpai's last year?

>> No.69963326

your drug is a heartbreaker~

>> No.69963359

>primarily cater to JP audience despite being EN
You mean IRyS?

>> No.69963367

Yeah, it seems like everyone who can speak Japanese on at least a conversational level is moving to Japan.

>> No.69963393

Sister, this is not a very good rrat when they dispelled your talking points, in the stream. But you do not watch streams to begin with.

No wonder Nijis have no views

>> No.69963467

>EN "fans" do nothing but try to cause drama
>endless shitstirring
>anti-ing them at the slightest change
>whiny faggots
>pissing and shitting nonstop

>> No.69963503

those that have dreams, ambitions, and take vtubing seriously are bound to move to the homeland that started it all. But don't worry, we'll still have egirls in the west that just want to grab cash by going uwu behind avatars.

>> No.69963514


doki won

>> No.69963522

they're just going back home OP

>> No.69963570

They've been trying to talk Ina into it too

>> No.69963625

Poor bait, Doki beat Kurosanji

>> No.69963662 [DELETED] 

No gooks, please.

>> No.69963681

>primarily cater to JP audience
Mori, IRyS, Bae
>move to Japan to get away from all their English speaking fans
Most of the EN girls live in Japan anyways? And it's easier if they are gonna be used for alot of Hololive promotions to stay based in Japan with HQ.. which is why Bae moved there in the first place.

>> No.69963721

I hear they've being trying to kick Mori back to america too.

>> No.69963729

then why should I watch them if I could watch real japanese girls?

>> No.69963831

You shouldn't
Absolutely go watch someone else

>> No.69963839

Anya isn't in EN but she always only speaks Japanese when collabing with JPs. It's not really a fwmc thing. Chama doesn't explain any shit in Japanese when collabing with EN either.

>> No.69963840

All the cover girls should move to Japan, realistically. It's much better for their career, even if they to fuck up their sleep schedule.

>> No.69963861

It's a lot cheaper to do it because you don't have to constantly fly in and out to get into the studio. You also will just inevitably get more opportinities and get to network more.

>> No.69963877

>why should I watch them if I could watch real japanese girls
Why are you on /vt making threads about vtubers if you want real jap girls to watch? Go to twitch, fag.

>> No.69964031

It's better for their way of life and mental health too. Everyone should escape the west if they can.

>> No.69964119

I don't know why anyone would be surprised at a vtuber disliking their American fans. Read the chat for any western vtuber for 5 seconds and try not to lose brain cells. Can't imagine how taxing it is on the girls to have to pretend retards spouting "AYOOOO SUS YABE" daily is funny.

>> No.69964477

I don't get it, are they changing up their content at all or just moving to Japan?

>> No.69964613

I mean yeah, if I could I would, but I am talking strictly from a professional point of view.

>> No.69964677

Is NA that bad that everyone is trying to leave it?

>> No.69964724

Yes, don't come here please.

>> No.69964765

I would never lol

>> No.69964810

Certain people want to come, and certain people want to leave.

>> No.69964916

Sub 10k today, sub 5k soon

>> No.69965073

This is a shit bait thread, but here it is simply;
your oshi SHOULD move to Japan if they are serious about being idols. Not because of the retarded "west has fallen" shit ITT, but simply because being in Japan means they get to use the studio more and network.
They should keep their usual timeslots once they move, though, even if it means streaming at JST midnight or whatever, and stream in english the vast majority of time. If they don't do those things then yeah your oshi unironically wants japenis.

>> No.69965160

What a faggot

>> No.69965166
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Its about to get a lot worse

>> No.69965268

I don't understand the hype about these 2 retards.

>> No.69965291

seeth more sister, your livers are dying left and right.

>> No.69965365

>Say that you have no plans to do JP streams only to start doing JP streams like a week later
>Say the streams will have EN mixed in only for the streams to be entirely JP
>Start doing weekly JP streams only to not even bother trying to include EN fans
>Now moving to Japan, but definitely trust them this time
Yeah, no. They have a proven track record of lying about this stuff.

>> No.69965459

How are everyone moving to Japan?
Kiara couldn't stay in Japan because Cover didn't even lift a finger to get her a work visa but now Bae, Ina and Fuwamoco are moving? How are they able to stay?

