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69089699 No.69089699 [Reply] [Original]

In the light of a new ultimate rrat of all rrats (elira and her clique were effectively managers), what was her (rosemi) role?
I've been a rosebud for 2 years, 2 months, so don't get me wrong, but if you really think about it, it doesn't look good.

>> No.69089966

tried to play all sides, clique is in control, sides with them because she wants to keep her job despite the 2% and black company
the scummiest thing is her retweeting a video slandering doki at the same time she was streaming.
sad and disgusting behavior for sure, but it pales in comparison to the people that were in that video, saying the things they did.

>> No.69090140

The sweetest girls are the meanest ones

>> No.69090432

Siding with the clique now for what reason? NijiEN is doomed, things will never be the same, it will be just decline from now on. The best thing she can do is leave with a good/neutral image (not siding with the clique). Even if she deserts a company for a second time I believe that someone is going to pick her up.

>> No.69090723

idk why she sided with the clique
my guess would be she isn't as confident as you are that she'll get picked up by another corpo. every current nijiEN liver is radioactive right now.

plus, i think she knows her little "cute girl" niche only works in nijisanji. every other corpo is either entirely girls like her, or already has one or two among them. rosemi was the OG of that niche in NijiEN. but, who can say, i guess

>> No.69090919

serious question: how are you still a rosebud? she doesn't really do schedules, her streams are boring and often times sparse without warning, she has a boyfriend (me), she doesn't really have any talent or skill. even in nijien there are probably better options.

>> No.69091072

Tries to play both sides because she isn't in the clique but wants to get along with them just so she can stream what she likes like Tekken while trying to grow. Unfortunately it seems it's not working at all.

>> No.69091225

Da Wose.

>> No.69091306

If Selen had $200k laying around by earning only 2% then I'd try to stick around too.

>> No.69091904

i think selen made more through donations and superchats, which give more to the liver than 2% on merch
i don't know if it ever got better for rosemi, but i remember in 2022 for like a month or two she barely got any supas or donos

>> No.69092720

Honestly, I didnt watch her much lately, though her cyberpunk stream was kino

>> No.69094625

You guys do know that, before anyone of them got into NijiEn, Rosemi took part in a lot of collabs with Pomu, Elira, Enna, and Millie, right?

>> No.69094757
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>> No.69096468

Midsemi Midlock

>> No.69097643

>the scummiest thing is her retweeting a video slandering doki at the same time she was streaming
I have to wonder how many of them actually knew what was going to be said in that video, I find it hard to believe every single person in the branch was dumb enough to think it was a good idea

>> No.69097722

Fakesemi Fraudlock.

>> No.69098614

That's my thought. Anyone who heard the livestream realized how badly it was delivered. Either they're all retarded (possible) or some of them didn't know what was actually going to be said.

>> No.69098750

Anytime someone in this thread mentions an imaginary clique I think they're retarded.

>> No.69098768

>What is her role in all of this
getting shitposted about by a relentless schizo

>> No.69098804

She is behind all of it

>> No.69098847

She slapped Selen in front of Riku.

>> No.69098909

Enna is better than you at this, Millie. Kill yourselves.

>> No.69099007

she is either a puppet or the puppeteer

>> No.69099024

Tekken appearance, then she is out of here

>> No.69099033

There was more than enough evidence to prove that the clique exists even before all this happened, now we pretty much have confirmation

>> No.69099053

>schizo thinks I'm Millie
I rest my case.

>> No.69099072


>> No.69099217

I literally can't stop fapping to ideations of the moment when Rosemi realized her life is fucking over, the moment it hits, the immediate breakdown. I must have fapped some 40 times in the past 3 days, I'm shooting nothing but blanks.

>> No.69099326

The Rose retweeted out of peer pressure, but didn't said anything, which says a lot unlike fake cunts like Enna.

>> No.69099397

It's literally been the same clique rrat ever since Ethyria debuted. Anytime you ask someone who's in the clique they give different answers depending on what they've conjured up in their head. Then you find those who supposedly are in the clique talk regularly with those who oppose the supposed clique. Then the accusers just look even more retarded.

>> No.69099417

t. Enna

>> No.69099466

The millie in that screenshot is more likely to be Petra than anyone else, shes fluent in JP, lives in Japan, and barely streams

>> No.69099492

anon, you either live under a rock or you are retarded. It has been confirmed that clique is real, the question is, who is part of it?

>> No.69099625
File: 66 KB, 256x256, 1665929374826154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone says Elira Millie and Enna

>> No.69099651

Im not even going to bother, you simply don't watch her so keep your mouth shut.

