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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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69546926 No.69546926 [Reply] [Original]

Why do so many vtubers who become popular by acting lewd try to walk it all back?

>> No.69547043

The post nut clarity they experience after cumming on stream must be massive lmao

>> No.69547047

Seems like a corpo only thing

>> No.69547194

Alright gimme the low down. What happened at the announcement stream?

>> No.69547195

Do indies really not?

>> No.69547291

Yuko is deleting her GFE ASMR (unironically)

>> No.69547340

total coomer content death

>> No.69547444

because its a grift and you are suckers that they exploit for money

>> No.69547497

Saw she wanted to do more vlogs or something. She really done with GFE?

>> No.69547518

Probably because they get tired of doing it?
feels like most chuubas I follow always wanted to branch out and do something else.
Look at fauna now, she doesn't do any Asmrs anymore or how botan doesn't play fps anymore.

>> No.69547781

They start feeling dirty after being used as fap material.

>> No.69547802

They realize the error of their ways and repent for their sins

>> No.69547826
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Vallure is going to make these ironic whores irrelevant in a few months anyway.

>> No.69548117

It's called growing up

>> No.69548342

Being/pretending to be horny all the time isn’t fun

>> No.69548477

All it takes is getting stalked once and suddenly they want nothing to do with it anymore.
Sowed, reaped, etc.

>> No.69548493

Hope she enjoys the decline in viewership in return.

>> No.69548631
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They want the growth but also the earnings from legit sponsors.

Or they have woke friends.

>> No.69548710

Dignity is worth more than numbers

>> No.69548796

you need actual nypho freaks instead

>> No.69548827

The best GFE isn't this sappy ASMR shit she used to do anyhow. The best GFE is the "girl you can just hang out with" types.

>> No.69548846

Is she at least gonna refund the donoathon

>> No.69548930

Anyone got an archive?

>> No.69549341
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good thing I already got mine

>> No.69549348

This. GFE streams are nice every so often, though

>> No.69549469

QRD on her return stream? I can't be assed watching lazy hos

>> No.69549481

Because her friends (that hate boobros for some reason) won.

>> No.69549616

They get a boyfriend.

>> No.69549690

So what was the "announcement"?

>> No.69549770

And her "Spicy ASMR" that people paid for??????????????????? So her groomers actually won?

>> No.69549895

>I stopped streaming because of BURNOUT
>I'm gonna be deleting some of my old content (GFE), I don't like it anymore
>A lot of jokes and anxiety about speaking peppered thorought it all


>> No.69550031

I don't watch her anyway. But at least it's not a graduation or announcing she's terminally ill.

>> No.69550117

no more gfe or coomer content
its fucking over

>> No.69550186

she would be better off graduating.
they just took away the one thing that made her stand out. now she will be background noise like the rest of her literal who genmates

>> No.69550204

>no more gfe content
>deleting all of her previous gfe/asmr content
>doing outdoors vlogs now on top of variety/gaming streams

>> No.69550274

Holy shit am I glad to have stopped watching Yuko around the time Endless debuted. I can't imagine having invested so much time and money into her, only to be put up with her constant absences and be dragged into the whole groomer/reincarnation drama

>> No.69550344

Uploading of irl vlogs
and also she's stepping away from lewd content going forward.

>> No.69550459

Internalized misogyny

>> No.69550582

Anyone got a link of her gfe/lewd asmrs?
I don't have anything saved if she said that it will be removed now.

>> No.69550612

>Uploading of irl vlogs
Errr.... is that a good idea considering the kind of viewership she's courted? I've seen some of the tweets to her over her break.

>> No.69550633

Should have dipped when she did her first handcam if you were smart
No girl with hands that fucking fat was gonna be a good person

>> No.69550707

>panders to pedophiles for money
>the subhumans show up and act like disgusting subhumans
>becomes disgusted at said subhumans
>becomes disgusted at herself for providing to subhumans
>walks it back
This is the reason so many loli vtubers have meltdowns. They get exposed to the utterly retarded, cringe, degenerate, depraved and just gross behaviors that these cretins exhibit online and realize they bit off more than they can chew.
Only the ones that are subhuman themselves can keep it up.

>> No.69550799


>> No.69550802

I think she better graduate.
if you watch vox you will understand what she did is suicide career.

>> No.69550892

Ever heard of Erolive?

>> No.69550956

>hiatus followed by deletion of GFE content

>> No.69551005

She said she's going with her """"""""""friends"""""""""". So yeah, 100% confirmation that her groomers won and if being a boobro means you're a cuck now

>> No.69551103

Idk, bet she doesn't aswell.
feels like she'll try this thing for a few times then just go back to her usual stuff.

>> No.69551142

She chose her /k/ groomer who was a notorious anti of her fanbase. Graduating would’ve been the better option.

>> No.69551331

Thank goodness. Her lewd stuff was legit putting me off, mainly the pee stuff.

>> No.69551362

I've never even watched her, but she 100% got a possessive boyfriend.
She talks about how she's "burnt out" on that kind of content, and then right after talks about how she's downloading it to keep for herself and how much she loved making it and how much fun it was and everything and she's happy that people enjoyed it.
But she's deleting it for some reason? If you loved making it and having people listen to it, then why go and delete what's already made if not because she has a dude whose jealous now and probably gave her an ultimatum?

>> No.69551497

Because of the type of people and attention it attracts

>> No.69551560
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>mainly the pee stuff

>> No.69551591

they get a control freak menhera bf

>> No.69551679
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I guess the actual degenerate always wins at the end, last time she was playing with her saliva in ASMR and saying that she bought a KU100 to make and get good at ASMR content. Even with all the things that some chumbuds did to her, she never did a "fuck you fanbase that I created, you can go watch other stuff"

>> No.69551703

Lewd is an early buff and a late debuff. Sadly you can't pivot out of it, you get locked into it.