>> No.69965504

IRyS doesn't speak EN a lot when collabing with Erufu afaik, eitherway, I don't like this shit when they are taking up EN slot, while pandering to japs

>> No.69965526

>Say that you have no plans to do JP streams
They didn't say this.
>Say the streams will have EN mixed in
They didn't say this.
>Start doing weekly JP streams
This didn't happen.

>> No.69965555

might have to do with their education
easier if you have some higher education

>> No.69965670

>Kiara w
>Bae a
>Ina a
>Fuwamoco a
spot the difference anon...

>> No.69965686

You're basically answering your own question, dumbass.

>> No.69965707

Does this mean Fuwawa can get her own PC now and stop over the shouldering Mococo during collabs?

>> No.69965715

Sisters are the only ones with a track record of lying, the answer was obviously projection anon

>> No.69965724

lmao if you think JP fans are better

>> No.69965771

i'm pretty sure is education
does Kiara have a degree ?

>> No.69965794

Nah this is normal. Canadian nationals escape this shithole while Indians and Chinese flood in.

>> No.69965909

>is education
does mori have a degree?

>> No.69966000

don't know i don't watch mori, who even watches her these days.

>> No.69966192

Dont think so, I vaguely recall her saying that she dropped out

>> No.69966398

its time for mori to join Doki in vshojo or mythic.

>> No.69966458

>move to Japan
>a souless country
>become a slave to visa
>everyone is hate you here
Good decision right?

>> No.69966514

they hate us cuz they anus

>> No.69966919

Japan is a country full of soul being strangled by oligarchs. Canada is actually a country with no soul.

>> No.69967010

>Most of the EN girls live in Japan anyways
5/15. Must've been tough not passing elementary school math, I hope life hasn't been too unkind

>> No.69967044

>Fuwamoco a

>> No.69967055

>>Fuwamoco a
Retard alert

>> No.69967194

If she doesn't have one then I have no idea how she has a work visa, since its not possible to get a work visa in Japan without a degree.

>> No.69967216

>Gura hates her retarded manbaby fans
>soft retires
>retarded manbaby fans move to the next shiny thing
>make them run away to japan
just stop being weird freaks

>> No.69967263

So true sister.

>> No.69967351

They wouldn't be there on work visas, they'd be on entertainer visas.

>> No.69967358

It's obvious Yagoo is trying to bolster Japan's falling population by importing as many chuubas as he can.

>> No.69967423

>Japan is a country full of soul
More like full of ads and corporate bullshit. Basically America in a vacuum and that's why it is so tempting for amerimutts to move there because it's literally the same but clean and quiet.

>> No.69967508

>America without all the bad things

>> No.69967542


>> No.69967592

This really doesn’t work in their favor when considering THAT rrat.

>> No.69967659

Everyone saw this coming except for casual fags and tourists.

>> No.69967709

This. They want to be JP idols, and the only way to do that is to be in JP.

>> No.69967719

Shut up sister, that's just more lies that you tell.

>> No.69967803
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>> No.69967814

You can't stream at NA hours while doing studio work though

>> No.69967906

They have no freedom or democracy. Every citizen is equally degenerated under the reign of the emperor.
You can take as much sushi, gun violence, anime girls and immigrants as you want in Japan.

>> No.69968008

Your opinion is invalid.

>> No.69968083

dang that makes me sad, for some reason I don't really like watching any of the EN holo vtubers, can't really say why so I won't bother - it's not even about them speaking english, because I watch holoid semi-regularly. But fuwamoco i enjoyed watching, since they definitely had a character they were playing. If they become JP, I don't think I'll enjoy them as much. Hope it works out for them, they really have a unique gimmick that won't be easily copied without obvious direct comparisons.

>> No.69968098

it's pretty disappointing. if they start doing a bunch of jp only streams and jp only speaking collabs they're going to bleed viewers. if they just act like Mori and IRyS and keep their content the same they'll be fine

>> No.69968132

Didn’t Mori and Kiara give up living in Japan?
Only east Asians can survive in the society of Japan.

>> No.69968144

The soul is beneath the ads and corporate bullshit. The artists, nightlife, music, local traditions and festivals being proudly practiced in small towns and prefectures. People are proud of their work and strive for excellence toward fellow citizens. Japan has an inherently Japanese identity beneath all the wage cuckery.

