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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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67794068 No.67794068 [Reply] [Original]

>muh standardized merch

>> No.67794209

Lmao that merch if any men still watching them they must be gay.

>> No.67794233

Nice free marketing

>> No.67794249

Serious question, what type of women buys this shit? Like a man i get buying waifu shit, its hard to get a gf, its all weebs here, women dont like them, etc. But a women? How the fuck do you end up buying shit like this? Like how?

>> No.67794319

buy an ad

>> No.67794321

>lonely women dont exist
this is what /r9k/ does to a smoothbrained retard who lives in his room

>> No.67794324

Serious question, are you retarded?

>> No.67794337

NGL I thought this was fake. How does that art pass QC on a commercial product?

>> No.67794369

believe it or not there are desperate women out there in search of an anime boyfriend. male/female weebs aren't too different.

>> No.67794494

But they're supposed to have standardized merch... My unisisters promised me they weren't profitable... How could we be wrong again?

>> No.67794552

He's married it's over xisters

>> No.67794604

he said its unisex, dude

>> No.67794656

The ring and neklace look pretty nice. They can wear it like any regular piece of jewelry since no one will know it's related to a vtuber. Plus they can even say their BF gave it to them.

>> No.67794679

>Serious question, what type of women buys this shit?
Femcels, menheras, and menhera femcels.

>> No.67794718

>its hard to get a gf
No it isn't. You're just an autistic retard.

>> No.67794755

Go to crystal cafe and then come back to this thread

>> No.67794762

There’s plenty of anxiety ridden shut-in women who have never been in a relationship. The reason why you don’t hear about them is because… they are shut-ins who don’t go outside and aren’t active on social media unless it’s fandom shit. Simple as.

>> No.67794830

The Nijification of Holopro is complete.

>> No.67794831

Which social media would someone meet them in, tell me so i can avoid it those places >_>

>> No.67794875

You should see the room with them kpop stuff.

>> No.67795023

If by "unisex" it mean neither male nor female will be interested in that shit, well it is "unisex".
But to not be fully negative, the amount of faggotry and retarded dark sasuke shit those item are filled absolutly encompass the blue faggot character.
If only i could get a list of people buying that, you could build an actual blacklist from society efficiently.

>> No.67795031


>> No.67795036

Tumblr and AO3
They're also on twitter but the concentration of crazy woke zoomers is too high there.

>> No.67795069
File: 77 KB, 1047x587, Rushia merch 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Making ring merch at all
Hahaha, y-yeah, I'm sure that won't backfire several years down the line

>> No.67795095


>> No.67795161

Without the stand, it's literally just a ring and a necklace? Altare likes stealth merch. The whole point is you can wear these and recognize them on another fan without giving away to friends and family that it's anime boy merch.

>> No.67795165

wait a minute, this is merch for GIRLS

>> No.67795243

Not gonna lie, but Altare gives off mega menhera vibes.

>> No.67795330

most of his fans are menheras that are chronically /here/ so make of that what you will

>> No.67795382

>they are shut-ins who don’t go outside and aren’t active on social media
I don't believe it, they can't be like me. I refuse to believe it.

>> No.67795718


>> No.67795784

hey look, it's you >>67794105

>> No.67795910


>> No.67795982

They are like you except they like anime men and are fujoshi brain rotted and only care about anime men fucking other anime men. That’s the caveat. If you don’t mind a girl whose only hobby is yaoi then anyone one of might be able to date one of them. As for myself, I hate fujos so I am better off not investing in that type of woman

>> No.67796036

A ring is cowardly. If I were a Vtuber I'd sell marriage certificates.

>> No.67796079

Well very lonely loser femcel types but yes, its for women.

>> No.67796166

they are all the same thing

>> No.67796391

It's pretty easy to weed out yumes from the fujos. Just sneak into yume fandoms, namely otome games.
Go onto any social media site, search for "Love in Deepspace" (the recent big otome), and stalk the profiles of the girls posting about it until you find one you like. DM her about a mutual interest (very important, don't come onto her off the bat) and try not to scare her off by being a huge schizo. Try this with enough girls and eventually one will be desperate or menhera enough to reply.
Good luck!

>> No.67796547

I think he's asking why would they be lonely. You should get out of your house, even the fugliest bitch can get an average looking dude. Seriously got to some retail location and look at the skinny guys with ham beasts.

