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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 259 KB, 612x563, orange.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
68515532 No.68515532 [Reply] [Original]

favorite fruit

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT/status/1755011140252271055

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>68476800

>> No.68515674

I love my gold digger of a wife

>> No.68515718
File: 2.46 MB, 1178x1161, 1704206135663129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68515839

Grabbing handful of Shondo buttcheek

>> No.68515887

maybe i am the strange one here, but I don't get jealous of my fellow husbands (they just don't deserve that much attention)
it looks like to me everyone gets a fair amount of interaction according to how active they are on twitter/in chat
>but oldfags have dm access
as no one managed to groom her into an irl relationship it seems to me they wasted their opportunity, and it's already too late

>> No.68516451

Does shondo really want to be my onahole wife?

>> No.68516695
File: 168 KB, 1280x720, (2017 christmas) wrapping presents now and to the moon l8r.mkv_20240208_052359.634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf she called me a newfag in 2023 for not knowing about her sponge eating when it was fucking primordial knowledge

>> No.68516803

listen to her asmr, she ate sponges then

>> No.68517171
File: 25 KB, 851x86, 2024-02-08_060214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's what i'm talking about

>> No.68517324

I'm starting to think there's more to this Orange situation. My theory is that he's the one who made that post about someone impersonating dewd in her emails. It reads like a shogger with exclusive information made that post more than her being the one who posted that. He was asked by her to help with emails because she was getting overwhelmed and he's the only one she trusts in the community. That would explain why he was having a menhera meltdown a while ago and then made a post on twitter saying he can't talk about what was bothering him but wished people respected her wishes more. He probably saw the the traumadumps she was getting or something like that.
So basically Orange is her stealth manager and her talking about deciding who to pick to upload the vods was all an act and no one else had a chance to begin with.

>> No.68517646
File: 6 KB, 319x67, 1679770441731958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're onto something and he knows it's coming, what else does he have to fear

>> No.68517833

Why it took so long for her to talk about who was the person uploading the vods anyway? I wish she was more transparent about things like this.

>> No.68517934

If I had to guess, they were both afraid of the fallout from it. They probably had a long chat in dm's and shondo just decided to tell everyone

>> No.68518581

>>but oldfags have dm access
this isn't even true anyway, it's just bait people use to fuck with newfags. i had access to her dms on shadowchama, that's it. and that account is dead, so...

>> No.68518740

You could dm her on main back then when she had it open and get access for life, that's how dewd can dm her.
She has people added on discord too since she said she was receiving dms from there.

>> No.68519005

i'd buy it
>giru (autisticly) emails her his art and orange decided to use that
>orange has access to her discord to manage things there such as her sponsors and got giru's art from there

>> No.68519124

I'm worried now that it wasn't even her responding to my emails but him.

>> No.68519307

she only talked about it because someone asked it in their resub message, she would've been silent about it if nobody had asked
a cunning "don't ask, don't tell" way of concealing the truth and not technically lying about anything until it's brought to light

>> No.68520030

world's most mentally stable side bitch is alive again

>> No.68520288

so who's going to be the first person to discover shondo?

>> No.68520566

Heavy snow in northern England at the moment. Hope wifey doesn't go outside and slip.

>> No.68521661

and she says she wants to get better at communicating with us, oh well. I guess if she counts tweeting about BA communication she's doing good.

>> No.68521675

It's weird that he's working for her and she hasn't "divorced" him yet like she does with mods. He has access to her that most husbands don't, that's the reasoning that she gave for divorcing mods

>> No.68522213

I thought about this at first too, i changed what i was originally going to say(basically eat you guys just pointed put), but replaced it with "since the main issue is her internet being dogshit", that is due to the fact that, despite orange already having the vods, he doesn't have 100% of them, more like 98% and the point of the vod archive channel is to get the twitch vods over there. Besides, shondo already had the vods download due to wanting to upload them before, but being unable to due to her slow internet speed, so she was able to send them over dms easily
In short, shondo has to send over to orange the full vods from twitch and let him take care of uploading to the channel, she said it herself it's a fairly easy job and that all he has to do is upload them.
Now, personally(and given what she said on the difficulty and straightforwardness of the job), this paints orange in a pretty bad light, given that if everything is as simple as that and all he needs to do is receive the vod file then to download it and upload it to youtube, he'd have no reason to say he'll be "keeping things professional in dms", this really only means that he either: didn't think about what he said or has ulterior motives for letting people know he has access to her dms for "work" now

