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67722275 No.67722275 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.67722315

She was kidnapped by ninjas.

>> No.67722366

strong ass ninjas

>> No.67722519

Not really she came willingly to them after she was offered a cheeseburger. Now she's in some dark basement somewhere in Japan being lobotomize and brain washed to follow every order from her master Riku.

>> No.67722605

turning his workers into cumdumps

>> No.67722706

Someone needs more play buttons and award to contribute towards his next yacht. He's so generous he'll name it Selen of the seas.

>> No.67723251

I would use Selen as my cumdump

>> No.67723296

After me of course

>> No.67723354

she's gonna end up like Roa, isn't she?

>> No.67723755
File: 179 KB, 422x615, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probl wont happen but I hope that in her downfall she drags the entire company along with her

>> No.67724383

Are you a bad enough dude to rescue the purple dragon?

>> No.67724556

I can't rescue her. I'm not putting my life on the line for her just so she can have a woman moment and have me killed. Plus she's not my oshi. This is a job for a dragoon.

>> No.67728187

*Flirts with a pro player*

>> No.67728250

There is a high chance we'll figure something out in the next few days.

>> No.67728349

*has a mental breakdown for being called a boosted bitch*

>> No.67728475

kek I remember that. That's the only thing I don't like about her....
>She starts banting to everyone
>Someone returns the bants for the lolz
>She starts crying

>> No.67728826

Yeah, it reminds me of that collab with rpr and surefour where she ragequitted cuz they called her out on her 0 damage.
She's great at dishing out banter but can't take any. Kinda sad

>> No.67729387

she tries so hard to sell "being one of the boys" but in reality she's just another annoying pickme girl
it's not a bad thing tho, she gets us these hilarious scenarios breaking down

>> No.67729716

>... in my headcanon

>> No.67729841

>Didn't watch her play with nocturnal on his twitch channel

>> No.67729881

>acts the same way with everyone
Based threadwatcher from the catalog

>> No.67729972

>acts the same way with everyone
Outs himself as a threadwatcher from the catalog

>> No.67730001

Tbh, I'd go as far as sucking Noc's dick to have him carry me to pred tho.
At some point it's just considered fair compensation

>> No.67730059

The irony of the catalog tranny lmao

>> No.67730087

>NDF already here

>> No.67730148

The sisters hate Selen too much, on their thread they always joke about her
Not a surprise that they also want to spread shitty narratives, happened with Zaion too

>> No.67730236

Holy samefagging

>> No.67730278

Better to die a free chuuba than to live as a Niji slave.

>> No.67730327


>> No.67730337

no but really wtf happened with her?
provide a QRD

>> No.67730650

Management DMCA'd her MV, suspended her for being angry about it, and thought that nobody would notice her absence.

>> No.67730723

she fell down the stairs

>> No.67731230

i don't care about nijisanji but this purple nigga has once collabed with my mumei and ame and they all had fun. tell me why should i care about this girl right now, is she finally graduating? what are the chances that she can get the luna treatment?

>> No.67734843

She shot herself twice in the back of the head

>> No.67735024

she would be not be a good fit for hololive
her current situation is the result of clashing against management and moving to an agency with even more of it wouldn't make anyone happy
besides, the holo fans aren't going to like how much apex she plays with men offstream

>> No.67735278

Just like Alberto Nisman...

>> No.67735395

Selen much like Pomu will probably never join a jap corpo again

>> No.67737571 [SPOILER] 
File: 217 KB, 554x392, 1706317654645646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he wants the quick Reandown
Haha, guess it's time to not hold back
>orphaned and adopted into a Noble family
>final student of a legendary swordsman
>secret son of the mysterious big bad who's actually good
>such a chad that he not only adds every woman to his ever-expanding harem but also the men
>his sister and her friend (who is the royal princess)'s vaginas becomes waterfalls at the sheer mention of his name
>chosen to pilot an ancient super mecha
>masters and can fully control his *psh nothin personell kid" demonic powers
>wields a tachi and can teleport behind you
>beats one of the most powerful swordsmen in history that's hyped up in Trails in the Sky
>grows up to become a teacher, can romance his underage students
>just saying "haha" makes everybody drop their pants for him
>uses the power of friendship to defeat the true antagonist interdimensional hatred curse that appears at the last second
>is technically royalty, his biological father is the reincarnation of an ancient Emperor
>breaks up budding romances between other characters that were developing in the third game because everybody sucks his dick in the fourth game
>even the protagonists of previous games hype him up
>kills himself in a noble self sacrifice with his fujobait boyfriend to break a curse but not really because the even bigger bigger villains rewrite the timeline to get the true ending
>becomes one of the strongest characters on the continent
>has the option to cuck Estelle away from Joshua, Tita away from Agate, Tio away from Lloyd, etc.
>now a version of himself from an alternate timeline is trying to kill him because he's too chad
>awakens a new inner power to combat this alternate self, giving him heterochromia in the process
>tops Japanese official popularity polls, brought his franchise to the spotlight,
>made it so that the majority of the franchise's games are about him
>is the writer's favorite character, writer goes on to call the previous protagonists embarrassing

>> No.67737626


>> No.67740423

That's a pretty serious situation.

>> No.67740514
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Just announce her graduation already and be done with it

>> No.67740665
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>> No.67742427


>> No.67742690

I think an appropriate name would be "The Last Laugh". It's funny if you think about it.

>> No.67744126

