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69346374 No.69346374 [Reply] [Original]

Why does it matter that she has BPD or bipolar or whatever? Are Doki's antis discriminating against people with mental disorders now? Don't they know that makes them ableists?

>> No.69346491
File: 161 KB, 170x127, 1460911737304.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever dated anyone with BDP?
If the answer is "no", then go ahead and date one. Make my day. Then come back and remake this thread.

>> No.69346547

what makes your mental illness better than hers?

>> No.69346554

>Have you ever dated anyone
No. Fuck off, normie.

>> No.69346668

I actually believe that you mean that argument unironically, but you don't actually care about people with mental health problems. You just want to stir more drama for the dramabird rrats.

>> No.69346704

BPD is a more destructive disorder than literal sociopathy. It's essentially lying bitch syndrome. Basically any time you hear about a false rape charge, the claimant had BPD. It's literally the worst possible personality disorder

>> No.69346728 [DELETED] 

I have never met someone with BDP I liked behind closed doors. I'm sure are good ones out there, but they must be hiding.

>> No.69346735

If your autistic ass is allowed to walk free, then Doki is fine in my book

>> No.69346776

I have mental health problems. Why do you think I'm /here/?

>> No.69346815

> Push the narrative that nobody bullied Selen
> Bully Doki

The absolute state of NDF

>> No.69346819
File: 197 KB, 1514x334, selen tzu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Character assassination + trying to throw shit at the wall hoping something will eventually stick.
Same playbook used on Zaion honestly.
They can't refute pic related.

>> No.69346842

weak bait, stop feeding

>> No.69346874

Oh I'm fine over here, I've seen this exact scenario play out time and time again with BDP women. You can sit there all smug and call me autistic, but I'd rather be autistic than be within 5 miles of someone with that condition. They lie, they cheat and they will ruin your life if they don't get their way.

>> No.69346898

So we're firmly on the "she deserved it" stage of cope now

>> No.69346921

no no, I mean yours.

>> No.69347035

And you will post horseshit on a mongolian basket weaving forum, from each according to their ability, to each according to their need

>> No.69347064

Pointing out a mental illness might have been a factor in interpersonal drama is not bullying

>> No.69347086

OP is going to have a hard time to understand how suicide and being trans correlate.

>> No.69347096

I'll fire back with "I know you are so what am I?"

>> No.69347160

I've dealt wit BPD women, that shit is unreal. Get caught doing bullshit, immediately posture as victim of bullying and or rape. It's uncanny.

>> No.69347253

does your autism force you to write the acronym in alphabetical order or do you genuinely think it's called Borderline Dersonality Pisorder?

>> No.69347293

It's relevant because BPD women are extremely mentally ill, they become psychotic and when they split on you they will tell any lie they have to in order to see your life destroyed. Do not cross a BPD woman, do not date a BPD woman, and for God's sake, do not marry or get one pregnant.

>> No.69347313
File: 32 KB, 500x500, 1471626311928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>woman kills husband
>claims he bullied her and that's why she did it
>court is sympathetic
>turns out the woman has schizophrenia that could have warped her perception of reality
>the court shifts favor

Tell me how finding out she has BDP isn't at the very least cause to question the validity of her statement? She's going to therapy which is great. Hope it works out well for her. But the fact is, she may have misinterpreted something innocent as bullying due to her condition. A condition which amplifies the victim complex. Not saying "hate the bitch", just saying its okay to raise an eyebrow.

>> No.69347366

I remember when the NDF was still civilized, then the GURRAT came out and the raiders came in and started striking low. You can tell they're retarded because they will regularly conflate the personality disorder with bipolar.
I don't care if she was to have literal ASPD, it doesn't change much.

Don't be a nigger OP, it's not worth it

>> No.69347398

Thank you, brother. Hope you healed from that experience and can move on with your life.

>> No.69347444

It's BPD, moron.

>> No.69347453

>its okay to raise an eyebrow.
No, it makes you part of the NDF and you will get cancelled for it.

>> No.69347458

Mental illness is a serious matter, especially when you want to weaponize it.

>> No.69347480

Yes they're terrible people but it's far from being a scoop now

>> No.69347492

Asian countries have ass backward stigmas against mental health issues. Or anything that makes a person stand out.

>> No.69347509

NDFtards are the ones weaponizing it.

>> No.69347527

NijiEN kneejerking so hard they put their knee through their own skull will never not be funny

>> No.69347542

Best sex I've ever had

>> No.69347551

Get some new bait sisters.

>> No.69347576

Just don't be retarded, duh.

>> No.69347616

After the lawyer stream the NDF crumbled completely, they're still using the same shit that he already mocked as retarded, so yeah lol@sisters.

>> No.69347737

i have met multiple and only known because i am also mentally ill and they feel comfortable disclosing it. some people hide diagnosis

>> No.69347792
File: 2 KB, 162x104, Woops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Self reporting. Read the first post, got mixed up. My bad

>> No.69347928
File: 145 KB, 664x217, 7bde2933a0f5b139dc4cb6048eb8ce63.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nijisisters worship Vox's words yet he's mentally ill.

>> No.69347972

> pointing out
Sisters really trying to downplay an organised smear campaign as if we haven't all seen the doxxsite posts

>> No.69348030

>claiming blatant favoritism in a company=murder
I mean in a kindred's eyes it must be comparable

>> No.69348065

>date one
Shes a former contractor at a company. she didnt sleep in rikus bed.

>> No.69348098

Bitch I watch indies. You faggots are one of the most insufferable aspects of this place.

>> No.69348282
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>you you started a smear campaign on a mentally ill woman?

>> No.69348293

Duhhh DSP! Duhh BBC!

>> No.69348312

Women really just value everyone based of that one bad ex huh

>> No.69348563

M O U S E!

>> No.69348956

Unlike Elira

>> No.69349057

where did the BPD rrat start I don't remember it being in any statement or said by anyone

>> No.69352870

>it must be BPD because she was the most successful and didn't suck Vox's dick

>> No.69352873
File: 539 KB, 680x598, image_2024-02-17_161139744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

having BPD is a red flag but like most mental disorders it manifest differently and sometimes its minor enough to be one of those things you can work with.
the worst manifestation of BPD tends to attack others for slights and tries to burn bridges without trying to be amicable, aka the nijisisters.
dokis manifestation appears minor enough that shes still mostly functional and is able to be amicable enough to keep shit under wraps.
she still has shown her mood swings, like when she became a lil piss baby during losing in apex and her laughter feels like its mostly a projection she upkeeps to force her mood into happiness for as long as possible.
basically pic related.

>> No.69352929

The real irony here is Doki isn't showing a single symptom...
...and ALL of Kurosanji's current talents are (minus a few exceptions).

It's literally the biggest case of projection in 2024.

>> No.69353008

>someone was upset they lost, must be BPD

>> No.69353654

my point is even if doki does have BPD, its clear its shes not a red flag level BPD and those trying to use it against her are more likely then not either falseflaggers or have worse cases of mental illness.

>> No.69353730

Yeah, I did. High-Functioning BPD in her case. She was very self-aware and responsible with her actions after misunderstandings would happen. We only broke up because she had to move away. Doki reminds me a lot of her.

>> No.69353778

As a matter of fact, I did. A clinically diagnosed one, not those self diagnosed attention whores.
Best sex ever. But not even that crazy good fuck session could outweitght everything else around BDP girl.

>> No.69353974

You mean there's nuance and all mentally ill people don't need to be put down like rabid dogs? But sisters told me...

>> No.69353980

That's not what BDP is, ndfnigger.

>> No.69354105

Listen to her Neopets stream, listen to how mentally unstable she sounds then tell me with a straight face BPD isn't playing a role in it

>> No.69354275
File: 62 KB, 622x766, 3cea5cf494102f6c05e3ace8480d29d5a958402402beb00b93c26f6566daac37_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone sounds upset and distraught about being betrayed by her supposed friends? Clearly mentally ill. Shoot the bitch!

>> No.69354325

>Are Doki's antis discriminating against people with mental disorders now?

Actually yes. The funniest thing is almost everyone in VT media has some mental issue. If its not BPD, Clinical Depression, Sociopath, Autism it can be its the worst one you can have some type of NPD, the NPD ones are usually the ones doing the backstabbing and hurting others. They tend to form bully groups.

>> No.69354459

okay NDFsister tell me what you wouldve done when you were in the middle of the call when something of huge emotional distress happened.
imagine if you will, vox is pronounced dead or is revealed to be a pedo (oh wait) while your in the middle of a call with your besties?

>> No.69354529

I learned a lot from dating her, like I'm gonna be real. Dating an undiagnosed and unaware one? You dead. Dating one that puts effort and without anything else like HPD or ASPD? You just need to be honest (not fucking black company level of bullshit asshole) and patient to navigate misunderstandings, which one could argue it's not all that different from most relationships.

