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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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68650990 No.68650990 [Reply] [Original]

>waiting for Holo to screw up with a Giga Yab

>> No.68651280

When Phasefags are more than half of this board you realize how grim this sounds

>> No.68651298

Kek delusional, these shitters dont even get homostars numbers

>> No.68651500

these cocky fucks should realize that the bigger you are, the more susceptible you are to yabs. Everyone and even them can get a gigayab.

Basically, talk shit get hit.

>> No.68651636
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Screenshot's real, came from some fucking dramatuber lmao https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRuac5ABbis

>> No.68651644

Given Phase's size and whom it exactly panders to I'd say they're a Riro incident away from having major problems.

>> No.68651653

calm the fuck down SISTERS
accept your new role as nijiEN slowly collapses in upon itself

>> No.68651825

>talking positively of jewcorp

>> No.68651984

Good thing Fishman is a /vt/autist and basically all of the staff that interacts with the talents is female. I don't see a Riro incident happening, but anything is possible I guess.

>> No.68652036

The way they format their comments is already a giveaway kek

>> No.68652082

This guy 100% shills Phase on /#/ and /hlgg/

>> No.68652185

Probably. Most of this board is shilling one chuuba or corpo or something else.

>> No.68652304

The worst fanbase, as always.

>> No.68652323

phase rules the catalog, cope

>> No.68652366

they've always been like this, 95% of holo anti-posts, doxxing and bait are made by phase fags

>> No.68652430

This is why i never give phasecuck a chance
The fans is so toxic
I feel bad for dropping jelly, but fuck those fan

>> No.68652482

this is like those reddit posts where they compare real life events to star wars and harry potter

>> No.68652523

In what world is idol even near vanilla

>> No.68652538

Funny, but I'm pretty sure /pcg/ regularly tells these doxxoids and other faggots to fuck off every time they post.
>worst fans/fanbase
>meanwhile nijisisters literally wish death upon female vtubers who collab or talk to their anime boys

>> No.68652559

>hard working
>phase connect
Also why do people think NijiJP, Vshojo, and VSPO aren’t shitting on phase connect rn? They have number 5 at best.

>> No.68652568



>> No.68652609

>With it, the spot for #2 in the EN Sphere is open.
Yeah, and it goes immediately to VShojo. It's already top 3.

Do Phaseshills really?

>> No.68652744

Only Pippa and Dizzy are lazy.

>> No.68652774

Phase Connect isn't even in the Top 10 of most profitable agencies worldwide

>> No.68652779

I'm a Phasefag and I don't like that fag. Overblown self-sucking

>> No.68652798

pretty sure they don't, pretty typical kiwifag behaviour although I guess they might just be telling people to keep it to their gay kf thread.

>> No.68652840

These faggots are the same ones that put idol into the best vtuber org because they knew they'd lose to them if they were in the lower category with them.
The second spot will go to vshojo before it goes to phasecucks

>> No.68652876

Well, I know every time I see the doxxoids to fuck off.

>> No.68652950

Let's gooooooooooooooooo Cuck Connect!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.68653007

Anyone else sick of all the CEO worship in the vtuber community? They're probably all groomers anyway

>> No.68653071

I didn't say it the worse
I watch chuba for fun
With this kind of fan behaviour
I definitely not see myself watching pc(outside jelly)

>> No.68653084

phase chads explain?

>> No.68653086
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>Phase will turn on holo
someone doesn't understand being right wing too good lol, you don't build empires by being just or satisfying your feelings, there will be no bitterness, such things are for the poor and a large part of what keeps them poor

>bwaaaA i'm too existentialistic to accept the world is evil i'm a millenial waaahhAh
and what would have been your money isn't going to gather dust on a table, someone gonna get it

>> No.68653112

Those are just falseflagging nijiniggers

>> No.68653169

Every corpo has retard fans like these though.
Many of the girls in PC are pretty fun depending on what you like.(besides Rie, that dumb WHORE)

>> No.68653209
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here you go, phase is honestly a nothingburger in the greater scheme of things (also yes they are indeed beneath homostars)

>> No.68653233

rangebanning everyone who posts in /#/ would solve every single problem this board has

>> No.68653278

It was a donothon reward for her to sing meme songs chosen by her chat.

>> No.68653313

Real phasefags shit on both their oshis and their company

>> No.68653318

As someone who worked with both phase and hololive and heard some stuff, there's more "YABs" waiting to happen in Phase than in Hololive lmao.

>> No.68653394

Same. I shit on Lumi regularly because she deserves it.

>> No.68653524

Oh yeah I forget Neo-porte, suger lyric, kamitsubaki, Kemo Refle,

>> No.68653552

>Sakana was rejected from Hololive before he made Phase
I thought it was pretty much universally agreed that Tsunderia was probably the corpo that refused Sakana's investment offer?

>> No.68653850

I see phase niggers are looking for smoke fine

>> No.68653909

I only begrudgingly tolerate phase because they took in the Tsunderia talents I watch. I don't see them imploding soon, but I sure want a certain section of their fans to kill themselves.

