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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 194 KB, 602x589, bncv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
69657723 No.69657723 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.69657787

Why do you keep cropping out the response?

>> No.69657802

This guy isn't a native English speaker huh

>> No.69657813

show the response you faggot

>> No.69657915

Can you show the response?

>> No.69658014
File: 170 KB, 750x688, (yu).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not OP, but here. Somebody else can stitch it together.

>> No.69658069

what a pathetic little shit, this homo indirectly said doki lied about the bullying. is it that hard to admit that you, your friends and your company is in the wrong?? be better niji

>> No.69658086

I bet he thought it was another sockpuppet like in vivis case and got blindsided when it turned out to be an actual human.

>> No.69658168

It's such a perfect response exposing the guy's hypocrisy, definitely should be highlighted more

>> No.69658266

>all the npcs replying with some variant of "let him cook" to both of these posts

>> No.69658321

That's the beauty of it. If anything, he confirmed it.
Imagine if there truly was no bullying, and a talent sees a post that supports this truth. Wouldn't they feel happy? Vindicated?
Or would they immediately get angry and assume that it's malicious sarcasm?

>> No.69658392

Maybe the dumbfuck should stop posting on social media while there is still blood in the water. Someone unplug their fucking Internet and take away their phones.

>> No.69658625

never forget this faggot stole artwork from an artist and when the artist called him out for it, he sent out his 200k goons to harass them
absolute top kek that he's pretending to "support the livers."

>> No.69658671

support the artists, sorry im retarded

>> No.69658750
File: 1.04 MB, 1240x1243, Wilsoneer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He loves fanart so much he'll have somebody redraw a fan's art like she wouldn't notice.

>> No.69658953
File: 200 KB, 605x985, 1708498633713531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit thread.


>> No.69659109

if you are not a bad person. then you wouldn't survive in nijisanji

>> No.69660483

>actually mentioning someone getting bullied
Fucking retard.

>> No.69660533

>those likes
You're losing bro...

>> No.69660586

ah, yes, compare a random shitter to a talent that is being scrutinized by the public/has 200k subs on youtube.
im sure wilson also gets more yt views, i wonder why?

>> No.69660645
File: 14 KB, 318x273, 1701809545900446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you can read this as yu saying the statement "no one gets bullied in nijisanji en" is a dramatuber fabrication, i.e. people do actually get bullied

>> No.69660683

>There is bullying in NijiEN
>Says that dramatuber fed it to her
>Claims that people who say NijiEN has a bullying problem is harassment
>By dismissing the claim and transforming it as a personal attack on him and his community, he empowers the claim
>Says the bullying claim is trash
>Yu is unintentionally admitting there is a real bullying problem in NijisanjiEN
Did Yu just self-report himself?

>> No.69660778

He hid the bottom reply, it doesn't show up anymore no matter how many replies to his "clapback" you load

>> No.69660780

What's the point of these twitter posts if it's not made by a tribal fag? Troons are absolutely losing there, can only get a few likes and now they only have to screech on this shit board? Did you troons believe tourists were your real comrades or something?

>> No.69660822

note that he never denied the bullying claim

>> No.69660889

>Rrats win either way

>> No.69660938

How much longer are we going to have twitter threads? I'm already bored of all this.

>> No.69660939

You really think nijisisters wouldn't be doing all they can at all times to be actively retarded? It's like an obligation for them to count as nijicucks at this point

>> No.69660953

OK, but how many ways can you draw a Chibi styled axolotl, really. I get that its similar, but if I drew a tree and you drew a tree, they'd probably look similar too.

>> No.69660982

In this case it was fucked because he literally told his commissioned artist to use it as a reference without ever talking to the original artist. He walked everything back once called out.

>> No.69661013

dumb sis

>> No.69661103

this is the guy who joined EN, just so he could groom pomu (didn't work out too well)

>> No.69661181

I don't get it. It's so easy not to take the most obvious bait in the world. Why do Nijis think what they say will be taken as gospel?

>> No.69661198

they're now censoring dissent in the subreddit again

>> No.69661737

if the smiling yeallow head with goggles was on the comparison frame it would be even more similar

damn this is fucked up

>> No.69661779

Because their underage woman audience will praise them for it

>> No.69661914

A yellow neko axolotl wearing goggles is incredibly specific, too specific for it to be a pure coincidence.
The original fan artist even got harassed by the "Wilsoneers" for speaking out when Wilson initially tried to weasel his way out.
It's the cutest shit when people believe he truly respects fan artists. No one who does would pull this stunt.

