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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 24 KB, 445x310, 1708465505206381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
69617591 No.69617591[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Wtf is the endgame goal getting your account banned?

>> No.69617667

elon sama won't do shit unless uki tracks his private jet

>> No.69617688

sisters can't stop losing

>> No.69617813

>banning anyone

>> No.69617828

>anon claims breaking TOS but can't point to exactly where in this TOS this is a violation

>> No.69617837 [DELETED] 

lets go mass report him

>> No.69617955

hate > dehumanisation
"We prohibit the dehumanisation of a group of people based on their religion, caste, age, disability, serious disease, national origin, race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity or sexual orientation"

>> No.69617983

>Hateful conduct: You may not attack other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, caste, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or serious disease.

>> No.69618051

you're braindead

>> No.69618071 [DELETED] 

Not your army, but since he's a troon defender, I'll throw in a report.

>> No.69618092

How does demeaning straight white men help you or your company look good?

>> No.69618166


>> No.69618222

actually you can do all of that no problem, those rules were written by the previouis owners elon doesn't give a fuck unless you're bothering him specifically
t. has tried to report people before

>> No.69618235

Another idiot bitting a bait. Are they for real?

>> No.69618236

It increase your company ESG score.

>> No.69618272

>unless you're bothering him specifically
which can be anything depending on the day

>> No.69618276

Can we report him for being racist?

>> No.69618308

NIJI SJWs so repulsive and disgusting

>> No.69618329

how does refusing to collab with men make your company look good? it's a different niche, get over it.

>> No.69618341

Who cares, how many times are you goi g to post this

>> No.69618342
File: 246 KB, 906x766, UkiRace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can try.
If anyone of you still has twitter you could also tweet picrel at him.

>> No.69618353

Insulting the non-woke race is probably an instaban

>> No.69618365

The really egregious groyper types who just type 5 slurs per tweet you can pretty much shoot for sport

>> No.69618388


burn nijitrash to the ground

>> No.69618459

>Report > hate > dehumanisation

if you want to report him

>> No.69618464

niji woke sanji.

>> No.69618525

>vivi gets one guy’d
>uki gets one guy’d
>both over this gay artist shit

>> No.69618575 [DELETED] 
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It's all so tiring.
I hope I'll live to see white fascists take over America, and then the world.

>> No.69618590

Do you guys really just thumb through your smug reaction images folder every time you need to pick a profile picture?

>> No.69618631

The fire rises, damn. What made him think this was a good idea?

>> No.69618746

they never ban trannies no matter how offensive

>> No.69618792

When one of his family members gets sick or dies and he tweets about it, I’ll ask him his opinion about white people. That’s the game now.

>> No.69618863

You get banned if you oppose Daddy Putin like Navalny's widow

>> No.69618988

Report him if you want, but let's not pretend like anyone here is actually offended by him being racist. The words nigger and chink get thrown around here like fucking candy.

>> No.69619125

I just really want him to get Twitter banned because it'd be funny, especially right now.

>> No.69619253

You cannot be racist against non-whites dude.

>> No.69619261

No one gona get offended by that, but making retard like him pay for their hypocrisy is always a nice sweet after a meal.

>> No.69619262

nigga you can't send images to twitter staff you can only report specific tweets, bots won't read your image links
as someone well versed in getting people banned on twitter you're going to have to report every tweet that has him calling people a bitch or fag or something, this tweet won't tip off the hate sensing bots but jokingly calling people bitch or creep will, so does the word "kill"

>> No.69619344

Nigger is thrown around by the nigger community all the time, if they're allowed to use it we are too.
Chink literally isn't racist
>a narrow opening or crack, typically one that admits light.
Uki is racist, not 4chan.

>> No.69619351

Dude, her account was back up in minutes. Hell, it was back before the news outlets could even finish shitting out that story.

>> No.69619410

Plenty of people are only offended by racism if it's targeted at them. Kind of understandable, too

>> No.69619444

I think you guys are missing the point. If one of them is this baitable. Maybe they all are?

>> No.69619465

>Being racist is woke
I need to have woke explained to me, what is it?

>> No.69619530

damn no wonder Daph is huge fan of nijiEN, they hate white pipos

>> No.69619564

i want to see him get fired for constant racist remarks that are damaging to the nijisanji brand. they killed others for this kind of argument, why not him? is nijisanji openly racist?

