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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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67878122 No.67878122 [Reply] [Original]

Selen's mama is worried about where Selen is

>> No.67878205
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>> No.67878953
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She's obviously about to be terminated/no graduation graduated.
They just aren't gonna announce it before/during this Niji tournament. It'll happen a day or two after probably
It's a shame but at this point it seems like Management is a Selen anti specifically, I'd be shocked if she does come back and sticks around

>> No.67878969
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>> No.67879208

How can a company of nijisanji's size be this unprofessional. How hard is it to just say shes on hiatus or whatever the case is.

>> No.67879269

>How hard is it to just say shes on hiatus or whatever the case is.
But enough about Gura.

>> No.67879277

So how many milliseconds will pass between Selen's termination and Selen's mama being blacklisted?

>> No.67879345

Wait until NDF comes in and says her own illustrator is making Kurocolor look bad

>> No.67879390

you're retarded if you think asking about this will get anyone blacklisted

>> No.67879485

Is anyone here gonna attack Selen's mama?

>> No.67879511

They'll probably attack her without even knowing who she is, just like they attacked RPR and called him a parasocial chud

>> No.67879565

And you have too much faith in nijisanji to not be this petty?

>> No.67879578

That quote sounds like it was ripped from the boss of that Zom100:Bucket List show.

>> No.67879592

This is quite a shitshow.

>> No.67879599 [DELETED] 
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>> No.67879755
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N... no?

>> No.67880021

She's dead, and they can't hide it forever.
If they came out and said she was on hiatus, or even fired, then when the news of her death breaks publicly, Anycolor will get investigated.
By feigning ignorance they're giving themselves time to hide/destroy evidence and they can pretend that they didn't have any contact with her and thus didn't know.

>> No.67880023

Gura is streaming at this very moment sis

>> No.67880107

she has literally been playing Apex all day, she's perfectly fine. RPR fuckin knows that too

>> No.67880482

the person who clearly never watched nijien in their life and was just a 3view?

>> No.67880495

You realize you're going to go down with the big shots for abetting in a felony homicide, right?

>> No.67880574

everyone except nijisisters are asking where is selen lmao

>> No.67880583

Once again proving that nijiniggers would find a way to defend their company even if they were found to be commiting human sacrifices

>> No.67880623

Kurosanji can’t call rpr a liar without giving an update on selen

>> No.67880810
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Niji: "you have nothing. Nothing to threathen me with. Nothing you can do with all your strength. Don't worry, you'll come back. And that's the point. I have the chuubas."

>> No.67880838

She's in the Vshojo sex dungeon, she needs some reeducation before she can officially join

>> No.67880856
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>> No.67880884

He really is a huge cunt.
>we made them vtubers but they were so petty they didn't appreciate all the work we did so fuck them

>> No.67880892

"I'm sad that my company's environment is not fit for some members. But we have 100+ employees anyway so who cares lol"

>> No.67880965
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Legit wondering if the organs know or not. Many are terminally on twitter so no doubt they came across the tweets.

>> No.67881068
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How will this board react when it’s revealed that Selen committed suicide?

>> No.67881124

Of course they know
They are scared shitless that it will happen to them too

>> No.67881171
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>Don't worry, you'll come back

>> No.67881197

I'm starting to think Niji doesn't know where the fuck she is either.

>> No.67881253

Some will pretend to care in order to rally against Nijisanji.
Some will pretend to not know who she is.
Selenfag will kill himself.
But no one else will really care, because she chose to work for a black company and thus deserves anything that happens to her.

>> No.67881258

Why are you nijiniggers so obsessed with wanting her dead?

>> No.67881304

none of them are scared shitless because almost every one of them never had the same problems as selen or pomu, most arent ambitious like that
that tweet was about ren personal life, uki even replies saying ren can go to him to talk

>> No.67881322

Imagine being such a terrible company that even the vtuber's artist has to fucking ask where she could be.

>> No.67881324

>doesn't provide an answer

>> No.67881472

We'll start theorizing if Yacht-kun took the body to international water to commit crimes upon.

>> No.67881473

> Niji punished Zaion for using her alt
> Doesn't know where Selen is

Niji aint that oblivious anon

>> No.67881604

Because if she's alive she will air out their dirty truth like Zaion did

>> No.67881632

Why are you guys assuming that it’s Nijisanji who told her not to tweet when she herself could refuse to communicate to everyone?

>> No.67881735

We already know what you did.
You think you're going to get away with it, but let me assure you, you won't.

>> No.67881870
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>Selens niji and non niji accounts gets silenced
>Gets her friends and associates to spread the word

>> No.67881930

hi riku, how many yachts are you planning to buy in 2024?

>> No.67881947

You are mentally ill.

>> No.67881960


>> No.67881972

She is also Elira's mama so they will pretend this tweet never existed.

>> No.67881998

People would celebrate while simultaneously weaponizing it against the rest of Niji EN.

