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68591822 No.68591822 [Reply] [Original]

>Nijisanji ties benefits to subscriber milestones
>Rosemi growing at a snails pace of 50 subs/day finally hits 500k
>It's immediately revoked by the Selen drama
>It will now take her 3-4 months to reach the threshold
>even her Hyte collab was canceled
>her entire wave abandoned her
>no 3D coming
>about to get passed in subs by Doki
What is going through her mind right now?

>> No.68591904

Pink woman save me

>> No.68591927

A Phase Connect contract

>> No.68591952

He shall be denied his prize

>> No.68591969

She should have quit in solidarity with Selen. Any decent person would have.

>> No.68592010

>"God, I wish I had enough of a personality to distinguish myself from the competition"

>> No.68592015

buy an ad for your literal who agency or fuck off

>> No.68592065

Her own fault for being a gerrible human being

>> No.68592067

"Can't wait to Tekken 8 up in this biatch."

>> No.68592157

If she never hated Selen, now she does
I feel bad for Wosemi

>> No.68592161

nigger die

>> No.68592223


>> No.68592494

No she doesn‘t retard

>> No.68592628

>I really shouldn't have signed a 5 year contract

>> No.68592634

I can only imagine what guttural thoughts circle the mind of a Fr*nch woman.

>> No.68592658

Dizzy WILL save her.

>> No.68593149

>I should quit and join a coffee company

>> No.68593280

Rosemi knew?

>> No.68593319

so aster wasn't acting alone?!

>> No.68593386

>Man, I hope Kiara can save me from this spit hole

>> No.68593524

First she bullied Selen, and now Scarle?
She can't keep getting away with this!

>> No.68593839

Does she STILL love her precious "Nijifamily"? Kek.

>> No.68593960

I LOVE how sighing automatically refers to that obnoxious waste of space A***r now. I wish that ahole gets blacklisted from every single vtuber agency after he eventually gets the boot in the ass.

>> No.68593978

TsunX reunion under phase continues

>> No.68594005

Idol or Phase would be a good deal for her.

>> No.68594016

Her PL has seen some activity and I can tell you she's probably leaving soon


>> No.68594099

Hope so for her sake.

>> No.68594160

What is her PL?

>> No.68594189

But it was Niji who shit the bed. If it was up to Selen she would have had a neutral graduation and none of this drama would have happened.

>> No.68594205

If she hits the 500k mark twice does she get a double prize?

>> No.68594258

The Witch Hag Sans Witch Hat...?

>> No.68594288

I don't trust this rrat and I can't confirm it for myself since I'm not followed but it's Fuzuki Miki

>> No.68594299

Hitting 500k twice means she gets the 1M equivalent prize

>> No.68594338

So you're telling me there's a chance that Riku is the one unleashing all the rrats? To not give Rosemi the 500k privs.

>> No.68594415

You mean Tsunderia retirement house? Sure

>> No.68594461

I wonder what Harada's thinking right now.

>> No.68594559

She's been talking to Ember amane and Dizzy.
Even if the fish just released 2 gens last month she'll lock him in a car again and force him to have her as an invader if it ever comes to that

>> No.68594612

I would be reticent to hire an opportunist who only wanted to join my company the moment her own company was a sinking ship. That doesn't feel good at all.

>> No.68594791

understandable but fish knows it would make noombers saving her and Dizzy and him just want to rebuild tsunderia with better management
I also imagine that Dizzy holds an eternal grudge against over her being poached

>> No.68594796

better cut on merch and supers. must be one nice fucking retirement home.

>> No.68594824

There is a rrat that Fishman was preparing to poach someone from Niji for quite a while now - and that it specifically was NOT Pomu. Rosemi could be it.

>> No.68594964
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it's not really a rrat people joke about phase being too small but she'd get a much better contract, no perms autism and phase get a batch of 3D models every year for the AR events so she'd probably be at the top of the list if she asked as a signing bonus

>> No.68595153

Phase requires all of their talents to whore themselves out with dakis and mouse pads so I would prefer it if Rosemi were to just go and stay and indie

>> No.68595158

Midsemi Midlock

>> No.68595169

Phasefag here. I actually think it is far more difficult for Rosemi because even if the company is a shit hole, she still holds lots of advantages and it most likely not the target of the bullying culture. Morally I believe she has been struggling but has acclimated it that it's just Nijisanji and the rest of her livers operate the same way. The problem is, when you see others who have left still maintain successful careers you can't help but wonder aren't the alternatives way better. All these livers obviously believe they aren't getting their fair share but have been brainwashed. Rosemi doesn't have a yab incident which could dangerously keep her trapped in there. The target for the cliques bullying would obviously end up Vivi since Elira is protecting Petra and Vivi but bitches still going to do what they do.