>> No.69619572

I mean when i say nigger only guys that see that are bunch of anons, when he says that shit on twitter 100+k people see that(including his underage fans). Growing his fanbase to be as racist as he is.

>> No.69619576

you been living under a rock retard?

>> No.69619583

To be fair, he technically never called straight white men irresponsible or selfish in that tweet. He just said their irresponsibility and selfishness are equal to that of literallywho-kun's tweet. In order to deem Uki's tweet racist you also have to deem the other guy's tweet irresponsible and selfish, and that's up for interpretation. Lovely loopholes.

>> No.69619645

Cus it's big account and huge backlash. Smaller one would get ban/shadowban etc.

>> No.69619647

Why are you comparing 4chan to the account of a public employee of a Japanese company

>> No.69619679

Anon please, what does woke mean?
I need answers.

>> No.69619702

It's fun because 39IQ fucked by white dude.

>> No.69619795

woke is a pejorative term made by the rightoids to refer to any remotely left leaning political act or idea.
e.g.: if you want good labour laws, you are woke. if you don't like elon musk, you are woke. if you want to kill all the white men on earth, you're also woke.
using the word woke too much is a sign of small brain.

>> No.69619858

He was asked for opinion on straight white men, he answered irresponsible and selfish. The end.
"Your honor! I technically didn't kill him! i only pushed him off the building but he died by hitting the floor!"

>> No.69619878

Every time Uki mentioned white people:
The hosts won't let me win because they are "white people"
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKLK7Y7LsAk&t=8073 [Embed]
While impersonating Reimu, "white people can't cook"
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_pIAwW6kyo&t=1710 [Embed]
Who walks and runs in the summer? "White people" *awkward laughter*
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgD4E6jMTBY&t=3238 [Embed]
"White man does the bare minimum"
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJRDTf3ImIE&t=3005 [Embed]
"You're a fucking white male"
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJRDTf3ImIE&t=7025 [Embed]
"White people can't kiss"
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMHz0sQlM4Q&t=4889 [Embed]
Some white people give him a friendly greeting on the street. He assumes they're racist.
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IpZgaCvXcU&t=2138 [Embed]
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IpZgaCvXcU&t=2256 [Embed]
"White people's hotdogs suck"
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZNCsoBF-go&t=4208 [Embed]
These clothes will only match you "if you're a pasty white person". Chat goes LMAO!
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbtuJuSM-ko&t=4890 [Embed]
"creepy ass white man....I hate you"
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzYec8Z6f0g&t=5596 [Embed]

The only times white people were mentioned and it wasn't in the negative sense:
"that white man was there again"
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzYec8Z6f0g&t=10761 [Embed]
"the naked white man"
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vm_hzQ2ldBY&t=2348 [Embed]

you would have to be a genuine retard to not see the actual meaning behind his words.

>> No.69619906

If you're not gonna report the tweet and get his account suspended then shut up

>> No.69619910

Remember to upcredit the post on r/nijisanji so we can get drama channels milking this for rent money


Also go down to the comments and upcredit comments supporting our rrat
This isn't a PA request, this is just for those of like minds

>> No.69619911

It's because of the hypocrisy

>> No.69619915

> [Embed]

>> No.69619946
File: 52 KB, 704x728, 1683451110357582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be funny to see it happen

>> No.69619964

>but let's not pretend like anyone here is actually offended by him being racist.
we're not hired by hiroshimoot

>> No.69619976

When this term became popularized, initially the meaning of this term was when an individual become more aware of the social injustice. Or basically, any current affairs related like biased, discrimination, or double-standards.

However, as time passed by, people started using this term recklessly, assigning this term to themselves or someone they know to boost their confidence and reassure them that they have the moral high grounds and are fighting for the better world. And sometimes even using it as a way to protect themselves from other people's opinion, by considering the 'outsider' as non-woke. While people that are in line with their belief as woke. Meaning that those 'outsiders' have been brainwash by the society and couldn't see the truth. Thus, filtering everything that the 'outsider' gives regardless whether it is rationale or not.

And as of now, the original meaning is slowly fading and instead, is used more often to term someone as hypocritical and think they are the 'enlightened' despite the fact that they are extremely close-minded and are unable to accept other people's criticism or different perspective. Especially considering the existence of echo chamber(media) that helped them to find other like-minded individuals, thus, further solidifying their 'progressive' opinion.
1st paragraph
"Damn bro, I didn't realize racism is such a major issue in our country! I'm a woke now!"