>> No.68522326
File: 29 KB, 230x345, n14040-o1st9jZsCZcN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is unironically as plausible as ft being the poster theory
>he COULD be her stealth manager thus giving him access to emails and or discord(latter is highly unlikely)
>he COULD have gotten the high quality giru drawing from that
Forest tree
>he COULD be part of this community and a /shon/ poster/lurker
>he COULD have went behind shondo's back and get access to her emails(since he lives in the same house) and he'd also have access to the giru drawing if we argue she downloaded it already
Now let's look her reaction and what they could mean in both cases:
Orange theory:
>she could guess it was orange, due to the post having information only someone with access to her email and discord/files could have posted about
>given other events happening around that time it wouldn't be crazy to say she'd call orange out or distance herself from him due to the post
>thus it's unlikely to think this was the case
Forest tree theory:
>she'd have no clue it was ft, thus validating her reply to the tweet on her art tag about the situation being one of confusion and indirect denial of making such a post
Now, allow me to present a new theory:
The email address ray used was a wrong one and never actually owned by shondo, but by someone else
>validates the poster having information only someone with access to the email address could get
>if we argue the poster previously asked giru for a higher quality image of the drawing it won't require them to have access to shondo's discord/files
>gives full credibility to her reaction to the tweet as being genuine, as she wouldn't even have received ray's emails

>> No.68522574

I suppose its because anyone who archived every stream wouldnt accept getting divorced as part of the job of being her vod uploader
She definitely has last all the vods that arent on twitch anymore since she didnt download them

>> No.68522575

mister battler, surely ray isn't so retarded he would fuck up copy pasting her email to an unknown imposter who has adjacent emails for catching errant emails that made some sort of typo when trying to email shondo

>> No.68522725

It's just a possibility, same for how all the arguments for the orange and ft theory are because it COULD be the case

>> No.68522917

sure, i just find the concept funny

>> No.68523061

> shondo has to send over to orange the full vods from twitch and let him take care of uploading to the channel
Are you guys just that retarded or is this your first time on the internet?

>> No.68523362

Shobdo making him the timestamp guy and then the vod guy is genuis. Orange is now liked enough in the community that if it comes out he is her manager or they are dating most people would be OK with it, even some husbands. If this is true thenshes going to get away with no major backlash after stabbing those of us who still take the relationship seriously in the back. We already saw others saying they will defend him no matter what so even if we try to get justice here it's not going to have any effect.

Does anyone know how he acted before she put him in charge of timestamps? Was he a typical groomer back then?

>> No.68523412

newfag do not spoonfeed this cuck larping retard

>> No.68523475

>amaricans are waking up
>cuck posts start
why are you guys like this?

>> No.68523682

She is failing really hard at that. From that tweet, to this day shondo has never acknowledged any @ made at her that gives a valid complaint or critisism or even praising her for something, which she managed to do pretty well with dms before.
It's pretty apparent at this point, it was just an excuse to throw it all under the rag and never have to deal with any of it, punishing those who care along with those that took advantage of it all.
If that's her version of communication with each other, it might as well be communication to a wall.

>> No.68523690

6 days until valentines shoggas. I hope you have something planned for her

>> No.68523710

I don't hate any shogga, but cuck posters are pathetic and gay
Though, they'd probably enjoy being called that

>> No.68523808

why do you want to nag at her all the time, are you a woman

>> No.68523832

I've prepared nothing and won't prepare anything
I'm too shy to make anything and show it, anonymously or not

>> No.68523856


>> No.68523921

She doesnt like valentines, its too gold diggy even for her she cashes in anyway

>> No.68523941

Not all critisism is negative, sometimes you might just want to praise your wife or point out a thing she did badly and she used to listen. Now its all guesswork whether she read the tweet.