>> No.69354768

apparently her twitter had it on there like 4 years ago
not that it matters, as far as I'm aware BPD doesn't give people the ability to make companies commit PR suicide

>> No.69355123

You are gross. At most, it sounded like an upcoming panic attack, and I would have one too if I was in that situation. I am very sure my mental health experts have only diagnosed me with anxiety.

>> No.69355246

>A strong fear of abandonment. This includes going to extreme measures so you're not separated or rejected, even if these fears are made up.

Nijisanji threatens her with termination if she doesn't provide context for why the video was privated or let them provide context for why it was privated. She fears being separated from the company

>A pattern of unstable, intense relationships, such as believing someone is perfect one moment and then suddenly believing the person doesn't care enough or is cruel.

She has a high opinion of her friends, for example Vox. Vox criticizes her actions taken publicly. Her opinion of him immediately shifts and he's now a bully

>Periods of stress-related paranoia and loss of contact with reality. These periods can last from a few minutes to a few hours.

Her Neopets stream where she begins to assume a lot of things, mentions she'll provide "more" evidence despite never providing evidence at all, etc

>Impulsive and risky behavior, such as gambling, dangerous driving, unsafe sex, spending sprees, binge eating, drug misuse, or sabotaging success by suddenly quitting a good job or ending a positive relationship.

$200,000 dollars on personal projects

>Threats of suicide or self-injury, often in response to fears of separation or rejection.

Don't need to prove this one

>Wide mood swings that last from a few hours to a few days. These mood swings can include periods of being very happy, irritable or anxious, or feeling shame.

Her Apex tournament streams and her reaction to poor performance in them

>Ongoing feelings of emptiness.
Inappropriate, strong anger, such as losing your temper often, being sarcastic or bitter, or physically fighting

Her constant arguments where she self admittedly crosses the line and gets aggressive with managers

>> No.69355334


>> No.69355447

>Why does it matter that she has BPD or bipolar or whatever?
Because most people think it's funny that anyone defends someone that is clinically not a reliable source.

>> No.69355553

>But...but... She's mentally ill

Don't care, she still is making false accusations and ruining lives. If calling out bullshit is a smear campaign now, I will attempt suicide twice and make my dad cry

>> No.69355697

Explain to the audience that I'll have to end the stream and reschedule is the first thing I would have done and probably what most rational people would have done

>> No.69355832

If doki has BPD despite how unmanipulative the last few years she's been and the glowing annecdotes of how great she is to work with by third party sources we've had then what the fuck do Elira and Vox have? Mega BPD?

For fucks sake have some self awareness about your arguments NDF.
The only people who've even looked like they're being lying manipulating bastards this entire drama are elira and vox.

>> No.69356053

I'm going to just put it here as my last reply (as the anon who dated a good girl who happened to suffer from BPD). Low-Functioning BPD individuals have an incredible hard time maintaining ANY relationship with someone long term. Doki, so far, appears to have multiple long term friendships outside Nijisanji. Also, she is a competitive player with a lot of competitive player friends too, even teams, anyone who has been in competitive knows that's a hard environment to avoid fights, someone who cannot handle BPD would have already been outed as extremely difficult to play with.

>> No.69356096

>how unmanipulative the last few years she's been
Have you seen the people what happens to people who criticize Doki like 39daph? No one is going to willingly get crucified by the mob.
>glowing annecdotes of how great she is to work with by third party sources
So she's able to temporarily remain professional when she's in control of a project and has limited interaction with people. Great. Explain why she admits to verbally abusing her manager in a clip

>> No.69356133

You girls really have nothing else on her, huh? Nice bait though. If the BPD menhera story was this bad you'd think there'd be a lot more dirt on her to work with.

>> No.69356193


>> No.69356356

And I thought NijiEN and its community were SJW-aligned.

>> No.69356394

So you got cucked and want to make it everyone’s problem?

>> No.69356409

Keep trying to justify it. You're just digging yourself deeper.

>> No.69356431

She did frequently get into fights. I remember she'd argue with Axel all the time while they were in TSB so much that the couch had to continuously interrupt them and defuse fights

>> No.69356657

"Fights." The fact that they're still friends and he's defending her despite backlash to JP audience unprompted is a sign that the fights were just consensual banter at best.

>> No.69356779

Does he have an alternative? He can't criticize her if he wanted to. Either the mob crucifies him or Doki has attempt number 3 because he is "bullying" her.

>> No.69356894

When did he defend her? That also wasn't banter. The couch and Altare did the verbal equivalent of dragging them away from each other

>> No.69356961

Yass queen slay
Let's own these chuds.

>> No.69356968

Not like she accused her "friends" of bullying her to suicide and recorded them without consent lol.

>> No.69356979

To this day I'm thoroughly convinced he gave himself a thorough self-diagnoses and came to the conclusion that he is thoroughly just a borderline narcissist. What a thorough fellow

>> No.69357010

Bruh making up bullshit as you go is not the same as criticizing, and being told your arguments and rhetoric suck ass is not “being crucified”. It seems like you NDF aren’t even really trying ngl

>> No.69357013

>the worst manifestation of BPD tends to attack others for slights and tries to burn bridges without trying to be amicable, aka the nijisisters.
>dokis manifestation appears minor enough that shes still mostly functional and is able to be amicable enough to keep shit under wraps.
>my point is even if doki does have BPD, its clear its shes not a red flag level BPD
Did you miss the fucking part where she attempted suicide over a fucking MV she didn't get permissions to upload and how it brought down the company she was working at?

>> No.69357035

>being criticized by 39daph
i do not consider myself a genius, hell i call myself retarded but i wouldn't take shit from someone more retarded than i am
>explain why she verbally abuses her manager in a clip
explain why her kurosanji manager, the person who is supposed to, you know, manage her, ghosted her on an important (to Selen) project
>it was holidays
and? even if it's not a 24/7 position, you should be keeping tabs on your work, especially in a field like this, a competent manager wouldn't just sit there beating their meat for like 2 days and then cry about 'muh copyrights!!!'
>she circumvented the managers continuously etcetc
if she really was such a problem, why did she not get the axe much sooner, then, hm? zaion was deemed "problematic" and got the boot pretty quickly, why did they let selen be on board if she had all those sorts of problems?
>she was in cahoots with the clique
evidently, she wasn't.

>> No.69357051

A panic attack over having to find receipts that don't exist.

>> No.69357280

they are just virtue signalling. They pretend to be pro lib bullshit until it doesn't serve their purpose.
kurosanji does the same, literally. all these black company fuck corpos tell you "if you need a mental break, just take it. no problem" and then someone like yuugo believes that shit and takes a health break and gets fired the next week.
don't trust these fucks

>> No.69357282

For fuck's sake. Okay, insight: I worked with competitive organizations. Those fights? That's normal in competitive, specially with an upcoming tournament. A low-functioning BPD person wouldn't be scolded without nuclear retaliation, not even with the smallest misunderstandings. You are just ableist at this point to nitpick human responses with reasonable trigger. My poor braincells.

>> No.69357411

>someone with BPD being more stable than most of the nijiEN management
hilarious to say the least

>> No.69357468

>sister still thinks it's about the MV
But wasn't she recording every conversation with livers and management though?

>> No.69357698
File: 57 KB, 1685x324, 1708110523042446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BPD or whatever cope won't really change some really suspicious hints coming out of this company, now will it? Any NDF sisters wanna address this? No? OK.

>> No.69357727

>i wouldn't take shit from someone more retarded than i am
Casually admits to being so biased that they won't take criticism of Doki from "retards"
>explain why her kurosanji manager, the person who is supposed to, you know, manage her, ghosted her on an important (to Selen) project
Two wrongs don't make a right. Managers clearly have opportunities to take breaks or days off considering a single manager is responsible for an entire group of livers. They didn't cry about copyright infringement, they never said anything about copyright. You did though. Selen didn't get the boot sooner because she frequently made up for mistakes, admitted wrong doing in the past and was a loved member in the community (who probably also made them money). Zaion was new, ruining Niji's reputation by constantly getting cancelled on Twitter and being hard to work with in the span of her first 3 months

>> No.69357775

Not dated, but one of my friends from years ago had BPD.

She'd fluctuate day from day to saying that you hate her and the next day she would say she loves you and that you're her best friend. Every other day she would have a breakdown because she would think her life is ruined, but it mainly it would be her overreacting to normal life things.