>> No.69551784

I liked when Yuko collabed with Pippa but never watched her content. Then I saw that she was doing coomer stuff, and pee stream, and whatever. I had no idea she was like that. It was a turn off. I'm happy if she's actually ditching the coomer content.

>> No.69551899

>i liked it when she was a pippa orbiter
ringing endorsement

>> No.69551958

It sounds like she is absolutely pivoting out of it though
Maybe she'll lose some members but I doubt it'll be that bad

>> No.69551969

>never watched her content
Then your opinion does not matter.

>> No.69551975

>Yuko literally pulled a Nyanners
Fuck, she's going to be dealing with this for the rest of her internet footprint isn't she? I can't believe I'd live long enough to see the pink cat timeloop

>> No.69552010

>"fuck you fanbase that I created, you can go watch other stuff"
and they will

>> No.69552028

No it's always a buff, they just back out when they face the consequences of their actions and realize that it attracts the worst creeps possible like this guy said >>69550707

>> No.69552112

>Dignity is worth more than numbers
They join vtuber corpos to earn money but coomerbait does seem to burn them out quickly. Even if they are earning a lot of money probably does weigh on them if they believe all their fans are coomers.

>> No.69552159

From what it sounds like she is trying to pivot out of it and all the negativity from the pivot is killing her drive, which is what normally happens. She has to endure the negativity and the short term drop in numbers. A drop in numbers is the most horrible thing for a content creator though, so they usually run back to their safe space.

>> No.69552182
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sure, blame the lolicons

>> No.69552181

That's Poco not Yuko you dumbass

>> No.69552264

never doubted the queen, only kneeled

>> No.69552312

Sometimes they get a new special friend who disapproves of it.

>> No.69552339

Isn't this the chick who sodomized and masturbated on stream? Sounds like she got a boyfriend.

>> No.69552380


>> No.69552451

Nah, there's a soft cap due to how saturated the generic porn space is. GFE or completely separating your content (like melody) is the only way to get past the cap that I've seen. For the later you have to be an entertaining person as well as an entertaining lewd person which is often two different skillsets.

>> No.69552461

that's quite a stretch, wanting to delete the content is the only factual truth here and it's probably for image reasons
anything else she says could be completely bullshit

>> No.69552473

Sodomized a dog. Wasn't on stream

>> No.69552566

I have a gut feeling it's the Brave partnership doing that
All of idol is probably going to walk back spicy content in general

>> No.69552575

Because /pol/ isnt wrong about women.

>> No.69552802

Yuko has a duty as an entertainer to provide streaming services to fans and a duty to make money for herself, and as a member of her corpo, a duty to make profit for her corpo.
Dignity is a pretention that is irrelevant to her duty as an entertainer. There is zero dignity in pretending to be a cartoon character. There is no place for this here.
She also has a duty to maintain a consistent quality of entertainment, those standards of quality are specific to whatever entertainment niche she has chosen to invest in in this market. She made her choices. To pander to GFE and loli content. If she wants to abandon her duty and do other things than she should graduate. Anything of else would be a conflict of interest

>> No.69552828

wtf, I knew she was a deviant but not to this extent. Source?

>> No.69552844

>no more gfe
>you can watch me go in the woods to fuck my boyfriend though

>> No.69552897

I’d say she probably won’t recover from this. She already chased off the non-coomers. Doing a re-debut as someone new would be better than trying to start over from here.

>> No.69552941
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She might have been able to walk it off if she didn't go out of her way to cultivate a hardcore group of parasocial fans, and then ghost said fans for 2+ months as though she were Gura herself, just with a bunch of LARPing groomers from /k/. This is straight up career suicide because she typecasted herself as "lewd parasocial pissgoblin" for about a year, and much like Vox Akuma she just isn't that interesting as a content creator to where most fans would stick around due to all the baggage they had to put up with. If anything, boobros are probably going to run back to Gura en masse since she doesn't do any of this shit, the worst thing you really can say about her at the end of the day is "Man, I really wish she would just stream more".

>> No.69553061

maybe it doesn't. When I first saw Yuko she seemed fine, just like a hundred other chuubas. Then she grew a lot, and fast. I think that says something positive about her, she has talent. But the bits and pieces of coomer content that I watched didn't sit well with me, because it feels that she has enough talent so she doesn't need to rely on that.

>> No.69553116

>I'm tired of GFE so I'm redebuing and going to do something else
There. Was that so hard. Sure she'd lose her idolcorp fans but her heart wasn't in servicing them anymore so she would lose them regardless. Better to be free than to take half-ass measures and piss everyone off.

>> No.69553179

I've done my part

>> No.69553205

I don't think so, she was on the verge of graduation earlier, she wanted to go back to her PL because she was done with that kind of content but management was probably pressuring her not to. It seems she successfully convinced management to let her change her style of content.
Nonsense, there's a large difference in dignity if you compare a vtuber like Gura to someone like Project Melody.

>> No.69553241

>start doing lewd content because it seems to get a lot of viewers
>it works, suddenly they're getting big numbers
>over time realize it brings in mostly deranged retards and that dealing with them on a regular basis is not worth the money
>drop it

>> No.69553394

My favourite Yuko content was the boomer karaoke. I was out off by all the coomer baiting and her fandom was awful. Her discord channel made me embarrassed to be human.

>> No.69553409

>it feels that she has enough talent so she doesn't need to rely on that
and yet she did rely on coomer content
she did this and she had a reason
She didn't trust her own abilities and did something safe that was guaranteed donos, merch, and views. Coomer content is the most conservative of all economic options. Prostitution is the oldest tradition.
Someone who plays safe like this, who will always chase the safest path. Who doubts in her own abilities. Could never be an anime protagonist.