>> No.68524275

Thank you anon

>> No.68524288

She has no more dms to worry about so whats stopping her from responding to all of that publically now? A simple thank you to shoggas telling her nice things and trying to be helpful would suffice or even a lowly like to show she read critisism and will consider it

>> No.68524790

I haven't seen any tweet get made about issues that tagged her, did twitter just not properly recommend them to me?
Could you show some examples of people doing so?

>> No.68525334

Your wife loves and trusts yuo! Return the favour :)

>> No.68525367

That's what I've been saying

>> No.68525375

I’m giving her a little bit of money for Valentine’s Day :) I can’t draw good, waited too long to commission art so it just going to her pocket

>> No.68525542

Didn't she say before anyways if you're going to commission art for her for valentine's to just give the money to her? That's what an anon said before, at least
I personally don't recall her saying that

>> No.68526299

Hi I'm new here
You guys don't lewd her right?

>> No.68526351

Shes asexual

>> No.68526406

No, I just rape her.

>> No.68526663

I don’t remember but if that’s the case everything works out :)

>> No.68526682


>> No.68526823

I personally don't lewd her, I know others do though

>> No.68526921


>> No.68527162

I’ve never had sex before so I’m not entirely sure how the anatomy lines up but I don’t think I want her butthole on my nose, eyes, or mouth

>> No.68527304


>> No.68527466

if i didn't lewd her i'd be cheating, and i love my wife

>> No.68527481

I hope today is a fun stream, I need it

>> No.68527643

L.A noire streams are good

>> No.68527708

I would love to have her sit on my face like that, i don't even like face sitting, i just love her so much I'm sure to like her doing that
Plus it seems comforting

>> No.68527721

LA Noire are 50/50 in being shit or not. It's entirely dependent on the zatsu, so I hope she just skips it and that's coming from a zatsufag

>> No.68527792

Last la noir where she started the game quickly was great, I hope she does it again

>> No.68527803
File: 980 KB, 960x1234, 1707257407074529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my wife unconditionally

>> No.68527930

How could you not have the condition for dinner on the table when you come home from work followed by sex?

>> No.68528304

I don't care much about sex with shondo nor do I think about her like that
And i wouldn't stop loving her just because her dumb medicated ass forgot to prepare dinner due to playing blue archive, I'd just hit her(lovingly)

>> No.68528337

I want to like this one but the fucked up right foot ruins it for me, I can't stop looking at it

>> No.68528392

Post more shonpics

>> No.68528399

I love my wife's fucked up foot

>> No.68528475
File: 379 KB, 512x638, 1707175875367115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this image, i can hear her cry cutely but also with big tears running down her face and snot coming out of her nose

>> No.68528847
File: 230 KB, 556x499, 1695618771621588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not feeling it today

>> No.68529034

I WILL make shondo watch one piece at some point
I WILL rewire her brain to like the artstyle if need be

>> No.68529076

Yesterday she said she was trying to do her best to combat jealousy among husbands, but what has she actually been doing differently? Not interacting on twitter so the favoritism doesn't have receipts?

>> No.68529220

Reading messages from first time chatters, non subs, subs, affirming her love for everyone, etc.
Unfortunately, she can't please everyone, especially not schizos here

>> No.68529479

Shes doing a lot to combat it behind the scenes, like she told me not to leak anything we talk about in dms so there's not a repeat of dewd

>> No.68529594

she's either lying or just completely retarded

>> No.68529777

>she's retarded

>> No.68530253


>> No.68530414

She does things, but then she gets 'a bit silly' and throws it all away from time to time so nothing changes.

>> No.68530525

this should unlisted or you steal his revenue

>> No.68530661

I'll make them unlisted when he uploads them

>> No.68530797

>White woman boogie

>> No.68531141


>> No.68531146
File: 136 KB, 327x276, 1679863119171978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my youtube feed can be pretty funny sometimes

>> No.68531668

Nothing negative, i like the name
The description was also funny

>> No.68531671

I'm going to slip up in chat one of these days

>> No.68531717

I only understood this after reading this post >>68531671


>> No.68531776

I agree :)

>> No.68532455

i hate my wife

>> No.68532519

i love my wife

>> No.68532556

WeirdCat why?
Smile same

>> No.68532563

This is what I would call an anti post, nothing of comedic value, didn't make me chuckle. It doesn't matter if it's serious or not, these posts are boring and take up valuable posting slots within the thread.