>> No.68653961

Yes, i know
This is why i give jelly a chance
I do enjoy her
But i wish other pc fan not this toxic

>> No.68654091

Fishman is one if anything
He makes his girl play LoL mahjong and from time to time he gets himself into impromptu collab while they stream so what was supposed to be a solo stream it turns into girl x her boss wants to play that game with you collab

>> No.68654100

Which fanbase sucks the CEO's cock the hardest? Hololive or Phase? CEO worship is cringe as fuck,

>> No.68654163

Holo can have a member do compensated dating as a minor, have a manager rape a talent, have a member rape another member, have a member finger herself on stream, a members husband message them on stream, get threatened by a major video game publisher and more while keeping on rolling. Phase will never see their day in the sun.

>> No.68654196

They're probably #2 in EN.

>> No.68654214

I have nothing against the girls themselves but the fans are so goddamn retarded

>> No.68654241

I've never seen Fishman antis outside Henry

>> No.68654262

Hard to tell, probably Phase just because having less fans means the ratio of CEO dicksuckers being more.

>> No.68654304

Dude even pippa said that holo dodged a bullet with her, imagine pippa getting popular enought so the EN sphere of normies learn about her Qanon level of theories.

>> No.68654621

>Yagoo looking down at the peasants and has-beens fighting over second place
>"Sou desune"

>> No.68654675

Phase because they try their hardest to make him seem like Yagoo 2. I’ve never seen a person get forcefully shilled so hard.

>> No.68654689

It's impossible to go through phase content without some mention of sakana. Either through the talents talking about sakana or something. Whereas you can watch Hololive without them ever mentioning yagoo.

>> No.68654735

Yagoo isn't worshiped.
He is liked by fans and talent because he has demonstrated that it's mutual.

>> No.68654819

even their dramatubers are cheap knockoffs of the ones that feed off holo/niji drama
like shit regurgitating shit into the mouth of another shit all the way along the line till you reach the phasedramanigs

>> No.68655004

Further proving that Warhammer 40k tardos are the most cringe faggots on earth.

>> No.68655071

They made a literal monument to him in real life...

>> No.68655212

They make a lot of monuments.
Do they worship all of them?

>> No.68655266

Yeah even their "fishman's mental asylum of menhera's" is a direct rip-off of the "yagoos home for broken girls" meme. They're so desperate to be him.

>> No.68655438

Phaseniggers has been smearing shit /here/ since early 2023. It's like having that grifter whore pippa emboldens them or something. Holofags were just too focused on nijisisters to notice.

>> No.68655503

The #2 spot has been full for the past year. Vshojo has been outperforming Nijisanji and is competing with Hololive on a tuber v tuber basis. Phase is pressing for the #3 spot.

>> No.68655606

Whatever history people have with PC a year ago doesn't float in current threads. Phase has has 20 more girls compared to their previous knowledge of what Phase is for example. On the scale of things it's still Holo - Niji - Vshojo - Phase - Idol (I think) - etc

>> No.68655873

>Vshojo has been outperforming Nijisanji and is competing with Hololive on a tuber v tuber basis
>>68653209 LMAO not even clos

>> No.68655945

Why the fuck are people obsessed with this retarded weeaboo powerscaling? I don’t care which place Phase is in, I watched them when they were 2views and I will continue to watch them regardless of their rank, everyone else should do the same with their chuubas.

>> No.68655946

After Niji dies am I gonna get called a phasefag when I talk shit about hololive?

>> No.68655951
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>number 2
Phase are Number 1 in Raspberry Telly

>> No.68655960

How do I know what they do at the cons, maybe they sacrifice virgins to his image.

>> No.68656017

the entire board smells like kopi luwak at this point

>> No.68656079

The problem is they're all a bunch of cucks so they'd swallow any yab like they swallow cum. Without hesitation.

>> No.68656134

It always comes down to a pissed off numberfag that Phase hasn't disappeared from existence or someone who got their feelings hurt a fucking year ago. Inb4 dox plenty of that shit has been going around, the most recent being the FumacoFan one.

>> No.68656152

They won't be as cocky when the fish goes back on his word and starts a male branch and their oshi starts talking to men

>> No.68656295

In another multi-verse maybe /co/ is that way ->

>> No.68656380

Imagine being so unused to positive PR that you have to make up stories about how a CEO can have it instead of just a) being an actual decent person and b) not acting like a retard.

>> No.68656411

why is vspo on this twice

>> No.68656610

I remember when Pippa had to tardwrangle her chat for screaming POACHED >:( when KSon joined VShojo. Now they are slathering for meat fresh from the bovine rescue. The self-contradictory tribalism with these keklers is wild.

>> No.68656772

You guys have been saying this for a while but there's still zero evidence that this will occur.

>> No.68656937

Best Girl of Hololive?

>> No.68657084

It’s pretty crazy that Hololive has so much influence despite the sheer number of indies active.