Also she would stick razors in her mouth, take pictures, and then send the photos to her friends if she felt like they were ghosting her or not talking to her anymore

>> No.69357846

How many times someone appears in merch isn't evidence that they're a manager. You're a retard

>> No.69357983

>calling all the shots behind the curtain
>shift all the production money to promote herself
simple as that

>> No.69358036

>A low-functioning BPD person wouldn't be scolded without nuclear retaliation
>You are just ableist at this point

I'm not the one saying people with BPD aren't able to be criticized without killing someone, buddy. Plus she did retaliate harshly to her manager multiple times by her own admission

>> No.69358146
File: 63 KB, 376x162, 1707901356571795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Millie! How's that corpo cock taste?
Your queen bee having more than twice the merch than her other genmates COMBINED isn't suspicious AT ALL.
This pic is complete bullshit btw, right? LMAO at fourchins!

>> No.69358368

What the fuck am I even looking at? Are we back to drawing cave paintings now? This shit is illegible and clearly faked, why would she have that icon and just "Millie" , as a name? Instead of their full name like every other liver? Apostrophe rrat go to VT's head

>> No.69358465

People with BPD are emotionally unstable and prone to impulsive/reactionary behavior.

>> No.69358573

Oh shit, you're right, sis!
Just ignore that part about Elira having more than 2x merch than her 2 genmates combined. Just go listen to your fav Vox stream.

>> No.69358601

Buddy, I never said someone would be murdered, stop reaching. I also specifically said low-functioning BPD, do you even understand the nuances of this whole thing? And she retaliated against an incompetent manager? Holy shit, there are more BPD individuals in the world than the census points to, I guess. And before you defend NijiEN managers, whatever you think of her, at least don't you dare defend their incompetence, like have some self-respect. Have a good one buddy, I rather not end up with 39IQ.

>> No.69358685

>brainlet from reddit doesnt know

>> No.69358825

Elira asks to be put in merch more compared to other livers compared to her genmates and the company lets her. Occam's razor instead of going with the theory management was actually Osama Bin Laden plotting a revenge scheme on the US for killing him by ruining the reputation of their Oshis

>> No.69358864

>casually admitting to being biased
the bias is against someone believing they aren't racist while being racist, so yes, a person like that should just stay in their lane and not try to add more fuel to a fire that already has been juiced up with gasoline
>they didn't cry about copyright infringement
then what was the problem exactly with the mv? please, enlighten me, with your vast insight, on what exactly was problematic with it
>selen didn't get the boot sooner because she was beloved and making money
I am not a business savant but if I had a corporation, I'd make sure to nip problems before they even form, that is to say, I would kick Selen if she really was that hard to work with, you can say all you want about how "it is the right thing to do, to forgive someone for making mistakes" and I agree, but that's too 'humane' for what NijiEN has shown so far, not to mention the CEO himself being the type of person to chase after money.

So it all comes back to the statement every single terminated/graduated person of NijiEN including Doki made, that poor management was the problem, tracing back to how, originally, doki wanted to move on but NijiEN kept shitting the bed, mental disorder or not, the blame still lies on NijiEN.

>> No.69358920

JP stream from about 2 weeks back.

>> No.69358924

Why? Because if you say or do something they don't like even it is negligible, it suddenly becomes bullying.

>> No.69359011

it might make the bullying from nijii worse if they knew

>> No.69359054
File: 65 KB, 599x590, akko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to deal with someone like this before. Nice at the start but went real bad later on to the extent she called me out, lied about me and got me blacklisted from other channels and servers.
I still haven't recovered from it and still struggling with coming to terms with it, because I'm scared of a repeat.
Let's just say there's plenty of indies like this too, doesn't matter how big or small they are, if they say something to their streamer friends and followers then it is gospel with no rebuttal allowed.

>> No.69359202

most of this shit isnt what happened or your intentionally making shit up to make your point look stronger then it actually is.
>Nijisanji threatens her with termination if she doesn't provide context for why the video was privated
not what happened, niji got pissy she told her fans to reupload it since management privated it.
even if they did want her to provide context, it wouldnt have changed much.
>Her opinion of him immediately shifts and he's now a bully
We dont know what was inside the HR complaint, and your trusting that vox's framing of it as "just friendly criticism and concern" but we cant trust vox here because he lied about reading the document thoroughly, his criticisms couldve come off worse then he intended.
>she begins to assume a lot of things
because shes getting second hand info from chat, she clearly was caught off guard and worried for the worse.
> mentions she'll provide "more" evidence despite never providing evidence at all
she didnt know what was said in the video at the time so her saying that was just to say that shell reply evidence depending on what was in the video, added on with her lawyer probably recommending she doesnt share info beyond what was necessary.
>$200,000 dollars on personal projects
aka 200k she reinvested in the community to help it grow and have fun, you are aware she wasnt using the money just on herself.
people over spending is a common thing in society since businesses basically incentivize you to overspend
>Threats of suicide or self-injury, often in response to fears of separation or rejection.
anon this point applies to most people in emotional distress, mentally ill or not.
okay miss "ive totally had over 10000 eyes on me in a moment of weakness"
actually become a streamer and prove it, not everyone in life can handle this shit as well as you.
and youre looking at these action retroactively as if being in a moment of pressure doesnt change how one responds.
im well aware that happened, but shes not the one who made them fuck up multiple times in a row, her BPD didnt make someone else decide to terminate her with in 2 hours of her HR complaint, or had the other livers make a smear video that aired at the same time as her first gaming stream, or made management share details of a legal document with unrelated parties.
her mental illness isnt magically making people do stupid shit like this.
daph has no clue what shes talking about, its not criticism if you have no fucking clue what your criticizing
>Two wrongs don't make a right.
it was never a matter of making a right, the world doesnt work on who takes the highroad, it works on who can come out of something stronger, taking the highroad is just one means of doing so.
youre just a experienceless child who has never has had a job in your life, if you did youd know that all management, hell just other people in general even; will fuck you over if you dont think for yourself and just go along with whats asked of you.
>Zaion was new, ruining Niji's reputation by constantly getting cancelled on Twitter and being hard to work with in the span of her first 3 months
oh then what about vox and his fans getting so agressive with their parasocial behavior that even the clique had to force him to address the problem?
let me repeat, management wasnt the ones who told vox to fix his shitty fanbase, it was the other livers socially pressuring him to fix his shitty fanbase.
vox being around for longer and being more important to the branch and fucking up is more of a problem then the newbie not being wrangled in.
and either way both situations just showing how little management did to try to address the livers actions and improve the situation.
agreed have had this happen before as well, people will go along with what their friends say more then they will think about how their friends are and what couldve happened.

>> No.69359250

Ok, so you're biased and too stupid to look at things objectively

>then what was the problem exactly with the mv? please, enlighten me,

Unauthorized use of works and assets belonging to affiliated livers which disregarded the intention of the parties. They said it right there

Last part is just more
Then fine. They kept her around because she made them money. Happy?

>> No.69359317

Pomu and Finana NEVER asked to be put in merch more compared to other livers compared to her genmates and the company lets her. Occam's razor instead of going with the theory management was actually Osama Bin Laden plotting a revenge scheme on the US for killing him by ruining the reputation of their Oshis. How convenient, sis.:) It's just natural and organic.:)

>> No.69359391
File: 348 KB, 665x574, 77zcz4o8riny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened in your situation? Did you get thrown out of everywhere and abandoned by your so-called friends too? Because that's what happened with me.

>> No.69359402

>Don't they know that makes them ableists
because chinks cannot understand that people in the west dont like punching down

>> No.69359562

The argument that she reinvested money and is good is just too weak. It's like saying niji are actually really good guys, because they invested all this money to make vtubers and content. It's a bad argument no matter who you apply it to. If it's a good or bad business decision is besides the point yet the argument could just as well change depending on success or failure of the investment. That's why it's a very weak and biased argument.

>> No.69359637

Retards with money and fame are dangerous

>> No.69359871

>Unauthorized use of works and assets belonging to affiliated livers which disregarded the intention of the parties
The livers are the property of Anycolor Inc. Why was it necessary to revoke the perms, at the last minute, no less?

>> No.69359886

Fuck, you got us good there. If only she had an organization to fall back on. Maybe she could've had someone whose job was just to manage her and make sure her finances were being used properly before they rack up to 200k in a year and 15k lost in an instant.

...Oh wait

>> No.69359902

>it wouldnt have changed much.
You're retarded for saying Selen admitting she was at fault and saying why the video was privated wouldn't have helped
>HR complaint rrat
Go home
>vox here because he lied about reading the document thoroughly
When did he lie? He read the documents Anycolor sent him thoroughly, he never said he read all the documents. You can look at Doki's Neopets stream for constant contradictions and walk backs though
>her saying that was just to say that shell reply evidence
Nice theory. Fact is she claimed she'd release evidence. There's no evidence. She claims she'll release more evidence. There was never evidence in the first place. Spending 200,000 dollars and not making a profit is absolutely an impulsive and risky spending spree no matter what it's being spent on
>anon this point applies to most people in emotional distress, mentally ill or not
Yeah, people who usually plan on killing themselves suffer from mental illness and can become mentally unstable. Which proves she has some kind of mental illness

>> No.69359987

You know there's a massive difference in capital between being a multibillion corporation and being their "contractor" that gets 2% of their merch sales, right, sis?