>> No.68595224

Instead of thinking constantly about herself, maybe she should spend 2 seconds thinking about what organization she's supporting that almost got her fucking friend killed.

>> No.68595329

I'd agree if it wasn't from the fact that she ran away from tsunderia when she got a better deal and she saw how PPP was destroying the corpo
Dizzy is probably also mommying her in DMs for the past few months telling her to run the fuck away from this hole and to come home

>> No.68595391

Most men wont put morality over their convenience, much less over earning tomorrow's bread. And women are even LESS moral.

>> No.68595401

listen i'm all for believe women and all but i'd like to know what happened in details before yelling murder

>> No.68595459

>What is going through her mind right now?
Hopefully her resignation letter to Kurosanji.

>> No.68595468

the only requirement is coffee, the rest is the choice of the girls for their merch, they can ask for different merch but it'll hit into the margins if it's stuff sakana has to find a supplier for

>> No.68595476

>Rosemi growing at a snails pace of 50 subs/day
This is the only point that matters and it's no one's fault but her own. I like Rosemi, but some people simply have limited appeal and that's it. Some people will never get to big milestones like a million subs because there are simply not even a million people on this earth that could care enough about them.

The way so many livers are losing subs also should tell you that a lot of people are subscribed in solidarity to most livers even though they only really watch their oshi. And when their oshi is gone, they go with them.

>> No.68595535

This. NijiEN management needs to put out a letter where they prove Selen faked her suicide attempt.

>> No.68595639

Sounds like a ticket for exposing Nijisanji in litigation. With how they treat their livers as enemies if they could get away with it they would already have taken action against her.

>> No.68595657

Your local newspaper needs to put out an article about how you succeeded in yours

>> No.68595689

that would be hilarious, niji pr is my go to comedy these days

>> No.68595722

If she left Niji I'd support her but as long as she's still there, I'm not resubbing, not membering, not buying any merch or sending any support that Niji could take. She's a funny girl but fuck that company. Same goes for a few other livers I liked.

>> No.68595723

I can confirm this used to watch her a lot before she went to tsunderia. Her model was nice and slutty.

>> No.68596154

I don't really think rose flavored coffee would work.

>> No.68596376

Genuine sadness, crying, lamenting, it's all so unfair. She works so hard and brings many smiles, why does she have to suffer when she's the kindest person in NijiEN? I want her to leave but at the same time I cannot picture her as anything else but Rosemi, it's so unfortunate.

>> No.68596485

The problem in that trying to be just a sweet cute girl in the nijiEN audience demographics these days is like trying to sell beef steaks to vegans. She's frankly in the wrong company these days. Complete unironic no bullshit no joke she would be growing faster in Phase than she is now. Would she be making more money? I dunno. Probably wouldn't hit that 500k milestone fucking any time soon again either (if ever actually), but what growth she could manage to actually get now as a phase would at least be fucking real, it wouldn't be coping over a 99% deadsubs reality that she actually-has, that current sub count is just an empire of dirt.

Pomu was the last redoubt of cute girls in NijiEN with actual crowd pull to them, and with her out, there is really almost nothing at all left to offer to people who want a CGDCT experience - and even then, Pomu was already heavily tainted by Luca as far as cute girls purists were concerned; the best they could offer was still extremely sub-par compared to other options. Rosemi was picking up the leftover crust from that as it was and now that thing making the breadcrumbs is itself gone.

All that being said I would be sad if she left only because Rosemi has a really cute model currently and it'd be missed.

>> No.68596613

Don't be a fucking pussy you little bitches. If you get promoted to a higher position in Amazon, you're still working for one of the worst companies ever. You can't escape it. Stay or leave. The time is now. Make the choice. Time for Rosemi to decide where she wants to stand

>> No.68596761

If fishman can't get Lisa what makes you think he can get Wose?