Canada has none of this. The artists, musicians, creative types all parrot the corporate and government ideals. There are no interesting traditions and cultural cliques from town to town and province to province. The only culture we have is American corporate culture, or whatever traditional culture is brought by non Canadians. Anything else is wrongthink. Our traditions are being eroded by lawmakers. You can name a bunch of Japanese culture that you want to see if visiting. Can you name the same for Canada that has nothing to do with some corporate building like the CN Tower, or a generic nature park? No. This entire country is just an economic zone with no inherent culture or identity, built for extracting value out of immigrant labour. Anybody with a brain would want to leave.

>> No.69968149

>white people leaving
>black and spics growing
>brown and chinese migrating
it is over 北美

>> No.69968203

why would you want them to stop speaking in their native language anon also its just manners to speak JP in a JP collab since we know how bad the english of JP members already why force them to

>> No.69968228

Mori still lives in Japan.
Kiara's visa ran out and she can't get a new one even if she wanted too because she doesn't have a high enough education degree to qualify.

>> No.69968260

this is such a retarded bait, they have a big project that their flesh pilots are taking so fuck off

>> No.69968289


>> No.69968298

Literally all HoloEN should endeavor to live in Japan. They can collab easier this way, they can use the studio, they get dance lessons and 3D lives, it's the path to ambition.

>> No.69968377

can JP girls can even read your EN comment among the 3k+ chatters

>> No.69968378

Why do you bitch if they want to cater to a JP audience? I thought you like anime girls

>> No.69968396

>being proudly practiced in small towns
The small towns that are being abandoned due to depopulation?

>> No.69968488

you mean japanese ambassadors anon

>> No.69968582

Also depends if they keep their timeslots

>> No.69968598
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Canada is

>> No.69968655

Studio use and 3D lives don't really matter since they restricted it to once a year. They could just visit for that

>> No.69968712

They'll probably keep their big paypigs, sunk cost and whatnot, so even if they bleed viewers it'll be fine.

>> No.69968776

You have no arguments, all you can do is pivot to some random gotcha that is easily disproven. Uninformed and useless person.


"Per Japanese census data,[8] the population of Aomori has remained relatively steady over the past 40 years."

>> No.69968809

How do we save the West unironically?

>> No.69968884

imagine being mad that the dream of holoJP that can speak EN is finally happening

>> No.69969145

We aren't allowed any true idols. The fattened Japanese people greedily snatch the prime meat and leave us with the chicken scraps...

>> No.69969382

actually what does going to JP has to do EN speaking fans

Like when they stream they cant stop EN viewers from watching and commenting in chat anyways

>> No.69969597

>Ruffians smugly said their oshis are JP-tier and actual otakus
>FWMC move to JP
>Ruffians no longer smiling because their JP-tier otaku oshi picked Japan over them
What a pathetic manbaby fanbase. They got used by the twins kek. They were never FWMC’s priority. Keep paying for your teletubby tits you fucking manbabies whilst they endlessly shill merch, get flustered with more JPs in chat and forget to translate to English. Still enjoying your JP-tier ENs? Where are your smiles now?

>> No.69969652

>education degree
Does it matter even if you’re earning a good amount of money by your professional skills in the country you want to stay?

>> No.69969998

The tourism board for Aomori should do a better job of reading the census then, as it had the second worst rate of population decline in Japan after only Akita.

I'm sure you'll find this very interesting:


>> No.69970019

Those fwmc fans are either eop casuals or ironic weebs. Many on fwmc general thread were already saying theyd move japan from day one, and non ironic EOP weebs were trying to learn Japanese.

>> No.69970213

if they start doing a bunch of jp only streams and jp only speaking collabs
You mean aside from the bunch of JP only streams and JP only collabs they've already done...?

>> No.69970289

can we stop the "EOP" LARP shit please? even back before EN even existed and it was only JP watching on /jp/ people were just waiting around for translated clips because they could barely understand Japanese.

>> No.69970352

>I can't understand JP holomems
>I can barely understand FWMC

Nothing of value was lost I guess?

>> No.69970375

If it's the second worst rate, and the population is still stable, must mean there isn't much of a depopulation problem huh.

>> No.69970407

you're so cute when you cry. FWMC, even Pero will have 3D before your oshi, KEK

>> No.69970518
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These people were indeed EOPs in 2020 but real fans actually started learning Japanese and by now they are able to enjoy JP without relying on translations.