>> No.67796779

I actually like jewelry as a man. Earrings, necklaces, and rings are nice if they're tasteful and this stuff does appeal to me. I'm probably going to ask my friends in Japan to use their address.

>> No.67796867

I'll be honest with you, I do go outside and I see more attractive women with ugly men than the other way around. It may depend on the area you live in though.

>> No.67796921

It’s because they are mentally ill and too afraid to interact with anyone let alone meet a guy to form a relationship with. Sure, they would be able to but if they are too menhera to actually get over their anxiety and fears then it won’t happen

>> No.67797032
File: 338 KB, 427x585, 135468874305623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine your whole career is carried by a literal SEA underage girl.
this faggot has no pride as a male.

>> No.67797042

usually mentally ill women will attract a mentally ill man that will treat them like shit. too many women I've met that do hookups or try to get into relationships and the guys are abusive dicks that rape and beat them.

>> No.67797138

Here’s the secret
It’s actually not too hard for any guy to get a reasonably attractive girl if you’re not a deeply unpleasant person with far too demanding standards

>> No.67797222

This. I know a really attractive weeb girl who's a never been kissed forever alone nearing 30 years old. The thing is, her social anxiety isn't even that bad. She holds a decent corporate job and can attend business meetings and chat with friends and strangers like a normal person but every time she's tried dating she broke it off after the 2nd date at maximum cause she's too avoidant of intimacy and romance.
It's such a humongous waste of a good female that it almost makes me mad.

>> No.67797523

It's just weird to me. I know jack shit about chicks so I'm used to thinking of them like they're aliens from another planet. It's awkward if any are similar to me.

>> No.67797855

>(almost) hag
>no bf
>total virgin
>has social skills
Sounds like a perfect vtuber, have you tried grooming her into one?

>> No.67798030

There are degenerate shut-in stinky menhera women posting in this thread RIGHT NOW.

>> No.67798147

Anon what are you trying to say here

>> No.67798509

Hit a convention you'll find plenty of them there's a chance that hag cosplaying as a cute holo girl is one of those shut ins.

>> No.67798519

Fuck if I know

>> No.67798553

I mean the OP image is literally Altair, most of the people in this thread are probably secretly women. You could be a woman, he could be a woman, I could be a woman. It's basically a girl's club in here.

>> No.67798663

Met a girl cosplaying Gura at a con and she didn't even watch Hololive and was also married, so no. Cosplayers are 90% attention whores. Look for girls who are dressed down but carrying merch.

>> No.67798831

>it's a girls club here
Well the fact most people on this shithole board behave like women I'm inclined to believe this anon, you might be up to something here

>> No.67798862

Try looking for a girl who’s cosplaying a member that isn’t a living meme for normies, retard

>> No.67799278

That’s only the Fujo side of the yumejoshi dilemma

>> No.67799490

>Met a girl cosplaying Gura at a con and she didn't even watch Hololive and was also married
Wow, she must've been REALLY dedicated to the craft

>> No.67799928

No, that'd be if she was cosplaying Rushia.

>> No.67800968

Yes, that's why it's difficult. He can't change that, no matter how hard he tries.

>> No.67801448

It is difficult normalfags don't understand why some people remain shut ins.

>> No.67802745

Most men like waifus because they can't get women in real life, women like husbandos because they are mentally ill

>> No.67802826

men can't get women in real life because they are mentally ill

>> No.67802856

This is the point, women can get a boyfriend even being mentally handicapped, men can't

>> No.67803240

>Not too hard vs not even trying
Just see photos of ugly girls on social media, there's always some guy trying to hit her up, even though most of the time it's old dirty man but that's magnitudes easier than a guy trying to get pussy

>> No.67803494

Have you never watched any of the anime made for fujos? They aren't exactly the same as otaku but they fall into the anime hobby for reasons that aren't that different. Coomers only think of a one night stand but finding a good person to marry isn't easy for anyone.

>> No.67803638

>easy vs extremely easy
your point?

>> No.67803780

Mentally handicapped women just end up in abusive relationships, whether by their hand or their partners'. It's not even worth it.
Honestly think that maybe menhera people just shouldn't be in relationships period. Like what right to I have to make someone else miserable or force them to tiptoe around my very specific needs?