>> No.68596869

It's Lunar New Year soon, maybe Fishman is doing some Chinese voodoo rain dance magic as we speak.

>> No.68596909

Lisa's just being a dumb sheep (that I want to have sex with), she's objectively a holdout now relative to the other ex-Tsuns. Technically Rosemi is one of these too but I dunno if that would make her more or less welcome as she was constantly called a traitor etc when she started in NijiEN. In a sense one could argue that her rather underwhelming performance (only buoyed upward by the general success level of the company more than anything she's done herself) is just desserts for that but I guess we'll see if Dizzy feels vindictive about it or not all this time later.

>> No.68597374

>"Her entire wave"
So, just Petra?

>> No.68597557

My bet is that Lisa doesn't want to join a corp all together, she's more of a normie and was burned out by the corpo life when ppp dropped everything on her, also Fishman fucked up trying too hard to poach her and miori and out of principal I imagine they both don't want to go back on that,
Tsundream all together also don't interact with Dizzy, feels almost as though they don't forgive her for leaving so abruptly the same way gen 0 and 1 do

>> No.68597793

Lisa already got off of her sinking ship over a year ago and is getting along just fine on her own. Rosemi is currently on a ship anchored at Pearl Harbor.

>> No.68597852

>What is going through her mind right now?
A bullet

>> No.68597902

God I fucking hope so
All of Nijisanji deserves to suffer the fate they sought to inflict on Doki

>> No.68598121

rosemi should kill herself for real to show that yellow chink who's the boss

>> No.68598218

Post some rosemi clips to sell me on her. I've never watched her before but I think her model is cute.

>> No.68598266

He already hired Lumi and Yuri out of CyberLive, I don't think he has any qualms about that

>> No.68598377

>What is going through her mind right now?
Not much, she's already in the queue and just counting down the days until the announcement

>> No.68598416

Alright tsunderiafags/phasefags I have a question, everytime I popped in randomly to a xtsunderia streams ie:dizzy, Lisa and ember. They always talks about foods or eating.

>> No.68598765
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>> No.68598826
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Lisa seems to want to stay and after the mess that was Tsunderia I don't think anyone can blame her. Besides she'd probably couldn't stand Sakana's autism and TsunDream as a whole don't really care for Dizzy like the other former talents do.

>> No.68598912

I 100% feel like that's some EU thing that actually exists

>> No.68599083

Anon, Dizzy's the one who encouraged her to jump ship to Niji.

>> No.68599159
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Have you never had a Rose Latte

>> No.68599245

No! I need a Rosemi daki, this is good!

>> No.68599297


>> No.68600180
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my finest edifices

>> No.68602928

>What is going through her mind right now?
everything's fine

>> No.68603014
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>> No.68603027

Not her fault but a certain traitor purple D--

>> No.68603077

Rosemi if you read this
>She's not your friend but a selfish bastard.

>> No.68603099

Well ember is a healthy girl who works out so she needs carbs.
Dizzy is dumb I dunno what to tell you

>> No.68603122
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They are waiting, Rosemi

>> No.68603126
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I thought Dizzy was fired from Tsunderia for shilling Rosemi. If she left by her own accord then it's retarded to hate her since she was playing CEO role as a middle manager

>> No.68603170

She's not really holding out alone. Amiya sees no need to join anyone either.

>> No.68603216

...is what NijisanjiEN will need to do by the end of March to stay relevant

>> No.68603261

Rose flavored drinks are pretty common, also tasty, you should give it a try anon

>> No.68603275
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Yuuna: Chief Architect
Miori and Ember: main buildings under construction
Lisa: incoming project

>> No.68603327

Her connections and status definitely would lead her to go somewhere else, but
It would be very funny, not in general, but for this board, so many faggots in this board fucking despise phase if Nijisanji's sweetheart becomes a phasegirl the board is gonna go up in flames

>> No.68603335
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da wose

>> No.68603361

Dizzy has now said she had a lot of bad ideas while in Tsunderia and apologized for them.

>> No.68603405

She's low key part of the clique
Buy an ad brownskin

>> No.68603448

It's literally just Pippa and her fanbase. If they left I might start supporting them.