>> No.69553450

She's deleting all the comments on the announcement talking about her getting a boyfriend.

>> No.69553517

Yeah Melody is consistent and reliable while Gura is lazy, flakey, and unreliable. One is a good employee who put in work to help start a company, and the other is not.

>> No.69553524

You're right, Melody does have a lot more dignity
Pandering to lolicons is shameful

>> No.69553571
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Some people are shortsighted grifters who see $$$ without thinking if they really want their legacy to be this and how it will affect people's perceptions of them. It's like those onlyfans moms when their kids get bullied at school.

>> No.69553616

I don't know if she was ever a Pippa orbiter. I watched her first with Pippa, that's all. She grew on her own in the following months after that, faster than anybody I saw.

>> No.69553628

She now has a perma target on her back. She should have just graduated.
I feel bad for boobros this is gonna be the rest of their lives until she graduates.

>> No.69553685

>their legacy
I'm sure being a seiso anime cartoon character for lonely losers online is a great legacy

>> No.69553784

What the fuck did you expect?

>> No.69553900

So basically she's the male Vox Akuma, someone that could've carved their own path well but ultimately sealed their own fate in exchange for cash and quick fame.

>> No.69553949

kek, now you are just making stuff up

>> No.69553992

>go to VTubers because real life women are shit
>start shit just like a real life woman
Not gonna work out for her.

>> No.69554012

Yuko : No Babe Im a GFE Vtu...
T'Quandravious : * Domestics violence's her into hospital*
** 1 month later **
Yuko :I will no longer be doing GFE Streams

This is exactly how it went down in my head and no one can convince me otherwise

>> No.69554122

muttmerican moment

>> No.69554183

I mean, this girl would likely prefer being known as "seiso" now vs being a literal pisswhore for lonely losers online which will follow her for as long as she has an online presence. And most of these vtubers are terminally online.

>> No.69554223

She put chopsticks up a dog's ass. I don't have a link but it's on a now privated stream from over a year ago

>> No.69554249

It was during one of her drunk streams she thought it was a funny thing to bring up sticking a pencil up her dogs ass.

>> No.69554259

Nah, it's a western camwhore thing mostly. They'll crank up the lewd shit to get a bunch of dudes jerking it to them, then after they've used that to get their numbers up they ditch it and pretend that it's a moral stand instead of them being self-serving hypocrites. One more reason why non-jap vtubers are inferior.

see: Nyanners

>> No.69554306

Just simply not saying anything and slowly deviating away from GFE and giving subtle hints about her moving on would've been the correct move. Her bf must be jealous and possessive or Idol is pressuring her to remove the smut for whatever reason.

>> No.69554304

her legacy is gonna be the piss content she shilled for a year and the way she betrayed her fans and eventually graduated from the negative fallout

>> No.69554519

You want the real story? Heh. I got you.

>found a boyfriend
>he's fine with her content
>he always acts disappointed, though, when he looks at her
>can't figure out why
>let's one he knew she was a VTuber before meeting
>freak out/break up/mass delete tiem

I'm putting 3:7 odds this happened.

>> No.69554621

save us green woman

>> No.69554757
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The same way male fleshies set fires into their room and crawl on all fours in big streams only to turn into react streamers. Do wild things to gain exposure then dial it down and coast for the rest of your career. Same formula as pippa and nyanners as well.

>> No.69554850

>go to VTubers because real life women are shit
That's why you watch anime. Vtubers are 50% anime 50% real life streamers. If you can't accept both parts then you don't enjoy vtubers.

>> No.69554983

boyfriend angry

>> No.69555051

Sexy model too man what a waste not to continue with the gfe.

>> No.69555074

>t sister

>> No.69555153

>It's like those onlyfans moms when their kids get bullied at school.
The fuck are you talking about.
Lia's mom's onlyfans is the only reason Lia got to hang with the popular kids at school when she was a total sperg

>> No.69555190

i am not sure whats your point, thats literally what she spent her time the last few years on and there are thousands of people who are aware of the anime cartoon character for lonely losers online.
so its literally what she spent the most time on instead of doing other things that could be her "legacy" and whatever she did is also not something in private no one has heard of and that will be lost to time. being known and associated with your content across thousands of people across the globe surely can be called "legacy".
not sure if its something to aspire to, but it is something that women are doing and that exists. one of the good things about vtubers is that it is at least not connected to your IRL life if you dont want to and take care, unlikely the OF moms >>69553571 mentioned

>> No.69555240

>the rest of their lives until she graduates
So like a month tops? I've had the flu for longer.

>> No.69555308

>being worried about pedos when you're not a child yourself
What's the problem? Do I care about famine in Africa?

>> No.69555316

if it's not connected and it doesn't matter why change it now?

>> No.69555335

Yuko's going to be known as the pisswhore for as long as she is a vtuber, no matter how hard she tries to brush off that side of her fanbase. She's built her reputation on that kind of content and leaned into it very last year, you can't even say she was groomed into it because she very clearly did it of her own volition; her roommate's groomers incidently hated her new content.
Hell, she tried to out-lewd her new kouhais when they debuted by doing an outright piss stream, and the only reason she stopped was because she was bonked by management for that shit.
She can try being "seiso" all she wants, but no one is really going to buy into it or give her money for it.

>> No.69555347

Your opinions don’t matter if your first time on this board was this month

>> No.69555350

>get boyfriend
>boyfriend is jealous of GFE content
>boyfriend tells chuuba to delete old content
>chuuba agrees

>> No.69555387

Honestly, a graduation and dissapearing from the internet forever would've been 1000 times better

>> No.69555430



>> No.69555449

More like
>boyfriend like loli GFE a little too much

>> No.69555475

don't forget Pippa

>> No.69555495

The grind is going to foster a new audience and bury all that shit is going to be insane.