>> No.69100312

I'm sorry this is how you're finding out you have shit taste, anon.

>> No.69100640

I can't tell you don't watch NijiEN streams
>It has been confirmed that the clique is real
Where? In your head? Funny how the guy who doesn't know what "confirmed" means is calling someone a retard. Refer to >>69099397
>the question is, who is part of it?
No one, witch-hunting anon.
Enna, Millie, and Elira go way back even before past life stuff, but I guess at best you can say it's them. Not like they tried to hide it. Regardless of if they have a "clique" I'm gonna neeed evidence that they bullied or harrased Doki before I start kissing her as like the rest of you faggots especially when my oshi suffers.
They say this as if they've kept it a secret that they are best friends- like they've discovered some hidden dirt. This is how you know these people don't really watch streams. Then you got faggots like this guy who has nothing better to do with his life but be a troon. Retarded.

>> No.69100889

Sided with the clique because spineless. Also thinks she can come out clean if she keeps her head down

>> No.69100974

>actually suicides
>Dokifags celebrate

>> No.69101096

>Where? In your head?
Dokis friend on twitter directly, doki herslef indirectly, nijisanji through 3 page termination declaration, elira and co. self-report on stream

>> No.69101164

Please leave my daughter out of this drama

>> No.69101194

Anon, she made her choice over an year ago. Do archive reps.

>> No.69101269

>Newfag's first facetious (You)

>> No.69101410

>Dokis friend on twitter directly, doki herslef indirectly
That's slander
>nijisanji through 3 page termination declaration, elira and co. self-report on stream
That's wish fulfilment

>> No.69101578

>an year

>> No.69101625

she supports the bad guys therefore she is evil. also she has a history of being a backstabber so there's also that

>> No.69101656

>Dokis friend
Not credible but links?
>Doki herself indirectly
Also not credible but again links?
>No where in there was there any indication of a clique
>No where on stream did they claim or imply that there was a clique plotting to take over
Stop pulling shit out of your ass, and prove.
>"pretending to be retarded"
>thinks that's excusable
>but I'm the newfag

>> No.69101737

>That's slander

>> No.69101783

I'm not him but we aren't here to spoon feed your slow retarded ass.

>> No.69101865 [DELETED] 

Shachimu has a history of defending scumbags and being a shitty person showcasing her infidelity for twitter drama but no one seems to remember that anymore

>> No.69101885

no matter how many times you say it, it's still not true

>> No.69101958

If it's slander they can sue for defamation.
But do you what's the absolute defense in defamation cases (in civilized world)?
The truth.

>> No.69102021

Because neither of you have any food to feed. I already did my research and I actually watch streams. I already already know both of you are full of shit, so I'm watching you stew in it.

>> No.69102234

>I already did my research and I actually watch streams
None of it was revealed from streams. Anon. Nice job outting yourself as a retarded baiter.

>> No.69102260


Don't assume stupidity where narcissism takes place.

How can I say this with such confidence? Because I saw same kind of situation happen at my workplace.

One worker was being an abusive narc who thought himself untouchable because he was chummy with a shift manager.

Eventually people got fed up with him and wrote a formal complaint with dozen of signatures.

His buddy shift manager printed out and showed the complaint document to asshole worker because they were part of the clique.

What did the asshole worker did? Went around with the complaint document to all those who signed it, waved in their faces and mocked them.

Of course another complaint was filled this time to General Manager which resulted in both of them getting sacked. The shift manager got sacked for leaking confidential information and the worker for abusive behaviour.

I don't expect same happy ending here.

>> No.69102328

Holy reddit spacing

>> No.69102369

When clique posting really took form it was Enna, Millie, Reimu after Nina showed they left her out of their discord group.
Got added to it when he started cucking alupeeps and then gossiping about Zaion on his twitter
Since she was close too all of M/E/R and took Nina’s place people thought she was.
Obvious reasons
Obsessed with Elira
We’re all at one point thought to be part of the clique

>> No.69102500

everything on xitter you retard and if you really watched all doki streams, you should know which friend of her Im talking about

>> No.69102604

Shut the fuck up, Livers

>> No.69103300

>None of it was revealed from streams
Not the point numb nuts. The point is I watch these chubbas interact with each other more than enough to know if the existence of a clique is a real thing. If something like that were true the interactions between clique members and non clique members would show it's true colors and it hasn't. Keep in mind that Enna and Selen were cool with each other enough to be part of the same subgroup. Not mention other livers who are supposedly part of the "clique' truthfully aren't. Agreeing that a person accusing the company you're apart of is full of shit doesn't mean you're part of a clique.
>everything on twitter
more vague shit. Everything I've seen on twitter gives no signs of an imaginary clique
>Doki's streams
I wasn't talking about Doki's streams. I meant NijiEN including Selen. One thing is for certain, Doki has shown herself to be emotionally unstable way before she was terminated, but again you wouldn't know or understand that.