>> No.68657315


>> No.68657435


>> No.68657459

why would he want to share his women?

>> No.68657552

I find that hard to believe considering the faster threads are usually holo threads or hololive adjacent.

>> No.68657600

Hololive probably has more money than all those indies combined and has a good PR team.

>> No.68657675

literally who

>> No.68657712

Hololive has a quality brand. It's like Apple.

>> No.68657736

/pcg/ is pretty fast though
usually runs through several of them a day easily

>> No.68657792

I definitely think both Idol and Phase will replace nijiEN

>> No.68657811

too many normies feed vshojo numbers so they will most likely be the #2 corpo, best phase can do is get #3 corpo since niji is 100% being relegated under phase and maybe even idol if the pillars keep collapsing at this rate

>> No.68658165

The guys at /pcg/ are fine but god the average phase fan is retarded and so much worse than your typical holo fan.

>> No.68658204
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Riku's delicious curry merchandising

>> No.68658215
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wow you're telling me that phasebrowns are actual vermins that thrive off drama of others? WOW!

what's next? are you gonna tell me that they have a dedicated SEAnigger page on twitturd and fecesbook astroturfing /vt/ called brownvtmemes? WOWZA!!

>> No.68658287

Still cracks me up that the "#3 in vtubing" vwhorejo got mogged by 6 literal whos from gookland

>> No.68658334

anon, no one in /pcg/ likes SEA hours the constant threads turn into a crawl and really shit thread quality.

>> No.68658488

I can't imagine them falling below Idol. Idol only has 1 streamer that gets >500 CCV (I'm looking at January averages). Phase has 15 >500 and 4 > 1000.

Nijisanji has 21 > 1000

They'd have to have a total EN collapse to get below Idol. Or Idol would have to really pick up.

>> No.68658715

I think idol will pick up as they grow. Provided they can hold onto Rin and fix Yuko

>> No.68658723

Phase friend here. Kill dramatards behead dramatards. Everyone in Phase likes Hololive and do not wish for them to fail. The talents from both companies are so wildly different anyway; no one is going to watch PC for idol concerts but they will come for more varied stream content without perms autism.

>> No.68658745

pretty sure more browns watch holo and niji

>> No.68658756

Wow, pippenis worshipping faggot shitting on fans of the newer gens. Classic.

>> No.68658917

So does hlg, but there are many hololive generals, so the fans are scattered through several other threads as well.

>> No.68658970

Yes, but for some reason I get called a nijinigger if I point out the Yagoo/Riku/Gunrun/Sakana worship

>> No.68659127
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>browns hate browns
nothing new
>Phasebrown connect isn't brown bro!!!!
>meanwhile Phasebrownvtm M.O. : it's ok to shit on others but not plap plap brown connect

>> No.68659166

No shit. It's the top 2 corpos vs a literal who corpo that gets mogged by homostars

>> No.68659174

if the male en v tuber scene wasn't entirely made up of groomer sexpests this might actually happen. you can feel the slime coming off them through the screen

>> No.68659279
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Easy to pull ahead if NijiEN is folded outright

>> No.68659303

No one gives a singular fuck about bvtm, and in fact he is regularly mocked in /pcg/, but keep on pretending.
>literal who corpo
>yet still people nonstop seethe post about it on /vt/ most of the day

>> No.68659378
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Holy shit what are these self-fellatio runtimes?

>> No.68659527

yes, phasefags are a bit cocky, but consider the cute cow

>> No.68659649

I like the cute cow.
I like all of gen 3 honestly.

>> No.68659648

Have you tried making a coherent post?

>> No.68659652

Waiting for holo to have a gigayab when you have Pippa kek try again Phaseturd

>> No.68659695 [DELETED] 
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>literal who corpo
>yet still people nonstop
phasebrowns Astroturfing /vt/ are enabled by your oshit streamers though.

>> No.68659772 [DELETED] 

>random zoomed in discord screenshot
feeling called out there sister?

>> No.68659789

Nta but
>yet still people nonstop seethe post about it on /vt/ most of the day
Doesn't make phase any less of a who?corpo when you look at the grand scheme.
Jesus christ. A 2 hours video on Pipkin Pippa beyond grim.

>> No.68659854

The cow is ok because she is a Gura fan.

>> No.68659884

Holo had green hair psycho cucking both her fans and her twink dramaclout husband while selling wedding rings. Let's have a little perspective here.

>> No.68659978

This nigga is just completely delusional

>> No.68660006

Honest question, why are a bunch of dramatards phaseshills?

>> No.68660010

small corpos provide a good service, dont be mean to them, some true diamonds in the rough:

>> No.68660164

most of the dramatards are liggers and #fags though?

>> No.68660201

You’re posting this on a drama board

>> No.68660253

The overwhelming majority of dramaniggers are holobronies, get real.