>> No.68603490
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>low key
>calling someone brown

>> No.68603494
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>> No.68603586

I need to shove my cock in there

>> No.68603871

Even most Phasefags hate Pippafags, they're a big part of the reason why the main Phase thread started splitting off into smaller threads that don't include her.

>> No.68603981

“I made all the wrong choices and thus I’m surrounded by idiots”

>> No.68604088

Do you think she could’ve snapped her fingers and made internal hazing magically stop? Grow up and learn about nuance.

>> No.68604164

You missed Muu Muyu..

>> No.68604186
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>> No.68604269

Saya forgotten..

>> No.68604535

I am still uninformed about her actually.. need to do some research.

>> No.68604986

Like the guy that got into a gang by accident and wants to leave but is too afraid they will beat him up if he did.

>> No.68605073

it's never been confirmed and they never openly said anything but for some reason tsundream have gone no contact with Dizzy since tsunderia fell as opposed to gen 0 and 1 which interacts with her all the time

>> No.68605236

Dizzy/Urara reportedly was the one that told her to take the offer, and got fired when Tsunderia management found out. She's happier with Phase.

>> No.68605294

Dizzy has the kind of mental illness that makes it hard to work with her as a boss so not surprising but she is okay otherwise. But by the time Gen I happened she was doing mostly management because no one else was doing it.

>> No.68605346


>> No.68605457

Da Rose is one of the few nijis who, like doki, could make it as an indie. I don't think she needs a company to be a success.

>> No.68605555
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>> No.68605677

she could, but she could get the best deal possible joinning as an invader, like lumi said, they get way more in terms of contracts and more overall freedom compared to other talents in the gens and she could probably do like Lumi and keep her IP in the deal, she'd get the management help, work with all her old friends, work on bigger projects without the perms autism without selling her soul and doing twitch coomer react content

>> No.68605836

people going real hard on the Lumishojo rrat

>> No.68605853

Even if Selen had faked her suicide, Rosemi is still working for a company that put her and all her friend's lives in danger by pointing the finger at them, when it had absolutely no reason to do so. What sort of company announces potential internal harassment when no court makes them do so?

She needs to get out of their ASAP. If they keep as they are, eventually, either via suicide or muder, someone is going to die, and she'll build up enough stigma that she won't be able to work anywhere else.

>> No.68606059

You sound like twatter commie

>> No.68606842

Really, the problem is the second wave pippa fans. Pippa is just 2010 4chan style of "edgy." The fans who found her through her reputation as "based rabbit" rather than her actual content really don't fit in with the vibe of fans who've watched her since she was a low end 3 view. The problem with that is that pippa doesn't seem to want to turn her chat into a hugbox so she tolerates all but the most egregious shittery. As much as I don't like overly moderated communities, she really should do more because the ass hats are dragging her reputation down more.

>> No.68607365

Selen tried quitting by committing seppuku. I don't think any of her genmates are that committed to the job or her.

>> No.68607370

it's not even that, most people have mellowed and calmed down since last year, capipis just have a subset of people mostly don't watch her anymore and moved to kirsche after she asked them to stop being retarded but they always treat her as /their internet mommy and think they're going to use her to change the space when deep down most of them HATE everything about vtuber culture, they always hated the tiny amount kayfabe and corpo impulse control Pippa has,
tldr they just want Kirsche to do Pippa numbers and the problem is that kirsche doesn't wrangle her chat when they try and fuck with pippa's content

>> No.68607379

The other problem with NijiEN is that it is currently full of leakers. Luca shared some compromising information that spanned up until 2023 with his ex-mod, who knows if what he gave was just the tip of the iceberg. Who knows if she was the only one he told this stuff to, or if any other talents leaked compromising information about their coworkers?
At that point it’s best to just abandon ship. The secret GC stream from last year already painted a negative portrait of the branch, but now Mizuchi’s leaks prove that you need to be extremely careful about who you’re close to in NijiEN and if you can ever trust them again.

>> No.68610018


>> No.68611338

I don't know anything about Rosemi and I won't give her a chance because she's in Nijisanji. The only thing limiting her success is being in a Black Company.

>> No.68612946

thought hew was jew

>> No.68615281

You sound like a niji boot licker

>> No.68615408

Phase is not a BlackRock Company

>> No.68616060

She gets a stealth suspension for overachieving.