2nd paragraph
"I can't believe this. How are they so close-minded? Can't they see just how toxic our society is? The solution is so simple, yet they refused to change! I just don't understand!"

3rd paragraph
"Fatphobic?! Misogyny?! What's wrong with preferring a thin woman?! And she is morbidly obese for god sake! Why should I be attracted to her?! Why should I lower myself while she refuse to better herself?! These woke people are a bunch of ridiculous hypocrite!"

>> No.69619989

OK Jew/Commie /Fed/Troon

>> No.69620057

couldnt give less of a shit i just copy pasted it from some other anon

>> No.69620091
File: 66 KB, 828x828, 1705024395547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: Whiteboys seething about being replaced and being humillated

>> No.69620101

Umbrella term for individuals who are engrossed by social justice and thinks of themselves as saviors with a moral high ground, but remain willfully ignorant to the irrationality of their claims and the problems they create. These individuals give special treatment to certain minorities in hopes of ending racism and perpetuate mental illnesses as the norm.
My son's woke kindergarten teacher taught him that he's actually a girl because he played with dolls.

>> No.69620117

So it's jus at meaningless buzzword?

>> No.69620135

>by the rightoids
>if you're not X you HAVE to be X
Fuck off with your false dichotomy and kill yourself

>> No.69620134

>you also have to deem the other guy's tweet irresponsible and selfish
Yeah, it was. The guy was clearly baiting for a reaction.
Uki is also the one who chose the words irresponsible and selfish.

>I think black people are irresponsible and selfish to a certain degree
>And that degree is 0 by the way.
Good luck getting away with that one.

>> No.69620178

just like jews attempted to replace germans right

>> No.69620185

why don't you come fuck me instead.
I bet you won't, you coward.

>> No.69620211

it means you have 39IQ Daph rooting for you. the honor.

>> No.69620235

Kill yourself

>> No.69620256


>> No.69620265

What the fuck is a buzzword?

>> No.69620318

>uki thread on nijireddit is actually exploding

>> No.69620354
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>> No.69620371 [DELETED] 
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Soon you will die in a civil war /Holocoust

>> No.69620375

well, it's on top on r/nijisanji and plenty of comments on it, so there's alot of eyes on it now

>> No.69620387

Literally everyday retard
One of biggest gura artists Dudul got banned the other day and the doujin artist Pekora contacted got hit too

>> No.69620423

Why are you a chinese woman

>> No.69620429

NTA, but no. It's an all encompassing term for far left politics over substance and reality.

>> No.69620456

Fuck, the doujinshi artist really got it? that sucks

>> No.69620470

whites get really upset for some reason when they realize literally everyone hates them

>> No.69620472

you just know they seethe at nerissa having a happy and big white family

>> No.69620502
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Reminder that you can't suffer racism if you are white, it's pretty much impossible because white people benefit from every single thing, and talking shit about white people is actually a positive thing

>> No.69620505

Oh crap what happened with Dudul? For what?

>> No.69620516

kill yourself tourist

>> No.69620528

It's like the eye of Sauron turns towards them as soon as they get involved with the most popular holos

>> No.69620574

Yes I am offended on behalf of my race and do not care about other races. Crazy innit

>> No.69620597

yes. if you say anything that a right winger wouldn't like, it is woke. literally anything.
if you say their oshi is ugly, they will call you woke.

>> No.69620644

Why she Vtubing then?

>> No.69620671

If I can benefit from everything, how come I can't kill people with no consequences?

>> No.69620747

I am offended because he does it as a public persona representing a billion dollar company on the stock market and not just some random anon here.

>> No.69620768

Think of the lulz

>> No.69620817

You are alone uki

>> No.69620831

>if you won't don't subscribe to my woke garbag y-you're a toursit1!!
couldn't be more obvious

>> No.69620833

redditor detected.

>> No.69620836

>support the cause

>> No.69620841

Anycolor but they chose blacked

>> No.69620853

It's funny how people claim there's systemic racism towards colored people when there are systemic systems in place to benefit them (i.e. affirmative action).

>> No.69620895

which one of you guys has the name CERES_FAUNA_GOONER on reddit you fucking madlad.

>> No.69620929

Uki's obsession with white men is 100% because a white guy he was into rejected him, change my mind.

>> No.69620931

i bet your oshi is super ugly.