>> No.67882011

hell hath no fury like a woman scorned

>> No.67882010

You are sucking Riku's cock

>> No.67882024

>Ever shutting up voluntarily
She bought a whole ass laptop pc just to make a guerilla stream while on a trip.

>> No.67882051

It fits the narrative.

>> No.67882116

Your words hurt me. :(

>> No.67882189

because Selen is always very communicative with her fans

>> No.67882202

But wtf really happened to her tho?

>> No.67882319


>> No.67882380

hoping Pomu spills the beans when she comes back

>> No.67882478

Did you hear her voice? Are you sure it's not a nijisanji hitman using her accounts to sniff out all other possible nijisanji traitors from all her support messages?

>> No.67882545
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Two scenarios: she got in trouble with management, burned all her bridges, and is now negotiating for a graduation stream, or she self-harmed and they're not allowed to talk about it for legal reasons.

Could be both, could be neither.

>> No.67882570

Pomu knew what she was doing when she unleashed her member's streams
She was the one with the timestamp

>> No.67882685

>Identity theft
saddest part is I can see Niji actually doing this shit

>> No.67882755

she's either in a mental hospital or she killed herself
it can't be anything else guys, think about it

>> No.67882848

She is playing apex for 10 hours in a mental hospital?

>> No.67882875

dont worry guys I'm gonna get myself committed to a mental hospital to find Selen and groom her into my autism wife

>> No.67883254

Ninisani put her in the shadow realm for telling dragoons to reupload the music video after nini took it down. They dont know how to bring people back out of it so shes stuck in limbo for now.

>> No.67883488

No one believes your lies about her playing Apex.
Get some new material, faggot.

>> No.67883493

She's probably in deep legal trouble because she told people to violate copyright laws which is like sharia in Japan

>> No.67883617

nah Pomu has told people the same and didn't get in trouble.

>> No.67883818
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>> No.67883846

Who is playing on her account then? You cant fake stats being publicly shown of her playing
Also why did she change her steam name to "help"?

>> No.67884102

She hasn't logged into Steam since her last stream. Stop pretending to be a fucking retard.

>> No.67884414

no she didnt

>> No.67884483

She didn't comment about Selen's cover

>> No.67884570

Ah you are pretending (i hope) to be retarded ignoring the existence of her PL accounts
Carry on

>> No.67884734

Are you getting paid to be this stupid or do you it for free

>> No.67885060

Management overreacted over her asking fans to reupload her 15k cover. Caused her huge emotional distress and fired her.

>> No.67885293

if anyone in niji was going to know what is going on with selen it would be pomu and she seems to be under the impression on the 11th that nearly 2 weeks after selen left the hospital that selen is in poor health and that we should all be waiting and hoping for her to feel better, not like she had any reason to lie about it, she could have said nothing like all the other members and has nothing to gain from the company lying on their behalf

>> No.67885388

Another liver got caught on stream with pirated porn in his computer, and his suspension was less than one month.
Selen's suspension is either for telling fans that management privated the MV; or for asking them why they privated the MV, and then she used that tweet to say "reup the MV" instead of "I'm taking a totally voluntary break." In either case, she's suspended pending termination for making management look bad.

>> No.67885542

Stealth suspended into gradutermination, she's just keeping a low profile on her PL account to not give Anycolor any more ammunition to use against her in the termination announcement

>> No.67885574

selen has tweeted as selen since that day you know right... if she was suspended she wouldn't have been able to tweet about going to hospital or getting discharged.

>> No.67885872

Ah yes, I haven't heard nipplesanji in quite some time...

>> No.67885963

He did though
>Is culling talent intentional?
>Why aren't you stopping it?
>"Because they're ungrateful to us."

>> No.67886254

She seems good enough to play ranked Apex and win for the last 2 weeks non-stop.

>> No.67886293

I knew the talents were at fault

>> No.67887150

I would argue that pirating stuff for personal use and getting caught is different than using an official nijisanji account to tell people to go pirate something. It's a whole extra layer of liability for the company.

>> No.67887250

lauren was suspended for 2 months, what are you saying?

>> No.67887391

I don't know how you guys even interpret it like that. He's saying that they wish to remain with those talents who debuted with and GREW while with them but if they wish to leave they will respect that. dunno how is that any different from other companies.

>> No.67887528

Sounds like he's perfect for the next wave.

>> No.67887574


>> No.67887708

You can twist almost anything to try make it sound bad if you want to badly enough.

>> No.67887748

>What makes us sad is that even though WE WERE ABLE TO MANIFEST THEIR ABILITIES as VTuber, they decide to quit.
He is literally saying 'we made the talent'.

>> No.67888275

Canada is still playing with the idea of expanding MAiD eligibility to the mentally ill and giving themselves the deadline of March to decide.