>> No.69662009

so he never replied again after that cocky attitude? lol

>> No.69662092

He doesn't have to reply...why are they like this...

>> No.69662201

sauce me up, anon

>> No.69662213
File: 86 KB, 612x408, istockphoto-526536575-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Photo of Anycolor employee scouting people for NijiEN branch

>> No.69662394

Sadly, no one else will see this hypocricy. Sisters has managed to subdue the fire and people slowly going to forget. Any attempt to reignite it will be met with a full force of NDF at sight

>> No.69662491

>Basically, an artist drew an axolotl cat with a goggles handband a few months ago during a fan submission. Later, he revealed the same cat design but more orange instead of yellowish orange. Artist asked to be referenced for the design, but his community said she gave up her right during the submission, and that there was only a few ways to draw an axolotl with cat ears, and her design wasn’t original.
Wilson then said he saw her design, and was inspired and took reference from it, but hired another artist that literally drew the same thing but in different color. He went silence for a week after that.

>Original design from artist Kitty:
Wilson first time announced his mascot design by artist Maerie:
Kitty tweeted about her disappointment that she was not informed about her design would be used by other artist:
Wilson said he needed some time to deal with it and it's not easy because he worked in a company:
Wilson asked people to stop harassing Kitty or make any assumption:
Wilson finally officially announced his mascot design whose concept was from Kitty and interpreted by Maerie:

wilson stole it and only admitted after being called out for his faggotry. surprise surprise, livers don't care about the fan artist and they're just chasing pr points.

>> No.69662495

Seems like PR still has not properly drilled the art of "Shut The Fuck Up" into these dumbasses yet.

>> No.69662712

So people can make Kurosanji organs flip their shit by making comments about bullying, huh? Good to know

>> No.69662734

what a fucking snake

>> No.69662796

Important point.

>> No.69662826

there's a nijisister on lone patrol rn defending his rat ass
imagine spending time and energy to defend someone that would gladly rob you blind.

>> No.69662935

Hilarious isn't it? That they get triggered by mentioning "bullying" but nothing is going on though!

>> No.69663007

is there any alternative to archive.ph now that the site is fucked up? so annoying not being able to archive tweets anymore

>> No.69663345

he most likely had him on block, the dude's reply got pushed far down the reply chain

>> No.69663654

>i can't read sarcasm
Sorry that you're retarded.

>> No.69663713

funny thing is nobody gave a shit about yugioh wilson before this but now he's painted a target on his back.

he easily could have just pled ignorance going "dude I'm way too new to care about any of that selen stuff, I have no skin in the game here." but why expect nijiENs to be sensible?

>> No.69663749

niji self report? get back anon,they already did from start which is why doki/selen win the war from the start.

>> No.69663775

kek they are trully idiots

>> No.69663903

>there's a nijisister on lone patrol rn defending his rat ass
Happy to be living your head rent free.

>> No.69665718


>> No.69666144

"Groom" lol, how fucking old or dumb do you think Pomu is?

>> No.69666260

>5k likes on a tweet
>can't even get 1k to watch his streams

>> No.69666352

The audacity of nijinogs to call anyone else dramatubers when their whole month has been providing nonstop content to them. It's like they are in cahoots.

>> No.69666448


>> No.69666735


Is this a self-report?

>> No.69667026
File: 79 KB, 602x474, main-qimg-af8c4b374e40fd2f80dca01f4ee40169-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>person with substantive counter-arguments loses debate by drowning in mudwrestling ring
>le argumentum ad populum

>> No.69667127

The very reason they can't comment on Selen (the elephant in the room) is either
1. Management is forcing them not to
2. They themselves don't want to because they hate Selen
I put my money on 2

>> No.69667346

We at Nijisanji love artists, whey even do free work for us :)

>> No.69667398

Even here, jannies are still nuking any niji criticism threads that raise legitimate claims with extreme prejudice.

>> No.69667766

So is this the third one?
First was Vivi, she was kinda based but still unnecessary to take a bait
Second was Uki unable to take the urge to be anti-white racist and took the bait
and now Bait E. Wilson

did I miss one before this retard?

>> No.69668278

Fucking based. Never let them downplay the fact they almost killed someone.

>> No.69668381

Aren't these retards terminally /here/? Haven't they learned by now to not fucking bite bait?

