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69225590 No.69225590 [Reply] [Original]

You were ready to skewer Anykara again because you thought Scarle was about to be fired after being suspended, but now she's back and streaming and even apologetic to her fans for disappearing. Is Scarle one of the bad ones now, even though you were ready to hail her as a victim? Apologize. You're backing the wrong horse and getting played.

>> No.69225631

No, I skewered them because Enna claims to be a virgin to appeal to her femcel audience

But Enna has dated and moved in for more than a year with multiple boyfriends and fakes being a femcel for viewer engagement

Also Enna craves BWC and fucked Kyo during their offcollab

Enna actually got drunk with Kyo during the offcollab and he carried her to bed.

This is something she left out of the original details, and Kyo told the story many months later

>> No.69225678

She WAS going to be suspended but then they heard our rrats and how mad we were and they got scared and decided not to. WE WON

>> No.69225684

model was always pure sex, streams were always trash, rrat-induced hallucination was the only time she was ever interesting as a person

>> No.69225691

My rrat is that Scarle was about to be stealth suspended, but Riku caught Elira pants down and prevented such a fate. Now Scarlings can enjoy Mamacita after almost losing her

>> No.69225718

How did we win? She would have been better off leaving that shithole company

>> No.69225727

Scarle is based and no amount of NDF kvetching will change the fact.

I hope she keeps streaming, making money and inclining, while the other females cower in fear and take indefinite hiatuses.

>> No.69225742

Scarle chose the black company

>> No.69225751

but, but, but, the omnipotent rrat that explains everything!
it can't be wrong, we must find a reason to explain this that is on par with the rrat!!!! right now!

This must be a trick from Elira to make us doubt the rrat, yeah, that explains it.

Panic adverted.

>> No.69225785

we beat the corpo! that's how we won, now they'll be too scared to go against us again

>> No.69225805

Would be nice to get another nijispy into the mix.

>> No.69225826

Let's see how the whole "Kurosanji" deal gets explained, then

>> No.69225829


>> No.69225890

yeah, she's gonna leak really really soon, next time she takes a break

>> No.69225908

She's a latina, she's used to bullying and playing rough.
I'm sure that there's nothing that can be told to her that is worse that what she says jokingly to her IRL friends.

>> No.69225988

>Nina: Debut 10/09, Grad 07/08
>Mysta: Debut 12/20, Grad 8/27
>Pomu: Debut 05/16, 01/20
>Kyo: Debut 07/25 Grad 02/17
>Scarle: Debut 07/25
Contract renewal is coming up in the next few months.

>> No.69226025

lol nah

>> No.69226052

They've definitely stopped suspensions and terminations until the heat dies down, or else Luca would be gone already. They have too much to deal with as is.

>> No.69226102

Honestly when Scarle was trending, I felt the public jumped the gun to early trying to make Scarle as a hero like Doki, just because of some vague heart commented on "Kurosanji". Because of that Scarle was in a sandwiched position. Go for the Selen Route NIJISANJI and her fellow livers will eat her alive. Be a bootlicker then public will be massively disappointed. Almost lose lose situation. We never really know Scarle intention on the like comment, could be accident, could be roommate messing with her, could be mocking the commenter like how in MOBA games you can thumbs up the enemy to spite them even so thumbs up is suppose to be complementing them. Unless Scarle in public says what's her intention we should have not jump to conclusion.

>> No.69226131

fuck off NDF, she's going to quit and spill ALL the rrats

>> No.69226142

The clique tried to ban her but now JP are pushing their shit in while they investigate what the fuck is happening in EN

>> No.69226144

>Enna actually got drunk with Kyo during the offcollab and he carried her to bed.
>Anon ignores the part where Enna was planning on drunk driving home and Kyo was therefore actually doing the responsible thing

>> No.69226195

>could be roommate messing with her, could be mocking the commenter like how in MOBA games you can thumbs up the enemy to spite them even so thumbs up is suppose to be complementing them.
holy reach
just say it's either done on accident, or it was intentional

>> No.69226202

They didn't action against her.