>> No.69360023

I mean, I objectively reached the conclusion that 39daph is retarded based on stuff which you can find yourself on their socials. It's not rocket science.
>unauthorized use of works and assets belonging to affiliated livers
Good to know I get to keep my "IP"/model/name if I graduate from Nijisanji! Wait...
>waaah black company
I mean, I didn't say it, I just said that the events that took place, as well as taking into account the, well, multiple accounts of people who worked inside NijiEN, point to one direction, that NijiEN has management issues. I did not mention any percentage cuts that go to the company, or anything of the sort, other than pointing out I'd get rid of a problem before it escalated like this, especially if I had a mindset of wanting to make money, because, as it turns out, shareholders wouldn't (and didn't) like it.

>> No.69360033

>Fact is she claimed she'd release evidence. There's no evidence.

She's also not a lawyer and was talking under duress in an impromptu stream with no script or time to prepare for the emotional manipulation she was under at the time.

>> No.69360062

>belonging to affiliated livers

You chuds will never learn how to read. The assets and works belong to the liver, not Nijisanji.

>> No.69360113

>he thinks the MV was what made selen want to die
illiterate retard do your basic reps

>> No.69360121

>Fact is she claimed she'd release evidence. There's no evidence.

She's also not a lawyer and was talking under duress in an impromptu stream with no script or time to prepare for the emotional manipulation she was under at the time.
"Sorry Mr. Lawyer, the sisters at some minor forum dedicated to stalking people and monitoring their personal lives and judging/attacking them for it said that the things I said in panic were legally binding. We have to fuck our case over publicly."

>> No.69360174

Why'd she claim she released evidence if that never happened if not for her either lying or being out of touch with reality? Don't skip that part

>> No.69360262

You realize that you are proving that she WAS being subjected to hostile work environment, right? Some liver who's still in the company gave his/her permission to appear in the MV and then revoked it at the last second, is that what you're saying?

>> No.69360279

I fucked up and posted twice. Great job ignoring the one that actually had the answer to your question though.

>> No.69360315

For people that never dealt with people with BPD a good summary is every negative interaction is fight or flight response no matter how minor and it sounds like for stupid reasons to normal people but for them it's a matter of survival. In a sense it is because they feel like their Ego is dying. So in their mental equation accusing someone innocent of heinous acts and throwing them under is justified because their avoiding death, all in their head mind you. Most people fall for it because it's inconceivable someone would do that. They eventually get caught because they run out of victims.

>> No.69360369
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>she has bpd
Is there any reason to actually believe this? Pretty sure it's just wild speculation from armchair psychologists on twitter.

>> No.69360378

"making a statement" =/= "release evidence" you fucking deaf retard

>> No.69360398

>Unauthorized use of works and assets belonging to affiliated livers which disregarded the intention of the parties.
anon they wanted perms for characters they legally own, having them in the video wouldnt have caused any shit because they are the rights owners to nina and mysta.
its like if pixar gave itself shit for putting the pizza van in every movie, theyre the direct owners of the ip, they dont need to ask for perms because theyve already directly worked with the pizza van every movie.
luckly not that bad but i pissed off one vtuber and she banned me from her friends chats i had spoken in before.
luckly a few of her friends likely challenged her on doing that for their chats so i wasnt banned from anyone i frequent.
then there were multiple solo friends who cut me off without reason but they didnt have enough sway power to force communities to cut me off.
>It's like saying niji are actually really good guys, because they invested all this money to make vtubers and content
i get what you mean but niji straight up is bare mininum investing into the community, theyre not putting extra money in to boost the community otherwise selen wouldnt have had to pay so much out of pocket.
and in some cases theyre uninvesting because they took forever to fix pomus 3d meaning she couldnt use it for a whole fucking year and have put many projects on the back burners for just as long despite mostly being ready.
wrong, nijiID had a song writer make music as a liver and he didnt even have control of his spotify, nijisanji owned the music he made as a liver.
all stuff done as a liver is under anycolors licencing and they own what you make because you are a contractor for them.

>> No.69360495
File: 127 KB, 320x320, you're not from around here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you chuds
Oh, you're a tourist.

>> No.69360500

We know livers in question were ex-members Mysta and Nina. Both of them shun Doki. Can't be a corpo thing because they're okay with Mika. So why did they not give perms? Was it by accident or intentional?

>> No.69360547

C'mon, girl. You post on the doxx site. You KNOW that isn't true.

>> No.69360664

Because they likely were never asked. If Niji takes 37 hours to respond to a 3 second inquiry, what makes you think they actually made the effort to contact anyone? They would've delayed the christmas video until after she graduated, like what almost happened to Pomu.

>> No.69360734

There is statement that it doesnt need evidence, and there is statement that indeed need evidence and this one of those

>> No.69360845
File: 37 KB, 640x480, 1656376214585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Woman kills husband
>It goes to court
>Husband's family goes to the witness stand saying the abuse wasn't so bad and accidentally namedrops themselves as abusers too
>says it's ok because she's a lunatic while further incriminating themselves and incriminating others as well

>> No.69360864

I'm going off of what I know to be facts, would be interesting if Kuro or Matara confirm or deny perm requests and NijiEN suddenly drops communication they sent for said perms, unless your rrat is right that they never bothered to ask.

>> No.69360868

She never had perms for the livers at all. Are you retarded?

>> No.69360884

>Why does it matter that she has BPD or bipolar or whatever?
Everyone who thinks this unironically should be forced to work with a BPD person like Selen and then hear it from HR that she said she tried to kill herself because of the interpersonal conflict she caused.

>> No.69361008

Enna claims to be a virgin to appeal to her femcel audience

But Enna has dated and moved in for more than a year with multiple boyfriends and fakes being a femcel for viewer engagement.

Also Enna craves BWC and fucked Kyo during their offcollab..

>> No.69361009

Not a single solig argument to >>69346491 . For all the "sisters" being thrown around this place is actually an incel and loser central.

>> No.69361029

This part we know is true because the artist that made scenes of ex-members stated they just thought it would be a nice touch to include them in the MV. So perms weren't an issue until the artist put them in of their own volition and suddenly perms became an issue.

>> No.69361076

I won't date you, fucking fish reeking landwhale

>> No.69361145
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Ok, but then please tell me what my workplace would do to me if I decided to release a video that completely counters the narrative the CEO is trying to present to the shareholders.

You cocksuckers completely ignore the fact that the blackstream and Tazumi's video were COMPLETELY different in tone and that someone decided to not confer with the CEO and make him look like a fucking idiot on the global stage.
I think that's a bit above BPD worker is being a schizocunt. Especially when your hypothetical HR is siding with you against the BPD schizocunt.

>> No.69361180

Then why did she move forward with a project that was, by your estimate, shitcanned from the start? You're reaching so far up your own ass now, you're forming a singularity.

>> No.69361205
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>> No.69361212
File: 2.36 MB, 1930x1456, ShEoNLyDiDiTbEcAUsEoFtHeVidEo!1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NDF makes up shit about person they don't even watch the streams of

This is what your exasperation results in. You let this doxxsite distort your heart. Now....you become your own convictions of her as a ruined object before others.

>> No.69361218

>ok but how about....
How about no.

>> No.69361241

CEO is trying to calm down investors, Black screen is trying to deny rrat. Completely different objectives.

>> No.69361247

I dont care about shit, I like doki

>> No.69361256

What the fuck are you talking about? She said she'd release MORE evidence. She never gave evidence of anything

>> No.69361325

Refer to >>69361029
If this situation is as complicated as it's indicating then no one specifically at fault, it becomes a bizarre sequences of miscommunication and fumbles

>> No.69361352

Everyone here should work under toxic management and see how long it takes before none of their friends wants to deal with them anymore, because it turns out being miserable for a paycheck has actual consequences.

>> No.69361373

kek the godrrat literally came into being as a direct consequence of that stream.

>> No.69361447

>hurr durr muh rrat
stfu or actually contribute something useful

>> No.69361497

kill yourself nigger tourist you're lost in the timeline

>> No.69361535

You objectively think she's retarded. Still bias
>IP"/model/name if I graduate from Nijisanji!
They own the assets, not the IP/character. Use your brain

>If company known for doing bad things, that mean all thing they do is bad durrrrrrr....

Also you never disproved that Selen brought them money so they were lenient with her, going by the black company logic

>> No.69361605
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There would be, actually:
Let not the NDF lead your commitments to righteousness and truth astray however, for the NDF know about as much about this disorder as they know about Good Faith Argumentation, which is to say next to nothing.