>> No.69970694

I regretted the moment I heard them debut because I knew it would bring shit like this. You people, these threads, theyve ruined whatever sense of comfort and community they brought. I used to like their past lives. It's not worth it anymore.

>> No.69970721

No, as in several a week rather than once every 2 months.

>> No.69970817


>> No.69970862

At this point it's "Let them fall and learn a valuable lesson"

>> No.69970900

Keep paying, faggot. Tinkywinky desperately needs your wuffian money whilst she has fun in Japan with new friends, without you. Not even thinking about you.

>> No.69970932

I suppose that depends on your definition of stable. A decline of 18% doesn't seem that stable to me. Or the Japanese government.

>> No.69970952

Just wait until they get a JP boyfriend in the idol industry.

>> No.69970997

The Japanese government is fine, relatively speaking, and no where near as corrupt.

>> No.69971011
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checks out

>> No.69971087

Glad we agree that their warning about Japan's serious population decline should be taken seriously then.

>> No.69971118

Welp, I guess this is an end of an era for them. Thought they would've kept it for a year before making the big move. Will this fracture their audience? Hard to tell but looking at other vtuber examples, it most definitely will. Most will show up for the really big streams and the others they'll skip and catch up on later.

>> No.69971132

I mean yeah. That's what we give it to them for. When they're off the clock, they can do whatever the hell they want. It's a job after all.

>> No.69971249

You probably have the same problem, but you are just replacing the people with foreigners who will soon take over.

>> No.69971272

Cuck mentality. You give vtubers money for them to reinvest it into their content. Who the fuck gives money to two weebs for them to cuck you with during their time off?

>> No.69971292

All it takes is Milord thoroughly not streaming for 30 days for you sisters to drop him? KWAB

>> No.69971442

Poobros they hate us...

>> No.69971502

>reinvest it into their content.
Idolfags happy their idols are making a career move to Japan. Wonder why.

>> No.69971636

It's cheaper if you have a degree, but otherwise one can pay or get sponsored to have a permanent visa in Japan, degree or not. Kiara has the necessary funds for it, she just doesn't want to.

>> No.69972329

This is a good thing. They were getting way too parasocial with the cringe gfe shit, they were starting to ruin the EN vibe. It will be a net positive for both branches.

>> No.69972994

JPs are parasocial too.

>> No.69973134

And just how successful is Anya compared to her more English speaking peers?

>> No.69973187

Perhaps it beats living in the US or Australia, but Wawa is wise to stay.

>> No.69973234

>when they are taking up EN slot, while pandering to japs
This is the problem. If you want to be japanese so bad at least transfer over. We already lost an EN slot when Sana decided her back hort, then IRyS came along and went half jp. Now another slot gets lost to JP pandering in a gen that already had one slot less from the start.

>> No.69973328

>japanese fans = polite chads
>even if their idol fucks up and/or has a male stream once a year they dont go crazy or hate on her

>english fans (mainly unikeks and sea sirs) = underage beta males/manchildren
>go absolutly crazy when their fragile ego gets hurt (even if imaginery)

>> No.69973394

>polite chads

>> No.69973437

Why does one of them have big tits and the other is flat chested?

They're supposed to be twins, so that seems like false advertising to me...

>> No.69973492

Australia is flooding themselves with so many Indians that there's not enough houses for the actual citizens.

>> No.69973522
File: 99 KB, 985x558, dogs-very-very-very-good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the dogs are perfect, and I love them so much. BAU BAU

>> No.69973535

Canada is basically India now so of course no one wants to live here.

>> No.69973568

They're only protecting JP smiles these days. It would be wise for you to move on.

>> No.69973588

>homosister thinks fwmc will do male collabs

>> No.69973676

retard, once every month or two is different than them becoming a constant thing

>> No.69973682

They still want to make it as idols in Japan. They don't move there to collab with JP senpai, they want to be on stage as themselves not as Fuwamoco, and now they have the money to support that dream.

