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69068106 No.69068106[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is Dokibird such a pacifist? I want blood

>> No.69068162

Because she knows how nijiEN operates and knows it will selfdestruct. That and lawyer gangrape.

>> No.69068189

Because sge has a competent lawyer

>> No.69068266

Because making accusations in public is a double edged sword, as nijiEN is discovering.

>> No.69068323

Niji keeps shooting itself in the foot every couple days. There’s no point in lowering yourself to their level when it seems like they’re just going to bleed out anyway.

>> No.69068431 [SPOILER] 

Do you want to win the court of public opinion now but potentially lose in the court of justice?
Or do you want total victory? If you do, listen to your lawyer

>> No.69068462

Unlike Nijisanji EN, she actually understands what makes for good and bad PR.

Even if all of Niji's accusations are right and Selen is an evil bitch, the fact they completely fumbled her termination shows how stupid they are.
Of course, they've already proven themselves wrong, so there's little to no double about Selen's own side of the story.

>> No.69068503

Oh she probably secretly wants blood. But showing that would backfire. She's playing her cards really well right now. No need to show she wants blood.

>> No.69068508

NijiEN must survive. Where else will I get salt to sustain me? Vshojofags and Phasacucks just don’t do it for me

>> No.69068526

Anon lets be reasonable. As much as I'd love to see two women catfight and oil wrestle, we have to be reasonable

>> No.69068659

You got blood twice without her needing to do anything. Nijisanji will find some other way to fuck up.

>> No.69068828

Even if they're half sisters?

>> No.69068937

So she doesn't slip any thing that makes her look bad.

>> No.69068940

Dramabird already got the attention of a company with a 2 billion dollar runway they can focus on destroying her. She doesn't actually have a case that doesn't self-incriminate herself so she can't do shit.
Pomu won.

>> No.69068969

Literally about to doxx half of nijiEN

>> No.69069023

It's insane what a complete PR slamdunk Doki is doing right now. At this point there have been several chances for her to mess up and lose credibility.
Yet she wins by listening to her lawyer and knowing when to just shut up. A tactic so advanced it still hasn't been discovered by Kurosanji. Now she literally could just wait for them to mess up again.

>> No.69069058

She literally made the CEO of said company bow live on camera kek

>> No.69069131

She's taking the high ground which not only wins in the court of public opinion, but it also is the correct thing to do when potential legal proceedings exist. This is what Nijisanji should be doing as well if they weren't pants on head retarded.

>> No.69069228

What gets me is how poorly coordinated Nijisanji's responses were. Like, how the fuck did JP not tell EN that the CEO was going to damage control so they shouldn't do anything that could potentially undermine that?

>> No.69069265

That's the surest sign she actually talked to a lawyer, the smart thing to do.
If there's is, or likely will be, a legal dispute with a party, it's much safer to contain, prepare, and hide the boxing gloves from public view.
The way NijiEn behaves makes me think they're too stingy to have a real lawyer on retainer. It's a terrible idea to be so provocative if shit might escalate to court.

>> No.69069287

In the court case. Which can be confidential with consent of both parties. Also which Anycolor brought upon themselves by their own actions.

>> No.69069331

This is what baffles me about Nijisanji is that any fucking moron understands how HR and PR work from a corporate perspective and the damage it can do when fumbled. Even my boss isn't as incompetent as this and I'm convinced he has a learning disability.

>> No.69069358

Because she doesn't have proof of anything, she needs to play the victim, so she can gain sympathy from normalfags. She needs to keep the goody two shoes act.

>> No.69069466

She genuinely doesn't need to go all in. She did the bare minimum publicly and look at what happened, the EN branch completely self-destructed.

>> No.69069544

>Also which Anycolor brought upon themselves by their own actions.
allegedly lol
so far all we have is doki and her "lawyer" saying that they "think they have a case" which means absolutely fuck all cause thats what all plaintiffs say

>> No.69069542

She is actually listening to her lawyers who probably have told her what she needs to say and what she needs to avoid saying. While being and a revenge warpath would be understandable, courts absolutely hate that shit

>> No.69069644

that's vinland saga

>> No.69069659

>Receipts will never be shown to the public
>Lawsuit will be resolved quietly behind closed doors
Booooring. What kind of drama is this? I thought she was going to go scorched earth.

>> No.69069703

In their defense, their strategy was actually a very sound, tried, true and tested legal AND PR standard for all forms of public scandal...

...in China.

>> No.69069710

She's doing the right thing. Anycolor have shown how incompetent they are and generally all you need to do is apply slight pressure and they will end up incriminating themselves.

>> No.69069806

Why fire any shots when your target shoots itself?