>> No.69555513

New here. I'm giving her money. Cope and seethe :^)

>> No.69555531

It's too little too late. Yuko is the piss tuber, like Mel is the fart tuber

>> No.69555541

Definitely mafumafu tier menhera boyfriend

>> No.69555560

Even her previous plan of graduating and redebuting as her PL would've been better. Guessing Aviel wanted her to stay so her could sell what's left of Idol to Brave Group at a higher price. Whatever arrangement they worked out between them doomed them both.

>> No.69555594

Can Idol save itself at this point? Afaik Yuko was one of her big hitters

>> No.69555635

but there are plenty of other pisstubers

>> No.69555697

What grind? She's a twig with no stamina who fucked off for 2+ months. The work ethic is abysmal. Vesper said the same thing too after he fucked off and came back and then he fucked off permanently.

>> No.69555722

If the chuuba is good it's a 70-30 split actually

>> No.69555724

i dont see how you got that from my post.
everything you do online on a persona is part of your legacy, especially if people care. linking personas together is up to you (and/or negligence)

>> No.69555737

>get boyfriend
>boyfriend ends up getting more attached to the cunny tuber model instead of the actual girl
>asking her to stay in character all the time
>girl gets jealous and puts an end to the cunny

>> No.69555749
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I started watching her to fulfill my parasocial desire for a wholesome Christian daughter in Gura’s absence, but when I saw her lewd content I was put off, assuming she was actually another Vshohole wannabe. If she’s pivoting away from said content, I’m happy to give her another chance.

>> No.69555748

She was not. The entire relevance of IdolEN relies on Rin alone. Yuko self-destructing makes no difference. The rest of Idol will be just fine.

>> No.69555793

I think it goes to show you really have to stick by what you do. Choose to be a whore, you have to man up and be a whore. Backing out just ruins you without washing off the stink.

>> No.69555822

Name 10 if there is so many then!

>> No.69555825

any time you make a Yuko thread, within 5 posts some variant will be written
>the piss ghost?
that is her legacy

>> No.69555851

>get rich and popular
>it improves confidence
>get boyfriend thanks to that confidence
>boyfriend gets jealous and shuts it down
many such cases

>> No.69555896

Cuckbro will never stop winning

>> No.69555925

RIP Yukobros

>> No.69555968

Honestly, go for it. Drop an aka for her and I hope you enjoy her content. But don't get too attached, since she could very well backtrack like Vox did once both of them realize they aren't that interesting compared to more well established content creators.

Endless didn't receive huge boosts like Rin and Yuko got due to the shorts algorithm and mentioning Gura, but they're fine. Idol won't be massive but they'll still be fine with or without Yuko, the fact that they still went about business as normal despite her proves that.

>> No.69556176

I think vtubers get into it thinking it'll be fast growth without much cost. However that cost shows up when they have to start interacting with the mentally ill coomer crowd it brings. Imagine the fucking DMs and irl contact attempts she must get. Bonus points in her case for being cunnyish and getting the mentally ill coomer pedophiles.

>> No.69556181

im gonna laugh my ass off when it does turn out to actually be a relationship with Pippa. unironically people will probably get more upset than if it was a boyfriend.

>> No.69556204

>girlfriend experience replaced with cuck experience

>> No.69556308

People don't really get upset at lesbian stuff unless they're muslim. That's why yuribaiting exists and is popular while male collabs earn ire.

>> No.69556316

I'm proud of her actually. It takes a lot of guts to just slam the door on coomerbait shit and go back to doing real streams. You lose out short term, but over the long haul its way better for your career. You'll never get mainstream doing the really weird shit, too filtering

>> No.69556369

I think lewd content is good for short term gain but not good for long term gain.

>> No.69556394

>Working for jews
Oh man, I wonder who could have ever seen a betrayal coming

>> No.69556439

kys, e-sekai is one of the most entertaining gens in any corpo. Other than Pochi, she is a wet fart

>> No.69556494
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>> No.69556510

Is not like coomer will stop coming, pissing on a cup on stream is insane and that clip is on multiple channels, newfags are going to search for yuko clips and see that shit.
Her numbers are going to get hit even harder, she will grind for a couple months become menhera and graduate.

>> No.69556523
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Riifu needs to save the coomers

>> No.69556588

a piss ghost is never going main stream. one of her groomers getting possessive is much more likely

>> No.69556600

nta but nobody can name anybody from their company besides rin and yuko. the rest of the company are literal whos

>> No.69556658

found the disgusting piss freak discord groomer right here. Sorry buddy, gonna have to find a new target

>> No.69556696

greynames that don't superchat nor member her?

>> No.69556708

Coomer content is not GFE content though.

>> No.69556714
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>> No.69556727

They are dead the moment Riro got fired

>> No.69556761

I like Kai and Coni.

>> No.69556808

no way, someone deleting schizo bullshit? how dare she!

>> No.69556823

>Yuko has a duty
Actually, most of her content was peepee

>> No.69556922

Yeah no, I saw the girl that's joining that's Onlyfans and threw up in my mouth legitimately
That shit is gonna immolate in a matter of months

>> No.69556927

the fuck are you talking about? a target for what? wanting to be a fun, normal streamer instead of a disgusting cumrag? Anyone who is actually a fan of hers should applaud this, I know I do. I'll be watching her a lot more, the coomer shit was cringe, I fucking hate asmr

>> No.69556939

that wasn't the question. Nobody knows who they are. People know Coni's PL more than they know her current incarnate.

>> No.69557038

the based god knows who coni is and he doesnt know her PL(s)

>> No.69557113

why? She's funny and entertaining on her own, she doesnt need all the retard shit

>> No.69557130

Sure it is, riifu. Can't wait.