>> No.68532692

my wife hates me

>> No.68532738

Do you think you could convince shondo to brush your teeth for you? You stop brushing for a week and you wont do it yourself and it forces her to do it for you

>> No.68532752

No... She would never...

>> No.68532795

are you CF? Otherwise she doesnt

>> No.68532849

I thought stream is starting right now and now I'm sad

>> No.68532872

I wish she would motivate me to brush my teeth, i never do it, even though i know I should
Hearing her tell me the importance of brushing your teeth would unironically make me start brushing as often as I should
Can't be fleece, he divorced her, so he wouldn't say "my wife"

>> No.68532904

thank you that's unironically reassuring

>> No.68533024

im unironically the same. My parents never really cared if I did it as a kid so its never been a routine for me. I do it consistently for a while but then I always drop off. Im going to be fucked in a few years I know it

>> No.68533165

why would her internet handle sending a file over DM but not just uploading to youtube

>> No.68533266

He keeps forgetting that part, I have reminded him of it but alas. Lets just leave him to it

>> No.68533403

Can she already be impregnated?

>> No.68533472

Yes by me and its due on May 1st

>> No.68533533

I have knowledge that debunks all of this. Nice rrat though.

>> No.68533629

If this were revealed to be the case it would result in nuclear fallout.

>> No.68533682

>no one was responding to my bait so I have to do it myself

>> No.68533734

did CF do it? he hasnt been active on twitter for like a week

>> No.68533743

Orange mentioned dms and that's the only reason for why he'd need her dms, he doesn't do any editing or any other task, just uploading them
Given his statement the following must be true
>it needs to be relevant to the job of uploading vods
You should ask about it during this stream for her to clear it up

>> No.68533785

Hope not

>> No.68533804

He's going to go quiet intentionally.

>> No.68533823

he read my post and thought it was a good idea to go dark on all accounts

>> No.68533872

faking it for attention

>> No.68533967

Hope so

>> No.68533985

i dont need to become a pariah by calling her out publicly, anyone familiar with the internet or twitch can see that there was no need to involve him outside of extreme laziness or stupidity
plus she will see this post anyway

>> No.68534008

someone already beat him to it and it worked

>> No.68534054

Why are you all so mad about groomers, jealousy?

>> No.68534060

Here's hoping he's gone for at least 3 months then. Should try even longer, might work better!

>> No.68534069

It's not calling her out, it's just asking a question

>> No.68534129

It worked like a charm.
>subtly defends Grackle since he was shit talked a lot
>main follow
>art on tree
All the while he still lurked streams and just needs to play "catch-up".
And the cost? Not keeping up with the rat-race? He just flew miles ahead of everyone lmao

>> No.68534139

bapy finally tracked him down, let this be a warning to all shoggas that dare cross him

>> No.68534165

wtf I love bapy now

>> No.68534170


>> No.68534206

if you question her on something like this it is a personal callout and you will be punished. if you think otherwise just ask her yourself :)

>> No.68534219

We're talking about Grackle faking menhera to manipulate our wife. Please keep up, mate.

>> No.68534250

Orange already won.

>> No.68534333

The funny thing is people think theyre manipulating or grooming shondo whereas the reverse is actually the case

>> No.68534339

fuck off dewd

>> No.68534365

The only people who I can believe are upset about someone working with her are groomers upset that she isn't as isolated as they'd like, the same people upset that she talks with artists in DMs or hangs out with the Barbie girls.

>> No.68534444

my chat logs show he only joined 2 streams before coming back
January 5th and 18th

>> No.68534499

>what are alts

>> No.68534545

grackle = tuffnar = bratty = email schizo

>> No.68534561

Thanks for the confirmation

>> No.68534598

tuffnar is CF

>> No.68534606

Exactly what I was thinking

>> No.68534641

emailschizo is ft

>> No.68534666
File: 10 KB, 768x960, 1707236366823830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shogger anthem

>> No.68534691

ft is Orange

>> No.68534722

I am shondo

>> No.68534724

The start was funny

>> No.68534777

Hi shondo i love you
If you're not shondo i love you anyways, just not romantically