>> No.67888835


>> No.67889482
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>management cancelled her song
>mental break
>threatened or attempted to commit suicide
>taken to hospital and is fine after a little time
>goes back home
>management have taken control of all selen accounts because she told people to spread the song anyway
>put on shadow hiatus for disobeying management and for her "health"
>told if she makes a fuss they'll fire her for contract breach or some other garbage and they may fire her anyway but she better do as she's told
>still mentally fragile decides to take some time away from the internet completely with support from her parents

My guess.

>> No.67889715

retard alice otogibara era and meiji's artist wasn't fucking blacklisted from niji

>> No.67889904

>is playing playing plaworld and apex non stop on an easy trackable account that a certain bird thread was constantly updating on

>> No.67889922

unless they didn't lock her out of the account until afterwards

>> No.67890518

Ok Nijifag. Gura established a pattern two years ago. Her first ghosting was she was sick and went dark for like 10 days. There was little drama on management’s side. And in all other cases, she would just come and go for longer periods, and maybe acknowledge she might try to do better. She had one formal hiatus end of 2022-2023. All of 2023 was admittedly very concerning, but there was no evidence of foul play on management’s side, and Kiara would occasionally acknowledge she’s still alive. Now let’s compare this to Selen. Selen NEVER goes dark. Her last tweet is that she was in the fucking hospital after an “accident”. AFTER basically going scorched earth and saying people can reupload her MV which is clearly against contract. Then her rm account followers tripled and she opened up comms to recoup some mysterious $15k. So unless she’s actually a sociopath on Rushia’s level, I have to assume NijiEN management, if they even exist, will never see the gates of heaven. And Millie’s either a cunt or just kind of dumb.

>> No.67893163


>> No.67894732

>even though we were able to manifest their abilities as a vtuber
This is such a petty, backhanded way of saying it. They don’t fucking care about the talents at all
“Oh even though it’s all thanks to us that they were able to do their activities, they’re just ungrateful and decide to quit. Sad!”

>> No.67894818

Maybe he doesn’t…? Did you consider that maybe he actually doesn’t play with her on her personal account…? Other normal people and others in the business don’t fucking track her apex activity the way people on 4chan do

>> No.67895096

i think its clear they made them more popular, which except for very early vtubers that built the company, its true

>> No.67895143

would a mama even have internal information? i dont think those artists know anything happening internally, they are just contacted instead by the members or the staff of the agency

>> No.67895304

They probably get slight advance notice of terminations/graduations, but I wouldn't put it past Niji to not tell artists their services until after the announcement

>> No.67895894

My theory of events is that she pissed off management by having Nina and Mysta in the music video and then she got them double pissed by telling people to reupload it. It's possible that she's already been stealth suspended at this point in the story. In any case, she then gets depressed and does something reckless to land herself in the hospital. People want to say it was something like self-harm or even a suicide attempt, but I think that's overdramatic. I think the most likely thing is that she just drank a lot because she was depressed and then had a legit accident (either a minor car accident or a tumble). In any case, it's seemingly not too serious and she's out of the hospital pretty quick.
It's certain that she's been suspended by this point in the story, so she starts getting active on her PL. This is probably the third strike as far as management is concerned. They probably decided then to give her the boot, but Pomu was graduating in the meantime and they don't want to terminate Selen in the same month, so they're just sitting on it.

>> No.67895916

that's a funny looking mococo

>> No.67896426

Because AnyColor is short seller company. They don't care about quality, instead they throw shit until something sticks and chase trends like magpies after shiny things, thinking they can make money from it.

>> No.67896477

This theory doesn't check out with basic fact checking. Pomu did a cover that had a graduated liver on it after they had graduated and there was singing from said graduated liver.

>> No.67896566

It's 4chan, so majority will celebrate other's misfortune. Not much will change. Nijisanji will shove it all under a rug and call it a day, others will move on.
Majority of people will pretend to care but only do it out of need for attention.

>> No.67896620

insane how true this is. the cherry on top as well is the only way to truly "support the talent" is to give nijisanji money, there's no avenue to only support your oshi and not the platoons of anycolor execs that keep them on a half inch leash.

>> No.67896720

She either had accident or tried to kill herself. Not even a joke. She was put to hospital under supervision earlier this month (her roommate mentioned it). You only get put under supervision only if your health is in critical condition or if you considered killing yourself.
Jannies will prolly delete this post, but w/e. Fuck this boards management, it's full of mouth breathing retards.

>> No.67896823

>It's 4chan, so majority will celebrate other's misfortune
>Majority of people will pretend to care but only do it out of need for attention.
read this out loud to yourself, and then again on the inside.

>> No.67896946

Stealth suspension, banished from her accounts and probably burned bridges with the management.
They are probably thinking how to "graduate" or outright terminate her, seems like they are also witholding her pay to bully her into submission, she literally had to beg her fans for rent money.

>> No.67897065

You guys are really rent free over Gura when she clearly is bringing in more money into the company than people aren't imagining. They clearly aren't worried about her if they can take her away from streaming unlike the others where streaming seems to be their main income.

>> No.67897090

More likely that she had a panic attack because of all the stress, she wasn't in the hospital for long if it was a suside attempt she would be in for a long time.