>> No.68660279

Phase's success is overhyped as fuck same shit for Idolcorp, at their best they just have Pippa the rest is just an army of 3views and vtubers that get spammed by shills so you have this illusion that they are more popular than what they really are, I fucking hate Vshojo with all my soul but with the fall of NIJIEN they take the second place

>> No.68660400

>army of 3views
Lumi and Tenma have been regularly getting 4 views recently

>> No.68660414

Their only competition is Idol Corp and perhaps Niji. Holo board.

>> No.68660429

How is this any different from when idol was on the rise and everyone was saying they're gonna be the new face of Western Vtubing, only to yab later? I don't think people here realize that the bigger your corpo gets, the higher chance you will have a apocalyptic yab because everyone schizo out there is out to get you.
HoloEN and to a lesser extent NijiEN can right the ship despite their yabs because of their strong corpo structure and cult-like devotion from their fans that can excuse most yabs (unless it's internal shit like Selen). Smaller corpos don't get to enjoy this luxury. Also, since its inception the only thing that came close to dethroning HoloEN was Luxiem and that didn't last very long.

>> No.68660537

phase is hard carried by a dramafag

>> No.68660665

Pippa, Tenma, Shiina, and now Muu have an average >1k for Jan. The rest is a nice spread between 500-100 aside from 3 talents that are < 500 average CCV. They're definitely still behind the nijisanji cohort, but only just.

So, you're mostly correct. Pippa, a few 1k talents, and then an army of high 3views.

>> No.68660739
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>#2 in the EN Sphere
But that's been decided and has been for a long time now

>> No.68660775

Only in /vt/ where its users entertain an opinion of a literally who YouTuber shill and make it seem like it's a big thing. You faggots are so fucking pathetic.

>> No.68660805

why do you all hate vshojo so much? henya is cute...

>> No.68660951

>an army of high 3views.
Im not really sure why this is used against them, the only other small corpo that manages this at all is Idol, most small corps sit at around the high 2view to low 3view range.

>> No.68661522

Idol is a few low to mid 3 views with the exception of Rin, who's a high 3view. So Idol doesn't manage it either. As of Jan the weakest Phase member (Rem) is only beaten by 3 Idols. Idol's solidly behind Phase at the moment but not dead in the water.

It's kinda weird how well these companies fall into cohorts when you ignore statistical outliers. Vshojo and Hololive are the only companies that actually mix a lot when comparing CCV.

>> No.68661702

Remi's timeslot fucks over her CCV a lot but when I've managed to catch some of her streams they're actually more enjoyable than I ever would have assumed they could be.

>> No.68661728

>Luxiem debuts with males that get over 30k streams and farm superchats like crazy = Turn into holorivals
>Vshojo has mouse getting a lot of awards, money and stealing some big names from other corpos to make the Vshojo name stronger = turns into holorivals
>Phase = "W-We have 1k streams n-now...we are rivals right? O-Our battle begins better be s-scared"

>> No.68661767

It is exactly that, he's even said so on stream during the interview. Retarded dramanigger doesn't even know his Fishlore; Sakana wanted to invest in Tsunderia but was ghosted. He never pursued Hololive

>> No.68661879

/pcg/ is usually in the top 3 fastest threads.

>> No.68661941

shhh sister, real humans are talking right now, but enjoy your forced male collabs and knowing your oshi's are being forced to interact with sexpests who type *sigh* in discord conversations

>> No.68661958

Phasekeks pray for yabs and other low hanging fruits for Pippa to pick on because that's the only way Phase can gain any relevancy. They will probably never realize how pathetic they are for having the mentalities of losers.

>> No.68661991

>Phase we are rivals
Nobody says this. Phase is happy to be now and forever in the shadow of Hololive.

>> No.68662020

>If I type this lie out enough, people will surely believe it someday!

>> No.68662028

Pippa loves hololive. Get better bait sister.

>> No.68662052

Idol is kinda going through a rough patch currently, they have potential to be bigger but they’re nerfed by internal drama and menhera’s with poor wrangling. Whenever EN3 rolls around for them I think they can still build themselves back up, maybe not beating Phase but still having a strong place in the small corpo market.

>> No.68662064

i dont care about these stupid drama wars between corpofags. i just love my oshi. and i wish all the best to the girls in phase, vshojo, and idol.

>> No.68662137

Roca is going to conquer the EN world soon.

>> No.68662139

Posting a screenshot of just some random comment chain on youtube featuring completely random people should be a banable offense.

>> No.68662208

Jewcorp should hire better wranglers. They have to money to do so.
based take

>> No.68662236

Why do catalog-fags get so butthurt about a couple of fishman jokes? He is mostly treated like a mascot and has 0 stream presence.

>> No.68662237

Making typos should be a bannable offense.

>> No.68662259

Yes, but they axed her
Goes to show that Hololive, for all its faults, is fairly good at yab control

>> No.68662267

Calm down bro you can't just expose Pippa's content like that or you will show up in her next stream clickbait title

>> No.68662319

People do say this, shitposting catalogfags do, who knows whether those are Phasefags or falseflaggers though.