>> No.69361656

Guys what are the sisters doing in our thread fucking bully them out already

>> No.69361673
File: 349 KB, 1280x720, It's like the scene of a horrible car accident..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please don't thoroughly examine my hypothetical situation
How about no.
>CEO is trying to calm down investors
>Black screen is so unprofessional it makes the situation far worse
I'm sure the investors are very calmed down.

Face it dicklicker, the blackstream was an absolute fucking dumpsterfire of a video that no lawyer would have signed off on. That was Niji EN acting completely on their own without conferring with Tazumi or any other higher management at all.
The CEO was giving a statement. The CEO was taking control of the narrative for Nijisanji. The CEO was going to be the Director, Actor, Producer, Key Grip and Best Boy of this debacle.
And then Larry, Curly and Moe decided they were gonna WHY I OUTTA the shit out of the situation.

>> No.69361751

>current year 4chan capable of bullying anyone out
Dream on.

>> No.69361773

Lots of emotion in your post anon, might wanna get meds for that

>> No.69361798

>Good Faith Argumentation
>Automatically assume Nijisanji and everyone in it are malicious and are lying at all times otherwise the narrative falls apart

Can't argue with retarded faggots

>> No.69361800

no it fucking doesnt, she made the statement not knowing what was said in the fucking video and before she got legal consul for the situation at hand.
its like saying youll grab a drink from a fridge and coming back empty handed because the fridges contents are not drinks, what your going to bring pickle juice back for you to drink?
sadly femcels can still get dick even if theyre toxic bitches, their being more men then women allows for this.
thats why femcels are incompatable with incels, theyre more likely then not able to get dick easily from most other groups even while being so toxic and hating men.
different objectives are one thing but black screen literally made the CEO's video pointless and sparked up more rrats.
it doesnt matter the intent anymore, they fucked up so hard that it made the other useless.
okay then why did reza stop making music as a liver once the merge happened? because he saw that his carrier at niji would end soon and making more stuff for niji was pointless.
assets are useless if theyre attracted the character the company owns retard

>> No.69361844

Their eyes sparkled at the believed that somehow, that was enough to discredit her and save their fags from the hanging

>> No.69361885

They come in waves like fucking insects lmao

>> No.69361930 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 346x405, 1641091816928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell you what, when I pick up some meds from the chemist I'll also buy some vaseline so it hurts less while I keep fucking you raw in this thread, hey?

>> No.69362052

>Good Faith Argumentation
>Automatically assume Selen is malicious and is lying at all times otherwise the narrative falls apart

see how easy it is?
btw the burden of proof is on niji because they're the one who made public claims

>> No.69362093
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I too, believe the superpowerful international organization with an extended history of predatory, deceptive, and exploitative practices over its perpetually targeted victims even after they escape the cult.

>> No.69362114

Fair enough.

>> No.69362157

Guys are the sisters a cult?

>> No.69362274

>why did reza stop making music as a liver once the merge happened?
Because he felt like it and was disheartened by the branch dissolving. The music was never profitable anyways

>assets are useless if theyre attracted the character the company owns retard
Don't be stupid. Owning the assets of the IP means they have partial ownership so Nijisanji needs their consent to use the character. Otherwise we'd have people taking over Kyo's account and just use his model

>> No.69362312

You really thought you did something with that cringe ass reply huh goofy

>> No.69362365

>Owning the assets of the IP means they have partial ownership so Nijisanji needs their consent to use the character.
Cite your sources or shut the fuck up

>> No.69362408

Yeah I dated the guy behind the other Niji liver with BDP.

>> No.69362411
File: 72 KB, 625x469, b3044907c3ee027402da1d5e918f1c8d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh personal anecdote about le bad BPD lady I knew once

Don't let the skinwalking, bootlickihg ghouls trick you into swallowing their baseless narrative.

>> No.69362560

"I didn't do it " is not a claim, you retarded nigger. It's a denial of one. Also people defending Niji have been giving Selen the benefit of the doubt at all times while most people who cover this shit see someone try to claim Nijisanji isn't lying and the shit stains immediately go


Like a bunch of pussies who have a hard time being wrong

>> No.69362675

Anon if you only knew how bad BPD is. Closest word that even comes close to describing is demonic. There's vids on YouTube talking about it, it's a real problem. Whether Doki actually has BPD or was just trend hopping is a separate matter.

>> No.69362683

My source is Nijisanji themselves, you retard. Multiple people in Nijisanji have said that they choose when they're involved in projects

>> No.69362726

What's insane is that they never actually bring up examples of her being hard to work with. You'd think in 3 years, especially with how fucking awful Niji is at NDAs, SOMEBODY would've actually spoken up to specifically defame her before all of this. Instead literally everybody whose job is not directly threatened by Nijisanji has gone out of their way to sing her praises to high heaven. They have this mythical BPD mastermind in their head that has absolutely no basis in reality.

>> No.69362760
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>> No.69362782

>And made her look mentally stable and professional in comparison?

>> No.69362854
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Why does Elira get more that 2x merch than her other genmates combined? Did they really not care all that much about their livelihood?

Any NDF sister wanna chime in?

>> No.69362948

Don't need to. She says so herself


Don't know why you fucks expect someone to willingly get fed to crows for going against public opinion for little to no benefit

>> No.69362952

It's going to be so fucking funny seeing sisters anti Elira when she gets terminated

>> No.69362964

Kek you fuckers really do come in waves, And fucking Demonic really? You expect us to believe that every person that has BPD is some evil person who canruin your lives in a moments notice?

>> No.69363007

you bitches would still try to fight the good faith argument that only lays out the publicly known facts, like the one on reddit that did so.
daph alone shows how stuck in your ways as a NDF that even with her saying obviously incorrect info, you would still try to gaslight yourselves and others into believing its not actually that bad or that doki was evil.
im sorry NDFfags but the GURRAT exists in part to counter balance your bad faith ahead of time so less people are willing to side with you since youre far more extreme then the GURRAT or the middle ground.
>Because he felt like it and was disheartened by the branch dissolving. The music was never profitable anyways
this and what i said can both be true anon.
>Owning the assets of the IP means they have partial ownership so Nijisanji needs their consent to use the character
not really, if that were the case they could also just release ip owner ship to save them the trouble of shared ownership, at least then needing perms would make sense.
>Otherwise we'd have people taking over Kyo's account and just use his model
the reason why they dont do that is culture etiquette, wanting to keep good relations with workers to prevent from from always fearing theyll be replaced, wanting to prevent pissing of the worker with insider info they could leak if they were wronged and that vtubing companies have done that before and faced heavy backlash that practically caused the company to crash.
kizuna ai wasnt necessarily replaced but given new personas played by different people but people were outraged by it because they thought they were just replacing her.

>> No.69363011

this faggot is trying to clout chase doki by making horrible clay art

>> No.69363026

Cause she asks. They don't make shit off merch too. If you're gonna shit on Niji, be consistent

>> No.69363129

It’s bpd idiot

>> No.69363136

Pomu and Finana didn't. They just stood there, while Elira got merch and sponsors. Natural and organic, sis.

>> No.69363150

The fuck is wrong with you? This is a literal 1view streamer you found to get your panties in a twist, and he's just doing what he loves? Dear lord I hate these women.

>> No.69363219

>Finana didn't ask.
You seriously think FINANA of all people wouldn't ask for more merch? What the fuck kind of argument is this?

>> No.69363256

>but the GURRAT exists in part to counter balance your bad faith ahead of time so less people are willing to side

These faggots are really admitting to using the GURat to trick gullible retards to not trust actual evidence coming out from the other side because it's in "bad faith". Actual Kike behavior

>> No.69363342

When your entire fucking case revolves around her being a psychopath I'd expect SOMEBODY in 3 years to at least hold some kind of a grudge, or even slight discontentment publicly against her. Instead all you have is her getting rightfully pissed off at Management since she's been confirmed to do their job better than they do.

>> No.69363384

Yes and she was fucking insane. Fun to talk to one day, then a black hole of rage the next. Had enough at one point and blocked her, and she'd leave me voice messages in tears telling me she was in love with me (after 2 dates.) Incidentally she also tried to kill herself for attention by sending me pics of her stabbing her leg

>> No.69363387

It's actually a good move as long as the liver isn't concerned about the money too much. If others don't push merch because of le 2% then that in and of itself becomes an opportunity for whoever has the willingness to take most of those opportunities and basically allow the merch to serve as a form of public advertising.

>> No.69363400
File: 120 KB, 720x718, 20240214_080215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NDF be like:
>disbelieve victim because she has an illness that predisposes her to being victimized by predatory personalities
>ignore the fact the entire Clique is a human machine that exists just to feed the egos of those with unjustified power

>> No.69363416

Huh? Just from the termination notice alone niji has made VERY heavy claims that Selen did many bad things. Why are you saying that niji are denying shit? They have to prove every claim they made with actual receipts because their track record shows that their word cannot be taken at face value.
They can't go "I-I didn't do anything I swear!" when they made such announcement during Selen's suspension.