>> No.67897152

Gura dosent stream because she doesn't want to(until recently), selen is being silenced by the management, 2 very different things.

>> No.67897259

You say that but in this case everyone and their dog knows how to donate to her directly

>> No.67897332

They could try to hide that by having a secret audition to have a new actress to replace the other deceased one and pretend it was all just a long break.
Like some people /here/ thought that's what happened to Okayu a few years ago.

>> No.67897417

Well what's your theory on why they privated the video then? I wouldn't be surprised if management was iffy about Pomu's video too, but let it slide since it was a very recent graduation then. Meanwhile Selen's video came way later and those graduated livers had redebuted at another company in the meantime.

>> No.67897440

What if...
She already Off herself???

>> No.67897493

Nina was in Enna's Ethyria 2yr anniversary song, which came out months after Nina graduated.

>> No.67897512

Been saying this myself, with it happening after what Niji did to her, it's no longer a coincidence.

A coworker had his girlfriend come to work and broke up with him. Later that night he couldn't breathe and collapsed to the floor. Had to call an ambulance.

>> No.67897554

My theory? Permissions autism.

>> No.67897602

What is stopping nijisanji going the full idol corps incel route stating one of many termination reasons that they did not give her authorization to stream with Ollie as nowoc and dowoki along with streaming in her alternative account as dokibird with nocturnal? That way you can eliminate competition by destroying her audience make it look like her BF is more important to them then they are. If vshojo was to poach her, her CCV might be lower because of betrayed previous fans getting the message now about her relationship that isn't just exclusive to just 4chan.

>> No.67897653

holy NDF schizopost

>> No.67897738

It's obvious these rules are selectively enforced. It wasn't a perms issues, she had those over a year before the MV was released, somebody had a problem with Selen or her MV and concocted a reason to pull it down.

>> No.67897767

Based nijisister still trying to spread her schizo narrative, I hope Riku pays you well

>> No.67897890

I am starting to believe she ended her self... And Niji are hiding the truth to respect the wishes of her family

>> No.67897940

No, she was playing APEX on her PL account today

>> No.67898009

No she wasn't.
You NDL fags need better scripts.

>> No.67898031

nocturnal and selen e-dating is not a schizo narrative.

>> No.67898079
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>Hahaha, please pay no mind to our former livers who said bad things about our management after they graduated, it has NOTHING to do with their graduations. Yep, absolutely nothing.

>> No.67898114

He is a retard that did the same with like 10 more males in the past including Nijimales and some of her PL friends
The funny part is that he is wasting money to ban evade trying to convince someone of his narrative, the only one on the board who actually believe this, it reminds me of the IRyS schizo but a lesser version of him

>> No.67898198

>3 games, 12hours ago

>> No.67898501

now that's unexpected, I don't think I've seen this before

>> No.67898565

Nice, Holokeks BTFOd

>> No.67898775

They had permissions for the song, they are just mad that instead of waiting for a year for management to get their thumbs out kf their asses and actually get the perms, she went and asked LilyPichu directly

>> No.67898782

Its holos fault again???

>> No.67899744


She could literally be on a casket right now and nijiniggers will bring up holo for no reason

>> No.67900006

Pomu, like Nina, is never going to burn the goodwill she has with nijiEN fans by fanning drama.

Selen might since nijiEN fans already despise her like Zaion.

>> No.67900035

Just like she will never graduate either, right?

>> No.67900036
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>nijiEN fans already despise her like Zaion.
And nothing of value was lost

>> No.67900090

Does Pomu seem like the kind of person who would suddenly turn around and start shittalking people when she has no management lording over her and alienate a significant portion of her fans?

>> No.67900157

Really sad desu. I hope the mama pulls a rushia and makes a selen model that’s just slightly different.

>> No.67900164

Nope, you we are talking about Selen and the average NijiEN fans
Dragoons are more isolated from other Niji fan bases and not only on this board so if she pissed the corpo fans, nothing of value was lost
Even if Pomu (it will never happen) despised a part of the fan base, she would never say something bad

>> No.67900227

no that makes sense, pomu and nina never really went too much into it. pomu dont seem to be like this and selen dont seem like that either so dont expect anything out of it.

>> No.67900358

Yeah, merely the most subscribed EN vtuber

>> No.67900551

They let you play apex and palworld in hospital?

>> No.67900878

which is nothing for anycolor in their spreadshet, lets be real. it barely makes a difference in their financials.

>> No.67901040

She isn't though, not even in NijiEN

>> No.67901090

Termination/graduation combined with legal contract disputes or health issues (last tweet) or both.

>> No.67901131


>> No.67901186

Pomu had her graduation notice months in advance. Didn't tell anyone until a month before it was going to happen. She saw her creator in person at Japan and then came back and announced her graduation.

Her mama learned of her graduation with everyone else.