>> No.68662352

because catalogfags don't watch streams

>> No.68662354

She didn't.
>Qanon level of theories.
Her most edgy take is don't trust the government. The rest are obvious jokes you're pretending to get mad over.

>> No.68662364

The problem jewcorp faces is that it's run by a turbojew who will naturally only nepohire members of his tribe who, shockingly, turn out to be casting couch tier rapists abusing their power over talents in an entertainment company. Shocking I know.

>> No.68662392

No Pajeet, stay far away.

>> No.68662456

So wait, did Riro get Harvey'd or was it consensual?
You're right though. Meanwhile Sakana was smart enough to hire a few very good female menhera wranglers to manage his employees.

>> No.68662493

The Golden Curry

>> No.68662498

That's adorable

>> No.68662746

>Phase's success is overhyped as fuck
This is true
>they just have Pippa
This is also true if you put into consideration the gap between Pippa and the second most popular phase talent. Pippa is 3/4k CCV the second best let's say Lia or even Tenma are low 4 view.

>> No.68662791

The beauty of 4chan and getting mad over a twitter/comment screenshot

>> No.68662891

Can you link me to all those secret holo and niji-jab streams Pippa has done? I must have missed them in my 2+ years of watching her.

>> No.68662950
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>> No.68663134

Are these images related to each other somehow? I don't get it.

>> No.68663166

>0 stream presence
>has literally been on multiple full streams with phase talents
>girls talk about interactions with him all the time
Sakana is way more prominent on Phase streams than the CEOs of other small corpos are on their streams and I'm not sure why you would claim otherwise. It's not a problem and it works well for Phase, he works way better as a meme for them than the cringe 'Yagoo is best girl' crap that reddit holofans will spew mindelessly.

>> No.68663246
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>Are these images related to each other somehow?

>> No.68663253

True, but he's only talked about when relevant to the discussion at hand or when the girls need something like creative mode for a game server they have. And I'm pretty sure those full streams he was on were mostly Q&A streams.

>> No.68663299

Because pippa actually has collabed with them. Phasefans keep saying they reject dox and dramafags, but what use does that have when their top vtuber has them on her stream?

>> No.68663418

You don't have to like or tolerate Pippa to be a phase connect fan. Plenty of the other girls are more worthy of your time honestly. Like Lumi.

>> No.68663479

i aint reading allthat but yes my cock is huge

>> No.68663500

Pippa cut ties with the Nousagi faggot the second his doxxfag stuff came out. Funny you should bring him up though guy because he’s best buds with the new wave of Homostars.

>> No.68663578

>Pippa cut ties with the Nousagi faggot the second his doxxfag stuff came out
Not really. She said she still considers him a friend the stream after all the doxxagi shit came out.

>> No.68663584
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>guy named nousagi
>better pin him on Phase

>> No.68663653

She didn't.

>> No.68663684

Wait, let me get this straight. Faggot losers like yourself who openly admit to watching vtubers for female attention, literally give your hard earned money to women you will never meet IRL so she can spend it on lunch dates with their BFs, are making fun of 40k fans?
The lack of self-awareness is terrifying, it's almost like you people really are basement dwelling losers who spend their free time day dreaming about women larping with anime avatars to manipulate sucker's out of their neet bux.

And regarding this thread, do you people even like vtubing anymore? Seriously who on God's green earth would ever want people like this as a fan base? Ready to turn on your "oshis" at the even smallest hint of a yab.

>> No.68663708

She did watch streams fucking retard.

>> No.68663716

>Sakana was rejected from Hololive
I didn't know Sakana tried to apply to cut his genital.

>> No.68663804

He didn't. That guy is either trying to shit stir or just just retarded. Pretty sure Sakana himself mentioned in a stream that it was Tsunderia and they said no.
Funny how everything turned out in the end.

>> No.68663875

Nousagi is a /here/ cancer holobrony. Obviously. Try again.

>> No.68663879

cheers Peko!

>> No.68663947

>Shits on unicorns and likes homos
Mmm. I don't know guys, the dude kinda glows.

>> No.68663961

I kinda remember the Phasefags that is trying to promote PhaseJP in JP side was trying to pick a fight with the Kuzuha/Chronosomething fanbase there thinking NijiJP is in a shit state like NijiEN

>> No.68663975

watch Shiina's water bottle cult vod or something idk, and stop lying.

>> No.68664010

40K fags really have become one of the internet's biggest cancers

>> No.68664022

that guys is retarded
nijiJP is still full of bullies and other shit, but Phase is just never gonna come close to Hololive or Niji in the JP market for sure

>> No.68664055

Who would pick a fight with King? That’s just suicide given the dedication of his audience.

>> No.68664070

It's all the newfags. Just like newfags ruin everything in every hobby.

>> No.68664090


>> No.68664116

Not yet

>> No.68664121

If he sees money in it, he'll do it

>> No.68664210

Fishman knows the industry better at 95% of /vt/. It will never happen. Also homos don't make any money anyway.