>> No.69557231

>Went to check her channel,
>several donothon lives

>> No.69557238

only in this fucking board will you find a human being put content over dignity and self respect.
Not even /v/ fucking says this shit.

>> No.69557285

well shit I mean if your heart truly isn't in I guess you have to rip the bandaid off but people are gonna get burned big time
I'd say what's so hard about doing the absolute bare minimum to keep the simpbucks trickling in but maybe she really has a path she wanted to take

>> No.69557299

No one cares about Rin. she's got 500k dead subs that got algorithm'd by her shorts spamming. She gets a few hundred ccv higher than the others, big deal.

>> No.69557351

yes, but this is Pippa we're talking about.
some anons hate her more than they hate males.

>> No.69557394

Is not about what you feel anon is about what is going to happen. She did a lot of things for coomers, do you really think they will just leave quietly becouse she doesn't want to do it anymore? Thats wishful thinking, she is going to get harassed.

>> No.69557398

If they saw lewd content as undignified and made themselves do it nevertheless that's even worse.

>> No.69557412

There was nothing stopping Yuko from being a fun normal streamer in the first place. Regardless of what you may feel about Rin, she's still doing fine in her own little corner as a weird little autismo of IdolEN, and she never really pretended to be anything more than that beyond the shorts pandering.
Yuko made a choice to lean into GFE/lewdbaiting content, and actively benefitted from it. You can't blame the fans that sunk time and money into her to finally be upset. Even Fuyo and Juna do fine on their own beyond ASMR.

>> No.69557474

oh, okay, then my opinions do matter

>> No.69557487

that's my whole point. She doesnt want to be piss ghost, she wants to be funny ghost. And she can do it if she actually puts in the work and sticks with it, she has the talent

>> No.69557619

Fuyo and Coni are great, Roca gets a lot of recognition for her singing even from normies. It's all just luck of the draw at the end of the day, for the first few months Rin had the same numbers as the others.

>> No.69557857

Why do GFEtubers always end in disaster?

>> No.69557858

You really think there were that many people that only watch her to jack off? Most parasocial weirdos will love her no matter what she does, she could read a phonebook for 2 hours and they'd superchat.

>> No.69557943

Every one of them who orbit vedal

>> No.69558002

Or they paid off their debts and bought a house.

>> No.69558139

bro, that's a shitpost, don't think too much about it

>> No.69558187

The ones who aren't living out a fetish always burn out.

>> No.69558230

Good for her. I mean she might lose a tiny amount of schizos but good riddance. The video is at 3.3k up/147 down ratio, I'd say people are overwhelmingly just happy she's back and not graduating. You love to see it!

>> No.69558470


>> No.69558830

She'll probably get an initial boost in viewers (more likely in twitter likes) from tourists who want to get one over on the unicorns, and then they'll leave her too because what they actually care about is feminism and not vtubers, and then her audience will slowly evaporate into nothing.

You know, like Rushia.

>> No.69558841

So she got burnout and the treatment is to touch grass and vocalize her inner turmoil.

>> No.69559043

alright Yuko bros leak the ASMRs out of spite on gofile, some based anon did this when Riro got terminated.

>> No.69559174

did she ever do brap asmr?

>> No.69559263

The piss thing was 100% her fetish. Not trying to pander.

>> No.69559273

When you fags talk about "/k/", you're actually talking about current 4chin ""'/k/""', right? As in the atf-bootlicking, glownigger infested soi leddit sewer that is post 2020 /k/ where ukraine will storm moscow any second now and mods get a salary direct from Langley?
Or is it just /k/ as in generic "gunfag"?

>> No.69559332

Rushia/mike is still gfe though, despite the yabais.

>> No.69559470

No matter how horny a girl is, there is a limit to how much one can tolerate the braindead coomer audience.

>> No.69559520

It doesn't work that way. Find me another vtuber who was known for spicier content, completely changed, became traditional, and they were better for it?

>> No.69559528
File: 311 KB, 1080x1920, sketch-1708399856059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Business oppurtunities
Only doing the lewd content out of financial desperation (i.e, literally being homeless)

>> No.69559623

>the atf-bootlicking
wtf? I haven't been on /k/ in a very, very long time. Why the fuck has it started supporting the ATF?

>> No.69559628

/k/ as it is right now.

>> No.69559649

surprised ppl arent suspecting that the changes from yuko's end were probably instigated internally by what happened with riro

>> No.69559672

she was for sure part of old /k/, but wouldn't be surprised if shes stuck around for new /k/ too.
so, guess generic when you mix her being in both eras?

>> No.69559731

>everyone got cvcked
Holy fuck! KEKW!!!!

>> No.69559780

I'm idol-anti now
maybe phase is the only good place after all

>> No.69559804

1. Does anyone have archives of her asmr streams?
2. Are they fappable?

>> No.69559816

You are thinking of Porko anon

>> No.69559893

Yuko never got a huge viewer boost from algo. She started out hot, but plateaued.

She was like 600ccv in December of 2022, and she is still in that range now.

>> No.69559994

Don't think we forgot about Lia's VA lover and camelot.

>> No.69560206

Didnt pippa say she wanted to do this? What does it mean? Is "vlog" some sort of new trend for vtubers that back pedal content? Is this them subtly telling unicorns to fuck off?

>> No.69560210

she make you drink her piss in one of the date rp asmr video, what a shame she is deleting all of that soon. Gfechads losing big.