>> No.68534786

feels good to be so far ahead that i never get mentioned

>> No.68534827

No I'm shnondoo

>> No.68534862

Fuck off zman

>> No.68534864

I made this post

>> No.68534980

I am me

>> No.68535001

hi me

>> No.68535048
File: 28 KB, 500x500, 1707368866793333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am (you)

>> No.68535085

Anyone who gets mentioned is irrelevant. They can't be trusted not to leak and shondo knows that. People who are really in are never mentioned because they don't brag about it

>> No.68535097
File: 824 KB, 1041x760, happyyou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am (me) and this is my lovely wife c:

>> No.68535149

She looks like my wife

>> No.68535188

I am oinker (thanks for the gifted sub)

>> No.68535249

youre very cute

>> No.68535253

really wish someone would've asked her straight up if orange should still be allowed to be a husband. now the moment is gone and it's never going to be brought up again (until he's having a massive meltdown in a few months)

>> No.68535255

That doesnt make sense, they would have to be a lurker to never get mentioned

>> No.68535423

I won't be able to show up for the zatsu unfortunately(or at least the first 2 hours of the stream or so), so be sure to talk about it here so i can know what i missed

>> No.68535432

I'm not upset at him working with her I'm just upset at that talk about jealousy to in the basically tell everyone she chose him because she trusts him more than the others archivers. I'm tired of her talking about how Orange is awesome and better than everyone all the time.

>> No.68535472

>until he's having a massive meltdown in a few months
this should be fun

>> No.68535491

>He probably saw the the traumadumps she was getting

>> No.68535526

yeah, what's that? did she send you a picture of her cunny?

>> No.68535569

You can just ask like this
>hey shondo, i saw in yesterday's vod you talk about how orange will do the job of uploading the vods to the channel, he also said afterwards that he'll stay professional in dms, does that mean he'll get the mod treatment and have to shed the title of husband?

>> No.68535601

Alright send it then shogga

>> No.68535808

I'm not sending it, if i see it I'll reply to it so she reads it tho

>> No.68535813

He's not a mod, Orange does not do any modding on the vods channel so I don't see why that rule should apply to him. Besides if Shondo was smart she probably arranged to pay him like $20 a month for the internet, that way it's like commissioning an artist who happens to be a husband.

>> No.68535853

limp dick baby bitch

>> No.68535889

Agreed. Self-inflicted brainworms.

>> No.68535901

Seek the panda. If you know you know.

>> No.68535973

he basically has the same access to her like mods so the same rules should apply

>> No.68536026

is this start screen different? i dont remember it being this shiny

>> No.68536080

today is going to be a good day :)

>> No.68536114


>> No.68536122

>has the same access to her like mods
Says who? Did Orange brag about DMing her? Not to mention that everyone who does business with her has the same access as a mod.

>> No.68536140

Her pussy feels extra tight today

>> No.68536159

he kinda did yes there was no need to mention dms at all

>> No.68536162

He's been working out

>> No.68536203

>Did Orange brag about DMing her?
He basically did

>> No.68536215


>> No.68536263

forced positivity reps :)

>> No.68536302

Is saying hi really forced positivity

>> No.68536310

>I'm tired of her talking about how Orange is awesome and better than everyone all the time.
when your wife wont shut up about her ex or other men its time to leave

>> No.68536312

say it on stream :)

>> No.68536374

Why take part, all the people I like know I like them. Shondo doesn't care about you saying hi to random twitch users so why bother, I set a 14 minute timer and come back when the stream actually starts.

>> No.68536378

Yeah I'll go ahead and send that message and get myself eternally shitlisted, great idea.

>> No.68536431

do it on your tuffnarr alt, he's immune

>> No.68536432

>He basically did
So he didn't? Rrats don't count.

>> No.68536437

no i already got my reps in

>> No.68536458

I would

>> No.68536502

I gave an example, you can change it up as needed

>> No.68536527

nta I have nothing against Orange-kun. Smile

>> No.68536560

I'll just email her about it

>> No.68536600

>surorange: i'm keeping DMs completely professional if that matters to anyone

>> No.68536605

Honestly? Go ahead, sometimes she reads emails before the stream. Hurry!