>> No.67901334
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>nijiEN fans already despise her like Zaion.
>And nothing of value was lost
Agreed, truly nijien fans have very little value

>> No.67901403
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It's less, true, but no investor is going to like that 1/5 of a company's revenue is in serious decline for entirely preventable reasons. Your stock price will take a hit and last I saw, Anycolor doesn't want more stock price decline and initiated a buyback to appease investors on this front. There's enough at stake to jeopardize that here.

>> No.67901437

I wonder how much Cover paid her to do this shit when normally she doesnt give a fuck.
This whole whereisselen smells like a falseflag from the start.

>> No.67901509
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heh sorry sister you will never know

>> No.67901561

ok niji schizo

>> No.67901630

"Hey Bestie I can get you into gen 4, but imma need you to do me a little favor"

>> No.67901658

Mel is missing too lmao

>> No.67901681

Vshojo's camwhore?

>> No.67901757

>Pomu had her graduation notice months in advance. Didn't tell anyone until a month before it was going to happen.
She told others in EN about it back in August, but you're right in that her mama didn't know

>> No.67901805

Nijisister will harass her after they found out what her preferences.

>> No.67901841

You know its kinda suspicious that earlier Mumei seemed pretty normal, happy even despite all the "trouble" her friend was supposed to be in.

>> No.67901932

Robin Williams again?

>> No.67902595

The numbers mason, what do they mean?!

>> No.67902723

Remember, one of the hallmarks of psychopathy is a lack of empathy.

>> No.67902823

Niji probably slowly drained the life out of her until she snapped. Now they want to graduate her I imagine but know it will be Zaion all over again but a thousand times worse since she hasn't done anything morally wrong. I doubt they'll try the laundry list of reasons again because of how badly it backfired last time. They probably were trying to drive Zaion's roommate out of the industry and all they really did was make themselves look suspicious as the majority of indie vtubing as supported her instead. Selen would be that on steroids. It could drive the EN branch into a worse position. They might wait as long as they can and hope it dies down but that's not a great response either.

>> No.67903155

Replacing a vtuber's "VA" actually caused outrage in kizuna ai's case. If nijisanji wanted to do that, they would have done it to many other livers who were in hiatus such as Roa but they didn't.

>> No.67903328

>all they really did was make themselves look suspicious as the majority of indie vtubing as supported her instead

>> No.67903375

Niji cope

>> No.67903522

Yeesh, even Pako wasn't this worried when his kids were MIA.

>> No.67903555


>> No.67904439

only fucking losers refer to the artists as mom and dad

>> No.67905405


>> No.67905837

>Suicide breaks TOS so Nijisanji terminates her afterwards
They're stupid enough to do it.

>> No.67905878

> せっかくVTuberとして才能を発揮してもらっているのに辞めてしまうのは、我々にとっても悲しいこと
There's no other way to interpret it, even in the ori

>> No.67906068

Just ask ironmouse bruh. I have the feeling she knows what's Selen up to.

>> No.67906373

considering she was communicating with steam usernames until about a week ago, she's been told she can't use even her personal accounts anymore and is probably involved in a lagal battle to get them back.

>> No.67906435

I don't think any of those graduates went to VShojo and shittalk niji afterwards
Notice there's no Warabeda or Gundou in that cover

>> No.67906779
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im sure even vt will organize something that will cause niji's downfall or atleast deal considerable damage to nijikara as a whole. non niji and non vtubers will also react and talk about selen's death, they will start bringing up how it snowballed into this tragedy. interviews on riku will happen, for sure there will be multiple vtubers taking a hiatus. nijisanji will be smeared and have a taint on theirs name forever as the company that drove a talent to an hero. and nijisanji is a huge company, not only that, they drove an international talent to do it, not a jp member.

>> No.67907165

One of the first things Matara did was dab on nijien fans and say vshojo management was much better and shocked her.

>> No.67907446

If Selen comes back under niji brand that means she is a bootlicker like millie and luca

>> No.67907975
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TL;DR Nijisanji ends up like this

>> No.67908123

Well, nothing vt can do will damage Niji, maybe if it was another board yeah, but the worst damage you can possibly do to nijien would be harass a specific member with all grudges there are about them, like waiting until selen graduates and when millie makes her response post graduation, mass spread every drama she's been involved with and painting her as someone who's actively helped damage the reputation of other members
Many of the remaining fans really stick to these members so at least partly, their reputation is Niji's reputation

>> No.67908130

Proof next thread right?

>> No.67908269
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>When I told my manager, he followed up with like "Alright, how can I help?" Do you need me to commission? Do you need me to get this and this done? No, no, no, and I was like wait what do you mean how can you help? It's my project. I-I-I was so shocked, like what do you mean, "how can you help?" Like... you know?

>But it was awesome, I was like woah! You wanna help ME? Like, do something- what is going on? It was just so surprising to me that, you know, my manager's like "How can I help? You need me to hire somebody? You need me to look for an artist? You need a background person, like what do you need? How is this gonna go, do you need editing, do you need music?" It was like... erm (stutters). And I told her that I'm not used to that, so I said "I need ideas, once I can kinda have the outline of my idea, maybe we can call, and I can run the idea by you and you can tell me what you think." I was just so... like, whoa.