I can't believe you people are this gullible. I honestly can't blame Doki for farming simps.

>> No.69103410

you type like a fag and your shit's all retarded

>> No.69103612

>concession of copium
ahhh classic

>> No.69103718

how did reimu manage not to get outcasted like nina was if reimu was a stranger to enna and millie before nijisanji?
It's because nina is a piece of shit of a person, and that's all there is to it. Enna didn't want to have any of it. Game recognize game

>> No.69103782
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>That's wish fulfilment

>> No.69103786

I've seen all the screenshots. Nothing definite, it's just speculation. Until something concrete comes out, I'm not thinking of her in that way.

>> No.69103854

new rrat just dropped

>> No.69104013

*cums on you*
*cums on you and refers you to english lessons*

>> No.69104102


>> No.69104113

mindbroke another one so bad all he can do is meme heh

>> No.69104140

You got shit on in that other thread, loser

>> No.69104359

You can just customize a character with pink hair and matching clothes. I tried with Azucena to make Rosemi's third(?) Outfit

>> No.69104380 [SPOILER] 
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Lowsemi Lowblock

>> No.69104567
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>anons consider retweeting a tweet to be "disgusting" and "scummy" behavior
Do you people not realize how fucking insane you look to people on the outside? You want her to lose her job because she pressed a button on twitter? Like holy fuck man, get a fucking life.

This shit has gotten completely out of hand and everyone knows Rosemi has absolutely nothing do to with the bullying and clique shit.

>> No.69104638

Where in this pathetic screenshot does ANYCOLOR imply the clique is real and isn't just a baseless claim made by notSelen. Do you really lack that much reading comprehension?

>> No.69104664

Secret boss who was controlling the final boss the whole time.

>> No.69104691

literally one (1) schizo is saying this
he's very persistent

>> No.69105566

>the scummiest thing is her retweeting a video slandering doki
How do you know it was her and not management like, you know they've been caught doing several times?

>> No.69106956

i belieb dis
because people didn't do it
because even if management did it for her there's no way she didn't know what was about to be said when she and elira are in fucking japan together, and elira could have discussed this with her

what makes you think it wasn't her?

>> No.69111416

She's gaining power

>> No.69111609

She controlled everything from the beginning, even manipulated the old management to put her in the second wave so that her role would seem minor compared to Elira

>> No.69111678

It's 2% from merchandise. For the billionth time, you fucking tourists.
They make 33% of memberships and superchats, and 25% of sponsorships.

Selen made nijisanji approx. 1.1 million US dollars in 2023, and she took home approx 200K US dollars.

>> No.69113461
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Can't really say anything because of the dead silence, but Rosemi is pretty autistic so if you ask me she's gotta be really freaking it right and trying to figure out her next move
T. Rosebud of 2 years and 4 months

>> No.69113908

Selen didn't name anyone in particular.
She's implicitly saying that they're all complicit. Even your precious little Rosemi.

>> No.69113921
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>> No.69114047

It's like being a guard at Auschwitz; just because you didn't personally run the gas chambers doesn't mean you're innocent.

>> No.69114635

>Selen didn't name anyone in particular.
Yes she did, she just didn't make it public. Elira went ahead and did that for her.

>> No.69114743

Playing it safe for now. However, Rosemi will eventually leak the Vox tapes.

>> No.69115403

Okay Enna.

>> No.69115902

We know the management controls all their twitters and yet people will believe she retweeted it. I believe in Rosemi.

>> No.69116181

3 livers didn't retweet it.
NotPetra tweeted out a lamentation over the situation, Rosemi did no such thing.
People like Finana and Fulgur were asking people to please listen to it.
Why would management skinwalk her just for a retweet?

>> No.69116527

>Why would the NijiSanji management do this incredibly fucking illogical retarded thing?
If we knew the answer, we won't be in this fucking mess.

>> No.69116803
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>> No.69118444


>> No.69118608

how do you avoid being bullied? You quietly nod your head to avoid taking your licks.

>> No.69118810

You can't snuff the GURRAT Elira, try harder.

>> No.69118916

its even funnier because a core part of the Selen firing story is that socials can be taken over by management.

Retweets from talent do not matter since they are at the beck and call of management.