>> No.68536612


>> No.68536630

tuffnar is Orange

>> No.68536634

I don't care about this whole shit with orange but he sorta did. I know he didn't meant to though. Dude just seems to be a bit autistic.

>> No.68536680

>reassures us that it's all professional
He's implying that he's getting paid.

>> No.68536710

You think Neosky is the #1 chat destroyer? Wait until you find his alts, his power is unlimited.

>> No.68536746


>> No.68536751

now imagine his meltdown if someone else did that

>> No.68536763

Words can be twisted either way. Again, I don't really care about all this anymore.

>> No.68536800

>new IP
Good for you shogga, some of us care and want answer.

>> No.68536802

i already got attacked by people /here/ of all places over the endless forced positivity, im not going to put myself in the wicker man by saying it in the stream chat (it wouldn't matter anyway because it would be buried by 100 messages from vito saying syadouWave to every chatter)

>> No.68536847

My IP alternates, sorry. Link Aggregation.

>> No.68536885

atleast CF had the balls shiggie

>> No.68536888 [DELETED] 

Ok orange, thank for telling us what you meant by that

>> No.68537021

he had legitimate grievances not just an observation of weird behaviour

>> No.68537028

vibes off, don't watch this one bros

>> No.68537081

based non autist

>> No.68537091

I'll watch it if showering takes me less than 5 hours

>> No.68537122

Zatsubro on suicide watch.

>> No.68537136

Just how fat are you shogga?

>> No.68537149

I'm actually a gamemaxxer

>> No.68537230

I'm not fat at all, just that I shower very thoroughly, on average a shower takes me 1-2 hours
I said 5 because I'm planning to watch it

>> No.68537289

Does the 1-2 hours include a bath or are you just standing washing the same spots over and over?

>> No.68537307

have you considered not being autistic

>> No.68537320

yeah shondo
you sure like schedules and not changing things up and trying out new things
fucking hypocrite, you can't have your cake and eat it to you woman.

>> No.68537383

he won.

>> No.68537470

I rinse my hair in hot water then wash it with shampoo twice(each time rinsing with coldish water), then i wash my face once and shampoo my hair and scalp before washing my face again, after which i wash my body with shower gel twice, after which i apply conditioner and then wash my body once again, this time using scrub gloves

>> No.68537494

Orange on suicide watch

>> No.68537519

>stares at chat waiting for orange to talk
>read orange's message
no favoritism nope

>> No.68537518

okay, and? having access to dms and shondo openly being okay with that on stream is a different level of access compared to everyone else. doesn't matter if he says it's professional or not. if he's feeling low, do you seriously not think he'd consider sending her a dm and hope she'd comfort him etc? and do you seriously think she wouldn't in that situation? you're either orange yourself or you don't understand human emotions at all lol

>> No.68537536

She is only countersignalling oranges because of the discourse /here/

>> No.68537545

it's damage control, she's been reading /here/

>> No.68537553

do you work in a coalmine?

>> No.68537567

>is a different level of access compared to everyone else
Autismchama her family has a different level of access compared to everyone else.

>> No.68537573

>eyes chat and only reads dewd's comment after only reading orange's message
sure shondo, sure.

>> No.68537581

Shes talking about my banana btw

>> No.68537597

shondo my banana is solid and ripe right now
open up

>> No.68537601

No im just autistic when it comes to showering

>> No.68537667

>different level of access compared to everyone else
different than artists? different than those who produce stream assets? or legacy follows? people that already DMed before it was closed? people that can DM alts? people that can DM on other platforms?

>> No.68537678

I'm going to need you to record this and show me

>> No.68537739

i saw that one monther

>> No.68537767

Shogga I'm not recording myself showering for you
I'm shy

>> No.68537822

hello fellow newfags i too am new

>> No.68537900

it was worth a shot asking, enjoy your shower shogga

>> No.68538047

offline chat is winning

>> No.68538106

>Lord Rexus
he's the lord of Shondo's basement

>> No.68538260

her panties have 3 bows
one in the middle and two on the sides

>> No.68538365

not really addressing the golddigger allegations

>> No.68538464

basically just told us when she gets 'too big' she'll stop loving us
3 months shoggas

>> No.68538474

hates drama by the way

>> No.68538494

neck yourself

>> No.68538573

This, Shondo sure loves talking about vtuber drama. No matter how big or small.