>> No.67803968

They will use the same merch for Ao.

>> No.67804072

The reason there's so much debate around this is that men and women aren't even in the market for the same product. Like you said, men want pussy, and the dick market is super easy for women.
But most women want a husband, not dick. Yeah, there are a bunch of whores out there, but statistically speaking men want to sleep around more than women do, so there are fewer non-manwhores in the market for non-whore women to choose from. As a result, both genders have a hard time in the market.

>> No.67804584

That was true like 10 years ago but nowadays a lot of women have just given up and are okay with being single forever rather than being a man. Not involuntarily like the dudes in this thread, but by choice.
These days men need to go overseas to find a wife and even that has a 50% chance of getting scammed and robbed and a 100% chance of finding a woman who just wants you for your money anyway.
It's over for men. This is why we need Vtubers, cause at least then we'll have SOMETHING.

>> No.67804679

I'm not even that good looking, my only good point is my height(6'2)and broad shoulders, yet I have been asked out to fuck quite some times, I despise those people, they look like a bunch of animals who can't control themselves
And I've been called loser for being virgin, losing your virginity is easy peasy nowadays, but why should you do that if you don't care about the other person and never will see her again anyway? It's better to jerk off to let the feelings go away instead of spending money, time and patience to get a prostitute who thinks too highly of herself

>> No.67804850

If she went out for a hookup she didn’t get raped. She’s complaining about who she ended up with.

>> No.67804994

What’s worlds are you living in? More men are looking for wives than their are women looking for relationships. Women literally get praised for being ran through now.

>> No.67806209

Dude that's literally what I said. Women aren't looking for relationships period these days. It's the same whores as always getting ran through but even the wife-able women are taking themselves out of the market so it's dreadful out there now. If you find a half-way average looking woman with a single digit body count willing to marry you, you've basically won the lottery.
Women complain about how the bar is so low for for men these days but let me tell you I have basically no standard for a woman anymore. She doesn't even have to be nice to me as long as she likes me enough to be in my company.

>> No.67806392

What the fuck happened in this thread

>> No.67806512

Women who are sick of retarded incel men who don't know how to talk to a woman decently. Eventually you get fed up with 3DPD and just turn to anime men who treat you better even if they'll never be able to touch you. Just look at the replies you're getting with how the males are talking about women and imagine the genders reversed. Would you want to date a woman like that? That, and mostly shut-in weebs who don't want to talk to a 3D pig in the first place. 2D men are just better.

>> No.67806526

bait was weak and shitty and thus not worth discussing

>> No.67806542

Serious question, what type of man buys this shit? Like a woman I get buying husbando shit, its hard to get a bf, its all fujos here, men dont like them, etc. But a man? How the fuck do you end up buying shit like this? Like how?

>> No.67806596

Not sure. But man is it depressing.

>> No.67806622

Can say the exact same for you. Take a shower, go outside, and talk to someone. That average looking dude can be you if you just put in some effort. You have it just as easy, you just want to be a victim.

>> No.67806827

AIEEEE you can't just be realistic!! I want to stay in my incel hugbox and feel sorry for myself!!!

>> No.67806851

I talk about women the same way I talk about men. I hate male whores just as much and I don't think anyone who's been ran through, man or woman, deserves to marry someone who's never whored themselves around like cheap trash.

>> No.67807097

All I did was learn how to cook. You know how desperate women these days are for a man with home skills?
These guys aren't even trying.

>> No.67807390
File: 230 KB, 2560x1440, FX92DKXWAAEbtbe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't get how the existence of female weebs is such a difficult concept to grasp. A lot of women watch and read shounen anime/manga. Women buy most of the merch of weeb content. Over 40% of tokusatsu fans are women. A good number of hentai doujin artists are women. Fujoshi are some of the most talented artists when it comes to popular series. I think even the CEO of Blue Archive is a woman. I really don't get this surprise that female weebs exist comes from.

>> No.67807808

The overwhelming majority of female weebs have no interest whatsoever in male vtubers though. Which is one of the reasons why male vtubers have such miserably small audiences.

>> No.67808052

Yeah I get why some men gatekeep stuff like "women can't be chessmasters", "women can't join the army", "women can't be politicion" etc. cause that's just classic sexism, but "women can't be loser nerds"? Dude, that takes no effort at all.