>> No.68664221

Phasefags, apparently that's how they'll incline, keeps trying to pick a fight with bigger fanbases

>> No.68664274

Does he have a song like Aqua/Peko/Shuba?

>> No.68664292

They do if they pander to chinese women

>> No.68664304

we don't claim retards who leave /pcg/ to shit stir in other generals/threads
if they come from /pcg/ branch offs well, not our problem

>> No.68664312

The fish has great scouting abilities. If he really wanted I think he'd find the males that would succeed and shill his coffee.

>> No.68664344

But even if they pooled the entirety of their company’s worth, it wouldn’t scratch him, and that’s just him alone. It just doesn’t make any feasible sense.

>> No.68664372

Pippa does. Higher than the clown. But only her from what I've seen. If Magni didn't leave they'd be tied.

>> No.68664420

I just don't think he'd want to. He knows it would trigger fat backlash since adding males would trigger more male collabs, and I'm sure he's aware of Liatnam, and the ongoing shitstorms happening with sexpests in niji.

>> No.68664459

>just one youtuber nigger who hasnt even been watching for 6 months and afaik has never membered or even chatted in the stream chat of his self-proclaimed "oshi" Lumi
Fuck that guy, I hope he dies.

>> No.68664463

>We just need a mega yab to get all those Holoviewers!!!
Does that nigga even knows why Hololive became popular in the first place? people would follow the RMs if Hololive magically closes down, not go to fucking phase LMAO

>> No.68664556

>40K fags

>> No.68664598


>> No.68664608

One retard says something stupid, OP proves he's an even bigger retard by taking it at face value and assuming everyone's like him.
Many such cases.

>> No.68664626

i smell COON behind this post

>> No.68664645

You were actually making a good point until you mentioned grifter prime kaneko.
Honestly between Pippa and Lumi lemon woman is far worse grifter

>> No.68664682

>people would follow the RMs if Hololive magically closes down

No one cared about them before they got the blue dorito, and they won't afterwards. Even Coco superstar is now a down bad fleshtubing hoe collabing with JAV actors pushing their titties together on stream for money. Oh they'll still get enough viewers to get by I'm sure but it won't be the half million a year cover income and the mouthbreathing brown hordes will just move to new pastures.

>> No.68664716

brother the whole rushia thing was, and still somewhat remains nuclear

>> No.68664743

cyberlive seething femanon detected

>> No.68664757

>and they won't afterwards

>> No.68664761

You can say the same about all corpo hires tbf. Yuri is not doing great these days.

>> No.68664795

For mikecat yes - not Hololive

>> No.68664819

What's funnier is that it's a literally who.

>> No.68664840

>Coco is now a down bad fleshtuber collabing with JAV stars
what a fall from grace lmao

>> No.68664892

everyone in that company was a snake, except maybe Emma and Pandora (she was stupid and got herself manipulated by others within the group) unironically

>> No.68664934

Explain Coco please

Yeah for sure. Normies only care about insert brand here. Without insert brand here logo, it's over.

>> No.68664945

At the time Holo lost its biggest earner but that's it. They even managed to save their face by not instantly throwing Rushia under a bus.

>> No.68664987

wait 10 more years, and trust the plan

>> No.68665015

Lumi was put into a shit position in that company, hired as a manager while it's falling apart and still a vtuber in it. She's not a snake for quitting that sinking ship when many other managers were already flocking away.

>> No.68665044

Add a zero and I'm gonna believe you.

>> No.68665070

Because of pippa most of the worst containment breakers and dramafags are phasefans, so I'd rather take my chances with other small corpos if I want to watch and support vtubers outside of hololive

>> No.68665071

Yuri was a nepo-hire and only got in because Lumi also wanted her in.
Then Yuri cucked her and began hanging out with Lia more.

>> No.68665091

>sexpests in niji
everything about niji is on fucking fire, the males are the least of the problems

>> No.68665095

>Explain coco please
Anon she literally became a fleshstreamer, something people didn't wanna see, joined Vshojo when it had members that shat on her coworkers and collabed with males after her no male statement as coco, are you really that much of a newfag?
Kson is doing what she wants, but it didn't align with what people liked about coco.

>> No.68665115

she is still a grifted, i agree she not as sociopathic as others elements there but she is very willing to throw people under a bus to cover her own ass

>> No.68665232

most dramafags are #fags or liggers
I mean true, but it's always a gamble when hiring males. Sometimes they're inoffensive and not a problem, and then you get incel rejects like Aster, or actual retards like Luca.
Most people would throw someone under the bus to cover their own ass.

>> No.68665327

>Kson is doing what she wants, but it didn't align with what people liked about coco.

Yes, exactly my point, this is what happens when you let women off the leash. Don't make me tap the sign.

>> No.68665377

It's a doggy dog world, anon.