>> No.69620951
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>le ebin reddit frog
go back

>> No.69620996

They're the only real failures of the US system, even south american refugees have their lives improved by living there

>> No.69621014

You can actually, you can enlist to war and kill minorities in other countries and get medals for that.

>> No.69621042
File: 46 KB, 850x478, 1707330384564666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are gay dudes so passive-aggressive and mentally ill?

>> No.69621047

it's a 4chan meme from 10 years ago newfag.

>> No.69621048
File: 121 KB, 334x1588, 1703169540120944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting the anti sjw queen as a pro sjw response
fuck off back where you came from sjw nigger

>> No.69621056
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>> No.69621110

That has the consequence of being shot at, retard.

>> No.69621124

Can somebody tell Monday that vox isn't a straight white male.

>> No.69621148

I wish your Oshi a Very Nijisanji Christmas.

>> No.69621191

Get used to being shot at or shut the fuck up yellow belly coward.

>> No.69621200
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>> No.69621211

it's Elon's twitter and he's allowing it to stay up so clearly you're the one who is wrong here.

>> No.69621223

Just tell the bullets stop. Are you sure you’re white?

>> No.69621228 [DELETED] 

>d-dude trust me muskman bad

>> No.69621238

Never watched her. Don't think I will. However, based.

>> No.69621247

Ew, go post your faggot frog meme on reddit retard

>> No.69621279

Do you think only white people sign up for the military or something?

>> No.69621290

You are all such double faced faggots lmao

>> No.69621292

I am magneto
master of magnet

>> No.69621294

Well use superior White brain power and be operator of Reaper drone.

>> No.69621311

Based kek

>> No.69621316

give it time, the site's broken and useless

>> No.69621347

Why even respond?
Is the homosexuality breaking his brain?

>> No.69621356

It's okay to shit on Nijisanji.

>> No.69621358

Make sure to report him. Would be funny and deserving if he got blocked from twitter.

>> No.69621407

Ummm, anons please stop saying nigger, faggot, tranny and using brown as a perjorative or I will be forced to report you to 4chan moderation. Let's not stoop to Uki's level!

>> No.69621412

not in the slightest. we're not offended, or at least i'm not. it'd just be very funny if he lost his twitter.

>> No.69621440

This isn't actually true. It is only true for a subset of seething migrants who lives in the west who are pissy about the west winning.
When you travel as a hwhite you get treated well everywhere in the world besides maybe a few tourist spots where the British lower classes tend to go. People just assume you are rich and well behaved.

>> No.69621472

It plays to their audience which is entirely comprised of woke 12 year olds and genocidal 38 year old chinese communist women

>> No.69621473

women are so obvious

>> No.69621522
File: 1.12 MB, 1920x1080, 1706663466592083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Saw someone on reddit complaining the captcha system was impossible to use on 4chan
ahahahaha faggots are getting filtered by basic visual puzzles trying to counter-raid

>> No.69621535

I'm offended by his existence. Hateful faggots like him have no space in my entertainment.

>> No.69621545

youre joking but mods literally do ban for slurs here

>> No.69621555

https://files.catbox.moe/lh4q3g.mp4 Found a compilation of homo boy being racist

>> No.69621558

They hate us
Cus they ain't us

Please tell me how many skin whitening products exist in Japan and Korean

>> No.69621559
File: 1.70 MB, 532x898, 1703360237395591.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't give a shit whose ideological cock you suck. Nobody here but tourists use reddit frogs or 'jaks retard.

>> No.69621562

crackers and burgers are so easy to rile up kek

>> No.69621583

the dude is hates white people in real life, he's not doing it for sjw approval. Uki hates white people just because their white. I wouldn't be surprised if he hates mexican meztisos because they look white

>> No.69621594

but /pol/ told there's an ongoing white genocide being carried out right now...

>> No.69621595

Kek. Most Asians have fetish for white people thinking they're superior in terms of looks.

>> No.69621616
File: 10 KB, 938x108, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao seethe you retard, he woke up his year dead reddit account just to post this

>> No.69621624
File: 38 KB, 698x464, 1672189425130792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my son...he played with dolls.
cool, nothing wrong here really
>...woke kindergarten teacher taught him that he's actually a girl because he played with dolls.
I want to smack her so fucking much with equal rights and lefts

>> No.69621638

Not event that person but your posts are unironically giving me secondhand embarrassment
Just stop replying newfag

>> No.69621644

Where? Is this white genocide being held according to /pol/

>> No.69621652

the funny thing is that anons say that because its funny, uki says that because hes actually seething.