>> No.69973716

Funny how you made all this shit up

>> No.69973733

Basically anon they're swedes with a drop of Japanese ancestry.
There is nothing swedes hate more than being swedish so these thots upon learning they had some distant japanese relative went all in on pretending to be nips.
Associating with english speakers reminds them they're swedish and they hate that

>> No.69973756

She does

>> No.69973892

>Kotoka deflection thread
Are nijiniggers even trying? baka

>> No.69973902

youre blind

>> No.69973936

they hate sisters like you

>> No.69973943

They don't. Take your meds

>> No.69974012

>If you want to be japanese so bad at least transfer over.
They applied for JP, they got rejected

>> No.69974014

No, that’s because of international accords between Japan and Austria. Japan allows a one in a lifetime visa to people from Austria iirc.

>> No.69974055

Mori does have a degree in art and animation. Pretty sure she went to SCAD.

>> No.69974096

"We got rejected? Let's take away an EN slot and still get celebrated by men children anyways!" You did this Ruffians.

>> No.69974187

>they want to be on stage as themselves
Should have moved to Korea for a bit first then, kek.

>> No.69974336

IRyS is the same, basically. She wishes she was holoJP and never had to english but she got accepted for a role that was promoted for holoEN so she's stuck with the EN side of things. Deep down she's 100% JP though. You can even tell how much more she enjoys interacting with JP fans and prefers speaking japanese too. I'm sure fuwamoco and IRyS have a lot of bonding to do over their predicament when they meet up in japan.

>> No.69974391

I thought fandeads don't come here anymore.

>> No.69974443


>> No.69974539

Then why watch FWMC at all? They are inferior to japs anyway, mere wannabes, they will never be able to replicate the power of jp cuties, like Luna or Shuba for example.
This is what I don't understand, you claim to know Japanese, yet you stick with girls that are less entertaining, less cute, less fun, less talented than other jps, doesn't make sense to me.

>> No.69974562

They applied to EN first retard, then JP, then as separate talents. They tried everything while getting ignored, then finally made it after omegatroon left.
You fucking dramafagging seacreatures should be skinned alive.

>> No.69974597

I really don’t get what you’re trying to get at.

>> No.69974624

Because they desperately want to be japs anon

>> No.69974653

Once past a certain level of turbo weeb threshold where you can consume JP raw source materials and actually interact with JPs adequately, you realize you might as well just hang out with the JP fanbase.

>> No.69974692

>Holo vs Holo
JPs adore them, fans and talents alike. Fubuki, Mio, Ayame and Subaru said it feels like they've been in Hololive for years. Keep coping.

>> No.69974727

>Whole shtick is targeted towards US otaku nerds even in their PLs
Can you guys just think about it for one second? There's a reason why they are in HoloEN and not JP

>> No.69975053

eas: We could have had 5 more English speaking talents to fill up stream slots, but two of those came as a package and now they will switch to JP, meaning we've only gotten 3.

>> No.69975068

>JPs like cute gimmick
Wow, what a shocker. They love all the other ENs, too. Fuwamoco to them is a cute gimmick but probably quite cringe, especially once they actually physically meet them. They'll soon realize they're dealing with a pair of retarded white women that are too obsessed with their culture.

>> No.69975102

>There's a reason why they are in HoloEN and not JP
Yes, because they got rejected kek. They're still coping which is why they're moving there. At least Kiara was smart enough to not bite the hand that feeds her.

>> No.69975166
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but I'm still happy and smiling. so (you) must be wrong

>> No.69975171
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Completely unrelated. I never said they were hated by their jp-senpais.

>> No.69975233

I can see the appeal of their being more relatable and having almost no communication barrier.
I'm a far bigger weeb than a majority of the JP HoloMems and understand JP just fine to watch their streams, but I don't relate to JPs when they talk about their cultural hivemind, regional experiences like TV comedy shows, and upbringing in Japan.
And just because I can read and type in JP doesn't change that I can communicate 10 to 100 times better, faster, or more comfortably in English.

>> No.69975458

funny to think that plenty of anons here got fooled into thinking that these two are ESL, in reality they're self-loathing whores who fake their accent just for the sake of it

>> No.69975522
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>Kiara couldn't stay in Japan because Cover didn't even lift a finger to get her a work visa
Kiara didn't want to stay in Japan, retardchama. She was losing her mind and desperately wanted to go home. If Cover offered her a work visa she would have turned it down.

>> No.69975618

Niji EN is burning and there's nothing you can do about it, sister. Deflecting to Fuwamoco doesn't work.