>> No.67808155

Yeah but they still exist and females make up the majority of male vtuber fans so I don't know why anons itt are so shocked that merch is being made to cater to the majority of their audience.

kek exactly. What does anyone get out of gatekeeping being a NEET?

>> No.67808158

by being a fag

>> No.67808278

Incels, menhera, and incel menhera.

>> No.67808743

No they’re just not prince charming, which puts them on the forever backburner. Everythings such a waste.

>> No.67808747

There's only so long you can pretend to be outraged and disgusted by a pretty inoffensive vtuber merch set

>> No.67808773


>> No.67808827

Most of the people who watch streams in general, vtuber or not, are men.
I think the nerdy women these days are usually reading fanfiction, smut and webtoons.
Or they're into kpop.
There are just too many other products occupying women's interests. They don't have space to sit down and watch streams for hours on end like dudes do.

>> No.67808929

No dude, you're just mentally ill.

>> No.67808983

I haven't looked at it in a hot minute. Is it full of trannies all of a sudden? Do they not thirst over anorexic fictional dude of the month anymore?

>> No.67809096

Unironically this, except I don't even watch male vtubers anymore because I know there's a sex pest voicing the character kek thank god I'm bi

>> No.67809154

given altare's mindchair this is completely understandable
maybe sisters should ask cover to allow "made to order" special merch from their beloved homos lmao

>> No.67809318

That wasn’t always the norm, you used to have to have the fathers offering young men a house to get them to marry their daughters but thanks to desperate Black men who go to bars at last call and go up to any fat White chick and say “Hey babe, you lookin’ fine, what’chu wanna eat, I’ll buy”, they think they’re all hot shit and before you know it society is centered around fat bitches.

>> No.67809363
File: 111 KB, 1353x622, Screenshot 2024-01-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, go there if you want a woman so degenerate she makes anons look sane.
t. Most viewed fic under the vtuber tag btw

>> No.67809502

Holy based, thanks for the recommendation.
Also do you know how many men want a weeb gf as degenerate as they are? This isn't scaring anyone off.

>> No.67809651

real writers go to fanfiction.net

>> No.67809736

Holy shit there's so much vox and shoto porn.
No wonder they're persona non grata to each other now. They definitely saw all that shit.
But at the same time, I can't really judge the fujos. I've seen the kinda hentai dudes read and this still sounds pretty vanilla in comparison to some of the stuff out there.

>> No.67809870

It's funny cause the top fics about female chuubas tend to be rated teen and be some cutesy shit but the male chuubas just get tons of porn.

>> No.67809924

No cannibalism, no rape, no amputation, not even any actual mpreg... You call that degenerate?

>> No.67810002

Oldchad I kneel

It's nice to see some self-awareness in this thread. Wasn't there some popular ship between Gura and someone? I don't watch females but there's rumors they stopped collabing because of shippers so it's weird for people to get squicked at this but not whatever kinds of stuff there is between the holo girls. Either way, if you're a vtuber you shouldn't really be surprised people will make porn of you. Vox and Shoto pushed it in the first place so there's no way they were grossed out by this.

>> No.67810044

don't give lurking fujos here any more ideas, they'll run with them

>> No.67810108

Anons discovering loser women exist are some of my favorite threads on 4chin

>> No.67810205

The baffling thing isn’t that they exist, it’s that have no reason to exist in the first place.

>> No.67810216

I filtered and there were 88 results for cannibalism, 11 for amputation, and 79 for mpreg.

>> No.67810270

Men are so weird, they'll get off to ryona and then will call fujos crazy for writing about some light choking

>> No.67810309

>there's no way they were grossed out by this
I thought they were and that's why they stopped streaming together? Or was that some other dudes?

>> No.67810469

>Thread turned into a deep thought discussion about fujos and the enigmas of the mind
For the record, fanfiction.net is for the OLD HEADS of old heads. I know who you are, ojisan

>> No.67810583

The real degens are on myreadingmanga reading Orc's Bride.
Now if you want a REAL degenerate woman, that's the site you go to. You can even filter by tags to find a girl whose fetishes match yours. They'll be in the comment section pretending they didn't totally get off to the most obscene offenses against humanity ever seen.