>> No.69560231

>Lia and Pippa are starting players on the /vt/ soccer team that is voted on by /vt/, a team that is comprised mainly of holos
seems like you did

>> No.69560253

either way though, nothing wrong with not wanting that to be your 'thing'. You'll only ever be popular with the absolute dregs that way

>> No.69560446

almost all of them? If you look at most corpo girls PL content its always wayyyy worse than their current stuff, as far as being risque, collabing with guys, etc. Normies are how you get big, not degenerates

>> No.69560594

damn youre dense. I thought it was implied I was talking about their CURRENT incarnation. Once the die is cast on a character, it is very tough to wash it away.

>> No.69560645

yes, sorta.
Pippa is moving to do offcollabs and outdoorsy content, though not as vlogs... probably.
i wont be surprised if we see Yuko-Pippa outdoor offcollab content.

>> No.69560698

How can Phase punch so hard above their weight?

>> No.69560845

They got in at the right time with chuubas that have very relaxed rules and lets them be as schitzo as they want

>> No.69560848

I have the succubus JOI one with the countdown, it's average

>> No.69560904

>Is this them subtly telling unicorns to fuck off?
Maybe in Yuko's case, but I don't think that has anything to do with Pippa's interest in vlog-type content.
Although some might argue Pippa is unintentional or subtle GFE, she's definitely never done anything near as explicit as Yuko, and Pippa has always claimed to not be GFE and told her viewers not to get attached to her in that way.
And although she doesn't want that type of relationship with her own audience, she's not at all anti-unicorn in general, and, in fact, she IS one herself when it comes to watching other VTubers.

>> No.69560913

they have a lot of schizos in each of their fanbases that love 4chan and care about board events is all

>> No.69561016

Post-trump/post-blm and you had every manner of leddit soi flood the place
>because we gotta defend our heckin illegal spickerinos and harmless dindu niggerinos against the Nazis and drumpf!!!1
Then ukraine happened and and deviation from state dept. approved propaganda leads to a ban.

It hasn't been "a magical place" for a long while, friend.

>> No.69561155

Phishman is doping his talents

>> No.69561319


Everything is gone

>> No.69561364

>token /here/ panderer, so that is the audience she got. easy money.
>she is autistic and has attracted autistic anons who vibe with her

>> No.69561386

Down from 43 videos

>> No.69561569

>I'm totally a unicorn you guys
>but the rules I think other vtubers should follow don't apply to me because...they just don't!
this is the most obvious of pippa's opinions she's bullshitting about to get fags here to call her based.

>> No.69561693

Was there more than just that one stream where she drank it?

>> No.69561730

Unsubscribed! Bye bitch!

>> No.69561770

Wait, people were really going to Yuyu, of all people, for their virtual girlfriend content? The silly goofball speaking in a cartoon middle schooler voice and doing shit like drinking her own piss? I understand looking at art of the cute loli getting dicked down, but I dunno man, if you want her to be your girlfriend, get some help.

>> No.69561785

Post the coomer content I wanna see how good it was

>> No.69562017

Once the rush and heady pleasure of easy numbers becomes mundane and hormone levels return to their baseline (as they always do, humans can't stay happy forever) it starts to feel degrading and cringe.
Also their old friends sometimes make fun of them for it.

>> No.69562285

My opinion on her actual content doesn't matter, never watched her, but it sure is a stab in the back of all her original fans to delete the content. Move on but don't erase, any new viewers would mainly see the new stuff anyways

>> No.69562456

I mean, you can be a unicorn without thinking ALL VTubers should be held to unicorn standards.
That's basically my view. I'm a unicorn, but I only think VTubers who lean into GFE should be held to unicorn standards. If they don't sign up for GFE, then they have no obligation to.
I don't care that honest whores like ProjektMelody and Silvervale exist. I only have a problem when VTubers market themselves as "pure", and deliberately do GFE to cultivate a parasocial audience, but then turn out to be whores behind the scenes.

>> No.69562709

Unless you're Pipkin Pippa and pull in mini holo numbers to where people will suck it up because of the numbers, doing certain type of content and being known for a certain thing really limits your networking options.

As a small corpo chuuba, your networking ceiling is often other small corpo chuubas. If you want to try and climb the ladder above that into collabing with the Holo, Niji, vshojo level, that is when your decisions on being short sighted with content starts to show.

They're not gonna give a shot to a small corpo girl who has the reputation as being the piss drinking chuuba.

>> No.69562898

Where is this piss content? I need it for reasons.

>> No.69563074

the more I spend time on vtubers, the more I understand cumcucks and their infatuation with Gura

>> No.69563442

I don't think cutting down on lewd content is bad. Deleting it and the implications it has is kinda bad, because you know, she ghosts her fanbase and then does this shit, and the whole groomer stuff

>> No.69563653
File: 45 KB, 1215x745, tpp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am you and you are me.

>> No.69563935

Her boyfriend unironically told her she wasnt allowed to do GFE anymore
No this is not a joke or shitpost

>> No.69564046

>the audience supports you and gives you money
>you create a culture for yourself, for them, and you all share it
>grow your subs and channel
>do a hard 180
>on top of that delete all your members content and comments
This is grifting. Hardcore grifting. She rode on the backs of her audience and once they were no longer needed she discarded them. It may even be the worst case of grifting in vtubing, because other grifts were at least semi-hidden like Pippa's. This was fully in the open and by design. Every single one of her fans has been ruthlessly exploited. That's the bottom line. That's what she has done.

>> No.69564139

boyfriend says no more flirting with creepy men online.

>> No.69564140

Try to imagine the type of woman who makes a living from pretending to be people's anime gf on the internet.

>> No.69564183

it's easier to gain a quick following by being a vwhore than it is to have actual talent and let people slowly find your channel based on your own merits as a streamer. many girls without talent use this path to farm as many viewers as they can before going "legit" as a normal streamer, or just slowly trying to cut it out of their streams. but it almost never works out because the ones who do it had no talent to begin with and the viewers they brought in with lewding just bail, while they don't have the appeal to bring in any new loyal viewers. all they end up with is dead subs and worse ccv.