>> No.69975788

This can't be right, I was in Japan for 16 months on a work visa to install equipment when my company built a factory there, and I don't have a degree. I just had to take some papers to the consulate with a contract from my employer.

>> No.69975789

It's gone the same for Kson, she literally doesn't even know how to speak her mother language anymore. She pretty much doesn't want anything to do with westerners. Can't blame her, but it's sad. It must be nice not having the audience be full of trannies and queers too

>> No.69975820

Let Ruffians continue with their delusions. They really think fwmc moved to Japan for their EN fans and not to set themselves up for when their Hololive career comes to an end.

>> No.69975847

fpbp baused

>> No.69976105
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>woman (x2) has infinite money glitch
>make generation wealth
>stop and move to japland and abandon money printer
I'm so baffled at how women can just have a woman moment and drop their bag.

>> No.69976148

We all know why they truly moved there, we’re just not allowed to say it.

>> No.69976197

So the reason you don't watch FWMC is numbers?

>> No.69976287

It's clearly the other way around retard.

>> No.69976347

They unironically really REALLY wanna be nips.

>> No.69976426

EN fans are the most obnoxious band attending soviet anthem playing big chungus posting individuals in existence

>> No.69976801

They're uggos irl. There's a reason the idol thing didn't work out for them before Vtubing.

>> No.69976961

You don't have to be attractive to be a successful idol, not these days anyway.

>> No.69977049

Well they've basically secured the bag by getting into Hololive. Just like Kuro will always have fans after his time in Nijisanji even though he's a fat ugly flip. Sunk cost fallacy goes hard.

>> No.69977223

The desperation of nijiniggers to deflect from the yabs of their dumpster fire of a company never ceases to be funny and pathetic. Holomembers moving to japan is somehow a huge yab

>> No.69977336

There's a limit to that

>> No.69977340

>Holomembers moving to japan is somehow a huge yab
It's a big deal because of their history. If Nerissa, Bijou or Shiori moved to Japan it would obviously only be Hololive-related.

>> No.69977520

Just remember that every Nijifag is a doxxfag, too. That’s why they act this way about something innocuous, because they draw reasoning from >muh sekret knowledge. Example one being the fag above my post.

>> No.69977542

They want to do idol shit, of course they are moving into the 2bn studio. It keeps their costs down and means they get faster turn around on projects.

>> No.69977562
File: 198 KB, 960x530, Fuwamokoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why they hate you because of this.

>> No.69977584

cute fatso

>> No.69977634

They said their streaming times won't change.

>> No.69977673


>> No.69977740

I can understand JP fairly well so I don't really care.

>> No.69978272

You are trying WAY too hard, learn subtlety sister

>> No.69978968

>I'm a far bigger weeb than a majority of the JP HoloMems

>> No.69979019
File: 1.19 MB, 1328x1006, bda5cd1550e8118952943a68ff24b3f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newest holo "yab"
>Members moving to japan

Newest niji yab
>Bullying and suicide attempt scandal with added smear campaign and all the bullshit that came with it
And everything sisters say is projection kek.

>> No.69979033

>move to jp to do more jp only streams
Who didn't see this coming?

>> No.69979478

>primarily cater to JP audience and move to Japan to get away from all their English speaking fans
op, there's a time and place to be retarded.
so someone like ina, bae or mori caters more to jp because they also moved to japan?

Fucking, how these people like op are still alive and living in society baffles me.

>> No.69979576

It's just nijisisters falseflagigng because they have no real yabs to deflect to when it comes to hololive.

>> No.69980233
File: 76 KB, 850x1094, 1692167466943456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's kinda weird since the twins have the most memorable PL before hololive and this has been their dream for years. They literally lived in Japan before they had to leave. Very similar to Kiara PL but where Kiara grew tired of JP, Fuwamoco have always wanted to live there. Imagine being mad at your oshi's for reaching for their long term dream and finally getting a chance because of Hololive.
Sad to see ruffians who won't support their smile like they protected yours.

>> No.69981557

>not using a logarithmic scale

>> No.69981816

Didn't she major in theology?

>> No.69981824

But enough about Meloco and Kotoka.

>> No.69981914

>native language

They're Canadian anon.

>> No.69981978

She has a teacher's licence, she used to be an english teacher during her first year. Her "scythe swinging lessons" were a dead give away.

>> No.69982041

Because you are brown