>> No.69069837

Okay, and this means they'll be doxed how? Defend your original point, not deflect nijicuck.

>> No.69069838

This is literally the most effective way to completely fuck them. A statement like this is WAY more terrifying to corporate lawyers than anything that could be used against her in court.

>> No.69069869

It's called "hoarding your gasoline". She's not just going to scorch the earth, she's focusing her firebombs to make Riku's yacht explode.

>> No.69069900
File: 10 KB, 319x326, jd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Doki knows where the barrels bottom is and Niji already started to hit asthenosphere.

Chasing them as they self immolate would be retarded.

>> No.69069969

For the same thing all you pathetic insects even exist, my amusement.

>> No.69070021

> she can't fight a legal battle with Niji, she just want Niji to gtfo her back
> she will hurt innocent people not related to the situation
> letting thing go on is the best option right now, Niji's reputation is in the shiter and she got her fanbase back.
Dokibird is a much bigger person than the entire EN branch.
But nooo Niji is the one wanted blood, they want to drag her name into the mud with them

>> No.69070040

Are you actually retarded?
You said it can be confidential with consent of both parties and then you went on to say that niji brought the lawsuit on themselves and I replied to that part.

>> No.69070076
File: 49 KB, 850x400, quote-never-interrupt-your-enemy-when-he-is-making-a-mistake-napoleon-bonaparte-3-12-97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69070229

hey NDF retard, it was for lawyers only, why would there be doxx? if those doc were to be made public, the real names would be redacted.
try finding an actual job and maybe you might learn a thing on two on how legal shit works.

>> No.69070344

Elira mentioned that the CEO will have a clip about the situation in that stream. But yeah, I don't think they know the contents.

>> No.69070568

She said if it was a month ago, she would've been angry enough to go nuclear on them. But at this point, she just wants to move on.

>> No.69070599

If they knew the CEO was about to chip in, wouldn't it have been wise to... wait and see?

>> No.69070615

>learn make believe kindergarten bullshit for absolutely no benefit
Nah im good

>> No.69070653

Because she tired to kill herself instead of physically hurting others
she'd rather die than fight against people she thought were her friends

>> No.69070664
File: 29 KB, 403x403, GFypfkwawAA0Ibu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why waste your ammo when Nijisanji is actively mag-dumping into their own feet?

>> No.69070732

Are they going to court though?

>> No.69070770


>> No.69070793

they hope not
but if Canadian courts get involved, things could get messy

>> No.69070803

Probably not, at this point JP side should have a pretty good grasp of how EN fumbled things and will make peace to Doki directly and behind the scenes.

>> No.69070902

Because she has the high ground now. She can royally fuck them in the ass, get paid in the process, and make them seethe forever, which is a lot more rewarding.

>> No.69070931

Going the other way, if EN does something to fumble AGAIN, then JP is just as much at fault for being so hands-off.

>> No.69070932

Yeah I imagine Riku did not like getting made to look silly after the triple down, I wonder if he even knew the video and statement were happening at all

>> No.69071042

She doesn't have the high ground, public opinion means nothing in court.

>> No.69071152

It's always better settle outside court.
Going to court probably cause both sides to lose in some way even either side wins the lawsuit.
Many such cases. Won in lawsuit. Lose a little (while the opponent lose more)

>> No.69071219
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Why is Enna a pedophile? And I'm not talking about 2D.


>> No.69071283

The other party admitting to breaking an NDA by sharing your private information, and repeatedly contacting your emergency contact over work stuff when you're hospitalized, among other things, does mean a lot, though.

>> No.69071401

I'm beginning to believe the ones making these threads are the NDF trying to goad Doki into fucking up and causing her to toss the court case.
The amount of times comments like these have been responded to with "it's an active court case so she can't say anything" is staggering yet you never seem to understand that.
No wonder she had to explicitly say she can't show anything.

>> No.69071424

Knowing how stingy Riku is, its entirely possible his team of lawyers are fresh grads from some 3rd rate law school
We may find out the results of said lawsuit and penalties involved even if the judgment is heavily redacted, so it may still be juicy but only in a few years time

>> No.69071434

what do you think the image she showed them depicted bros?

>> No.69071510
File: 94 KB, 960x960, 32989716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.

>> No.69071533

If your sole reason for being pacifist is because you actually can't fight at all , are you really a pacifist?

>> No.69071785

If whatever your enemy thinks you have is making them spill their spaghetti, do you really have nothing?

>> No.69071932

I'm surprised no one talks about this shit. I think she may have unironic pedo shit on her phone of people she knows.

>> No.69071986 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.08 MB, 498x409, korone-yes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your sole reasoning is not divulging confidential legal information that would ruin your case if you did is not having any information at all, are you a moron?