>> No.69363449

wasn't that screenshot fake though?

>> No.69363464

So Doki's alleged disorder made her former coworkers and company act like vindictive that's? Interesting.

>> No.69363495

Where is this BPD or Bipolar rrat come from? She doesn't show any signs. She shows text book General Variable Depression.

>> No.69363515

The funny thing is, if they're actually serious, they've been so redpilled by anonymous shitposting that they don't even realize anymore how fucking vile and retarded anything they say is.

>> No.69363569

Yeah, they don't participate in much merch because they don't make a lot of profit off it. Elira does because she likes having a lot of merch around. Also sponsors approach the liver, not the other around. Don't be stupid

Yes. Next

>> No.69363579

It's also apparently a crippling disorder that makes it impossible for her to get anything done, yet she was the one who did the absolute most during her entire tenure with the company, with nobody in the entire western world having a bad word to say about her.

>> No.69363592

That was meant to say vindictive twats.
Funny how the "crazy woman" has acted more rationally throughout this than the PR & legal professionals.

>> No.69363601
File: 687 KB, 320x320, 00c9a06f-4524-4a45-817e-15de7003c553_dokibird_eff_gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked and subscribed

>> No.69363688

Even when pushed with that disgusting black stream live on camera, she kept her composure and didn't incriminate herself, nor did she directly attack anybody, completely going against this boogeyman they've painted of her.

>> No.69363698
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>> No.69363734

No, Doki tweeted out her old profile bio herself and had BPD in it. Sometime later she removed it.

>> No.69363786

She hasn't. She cried suicide and all the saviorfags ignored her bullshit like secretly recording people or falsely claiming things were illegal with no context

>> No.69363829

...Are you serious? This is their entire argument? A teenager during the autism bingo train had a self diagnosis in her bio and then removed it? They're ignoring literally everything she's ever done for this?

>> No.69363875

Yes anon, being a vtuber is a BPD's dream job. It is for a lot of people that can't function in normal society. This isn't new.

>> No.69363902
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Can I get in the discord please? I'll be good

>> No.69363931
File: 123 KB, 1024x1024, GGS4YetbAAA3cgn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Niji: *Shoots self in the foot.*
>Doki: "WHAT THE FUCK?! Why did you do that?!"
>Niji: "You forced us into this." *shoots self in the other foot*
>Niji: "This is your fault."
>Doki: "WHAT?!"
>Niji: *makes staff cover for them*
>Doki: "Why are you getting them involved?!"
>Niji: "You forced us to do this."
>Doki: "WHAT?!"

>> No.69364036

No one knows why she added then removed it except herself.

>> No.69364066

More assumption posting and excusing her verbally abusing a manager who only exists to enforce rules they don't make and ensure permissions are granted. The fact she wasn't suspended for doing that proves favoritism all right. Except not towards Vox

>> No.69364069

Damn, I can't believe it was niji with BPD all along.

>> No.69364073

Her disorder, however mildly it manifested, is just a scapegoat for sisters to cling on. Along with the "technicality".
Funny how she managed dozens of projects before. Then it became "convenient" for kurosanjiEN that she's a "biprlar BPD incopetent drooling menhera retard". Very curious.

>yeah, they just stood by. It's just natural. Advertising, merch, collabs, scene presence, they didn't care about it at all.
>yeah, sponsors just approached Elira, and no one else. Just stop asking so many questions. Don't be stupid. Stop digging for the truth. SPONSORS DIDN'T APPROACH POMU. STOP ASKING
Do you have a humiliation fetish, sis?

>> No.69364124

Recording people to show different standards within the company. But I guess wanting to reform Nijisanji was bad. Or at least a goal deemed impossible enough that she ultimately chose seeking to leave.
And considering her mental health, if she was bad enough to end up as she did, you would think everyone would be glad to be rid of her and agree to move on...but it was Niji, and them alone, who chose to poke and prod. So even if Doki was in the wrong, she made it very difficult to not blame the others at this point.

>> No.69364128

LMAO you're the crybaby faggot that was sobbing about how dissenting opinions weren't allowed. I thought you would fucked off from here by now and slit your wrists if you couldn't handle people here not coddling your ass.

>> No.69364148

If it doesn't make sense, it's probably because it isn't what happened. They teach this in elementary school which you retards clearly dropped out of

>> No.69364201
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>> No.69364207

>I'm assumption posting
>you're claiming she has a critical, extremely dangerous mental disorder despite no evidence beyond she got mad at her manager for fucking up again for the millionth time.

>> No.69364225

If you scrubbed Doki's and Anycolor's names and listed all their actions throughout this whole shishow and then asked people to guess which one is the one with BPD I bet you my mom and my dog that the vast majority would think Anycolor is the "person" with BPD.

>> No.69364235

Why did Doki make Niji do that?

>> No.69364237

Literally not a sister and just trying to get to the actual bottom of this shit show because the current rrat doesn't cut it for me.

>> No.69364291 [DELETED] 

>The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.

>> No.69364322

I'll hold you to this post. See you in 4 months.

>> No.69364335
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fucking kek

>> No.69364364

>Also sponsors approach the liver, not the other around. Don't be stupid
Reminder that a sponsor approached Pomu, offering her a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, but management shot it down without being willing to discuss/negotiate anything at all.

>> No.69364373

>and no one else.
Confirmed drama tourist. Enna and Meloco have their own fucking perfume. Rosemi was in a sponsorship for her own PC. Go back to X

>> No.69364405

>The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.

>> No.69364418

Well shit, I'll set up an alarm. Leave a keyword so I can find it more easily later.

>> No.69364506

>trying to get to the actual bottom
Occam's razor, not sis. Niji is a black company. NijiEN branch is a fucking slave pit.

>Enna and Meloco have their own fucking perfume
Wanna talk about that totally not MGS collab with Pomu, sis? No? That's fine.

>> No.69364549
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>They teach this in elementary school which you retards clearly dropped out of
If we dropped out of elementary school then you were dropped as a baby because you are far more retarded than we are. lol

>> No.69364576

Don't worry, I took a screenshot and put a reminder in calendar.

>> No.69364646

Nah I like watching you humiliate yourselves with this retarded headcanon.

>> No.69364773 [DELETED] 

Glad I was able to bait you
enjoy watching his austistic content that is catered to children and troons LOOL

>> No.69364777


Oh yeah, forget the other sponsors and talk about the rrat Pomu was talking about an MGS collab because all you retards have are assumptions based on 0 evidence. Mori got to make a shit song about MGS. Pomu didn't because Mori was chosen and not her

>> No.69364790

I believed they were black until the remaining members unified against Doki. That's not black corpo behavior. Just small things off here and there about the mess got me thinking, so dug more and the situation looks to be actually a lot more complicated than at first glance.

>> No.69364847

as if that already wasnt apparent anon, gurrat is extreme by design, its built on bad faith based on previous info given out by the company for free and putting the pieces together.
the fact that the gurrat makes more sense then the bad fath argument that NDFfags make shows that gurrat has a higher believably rating and gives more fulfilling answers to all of nijiens problems then just "selen bad because BPD" does.
if you couldnt tell that before and needed someone to just state it outright then youre the gullible retard who doesnt understand the cards at play.
you mean the recordings shes legally within her right to do, especially after what happened with zaion; even if it wasnt actually just a sound test thing for a stream that ended up in the legal doc?
shes still legally and morally allowed to record others, especially with the retroactive knowledge we have now.
that is making more assumption based on headcanon then anything we have actual proof for, aka your making shit up to just like daph.
also fuck off, vox is the golden boy everyone saw it, mika even implied how there was heavy favortism.
and it took the whole clique pressuring vox to fix his fanbase for him to actually do anything, management didnt ask him, the other livers did and this was the clique too so the favortism is strong enough that the big bad of the gurrat had to team up to get vox to do anything.

>> No.69364871

do you think a public tribute to riku would gain much traction

>> No.69364903
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Thanks we will! Bau bau!

>> No.69364914

I doubt it was MGS, but it does show that it wasn't that sponsors weren't coming to Pomu/Finana, but rather management denying them in favor of Elira.

>> No.69364979

cum tribute maybe

>> No.69365062

>assuming she's an evil bitch behind the scenes because of a 1 minute clip out of context. >>69364790
totally natural, throw a few more darts and maybe you'll hit something that resembles a rational thought.

>> No.69365094

GURrat is multiple layers of confirmation bias.

>> No.69365126

iirc it wasn't MGS, but a collab with an idol group that Pomu's followed for years. She was seriously looking forwards to it as a dream project but management shot it down and ruined everything for ???? reason.