>> No.67810731

for you to know this you are 100% a woman

>> No.67810742

Even older oldies were on livejournal and fandom specific forums.
Oh man, those forums were a REALLY good way to talk to weeb girls. Too bad they're all defunct now.

>> No.67810761

No lmao they stopped collabing because of antis and falseflagging trolls pretending to be shippers. Shoto's fans in particular were especially annoying because they were always bringing Shoto up in his chat unprompted. I'm glad most of them left but I do miss their collabs. They were really funny. They pushed the ship between them and they're both used to lewd art so a fanfic like that wouldn't faze them. Hell Vox even commented under an nsfw poipiku link trying to figure out the password.

>> No.67810868
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>> No.67811053

This but loser men. There's no reason they should exist. They have everything handed to them on a silver platter yet still choose to be single so they can be a victim. You don't even need to be that good-looking, just be a decent talker and you could have any woman you want.

>> No.67811092

For you to know that knowing that makes one 100% a woman you are 100% a woman.

>> No.67811118

>Orc's Bride
>Real degen
Orc's Bride is super vanilla, you should read Ningen Bokujou kek I really love that doujin, that's when I discovered I was past the point of no return

>> No.67811275

There certainly could be a reason if you consider women to be human beings and not abstract concepts like anons tend to
Anyone can just get fucked by their life/social situations combined with their natural dispositions and end up a hikki

>> No.67811366

Ningen Bokujou wasn't really that bad though. It's the classic orc breeding shit, and the author even chickened out by the end by sending them back to the real world.

>> No.67811466

Look at your brotubers

>> No.67811493

>Ningen Bokujou
Never heard of this. Thanks for the rec, gonna read this before I go to bed.

>> No.67811562

there is absolutely no loser women
they all like to rpetend but they aint a hiki, dperessed girl watching vtubers. they have it more easy than us.

>> No.67811614

>thread is now a place for femanons to discuss their porn preferences
That's nice I guess. Not like it was ever on topic in the first place.

>> No.67811625

your bro never gave you a unisex ring before?

>> No.67811760

I dunno man, I can't see anyone wanting to fuck a Tophia Slydell. Like holy shit, I'd rather become a monk.

>> No.67811858

A lot of the real loser women are trapped in abusive relationships desu
With their low self esteem and desperation for affection, they're super easy to take advantage of. Unlike loser men, they're not undesirable to the opposite gender, they're a target.
All they can do is hope and pray that a good guy is the one who picks them up.

>> No.67812047

The most baffling thing is they can be single forever and still be respected and, even more, will be more desirable the older they get. Women will be considered leftovers by the age of 30 and looked down upon, it's even worse if they don't have children. I swear to god men should stop crying about being virgins, you would be surprised by how many women are willing to marry ugly fucks just because they don't smell like shit and don't treat women like garbage.

>> No.67812190

>Women will be considered leftovers by the age of 30
stop living in japan everyone here wants to fuck a hag.
even more so if they are a lose hag.

>> No.67812314

Fucking exactly. Men can have any woman they want regardless of looks or age but I guess being a victim and wanting to feel sorry for themselves is much more appealing.

>> No.67812474

Men want a mother. Women want a husband.
Simple as that. You're welcome.

>> No.67812509

i dont want kids

>> No.67812631

Not really? That's only in certain countries.
For the most part in the west, people's perspective on your single status is entirely dependent on how attractive or wealthy you are. If a handsome guy is single, then yeah he's still respected cause obviously it's by choice, and if he's rich he's focusing on his career or something. Same with a girl. If a beautiful girl is single, then she's an independent queen, and if she's rich she's a boss babe focusing on her money. Only if the single person is ugly and a failure are they, regardless of gender, considered a loser.

>> No.67812739

wanting to be married doesn't mean you want kids

>> No.67812763
File: 611 KB, 970x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek I just saw this on twitter. No wonder the men here are complaining about no women wanting them, I'm not going to be a mother to a grown ass man.

>> No.67812866

being a mother means you have kids.

>> No.67812953

I think some of the women posting in this thread are bitter cause they've been watching too many alpha male podcasts with redpill bros talking about how they only wanna fuck virgin teenagers or something. Or maybe they saw that one OkCupid graphic about men liking how women in their 20s look.
Newsflash that's not real life. Most men just wanna be loved and have someone close enough to their own age to relate to. The fuck would I do with an early 20s girl? Film cringey tiktoks with her?