>> No.69668414

They have money for scummy FAILipino troll farms but not for artists doing earnest work. The absolute fucking state

>> No.69668663

This. NijiEN livers truly are 39IQ. But he probably thought it was another sockpuppet or something like with Victoria because he didn't reply again when it turned out to be an actual human.

>> No.69668708
File: 2.73 MB, 480x374, 1707764627769155.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69671425

>Biting baits
What a retard

>> No.69671619

>Sister doesn't believe Niji's tweet admitting that bullying and harassment occurred.
>Niji Liver cannot objectively view himself.
They look good together.

>> No.69671645

They saw what Vivi did and thought they could copy her. Uki outed himself again but this time with the spotlight he can't hide it.

>> No.69671672

The fact that AnyColor didn't even bother to tighten the reins on these clowns after the whole Selen fiasco is insane to me.

Any other company of that size would be lining them up for social media training at the very least.

>> No.69671736

I was under the impression that at the very least NijiJP management could have told NijiEN to SHUT THE FUCK UP.
But no, it seems like they really believe that clapping back is actually the best way act.
There is a disease running rampant in NijiEN and I don't think just a reorganization will help them. They need actual purging.

>> No.69671885

Isn't that what you faggots try to do all the time though? Arguing via numbers has been the cornerstone of all dramafagging on this board lmao. There was literally a concerted effort yesterday to numberfag on reddit of all places. Don't pretend like you care about actual moral discourse anytime the numbers don't tilt your way.

>> No.69671904

He hid the reply

>> No.69671969

>his community said he gave up copyrights by posting in the tag
Lol, I mean artists are retarded with copyright shit but this is retarded in the opposite way

>> No.69671981

You don't have to open these threads you know

>> No.69672092

>all the likes and people defending him
yeah nijisanji isn't going away any time soon with some many cultist behind

>> No.69672093
File: 138 KB, 764x1080, 1696911849092874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good thing there is no bullies
>Replies to this tweet when it didn't say their there was bullies to imply you in fact know there is some
Why are these retards allowed to tweet, where is their management?

>> No.69672153

I'm real sorry this board isn't catering to your exacting tastes anon, have you considered suck starting a shotgun?

>> No.69672244

If nijisanji was losing all the spam wouldn't be necessary

>> No.69672285

You will be retarded about copyright if you are small artist doing it for own fun, but later discover like some copro shit basically took your design and gain millions from it.

>> No.69672575
File: 1.12 MB, 1521x987, 1697799766554053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69672611

What a bitch lmao

>> No.69672900

>Vivi stands up specifically for herself rather than the company and gets positive reception for it because she actually thinks the message is worth saying even if they're telling them to do it
>everyone else starts thinking they can get bonus points by shitting on low level bait despite not being nearly as capable of effectively doing so as her, either by them being stupid or malicious
>this only makes all of them look even worse and screws with Vivi's lightning in a bottle image recovery
It's all so tiresome.

>> No.69673029

nijifags really oshi the company that much, huh
this is a classic violation of copyright law

>> No.69673097

i'm impressed at how this company was handed an ally oop for a slam dunk and still managed to fumble it

>> No.69673317

Worst part is after everything looking weird people looked into the account Vivi shit on and turns out it was made that day. Making it look super sus and making it look like it could even be a sockpuppet that did as a self pat on the back.

>> No.69673739

awwwwww his poor tiny barely existent community

>> No.69674002

kek faggot thought he was slick

>> No.69674198

>uki being openly racist
They are doing a heel turn, probably the only way to keep this branch alive. Don't really blame them if they wanna keep their jobs, but they are burning all bridges and gambling it all on Niji EN with that.

>> No.69674205


>> No.69674532

I don’t think this is done as a way to keep the branch alive, they have to be getting one-guy’d more easily because Anycolor is currently conducting their own internal investigation, and the pressure is getting to everyone. All this would do is confirm that the talents are mentally undeveloped and are unaware that feeding the trolls increases the risk of more popping up now that they see a challenge.

>> No.69674599

the bullying and favoritism denial is extremely funny when the legacy of KR branch exists where management favoritism and nepotism along with harassment of non-clique Livers existed for years and nothing was done about it until last year. And even then they refused to aknowledge it publicly and just quietly removed people during the JP merger.