>> No.68538641

>making 200k a year
>kill yourself over "bullying"
what the fuck is wrong with women

>> No.68538700

Did you miss the part she had to spend that all back into her content because the company doesn't pay for anything

>> No.68538713

Money is irrelevant once you have no debt. Around $80k a year.

>> No.68538984

well if she brings back pet names now, you know she's desperate for money

>> No.68539160

I like how her idea of selling out is doing the thing everyone wants and making better content.

>> No.68539243

it's very frustrating.

>> No.68539404

did my wife just speak like a wigger
so over

>> No.68539437

Old Shadow is back.

>> No.68539631

she's been watching inner city people make rap videos again hasn't she

>> No.68539656

shondo is quitting in May to become a famous northeastern drill rapper

>> No.68539671

Remember she doesn't know any rappers.

>> No.68539764

she is currently chasing her ideal man

>> No.68539901

yeah me

>> No.68539934

I was waiting for the

>> No.68539962

show your spoils

>> No.68539996

Would shondo support you taking sexy creepshots of women if you share it with her and she helps pick out targets?

>> No.68540023

She would commission them

>> No.68540038

She would take the creepshots for you.

>> No.68540095

i would keep taking creepshots of shondo

>> No.68540173

i made this post

>> No.68540246

>sees roy
>says ray
no favorites by the way

>> No.68540297

dont notice :)

>> No.68540337

I never see it in media but I think it would be hot and keep the excitement in a relationship if you as the guy spent your free time trying to get pics of your wife while she tries to avoid you out of some idea of modesty and to play hard to get. Imagine annoying shondo every day by hiding in the shower when she goes to the bathroom and jumping out to take a pic before running away while she runs after you with her panties down yelling at you for being a baka, and escelaing to increasingly convoluted ways to sneak a shot while like building a custom sofa you can hide in and she realizes you're in it when she hears the camera (you let her find you because it's cute when she knows you got a pic) and she blushes while relying to hit you in your chest and grab the camera but she's too short

>> No.68540364

I won every scamba in 2024 but I never have the balls to bet more than 1/4th of my chocos

>> No.68540429


>> No.68540433

that would be very entertaining

>> No.68540576

>it's important to take care of your skin
When will Shondo realize that she has a male audience? Unless you're a Chad trying to get laid it literally doesn't matter how you look or how you dress because you're invisible.

>> No.68540609

Could even do that now (except that she'd call the police instead of getting embarrassed)

>> No.68540622

Go to the gym you fucking loser jesas christ

>> No.68540635

you would need long range lenses since she never leaves the home

>> No.68540682

Why? Gym won't fix my face and manletism. You can't become a Chad, you're either a Chad or you're not.

>> No.68540720


>> No.68540722

>she thinks cal on a gun stands for calories
Jesus Christy I know she's ignorant and not American too but Jesus christ

>> No.68540738

guys fussy is a banned word, explain why

>> No.68540772


>> No.68540776

>what's a joke

>> No.68540786


>> No.68540932

saali eatin good tonight

>> No.68541033

>different than artists? different than those who produce stream assets?
>or legacy follows? people that already DMed before it was closed? people that can DM alts? people that can DM on other platforms?
obviously since she has specifically said not to dm her. yeah people can do it anyway, but with orange it's fully endorsed on stream in front of all of us. if you don't agree there's a difference there then i guess we'll just have to agree to disagree.

>> No.68541082

fuck she is getting sick

>> No.68541088

she talked about the sponge stuff early 2022 but she does have this habit at times of expecting everyone to have been from that era, or simply hasn't noticed that there's a lot of topics she doesn't touch on much anymore

>> No.68541095

too much klub

>> No.68541144

i knew it man, she was sounding hoarse yesterday

>> No.68541173
File: 3.69 MB, 606x416, twirl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is having klub withdrawls

>> No.68541187

she's sick more than she's not sick

>> No.68541240

Going to be sick just in time for our date

>> No.68541255

i just want to hold her and nurse her and pinch her cheeks until she cries to be let go (i wont)

>> No.68541258

If this happens then
well I don't even need to say it

>> No.68541309

She's gonna be dead by 30 and we'll suffer.