>> No.69365203

>you mean the recordings shes legally within her right to do, especially after what happened with zaion

I'm legally allowed to shoot any dog that pops up in my yard. Am I justified in shooting the dog? How is she morally justified to betray the trust of her friend and one of her most frequent collab partners to get dirt on him to use in a lawsuit? What a fucking Judas

>> No.69365302
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How are they this retarded guys? Is it on purpose?

>> No.69365420

>oh well what if Selen shot a dog?
I know Elira's a bitch but that's an extreme hypothetical.

>> No.69365472

People have. Enna said that Selen had an ego the size of a planet and the other Ethyria girls laughed beause they agreed. But people were so busy rrating that Enna is a supervillain that they ignore that and framed it as bullying. Just like they will with any other potential examples

>> No.69365478

They're just this hungry for Vox's pedo cock that they can't help themselves but believe anything coming out of his mouth, praying that one day he'll lower his standards enough to come for them too.

>> No.69365554

>Recording someone=Killing a dog
What kind of retarded logic is that lmao

>> No.69365586

Cry more fat cunt, are you going to kill yourself if I save a screenshot of your retarded babble without your consent?

>> No.69365587

>bad fath argument that NDFfags make shows that gurrat has a higher believably rating

You must be a new breed of nigger. The only reason people are buying literally fucking anything bad about Nijisanji is because Selen attempted suicide. It's fulfilling because people don't like to be wrong and are more willing to argue that everyone else is. Admitting your argue in bad faith and are spreading a dumb rrat to manipulate the truth away from public perception doesn't make you look smart, it makes you look like a kike

>> No.69365607

Because women somehow unironically think that would discredit her as if that magically disproved anything she's said or undo negrosanji's slander

>> No.69365706
File: 77 KB, 500x700, 39daph-as-seen-in-a-selfie-that-was-taken-in-February-2021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most importantly, how can this situation used to destroy this ugly mongoloid bitch for good?

>> No.69365774

>calling someone new
>pretending this board hasn't been anti-niji since its fucking inception
>ignores zaion, nina, mysta's own statements post niji
>we only hate Niji because Selen attempted suicide
>will totally claim to not be from the doxxsite.

>> No.69365801

Depends on if she plans to die on this retarded hill. Very possible is so.

>> No.69365848

Imagine Anycolor saying this shit in court.

>> No.69365877

She isn't already destroyed? She is pretty irrelevant

>> No.69365922

Never said this shit. Stop acting like people buying your shitty rrat is because it makes sense and not because normies are retarded. You kikes are on an ego trip

>> No.69365964

>It's essentially lying bitch syndrome
That's a good name for it since BPD isn't real. It's just called being a manipulative bitch. That's why it's literally a 3:1 ratio of women to men with it.

>> No.69366059
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So is there like a quota of posts per gift card or something? Can I apply too?

>> No.69366076

Go back to your containment shithole fat bitch. Do you have to cut yourself for every slur you say to fit in as atonement or do another one of you retarded whales grant you a temporary pass? No one needs to bring up the suicide attempts to talk about Niji being retarded now fuck off

>> No.69366148

>BPD isn't real
This is a retarded take, get a better one.

>> No.69366260

>more assumption based on headcanon then anything we have actual proof for,

It literally was admitted to by Selen in the video. If management wanted to kill Selen, they could have terminated her for verbally abusing a manager.

>took the whole clique pressuring vox to fix his fanbase for him to actually do anything,

Continue having no evidence, it makes you look very believable

>> No.69366342

>Depends on if she plans to die on this retarded hill. Very possible is so.
she couldnt help but talk about it in-depth a second time, so quite possible she will continue shilling for nijisanji

she averages ~3500 viewers per stream which is pretty considerable, and she's definitely relevant in the cringe take space

>> No.69366474

ESL sister moment

>> No.69366491

This is what I don't get. If sisters would just drop this whole thing the situation would have died down already speeding up the process of NijiEN livers being able to come back to stream again. But instead, they keep adding fuel to the fire. Why?

>> No.69366515
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did she call you an incel once on her stream?

>> No.69366560

They have BDP

>> No.69366611

the seethe in this post is palpable. your ugly mongo streamer isnt going to acknowledge you

>> No.69366624
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Cluster B "people" are as close as you get to genuine evil. They dont deserve second chances, they are fundamentally unable to live peacefully with regular humans.

>> No.69366650

These are the people dumb enough to think that Niji is plausibly in the right in this situation. Of course they aren't smart enough to simply shut up and let things blow over.

>> No.69366716

This except Selen

>> No.69366735

Armchair psych sisters saying she has BPD when there's hard evidence that the claims are true, cope harder, it won't make Vox fuck you.

>> No.69366745

Speaking as someone who's friends with someone suffering from severe BPD, Doki's case is relatively mild (because she makes a real effort). It could be so, so, so much worse.

Her BPD is not the cause of her conflicts within Nijisanji.

>> No.69366790

>no u!
You're not gonna earn a gift card with posts that weak sister.

>> No.69366800

I'm barely aware of who she is you inbred fuck, twitch is trash

>> No.69366852

Look out, they'll call you sister

>> No.69366884

They think Vox will let them blow him if they defend him hard enough. They're honest to God mentally deranged, believing phony Vox was actually hurt by a discord call being recorded and projecting it onto themselves

>> No.69366895

so she did huh

>> No.69366977

>there's hard evidence that the claims are true
Sure, there is. It's just hidden in Doki's vault where it'll never be seen by anyone except her and her incompetent lawyer. Let's just take her unstable ass on her honor and assume she's completely correct about everything

>> No.69367047
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You need to talk to Sylvie. I can get you in touch.

>> No.69367091

Wouldn't that make the /pol/tards around here support them?

>> No.69367142

>I'm barely aware of who she is
>Rushes to defend an ugly, retarded mongoloid
There's definitely an inbred fuck ITT, and it ain't me lmao

Never once been a stream of hers, just seen clips of her flat insect face spouting bad takes. Retarded people (that includes you) shouldn't be allowed to breathe my air

>> No.69367168

If she's that unstable you have more proof than just one video of her getting mad at a manager, right? you have plenty of testimony that she's a horrid person to work with and has been shown to be effectively a pariah due to this crippling disease, right? There's no way big companies would be willing to sever their ties to Nijisanji just because of how much better she is to work with than them, right?

>> No.69367241

Thanks anon, hook me up sometime. I could always use more steam games in my library.

>> No.69367248

>she averages ~3500 viewers per stream which is pretty considerable, and she's definitely relevant in the cringe take space
Yeah but outside that space she is Irrelevant

>> No.69367270

Looks like a slightly skinnier Chris Farley dressed in drag for an SNL skit

>> No.69367279

>it wasn't that sponsors weren't coming to Pomu/Finana, but rather management denying them in favor of Elira.

Why would it be one of the other? That doesn't make any sense, the sponsor decides who they want to sponsor their shit

>> No.69367283

She said it on her own account, you fucking moron


>> No.69367347

True, but she shouldn't even be relevant in her space

>> No.69367414

Yeah and sylvie probably claims to be female. We're not buying either one, sister.

>> No.69367487

Man, you're so butthurt. Also, you're 100% homeschooled, which implies inbreeding.

>> No.69367486

and what does it say when normies still find it to explain more then "selen bad actually".
confirm bias or not, those familiar with nijien but not as much /vt/ still felt it was plossible, even if they disagreed with it.
anon recording someone isnt shooting someones pet, both are betrayals yes but one has far more onus then the other.
recording people is a necessary evil to prevent abuse, being allowed to shoot someones dog if theyre on your property without provocation is using an excess of force, the gun alone puts you in far more social contracts then being in a call with someone.
they clearly were never her friends if they just as quickly made a legal hr complaint public for the world to know it exists, let alone the accusation that they pushed her to suicide.
anon they were insulting her and you know what mean girls fucking do when they claim shit about others, they agree with eachother regardless if its true or not.
clearly if doki had such an ego she would be fueling the fire the best she could legally.
youre only proving my point that you have no clue the cards at play, let alone how to use said cards.
gurrat is a means to an end like anything else, the same way youre using BPD as a means to an end to make people think dokis at fault for nijisanji shooting itself in the foot.
gurrat exists regardless of whether or not dokis social status is good or bad, so even if you somehow prove it to be the case the rest of it is still way stronger then that alone.
niji isnt going to be vindicated if somehow it turns out dokis bad, because doki didnt shoot first, niji did and they missed so hard.
shes a retarded ethot whose close friends with kyo and doesnt even understand whats happening publicly and making claims that conflict with the basic understanding of the situation.
even normies are calling bullshit on her ass since shes just that factually wrong and talking out her ass.

>> No.69367551

And the sponsor decided on Pomu, but management denied it without being willing to discuss/negotiate anything at all.

