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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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69645697 No.69645697 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.69649516

take your meds, this bitch honestly handled this situation as best as she could

>> No.69649628
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>MSPaint mouth
nigga that's kawaii

>> No.69650107

I watched this girl piss into cups on stream
She drank it too

>> No.69650153

she's alright

>> No.69650222

Not true, the deletion of membership streams was completely unecessary
It was paid content that people paid for

>> No.69650232

how about a refund for all the people she grifted

>> No.69650309

Big Fauna Energy

>> No.69650342

did she actually show the pee stream cause thats pretty wild

>> No.69650500

She actually did it?

>> No.69650599

I disagree. She made it as obvious as possible that the jig was up and that any further emotional investment would be as foolish as all the prior amount had been. It was unambiguous, swift and irreversible. All things told, it was as much an act of mercy as she was capable of giving her old core audience, considering the circumstances. The alternative was to string them along until some vague time in the future and she did not do that.

>> No.69650671

No, she was too vague about which parts of her content don't represent her anymore. She danced around the issue and then suddenly nuked everything. It was deplorable.

>> No.69650682

>content that people paid for
When will normies and techlets understand that you don't own any piece of media that you don't save a copy of locally?

>> No.69650698

The peeing was done off-camera but was audible. The pee filled cups were shown on camera. Each piss was 'sponsored' by a huge three digit superchat and the superchatter's name was written on the cup. Toward the end of the stream, she allegedly drank some and did not like it.

>> No.69650722

Nijisanji deflection thread

>> No.69650750

Pekora monkey deflection thread.

>> No.69650772

>You see it was actually good that she broke all of her promises and told her old fans to fuck off

Are you retarded?

>> No.69650847

>because you don't save it to your hard drive, therefore it is not morally bankrupt to deny access to content that people gave you money for

>> No.69650849

did you clip her saying that? I want to hear it now

>> No.69650988

yuko was based as fuck, now shes just a traitor to the gfechads.

>> No.69651026

GFEfags deserve to be exploited. Hasn't the Rushia/mafumafu affair taught them anything of value?

>> No.69651177
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Sorry whitebois, but from this point on you'll only touch your tiny clitties to the sounds of her "fucking" a pillow.

>> No.69651184

Yeah now everyone is moving on to exploiting retarded troons, who already don't have money because they're spending it all butchering themselves.

>> No.69651226

Forget the extra chinese gene green hair bitch, the fucking ethot wave from the 2010's and the ridicule of their simps should have been enough warning. It's fairly well documented

>> No.69651521

It seemed pretty clear she meant the themed ASMR, as explicitly mentioned in the return stream. You could say that it was then confirmed even more when that's all she deleted. Deleting all the membership posts I'll admit seems oddly more adversarial but still reasonable and on-theme with moving away from the ASMR. I'm just basing that off what her members have said, which was there was apparently a huge amount of that text content. If it was just a handful of posts, then it wouldn't be a big deal.
No, the pivot away from that content is separate to how she's communicating that move to her fans. Speaking just about how she's breaking it to them that their rapport is changing, this fast and blunt method is preferable.

>> No.69651664

he's quoting finana anon

>> No.69651683

>he thinks companies have any morals
Your first mistake
>deny access to content that-
that they decide what to do with since it's on their servers. Again, only normies and techlets don't save copies on their own damn computers. It's piss poor easy and there's countless guides on how to do it yourself. There's no excuse unless you're actually retarded

>> No.69651744


>> No.69651847

>this fast and blunt method is preferable.
As opposed to simply sitting down with your fans, explaining to them your feelings and your plans and if they wanted to save any of their favourite moments, they have a timeframe to do it before you delete it all? That's somehow less preferable?

No anon, I think you're fucking retarded

>> No.69651887
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Her black bf regularly posts (at least used to) how he plows her ass while her simps and groomers alike keep denying reality.

>> No.69651925

>Yuko is a company
No she's not? She's a person who has morals and has the executive decision to delete content on her channel
>that they decide what to do with since it's on their servers
Yuko doesn't own the servers?

It's not like YouTube took down her videos you fucking retard, what point are you arguing?