>> No.68665411

kson is popular

>> No.68665417

ah I remember people saying this about niji back in 2021...
Reminder that the fans ALWAYS reflect the streamers

>> No.68665508

Phase because Yagoo gets a ton of shit for pushing the homos

>> No.68665674

if she did you'd have posted a timestamp or catbox already

>> No.68665792

Someone should shit on that retard commenter.

>> No.68665824

That's like saying you rule the outhouse, lol. Be my guest.

>> No.68665862

>/pol/ connect

>> No.68666002

Every single con is chanting his name whenever he shows up so I don't know about that.

>> No.68666073

No wonder the catalog is always full of shit

>> No.68666082

From the 5 sisters on /vt/

>> No.68666109

NTA but I see a lot of Sakana dicksucking on Twitter and Reddit. So the normies are definitely doing it.

>> No.68666115

Go back to where you came from, faggot

>> No.68666130

I don't remember the stream. It was right after the doxxagi stuff feel free to ask in /pcg/ too since we discussed about it when it happened by shitting on Pippa for trusting scum and being a doormat as usual.

>> No.68666133

Goku vs Vegeta mentality.
Goku gets stronger because he wants to be better then himself. Vegeta gets stronger because he wants to be better then other people, especially Goku.
This is why no one can beat with Hololive, because Hololive is Goku and no one can beat Goku.

>> No.68666196

Good analogy.

>> No.68666216

yes, me, i watch kson streams. i love kson. i love coco. i love. i do not hate. hate is for losers.

>> No.68666245

Goku came way before Vegeta and therefore gets to be the main character. Kid Goku used to be more soulful and have better choreography but now he is just iconic and ultra-popular.

>> No.68666287

Only on here, I think. Phasefags aren't unicorns or idolfags so the backlash would be miniscule.

>> No.68666343

The Phase Connect fanbase of old is no more. No more wild schizos, no more antis, no more dox, no harassment until they break down in tears on stream and threaten suicide. Now they’re just a bunch of reddit tier cucks prepping the bull for their oshi. Anything is allowed now, any yab, males on stream openly planning to meet at cons, openly having sex and boyfriends, staceys blatantly mocking incels, rampant coomerism. It’s a disgrace.

>> No.68666346

I'm talking about the containment breaking drama channels like the parrot, bvtm and DN that all happen to be phasefans and are the reason for the influx of newfag dramafaggots /here/

>> No.68666390

Phasekeks can't live without dramaniggers. Pathetic

>> No.68666545

Muh shonen cartoon. Next you're gonna compare them with Harry Potter.

>> No.68666603

How do you know they're phase fans

>> No.68666623

Anon Niji is LITERALLY Voldemort!!

>> No.68666682

many people have beaten goku

>> No.68666685

NDF trying to blame all their shitty actions on phase to distract from their implosion

>> No.68666773

These are the kind of comments you write when you're knee deep in shit that doesn't matter.

>> No.68666804

The only one of those "people" who's a phasefag at all is bvtm. All of them are holofags though.

>> No.68666928

Battle shonen is the only good form of entertainment, with DBZ being the pinnacle.

>> No.68666946

Nevermind found it. I will post the catbox later because I can't now but if you are familiar with Pippa check Granthh post on the farms on 1 April 2023. There's the clip.

>> No.68666971

They arnt they are number and split niggers who were so cancerous they got driven off into their own thread phase is just easy to skinwalk because most of phase has a large fanbase overlap with commentary tube

>> No.68667011

The parrot raids phase girls and was backed up by Pippa when he losts his channel. Doxxagi is not a holofan he used to fucking sell holo dox, lol.

>> No.68667076

Holy based

>> No.68667117

None of them are holofans. Parrot is a homofag and a phasefan. DN collabed with pippa and doxxed holomembers

>> No.68667159

>schizo larping
>1 upvote
On nyo totally deserves a thread about it

>> No.68667308

Tribalismniggers really made an entire thread about a youtube comment chain that peaked at 2 (two) likes.

>> No.68667349


And here we go. Now shut the fuck up and apologize for the waste of time subhuman larper.

Also pipkin pippa "I consider him a friend" nousagi. Just to BTFO retards like you in the future.

>> No.68667375
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>> No.68667451


>> No.68667492

>saying this on the holoboard

>> No.68667527

God I fucking hate phase full defense force
>nuh she didn't
You don't even fucking watch her. Homobeggars 2.0 they want to shill and defend this trash when they don't even watch it in the first place.

>> No.68667560
File: 8 KB, 244x244, 1694253496446237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at these Phasecuck defending their whore
remind of holokek

>> No.68667590

didn't she do the same shit to kiara?

>> No.68667626
File: 19 KB, 583x404, IMG_5337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do your English reps, Nijipoos

>> No.68667682


>> No.68667691

niji anti force (holokek) is here

>> No.68667737

So who's behind the OP, is it the NDF, holobronies or schizo double agent phasefags?