>> No.69119093

Now Elira, Ike, and Vox are worse because they actually have voiced specific things.

>> No.69119258

If you were actually a Rosemi fan you would already know she has nothing to do with any of it.

>> No.69119311

> Everything I've seen on twitter gives no signs of an imaginary clique
No wonder why ndf

>> No.69119337

Ok, let's leave that aside for no? Why not un-retweet it? Why not show any sort of remorse over what happened to Selen, or support Doki on NotRosemi? Like seriously, there is no way she hasn't seen Elira's video, and I don't want think the is stupid enough to think that video was a home run, that'd be a straight up denial of reality?
By Occam's Razor, she knew what was in that video, retweeted it, and hasn't taken it down because she sided with NijiEN.
Maybe she wants to keep your job even if she doesn't believe or stand in that video. Sure.
But outwardly she is showing her support with the company and the people denying this are coping with it in an embarrassingly bad fashion.

>> No.69119473

it's the sisters falseflagging, any GURRAT threads are pruned and yet suddenly threads pop up shitting on Rosemi? I don't buy it, they're trying to run damage control and making it look like we're attacking the wose will turn the eventual normalfag sphere from believing the Grand Unifying Rrat, anything to hide their true color.

>> No.69119977

> Grand Unifying Rrat
Whoever came up with this name, I kneel

>> No.69120090

>le sisters out to bury our poor wosemi!
People don't have sympathy towards Rosecucks because you mentally ill freaks believe everything revolves around her lmao

>> No.69120322

She saw what happened to Scarle and wants to keep her job?

>> No.69120532

Meaning she wants to stay with a company that pushed Selen, someone she claims is her friends and that she loves, to suicide? That with every passing graduation and termination the black company accusations are getting harder and harder to deny?
C'mon on, man.

>> No.69120631

>Just quit your job bro
Ah. You are one of those people.

>> No.69120745

she wasn't always full time and had a wagie job, she can just go back to that

>> No.69120808

>just stay in a place that has repeatedly proven in no uncertain terms how little of a fuck they give about its talents bro
Anyone wishing a talents stays in NijiEN is an outright anti.

>> No.69120833

I mean that if the innocent little ball of pink is shit on like this over any other, then the breadcrumbs we're discovering will be rejected at face value for "attacking" her. Classic tumblr bitch behaviour, the clique are definitely behind it.

>> No.69120999

I swear you tourist fucks don't actually care about the talent and just want drama. I bet you don't even know who the fuck Selen was before this nonsense. I wish you all would just fuck off back to where ever you came from.

>> No.69121113

are you going to cry rosefag?

>> No.69121352

I still believe it's the discordsisters trying to divide and conquer. Turn us against eachothwr.

>> No.69121580

Hit the mark didn't I?

>> No.69121696

I remember /here/ was a “leak” that there would be two livers who would not stream anymore and eventually just silently graduate.

>> No.69121812

yeah you're on the verge of crying
wouldn't want to be (You), You are just coping until the day when we get confirmation rosemi is a fake bitch, keep praying nothing goes down but it will kek

>> No.69121984
File: 395 KB, 2048x569, RRAT ScarleReverseMartyrRrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this rrat, it’s obvious that ”management” were the ones who made those retweets to implicate the other talents.

>> No.69122000

Okay Mr tourist

>> No.69122127

She had a woman moment. After talking with the clique, she had a moment and said "Pluck that Fatty Selen, I hope that hamplanet dies from obesity or krills herself for real this time.". With that, she aligned with the clique.

>t. mod of a liver who is currently in the clique.

>> No.69122540

Go back to your doxxsite sister.

>> No.69123012

I hope she reads your superchat bro lmao

>> No.69123281

What actually happened is that Elira is losing power and support within the clique due to that shitshow of a stream. Enna and Rosemi are independently looking to knock her off and install themselves as the new shadow manager.

>t. member of the clique

>> No.69123413

>schizo thinks I'm Elira
I rest my case.
You're the one's who are claiming that there is evidence on Twitter, not me.

>> No.69123681

I'm starting to think she's the real mastermind. Not in the sense that she's the ringleader of this circus. In the sense she'll know exactly what to say and who to say it to. Just give them enough rope so to speak. Her endgame is to be at the top of the NijiEN pile. She's erasing all her competition inside NijiEN
>Selen - " Rosemi should I release this MV because managemnt hasn't got back to me?"
>Rosemi - "I don't see a problem what's the worst that could happen? "
Knowing full well what the worst could happen is
>Elira, Vok and Ike are panicking, feel the need to lash out at Doki
>Rosemi - "Guys I think you should do a stream addressing the allegations"
>3stooges - thanks Rosemi, great idea
Rosemi says this knowing that the 3 stooges are completely incapable of maintaining professional decorum and will self incriminate. What she doesn't plan for is Riku making a guest appearance that completely makes the idiots look worse. Keikaku Doori
Millie and Enna are next. How and when they fall will be at the discretion of Rosemi.