>> No.69651964

Dead Career

>> No.69651976

>post random twitter larp
what should I get from this?

>> No.69652065

Wrong, thats not callmeemo

>> No.69652101
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>case in point

>> No.69652149

I know nothing about this girl but without fail, every single vtuber who denounces parasociality becomes one of the worst shit-eating grifters in the scene.
You don't even need to pander to parasocial creeps either. It's just actively shitting on it always shows the type of person they are, which only becomes exponentially worse when they used to pander to it before speaking against it.

>> No.69652187


>> No.69652286

I hate scat so much it's unreal.

>> No.69652357

women are women are women

>> No.69652400

I still don't get what you faggots are implying
you posted a retard on Twitter talking about her and retweeting her?

I can do that for Pekora or any vtuber, I don't get it.

>> No.69652486

Rye, we know you're doing damage control, your attempts are cute.

>> No.69652502

When she does it, its fine
When Riro does it, Idol EN calls the SWAT and labels it as if she was producing illegal substances

>> No.69652513

You guys were retarded for thinking she was anything less than a grifter whore right from the get-go. Also, she's nasty as fuck, not sure how much of a subhuman you have to be to enjoy her in the first place, but you guys got what you deserved.

>> No.69652619

I am just a holofag, trying to entertain myself with this recent drama
but everything you idolfags post makes no sense

>> No.69652625

That's an old rrat, disproved long ago. Let the lost tourist have their fun, they don't know anything about the latest info.

>> No.69652636

>It’s another episode of [insert Vtuber] is revealed to be greedy and mentally ill pissing off her even more mentally disturbed audience.

>> No.69652734

Sure you are, rye. See you at the next /k/ meetup.

>> No.69652753

that stream was great and post-that-stream Yuko is a faggot

>> No.69652897

Play more tarkov you slut

>> No.69653034

The Riro peeing was fake though
t. I'm a professional at listening to girls pee

>> No.69653675

She does not want that old guard to harbor any feelings for her or that style of content going forward, period. You're looking at this as if the goal was to keep things as amicable as possible, as if those fans would then transition into the new audience for her "v2" content. I'm telling you that was never the goal so don't measure preferable against that hopeful outcome. Not trying to make a statement on the malice of this approach or lack thereof, I'm just saying that for the outcome she wanted (no more GFE and no GFE enthusiasts in her community) this is the best approach for everybody. It doesn't get more straightforward than this and all sides have the clearest information to make their decisions to stay or not.

>> No.69653800

I need links to her bj asmr

>> No.69653819

The point imbeciles like (You) can't seem to grasp is that if you like something online, don't expect it to be there forever. Save a copy of it for yourself or you'll be in for a rude awakening. But go ahead and nitpick at the specific use of words instead of looking at the concepts they're outlining. Bitch about yuko no longer pandering to whore lovers all you like, the fact is that whoever wanted yuko's coomer content but didn't do their due diligence and saved it on some drive while it was still up is completely on them

>> No.69654241

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaas she's getting more popular than ever!

>> No.69654368

>Not trying to make a statement on the malice of this approach or lack thereof
Are we not allowed to criticize the malice of it? GFE is an inherently parasocial form of content that leads to an emotional attachment from the fans to the chuuba. You can be more (Rushia) or less (Bae) casual about how you do it, but at the end of the day, it's a relationship that is, for one side at least, slightly more than "just business". Even if Yuko wants to end all GFE content, the fact that she put absolutely zero cushioning to her execution of that, is, objectively, emotionally abusive.

If you take care of a dog for a year, and then decide you don't like it anymore, then sure, you can throw it out onto the street, lock the door, and let it fend for itself the rest of its life, and you have the legal right to do that, but why am I not allowed to morally judge you for that action?

>> No.69654430

But enough about mozu

>> No.69654602


>> No.69654681
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Wait, what? I'm parasocial but I don't fuck. How do I fix that?

>> No.69654717

You would actually not have the legal right to do that. That treatment would 100% get you charged for animal abuse.