>> No.69564268

>Why do so many vtubers who become popular by acting lewd try to walk it all back?
Because there's no lewd culture in the west, like at all.

>> No.69564396

>for sure this time, the western girl wont screw me over

>> No.69564724

>Idol becomes part of Brave Group
>the same group that schedule streams like this https://www.youtube.com/live/CJp0Zw_9TWQ

I am sure it's totally unrelated about the change from lewd tending
Also it's totally unrelated how Pomu vampire sister seems the only allowed to do that kind of GFE content and even that is some Nene Amano low tier grift with no spice.

>> No.69564765

Good thing I stopped being a Boobro and prevented the Israelis from turning me into a cuck

>> No.69565015

Why do jews have to subvert everything?

>> No.69565027
File: 1.08 MB, 2728x3859, eee2dca3d84950e008334244900a026a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd celebrate black history with her if you know what I mean

>> No.69565045

Sure is a lack of piss content in this thread

>> No.69565113

cuckporn lol

>> No.69565134

sorry cuck shes not interested in (you)

>> No.69565154

slave play? hot

>> No.69565173

She was ordered to delete it
Either by Brave or her boyfriend

>> No.69565308

>put content over dignity and self respect
All creators put content over dignity and self respect. The very act of selling entertainment or art is degrading to the soul. All works and media would be unknown and unshared if dignity mattered, which it does not. It is only though duty that we have the great works and the lesser ones. Without which we would have none at all.

>> No.69565393

Meanwhile Okayu just gets hornier and hornier in mengen ASMR.

>> No.69565402

if she had dignity she'd graduate instead of betraying the expectations of her fans (I didn't nor will watch her)

>> No.69565448

Given how insane her now-former fans have been for her entire absence and how they're taking it now, I wouldn't be surprised if she got freaked out by a stalking scare or something. I have no evidence for this whatsoever, but I'm going to flip a coin on whether to believe your rrat or my own now.

>> No.69565515

Bad example. She still pulls numbers. Thlusands of 3views and 2views would love to have her pull. Should've mentioned someone like Hana Machia to prove your point. But her decline was for other reasons, half of them Nijisanji's fault.

>> No.69565611

Seeing boobros try and console each other like the gay little faggots they've always been is hilarious. Just knowing these retards probably cried themselves to sleep over this obvious day 1 grifter whore brings me great joy.

Deserved for being obnoxious retards that kept shilling her in the catalog and in /ggg/, as if this nasty slut could ever hold a candle to Gura.

>> No.69565810
File: 270 KB, 1000x1000, runie bunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reason why Boobros are so crazy is because they hate boobs.
Looking at some good milkies will calm y'all down.

>> No.69565891

Holy cuck

>> No.69565916

Well, in all fairness, those who watched her back then and gave her popularity are degenerates. You stop doing degenerate thing, you lose their support. Only a small percentage of said degenerates would support her decision probably because she wasn't the main source of their entertainment. The people who love her for who she is and not for who she does can be counted on one hand of an EOD specialist - one or two fingers remain, but many times zero.
You do this, and then you have to do the hard work of gathering up another fanbase that values your other skills.

>> No.69565941

Lumi posted her tits in /pcg/ last night to bait a femanon into unsubscribing, 10/10

>> No.69565972

JP plays by different rules, EN vtubing is not very different from just regular twitch stuff

>> No.69566366
File: 610 KB, 854x480, 1701972498650590.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

praise the sex catto el fatto

>> No.69566436

This shit happens all the time. OnlyFans tried to shift away from porn a few years ago too. It's not good for advertisers and payment processing companies sometimes moralfag over it.

>> No.69566505

She doesn't though. Her mengen ASMR horniness peaked around two years ago.

>> No.69566539

glad I don't watch fake whores so I don't have this problem

>> No.69566602

they find God

>> No.69566623

becasue they are unable to separte the personaand the person.
Which is fucking esential for vtubing

>> No.69566640

> degenerates watch her to jack off
An unnecessary reduction: people don't watch people like this purely for this.
I don't know how to actually explain but there is more nuance than just this. If there wasn't nuance, there wouldn't be a need for live streamers behind a cute avatar doing this.

>> No.69566675


>> No.69566699

you havent listened to her stuff from the last 8 or so months have you?

>> No.69567012

Women reach peak sexuality around age 20 and then just gradually lose interest in (and start to be disgusted by) sex

>> No.69567182

Disgusting, just disgusting. What post? In what post did this untrustworthy harlot upload them?

>> No.69567181

I have. It doesn't come close to late 2022.

>> No.69567240

There would have been like 50 threads about it retard

>> No.69567350


>> No.69567464

When did Idol become part of Brave?

>> No.69567467

A pretentious inflation. Jacking off feels so much better if you ascribe a spiritual quality doesn't it? What's your higher framework? Tantra? Sexy Tao? Kama Sutra? Gooning? Jelquing? Kegels? Mewing? DIY? Independant? Freestyle? The things Greeks do where orgasm is supposed to elevate their faggotry to a higher plane?
Don't be vague. if you watching TV aka vtubers makes you superior on some spiritual plane, describe it.

>> No.69567486
File: 70 KB, 480x480, 1707787283055827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All that these recent PL controversies have taught me is that any female who interacts with /k/ should be avoided at all costs.

>> No.69567533

Brave is Japanese.

>> No.69567581

Historical precedent. Brave Group makes deals with companies then buys those companies. They've done this way too many times before. It is their MO and nature. Brave already runs the shipping division of Idol. Only a matter of time before they scoop the rest.
Not that we would expect a dumb newfag to know anything about history.