>> No.67813024

>If a beautiful girl is single, then she's an independent queen, and if she's rich she's a boss babe focusing on her money.
Yeah, NOW. And it took a lot to get to that point. Even now, it's only like that in certain western countries like you said.

>> No.67813147

>Just now seeing this
This was being spammed on /v/ by the discord for awhile. You're late, the artist is also a literal faggot tranny.

>> No.67813169
File: 299 KB, 1308x529, ah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67813207

So many women literally have a daddy kink are you retarded? And have you seen some of the shit boy moms do? Both genders have incest issues.

>> No.67813244
File: 330 KB, 951x344, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crystal cafe
What the fuck is this lol, do you guys remember when altchans were good?

>> No.67813291

I...you know what, very fair

>> No.67813296

Yup, and men wonder why women prefer 2D. It's depressing that we've come to this, but if men only see women as potential baingmommies, might as well thirst over fictional anime boys

>> No.67813386

Well guess what? You're living in the NOW, and not the 50s, nor are you living in Japan.
Stop complaining about shit that doesn't even affect you. I'll agree if it was a japanese or korean woman talking cause they actually have it tough, but that ain't you so shut the fuck up.

>> No.67813443

I don't pay close attention to those kinds of memes nor do I frequent /v/, I just saw this on twitter today. I mostly look at cute anime boys on my feed.
>the artist is also a literal faggot tranny
It keeps fucking happening....

>> No.67813526

>They have everything handed to them on a silver platter

>> No.67813869

I mean it's the same shit as the black crime statistic except for men. Kinda based.
But I'm not gonna go on a hate campaign against blacks just cause of statistics, so that part is weird.

>> No.67814054

Thanks for supporting the Stars

>> No.67814136

My point is that it's an unfair argument that women are praised for being single and rich when it took a lot to even get to that point. That's like undermining the hard work behind the scenes just because the final product looks nice. I get that I'm lucky to live in the west during this time, but it just feels unfair to say the whole girlboss thing.

>> No.67814159

>Be respected
Lol, even in highschool people despised virgin guys

>> No.67814266

Makes sense. Only trannies have such dichotomous views on gender. There's a reason why so many men who transition into 'women' end up being the most stereotypical obnoxious caricature of a woman ever. If the only issue was actually their gender, then they'd just get the hormone shots and the surgeries and their personalities wouldn't change at all but that's never the case.

>> No.67814279

To be fair, most of the site is pretty tame compared to this, I'm pretty sure it's just a bunch of guys falseflagging as girls or so I hope because most of the posts there read a lot like the shit you would find here on /vt/

>> No.67814302

I heard that site is full of actual unironic trannies. Like not "I'm insulting you" tranny. I mean "these are MtFs who have gender dysphoria" trannies.

>> No.67814528
File: 66 KB, 354x372, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your probably right but there's at least some threads hating on them

>> No.67814545

Then you can be single forever, since before Christ it's been this way, older men don't like to confess it and look fragile but it's a fact that their wife is practically a substitute to their mom
Coming back home and seeing your wife and child is the exact same scenario you had as a child

>> No.67814659


>> No.67814758

Why are you complaining about how unfair it is I didn't specifically acknowledge the history of feminism in my response when you've been ragging on dudes this whole thread? I feel like I've been more than generous to you in comparison because I've been acknowledging the struggles of both genders and the struggles women in foreign countries face while you've been crying waah waaah men bad this whole time. You make women look bad.

>> No.67814949

> its hard to get a bf
LOL, lmao
> its all fujos here, men dont like them
Even decent-looking men are so desperate they’ll date anything these days, even a stinky fujo is like, miles better than some of the BPD whales I’ve seen dudes settle for.

The post just doesn’t work with the roles reversed.

>> No.67815088

It's probably a tranny.
If you see a "woman" acting like a complete asshole on this site 9/10 times it's just a tranny.

>> No.67815140

He usted to be. That is the reason why he was removed from his e-sport team.

>> No.67815342
File: 235 KB, 640x640, IMG_6785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that list
All me btw

captcha: H00DT

>> No.67815466

>Talented artists
Lmao even
Women only make the most tame shit ever(Demon slayer), self insert with lots of boys falling in love with her, yaoi or straight up hentai

>> No.67815521

You're missing my point I'm not even trying to complain. I never even said anything about "men bad", I'm a different anon. You're too angry over someone just pointing something out so never mind.