>> No.69674699

>They are doing a heel turn
>heel turn
Dude, they have always been like that. That's why Uki didn't think twice about exposing himself as a racist, that's tuesday to him

>> No.69674868

Dude thought he was gonna clap back to a nijiplant and it was an actual person lol

>> No.69675219

what a scum

>> No.69675384

Them getting one-guy'd is usual, but they are taking the most obvious bait and replying with some easy drama bait to get some views. It screams desperation. We already know anycolor is fine with nuking any non-JP branch, which would mean their jobs could be in danger or at least could potentially get much worse (full JP management)
Sure, but now everyone can and will be a cunt, not just the usual bunch.

>> No.69675443
File: 1.80 MB, 1000x1415, Fulg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vivi's first reply was barely admissable as is, but then she fucked it up with the second reply by dragging out the proverbial corpse and laughing at it.

They all still think they're kids on their personal accounts. They gotta understand: in /vt/'s critical eyes, at the very least, later NijiEN waves ain't shit. However, the general public still sees them in places of power and prestige for being part of one of the biggest vtubing agencies. So they have to realize they don't have to just damage control for corporate mismanagement, but liver mismanagement as well. The latter being believed to be from a clique of bullies forming. Going around wielding your corporate hammer and swinging it at no names is not helping. Yu and Vivi in particular are not helping the image of the later EN waves, who people were giving the benefit of the doubt and considered them innocents who unwittingly entered a shark tank. Now it just seems NijiEN has never gotten better at recruitment and training, and the cutthroat environment cancer spreads.

Don't feed the trolls, especially in your positions. It's so simple, but most EN livers seem too young to have been around for those lessons. It shows, too, when they're compared to the older Fulgur who actually knows what he's doing. If they're "promoting" livers into non-talent positions, make Fulgur the head of EN PR.

>> No.69675611

Bold of you to assume they even have anyone to even giver the Social Media Training

>> No.69675693

Wrong crowd this is a shit flinging board now.

>> No.69675943

>now everyone can and will be a cunt
Good. Full unabashed Heel NijiEN with their barely filtered shittalking has been the most entertaining thing in Vtubing in months.

>> No.69676075

I'm cringing, what is this weird campaign NIJI's doing right now... just be quiet on twitter and have good streams please...

>> No.69676201

NTA but I disagree. In the midst of shitflinging, rrats are born from well spoken individuals such as the person you're replying to. Let's not shoo them away.

>> No.69676616

In the scope of how Twitter and general optics nowadays operates I would say the second reply was skirting the edges and risky but ultimately worked out in a vacuum (this place will take literally anything as black and white on their preferred side no matter what), but I do agree that she didn't need to say anything at all and probably shouldn't have bothered if she wants to maintain her own image and community and at least should hold back now. The difference is that her being new and being that sort of person let her get away with it because of how precisely she worded it, which is not something you can repeat twice and is absolutely not something any of the earlier livers can do. And yes, Fulgur seems a good example and is very diplomatic in how he handles things, but I'd have to imagine he also doesn't want dragged down by the ones fucking things up now.

>> No.69676674

Wasn't my intention. After the gurrat broke containment and the doxxsister raid began, it's been impossible to have any discussion around here.

>> No.69676958

I'm speaking from someone who did a few commissions from artists and got slapped with their weird rules like needing to attribute the artist any time I post it and the artist having full control and copyright over the thing I paid them for. After a while it got way too much legalese bullshit and getting stabbed in the back to deal with for personal commissions that arrived late anyways so I just stopped.

>> No.69677476

try dot is

>> No.69677736

Fulgur hurt Vox's feelings in a smash collab so that's never going to happen. Vox sobbing after Fulgur logged off was pretty kino tho

>> No.69677744

none of the domains work for me anymore. maybe my ISP is blocking them or something, i don't know

>> No.69677887

I think some browsers had beef with certain archive sites and auto-blocks them. If a different browser doesn't work, try VPN

>> No.69678208

>which would mean their jobs could be in danger or at least could potentially get much worse (full JP management)
At this point either option would be perfectly fitting for the EN branch. At worst they've shown that they're a liability to the company and needs to given chemo or straight up amputated, at best they're still profitable for Anycolor to keep around but they need to be severely tard wrangled and given ball gags to STFU.

>> No.69678404

Elira's been MIA for at least a week pls understand

>> No.69678609


>> No.69678646

wtf real? post it

>> No.69679845

It's a shitshow and I'm loving it. But it's like a popstar when their career is ending. They start doing the craziest shit to try to get some attention on cheap drama, hoping that maybe one idiot goes to the show to fill another seat, even if it's just to boo them.
Basically, just scrapping the bottom of the barrel for views.