LK confirmed it in a post yesterday, pretty much.
The house is on fire, they won't do anything to add fuel. Scarle performed a power move and kurosanji blinked. It's that simple.

She will continue to be the highest earning female, even with mid ccv, because she has dedicated fans, ZERO yabs, ZERO controversies, and good work ethic.

>> No.69226238

My rrat is that the company left EN mostly to itself previously and now Riku is slapping Elira's ass and the JP side is taking charge of the whole thing

>> No.69226244

>Enna was planning on drunk driving home
Checks out, she's clearly drunk while steering the branch

>> No.69226260

What happened to her taking a break for her mental health? She started making community posts like the day after Fulgur tweeted about it. Did her stealth suspension get revoked? Are they learning?

>> No.69226269

she just put out a daki design, apparently for free. just the design though, you need to print it yourself. that's weird, isn't it? usually if you're going to make a daki, you'll sell it, won't you? she commissioned an artist for that, didn't she? and she paid for it herself, as we know niji management doesn't pay for shit. but niji does have a stake in the character design though, so they would want to make a profit off of any merch.

>> No.69226287

Talents often have non-disclosure agreements that don't expire for months or years after quitting, tourist.

Zaion's/Sayu's NDA expires in March.

>> No.69226344

>Elira's fuming because Scarle openly rebelling against the clique by liking the kurosanji comment
>Can't do shit about it because Riku finally had enough and confined her to the Anycolor sex dungeon

>> No.69226362

if they threaten her with an NDA then we can just get mad again and the company will be too scared to go against us, tourist

>> No.69226422

The Clique would want Scarle to resume. Why would they try to ban her. That would make Public have more ammunition. They failed to reverse public opinion with that video and banning Scarle isn't gonna help in that.

>> No.69226456

>>Can't do shit about it because Riku finally had enough and confined her to the Anycolor sex dungeon
hahah yes!! any fanfics of this?

>> No.69226472

NDA and other clause such as non disparaging and non compete are staple in the corporate world retard.
It's scummy sure, but that's the norm here.

>> No.69226483

>heh you assumed bad things about the company that lies about suspensions and stealth suspends people and fires them with them only finding out about it from the twitter post themselves, you should apologize
lol no go fuck yourself, the company acting so shitty it has graduation, suspension and termination queues is not a defence

>> No.69226489

Yup, thats exactly what happened. Mental health cover for suspension and then Riku was like wtf

>> No.69226542

because they are petty, emotionally driven and stupid, as evidenced by literally fucking everything that's happening

>> No.69226567

They aren't smart enough to do that anon, they're the doing the same thing but expecting different results kind of people

>> No.69226582

we got selen out of hers, we can get scarle out of hers too, and anyone else that sides with us.

>> No.69226589

But that was before Riku's statement.
I doubt the clique hold much power now

>> No.69226647

Unless you're planning to buy out Anycolor and void her NDA you couldn't do jack shit about it.

>> No.69226671

whatever you say NDF, it worked for selen, we can meme-magic it into happening again

>> No.69226685

Imagine if she actually spills everything in March.

>> No.69226728

Kek that's pretty funny. Reverse yab thanks to him. Hate the guy all you'd like, but preventing unironic drunk driving is very based.

>> No.69226730

That's what I said though, the clique were going to fire her but now they have no power, JP are taking over and looking into what the fuck is happening there

>> No.69226736

Aren't you guys giving Riku and nijisanji jp too much credit. Now they are making 200IQ moves lifting Scarle silent suspension by EN/Clique to quell hate flames a bit. They are prob as clueless as fuk what to do

>> No.69226835

I'll Riku over the clique anytime.
At least Riku's motive is clear, money. Meanwhile the clique is motivated by spite.

>> No.69226837

Considering my monkey makes better decisions than Nijisanji, being clueless is likely much better.

>> No.69226863
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She is based

>> No.69226916

Are you incel or something?
It's pretty clear what Enna's goal there and it's not drunk driving.

>> No.69226923

>Casually admits to physical violence
It's so funny why is she such a bitch

>> No.69226941

She has interviews booked with falseeyeD and Khyo iirc.