>> No.67815638

>women and fujos make such fucked up degenerate shit, ewww fujos gross
>psh, women make such tame stuff RUMAO they're so vanilla
Which one is it

>> No.67815660

Cheeky hag requires correction

>> No.67815792

Asian female artists are unironically goated though.

>> No.67816001

>ITT: 30 old year fujos trying to justify they dont have a boyfriend AND kisslet beta males trying to make look virginity "cool"

>> No.67816057

Please inform her that she is BUILT for my Mexican half-breeds and to forward me her address at her earliest convenience

>> No.67816236

Then don't butt into a conversation. And if you do, why bitch at me for not expanding on the history of feminism enough for you and not the bitch blatantly crying men bad? Shows what kind of person you are, as does your passive aggressive quip at the end there.

>> No.67816316
File: 592 KB, 4096x3014, FcaEyewagAA28R_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Talented. This is Among Us fanart.

>> No.67816389

I wanna watch a dating reality show where people like them get together. It would be unfathomable levels of cringe and hilarity.

>> No.67816399

> fanfiction.net is for the OLD HEADS of old heads
Really? I used to write there all the time back in middle and high school. 2009 wasn’t so long ago.

>> No.67816432

Jesus Christ why are you so angry over it, are you a tranny? It's an anonymous image board, anyone is allowed to reply to you. I just said I didn't say anything about men being bad. Take your schizophrenia meds dude.

>> No.67816434

Post your armpits you debased harlot.

>> No.67816553

2009 is older than probably half of you little spergs that write fanfiction

>> No.67816749

>hands are shit and disproportioned
The recent trend of learning art purely though specific style tutorials and tracing references for everything has been a travesty for the fundamentals.
Not saying there's aren't amazing female artists, but this isn't one. Anyone can get up to this level within a year with the right tutorials.

>> No.67816769

>Men: "waah wahh women don't want me because I'm a terrible person"
>Women: "correct. 2D men are better"
>Men: "wtf fuck you I can't believe you just said that"
Post your balls first. That is, if you have any.

>> No.67816793

Gotta support the cause, y'know?

>> No.67816868

Don't expect uncultured apes to understand sovl when they unironically consume AIslop for a quick wank

>> No.67816952

>zooming in on the hands when the rest is amazing
You're just looking for something to nitpick about. My point still stands. Fujo artists are amazing and talented which the other anon was saying the opposite of.


>> No.67816961
File: 57 KB, 238x212, 1613015517376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post your balls first.
Women here want you to post your dick before doing anything, you're all hungrier than junkyard dogs, by allah!

>> No.67817155

Holy kino
If I start vtubing as a male will I get a stalker wife like this?

>> No.67817200

Not my fault your shitty relationship with your father makes you think anyone that's slightly mean to you on an anonymous image board is an angry man shouting you down. This your first day here or something? Have you tried the neopets forums instead?

>> No.67817414

So wait this board is actually filled with stinky unshaved women who watch male Vtubers? I thought it was just a joke.

>> No.67817483

My nigga in christ, do you know how long ago 2009 was?
We're getting old, anon.

>> No.67817661

>2009 wasn’t so long ago
Try using a computer with specs from 2009 as your daily device then

>> No.67818149

I can do more.
Lighting source is inconsistent, implies both an above light and a backlight, shows that the artists doesn't understand lighting fundamentals and just thought "highlights at edges looks cool".
Uki's left arm is not positioned correctly in relation to his shoulder. Try to tilt one shoulder back and reach out as he does. It's an incredibly uncomfortable pose showing the artist does not understand muscle anatomy.
Adam's apple positions don't make sense. No knowledge of neck anatomy.
Actually no knowledge of anatomy in general cause why tf is the Fulger's right arm shaped so that his upper arm is low enough to reach Uki's waist from his position, but his lower arm is so short it doesn't even reach across said waist?
Anyway, it's amateur. No fundamentals.

>> No.67818265

Not this board, just certain threads. One like this was just asking for it desu
If I were a mod I'd nuke the whole thread.