>> No.69679965

this is the same faggot that steals art from his own fans and refuses to credit them

>> No.69680073

>Don't pretend like you care about actual moral discourse
the people defending suicidesanji want to talk about morality??

>> No.69680165

Welp, seems like False has another Niji video ready to go kek

>> No.69680205

It's actually really stupid. They could easily go indie or apply to another corpo. There's a ton of small corpos trying to make it big who would love to scoop even the smaller Niji talents up.

They're just not capable of seeing the big picture and are flaming out instead. I am convinced no one left at that company is smart at this point except maybe Scarle.

>> No.69680429

Considering the bulk of talents are still running wild at the company like its high school, its clear that none of them are smart and they basically just lucked out by coming in at the right time and coasting on the platform Lazusydia built.

>> No.69680519

Nijis are such pieces of shit.

>> No.69683891


>> No.69684276


>> No.69686922

thing is that the nepo hiring made it so that you have people that are loyal to death for niji EN but that's because they know they wouldn't cut it outside of what niji allows them to get away with being absolutely mediocre, just imagine they are the equivalent of the retard that sucks on ink cartridges at your local DMV, these people will die for Elira and being part of any clique, but they guarantee shit like this happens at some point, and apparently that point is now

>> No.69687425

as someone who got into vtubers with hololive and never had the time to try getting into niji, I'm actually amazed at how bad this company and its streamers are. did they ever function as a professional company or is this just the mask finally coming off? its like watching a trainwreck in slow motion, and it just keeps going.

>> No.69689372

Not really, even JP has similiar issues as Cover did
>Luna's PL was bullied out
>Lulu had a stalker that Niji wanted to take so seriously that it might have doxxed her via court docs
>Mirei was shitcanned over a baseball joke
I'm sure more in depth JP viewers can name some other moments but those, EN, and their other international branch shitshows show that they're indeed run by a trust fund baby.

>> No.69689384

Prior to the introduction of Luxiem, they were a poorly run but still-functional vTuber agency. There were issues with management back then but not like there are now.

After Luxiem's debut, there seems to have been an attitude change and a management change of some kind at Niji EN and things quickly got a lot worse. Zaion's termination and the following parade of resignations was when it began to become clear something was really wrong with the branch and the people still working there.

The issue is that in 2023, the management/clique began chasing out the good people working there, leaving only the assholes and the idiots behind. I think Scarle is the last smart/decent person in the company. Everyone else seems determined to go down with the ship.

>> No.69689534

is funny how a passing thing on japan is a big shit show here, but that is how shit shows are you need the shit and people to show up.

>> No.69689733

hard to know. There is a lot of vtubers in JP andJP watchers bury anything like that or don't bring it up to avoid bad publicity but every ex-JP being happier mentally after they left should tell you all you need to know.

>> No.69689901

Wilson always had a shit attitude too though. Like the whole mascot reveal where it turned out it was a fan design that he didn't credit, and he was like "heh, oh well, sucks to be you I guess"

>> No.69690016

>I think Scarle is the last smart/decent person in the company.
She's not really smart. I would say she more such a failure of a human being that she just kinda hides and avoids joining any high school dram tier shit. Pretty much too much of a loser to even think about joining in. Not like that's a bad thing since people like girlfailures.
I really think this how other companies avoid this shit. If you hire only loser, autistic people, retards, werido's and literal crazy people. They end up being so far out there from being a normal person or interacting with people they don't seem crop up as much. Just be such fucking losers this shit doesn't cross the mind.

>> No.69690401

that might be the reason why Hololive tends to go for people who are not that big for their new talents

>> No.69690953

Or just don't hire assholes? You don't need to be a loser or autistic to not be an asshole. Niji decided to hire the biggest assholes they could find but I guess some people could call that personality.

>> No.69691033

She's in grad school isn't she?
I don't think she has time to get into petty drama even if she wanted to

>> No.69691166

It doesn't require a genius to keep one's head down and avoid all this high school drama. The bar within Niji is just very low.

>> No.69691378

I love artists :) and paying them in exposure :)

>> No.69695567

Uki will receive no punishment because Anti-White racism is seen as 'empowering' in the west now.