>> No.69654731

Pay 10000$ for used socks

>> No.69654832

>boocucks still beleb that she was totally masturbating and jerk off to fake bj voice acting

>> No.69654871

I don't like gfe and I think that all vtubers who even lean into it should be mocked but the best way to win people over is not to compare yourself to a dog which cannot consent but rather girls who use GFE or role play like bae are insecure women who are afraid of saying they fucked around but still want you to know so they don't feel bad for essentially knowing they are a drain on thier fans.

>> No.69654895
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>> No.69654961


>> No.69655004

Dogs apparently have more legal rights than gfe cucks

>> No.69655065

>another vtuber turns out to be a grifter

>> No.69655136

if anything this proves that /k/ommandos are subhuman.

>> No.69655239

yeah she handled it by putting a man's male penis inside her vagina, and let it's semen alter her dna. and now she is forever, permanently a whore. promiscuous girls age faster than virgins, the wall is coming for her. Her asian genes won't save her. Hope all the cock was worth it Yuko you fucking GAPED WENCH.

>> No.69655266

>he says, posting at unicorn/cuck central

>> No.69655365

Calling idol the cuck central is a bit too much isnt it? So what if more than half of the branch cucks their audience that doesn't make it cuck central

>> No.69655415

I'll member her if she deep throats her turds on camera. I'd even forgive her betrayal if she lets me watch her do a poo.

>> No.69655497

>why am I not allowed to morally judge you for that action?

We don't care about your morals; you are nothing and will never be anything.

>> No.69655588

>Are we not allowed to criticize the malice of it?
You certainly can and I think the question of how much she actively dislikes that part of her audience is a very interesting one. But the point I've been making is that the truth of what she feels about her old core audience and her method of cutting loose that part of her audience don't necessarily imply conclusions about one or the other. She could genuinely appreciate her audience and still have handled things the way she did. My argument was that her approach is a lot of upfront pain while giving them a chance to move on immediately. For herself, it simplifies her content because she can make that pivot, also immediately. It was objectively expedient and subjectively merciful, in my opinion.
Speaking to that dog analogy, it's not the same as kicking it out into a wasteland. The owner in your example knows that there are plenty of other owners that the dog has easy access to. The alternative, again following your example, would be to keep the dog while being unable to fulfill its emotional needs until the dog is neglected to the point of leaving on its own. You have to make the subjective call of which choice causes more pain and inconvenience to both parties in the long run. Obviously, this streamer came to a decision on that and followed through.

>> No.69655695

I've already delivered this warning in /jidf/ and left the thread permanently, but I'll repeat it here - this will repeat, maybe not as dramatically, but it will repeat with all the other idol talents. The Riro incident and the potential buyouts they're aiming for has made idol corp very wary of nsfw asmr, especially loli nsfw asmr. They'll try to make the shift quietly, but if called out, they'll just say they want to focus on other content they like doing more instead. In 2023 idol developed a rep as the loli vtuber company, but in 2024 they'll start distancing themselves from that reputation.

>> No.69655821

I meant /vt/ in general.

>> No.69656410
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>We don't care about your morals; you are nothing and will never be anything.
I will rise to heaven in God's embrace while you burn in the ninth circle of hell. So yeah, I'm worth a little more than nothing.

>She could genuinely appreciate her audience and still have handled things the way she did
I disagree. The way you're describing her situation seems to assume that she has zero empathy or consideration for the feelings of her old audience. You can call it "fast and effective", but you can't deny that she's left hundreds of people who funded her livelihood for over a year emotionally ruined and likely distrusting of any future relationships going forward. "Merciful" implied that she actually cares about her old audience's feelings at least partially, but she didn't even care enough to say "sorry", or "thank you for supporting me up until now".

I feel like you're creating a false dilemma between "keep doing GFE even though you hate it" and "mercy killing your fans as fast as possible regardless of the negative effects on their mental health afterwards". She could absolutely have walked her fans through the breakup slowly so they could be more mentally prepared for it. And if she can't, and she can't even empathize with her fans' emotions in the slightest, then that just makes her a grifter who was never a good person in the first place.

Anyway, I don't think we're gonna agree on this. As someone with a GFE oshi that's treated me right for years and I've done the same for her, and would be irreparably damaged if she cut me off as callously as Yuko did, I'm genuinely worried about the damage to her fans' hearts and their mental health, and genuinely believe that the damage could've been mitigated better. Meanwhile, you seem to care only for Yuko's "efficiency" in cutting them off, and aren't even trying to look for a solution more beneficial for her fans, and are instead lazily justifying this backstabbing as "mercy", when mercy cannot exist without empathy, to which Yuko has demonstrated none.