>> No.68541321

Don't notice things :)

>> No.68541341

Has she addressed the rape allegations against her viewers on stream?

>> No.68541378

as usual, guess who's message she read

>> No.68541384

i won't allow this to happen

>> No.68541595

>admits to fibbing

>> No.68541721

free onlyfans soon

>> No.68541785

>he doesn't know

>> No.68541881

sadly I know that even if she ever does get an onlyfans, the lowest tier would be $150

>> No.68541934

going feral thinking about how her cunny smells

>> No.68541972


>> No.68542060

she wants to say it so badly

>> No.68542064

that was unironically funny

>> No.68542071

no... shes not supposed to be based...

>> No.68542093

She isn't.

>> No.68542153

After stream all her contacts will just get it unprompted in their DMs and they'll wonder why

>> No.68542202

it's ok she calls us niggers here

>> No.68542219

you could hear the n in that one

>> No.68542222

Can someone write down the rap?

>> No.68542236

racist otis poster is Shondo

>> No.68542253

no thats me

>> No.68542299

Risenlight is the racist one.

>> No.68542424

>enter shondo stream
>get a kiss
>close shondo stream
I feel like I don't deserve it, I'm not even a sub or a pedophile...

>> No.68542476 [DELETED] 

i'm a pedophile and that kiss was for me, sorry.

>> No.68542690

so i guess we're officially the third wheel now huh

>> No.68542740


>> No.68542749

why is she so bad at games and why does she insists of skipping zatsu to give us this amazing gameplay

>> No.68542752

sounds kinky i'm in

>> No.68542790

she hasn't acknowledged me since I start watching ft
I don't know how to take it

>> No.68542806

because she wants to finish more games?

>> No.68542810

i actually love how she plays the game badly on purpose and how stubborn she gets

>> No.68542870

we skipped zatsu for this.

>> No.68542875

i have chatted in ft stream and had my messages read this is just a skill issue on your part (im not tuffnar)

>> No.68542956

This gives me hope, I went from having 4/10 messages read to none so I was concerned. Good to know

>> No.68542975

My name is Cole and I'm here to say it's my duty to protect and serve LA. With a military term and a funky beat, I'll send all these crooks right off the street. The city is bigger and it keeps getting bigger, but lately it's been filled with a bunch of Nise people


>> No.68542983

Yesterday was the worst stream she did this year, and now she's doing one even worse than that. It's only going to get worse if we don't all leave or something, her numbers going down is the only thing she will take note of

>> No.68543044

Surely it should be
>the city is big and it keeps getting bigger
was this a misread on her part or was the dono retarded

>> No.68543048


>> No.68543103

get better bait

>> No.68543146

it's kinda sad that she has to resort to racism for a quick dip comedy, she used to have better material

>> No.68543199

sorry its all that dewd can come up with and his messages are the only ones that get read

>> No.68543228

>thats why fallen shadow is my nigger

>> No.68543276

i hate her random singing it makes me mad

>> No.68543352

Normally I would agree with you but this time it was cute

>> No.68543364

cute aggression

>> No.68543445

the singing is meant to troll certain people, so is her slurpy baby voice, and a few other things. She is a bitch.

>> No.68543538

How new?

>> No.68543585

i just want her to be done with this fucking game. is there any chance of her finishing it today?

>> No.68543664

nope and la noire is good :)

>> No.68543703

at least one stream after this one. Also i like this game.

>> No.68543718

atleast one more stream after this :)

>> No.68543750

at least 2 more at this rate :)

>> No.68543765

not good enough to enjoy it every week for a year straight

>> No.68543852

I wouldn't know anon i've only been here a week :)

>> No.68544228

i like her little songs i like to think she would sing little jingles in my arms while we play games together

>> No.68544296

>stating her body count again
what's going on

>> No.68544339
File: 847 KB, 506x587, 1706115003122808.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes mad that theres no fresh meat at the klub anymore

>> No.68544447

>you're stupid
She isn't even hiding how much she detests us today

>> No.68544469

NINE la noire streams
and she only acts like she's getting hit for 1 of them
for all those guys thinking they can correct a brat, it's literally impossible if she simply says no