>> No.69695730


>> No.69696708
File: 39 KB, 358x300, 1698119206350667.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doki gets called out by Twatter for collabing with Filian because she uses AI art
>Niji EN capitalizes on the """drama""" and collectively tweet their love for artists
>It STILL backfires on them
lmao, even

>> No.69696916

Actually EN did it because Doki was asking for artists to help her with a charity stream. WHICH IS EVEN WORSE

>> No.69698918


>> No.69701867
File: 837 KB, 1400x694, 1708508479882496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no bullying in nijisanji

>> No.69701921


>> No.69702037

>They could easily go indie or apply to another corpo
their contracts don't allow that anon.

>> No.69705404

Imagine if Elira returns and schedules her stream to overlap Doki's charity stream somehow being so delusional thinking it would work.

>> No.69706551
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>> No.69706814
File: 3.91 MB, 440x213, Test[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F38e3q0.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a gift

>> No.69707502
File: 3.28 MB, 320x180, 1560655634001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Selen could have died
I can't believe 4chan has fallen so hard they side with faggots who say shit like this.

>> No.69707709

Considerably Better than siding with a corpo and the dicksucking yes men and women forming a cult of (lack of) personality around themselves.

>> No.69708139

>"Pffft, I remember the good old days when 4chan supported the multi billion dollar conglomerate instead of the individual victims of their greed"
When the fuck was that supposed to be?
This place has been anti-establishment since the days of the fishy stick

>> No.69708189

>Selen could have died
Not seeing the problem with this statement. Do you think suicide attempts don't carry a risk of death despite the two words literally meaning "an attempt to kill yourself"? Don't pretend like you are an oldfag when you side with corporate harassment. You probably weren't even born when this site went up. In fact, you seem to have us mixed up with the kiwi fags.

>> No.69708580

I thought it was because some guys sneered to themselves at a Nijisanji art booth and that's literally horrible harassment

>> No.69711492


>> No.69711978

>retard trying too hard to fit in without even knowing the site he posts on

>> No.69712140

Go back.

>> No.69712605

Timely coincidence.

>> No.69713963
File: 192 KB, 731x437, 1708503213346949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69714924

Well, you can become an hero though, we would've love to see it

>> No.69715888


>> No.69715975

Just remember that there's a non zero chance that you've personally called Uki a braindead nigger

>> No.69717255

This guy has been a weirdo from day one. There's just something really off about him. Maybe it's a French thing.

>> No.69719975

The only smart ones are the ones keeping quiet right now.
The ball is in management/admin's court. If they actually make good on their promise to reform NijiEN's operation, then naturally, their poor image will improve over time.
All they need to do is shut the fuck up, but somehow they keep fucking up this one simple step.

>> No.69720598
File: 654 KB, 320x180, vMEDPO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Fuck this company just keeps digging its own grave and setting fire to the ashes...might as well cook popcorn on it while we're here. Anyone want some?

>> No.69721847

She's in the eye of the storm, and the one that is going to be the heaviest monitored. She's not going to do anything for now until the attention shifts from her.

>> No.69722034

Anycolor is still trying to hire some, but no takers...

>> No.69722444

>We're 4chan, we're supposed to be sociopaths who don't care about anything (cool!) & represent everything mom & school told me was naughty (very cool!)
What, did you find this site from a YouTube video? Like one of those "horror stories from the internet" anthologies?

>> No.69723595

>Jealous as fuck because literally no one would care if he killed himself
Lmao, fuck off back to le epic KF you blood addicted chink

>> No.69725573
File: 1.69 MB, 640x640, 1702925902709521.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I remember when 4chan sided with Zoe Quinn against those suicidal faggots on wizardchan, what happened to this place!? What happened to my imageboard???

>> No.69726911

Lmao, he showed the entire compilation of his videos with comments about white men.

>> No.69730094

the thread cuts off at that point if the highlighted tweet is yuckson.

>> No.69731278

No. If we REALLY cared about numbers we'd have upvotes like that doxxsite.

>> No.69731355

You mean... credits? You're complaining about credits, sister? Are you fucking serious? That's why there's usually an entirely different commission price if you want to use it commercially, buddy. Holy fuck you're so chinese it hurts.

>> No.69734476


>> No.69734781

A lot of fucking ways retard
Pick up a pencil and find out

>> No.69738024


>> No.69738281

They don't, not really. Being disingenuous to shitstir has been a long-standing tradition for post-2014 tourism.

>> No.69738388

Even if he wasn't a bootlicker, trying to say anything about the bullying other than IT NEVER FUCKING HAPPENED would get him bodied by Kurosanji.