>> No.67818380

Doujin artist are largely Japanese, they play by different rules. Anyway, a man is a lonely weeb because he cant get a gf, a women is a lonely weeb by choice, there is a difference.

>> No.67818400

Staying virgin because you have no choice and staying virgin because you don't like whores is completely different things
If you think they're the same you're a victim of the hook up culture

>> No.67818471

But I want to insult and maybe flirt a little with a stinky fujo to give her conflicting options from my misogyny.

>> No.67818627

I didn't said they aren't technically amazing, but just drawing good means nothing, my friend since highschool makes great drawings but he never created anything interesting with it
Besides that drawing isn't that great to begin

>> No.67819014

1. Standardized merch was only for JP
2. Astel already said they're getting custom merch back this year

What is this thread supposed to be about?

>> No.67819178
File: 1.17 MB, 4096x1707, GBHRnUkagAE0IdC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, the best female artists aren't in the vtubing fandom. It's rare for streamers to attract that level of artistry.

>> No.67819559

Women artists are redeemed by that chick who did FMA

>> No.67819858
File: 220 KB, 1300x975, IMG_6854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t threaten me with a good time.

>> No.67820121

Going from one pic to the other is like whiplash.
Is there any fujo who loves their vtubers enough to put out art like this?

>> No.67821119

> You can even filter by tags to find a girl whose fetishes match yours
See, this is the unsolvable dichotomy of the human race. I type ‘pregnant’ on nhentai to see pregnant women. Women type ‘pregnant’ on mrm to see dudes giving birth to ass-babies out of their cornholes. We cannot be the same.

>> No.67824199

imagine buying your oshi's merch am i right?

>> No.67824340
File: 1.65 MB, 2059x1158, 1691838134100262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no vtuber merch will ever be as kino as this

>> No.67824346

This is miserable

>> No.67825082

You how even a 1/10 woman can get dicked as long as she spreads her legs? The ones buying this shit are the tier below that. The disgusting, rancid landwhales, both outside and inside. Creatures so vile not even the most desperate incel will take the bait

>> No.67825358

I don't think I've heard anyone bring up standardized merch for holostars. I remember vesper had like a tea cup merch for his birthday. Merch is a combination of the vtubers idea and what Cover thinks they can make. If the vtuber can't think of anything in time, it'd probably be up to management to select ideas they've used before. I think you can tell when something is clearly a vtubers idea or just management like those iron-on design shirts or acrylic stands.

>> No.67825591

>I think the nerdy women these days are usually reading fanfiction, smut
>Or they're into kpop
They were into that back in the day as well. Just look at Marine.

>> No.67825617

Are you retarded, or just in denial? This stuff looks way higher quality than any of the "weeb shit" you just mentioned. I could literally imagine any girl wearing a normal piece of jewelry like that.
What's surprising still are all the anons replying to you assuming the point you're attempting makes any sense.
>of course I would buy degenerate weaboo anime body pillows, that makes sense, but how could a female POSSIBLY buy a tasteful and normal looking ring and necklace? I'm losing my fucking mind here!
You don't have to be a dumbass to be an incel anon. You can pick one and just be an incel if you want.

>> No.67825646

You know how you can totally go fuck a hambeast or a crack whore if you want to lose your virginity but you don't want to?
It's pretty much like that but in reverse

>> No.67825681

Sure but most women don't want to lower themselves to getting knocked up by a dirty old man

>> No.67825752

You know mamerakkkko is a woman right?

>> No.67825776

people were panicking because for some reason for a chunk of 2023 StarsJP's merch for birthdays got limited *hard*. Like flimsy-ass keychain + button hard. I don't think they got anni merch during this period either. As of a few months ago, it's been overturned, and I don't believe any of the EN boys were ever affected, which is why some people weren't aware. Thank god for JP fans not letting that shit fly, although I wonder why they even did it in the first place.

>> No.67825849

What type of men buys waifushit? Fact of the matter is: You can easily get a gf. Just be yourself, have some humor, dont dress like a fedoralord and go outside on a friday. It isnt that hard.

>> No.67825903

Investors thought slashing the merch budget would cut costs and raise them profits
It didn’t

>> No.67825998
File: 947 KB, 1125x1440, D1FC64A3-C7FA-40F9-8F9E-FAAF5B681E25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn’t this the bitch that shit on Gura? Holy yike, no wonder sisters hate Gura