>> No.69621655

they purge cunny artists and accounts constantly, although I think it's mostly due to mass reports

>> No.69621725

>being right about anything

>> No.69621729

I'm offended by double standards

>> No.69621734

The guy is used to being able to shit talk whites while his fans applaud.

>> No.69621746

there's a difference between ignoring and actively demeaning and that's why they are so hated

>> No.69621751

Not just cunny, pretty vanilla NSFW too, even small ones.

>> No.69621755

Slavic women can be sluts and based because their bodycount resets at 10

>> No.69621759
File: 34 KB, 640x640, small pp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s a Korean just show him this in response to racism

>> No.69621770

It's because fictional material is a tool used by child predators to normalize explicit material and sex to their victims

>> No.69621794

Shut up retard, he's right.

>> No.69621806

its a woman

>> No.69621851

>My son's woke kindergarten teacher taught him that he's actually a girl because he played with dolls.
And then everybody clapped.

>> No.69621892

Dyrbi? When have you ever seen someone call someone else a faggots retard or specially troon or any other variation and said anon WASN'T seething
Don't be disingenuous, fucker

>> No.69621898

tranny discords got exposed for mass reporting lolis. my pengu cunnytuber is on her 2nd ban rn but unbans take a long time

>> No.69621913

And the teacher's name? Albert Einstein

>> No.69621919


>> No.69621972

>Society is quite literally built by....straight white guys
Holy shit he's so fucking close to using his braincell

>> No.69622009

Those same predators can't separate reality from fiction https://archive.md/U23XK
and they hate the anime fandom since all they care is grooming

>> No.69622046

>Society is quite literally built by and to support straight white guys over other groups of people.
Do these people realize they sound like white supremacists when they say shit like this

>> No.69622076

hey jannies are you gonna nuke this thread already or what

>> No.69622077

>slavs are white
>the origin of the word slave literally comes from captured slavs
white people are the most oppressed race in the history of mankind and racism against whites is not ok and uki needs to get fired.

>> No.69622078

>Linking reddit
You should unironically kill yourself or migrate to reddit, but the former would benefit humanity at large so please think about it

>> No.69622085

I'm not offended. I'm also not serious about my racism. Uki's post was both bigoted and serious which is very hypocritical for a leftist. I'm not going to report him, but I don't respect him or Nijisanji. If you're going to engage in racism, at least make it funny. Tell whiteboy to go back to the cuck shed or something.

>> No.69622098
File: 13 KB, 372x363, 1682743222112442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these sound like so many extra steps for some shit that doesn't care asking consent in the first place

>> No.69622171

That's board culture and done as a joke. Hating whites only started in earnest after all the far left 2020 election tourists poured in.

>> No.69622174

I mean whole woke, left/right, capitalism and commie bs are created by white folks for lols
Fags and niggers are just NPCs there

>> No.69622183

>pedo instantly starts deflecting
Stop pretending you care about child victims

>> No.69622227

>Uki's post was both bigoted and serious

>> No.69622262

Nah, your "anti" kind is filled with child groomers, as such the reason why you're woketards
The evidence is there https://archive.md/U23XK
Kill yourselves

>> No.69622285

I got banned for being a bit too edgy about the Middle East shitfest.

>> No.69622308

It's already here kek
Literal NPC speak

>> No.69622355

explain how

>> No.69622358


>> No.69622360

checking if I'm banned

>> No.69622383

You are contributing to child victimization because you can't do without your precious porn.
When you die you will face God and he be found lacking. I hope your loli porn is a comfort to you as you suffer eternally in Hell.

>> No.69622400

You talking about yourself? seems like it retard
stop blog posting and hang yourself

>> No.69622416

What about straight white male artists?

>> No.69622430

holy mother of archive

>> No.69622458

>when I do it it should always be taken as a joke
>but I think people are serious when they do it because erm...well
Do you hear yourself

>> No.69622482

Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death. Your worthless soul will burn for all time.

>> No.69622502

Your woke "anti" kind have victimized far more individuals than any other group on the planet. Imagine having groomed 1000x more minors than the one you accuse of. Fuck off and unironically kill yourself.

>> No.69622522

Seems like normal race jokes to me, like the ones we do here about SEA people

>> No.69622524

I am offended when people who want me to treat them equally won't do the same.