>And yeah basically, my manager's like "We need to bring in someone for production. What does the marketing look like?" I'm like... marketing! You want to MARKET, just, a silly little project that I'm doing? That's awesome! What the heck!

>So yeah, so I'm definitely feeling very blessed... and it makes creating project really easy, and really fun.

>> No.67908309

Imagine if people decide to raid the tournament's chat with #WhereIsSelen, that would be hilarious kek

>> No.67908319

Black company...

>> No.67908339


>> No.67908486

Hypocrisy is strong in this one. There was a daily catalog shitpost about Gura not streaming with an entire countdown. But dramafags don’t know anything or watch streams selenium is off brand nakirium. Nothing to do with the talent but the supply the fans have

>> No.67908611

At this rate it would not be surprising if dragoons did. They’ve basically hid Selen’s body under the floorboards and hope that nobody noticed.

>> No.67908769

The hashtag will definitely be on the instaban list.

>> No.67908815

Don't worry dramafaggots will spread the word far and wide beyond /vt/ containment. It also helps that 2 of these have and axe to grind against Niji.

>> No.67908914

Unironically a cute nickname even if its a mistranslation

>> No.67908947

Where you at you little bitch? Fled the thread to go spread more lies?

>> No.67909011


>> No.67909075

Honestly, would it be better or worse for Anycolor to announce Selen’s “graduation” now? Because if they drag it out for like a day or two after the tournament and live 3.0 updates, it’s going to look even worse for the company.

>> No.67909191

From a purely pragmatic standpoint, it is better to rip that bain-aid off now if they're going to do it, prolonging it is just going to make it more explosive when they do

>> No.67909198
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>> No.67909210

There is no good time for anycolor to announce Selen's graduation, especially since they just lost pomu as well. That's the whole thing, there's no good move anycolor can make and they only have themselves to blame

>> No.67909249

Pragmatism doesn't matter when you only care about your shareholders

>> No.67909258

The CEO has better merch than her...

>> No.67909268

>no pants
What a fucking sexpest

>> No.67909292

It was always going to be explosive. They're just prolonging it to make as much money/get as much views as possible before dropping the news.

>> No.67909390

I really wonder wtf he gets out of those managers that he's willing to basically nuke his company's reputation for them. I feel like a sane company would have done some serious 'reorganization' after Mysta and Nina dipped at the same time only to show up in another company.

>> No.67909419

And losing 1/5th of your income won't affect them?

>> No.67909437


>> No.67909464

The difference is the longer it takes, the more the explosion is gonna look like Hiroshima

>> No.67909477

No you don't

>> No.67909510

Yeah! Like Pomu!!
...oh... wait...

>> No.67909556

Are you people already memoryholing zaion, yugo, lulu, gundou or hell even roa

>> No.67909624

>fire/graduate/lose a shitton of livers quickly
>big share dump driving price down
>fire/graduate/lose a shitton of livers over a longer period of time
>shares aren't dumped, value remains stable-ish

>> No.67909662
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>> No.67909909

>the ones behind the anti-Nijisanji campaign were vwhorejofags
Not even surprised lmfao

>> No.67909928

>he thinks there needs to be someone organising an anti nijisanji campaign

>> No.67909957

There’s something sort of weird about how they meme Riku. Like Yagoo at least has that friendly look to him and his company has decent work practices, Riku looks like a villain from a TV drama and he hasn’t done much to improve his company at all. There’s parts of it that are still in tatters.

>> No.67910011

It's all forced because Riku wants to be liked like Yagoo. So the livers understand that they have to worship him and by doing so will probably also be treated more favorably

>> No.67910019
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>implying real Nijisanji fans gave a shit about bomu
Only holotards watched her

>> No.67910061
File: 7 KB, 256x197, download (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these...."TALENTED LIVERS IN NIJI EN" in this room with us right now?

>> No.67910149

Elira or Rosemi or Millie or Enna have more talent in their pinky toe than bomu and the diaper furfag had together

>> No.67910159

Riku used to want to be seen as Yagoo is. But as people realized he didn't give a fuck about the talents he dropped it completely. There are still people pushing the friendly ceo shit even after >>67878969 this. He's already accepted he will never be as well liked as Yagoo.

>> No.67910169
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Sure, I believe they're called the golden 20, right?

>> No.67910231
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>"""comfy""" JRPG slop streamer #2434
At least use the only actually fun streamer left in nijiEN, Rosemi.