But fuck it, I've gotta sleep, so I'm gonna be "merciful" and cut this conversation off like Yuko cut her fans off. Good night, dude.

>> No.69656618

so they lied. Israelis lying? noooooo... don't say it's so... Also, they raped riro, cos that's what israelis do, they rape and destroy, subvert and undermine. Ruining lolicon and GFE was their goal from the very beginning.

>> No.69656708

You do realize ANY "GFE" vtuber is the exact same? Doing this shit is predatory as fuck and only the shittiest human beings go this low to turn their viewers into ATMs

>> No.69656760

Good night. We might disagree but it was worthwhile to get your perspective, since you're emotionally invested in the general situation rather than the streamer specifically. I've always been fascinated in what happens when a streamer with a die hard fanbase goes through a seismic change in content and community. It'll be interesting to see how her channel turns out in the coming months.

>> No.69656776

It's funny to see /vt/sisters try to frame her in the worst possible light when she really did nothing wrong. Anything for drama, huh?

>> No.69656801

Sounds like a lot of trouble to even bother doing that, most likely she just poured apple juice in those cups.

>> No.69656809


>> No.69656810

A nonzero number of tomos would an hero if Nene pulled a Yuko on them. It would be murder.

>> No.69656833

You did everything wrong as a grifter

>> No.69656853
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>> No.69656911
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>> No.69656932

I don't know who this girl is but if she cultivated a fanbase doing GFE and then suddenly aggressively shits all over them, that is objectively wrong. You don't even need to like GFE to see that, as it's essentially the equivalent of cheating on someone just to get out of a relationship instead of just being amicable and separating from them.

>> No.69656966

>and then suddenly aggressively shits all over them
This just isn't true.

>> No.69657015

Yeah I dont get why people think this came out of nowhere when its been happening for weeks now

>> No.69657073

>cucks entire audience
>did nothing wrong
god the fucking normies infesting vtubing and idol culture need to be fucking eradicated.

>> No.69657087

That's watersports retard

>> No.69657125

i knew it was over as soon as the ace of spades rrats started. i got out early.

>> No.69657140

You worship egirls, stop pretending you're anything other than filth
Go back

>> No.69657157

>Breaking kayfabe

>> No.69657190

She just ghosting by

>> No.69657200

if you don't fall in love with your oshi, you're a faggot and shouldn't even be watching vtubers. you go back fucking normie. go watch twitch thots or asmongold or hasan or whatever and spam your faggot emotes, dickhead.

>> No.69657236

Why is a phasefag here trying to shit on someone cucking their audience
Does he need a reminder or is he here to put his input based on personal experience?

>> No.69657269

I can't fucking find the imouto asmr anywhere

>> No.69657286

There's no difference from a GFEfag and a twitch thot viewer, you're both scum cut from the same cloth.

>> No.69657296

go back to /pcg/ and stay there

>> No.69657328

Go throw another paycheck at the egirl that doesn't care about you, fag.

>> No.69657479

>niji chuds, sea sirs and unicels wake up
>they desperatly grave drama and make up lies/an alternate reality

Why are they like this?

>> No.69657987

Holy fuck. That was fucking based. Way to go Yuko.

>> No.69659748

If you actually think this all I can say is you're probably a woman.
The actual best way to do what she wanted to do would have been to do it quietly. Literally just stop doing the "bad content" without telling anyone. No, she went out of her way to turn it into a situation though because she had a woman moment.

>> No.69660003

Get out of here normalfag
What the fuck
Go back.

>> No.69660010

I hope one of the fans she betrayed finds her and re-enacts a correction doujin IRL

>> No.69660063

Retard. Why are you even here. This is the chuuba board, just go somewhere else with things you actually like.
>I don't actually like chuubas let me spend all my time on /VT/

>> No.69661721

I think its fine if she wants to quit and move away from that kinda stuff but she's honestly retarded the way she handled it.