>> No.69367554

Just as all those zoomies with pronouns in their bios ACTUALLY have legitimately diagnosed BPD, ADHD, autism, Schizophrenia, PTSD, cancer, AIDs, etc.

>> No.69367582

I think you should put more effort into finding out why Vox is a pedo than a typical female thinking she's not neurotupical

>> No.69367661

There has been no proof of bullying other than Selens claims about taking down the cover song, which were debunked by Niji screenshots. The question is did she really get bullied or was she in a bad mental state due to other things. We have no proof and not even specific claims about the bullying, only word versus word.

>> No.69367673

New RRAT: There are no Nijisisters it's actually Niji antis keeping the drama alive just to damage Nijisanji even more.

>> No.69367776

This is actually more plausible than them being this fucking stupid. Why else would they post on fucking 4chan instead of twitter, where their retarded takes might actually gain traction? They already have their own hugbox already.

>> No.69367823

>you have plenty of testimony that she's a horrid person to work with and has been shown to be effectively a pariah due to this crippling disease, right

People now have to specifically say she was bad to work with instead of her literally admitting to being prone to go being easily angered and directing her rage at managers. Then you have Vox and Elira criticizing her actions. Interesting

>There's no way big companies would be willing to sever their ties
There's no way they'd server ties with a company currently embroiled in controversy? Surely big companies like Adidas would never do that

>> No.69367833

>Don't they know that makes them ableist?
Yes, and I do not care, gaslighting mentally ill people is fun.

>> No.69367904

Did you just respond to your own question?

>> No.69367920

You tell them sister, Niji totally didn't bring up the claims unprovoked along with 3 specific names. Our retarded claims are getting us rejected from every corner of the internet, maybe if we press for a more neutral approach we'll win sisters

>> No.69367971

That checks out. Sisterposting is basically guaranteed (you)s, and only requires regurgitating the same handful of talking points.

>> No.69368014

They didn't sever ties. They literally took a stand for Dokibird and are now working with her directly.
Also, yes, they have to specifically say she was bad to work with. Your entire argument hinges on this. Being upset at management taking 6 months to send a single e-mail when she was able to do it in 3 minutes herself and get a response is justified. Management is clearly the one hard to work with, not Doki.

>> No.69368090
File: 22 KB, 499x238, C-658VsXoAo3ovC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck

>> No.69368148

Hell yeah troonsister! You dilate harder!

>> No.69368157

Fuck I can see it

>> No.69368183

>same handful of talking points.
You retarded ugly cows can't even hide your seething when you're trying to blend in

>> No.69368268

Fucked multiple, they're incredibly horny.

The thing about BPD is once they hit their hag years of 30+ they level the fuck out. They're nightmares in their teens and 20s but the older the get the more mentally stable they become. It's the only personality disorder that mostly wears off over time and even quicker with therapy.

There's always gonna be a few batshits that don't but it's worth it for the wild sex drive

>> No.69368273

>hr complaint
Citation needed. If I took a shot every time I saw an assumption made in this thread, I'd kill myself twice. Also please argue why Selen was constantly collabing with Vox if they weren't friends. Was it to manipulate him and use him? Uh oh

>> No.69368358

Honestly if her bpd had anything to do with this it probably went like this
>Is somewhat unstable/persecution complex
>”God I’m tired of her she’s so annoying lets push her into leaving”
>Persecution complex is now confirmed real

>> No.69368556

>They literally took a stand for Dokibird
Like how companies totally gave a shit about Kanye said and didn't want to get caught up in controversy. Whatever you say. Even Selen didn't argue that she was justified. She said herself she went too far. You're literally putting words in the mouth of the person you're defending

>> No.69368666

I mean if Selen was BPD, she somehow managed to keep a lid on it for several years of activity. And on top of that, nobody within the company noticed any warning signs or downward trend to try and either get her some help.

Every single 'Doki bad' theory relies on Niji being even more incompetent than they've already demonstrated.

>> No.69368690

>Gets sent a lawsuit threatening to ruin your reputation

Gullible faggots

>> No.69368695

>I'd kill myself twice
You should. You do know there was no reason to binge eat and cut yourself over Vox saying he was hurt right and that he was just bullshitting? How many times would you have killed yourself if he did graduate in solidarity with her?

>> No.69368757


>> No.69368772

>The nonexistent lawsuit
39 IQ moment

>> No.69368862


>> No.69368960

>there's no proof or claims of bullying
>okay so there is but they were being sued so we shouldn't believe anything
Mentally ill troon, you cant even fake not caring for long before showing your true colors

>> No.69369005

If you had a brain, you'd see that maybe people in the company did try and help which she took the wrong way and tried to kill herself. Nobody would just assume that she has BPD because she's annoying sometimes too, you know disorders can worsen, right?

>> No.69369064

she made the hr complaint with that as a legal claim but she did not make it public until niji leaked it.
she wouldve let the bullying go had nijien not implicated itself.
hell ill give you NDFfags a little leeway, even now she hasnt directly reinforced the claim, despite it being in the open, which could mean that she only saw it as bullying at the time she was writing the complaint and now no longer feels it is.
this doesnt change anything really because niji shot itself and made the livers look bad multiple times.
no shit dumbasses, you guys are aware thats always a possibility on 4chan right?
falseflagging is loved here, i just dont care if it is or not because the chances its real are worth arguing for me.
i assume it was in part a hr complaint because why else would she send it in expecting none of the livers to read it, as its can be deadly to leak hr complains to those the complains are for. so there has to be extra secrecy for everyones safety, so expecting it to stay in legal is way more reasonable.
Or the alternative which she claimed and everyone ignored in favor of the idea she was suing niji; she sent it in as evidence of her mentally not being well thanks to the company as proof and to allow for her contract to be ended early.

>> No.69369067

Yeah like if she was really a problem it’s still management’s fault for not doing anything until after tensions have gotten so high that she’s attempted the sewer slide

>> No.69369185

This can't be real right...

>> No.69369216

>company did try and help which she took the wrong way
No one believes your retarded mean girl rhetoric. We should believe Vox too when he says they're free to graduate anytime they want too right?

>> No.69369301

Schizo. No one said claims of bullying didn't exist. Proof doesn't exist because it's continuously baited by Doki but never actually delivers. Threatening someone with a lawsuit doesn't automatically make you credible

>> No.69369300

>you'd see that maybe
Maybe? So no proof then?
>you know disorders can worsen, right?
Yeah, that's why I said that apparently, nobody within the company noticed any warning signs or downward trend.

According to your theory, Selen was slowly becoming more and more angry and schizo, and they just let her keep streaming business as usual.
A company that cares so much about rules being followed would be very smart to take any erratic behavior or mental concerns of talents quite seriously.

>> No.69369415

HR complaints are property of the company. No amount of NDAs or agreements can keep someone from doing whatever they want with their private property

>> No.69369516

>they're free to graduate anytime they want too right?
Retards don't remember Yugo

>> No.69369711
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>> No.69369743

>Maybe? So no proof then?
It's called sarcasm, ESL chamma

Companies are also not responsible for your mental health and are not psychologists who know when a person is mentally deteriorating. Asking for the impossible

>> No.69369906

anon... that just makes niji look worse, not doki...
also remember HR isnt there for the benefit of the employees, its there for the benefit of the company, so leaking HR docs to those in the legal claims doesnt benefit the company as seen in this timeline where those it was leaked to fucked the company and themselves over.

>> No.69369929

>No one said claims of bullying didn't exist
>We have no proof and not even specific claims about the bullying, only word versus word.
Backtrack fat troon I dare you
>"oh um the legal document they were sent that forced them to talk about bullying and three specific names and claims of favoritism is nothing whatsoever"
Go binge eat and throw up pretending Vox is patting you on the back for trying to be strong this whole time for him

>> No.69369954

>to allow for her contract to be ended early

Read the termination notice. Carefully this time. I know it's hard but you can do it

>> No.69370405

anon, theyre terminated her without warning, 2 hours after sending in the evidence need for the starting of ending the contact.
she wanted to leave amicable and on decent terms.
she only got one part of what she wanted after weeks of no reply from the company, i dont know how you fail to see how that looks worse for nijis reputation then it does on dokis

>> No.69370412

ESL retard does not know the difference between the words "claims" and "special claims"

>the legal document they were sent that forced them
Yeah when someone is threatening to ruin your reputation with false allegations, you refute that it's true and give context and evidence to the true story. You faggots don't care about the truth though

>> No.69370422

>are not psychologists who know when a person is mentally deteriorating.
Oh, you're a psychologist then? You have a good timeline of if and when Doki was mentally deteriorating?

>Companies are also not responsible
Niji might not be responsible, but it's in their corporate interest to make sure that a talent doesn't have a schizo meltdown on stream. If an employee is causing problems and fighting with people, Niji being too dumb to address that isn't a good sign.