>> No.67910243

>luca's cocksleeve

>> No.67910267
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>real Nijisanji fans

>> No.67910303

Watching streams, something holofags are incapable of doing as their bargain bin "talents" never stream :)

>> No.67910331

oh if we give a fuck about that, there's only like Scarle and maybe Vivi left? fucking grim

>> No.67910377

They're both not in the golden 20, so there's no one left in niji

>> No.67910410

That was Nagasaki

>> No.67910563

No one mentioned the mama said
>>EN: "I hope Last Cup of Coffee's rights verification is done soon too."
Lmao. At least all the artists were paid already.

>> No.67910736

>I hope Last Cup of Coffee's rights verification is done soon too.
It would be so easy for Niji to fix things if they just approved it (or gave a reason why it couldn't be approved) but apparently that's to hard for their management team

>> No.67911138

>Why are you guys assuming that it’s Nijisanji who told her not to tweet when she herself could refuse to communicate to everyone?
Selen was active on PL accounts until Nijisanji noticed and made her stop using them. Nijisanji and Hololive both have rules that limit the use of other channels. Vesper didn't begin to stream on his PL until after the "graduation" was officially announced but the difference is that Cover did give a vague update that he was on hiatus. The complete radio silence is unusual even for a Japanese vtuber company. That people who know Selen are literally asking Nijisanji for an update which does make it seem like they have decided on a termination but are delaying it because of Pomu's graduation.

>> No.67911594

Sooo Elira is next? or i just asume kamamesi won't do work for Niji anytime soon.

>> No.67912167

But holofag consistently have higher viewers and nijikek crater. I guess you didn't watch them :D

>> No.67912810

Lol this nigga ran away

>> No.67912942

You know there's certain things I still don't really like about Vshojo, but that does paint them in a pretty good light.

>> No.67913529

What copyright could it possibly be waiting for when the creator literally provided the instrumental and gave blanket permission to everyone to use it and said there's no copyright? Any art would they commissioned would obviously come with usage rights as well.

>> No.67913666

Source on this?

>> No.67913798


>> No.67914042
File: 318 KB, 900x900, Nina_Kosaka【NIJISANJI_EN】2z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The solution here is to support the talents by cutting off all support. Once all the black stuff was revealed I had no choice but to end my membership, unsubscribe, and turn away from my oshi, because in helping her I would be assisting in harm to others. She was the good and moral person I knew her to be, and she left. Any Niji worth supporting would do the same.

>> No.67914209

these companies, both niji and holo; are so retarded that blanket permissions might as well not exist.
a game could give blanket perms on the fucking bootup screen and these retarded managers will ignore it and treat it like they dont have perms.
it seems japanese companies are such trauma babies when it comes to copyright laws.
there being cautious and then theres being so scared of legal conflict that you fucking nuke the archive of your talents or put completed projects in limbo for years

>> No.67914245

Funny how she embraced the toxic label but is showing incredible weakness in all of this, if this were any other vtuber Selen would be laughing at them.

>> No.67914544

Is this a voodoo doll?

>> No.67914564

Japan doesn't have fair use defences/laws on the books so they could get fucked over if Shitendo or some other jap company fucks them in the ass with copyright strikes or whatever.

Kurosanji is a chink company though you'd think they would be a little more lax on teh copyright stuff

>> No.67914757

Hasn't she been active on her RM? Do none of these people know how to google dox?

>> No.67914816

im aware but as i said these being cautious and then theres fucking your talents over for no real reason

>> No.67915002

She plays Apex regularly. The mob doesn't care, they just want someone to blame.

>> No.67915025

Their approach to copyright/permissions has actually been proven correct at least once. One of the holostars had a copyright strike on a game stream where they had permissions, and not only did they get the strike reversed, it turned into a massive shitstorm and the executive director of the game studio had to personally dogeza

>> No.67915361

thats the thing though, the blanket perms basically allowed them to escape unharmed while the one who broke the agreement was punished.
legally companies cant renege on blanket perms unless they wanna lose customer trust and intern business

>> No.67915614

Blanket permissions in the form of a page on a website saying "yeah you can stream this" are not equivalent to a signed contract. Sure you could take it to court and argue about it, but that's a lot of time and money to spend on something that's ultimately still uncertain, and aside from people griping that their oshi can't stream Competitive Topiary Simulator 2019 there's no real downside to being cautious about it

>> No.67915814

Like 300 giftcards, through discord of course.

>> No.67916298

Holy shit

>> No.67916335

There is no war in Ba Sing Se

>> No.67916396

At this point they are waiting for February so they don't have to say they lost their two best talents in the same month

>> No.67916480

its part of TOS though, something that if broken on either side of it, opens the breaker to legal challenges.
a company cant just decide that the tos gets to be applied differently now without updating the tos and they rarely get to apply it retroactively if they do change it

>> No.67916501

You know Nijisanji fucked up when even its hardline defenders know something is wrong. Similarly, I'd like to give a shout out to their fans through this all, they showed they care about Selen way more than Hololive fans did when Gura was missing.

>> No.67916564

Just another bandwagoner desperate for attention.