>> No.68667749

>says the EnnaBROWN

>> No.68667774
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>> No.68667797
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>> No.68667800

It doesn’t matter, like most catalogtrannies, they’re a faggot either way
They’re here for the drama, not the talents

>> No.68667804

Please don't shitpost using my eop queen

>> No.68667909

>the same random close up screenshot of a discord image that got deleted earlier
do you have ANY proof that makes this a true image? or are you just gonna post it and act like it's truth?

>> No.68668012

>trying to push the enna-spammer as a holobronie
not a good look sister...

>> No.68668049
File: 143 KB, 512x512, 1688732249423900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Actually wanting more eyes on you when your entire shtick is being the edgy branch full of crazy women
Fuck no, it's retarded and missing the point to want to be #2, and if these drama leeches actually were in the sphere they would know vshojo sank it's claws into the 2nd place spot and it isn't dropping it anytime soon.
Phase is good as long as they stay in their niche

>> No.68668074
File: 143 KB, 737x770, Pipkin Plappa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least this is true

>> No.68668115

Yeah, I'm fairly certain most of /pcg/ doesn't care about being number 2. Being a mid-size corpo is best.

>> No.68668122

Based hooman

>> No.68668126

based receipt-anon

>> No.68668151

Lumi is such a transparently greedy whore

>> No.68668196

I realize this is controversial here, but actual racism is bad.

>> No.68668200

Pippa is such a deceitful grifting whore

>> No.68668206

>believing a random zoomed in discord screenshot just because it makes Lumi look bad
Helloooooooo cyberlive whore!

>> No.68668259

True. Unless it's groups that everyone hates, like gypsies.
Are there any gypsy vtubers?

>> No.68668328 [DELETED] 

Also niggers are in this category.

>> No.68668385

Phasecucks even correct each other’s grammar like redditors.

>> No.68668405

you mean the pankoposters who make fun of esl anons?

>> No.68668523

kek, there go the pippa x hololive collabs

>> No.68668530

Most of the Phasefags didn't even watch Yuni. They didn't know how good it was back then, especially in the moth era.
She might be better off in her current life but man is the content sterile and the audience exceptionally shitty.

>> No.68669084

>Lmao peepee poopoo racist yaoi cock
There. That's Phase Connect.

>> No.68669133

Pretty accurate.

>> No.68669459

Yeah, most of us hate Rie. She's probably the single most hated talent.

>> No.68669553

Fishman definitely got some hate when he was on his "banning 4chan lingo" arc.

>> No.68669662

Friend of DN, friend of bvtm, friend of Kiwifarms. lmao.

>> No.68669731

he posted the evidence anon. The burden of proof is on you to disprove it. Otherwise cope

>> No.68669854

>doggy dog world

>> No.68669907

Roco is the only Idol girl I watch regularly, so I hope for her success. Her voice and music taste is unmatched.

>> No.68670090

Can someone explain to me why "containment breaking" is bad? If you enjoy 4chan culture, don't you want it to spread? Doesn't "containment" autism just ensure that we remain fringe and irrelevant forever? Aren't we just letting Reddit and Twitter win and allowing them to shape pop culture?

>> No.68670141

Is this surprising or is it confirming what you already knew?

>> No.68670172
File: 639 KB, 1000x563, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit her beef with Nyanners makes so much sense now. Pink cat was her inspiration and she hated how she stopped being /here/

>> No.68670198

Is this the actual state pf Phasefags?Jesus Christ

>> No.68670242

>Phasefags aren't unicorns

>> No.68670245
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>> No.68670304

The worst thing about Parrot is his voice. Good god is it unbearable.

>> No.68670315

lurk more newfag

>> No.68670323

has pippa grown out of the "lol i use 4chan lol" humor yet?

>> No.68670343

Unfortunately yes. I thought it was kino.

>> No.68670548
File: 547 KB, 932x715, Purinsmug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if real, pretty based

>> No.68670604
File: 459 KB, 720x930, gozaru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank god, i can finally watch her streams now.

>> No.68670614

>because she is a Gura fan.
That's 3/4 of the Phase talents... pretty much all of their oshis are in Holo

>> No.68671311
File: 98 KB, 1070x490, 1682414502265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pippa is more of a male vtuber fan

>> No.68671425

pretty sure her oshi is Watame but nice try shitpost-kun
also, that cum hat picture of millie is now getting me warnings
nijimods FUMING

>> No.68671680

Containment breaking invites newfags like you, which is the greatest sin imaginable. 4chan culture has already been irreparably damage by floods of newfags and bad actors from even before 2016. More just mutilate the corpse even more. You want to fight the culture war, you go be a dickweed on reddit and twitter where you belong.

>> No.68671761

Can pippa even understand Japanese? I doubt she watches her excluding an occasional clip

>> No.68671830

>Can pippa even understand Japanese?
No. She can't even hiragana.

>> No.68671967
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>bump limit
next thread: >>68662865

>> No.68672848

any phasefag wishing harm on holo goes directly against the fishman's wishes of them getting along nicely and is therefore A RETARD

>> No.68673110

>at the cons
imagine taking shit like this seriously