>> No.69567625

/a/ isn't any better

>> No.69567652

Twas nice.

>> No.69567761

who else

>> No.69567771

As much as anycolor is also japanese

>> No.69567862

>I hate my fans and will be deleting all content they enjoyed
>I'm going to larp as an extremely low effort Azulim from now on

>> No.69568018

A woman's sex drive actually increases as they age generally.

>> No.69568049

Does this mean Momo won't do lewd ASMR anymore? Cos if this is Idol's new trajectory... thanks to yucuck yufail, what's even the fucking point. And why can't cute girls keep disgusting men's fleshy pisspipes out of their cute body parts? Might as well shove feces up your cunt. Don't understand why girls sully themselves like this. They pretend they don't like sex, and then BAM, CAMPING VLOGS, HUNTING VLOGS. fucking WHORE. her dna is forever altered by stinking man sperm. Makes me want to vomit.

>> No.69568137

Momo will continue to drain my balls

>> No.69568243

The valentine's ASMR went full on ear licking shtick. She's a step away from just blasting her vag, all she needs is Cover to give her the greenlight and I'm here for it.

>> No.69568259

she fucking better drain my balls, otherwise i'll make hamas looks like a sideshow.

>> No.69568268

Thank god the only content I ever watched of hers was the Pippa collab.
Boobros are KEKED now.

>> No.69568399

NTA but I know a few femanons from /k/ meetups and discords.
They make Rushia look like a nice person in comparison

>> No.69568481

I don't. If I want to, I don't look up streamers specifically. I, and the majority of normal people, just use still images or pre-rendered animations
That's why I cannot describe it.
It then follows that if there are people specifically looking for that kind of streamer, there is an aspect we are both overlooking. "Spiritual" might be one of them (which is more like "ritualistic"), like the coffeetards going feral without a specific cup of espresso every morning and every lunch. If there weren't such aspects, there would be no deviance and degeneracy.

>> No.69568529
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>> No.69568652

Buddy have you not SEEN how every chat was filled with "pent uppies"?

>> No.69568691

>lets go meet a bunch of unhinged retards, and all bring stuff to kill people with!

>> No.69568714

no, a femanon posted those to get someone else to unsubscribe to Lumi
pcg seething femanons HATE Lumi.

>> No.69568837

>Completely missing the context that followed after that it was secretly Lumi.
You need to lurk harder faggot.

>> No.69569075

Either post a saved copy or kys faggot

>> No.69569123

nigger what are archives

>> No.69569174

>Getting a boyfriend won't affect the content and has nothing to with vtuber persona
Every. Single. Time.
Unicorns are always right

>> No.69569258

Dumb nigger

>> No.69569339

Boobros are cucks that like to watch anyway
They enjoy this shit

>> No.69569494

>Getting a boyfriend

>> No.69569524

they got brought by other corpo, which means they have new management, which means they have new bosses and a new policy, adapt or quit, she doesnt have another option.

>> No.69569644

PL reps also wake up from a coma already
This shitfest has been going on for weeks

>> No.69569684

nta but what is this poorfag-ass definition of the word lmao
dignity is value of the self. creators sell works because they saw inherent value in their person that they can make a living from, coupled with the act of creation being a desire that pleases oneself. It is practically the same as a person selling their inherited/practiced skills for a dream job they want.
yuko bending over backwards to please her audience over her own desires will tell us she does not value herself or her talents, and thus lacks dignity.

>> No.69569747

now that i think about it maybe this was the real reason they had to get rid of menhera overdose.

>> No.69569877

its not in the archives asshole

>> No.69569896

Nah, it won't affect the content if the chuuba actually cares about pleasing her audience. Look at AZKi for an example of that. Yuko just saw lonely coomers as an easy payday, that's all.

>> No.69569921

you'll find re-up links in the threads

>> No.69569961

So basically a confirmed grifter

>> No.69570116
File: 994 KB, 250x250, 167955259971836.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>promise NSFW stream
>prepared for it
>few weeks before it happen
>I quit GFE

>> No.69570227

that is 100% a tranny

>> No.69570285

On a two second look all I see is more litterbox rubbish. I don't care enough to dig deeper just to see tits though.

>> No.69570352

You're real fucking bad at this.

>> No.69570446

What a useless thread
Give me her members streams (the good ones)

>> No.69570842
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>> No.69571110

really?, ngl anon those tits are fucking gross, btw hairy bellybutton kek.

>> No.69571192

That's a tranny

>> No.69571272

Its a good thing you have never seen a woman in your life

>> No.69571796
File: 94 KB, 1446x831, 52342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69571892

I've seen real women, which is something you will never be.

>> No.69571999

Is there any actual proof to this, outside of liking the posts of some groomers

>> No.69572161

Thank fucking god for that.

>> No.69572680

is that a pcg femanon or lumi, because i REFUSE to believe women visit /vt/.

>> No.69572791

The good GFE aren't sponsored on this board catalog too much and when someone tries to schizo anti them the threads are dead because the gatekeeping works

>> No.69572818

If she wanted to do a 360° , fine I guess, but deleting all her content and pretend it didn't exist is just something from a horrible person. And she didn't give enough time for the average viewer to download it

>> No.69573241

eh, i kinda get it.
if its not just content, but you legitimately dont like the person you were then, keeping that stuff around for people to find and then possibly expect from you is not only possibly bad, but also probably uncomfortable as hell.
the answer would be to jump to a new avatar, and let people have the old one as an archive. but you cant really do that AND stay in your corpo too. or at least, its never been done before.
lets be honest, the parasocial people weren't going to be happy or forgive her either way.

>> No.69573272

Shes even deleting all comments from her angry members in the announcement video, nice oshi you have there cuckbros.