>> No.67916786

It's a simple difference anon. Say you get a copyright strike on a game stream.
If you have a signed faxed contract saying you can stream it: you send Google a PDF of that and they reverse it.
If you got permission from a web page or TOS: you now have to get into an argument with google and the publisher over whether you had permission. You'll have to provide archived copies of the terms and somehow prove they're real. If they feel like dragging it out it ends up in court, where depending on interpretation of the contract you might not even win, especially because those terms often say they are specifically for individuals and you're streaming on behalf of a big company.
If you put these scenarios in front of any competent lawyer they will tell you to just get the fax.

>> No.67916965

Still more than her merch cut

>> No.67917261

Based メロコ

>> No.67917821

Conversely the people who somehow still continue to defend and make excuses for Anycolor even after all the dumb bullshit they've done- the complete failure to debut any consistent, interesting 4view after Noctyx, their management's unique mixtures of malice and stupidity and of authoritarianism and apathy, and the complete PR nightmare the EN branch is trapped in with two of their oldest and most popular talents being graduated or outright unpersoned- are really showing their true colors. The blind, desperate corporate fanboyism only looks more and more dissonant as their beloved million dollar corporation continues to constantly step on rakes

>> No.67918998
File: 755 KB, 988x1000, 635t-U493n-I3kp-S.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the actual hell? Is this for real?!!

>> No.67919427

The clown face was added later but the writing is real yes.

>> No.67919436

Yeah sure, like how he respected Selen's decision by privating her coffee cup cover and then locking her out of all social media account or respected Pomu's wishes by constantly turning down opportunities that were offered to her.

Gosh, what a pompous a$$.

>> No.67919471

I see what you did there anon

>> No.67919590

Perfectly fine, except she was so broke that literally had to beg for donations (changed her steam username to "help")

>> No.67919729

Can you please not say stuff like that?

>> No.67919781

All of them are literally leaving the company to become vtubers somewhere else lmao

>> No.67919996

Plese leave the fairy out of this. Let her be free.

>> No.67920070
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it's the same picture

>> No.67920263
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>> No.67920493

She isn't gonna bring up that drama out of nowhere. Leave her alone.

>> No.67920587

Depending on what exactly she attempted to do she could have been hospitalized normally but guarded heavily and could have been allowed to play vidya as long as she was supervised.
But yeah if she’s in a mental hospital (and a suicide attempt usually leads to being sent to one here in the states, not sure about canada) then she would have no access to even the blandest shit. Things like pencils and plastic knives aren’t allowed for example. I’m not sure if even phones are allowed, from what I recall they are not.

>> No.67920720

You're clearly delusional, "Nijifan". Maybe you need to educate yourself.

>> No.67920960

>Any art would they commissioned would obviously come with usage rights as well.
I fully believe Niji management is retarded enough that they would want one last a-okay from all parties involved, including artists and video editors that were already paid for.

>> No.67921464

D-tier bait, friend. Should've used a picture of Luca or Millie

>> No.67923127

You underestimate how fast a person can commit sudoku. Somebody playing video games doesn't say jackshit about their mental health. The fact of the matter is that we don't know why she was hospitalized and we don't know how she's actually faring right now. Her current situation is certainly concerning.

>> No.67923274

Niji probably has some sort of clause, but many holo members stream regularly on alternative accounts. Vesper probably didn't stream because he was still debating things up until the announcement.

>> No.67923456

>where's selen

>> No.67923661

RPR knows this probably but asking where SELEN TATSUKI is is a power move

>> No.67923861
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At least she didn’t an hero

>> No.67923958

Next time that fag asks again, that link will be thrown into his face. Let's see his reaction.

>> No.67923997


>> No.67924016

Okay Nijisister.

>> No.67924251

riku has been doing that shit since 2019, he didn't begin doing that with nijien in 2021, retards

>> No.67924969

...I mean if you want everyone who sees rprs posts to know that the accident is actually just a stealth suspension more power to you

>> No.67925755

So rpr only cares about the fictional character named Selen and not the actual real person behind it is still fine? Wow that makes him looks even more like a dramafag

>> No.67926025

Does pretending to be a butthurt nijisister alleviate your gender dysphoria

>> No.67926302

Don't know if this is true as I never really watched her but according to her fans she has spoken about having bipolar disorder. That could explain the sudoku attempt.

>> No.67927676

Those niji bastards won't stop until they get somebody killed, will they?

>> No.67927946

The VA for Selen is fine. You can see her socials and check her steam account. These public questions about Selen are specifically referring to the character "Selen", product of Anycolor. Selen has been radio silent for a month now. Really unprofessional communication from Anycolor, imo. Either announce a suspension, termination, or give some kind of update otherwise.

>> No.67929183

>Source: I saw it on /vt/

>> No.67929677

as someone who has some experience it depends on how they classify you, a high risk case will be supervised at all times, you wont be able to take a shower without them in the room, making sure you dont off yourself.
but if you are low risk you can use your phone, and eventually they let you leave if you take their meds.
So best case, she is taking her meds and are taking a long mental health break