>> No.69226955

The reputation of your company being so far in the shitter that any unexpected absence leads everyone to think the worst, even when it's nothing, is not the win you think it is.

>> No.69226957


>> No.69226982

who's "we", sister?

>> No.69227006

>burger dates
jesus christ I hate you, stupid monkeys

>> No.69227023

Her stunt secured her the trust of her fans. Many know that she probably has to fall in line to keep her job, but at least she confirmed that she still has a soul.

>> No.69227031

oh shit! what about parrot? is she going to be interviewing with him soon?

>> No.69227068

No idea.
Khyo should be interviewing her when he comes back from JP or something, can't remember.

>> No.69227132

>It comes to me in a dream

>> No.69227148

Hope she does a 5 way with khyo, false, DN and parrot and they all stream it in their channels to maximize reach.
I just want to enjoy Sayu in peace and let her move on so once she spills her part I hope she can just finally step away from this shitshow.

>> No.69227163

google it you black charcoal nigger, cba to spoonfeed

>> No.69227164

They can’t do anything to her now because public opinion is on her side. Their best option now is to sweep it under the rug and let her do her own thing.
>the contractschizo in HoloEN threads was actually a projecting Nijifag
Why am I not surprised?

>> No.69227179


>> No.69227208

they're gonna break the internet like that!

>> No.69227225

If that happened we would lose this model and it is pure sex.

>> No.69227241

sayu inclined this month and reached new personal bests in both ccv and supas.
A lot of people came around and realized she was crucified despite being innocent.

>> No.69227379

I've only been watching her for about a month but watching her incline feels great.
Maybe I should commission some fanart of her, her design is great.

>> No.69227381

>>69227241 (me)
what worries me is Kyo's graduation. This wigger was the reason she was doxxed and harassed so obsessively back when she was terminated. Who knows what faggotry he will engage now once he is out.

He and the clique are already astroturfing via that fleshtuber 39Daph, so they might start harassing Sayu again because she is in the crossfire.

>> No.69227572

Her and associates are radioactive to anyone who isn't a zhang femcel, vtuber fans won't give a fuck and especially not Sayu's fanbase. They have no way to attack her anymore.

>> No.69227575
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>Scarle intention on the like comment, could be accident, could be roommate messing with her, could be mocking the commenter like how in MOBA games you can thumbs up the enemy to spite them even so thumbs up is suppose to be complementing them.

>> No.69228018

>Fulgur got reprimanded for his scarle update
What about the rest of it? Is EN management fired? What is the scope of the internal investigation?

>> No.69228206


>> No.69228606

I really really hope this is true; I just want to pretend this whole thing never happened tbf.

Still mad about the 2% tho.

>> No.69228615

I think it was Scarle he is referring to.

>> No.69228740

Scarle does her own thing on her own lil island. She only gets bullied by aster not the clique
I hope she gtfo of there asap

>> No.69229311
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I hope you understand that breeding more rrats to explain away you getting BTFO so hard by an actual thing that's happening in reality, as in Scarle streaming, is a telltale sign of schizophrenia. No suspension. Not even a slap on the wrist. Literally hundreds, if not thousands of collective hours milking rrats all proven totally and utterly wrong. And you still think you're in the right?

>> No.69229348
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>> No.69230114

The NDF is 100% gonna try to discredit everything she says so there will be a lot of chaos and harassment for a while. Also don't know if EN will survive the second shit storm RIGHT after the first. Might be multiple if the leak that the flique is contacting streamers to defame doki is true

>> No.69231013

Scarle won both sides by clicking only one button. She probably explained to Elira that it was an accident in private, but she's not gonna comment about it publicly

>> No.69231109

So long as she doesn't rt or comment on it, she's by default the good one

>> No.69231200

The only reason she's fine is BECAUSE people thought they were going to do something. They can't coast on reputation anymore
NEVER apologize to COMPANIES. People are a different story.

>> No.69233262

>Literally hundreds, if not thousands of collective hours milking rrats all proven totally and utterly wrong.

>> No.69235530 [DELETED] 


>> No.69236390

nta but false has been hinting about an interview with someone from niji stated for april (he was hinting this during selens absence)