>> No.69622577

Pretending to be a church priest makes you worse bro

>> No.69622597

Ask me how I know you're a pedo

>> No.69622615

Pretty much.
I feel so sorry for Peko...

>> No.69622622

well, >we are not public figures and >we dont represent a billion dollar company.

>> No.69622661

You can ignore and deflect all you want to me, you won't be able to deflect when you stand before God.

>> No.69622684

There's zero scientific proof of that. There's also a huge possibility that art could reduce child rape by keeping pedofreaks neutered but because clowns would rather be right and feel good about themselves for saying words than trying every possible method of saving more children from getting raped this subject cannot be properly researched

>> No.69622706
File: 616 KB, 457x704, 1663319931237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan crying about muh racism
Grow thicker skin OP

>> No.69622738

The daily seething threads are obvious sign

>> No.69622740

If God is real he would've killed projecting anti-anime child groomers like you but instead they're in every government and religion.

>> No.69622755

Musk is extremely ban happy when it comes to eastern artists and people that don't agree with him during whatever current ketamine trip he's experiencing.

>> No.69622765

Instead of taking the chance, why not just castrate all lolicons ahead of time?

>> No.69622791

is this guy that Filipino(or whatever) dude that made those comics seething at conquistadors and at other nationals with darker skin?

>> No.69622805

That response was a good attempt, but sadly, because one can glean a smidge of frustration, it will result in further pushing and shitposts.
What are you niggers, like, 12? You dunno what "trolling" is?

>> No.69622912

woman moment

>> No.69622926

I like it when bad things happen to bad people. What is it the left like to say? "There are no bad tactics only bad targets."

>> No.69622938

You get banned for saying anything negative about SEA, especially if it's negative about Indonesia

>> No.69622940
File: 188 KB, 900x900, 1685049348534369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as you suffer eternally in Hell
"Revelations 12:7 - Lucifer was exiled to earth."
Guess where are we already, motherfucker

>> No.69623083

even if lolicons aren't transferable to actual rapists and molesters its still pretty fucking weird for you to jack off to 3d charas stylized to resemble children in every physical aspect

>> No.69623162

>moving the goalpost

>> No.69623180

not gonna lie, if dramatubers bite then uki is probably finished kek

>> No.69623194
File: 611 KB, 1280x720, 1706661495549044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

notice how once reddit found out this thread existed people started arguing about loli and not talking about niji? really gets the old noggin joggin.

>> No.69623252

I don't care about this, but there's been a ton of EN's who've been replying to stupid posts and bait. It's pretty clear their mental's are all at an all-time low.

>> No.69623259

you don't get it
we want universal racism

>> No.69623285

Listen, if we could freely make fun of non-white people on social media the way he can make fun of white people this issue wouldn't exist. It's the double standards.

>> No.69623301

Because anti lolicons have committed 1000x more child grooming than anybody else. Why not castrate the obvious first? Oh wait, that would mean castrating all the woke niggers and religion niggers, therefore relinquishing control.

>> No.69623317

He's really not. Dramatubers have literally made videos about this thing with him before. Literally only people who cared before will care now, i.e mostly people who dont watch NijiEN

>> No.69623403

Unironically lol, these people just can't help arguing about loli at every opportunity

>> No.69623415

It was already reported and nobody gives a shit, I don't give a shit because it's a non-issue

>> No.69623418

It's fucking weird comparing something that doesn't resemble as such to humans. That's like saying humans and furries are the same thing. All of that comes as projection, and anybody who unironically believes that should be killed off without questions asked.

>> No.69623461

>black company racist employee once again proving accusations of favorism
currently all eyes are on nijisanji, its different.

>> No.69623525

>"anybody who thinks jerking off to 2D kids is strange behavior should be killed!! why? B-because i said so!!!!"
Tranny, are you fucking serious right now?

>> No.69623529

>the rightoids
guessing this encompasses those who advocate for small government and personal freedoms as well as those who want to see all minorities exterminated?

>> No.69623538

furry characters also look like humans
therefore if you are sexually attracted to humans that means you're also a furry
^ your logic
fuck off dumb nigger

>> No.69623556

Same as you, sister

>> No.69623564

>4chan is one person
Way to out yourself, touristchama. Also >>69623259

>> No.69623603

Evidence says anti anime rightoids and trannies like you should are child predators and therefore should be shoved in a metal grinder.

>> No.69623607

Saw the Uki image was posted in the niji subreddit
Anyone going to put it in the VirtualYoutubers subreddit?