>> No.69123813
File: 25 KB, 1827x215, 1707419876296343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be real with you, OP
The "save me pink girl" is a jab at rosebuds asking her to not join the clique
I'd jump ship because it's over

>> No.69124068


>> No.69124425

how many times are you going to post this image?

>> No.69124693


>> No.69124815

I have additional information regarding that. >>69122127

>> No.69124963

>he thinks some vindictive bitch who sees weebs as a paycheck like Elira would spend her free time here
Never change anons

>> No.69125006

Tf is this "the tribe has spoken" Survivor shit?
Anycolor should just pivot to reality TV but with vtubers at this point
This will sell well in the West

>> No.69125317

Tell me how you claim to "care" about Rosemi while thinking it's a good decision to lose the good will of a ton of people as seen by the subs she is losing alongside with her staying in a black company where it is CONFIRMED she gets 2% of all merch sales, that management is vindictive and that pushed a friend and coworker to suicide?
I think she can make it to a small corpo from NijiEN, Vshojo at best, or go back to being an indie.
What good reason does she possibly fucking have to stay?

>> No.69126266

Also, I've cared about Selen, Rosemi and Pomu ever since THE GREAT GAME SHOW. I bet you haven't even watched Rosem Night Live, much less watched it live, you stupid faggot.
Or the first time she technically cursed on stream by reading a superchat in her membud stream.

>> No.69126392

Aside from the retweeting she pretty much fucking disappeared since the termination, instead of going into every single schizorrat I'm more inclined to think that she went "fuck this I'm out of here" and currently on stealth suspension

The retweet is just management being management

>> No.69126921

Maybe she is leaving and don't want to burn bridges and income at this moment? In fact I think all NijiEN are looking at their exit options at the moment save the clique.

>> No.69127100

desu i kek'd

>> No.69127137

Read the reply chain, this idiot I responded to thinks she doesn't have an exit plan and thinks antis want her to leave. He says he cares about her because he wants her to stay.

>> No.69127251

I don't think anyone wants to stay with niji after this. You have to be a moron to stay.

>> No.69127899

I remember when people insisted Selen was in the clique because she was in Nijicanceled with Enna and now suddenly Selen was excluded in the clique despite off-collabing with Elira, Millie and Enna in Canada.

I guess the entire Niji Clique decided to beat Selen with baseball bats in person or something

>> No.69128526

1. Scarle said she wanted nothing to do with the drama and accidently liked the comment which is why it was unliked
2. If Elira wanted to not lose her job while supporting Doki, she could have said nothing and talked to her privately

>> No.69130349
File: 595 KB, 1483x1220, sus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave her alone you stinky dramafag

>> No.69130856


>> No.69131021

Do you think Rosemi reached out to Selen? They were genmates after all.

>> No.69131285

no, i don't think she did.
it'd be great to be proven wrong, however
management-made tweet or not, anyone with a brain and a heart would not want to be linked to that video and would erase anything that could trace it to them.

>> No.69131868


Man, you faggots are pathetic.

>> No.69132750

Someone is reaching out and Doki has mentioned as much. As to who it is, could be Rosemi, could be Petra, or it could even be Fulgur there is no telling at this moment.

>> No.69133395

She specified that it was from someone currently in Niji?

>> No.69133934

Doki used the phrase "stuck" so yes

>> No.69134993

>accidently liked the comment which is why it was unliked
I wonder if her complete fucking breakdown afterwards was because she was scared of being fired because of that.

>> No.69135337

I'm not sure what to believe
>she is rebelling because she also didn't tweet the doki hitpiece
>she got suspended for hearting the kurosanji comment, but then why would fulgur show her talking to him on his PL and her as Scarle while suspended?
>she liked the comment in an act of defiance against the person that wrote that, but she got bonked regardless
>le misclick teehee
The last option is so boring, tho...
But I guess she also had the
drama and that fake as fuck stream with Aster to show that they are actually super best friends. So I suppose all this could have compounded on her and break her down.

>> No.69135337,1 [INTERNAL] 

Do you have examples? I know Shachimu defended Einshine but are there other examples?

>> No.69135337,2 [INTERNAL] 

Do you have examples? I know Shachimu defended Einshine but are there other examples?
